Colonial America

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The principles of government that Thomas Jefferson included in the Declaration of Independence were most influenced by

John Locke's social contract theory

This quotation reflects beliefs mainly detived from

John lockes theory of natural rights

The major purpose of the declaration of independence was to

Justify the actions of people seeking to overthrow British colonial rule

During the colonial Period the British Parliament use the policy of mercantilism to

Limit manufacturing in America

And its economic relationship with its North American colonies ,great Britain followed the principles of 18 century mercantilism by

Limiting the colonies trade with other nations

Which geographic feature contributed the most to the development of commerce throughout colonial America?

Natural harbors

In writing the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson was influenced most by John locks idea of

Natural rights

These early colonial settlements were similar in that each was located

Near the coast line

The Northwest ordinance of 1787 was important because it

Provided a process for admission of new states to the union

The Virginia House of Burgess he was important to the development of democracy in the thirteen colonies because it

Provided an example of a representative form of government

According to the theory of mercantilism the principal purpose of the 13 original colonies was to provide Great Britain with

Raw materials and markets

Under mercantilism the 13 American colonies were expected to provide Great Britain with

Raw materials and markets for British products

Which feature of government was developed most fully during the colonial era?

Representative assemblies

Because the fertile land and a long growing season plantations in the 13 colonies develop in

The South

The idea expressed in the quotation "all just government derives its authority from the consent of the governed" is most directly found in the

The United States declaration of independence

John Locke's theory of the social contract as developed in the United States Declaration of Independence stated that

The people should revolt against a government that did not protect their rights

Climatic conditions in the southern colonies most directly influenced the development of

The plantation system

Which principle of government is proposed in the declaration of independence?

The primary function of government is to protect natural rights

The Mayflower compact ,house of burgesses and fundamental orders of Connecticut are examples of the efforts of colonial Americans to

Used democratic practices in government

According to the declaration of independence the people have the right to alter or abolish a government if that government

Violates natural rights

The main reason Great Britain established the proclamation line of 1763 was to

Avoid conflicts between American colonists and Native Americans Indians

The Virginia house of burgesses and the Mayflower compact had a similar effect in that both

Contributed to the development of representative democracy

The major objection that British colonists in North America had to English rule was that they were

Denied the rights of citizens who live in England

What was the main cause of the French and Indian war 1754 -1763

Disputed land claims in the Ohio River Valley between the French and the British

The Mayflower compact, new England town meetings and the Virginia House of Burgesses are examples of

Early colonial efforts in self-government

In writing the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson was most influenced by the writers of the


The declaration of independence was based on the ideas of the


The Mayflower compact of 1620 is considered an important step in the development of democracy in America because it

Expressed the importance of self government

The Mayflower compact is important to the concept of the democratic society because it represents

A clear step toward self government

Before 1763 the British policy of solitary neglect toward its American colonies was based on the desire of Great Britain to

Benefit from economic prosperity in the American colonies

The British benefited from the mercantilist relationship with the American colonies primarily by

Buying raw materials from the colonies and selling them finished products

Which heading best completes the partial outlined below?

Colonial responses to British mercantile policies

Which concept from the European enlightenment was included in the United States Constitution?

Consent of the governed

Which fundamental political idea is expressed in the Declaration of Independence?

If the government denies its people certain basic rights that government can be overthrown

In which area did good harbors, abundant forest ,rocky soil and a short growing season most influence the colonial economy

New England colonies

Which heading best completes the partial outlined below

New England colonies

What is a valid conclusion that can be drawn from this quotation?

Only the colonist elected representatives should have the power to Levy taxes

The pamphlet common sense by Thomas Paine aided the American cost in the revolutionary war because it

Persuaded individuals who were undecided to support independence

Which type of map shows the most detailed information about earths natural features such as rivers lakes and mountain ranges?


The British system of mercantilism was opposed by many American colonies because it

Placed restrictions on trading

The Mayflower compact and the house of burgesses were important to the development of Democracy in colonial America because they

Promoted self government

This poem presents justification for American participation in the

Revolutionary war

The presence of which pair of geographic conditions discourage the development of a plantation economy in the new England colonies?

Rocky soil and short growing season

The Declaration of Independence states that the fundamental purpose of government is to

Secure for the people their natural rights

The Mayflower compact and the Virginia House of burgesses are examples of

Stacks toward representative government

A major purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to

State colonial grievances against British rule

The primary purpose of the declaration of independence was to

State the reasons for the American revolution

In the colonial era, developments such as the new England town meetings and the establishment of the Virginia house of burgesses represented

Steps in the growth of representative democracy

The Mayflower compact and the Virginia House of burgesses are most closely associated with

Steps toward colonial self government

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