Split Complementary Color Scheme
A color and the two colors on either side of it's opposite, or complement. This creates slightly less excitement because the colors aren't exactly opposite.
A darker version of a color.
Color Schemes
A group of colors used together to create a certain mood.
A lighter version of a color.
A scientific word for color.
Color that you can see through.
Color that you can't see through.
Warm Color Scheme
Colors from yellow to red. They show heat or warmth.
Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. This color scheme creates a peaceful mood, because the colors blend into one another.
Cool color scheme
Colors with mostly blue in them. Blues, greens, purples/violets.
Monochromatic color scheme
Different shades of only ONE color.
How rich or vivid a color is. A color can be very saturated, or almost grey. This is not the same as light and dark.
The three properties of color
Hue, Value, Saturation
One color, different shades. this color scheme is usually the most peaceful, because there are no there colors to distract the eye.
Secondary Colors
Purple, green, orange. A primary color plus another primary color.
Primary Colors for Light (monitors, TV's, stage lighting)
Red, blue, green. When you add these colors together, you get white light.
Primary Colors for Pigment (paint, ink etc.)
Red, yellow, blue. The colors cannot be made by mixing other colors.
Small particles of color that are mixed with a binding agent (oi, water, acrylic, etc.)
Intermediate or Tertiary Colors
The colors in between the Primary and Secondary colors. They all have two names. A Primary color plus a secondary color.
The range of lights and darks
Color Wheel
The visible color spectrum, bent into a circle.
Complementary Color Scheme
Two opposite colors on the color wheel. this creates excitement, because the colors are high contrast, and it's more strain on the eye.
Triadic or Triad Color Scheme
three colors that are equidistant on the color wheel. This is balanced and a creates moderate excitement.