COM 111- Final Exam Connects

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Communication Accommodation Theory

The core of _____ suggests that people tend to adjust or adapt their communication with others in interpersonal relationships and across cultures.


The cultural value that places emphasis on the individual over the group is referred to as _____


The efforts of avoiding embarrassment or vulnerability is called _____


The expectations of behaviors that individuals feel should or should not occur in a conversation are called ___________

Tact Facework

The extent to which a person respects another's autonomy is called ____ ____


The personal attributes of an individual is known as _____.


The process of attending to and interpreting a message is known as _____.


The process of judging a conversation is called _____.

negative face

According to politeness researchers, Brown and Levinson (1987), _____ refers to the desire to be autonomous and unconstrained.


According to researchers of Communication Accommodation Theory, accommodation is rooted in _____ usage.

Social Identity Theory

According to the _____, a person's self-concept consists of personal and social identity.

in its degree of appropriateness

According to the assumptions of Communication Accommodation Theory, accommodation is assumed to vary _____.


According to the assumptions of Face-Negotiation Theory, the management of _____ is mediated by face and culture.

excuses and justifications

According to the face-threatening process, people use _____ as attempts to restore face in response to a loss of face.


According to the research conducted by Ting-Toomey and her colleagues, members of U.S. cultures mainly use _____ style of conflict management when compared to their Japanese and Korean counterparts.


A cultural value that places emphasis on the group over the individual is known as____

Face work

Actions used to deal with face needs or wants of self and others is defined as _____.

avoiding and obliging

A passive approach to handling conflicts are reflected in the _____ styles of conflict management.

Solidarity Facework

Accepting another person as a member of an in-group is known as ____ _____

evaluation of a conversation

According to Communication Accommodation Theory, the manner in which people perceive the speech and behaviors of another determines the _____.

Face (2)

According to Erving Goffman, _____ is the image of the self that people display in their conversations with others.

Individuals in all cultures hold a number of different self-images.

According to Face-Negotiation Theory, what is the inherent belief in the assumption about self-identity?

dominant group acquires the linguistic habits of the subordinate collectivity

According to Giles and Wiemann, in a bilingual situation involving an ethnic majority and an ethnic minority, the _____.

the individual with the higher social status

According to Giles and Wiemann, when two people speaking different languages communicate with each other, the standard language used in the conversation will likely reflect _____.

assert a dominant position

According to Howard Giles and his colleagues, speakers are accommodative to others as they wish to _____.


According to Social Identity Theory, _________ refer to groups in which a person feels he or she belongs.

positive social identity

According to Tajfel and Turner, people strive to acquire or maintain _____.

to national cultures and co-cultures within them

According to Ting-Toomey and her colleagues, individualism and collectivism apply _____.


According to Ting-Toomey, _____ is concerned with appropriateness of behavior and procedures as they relate to establishing and maintaining harmony in relationships.

face concern

According to Ting-Toomey, _____ is the interest in maintaining one's face or the face of others.

Face Need

According to Ting-Toomey, _____ refers to an inclusion-autonomy dichotomy.

face management

According to Ting-Toomey, in individualistic cultures, _____ is overt because it involves protecting one's face, even if it comes to bargaining.

Face (6)

According to Ting-Toomey, members of individualistic cultures will tend to use more autonomy-preserving _____ strategies in managing their conflicts than will members of collectivistic societies.


According to Ting-Toomey, the selection of conflict styles is influenced by the _____ cultural dimension.


According to Worchel and his colleagues, when people are given an opportunity, they will provide more resources to _____.

social groups

As a sociologist, Erving Goffman believed that the concept of face and all that it entailed was more applicable to the study of _____.

social status and group belonging

Communication Accommodation Theory assumes that language and behaviors impart information about _____.


Communication Accommodation Theory emerged from the field of _____ psychology.

Culture and ethnicity influence self-identity.

Identify the true statement about self-identity.

Face (5)

Erving Goffman is generally credited with situating _____ in contemporary Western research.

conflict styles

Patterned responses or typical ways of handling dissension and confrontation across a variety of communication encounters are known as _____.


People in collectivistic societies value _____.


Face-Negotiation Theory assumes that certain acts threaten one's projected _____.

Positive Face

Politeness researchers, Brown & Levinson (1981), discovered that _____ is the desire for people to be liked and admired by others.

Face Threat

Politeness theorists contend that people will use a politeness strategy based on the perception of _____.

higher social

Giles and John Wiemann suggest that, in bilingual situations, the language used in a conversation reflects the individual with the _____ status.


Giles, Nikolas Coupland, and Justine Coupland define _____ as a strategy used by an individual to adapt to another's behavior.

Face (3)

Goffman described _____ as something that is maintained, lost, or strengthened.


Groups in which a person feels he or she does not belong are called ______

Social Identity

Henri Tajfel and John Turner developed _____ Theory in recognition of the importance of the self and its relationship to group identity.

speech style

Howard Giles argues that, specifically, an individual's _____ can affect the impression that others have of the individual.

social identity

Howard Giles was influenced by the belief that when members of different groups come together, they compare themselves, and if their comparisons are favorable, a positive _____ will result.

The compromising style represents a mutual-face need, whereas the dominating style reflects a high self-face need.

Identify a difference between the compromising conflict style and the dominating style.


In response to the criticism of Face-Negotiation theory, Ting-Toomey and colleagues state that many of the facework category systems in research reflect _____ thinking.

speech style

In the context of Social Identity Theory, Giles and Smith maintain that people adjust their _____ to accommodate how they believe others in the conversation will best receive it.

social identity

In the context of Social Identity Theory, affiliation with a group constitutes a person's _____.


In the context of accommodation, inappropriate or insufficient _____ can result in conversational misunderstandings.

individual rights over group rights

Individualism refers to the tendency of the people to highlight _____.

approbation facework

Minimizing blame and maximizing praise of another are steps involved in _____.


The conflict style that involves staying away from disagreements is known as the _____

Accent Mobility

The Communication Accommodation Theory had its beginnings in tandem with the _____ model.

Speech Accommodation Theory

The Communication Accommodation Theory was developed by Howard Giles and was formerly known as the _____ since it did not include nonverbal patterns and speaking patterns.


The ____ conflict style involves collaborating with others to find solutions


The ____ conflict style uses influence or authority to make decisions.


The _____ conflict style includes a passive accommodation that goes along with the suggestions of others.


The _____ conflict style is a behavior that employs give-and-take to achieve a middle-road resolution.


The _____ conflict style requires a high degree of concern for oneself and others.

accent mobility

The _____ model is based on various accents heard in interview situations.


The ability to adjust, modify, or regulate one's behavior in response to another is defined as _____.

obation facework

The act of focusing less on the negative aspects and more on the positive aspects of another is referred to as ____ _____


The action that involves efforts to prevent events that either elicit vulnerability or impair one's image is known as _____.


The concept of _____ originated with the Chinese who have two conceptualizations for it: lien and mien-tzu, two terms describing identity and ego.


The conflict style that involves satisfying the needs of others is called _____.

Face Restoration

The strategy used to preserve autonomy and avoid loss of face is called ____ ____

Social Identity Theory

The theoretical vehicle that launched Howard Giles's thinking is called _____.

Social Identity

The theory that proposes a person's identity is shaped by both personal and social characteristics is the _____.

Individualistic culture

They are "independent self" cultures.

Collectivist culture

They are "interdependent self" cultures.


Ting-Toomey and Leeva Chung comment that _____ pertains to how people make whatever they are doing consistent with their face.

sense of self

Ting-Toomey believes that the way we perceive our _____, and the way we wish others to perceive us are paramount to our communication experiences.

face concern

Ting-Toomey contends that _____ is one of the primary ways to interpret the concept of face.

face need

Ting-Toomey contends that _____ is the desire to be associated or disassociated with others.

cultural variability

Ting-Toomey's research of face and conflict concludes that _____ influences the way conflict is managed.


True or false: Critics contend that the exclusion of the politeness perspective in Ting-Toomey's theory makes the theory too general for explaining the concepts of face concern.


True or false: Giles and his colleagues suggest that people are accommodative to others, since they do not wish to achieve communication efficiency.


True or false: Giles believes that people are influenced by a number of behaviors including an individual's speech style.


True or false: People's self-identities do not remain stagnant, but are negotiated in their interactions with others.


True or false: Self-identity is influenced by time and experience:

Tact facework

What allows a person the freedom to act as he or she pleases while minimizing any impositions that may restrict this freedom?

Solidarity facework

What enhances the connection between two speakers by minimizing differences and highlighting commonalities through informal language and shared experiences?

Speech and behavioral similarities and dissimilarities exist in all conversations.

What is the assumption about speech and behavior in Communication Accommodation Theory?

positive social identity

When _____ is perceived as unsatisfactory, people will join a group they are comfortable with.


When a person does not want to engage in conversation about a certain topic, he or she is considered to be using a(n) _____ conflict style.


When dealing with language use and policies, _____ groups determine whether or not any minority views will be entertained.


Worchel and his colleagues contend that when in-groups are identified, an individual decides the extent to which the group is _____ to his or her identity.


_____ Theory by Stella Ting-Toomey incorporates research from intercultural communication, conflict, politeness and facework.

Face-Negotiation Theory

_____ has cross-cultural appeal and application because Stella Ting- Toomey has focused on a number of different cultural populations.

Face (4)

____is a metaphor for the public image people display.

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