COM 315 Final Exam

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What does Ting-Toomey's (1988) Face Negotiation Theory tell us about how people will respond to conflict in diverse workplace relationships?

"Explains cultural differences in response to conflict". Intercultural conflict management styles can best be predicted by self-construable (how autonomous from, or connected to, people you are)

What is the significance of individual and group rights awareness to issues related to workforce diversity?

"Probably sufficient to ensure that issues related to diversity will touch more & more workplaces in the years to come."

describe the four levels associated with the Inclusive Workplace Model?

(1) Organizational (2) Community (3) National (4) International

What is the most significant critique about Hofstede's Dimensional Model?

(1) Power Distance, (2) Individualism vs. Collectivism, (3) Masculinity vs. Femininity, (4) Uncertainty Avoidance, (5) Long Term vs. Short Term Orientation, (6) Indulgence vs. Restraint. It was criticized because it seemed to identify culture with nations and because it has operated under the assumption that within each nation there was a uniformed and relatively static culture.

Explain the five primary diversity and inclusion initiatives that are typically implemented within work organizations (Level 1).

(1) management leadership, (2) education & training, (3) performance & accountability, (4) work-life balance, (5) career development & planning

Explain the continuous four-stage process that compromises the practical steps for creating an inclusive workplace.

(1) self-study/ assessment of diversity climate, climate for inclusion. (2) strategic plan of action relevant to the organizations mission & goals. (3) implementation actions & corrective actions. (4) feedback at the division/unit/ team/ & individual levels

What is the distinction that needs to be made between combined versus differentiated relational styles?

(COMBINED) Task-focused relationships/social-emotional relationships: work, family, business partners, friends (DIFFERENTIATED) Task-focused relationships: customers, business partners, colleagues (DIFFERENTIATED) Social-emotional Relationships: family, friends, significant others

Explain the macro, Mezzo/meso, and Micro dimensions that comprise the conceptual framework and organization for our textbook.

- demographic trends, legislation, public policy, global economy - individual & group aspects of diversity, theoretical explanations of intergroup relations, culture & communication, interpersonal cross-culture relations in the workplace - diversity management paradigms, inclusive workplace model, cases for discussion, practice applications

Be able to describe and differentiate the three types of companies (international, multinational, global).

- headquarters in one country & operations in 1+ countries - central corporate office still has the decision making power, but each national operation has some autonomy business decisions - headquarters that may be located in specific regions but with a team composed of managers across the globe jointly making business decisions

Identify the four levels of the Inclusive Workplace Model as well as the set of 1) values, 2) barriers, and 3) benefits (to the organization, its employees, and its stakeholders) that are associated with each of the four system levels.

-(Level 1) inclusion through the organization, (Level 2) inclusion through community collaborations, (Level 3) inclusion through state/national collaborations, (Level 4) inclusion through international collaborations -(Level 1) values & utilizes differences within its workforce, (Level 2) cooperates with its surrounding community, (Level 3) alleviates the needs of disadvantaged groups in its wider environments, (Level 4) collaborates fairly across national & cultural boundaries

How are autostereotypes distinct from heterostereotypes? Which are most likely to be positive? To be completely false?

-Autostereotypes: Perception about ones own group, more likely to be positive, more likely to account for individual differences -Heterostereotypes: Perceptions about members from another group, more likely to be negative, more likely to be uniform, does not recognize interpersonal differences

What are the primary characteristics and limitations of diversity management?

-Characteristics: voluntary (initiated by the organization), broad definitions of diversity (makes programs inclusive, reduces objections from majority groups), tangible benefits (productive/loyal workforce, advantages in recruitment/reputation, creates good will & competitive advantage) -Limitations: voluntary (may not survive during difficult economic times), broad definitions of diversity (most vulnerable groups may not be protected; resources may spread across many groups), tangible benefits (disappears when there's a lack of ethical or moral commitment)

What are the pros and cons of Affirmative Action and Positive Action Programs?

-Compensatory justice- righting past wrongs and compensating disadvantaged groups / Distributive justice- social goods and wealth should be distributed equally. / Social utility- everyone in a society has something important to contribute. -Reverse discrimination- another form of discrimination. / Preferential treatment- interferes with the forces of a free market economy. / Preferential hiring- may result in incompetent people being appointed to unsuitable jobs.

What two theories are described as orienting theories? What are the two theories attempting to explain?

-Critical Race Theory: provides a lens for considering the origins, experiences, and consequences of workplace exclusion. -Intersectionality Theory: provides an orienting theory for understanding the exclusion construct

Explain how focusing on diversity can result in either increased (or loss of) competitive advantage in the workplace.

-Increase: creativity, innovation, relevance to stakeholders/ high morale, low turnover, high productivity/ competitive advantage -Loss: conflicts, suspicions, internal competition/ low morale, absenteeism, turnover, low productivity/ loss of competitive edge

How does Mor Barak (2017) distinguish between the four levels of the Inclusive Workplace Model?

-Level 1: inclusion within the work organization -Level 2: inclusion through corporate community collaborations -Level 3: Inclusion through state/national collaborations -Level 4: inclusion through international corporations

How is leadership different that management?

-Management: planning & budget/ organizing & staffing/ controlling & problem solving/ produces a degree of predictability & order -Leadership: establishing direction/ aligning people/ motivating & inspiring/ producing change

What are the differences between monolithic, plural, and multicultural organizations?

-Monolithic: an organization that is demographically & culturally homogeneous -Plural: an organization that has a heterogeneous workforce -Multicultural: characterized by a culture that fosters & values cultural differences & equally incorporates all members of the organization via acculturation

How are narrow, category-based definitions of diversity (as a group distinction category) different from broad, category-based definitions of diversity?

-Narrow Based: Discrimination legislation that includes gender, racial & ethnic groups, national origin, disability, & age -Broad Based: Determined by such variables as marital status, education, skills & earnings in the organization

Differentiate between neo-classical economists and equal opportunities school perspectives on Affirmative/Positive Action Programs. What are the primary principles of Affirmative Action and Positive Action Programs?

-Neo-classical: assume that in a competitive market, the "taste" for discrimination cannot be indulged because it would be too costly for employers -Equal Opportunities: ending discrimination does not create equal opportunities because women, Blacks, people with disabilities, and other groups that have been discriminated against do not have the same resources available to them as members of the dominant groups. -Principles: Are intervention measures / Cut across, and attempt to influence, the operation of free-market mechanisms / Aim to actively reverse past discrimination against specific groups / Are intended as temporary actions, which will be withdrawn once the situation is rectified

What are the personality types associated with the True Colors spectrum inventory and what do they tell us (as relational mental models) about interpersonal relationships in the global work context?

-Orange: energetic, spontaneous, charming -Gold: punctual, organized, precise -Green: analytical, intuitive, visionary -Blue: empathetic, compassionate, cooperative

Describe the difference between the reactive and proactive stages in the process of diversity and inclusion (Figure 11.4, p. 229)

-Stage 1: diversity representation in the organization -----Stage 2: diversity management & inclusion strategies

How are stereotypes different from prejudice?

-Stereotypes: A standardized, oversimplified mental picture that is held in common by members of a group -Prejudice: A preconceived judgement or opinion held by members of a group; an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics

What are the beliefs about the effects of task and relational conflict in employee interpersonal relationships at work (Figure 9.2, p. 199)

-Task conflict is a roadblock to success -Relationship conflict is a roadblock to success

Differentiate the three characteristics of diversity management that make D&I initiatives unique from legally-mandated programs

-Voluntary: initiated by the organization -Broad Definitions of Diversity: makes programs inclusive & reduces objections from majority group members -Tangible Benefits: productive & loyal workforce, provides advantages in in recruitment & reputation, creates good will & a competitive advantage

In order to overcome potential limitations, on which two specific areas does diversity management have to focus?

1. Enhancing profitability 2. Fostering social justice

What are the national demographic trends and how do they impact workforce diversity?

1. Gender (Sex) Diversity: women's workforce participation increase 2. Age Diversity: large proportion of elderly in the US than in any other country, large proportion of children in developing countries, large proportion of working age population in China (25-45) 3. Racial & Ethnic Diversity: labor supply, group membership discrimination is a big issue, etc. 4. Ability & Disability Diversity: 15% of worlds pop. has a disability, 80% are working age, interest in removing barriers to potential employment, developed countries generally provide benefits to people with disabilities from childhood 5. Sexual Orientation Diversity: global data is difficult to attain and is often unreliable, sheer population growth suggests that the numbers of people with diverse sexual orientation are also growing 6. Gender Identity Diversity: inconsistent legislation, limited advancements in transgender legal protection

What are the four qualities that must be combined to effectively manage organizational diversity?

1. Values & utilizes the individual & group differences within the workforce 2. Cooperates & contributes to its surrounding community 3. Alleviates the needs of disadvantaged groups in its wider environments 4. Collaborates with individuals, groups, & organizations across natural & cultural boundaries

How do age and disability impact workforce characteristics?

15% of worlds pop. has a disability, 80% are working age, interest in removing barriers to potential employment, developed countries generally provide benefits to people with disabilities from childhood

According to futurist Joel Barker, what two things does a paradigm do for employees?

A paradigm is a system of rules that does two things. (1) sets limits or boundaries, (2) provides guidance for solving problems

What did Dr. Oltmann describe as the weakest point of her committee?

Accomplishing their goals

Describe the importance of the major occupational diversity trends that were presented in Chapter 5.

Advanced economies are in need of workers to perform unskilled tasks = increases demographic composition of receiving country but not necessarily the diversity. Highly skilled migrant workers search for better opportunities than their home economies can offer = migrants are often completely disenfranchised but increases workforce diversity

How does personal experiences of exclusion affect CEOs' inclusive leadership? (Box 11.1, p. 232)

Altogether, these interviews with CEOs who are recognized leaders in diversity and inclusion indicate that personal narratives of exclusion—whether done to them, their loved ones, or even by them—can help top corporate leaders develop self-awareness, insight, and empathy. These experiences, in turn, shape their attitudes toward diversity and inclusion and inform their priorities as leaders.

Be able to distinguish between positive and negative anti-discrimination practices.

Anti-discrimination laws are negative in that they prohibit discrimination in employment. Affirmative/Positive Action policies are positive in that they provide advantages to groups that have traditionally been discriminated against.

What is the component model of communication competence? What two criteria should be used to evaluate communication competence?

Ask questions, distinguish perspectives, build self-awareness, recognize the complexity, avoid stereotyping, respect differences, listen actively, be honest, be flexible, think twice -Criteria: effectiveness & appropriateness

What are the obstacles (e.g., barriers or pain points) associated with Level 4 Diversity and Inclusion Programs?

Barriers: Greed- going beyond fair trade & exploiting others, discrimination, lack of respect for other nations & cultures

What are the obstacles (e.g., barriers or pain points) associated with Level 2 Diversity and Inclusion Programs?

Barriers: economic pressures to demonstrate profitability, limited company vision, lack of leadership to champion & sustain efforts

What are the obstacles (e.g., barriers or pain points) associated with Level 3 Diversity and Inclusion Programs?

Barriers: limited company vision, stereotypes/prejudice/& discrimination against disadvantaged population groups

What are the policy and practice applications that are unique to Level 4 Diversity and Inclusion Programs?

Benefits: expanded geographic markets, improved industrial relations & less litigation, increased economic activities, better marketing to international customers, improved corporate image with customers, financial institutions, & stockholders

What are the policy and practice applications that are unique to Level 3 Diversity and Inclusion Programs?

Benefits: expanded potential employee pool, increased employee loyalty, improved customer relations, a more attractive value-based corporate image

What are the policy and practice applications that are unique to Level 2 Diversity and Inclusion Programs?

Benefits: improved corporate image & reputation, advantage in recruitment & in labor disputes, increased employee loyalty, strong connection between social performance & economic performance

What do the international trends related to population, working-age, and migration suggest about diversity in the workplace?

Both push and pull outcomes of developed and developing countries are working towards the same thing: a more diverse global workplace

What is the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and why is it important?

Closed a loophole in the U.S. legislation related to equal pay for equal work, making it easier to sue for wage discrimination. Importance: everyone, of everyone gender/culture/etc, gets payed equally for equal amount of work

What did Dr. Poston argue was the key to LGBTQ* communities?


How are definitions based on conceptual rule different from both broad and narrow category-based definitions of diversity?

Conceptual Rule: Differences in worldviews or subjective cultures resulting in behavioral differences among cultural groups & differences in identity among group

How does Dr. Lane define leadership? According to Dr. Lane's definition, what two specific behaviors does leadership entail?

Cultural awareness & competence

What is the definition of culture that is based on a rigorous analysis of 160 definitions?

Culture consists of patterns, explicit or implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievements of human groups, including their embodiment's in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional (historically derived and selected) ideas and especially their attached values; culture systems may, on the one hand, be considered as products of action, on the other as conditioning elements of further action.

What is the difference between high context and low context cultures?

Cultures that communicate in ways that are implicit & rely heavily on context VS. cultures that rely on explicit verbal communication

Explain the Level 1 Diversity and Inclusion programs implemented by both DCM Shriram Industries Ltd (Box13.1, pp. 245-246) and Denny's (pp. 250-257).

DCM : company indicated a commitment to promoting respectful interactions among all employees & to improve workers' living standards & conditions

What is decoupling and why is it detrimental to diversity and inclusion in the workplace?

Decoupling: when the policy messages differ from actual day-to-day employee experiences. It can create a gap

What is the Climate for Inclusion-Exclusion Scale (MBIE) and why would we use it to create an inclusive?

Degrees to which individuals feel a part of critical organizational processes (work group, organization, supervisor, higher management, social/informal)

What are the obstacles (e.g., barriers or pain points) associated with Level 1 Diversity and Inclusion Programs?

Discrimination, prejudice, perception of threat to job security

Why is diversity and exclusion a critical workforce problem?

Diversity = representation; Inclusion = belonging & connectedness

How did Dr. Oltmann define diversity?

Diversity and inclusion are drivers of excellence, collaboration, creativity, and success. We strongly support intellectual freedom and the right to hold diverse perspectives, while at the same time condemning all forms of hatred and oppression.

What is the value base associated with Level 2 Diversity and Inclusion Programs?

Dual intrinsic and extrinsic focus, with recognition of community systems as stakeholders as well

Why is the focus on diversity in global business today quite different from civil rights legislation and from affirmative action policy initiatives?

EEO legislation means that it is against the law to discriminate, affirmative action programs mean that companies need to take positive steps to ensure equal employment and promotion opportunities, and diversity programs are proactive and aim to achieve a diverse and heterogeneous workforce that values employee differences—and contributes to the local as well as global community.

What is the potential positive impact of inclusion on employee satisfaction, commitment, and productivity?

Employees who are more included in the organization's decision-making and information networks are more satisfied more committed to the organization, and more productive than those who are not.

What are the consequences of noncompliance with human rights laws?

Employees who are treated unfairly are less productive and less loyal / Law suits resulting from non-compliance can be lengthy and costly / Non-compliance can affect a company's image and reputation

What did Dr. Oltmann describe as her practical and strategic directions for D&I program implementation?

Ensure that D&I issues and concerns are a priority in the College. Provide publicity to D&I issues and programming. Develop creative and effective D&I events to enrich the College. Evaluate College on D&I climate (every other year)

In a series of field studies on work-groups conducted by Sanchez-Burks et al., (2000), how did Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and European Americans differ in their recall of what happens in team meetings (Box 9.2, p. 194)?

European Americans were far less likely to remember anything compared to Mexicans, or Mexican Americans.

Explain the Level 4 Diversity and Inclusion programs implemented by The Fair Trade Company (pp. 293-299).

Fair trade exchange of economic goods & services and the respectful cultural relationship with individuals and groups in other countries

What is the significance of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972?

Gives the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) authority to sue in federal courts when it finds reasonable cause to believe that there has been employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin

How does the human resource paradigm in diversity management differ from the multicultural organization paradigm?

Goal is to change organizational culture by changing workforce composition VS. Characterized by a culture that fosters & values cultural differences & equally incorporates all members of the organization via acculturation

What is the diversity paradox and how is it related to inclusive leadership?

If leaders embrace diversity, they risk workplace conflicts, distrust, & tension, but if they avoid diversity, they risk losing their organizational potential for innovation, creativity, & productivity

What are the goals of Affirmative Action and Positive Action Programs?

In general, the goals of these programs are to provide better opportunities to population groups that have been discriminated against in the past and to increase their representation in public service jobs and in management and leadership positions.

According to Mor Barak (2017), what is the solution to the diversity paradox?

Inclusive leadership

What do people do when they are faced with a negative or threatened social identity?

Individual mobility, group mobility through social creativity, social competition

Under what conditions does discrimination in employment occur?

Individuals, institutions, or governments treat people differently because of personal characteristics like race, gender, or sexual orientation rather than their ability to perform their jobs. These actions have a negative impact on access to jobs, promotions, or compensation.

What dimension was omitted by Mor Barak in her textbook? Why is it important?

Indulgence vs. Restraint

What are the primary benefits associated with effective diversity management (from lecture: Top 10 benefits of workplace diversity)

Involves voluntary organizational action designed to create employment inclusion through formal & informal structures & deliberate policies & programs

What is the impact of HIV/AIDS on workforce demographics?

It adds uncertainty to the trend. More people die in their 30s/40s making older workers work longer

What is the "Inclusive Workplace Model" and what does it do?

It has a strong value base that is manifested at each of the "four system" levels. It has policy & practice applications that are unique to each of the four levels (from the micro to the macro). It has several associated obstacles (pain points)

Why is it important to be able to distinguish between the six types of employment discrimination?

It helps us understand the way discrimination is manifested in the workplace

Why is it important to manage workforce diversity effectively?

It manages the diversity of people's preconceived notions about those outside their own mainstream culture

Why is December 10, 1948 an important date?

It's the day the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was created

What are the positive benefits of inclusion?

Job Opportunities

When I asked Dr. Oltmann about the most impact programs that she has enacted as Chair of the Ci D&I Committee, of which program was she most proud?


According to Celeste Headlee (2015), what is the most import strategy for having a civil conversation about controversial topics?


How do immigration and fertility trends contribute to the importance of workplace diversity?

Low birth rates, increased longevity, & low ratio of retirees/workers = need for immigrants to keep current levels of economic development // High birth rates, improved medical conditions, lower mortality rates, high unemployment = need to immigrate to find jobs

Describe the tensions posed by global demographic, legislative, and public policy trends.

Low fertility rates, social & economic tension, reliance on immigration, drops in working-age populations, hostile intergroup relations, women's increased presence in the work force

What are the policy and practice applications that are unique to Level 1 Diversity and Inclusion Programs?

Management leadership, education and training, performance and accountability, work-life balance, career development and planning

When describing diversity in interpersonal relationships, what is conflict (as a task-focused mental model) and how is it different from harmony (as a social-emotional mental model)?

Managers do not perceive it necessarily to be a limiting factor for a team's success VS. Managers interpret conflict as an inherent barrier to success; without interpersonal harmony, it can rarely be productive

Why do managers need to understand cultural differences and become competent in cross-cultural communication?

Managers need to understand cultural differences and to become competent in cross-cultural communication.

What is the significance of the leaking of the memo from Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer about workplace flexibility as it relates to inclusive leadership (Box 11.3, p. 234)

Mayer acknowledged that people are more productive when they are home alone, but then emphasized that employees are "more collaborative and innovative when they're together. Some of the best ideas come from pulling two different ideas together."

What are psychometric properties associated with scales to measure diversity and inclusion?

Measure focuses on employee perceptions, reliability results are consistent, validity results satisfy objectives

How and why do the three international trends (e.g., worker migration, occupational diversity, educational attainment) create increased diversity in the global workforce?

Migrants go to countries with a shared language, culture, or history. They move for higher income & are placed based of off the capabilities they possess & the evolution of the receiving economy. Developed countries have made secondary education virtually universal, education is increasing abroad

Describe the benefits of diversity management using the Inclusive Workplace Model?

More productive & loyal workforce/Advantages in recruitment & in the competition for talent/Providing goods and services otherwise not available to the community

What are the international trends that most significantly impact workforce diversity?

Most international migrants gravitate to with which they share a geographic or historic relationship. Population trends, migration trends, working-age population trends

What are the "group diversity distinction categories" that are being defined around the world?

Narrow category based, broad category based, & conceptual rule

What factors in workforce diversity can cause dehumanization and oppression?

National origin, color, and gender

Why is the International Bill of Human Rights important to employment rights?

No country can serve as the "model" country, Allows for diversity-related legislation, Allows for accountability when rights are violated

What are the attitudes and behaviors associated with diversity distinction categories and how are they unique (e.g., stereotypes and prejudice, dehumanization, oppression, employment-based discrimination)?

Often affect the distribution of resources and privileges in society that are based on group membership rather than on employment-related characteristics such as level of education, commitment, and job-related skills

What is the Diversity Climate Scale and why would we use it to create an inclusive workplace?

Organizational fairness, organizational inclusion, personal diversity value, personal comfort with diversity

What are the broad-based anti-discrimination legislation that is specific to diversity-related employment?

Outlaws discrimination based on a wide array of characteristics such as gender, race, ethnicity or country of origin, religious beliefs, physical disability, and sexual orientation

What are the distinctions that are made between emotional detachment and emotional involvement?

People focus on the elements of the situation directly related to the task VS. People focus their attention on emotional & interpersonal concerns as well as the task at hand

What is the value base associated with Level 1 Diversity and Inclusion Programs?

Pluralistic, co evolving organizational culture that keeps changing to reflect diversity of values & norms

What is the value base associated with Level 4 Diversity and Inclusion Programs?

Pluralistic, collaboration-based, focus on global mutual interests

How is language fluency different from cultural fluency?

Possession of linguistic skills VS. ability to identify, understand, & apply communication behaviors of others

What is the purpose of global Affirmative/Positive Action Programs (APAP)?

Programs to actively encourage a more representative workforce, as well as the incentives governments give to comply with such requirements, vary greatly from one country to the next.

Which four theories explain why intergroup workplace conflict exists? How are they unique? Which theory explains conflict using specific independent variables (e.g., self-interest, perceived injustice, unequal access to resources, unfavorable or no contact?

Realistic Conflict Theory, Equity Theory, Relative Deprivation Theory, Intergroup Contact Theory

What is the difference between intranational and cross-national diversity management?

Refers to managing a workforce that comprises citizens or immigrants in a single national context. VS. Refers to managing a workforce that comprises citizens from different countries.

What is diversity management and why does Mor Barak (2017) claim it is key to developing deliberate organizational inclusion and diversity programs?

Refers to the voluntary organizational actions that are designed to create greater inclusion of employees from various backgrounds into the formal and informal organizational structures through deliberate policies, and programs

How did a Secretary of State and a CEO break the gender barrier at a prestigious private golf course? (Box 11.2, p. 233)

Rometty forced a national conversation about respect and equality for women, resulting in a policy reversal

Explain the primary elements of population change?

Shifts in economic activity, increased role of nontraditional workers, increased support for human rights is blurring traditional patterns of workplace discrimination

What are the challenges for business practices associated with social policies and Affirmation/Positive Action Programs?

Should businesses be free to operate unburdened by concerns for people and society? Should businesses consider the social context within which they operate to include ethics and host country rules?

Which three explanatory theories explain why employees feel excluded in their workplace? How are the theories unique?

Social Identity Theory, Social Comparison Theory, Symbolic Interaction Theory

Which three explanatory theories explain how experiences of exclusion can negatively impact employee attitudes, behaviors, and performance? How are the theories unique? Which theories are associated with threats to self esteem, reductions in motivation, and lower employee satisfaction?

Sociometer Model of Self-Esteem, Identity-Based Motivation Theory, Interactional Model of Cultural Diversity

According to Mor Barak, what is the key to understanding diversity in organizations?

The concept of the inclusive workplace presented here and elaborated on in later chapters refers to a work organization that accepts and utilizes the diversity of its own workforce—while also being active in the community, in state and federal programs that support immigrants, women, the working poor, and other disadvantaged groups—and that collaborates across cultural and national boundaries

What are the key principles of fair trade (as defined by the Fair Trade Federation (2008))?

The creation of opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers. Improved working conditions

Describe the importance of the relational mental models about time in Ecuador (Box 9.1, p. 194)

The importance is to have better time management skills

Why is successful management of an increasingly diverse workforce one of the most important global challenges facing U.S. corporations?

The inability of corporate managers to fully comprehend its dynamics, divest themselves of their personal prejudice attitudes & creatively unleash the potential embedded into the multicultural workforce

What is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and how does it impact the global workforce?

The net amount of investment by nonresidents in enterprises in which nonresidents exercise significant management control. FDI flows intensify among developing countries in the global south. FDI can support the development of the host economy

What are the specific rights related to work that are included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

The right to social security, work, equal work, to rest & leisure, a standard of living adequate for health and well-being

Should businesses be free to operate unburdened by concerns for people and society; or should businesses consider the social context within which they operate to include ethics and host country rules?

The second choice

When I asked Dr. Poston about the most impactful programs that he has enacted as Director of the Office of LGBTQ* Resources, the University's Center for Graduate and Professional Diversity Initiatives, and UK's Inclusive Health Partnerships, of which program was he most proud?

The university's center for graduate & professional diversity initiatives

Why is theory important to to diversity and exclusion research?

Theories connect the dots just as constellations reveal patterns in the stars. Good theories make sense of diverse information and help us get our bearings. They help us know, in advance, where we are headed and what paths are available to us

What are the stereotypes about older workers that were describe in chapter 6?

They are less motivated, but research shows that individual skill and health are better factors for determining performance than age

Where do international migrants tend to go?

They tend to reinvent long standing patterns of seasonal and temporary movement for work rather than choosing permanent settlement in a new country

What does the Texaco "Jelly Bean Jar" tell us about how diversity training can result in divisive and offensive outcomes? (Box 10.1, p. 215)

This is an example of shareholder activism that can force boards of directors to rethink their ambivalence toward diversity,emphasizing the need to prevent future employment discrimination lawsuits & costly settlements.

What is employment-related discrimination?

Treat people differently; has negative impact on access to jobs, promotions, & compensation

What is the value base associated with Level 3 Diversity and Inclusion Programs?

Treating disadvantaged groups as potentially stable, upwardly mobile employees & investing in their educating & training

What is the importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to understanding workplace diversity and communication?

UDHR has proven a remarkably flexible foundation for a continued broadening and deepening of the very concept of human rights. It provides both a guide to present action and an evolving set of ideas for future implementation at the national level.

What are the two outcomes associated with transformation and inclusive leadership (Figure 11.3, p. 228)?

Uniqueness & belonging

Why do paradigms make it difficult to see data that don't fit a particular mental model?

What may be obvious to one person may be totally imperceptible to someone else

Describe the framework for viewing individuals whose culture is different from your own that is described in Figure 6.1. What does Mor Barak argue can help to solve problems of intergroup relations in the workplace?

When encountering a member from another group, rather than rely on the oversimplified mental picture provided by a stereotype, one should recognize that the person's attitudes and behaviors are the result of the interaction among the person's unique individual characteristics, the family environment, and the values and norms that are common to his or her cultural group.

What are the major issues that individuals have to navigate as LGBTQ* follks related to interpersonal and organizational (institutional) communication?

Whether they want to be out at work, how to frame identity to co-workers & supervisors, how to introduce different family constructs

What did Ms. Castle describe as the most salient issues associated with diversity and inclusion as they relate to HR at the University of Kentucky?

volume & consistency

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