COM Bullying

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What trait should a teacher have to deal effectively with bullying?


In fourth and fifth grades who is bullied most often?

girls were bullied more often than boys usually involving name calling, gossip, and exclusion

What instrument did the author use to measure bullying in the study described in Chapter 7?

survey questionnaire "Safe school Questionnaire" and qualitative interviews

Describe the 10 dimensions that most anti-bullying programs share.

*1. Aim at changing school culture*: If bullying goes unchecked, everyone is responsible for tacitly endorsing the bullying including students, parents & teachers. *2. School commitment is required*: involves education, policies, ways to resolve conflict, supervision *3. What evidence is there that the response taken to bullying works?* *4. Anti-bullying should be multidimensional*: focus on cognitive, affective, and behavioral dimensions *5. school should conduct a needs assessment* *6. Development perspective*: start in preschool and continue to educate about positive ways to resolve conflict and deal productively with diversity *7. Programs ongoing throughout the school year* *8. Include peers*: peers/bystanders need to know that by saying nothing they encourage and support the bully *9. Use peers to lead interventions* *10. Lobby for preventive funding and legislation*: teachers and schools need support for these programs

Describe the study that the author conducted and what she learned.

*Background* - conduct research to obtain students view of cyber bullying with the use of the grounded theory approach - Focus groups with 2,186 students in grades 6 & 7 and 10 & 11 which were recruited from 2 school districts in Canada - semistructured with open ended questions, about 1 hour long - students were asked about their views of cyber bullying (how often they thought it occurred, the forms it took, who the cyber bullies were, who was bullied, who knows, and whether and who they told) *what she learned* - girls used computers for social purposes and boys played computer games or sport sites - about 25% reported that they either had bullied someone or were themselves bullied - it is easier to hide; kids who are cyber bullied often know the identity of their tormentor (ex. from shared passwords) - students who are cyberbullied are more likely to: 1. use drugs and alcohol 2. skip school 3. have more detentions and suspension 4. take a weapon to school and perhap

*Chapter 6*

*Chapter 6*

*Chapter 7*

*Chapter 7*

What is the Tinker standard. The Fraser standard, and the Hazelwood standard?

*In U.S., to reduce litigation courts place a high onus on schools to address cyber abuse. Three cases established standards whereby schools have the right to restrict free speech:* *- Tinker standard*: material or substantive disruption of learning; schools can restrict cyber use if it is disruptive to learning *- Fraser standard*: restrict internet use if it interferes/disrupts with the educational mission *- Hazelwood standard*: restrict internet use if it is school property

How does the author define cyberbullying?

- (similar to traditional bullying) the use use of technology with the intent to bully an individual, the individual who is targeted or victimized is negatively affected (aka harmful message or picture), and the behavior is repeated - (what makes it distinct) the use of electronic communication technology to threaten, harass, embarrass, or exclude

What is meant by defamation and cyber libel? (Canada)

- *defamation* includes derogatory statements to a third person, discrediting a person's reputation - *libel*, written defamation, may be applicable to internet situations called "cyber libel"

How did they conduct the interviews and with whom? What did they learn?

- 157 students in grades 4 & 5 took the "safe school questionnaire"; 18 boys and girls from this sample who had been bullied and 20 of their parents were interviewed - almsot all of who were interview said that the bullying was done by someone they thought was their friend and involved verbal or relational bullying; physical bullying was rare for this group

*Peer Attachment And Cyber Aggression Study* -Participants/Procedure

- 1637 adolescents ages 11-15 years old - grouped into 4 categories: uninvolved, cyber aggressors, cyber victims, cyber aggressor and victim -survey/questionnaire

*Cyber Bullying Among Adults* -Findings

- 71% of participants reported being victims of at least one instance of aggressive cyber behavior in the previous 12 months - 72% reported having cyber bullied others on at least one occasion in the previous 12 months

*Peer Attachment And Cyber Aggression Study* -Findings

- India has the highest rate in cyber aggression followed by China and Japana - China and india reported that boys tend to become cyber aggressors and victims more than girls (no gender difference in Japan) -Country of origin DID NOT affect peer attachment levels; categories of experience were the lead factor in peer attachment - Individualism cultures may experience greater cyber aggression because people are more willing to take risks -cyber aggression does not have to be repeated

What is Grounded theory? When and who was it developed by?

- It is like content analysis where the analyst develops categories to describe the data - Was developed by Glaser ad Strauss in 1967

What do the authors say about the rules against bullying with punishment approach?

- It provokes intense controversy. They may protect children from the original school they are expelled from, but that fails to provide opportunities to develop the relationship capacity that these students lack, but also may place the at increased risk for association with similarly aggressive peers.

What subtle factor caused Jamal to become the victim of bullying? How was this situation resolved?

- Jamal's gym teacher called him a baby for getting upset when his team lost and his fellow students made fun of him as well - Counselor treated Jamal fairly and acted in a non punitive and non shaming matter. She talked to all the individuals in the incident, including the teacher, to make them understand what was wrong

What kind of peer led interventions do they describe? What are the negative aspects of peer led interventions?

- Peer counseling: involves training and supervision to provide support to students who are distressed; give advice and support to victims and bullies about how to change their behavior - Peer meditation: students are taught nonviolent means to reduce conflict by working with peer mediators; NOT RECOMMENDED in situations of bullying because often the bully has a lot of informal power and the mediator has little by comparison - Participant role approach: targets all individuals in a bullying incident Negatives: can have a boomerang effect

What does it mean to alter school culture about bullying and why is that important? How does the author recommend doing this?

- all members of a school are likely to contribute to bullying at some level, including: individuals, social, and broader contextual variables. -multidimensional approach that entails activities and programs that involve everyone -success is determined by the degree of commitment of teachers and principles, which must be supported by broader incentives such as financial resources and integration of the program into the curriculum

What is meant by covert bullying?

- covert (or indirect bullying) refers to meanness in forms of exclusion, ridicule, and name calling with the goal of manipulating social networks

How is cyberbullying different from traditional face-to-face bullying?

- cyberbullying has more access and less intervention - incident never goes away and thousands of people know about it increasing shame - often anonymous - often harmful messages posted by a friend which is doubly hurtful

What misconception did participants in their study have about the permanence of information/pictures that they posted on the internet?

- many respondents showed lack of awareness that anything you post on the internet was permanent - 1/4 indicated that the information and pictures they upload to the internet are permanently erased as soon as they delete these images or text. -1/4 recognized that it can remain on the internet -41% did not know how long text or photos remain online

What does Canada do to address cyber abuse?

- most cyber abuse legislation emerges from the criminal code of Canada, the Canadian Human Rights Act, and the Telecommunications Act. - *Criminal Code*: address hate propaganda and hate crimes on internet communication -*Canadian Human Rights Act*: declares it discriminatory to communicate pr distribute materials via telecommunication that exposes a person or persons to hate on prohibited ground of discrimination - *Telecommunications act*: used to challenge cyber abuse by addressing whether telecommunication carriers may intercept communication across their services - also address defamation and cyber libel

How does friendship/loneliness relate to bullying?

- often kids who are bullied are outsiders, they have few friends and might have poor social skills which only increases their isolation (low level of social support) - Coat Tails phenomenon: weaker people benefit from the celebrity/success of strong more charismatic people (aka popular kids tend to have a large social following of admirers)

What are some misconceptions that teachers and parents have about kids who are bullied?

- sometimes teachers believe that the child being bullied by others somehow provoked the bullying and brought the bullying on him/herself by own behavior -believe that the child is showing fake tears for attention - parents believed their own child was exaggerating

How is cyberbullying unique?

- technology has extended "schoolyard bullying" to the child's hime (nonstop bullying) - find ways to get onto cellphones at school (hidden from view) - the ability to conceal one's actions (Such as anonymously posting)

*Peer Attachment And Cyber Aggression Study* -Goal

- to compare adolescent cyber aggression involvement rate within 3 countries: India, China, and Japan - To examine the role of gender in adolescent cyber aggression - To study the peer attachment relation to cyber aggression involvement

How would you describe each of the following: - Sexual harassment - Workplace bullying - Marital aggression - Elder abuse

-*Sexual Harassment*: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature - *workplace bullying*: repeated, health-harming mistreatment of one or more persons (the targets) by one or more perpetrators in the workplace -*Marital Aggression*: hostile or violent behavior or attitudes toward another; readiness to attack or confront in a marriage -*Elder Abuse*: any form of mistreatment that results in harm or loss to an older person. It is generally divided into the following categories: Physical abuse is physical force that results in bodily injury, pain, or impairment. It includes assault, battery, and inappropriate restraint

*Cyber Bullying Among Adults* -Participants -Procedures

-164 young adults in Australia ages 17-25 -recruited through university website and social networks -Web address to online questionnaire -Revised Cyber Bullying Inventory (RCBI); Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES)

How is a punitive approach different from a zero tolerance approach?

-Punitive approach: consequences range from nonphysical sanctions such as withdrawal of certain student privileges to school suspension and expulsion; provokes intense controversy -Zero tolerance approach: employ exclusion responses such as expelling students from the educational system or placing them in homogeneous classes of aggressive students; should be seen as a last resort

What happened to Shayne?

-Shane had two moms who were gay and it caused shane to become angry. Was also picked on for have gay mom. Counselor worked with shane and his family to address internal issues.

What happens to friendships as people get older?

-friendships become more stable and exclusive with age

What is a high quality friendship?

-provides buffering -experience less conflict

How did some teachers/parents describe bullying between boys directed toward girls?

-when a guy bully touched a girl or picked on her, they described it as primitive and an awkward form of flirting or courting.

*Take this job and shove it* - Five core codes used to measure results

1. Exodus 2. Collective Voice 3. Reverse Discourse 4. Subversive (dis)ovedience 5. Confrontation

*Peer Attachment And Cyber Aggression Study* -Measures

1. Individualism and collectivism 2. Face-to-face aggression involvement 3. Cyber aggression involvement 4. Peer attachment

Dr. B described 5 kinds of elder abuse, what are they?

1. Physical Abuse 2. Emotional abuse 3. Neglect 4. Sexual abuse 5. Health care abuse

What guidelines does Mishna offer for bullying prevention?

1. Recognize and address bullying among friends, including dyadic friendships 2. Question how we define and understand friendships 3. Interven appropriately in instances of bullying within friendships 4. Recognize that like bullying in general, youth often do not disclose being bullied by friends 5. Listen, understand, and validate the child's experiences and perspective 6. Differentiate bullying from "typical" conflict and recognize that youth might need adult help 7. Understand the serious impact of bullying within friendships 8. Be aware of and dispel myths and correct stereotypes 9. Focus on development of friendship skills

How should an adult respond to a child's disclosure of bullying?

1. believe the child 2. Investigate and observe how accused bully behaves with others 3. Get help for the kid who is bullied 4. Teacher should not rebuke the whole class 5. Bully and parents should be called in to talk to the principal, teacher, and counselor; the unacceptability of continuing this behavior should be made clear 6. Kid who was bullied should be called in to talk to the principal, teacher, and counselor 7. Both the kid bullied and the bully should get counseling 8. When adults do not help the kid being bullied this is often a hopeless situation

What are the variable aims in anti-bullying programs (directed to which groups)?

1. bullies 2. victims of bullying 3. peers who are involved 4. peers who are bystanders 5. curriculum (teaching anti-bullying skills) 6. whole school & climate issues 7. Parents, teachers, administrators

What are the 5 kinds of social support? Be able to define each type.

1. emotional support = expression of empathy, caring & concern 2. Esteem support = showing positive regard & respect for the other person 3. Instrumental (tangible) support = giving assistance 4. Informational support = giving advice, directions, suggestions 5. Network support = person has a sense of membership in a group

Students who are cyberbullied are more limey to?

1. use drugs and alcohol 2. skip school 3. have more detentions and suspension 4. take a weapon to school and perhaps use it if provoked again *bullies are likely to have problematic relationships with their parents*

What % of students in their study sample had access to the internet?

99% of this group had access to a computer and spent 2 hours or more on it

Why is it not enough just to punish bullies?

Because bullying is the result of many factors at different levels of the ecological system, therefor, the bullies individual, social, and contextual variables meet to be addressed. They need to learn how to change their attitudes and behaviors

Why is the developmental approach important for understanding bullying in relationships?

Because how children relate to others can serve as a template for later friendships and romantic relationships. Childhood bullying can later manifest itself as: sexual harassment, workplace bullying, marital aggression, and elder abuse

Why do you also need to include school administrators in these efforts to address bullying?

because they have the power to change policies

Who was one of the first people to study bullying and antibullying interventions?

Dan Olweus- developed the first whole-school anti-bullying program which was in response to suicides of several children in Norway during the early 1980s - called the "Bullying Prevention Program"

What is Ferris' story?

Ferris, 15, transferred to new school and made new friends by delivering marijuana to them. Was caught and suspended and investigation proved he was bullied into supplying marijuana for his friends.

What response of teachers doesn't help the child who is bullied?

believing that they are trying to get attention

What is Amanda's story?

Her father left Amanda's family and she began to engage in reeky self-destructive behavior. At first she was popular but then when word got out all her friends abandoned her. One day, Amanda stopped eating and refused to go to school. Practitioner began to work with Amanda and mother to understand the situation and to come up with a treatment plan.

What's wrong with the argument that bullying is a normal part of growing up?

It is not true and the attitude fuels bullies to get away with tormenting other kids

Are there gender differences in cyberbullying? If so in general what are they?

Not much gender difference in frequency of cyberbullying but there were some gender differences: 1. older boys more likely to be threatened online. 2. Girls more likely to have rumors spread about them online. 3. Girls often were sent unwelcome sexual pictures or were asked to do something sexual online. Girls reported that they were often asked ot tur on their webcam and flash.

What is elder speak?

Patronizing speech directed toward older people using shorter, less complex sentences, simpler vocabulary, filler words, fragmented sentences, and repetition. also includes using terms that are overly endearing, asking closed questions that prompt an answer, and using the collective "we". Young people tend to speak at a slower rate and include more pauses when communicating with elders

What is suggested by the thin line between bullying and teasing?

That it is hard for one to determine if their friend is just teasing the child or if they actually have the intent to hurt them (bully them)

What does Canada do to address cyber abuse in schools?

The school has the right to intervene in any situation where either (1) social media disrupts learning or (2) it creates a fearful environment

What is a major barrier to timely anti-bullying interventions by adults?

The values and individual attitudes/behaviors that the adult has (such as believing indirect bullying is not harmful)

How does friendship serve as a buffer against the adversities of life?

They provide social support; affection and trust, for example, can shield a child from victimization

What should the authorities at the school do if someone reports being bullied?

They should increase the adult vigilance and supervision throughout the school and use transparent procedures to respond to the bullying after it is reported. Must use the incident as a "teachable moment"

Effective school antibullying programs take the 'ecological system' into account. What does that mean?

To take into account the immediate environments, connections between systems, indirect environments, and social and cultural values, into account when creating an anti bullying program

Are anti-bullying programs effective?

We don't know. Evaluation studies of these programs have been flawed with poor research design

What is meant by the term dyadic friendship?

a interpersonal relationship that is between two people

Why is it important to define what actions constitute bullying?

because if they are not indicated then the behaviors/actions have a higher chance of being overlooked or minimized

1. What is the buffering hypothesis?

buffering is the idea that having a particular resource or positive personality quality can serve to protect a person against the adverse impact of a stressful event (friendship serves as a buffer for many negative things in life)

How is bullying a relational problem?

bullying is a form of aggression that unfolds in the context of a relationship in which one child asserts interpersonal power through aggression

What is the ecological systems framework? What are its parts and how do they work?

bullying problems do not reside solely with the child who bullies or who is victimized, it unfolds in the social context of the peer group, the classroom, the school, the family, and the broader community and society 1. Microsystem: immediate environments 2. Mesosystem: connections between systems 3. Exosystem: Indirect environments 4. Macrosystem: social ideologies and cultural values 5. Chronosystems: transitions over time

What is a focus group?

is a form of qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging.

What are the characteristics of effective anati-bullying programs described on pages 60 through 62?

same as 10 dimensions

*Cyber Bullying Among Adults* - Goal

to examine four cyber-identities in adults and how self-esteem was related to them 1. Cyber-bully 2. Cyber-victim 3. Cyber-bully/victim 4. Non-involved

Why does the person intervening in bullying need to meet with both the parents and the teachers?

to improve their communication and enable the child to assert himself or herself and to see if the teacher is lacking intervention in the classroom or awareness that the child is being bullied

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