COM chapter 10 & 17

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With the _______________, parents can limit their children's exposure to media messages that they consider harmful on television.

v chip

In the United States, the ______________________ is the government agency charged with regulating all nongovernmental use of television and radio

Federal Communications Commission

Who invented the printing press in the 1440s?

Johannes gutenberg

In January 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporate funding of political broadcasts is protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution. Which of the following is an argument made by opponents of the ruling?

Only candidates who represent the interests of corporations will be able to have their voices heard.

What is a limitation of traditional radio?

Radio waves can reach radio receivers only within a certain range.

Which one of the following people has traits that are often associated with leaders?

Sandy feels good about her abilities

Which of the following is a parental guideline for television viewers?


Which of the following responses would demonstrate the use of reward power?

You convince several local businesses to donate gift certificates to award to the most effective fund-raisers. Correct

A conflict strategy that reflects a high concern for the other party and low concern for the self is known as which of the following?


In general, polychronic cultures may be more likely to select which of the following decision-making methods?

acheiving consesus

The Geico gecko, Flo from Progressive Insurance, and the Aflac duck are all recognized characters today because of


According to the ________________ theory, media tell people what to think about by determining what they watch, read, or hear.

agenda setting

Although many voters claim to disapprove of _______________________, research has shown that negative messages about a candidate have a greater effect on voting behavior than do positive messages.

attack ads

He began to bark orders at his crew, and he told each firefighter exactly what he wanted done and when. Based on this incident, Captain Hansen would be considered which type of leader?


If you are unhappy with the content of media messages and you convey your dissatisfaction to the people who produce them, you are

becoming an activitst

If you are angry that the Twilight films did not incorporate all of the plot elements of the books, what step of media awareness are you ignoring?

being aware of media limitations

Ginger works for a weight-loss company. Once a week, she provides a personal diary detailing her own weight-loss journey on the company's website. Her posts have more than 200,000 followers who offer feedback. Ginger is utilizing the form of social media called _______________ to promote her company.


According to _________________ theory, watching violence in the media can encourage real-life violence, but only if other influences are present.


The increasing interconnection of media content and communication technology is called media


Which of the following shows how media impact economics?


A leader who attempts to generate input from all members of the group is known as which of the following?


If the president wanted to develop an atmosphere at the meeting where the homeowners would have felt free to express their opinions and be creative, what would have been the best leadership approach?


Research suggests that the ________________________ effect is stronger for violence depicted in video games than in other media, perhaps because video-game players are engaged in generating the violent acts that are depicted.


Which of these options is NOT a general need fulfilled by media?


Although you think about attending a different group, your therapist suggests that your distraction may be a secondary problem and that the real issue is that, because you are accustomed to individual therapy, you get impatient listening to other describe their feelings about their problems. She recommends that you continue to attend the group to increase your ______ listening skills.


Which type of listening is the most important in groups that provide comfort, such as support groups?

empathic listening

When you listen to music or watch television as a way to "escape," you are using media to fulfill your need for


According to the _____________________, a station that carries the president's State of the Union address is required to broadcast a response from the opposing political party immediately after the speech.

equal time rule

Albert was invited because he has worked with charitable organizations before, and he has a college degree in finance. Most likely, the group expects the decision to be made by which method?

expert opinion

Some of those present do not understand all the issues involved with the cleanup, so they have decided to allow those with the skills and knowledge of those issues to make some of the decisions on the cleanup. In such a case, we would say those decisions were made by

expert opinion

President Franklin D. Roosevelt was famous for his _______________, which were evening radio speeches he made to the country between 1933 and 1944.

fireside chats

The danger of a decision-making group that discourages dissent is that that it may get stuck in a rut, making decisions based on the desire for and illusion of unanimity, or __


Before radio and television, Americans typically got second-hand and politically biased information about politicians because ___________ were the primary media source for politics.


Which of the following barriers to effective listening are caused by individual experience, such as being tired or hungry?


Which is NOT one of the major forms of media?


Most of the sound media industry's sales come from

recorded music

Power resides in

relationships, not people

Mohammed considers himself to be politically liberal. He enjoys watching MSNBC, particularly Rachel Maddow's show. He finds it gratifying to listen to others with his viewpoint because he is engaging in

selective exposure

Which of the following warning signs for groupthink are evident in the anecdote?


Which of the following is a psychosocial trait that some leaders share?


Josh sees a commercial on television detailing a politician's opposition to student financial aid. Josh is outraged and vows to stop watching any channel that would show such a message. Before making this decision, what should Josh consider?

separating the message from the messenger

Although e-mail provides an inexpensive and efficient way of communicating with large audiences at once, its convenience gave rise to what issue?


Brittney drops her ten-year-old twins off at the movies for the afternoon. She is outraged when she discovers they saw a PG-13 movie and doesn't understand why they were allowed into the theater. What did Brittney most likely misunderstand about movie ratings?

the ratings serve as a consumer suggestion

Of brainstorming, NGT, and ideawriting, which is the least collaborative?


A conflict strategy that strives to achieve a win-win outcome is called which of the following?


When making the decision about the cleanup, the task force decides that all decisions must be agreed upon unanimously. In other words, the decision would be made by


Paola loves watching shows about "real" housewives, and Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian are her role models. Paola expects to live the same sort of lifestyle once she graduates from college, even though she has little money and no job experience. The disconnection between Paola's expectations and her probable reality reflects which theory about media?


Filipe is a political conservative and loves Bill O'Reilly's television show. Filipe watches only the Fox News Channel, as he feels other news stations are too liberal. What would best improve Filipe's media literacy?

guarding against bias

The "Got Milk?" campaign promotes the physical and mental benefits of drinking milk daily because it is a(n) _______________ campaign.


________ campaigns are coordinated media messages that encourage the audience to take specific steps to increase or protect themselves physically and mentally.


Todd is the chair of the student body election committee. He has recently overseen the counting of the ballots in the student body elections. A lot of students have asked Todd about the results, but he keeps asking them to do favors for him before he divulges the results. Todd is wielding which type of power?

informational power

Texting is most similar to what form of computer-mediated communication?

instant messaging

Studies by media researchers have indicated that people are particularly influenced by media-depicted violence if the violence depicted in the media

is rewarded and glorified rather than punished.

Claire is the manager of a busy department of writers. She believes her employees are adults and should act responsibly. In other words, she thinks writers should be able to manage their time, produce good work, and meet their deadlines. Which of the following leadership styles does Claire have?


If you use media properly to get the effects you want, you are using good media


By definition, which of the following makes sure that most group members agree with the decision being made?

majority rule

Joy's daughter suffers from an addiction to prescription painkillers. Because Joy feels that television shows treat this addiction too casually, she mounts a campaign on local television news programs to get the stations to incorporate more sensitivity to prescription drug abuse. Joy is making her voice heard through

media activism

Which of the following is NOT an FCC regulation aimed at reducing the potentially negative effects of media messages?

media activism

The term ________________________ refers to the influences media have on people's everyday lives.

media effects

Kyle and Jos� are making a video of their skateboarding tricks to attract sponsors for competitions. In one such video, Jos� falls and bangs his head. Kyle posts the video on YouTube, and within weeks, the video has more than 2 million views. Which form of social media did Kyle use?

media site

Twitter is an example of what type of social media?


The Motion Picture Association of America uses the _______________________, a means of evaluating a film's suitability for various audiences.

motion picture rsting system

Which of the following is an example of image media?


One of the first printed media to reach a large audience was the


Your distraction by the beauty of the church is an example of which of the following listening problems?


NGT stands for which of the following?

normal group technique

The idea-generating method that groups use that involves generating initial ideas independently then combining them and considering them as a group is known as which of the following?

normal group technique

Which of the following is not a group decision-making method?

normal group technique

Imagine Media wants to create weekly a publication that targets a specific audience made up of high-level executives at Fortune 500 companies. Which form of media would best serve Imagine Media's needs?

online magazine

Stan is a gay college student. He loves reading the publication The Advocate and watching the television show Modern Family because of their positive representations of sexual minorities. What need is Stan most likely fulfilling with his use of media?

personal identity

Which aspect of brainstorming involves building off each other's ideas?


Which of the following statements about power is true?

power exists within relationships

Rita wants to improve her media literacy. She recognizes that an e-mail from the vice president is not actually an interpersonal message, she learns to stop resenting journalists who report on topics she dislikes, and she begins to think more carefully about the sources of her information. Rita is improving her media literacy by

practicing media awareness.

____ involves featuring particular brands in the storyline of a movie, television show, or book

product placement

Why do companies advertise?

promote purchase of a product

Nicole and Daphne also complied, but they did so because they thought Tom was cute and had a great smile. Nicole and Daphne choose to comply because they think Tom exhibits which type of power?


Alice is a popular member of her group. She is also a cheerleader and is considered by most to be very attractive. There is no denying that Alice has power. Which type of power does Alice most likely have?

referent power

In an effort to avoid government regulations of their content, the movie and television industries have each imposed ____________________ on themselves.


The opposite of coercive power is which of the following?


Tim is the managing partner at an architecture firm. He gives projects to his staff, and he expects them to do a good job. His appreciation is given in the way of year-end bonuses. Which type of power is Tim exercising?

reward power

Talia hears a report on the news that there is an outbreak of meningitis in her area. The local media report that one victim is a student at her school. Talia skips her classes for a week, and when she does return, she sits away from other students. Since Talia never worried about meningitis before seeing the news coverage, she has most likely been influenced by a health _____________ in the media.


Sue is assigned a presentation on Thomas Edison for her history class. She needs to present basic information from three Internet websites. Which form of Internet media would best serve her on this project?

search engine

Bill watches a lot of local television news and crime dramas. He thinks that crime is a major societal issue and that ethnic minorities are the root of the problem because he sees minorities commit the most crimes during his television viewing. Bill's misconceptions about crime and minorities stem from which issue in media?

stereotypical portrayal of minorities on television

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