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Chinese Exclusion Act

(1882) Denied any additional Chinese laborers to enter the country while allowing students and merchants to immigrate. Stemmed from fear of Americans that their jobs would be taken.


-Opposed the Stalwarts -Members of the republican party who favored reform-especially civil service reform. -Led by James G. Blaine of Maine, a congressman

Bland-Allison Act

1878 - Authorized coinage of a limited number of silver dollars and "silver certificate" paper money. First of several government subsidies to silver producers in depression periods. Required government to buy between $2 and $4 million worth of silver. Created a partial dual coinage system referred to as "limping bimetallism." Repealed in 1900.

McKinley Tariff

1890-Protective tariff which raised the tax on foreign products to a peacetime high of over 48%

Coxey's Army

1893 - Group of unemployed workers led by Jacob Coxey who marched from Ohio to Washington to draw attention to the plight of workers and to ask for government relief (500 mil to create jobs). Government arrested the leaders and broke up the march in Washington.

J. Pierpont Morgan

A banker who quickly moved in to take control of the bankrupt railroads and consolidate them.


A faction of the Republican party led by Conkling in the end of the 1800s. Supported the political machine and patronage. Conservatives who opposed civil service reform.

Panic of 1893; J. Pierpont Morgan

A financial panic in 1893 forced a quarter of all railroads into bankruptcy. J. Pierpont Morgan and other bankers quickly moved in to take control of the bankrupt railroads and consolidate them. With competition eliminated, they could stabilize rates and reduce debts. By 1900, seven giant systems controlled nearly two-thirds of the nation's railroads. A positive result was a more efficient rail system


A form of music that combined African rhythms with western-style instruments and mixed improvisation with a structured band format

William Randolph Hearst

A leading newspaperman of his times, he ran The New York Journal and helped create and propagate "yellow (sensationalist) journalism."

Gilded Age

A name for the late 1800s, coined by Mark Twain to describe the tremendous increase in wealth caused by the industrial age and the ostentatious lifestyles it allowed the very rich. The great industrial success of the U.S. and the fabulous lifestyles of the wealthy hid the many social problems of the time, including a high poverty rate, a high crime rate, and corruption in the government.

Gospel of Wealth

A number of Americans found religion more convincing than social Darwinism in justifying the wealth of successful industrialists and bankers

Knights of Labour

A second national labor union, the Knights of Labor, began in 1869 as a secret society in order to avoid detection by employers. Because the Knights were loosely organized, however, he could not control local units that decided to strike. The Knights of Labor grew rapidly in the early 1880s and attained a peak membership of 730,000 workers in 1886. It declined just as rapidly, however, after the violence of the Haymarket riot in Chicago in 1886 turned public opinion against the union

Jelly Roll Morton

African American pianist, composer, arranger, and band leader from New Orleans; Bridged that gap between the piano styles of ragtime and jazz; Was the first important jazz composer

Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)

After failing to curb trusts on the state level, reformers finally moved Congress to pass the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890, which prohibited any "contract, combination, in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce." Although a federal law against monopolies was now on the books, it was too vaguely worded to stop the development of trusts in the 1890s

Transatlantic Cable

After the war, Cyrus W. Field's invention of an improved transatlantic cable in 1866 suddenly made it possible to send messages across the seas in an instant's time. By 1900, cables linked all continents of the world in an electronic network of instantaneous, global communication.

Social Darwinism

Although it offended many, Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection in biology played a role in bolstering the views of economic conservatives

Survival of the Fittest

An American social Darwinist, Professor William Graham Sumner of Yale University, argued that help for the poor was misguided because it interfered with the laws of nature and would only weaken the evolution of the species by preserving the unfit

Alexander Graham Bell

Another huge leap in communications technology was the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876

George Westinghouse

Another remarkable inventor, George Westinghouse, held more than 400 patents and was responsible for developing an air brake for railroads (1869) and a transformer for producing high-voltage alternating current (1885). The latter invention made possible the lighting of cities and the operation of electric streetcars, subways, and electrically powered machinery and appliances

Horatio Alger

At first, Americans tended to ignore the widening gap between the rich and the poor by finding comfort in the highly publicized examples of "self-made men" in business. They also thought there might be some truth in the popular novels by Horatio Alger, Jr., which sold more than a million copies. Every Alger novel portrayed a young man of modest means who became rich and successful through honesty, hard work, and a little luck

Stephen Crane

Author of Maggie: A Girl of the Streets (1893) and Red Badge of Courage

Theodore Dreiser

Author of Sister Carrie (1900), a novel about a poor working girl in Chicago

Mark Twain

Author of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) revealed the greed, violence, and racism in American society

Jack London

Author of The Call of the Wild (1903) which portrayed the conflict between nature and civilization

Protestant work ethic

Because he diligently applied the Protestant work ethic (that hard work and material success are signs of God's favor) to both his business and personal life, John D. Rockefeller concluded that "God gave me my riches."

W.E.B. DuBois

Black intellectual who challenged Booker T. Washington's ideas on combating Jim Crow; he called for the black community to demand immediate equality and was a founding member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Wanted access to higher education for the "talented tenth" of African American youth.

New York Central RR

Built in 1867, a line that ran from New York City to Chicago and operated more than 4500 miles of track.

Vertical Integration

Carnegie employed a business strategy known as vertical integration, by which a company would control every stage of the industrial process, from mining the raw materials to transporting the finished product. By 1900, Carnegie Steel had climbed to the top of the steel industry. It employed 20,000 workers and produced more steel than all the steel mills in Britain

Haymarket Bombing (1886)

Chicago, with about 80,000 Knights, was the site of the first May Day labor movement. Also living in Chicago were about 200 anarchists who advocated the violent overthrow of all government. On May 4, workers held a public meeting in Haymarket Square, and as police attempted to break up the meeting, someone threw a bomb, which killed 7 police officers. The bomb thrower was never found. Even so, 8 anarchist leaders were tried for the crime and seven were sentenced to death. Horrified by the bomb incident, many Americans concluded that the union movement was radical and violent. The Knights of Labor, as the most visible union at the time, lost popularity and membership

Frank Lloyd Wright

Considered America's greatest architect. Pioneered the concept that a building should blend into and harmonize with its surroundings rather than following classical designs.

US Steel

Deciding to retire from business to devote himself to philanthropy, Carnegie sold his company in 1900 for over $400 million to a new steel combination headed by J. P. Morgan. The new corporation, United States Steel, was the first billion-dollar company and also the largest enterprise in the world, employing 168,000 people and controlling over three-fifths of the nation's steel business

Frederick Law Olmsted

Designer of New York City's Central Park, who wanted cities that exposed people to the beauties of nature. One of his projects, the Chicago Columbian Exposition of 1893, gave a rise to the influential "City Beautiful" movement. Designed suburban communities with graceful curved roads and open spaces.

Railroad Strike of 1877

During an economic depression, when the railroad companies cut wages in order to reduce costs. A strike on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad quickly spread across 11 states and shut down two-thirds of the country's rail trackage. Railroad workers were joined by an estimated 500,000 workers from other industries in an escalating strike that was quickly becoming national in scale. For the first time since the 1830s, a president (Rutherford B. Hayes) used federal troops to end labor violence. The strike and the violence finally ended, but not before more than a hundred people had been killed

Transcontinental Railroads

During the Civil War, Congress authorized land grants and loans for the building of the first transcontinental railroad to tie California to the rest of the Union. Before 1900, four other transcontinental railroads were constructed across different sections of the West

Panic of 1893

Economic crisis that began when the RR industry faltered during the early 1890s, sparking the collapse of many related industries; confidence in the US dollar plunged and the depression lasted about four years. Unemployment reached 20%.

Winslow Homer

Foremost American painter of seascapes an dwatercolors

Greenback Party

Formed in 1876 in reaction to economic depression, this party favored insurance of unsecured paper money to help farmers repay debts, the movement for free coinage of silver took the place of the greenback movement by the 1880's

Populist (People's) Party

Founded in 1892, advocated variety of reform issues, including free coinage of silver, income tax, postal savings, regulation of railroads, direct election of U.S. senators, referendums, initiatives, loans and warehouses for farmers and an 8 hr workday for workers

Johns Hopkins University

Founded in Baltimore in 1876 as the first US institution to specialize in advanced graduate studies. Emphasized research and free inquiry.

Thomas A. Edison; Research Laboratory

He started out as young telegraph operator and patented his first invention (a machine for recording votes) in 1869. The success of his early inventions gave Edison the resources to establish a laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey, for the purpose of inventing new technologies. This was the world's first modern research laboratory. It introduced the concept of mechanics and engineers working on a project as a team rather than as lone inventors. Out of Edison's lab came more than a thousand patented inventions, including the phonograph, the incandescent lamp, the dynamo for generating electric power, and the motion picture camera

Homestead Strike (1892)

Henry Clay Frick, the manager of Andrew Carnegie's Homestead Steel plant near Pittsburgh, precipitated a strike in 1892 by cutting wages by nearly 20 percent. Frick used the weapons of the lockout, private guards, and strikebreakers to defeat the steelworkers' walkout after five months. The failure of the Homestead strike set back the union movement in the steel industry until the New Deal in the 1930s.

Joseph Pulitzer

His New York World newspaper was the first newspaper to exceed a million in circulation. Filled newspaper with stories of crimes and disasters and feature stories about political and economic corruption.

settlement house

Houses for immigrants where instruction was given in English and how to get a job, among other things. The first of these was the Hull House, which was opened by Jane Addams in Chicago in 1889. These centers were usually run by educated middle class women. The houses became centers for reform in the women's and labor movements.

Sherman Silver Purchase Act

In 1890, an act was passed so that the treasury would by 4.5 million ounces of silver monthly and pay those who mined it in notes that were redeemable in either gold or silver. This law doubled the amount of silver that could be purchased under the Bland-Allison Law of 1878.

Russel Conwell

In a popular lecture, "Acres of Diamonds," the Reverend Russell Conwell preached that everyone had a duty to become rich. Andrew Carnegie's article "Wealth" argued that the wealthy had a God-given responsibility to carry out projects of civic philanthropy for the benefit of society. Practicing what he preached, Carnegie distributed over $350 million of his fortune to support the building of libraries, universities, and various public institutions


In a ruthless scramble to survive, railroads competed by offering rebates (discounts) and kickbacks to favored shippers while charging exorbitant freight rates to smaller customers such as farmers

Middle Class

In addition, industrialization helped expand the middle class by creating jobs for accountants, clerical workers, and salespersons. In turn, these middle-class employees increased the demand for services from other middle-class workers: professionals (doctors and lawyers), public employees, and storekeepers. The increase in the number of good-paying occupations after the Civil War significantly increased the income of the middle class

Upward Motility

In reality, opportunities for upward mobility (movement into a higher economic bracket) did exist, but the ragsto-riches career of an Andrew Carnegie was unusual. Statistical studies demonstrate that the typical wealthy businessperson of the day was a white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant male who came from an upper- or middle-class background and whose father was in business or banking

Trunk Line

In the early decades of railroading (1830-1860), the building of dozens of separate local lines had resulted in different gauges (distance between tracks) and incompatible equipment. These inefficiencies were reduced after the Civil War through the consolidation of competing railroads into integrated trunk lines. (A trunk line was the major route between large cities; smaller branch lines connected the trunk line with outlying towns.)


Landlords divided up inner-city housing into small, rooms with ventilation shafts in the center to provide windows for each room and could cram over 4,000 people into one city block. These urban apartment buildings that served as housing for poor factory workers. Often poorly constructed.

Clarance Darrow

Lawyer who argued that criminal behavior could be caused by a person's environment of poverty, neglect, and abuse.

Andrew Carnegie

Leadership of the fast-growing steel industry passed to a shrewd business genius, Andrew Carnegie, who in the 1850s had worked his way up from being a poor Scottish immigrant to becoming the superintendent of a Pennsylvania railroad. In the 1870s, he started manufacturing steel in Pittsburgh and soon outdistanced his competitors by a combination of salesmanship and the use of the latest technology

David Ricardo; Iron Law of Wages

Low wages were justified by David Ricardo (1772-1823), whose famous "iron law of wages" argued that raising wages arbitrarily would only increase the working population, and the availability of more workers would in turn cause wages to fall, thus creating a cycle of misery and starvation. Real wages (income adjusted for inflation) rose steadily in the late 19th century, but even so most wage earners could not support a family decently on one income. Therefore, working-class families depended on the additional income of women and children

American Protective Association

Major anti-immigrant organization founded by Henry Bowers who despised Catholics and foreigners; organization wanted to stop immigration

John L. Sullivan

Most famous athlete of the 19th century, who was a heavyweight boxer.

Jay Gould; Watered Stock

New technologies and industries tend to be overbuilt. Certainly this was the case with the railroads built in the 1870s and 1880s, many of which were unprofitable. In addition to overbuilding, the railroads frequently suffered from mismanagement and outright fraud. Speculators like Jay Gould went into the railroad business for quick profits and made their millions by selling off assets and watering stock (inflating the value of a corporation's assets and profits before selling its stock to the public)

"Old" Immigrants vs. "New" Immigrants

Old: Northern European (English, Germans, Irish Catholics), assimilated easier, high skill level, often spoke English New: South/Eastern, wouldn't assimilate, close- knit community, uneducated, poor, unskilled laborers

Interlocking Directorates

On the negative side, however, the system was controlled by a few powerful men like Morgan, who dominated the boards of competing railroad corporations through interlocking directorates (the same directors ran competing companies). In effect, they created regional railroad monopolies

Pendleton Act

Passed in 1883, an Act that created the Civil Service Commission so that hiring and promotion would be based on merit rather than patronage.

Dingley Tariff

Passed in 1897, the highest protective tariff in U.S. history with an average duty of 57%. It replaced the Wilson - Gorman Tariff, and was replaced by the Payne - Aldrich Tariff in 1909. It was pushed through by big Northern industries and businesses during McKinley's presidency.

Omaha Platform

Political agenda adopted by the populist party in 1892 at their Omaha, Nebraska convention. Called for unlimited coinage of silver (bimetallism), government regulation of railroads and industry, graduated income tax, and a number of election reforms.

free silver

Political issue involving the unlimited coinage of silver, supported by farmers and William Jennings Bryan

Jane Addams

Prominent social reformer who was responsible for creating the Hull House. She helped other women join the fight for reform, as well as influencing the creation of other settlement houses.

Federal Land Grants

Recognizing that western railroads would lead the way to settlement, the federal government provided railroad companies with huge subsidies in the form of loans and land grants. The government expected that the railroad would make every effort to sell the land to new settlers to finance construction. Furthermore, it was hoped that the completed railroad would both increase the value of government lands and provide preferred rates for carrying the mails and transporting troops. However, the land grants and cash loans (1) promoted hasty and poor construction and (2) led to widespread corruption in all levels of government

billion-dollar Congress

Republican congress of 1890. Gave pensions to Civil War veterans, increased government silver purchases, and passed McKinley Tariff Act of 1890. First billion dollar budget.


Republicans who did not play the patronage game were ridiculed for "sitting on the fence." They had their "mugs" on one side of the fence and their "wumps" on the other.


Residential areas that sprang up close to or surrounding cities as a result of improvements in transportation. The middle and upper class moved to these areas, leaving the poor in the cities.

Standard Oil Trust

Rockefeller took charge of the chaotic oil refinery business by applying the latest technologies and efficient practices. At the same time, as his company grew, he was able to extort rebates from railroad companies and temporarily cut prices for Standard Oil kerosene to force rival companies to sell out. By controlling the supply and prices of oil products, Standard Oil'sprofits soared and so did Rockefeller's fortune. By eliminating waste in the production of kerosene, the Standard Oil monopoly was also able to keep prices low for consumers. Emulating Rockefeller's success, dominant companies in other industries also organized trusts

Samuel Gompers

Samuel Gompers, who led the union from 1886 to 1924, went after the basics of higher wages and improved working conditions. He directed his local unions of skilled workers to walk out until the employer agreed to negotiate a new contract through collective bargaining. By 1901, the AF of L was by far the nation's largest union, with 1 million members. Even this union, however, would not achieve major successes until the early decades of the 20th century

"Cross of Gold" speech

Speech given by Bryan at the Democratic convention; responsible for gaining Bryan popularity. To supporters of gold: "You shall not crucify mankind upon this cross of gold."

Herbert Spencer

The English social philosopher Herbert Spencer was the most influential of the social Darwinists who thought that Darwin's ideas of natural selection and survival of the fittest should be applied to the marketplace. Spencer concluded that the concentration of wealth in the hands of the "fit" was a benefit to the future of the human race

Statue Of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is a colossal neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, designed by Frédéric Bartholdi and dedicated on October 28, 1886. Hope for immigrants to find a better life in US.

Adam Smith

The economist Adam Smith had argued in The Wealth of Nations that business should be regulated, not by government, but by the "invisible hand" of the law of supply and demand. This was the origin of the concept of laissez-faire. If government kept its hands off, so the theory went, businesses would be motivated by their own self-interest to offer improved goods and services at low prices. In the 19th century, American industrialists appealed to laissez-faire theory to justify their methods of doing business—even while they readily accepted the protection of high tariffs and federal subsidies

National Labour Union

The first attempt to organize all workers in all states—both skilled and unskilled, both agricultural workers and industrial workers—was the National Labor Union. Founded in 1866, it had some 640,000 members by 1868. Besides championing the goals of higher wages and the eight-hour day, the first national union also had a broad social program: equal rights for women and blacks, monetary reform, and worker cooperatives. Its chief victory was winning the eight-hour day for workers employed by the federal government. It lost support, however, after a depression began in 1873 and after the unsuccessful strikes of 1877.

Samuel F.B. Morse

The first radical change in the speed of communications was the invention of a workable telegraph by Samuel F. B. Morse, first successfully demonstrated in 1844. By the time of the Civil War, electronic communication by telegraph and rapid transportation by railroad were already becoming standard parts of modern living, especially in the northern states.

White-Collar Workers

The growth of large corporations introduced the need for thousands of white-collar workers (salaried workers whose jobs generally do not involve manual labor) to fill the highly organized administrative structures. Middle management was needed to coordinate the operations between the chief executives and the factories

Laissez-faire capitalism

The idea of government regulation of business was alien to the prevailing economic, scientific, and religious beliefs of the late 19th century. The economic expression of these beliefs was summed up in the phrase "laissez-faire."

Consumer Goods

The increased output of U.S. factories as well as the invention of new consumer products created a need for businesses to find ways of selling their merchandise to a large public. R. H. Macy in New York and Marshall Field in Chicago made the large department store the place to shop in urban centers, while Frank Woolworth's Five and Ten Cent Store brought nationwide chain stores to the towns and urban neighborhoods. Advertising and new marketing techniques not only promoted a consumer economy but also created a consumer culture in which "going shopping" became a favorite pastime.

P.T. Barnum/James A. Bailey

The inventors of the circus, who made it the "Greatest Show on Earth" in the 1880s.

Ashcan School

The late 1800s school of artists who supported progressive political and social reform. They turned to city streets, the slums, and the working class for subject matter.

Second Industrial Revolution

The late 19th century witnessed a major shift in the nature of industrial production. Early factories had concentrated on producing textiles, clothing, and leather products. After the Civil War, in what some scholars have termed a "second Industrial Revolution," the growth was in heavy industry and the production of steel, petroleum, electric power, and the industrial machinery to produce other goods

melting pot/cultural diversity

The mixing of cultures, ideas, and peoples that has changed the American nation. The United States, with its history of immigration, has often been called a melting pot.

Concentration of Wealth

The richest 10 percent of the U.S. population controlled nine-tenths of the nation's wealth. Industrialization created a new class of millionaires, most of whom flaunted their wealth by living in ostentatious mansions, sailing enormous yachts, and throwing lavish parties. The Vanderbilts graced the waterfront of Newport, Rhode Island, with summer homes that rivaled the villas of European royalty. Guests at one of their dinner parties were invited to hunt for their party favors by using small silver shovels to seek out the precious gems hidden in sand on long silver trays

Union and Central Pacific

The task was divided between two newly incorporated railroad companies. The Union Pacific was to build westward across the Great Plains, starting from Omaha, Nebraska, while the Central Pacific took on the formidable challenge of laying track across mountain passes in the Sierras by pushing eastward from Sacramento, California. General Grenville Dodge directed construction of the Union Pacific using thousands of war veterans and Irish immigrants. Charles Crocker recruited 6,000 Chinese immigrants, who at enormous risk, blasted tunnels through the Sierras for the Central Pacific

Bessemer Process

The technological breakthrough that launched the rise of heavy industry was the discovery of a new process for making large quantities of steel (a more durable metal than iron). In the 1850s, both Henry Bessemer in England and William Kelly in the United States discovered that blasting air through molten iron produced high-quality steel. The Great Lakes region, with its abundant coal reserves and access to the iron ore of Minnesota's Mesabi Range, soon emerged as the leading steel producer

Crime of 1873

The term used to refer to the passage of the Coinage Act of 1873. It fully embraced the Gold Standard. Western mining interests and others who wanted silver in circulation called the Act the "Crime of '73"

horizontal integration

The trust that Rockefeller put together consisted of the various companies that he had acquired, all managed by a board of trustees that Rockefeller and Standard Oil controlled. Such a combination represented a horizontal integration of an industry, in which former competitors were brought under a single corporate umbrella.

Antitrust Movement

The trusts came under widespread scrutiny and attack in the 1880s. Middleclass citizens feared the trusts' unchecked power, and urban elites (old wealth) resented the increasing influence of the new rich

Buffalo Bill/Annie Oakley

The two people who introduced the theme of "Wild West" to entertainment in the 1880s.


They also attempted to increase profits by forming pools, in which competing companies agreed secretly and informally to fix rates and share traffic

Sears; Roebuck; Montgomery Ward

Two large mail-order companies, Sears, Roebuck and Montgomery Ward, used the improved rail system to ship to rural customers everything from hats to houses ordered from their thick catalogs, which were known to millions of Americans as the "wish book."

John Phillip Sousa

USA, 19-20th Century, "March King", Marine Corps bandmaster, Works: Semper Fidelis, Stars and Stripes Forever, Washington Post March, El Capitan

Terence vs. Powderly

Under the leadership of Terence V. Powderly, the union went public in 1881, opening its membership to all workers, including African Americans and women. Powderly advocated a variety of reforms: (1) worker cooperatives "to make each man his own employer," (2) abolition of child labor, and (3) abolition of trusts and monopolies. He favored settling labor disputes by means of arbitration rather than resorting to strikes

American Federation of Labour

Unlike the idealistic, reform-minded Knights of Labor, the American Federation of Labor (AF of L) concentrated on attaining practical economic goals. Founded in 1886 as an association of 25 craft unions, the AF of L did not advocate a reform program to remake American society

Scab; Lockout; Blacklist; Yellow-Dog Contract; Injunction

With a surplus of cheap labor, management held most of the power in its struggles with organized labor. Strikers could easily be replaced by bringing in strikebreakers, or scabs—unemployed persons desperate for jobs. Employers also used all of the following tactics for defeating unions: (1) the lockout: closing the factory to break a labor movement before it could get organized (2) blacklists: names of prounion workers circulated among employers (3) yellow-dog contracts: workers being told, as a condition for employment, that they must sign an agreement not to join a union (4) calling in private guards and state militia to put down strikes (5) obtaining court injunctions against strikes

William Vanderbilt

customers and small investors often felt that they were the victims of slick financial schemes and ruthless practices. Railroad moguls seemed to affirm this ruthlessness. William Vanderbilt, who had inherited his father Cornelius Vanderbilt's transportation empire, reportedly responded to critics, "The public be damned."

John D. Rockefeller

founded a company that would come to control most of the nation's oil refineries by eliminating its competition.

United States vs. E.C. Knight (1895)

the Supreme Court in United States v. E. C. Knight Co. ruled that the Sherman Antitrust Act could be applied only to commerce, not to manufacturing. As a result, the U.S. Department of Justice secured few convictions until the law was strengthened during the Progressive era

Cornelius Vanderbilt

"Commodore" Cornelius Vanderbilt used his millions earned from a steamboat business to merge local railroads into the New York Central Railroad (1867)

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