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who did the panic of 1873 hurt the most, what did they do?

debtors bc there was deflation and they wanted inflation. the creditors were happy with this. the debtors wanted greenbacks bc more money meant cheaper money and easier to pay debts.

whabash, st. louis and pacific railroad company v. illinois

decreed that individual states had no power to regulate interstate commerce, and the federal government was in charge

New lights

defended the Awakening for its role in revitalizing American religion


defined a just society as one in which all citizens willingly subordinated their private, selfish interests to the common good. No hierarchy.

why was the panic of 1873 sometimes called the crime of '73?

deflations caused depression and farmers hate that. bc silver was recalled and there was a gold standard

industrial revolution for women

delayed marriages, smaller family, lower wages for women's jobs

London Economic Conference

delegates hoped to organize a coordinated international attack on global depression. stabilize currencies and rates at which they could be exchanged. exchange rate stabilization was essential to the revival of world trade.

Conflicts with French after revolution

demanded the payment of their money loaded during war and restricted trade with their West Indies and other ports


democracies thought that Hitler would stop after his las conquer but he kept on going. The dictators were appeased before WW2

depression of 1893

democrat cleveland was elected again, caused by splurge of overbuilding and speculation, labor disorders, agricultural depression. gold was not working out bc of problems with silver, and government was in deficit and he was not able to lower the tariff

President Polk

democrat who wanted lower tariffs and expansion

Hundred Days

democratic congress under Roosevelt cranked out an unprecedented basketful of remedial legislation. New deal programs


democratic president that did not understand the noter, but was distrusted by the south. He was in a republican white house but did not belong

Crittenden Amendments

designed to appease the south. slavery in the territories was to be prohibited north of 3630 but south of that line and other future places (cuba) can be slave. Future states would come into the union with or without as they should chose. This was too late, the south already left, and lincoln rejected it.

Hawley Smoot Tariff

designed to assist the farmers, highest protective tariff in the nations peacetime history. International and American depression even deeper now, economic isolation for US

Blue Laws

designed to restrict personal behavior in accord with a strict code of morality. Blue laws were passed across the colonies, particularly in Puritan New England and Quaker Pennsylvania.

Dust Bowl

drought that struck the trans Mississippi Great Plains. No rain and heavy winds that destroyed farms. Sent many to Southern Cali. Roosevelt helped these farmers get back on their feet.

Roosevelt's New Nationalism speech

during Taft's presidency. When there was a split in republican party. He urged government to increase its power to remedy economic and social abuses

resumption act of 1875

during the panic, the republican debtors who were rich were more persuasive to Grant and he passed this to withdraw the greenbacks from circulation and redeem paper currency in gold

American Colonization Society

early abolitionist effort that focused on transporting blacks bodily back to Africa, they didn't like them, 1817

Hoarce Mann

early free schools stayed open for only a few month, schoolteachers and academics were bad. He campaigned effectively for more and better schools, longer school terms, higher pay for teachers, and expanded cirriculum

motives of european expasnsion

economic, opportunistic, religious

what was the result of the 1880 farm economy problem?

farm tenancy rather then full ownership

mechanization of agriculture

farmers were goring single cash crops, and they were able to buy the rest of their things, there ware large scare farmers who were really business people, they used expensive machinery which drove all the marginal farmers off the land

Samuel Slater

father of the factory system. He memorized the plans for machinery and went to America in disguise from Britain to make the first efficient American machinery for spinning cotton thread. 1791.

John Rolfe

father of tobacco industry and economic savior of the Virginia colony


found in England and brought to America, this commune society prohibited marriage and sexual relations and went extinct. They danced.

Hepburn Act

free passes with their hint of bribery were restricted (trade)


freed black's white allies that southern whites hated. usually southerners who moved their from the union for modernization or profit

What did the first amendment grant?

freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, freedom of association, right to petition the government for grievances

hamiltons financial program

funding program, established credit of federal government and increased credibility, national bandk, stable currency, protective tariff

clays american system

furthered governments role in fostering econ enterprise with protective tariff, rechartered bank, funded internal improvements to connect country with transportation

Force bill

gave president the right to use army and navy to collect federal tariff duties if necessary

South's reaction to Lincoln's election

gave them an excuse to secede, starting with South Carolina (ended up being 11 states)

Political parties at the time

"Jeffersonian Democratic Republicans" and "Hamiltonian Federalists"

Rush- Bagot Agreement

Between the British and Americans, limited naval armament on the Great Lakes (something the British wanted control of as a buffer between US and Canada)

What did white slave owners fear?

Black rebellion

Civil Rights Bill

Blacks have the privileges of American citizenship. Struck at the black codes. President Johnson vetoed this but congressmen rolled it over


extreme peace democrats who obstructed the war through attacks against the drag and Lincoln

Why was temperance stressed?

Heavy drinking decreased the efficiency of labor and made it more dangerous. Fouled the sanctity of a family. Aimed at immigrants and religious drinkers.

The Impending Crisis of the South

Helper wrote this, he hated slavery and blacks so he made an array of statistics that proved that poor whites were hurt by slavery, and the south was scared that their non slave holder, the majority of the population, would abandon you

Sherman's March

His purpose was to destroy supplies destined for the confederate army and weaken the morale of the men at the front by waging war on their homes, total war, brutal. Got to N0rth Carolina by the time war ended

separate Puritan congregations were located in...

Holland, Plymouth, New England

Where did the Separatists escape to?

Holland. But they didnt like it because of the Dutchification of their kids.


Hooker of the union vs Stonewall Jackson. Confederacy won

Norris La Guardia Anti Injunction Act

Hoover outlawed anti union contracts and forbade federal courts from using injunctions to restrain strikes, boycotts. Benefits for labor.

Agricultural Marketing Act

Hoover. Help the farmers help themselves largely though produce cooperatives. Set up federal farm board and fund of half a billion. Point was to bolster sagging prices by buying surpluses

Why did the US recognize the USSR?

Hope for trade with Soviet Russia and a counterweight to the possible threat of German power in Europe and Japanese power in Asia

Great Compromise

House of Representatives got representation by population for states and Senate has equal representation for states

Molly Maguires

Irish miners union

Ancient Order of Hibernians

Irish society in America that aided the downtrodden

British conflicts with colonists after 7 Years War

Lack of unity, colonists didn't care to fight for British, British refused to give American soldiers high ranking

How was Harding with the economy?

Laisez faire. Big businesses flourished. No antitrust regulations. Not friendly with unions and labor. This was so different than the government control during WW1.

What was the problem with southerners returning to the government?

Now slaves counted as a full vote and south would have way too much power which would be awful for the republicans.

Shay's Rebellion

an uprising in which impoverished backcountry farmers were losing their farms through mortgage foreclosures and tax delinquencies. They asked to issue paper money, lighten taxes, suspend property takeovers. Massachusetts authorities raised a small army and stopped the movement.

Court Packing Plan

Roosevelts plan to expand the supreme court. everyone was disgusted by this bc he was attempting to break down the delicate check and balances. dictator.

Whig party

anti Jackson and the amount of power he had. Supported clays American system, northern industrialists and merchants, protestants...

american protective association

anti foreign organization who urged voting against roman catholic candidates for office

New England emigrant Aid Company

anti slavery organization sent about two thousand people to fix the south and make profit


antifeorgeinsim, worried that the original americans would be outbred and outvoted by the inferior southern europeans and blamed immigrants

Mason Dixon Line

antislavery societies in the 1820s were more numerous south of this line than north of it

Federal style

architecture that for rowed form classical Greek and Roman. Models for Americas republican experiment

Old Northwest

area of land was cut up and divided by government's Land Ordinance. It was northwest to the Ohio over, east of the Mississippi river, and south of the great lakes.

What did Saratoga cause British to do and what did that cause the French to do?

The British offered the Americans home rule, and the French offered America a treaty of Alliance in 1778.


argued that traits acquired during the course of an individuals life could shape the future genetic development of a species

Dorthea Dix

assembled reports on insanity and asylums from observations and helped with the nations view and treatment of the mentally ill

Union League

assisted by northern blacks, freedmen made this a network of political clubs that educated members in their civic duties and campaigned for republican candidates and made black churches and schools

horatio alger

author who wrote novels about moral lessons that there is always room at the top

Aldrich Vreeland Act

authorize national banks to issue emergency currency backed by various kinds of collateral

How did Washington help with the colonist Army?

They Americans were cocky but he disciplined them with drills and training. he wanted to be a civilized army

What was so appealing about the republicans?

They appealed to everyone. Free soirees (non extension of slavery), northern manufacturers (protective tariff), immigrants (no abridgment of rights), northwest (pacific railroad), west (internal improvements at federal expense), farmers (homestead act). Lincoln was not an outright abolitionist either, so he won.

What happened in Philippines after the Spanish American War?

They assumed that they would get liberated like Cuba. No. There were a lot of rebellions and guerrilla warfare. They got their freedom later on.

How did the colonies advance economically?

They became more independent due to the nonimportation acts and all so more manufacturing, they were not allowed to trade foreign as well.

Why did Americans care so much about morality?

They believed that they had a destiny, owed much to protestant, saw this as a utopia.

Why did colonies issue paper money?

They bought more than they sold so the difference had to be made up in hard cash

What ultimately happened in Kansas after all the trouble between the North and South?

They ended up making two separate governments: proslavery established a puppet government and brought in people to vote and free soirees made their own regime (first is fraud and the other illegal)

Land Act of 1820

authorized a buyer to purchase 80 virgin acres in the west at a minimum of 1.25/ acre cash. This made western land very chap which helped the inflow of settlers.

What did the legislative body of every colony look like?

Two house legislative body. Upper house with the government and lower house elected by the people.

National banking system

authorized by congress launched partly as a stimulant to the sale of government bonds, and to establish a standard bank note currency. unified the banking network

Forest Reserve Act

authorizing the president to set aside public forests as national parks

General Scott

famous for getting New Mexico and winning the war on Texas

Divorce Bill

Van Burren's solution of the Panic of 1837 was to divorce the government from banking altogether and establishing an independent treasury so the government could lock its extra money in vaults in several of the larger cities.


Vast tracts of land along the Hudson River in New Netherlands granted to wealthy promoters in exchange for bringing fifty settlers to the property.

V E day

Victory in Europe day. german government surrendered unconditionally

Problem with building the Panama Canal?

Violated the Clayton Bulwer treaty with Britain, which said that the US could not secure control over an isthmian route.

House of Burgesses

Virginia Co. allowed settlers to make an assembly, giving rise to the birth of representative self government. First mini govt.

New Freedom

WILSONS antitrust (fragmentation), small business, unregulated and unmonopolized markets, no social welfare, tariff reductions, banking reform

Praying towns

bad English attempt to convert Indians

American weaknesses under English

badly organized for war, lack of unity, economic difficulties with worthless paper money and inflation

jp morgan

banker, made interlocking directorates

Tampico Incident

basically, Mexico's leader was overthrown by Huerta, and Pancho Villa was trying to overthrow him. US got involved, Argentina, Brazil, and Chile said to stop and Huera collapsed, Pancho Villa took over.

why did workers hate foreigners?

bc there was competition for jobs and they depressed wages and were hard to unionize bc of the language barrier

specie circular

because currency became unreliable when Jackson got rid of BUS, he made this decree that required all public lands to be purchased with metallic money

sensationalism and yellow journalism and their importance

before, people were scared of being controversial in press and books and offending others, but these allowed for scandal and other human interest stuff

what did cleveland do about land and railroads

before, until they determined the precise location of their tracks, the railroads withhld all the land. he threw open to settlement the still unclaimed public portions of the land grant areas

Wilmont Proviso

before. slavery should be banned from all territory acquired by Mexican War but southern strength in senate defeated it.

Wampanoag Indians

befriended the Pilgrims of Plymouth because they were weak. Their chief Massasoit signed a treaty with them. Epidemics killed many of them.

Foraker Act

after the US got Puerto Rico from the Spanish, they granted them a limited degree of popular government, and gave them US citizenship. No self rule though.

liberal protestants

against orthodox Calvinism, adapted religious ideas to modern culture, new scientific and economic doctrines, rejected biblical liberalism

Big Sister Policy

aimed at relying the Latin American nations behind America's leadership, and opening Latin American markets to Yankee traders

Navigation Law of 1660

aimed at rival Dutch shippers. All commerce flowing to and from the colonies could be transported only in British vessels. Everything had to touch base in british where tariff duties are collected. Enumerated products are exclusive to Britain. Most important peeve of imperial legislation passed before the American Revolution.

Reform crusades

aimed to anew the old Puritain vision of a perfected society: free from cruelty, war, intoxicating drink, discrimination, and slavery. Women played a huge role.

Intolerable Acts

aimed to punish Boston and Massachusetts to pay off the Boston tea party. Many restrictions on town meetings, officials who killed colonists could be sent to Britain for trial, quartering act...

Molasses Act

aimed to stop the successful north American trade with French West Indies

Stamp tax

all documents and papers in general needed this stamp which costs money for tax

Massachusetts Bay Company Government

all freemen who belonged to Puritan congregations were allowed to vote, John Winthrop did not allow for democracy

Armed Neutrality

all the remaining European neutrals had an attitude of passive hostility toward Britain

tenth amendment

all the rest of rights not delegated are left up to the states

how did Europe become capitalistic and what does that mean?

all the riches obtained from the New World brought this to Europe. Open markets and free trade

Joint stock company

allowed investors to pool money and share losses and profits. Raised money for colonization

horizontal integration

allying with competitors to monopolize a given market, rockefeller

New Haven

also in Connecticut, they wanted a closer church/ state relation (even more than Massachusetts) but ended up joining Connecticut

Spanish American War

although the US wanted to get Cuba from Spain, they started off by attacking Philippines and winning. They beat Spain and got Cuba in the end.


american rebels

united states steel corporation

americas first billion dollar corporation- Morgan

hull house

americas most prominent settlement house by Jane Addams

Gibbons v. Ogden

an attempt by the State of NY to grant a private concern a monopoly of waterborne commerce between NY and NJ. Another blow of states rights because he said that they didn't have control of commerce.

President Tyler

called a democrat in Whig clothing because he was a democrat but called a Whig.

the new Constitution

called for a legally restrained executive in presidency so that the government has more power, checks and balance, electoral congress, and all were safeguards against the mob

ohio idea

called for redemption in greenbacks. debt burdened agrarian democrats thus hoped to keep more money in circulation and keep interest rates lower

Navigation act 1683

called on a plantation duty, a customs tax would be collected on enumerated goods on plantations so that colonists can't escape paying for them

Ben Franklin

called the first civilized American. He was literary and scientific.

Factory Girls

came from farms and worked hard in factories. Bad working conditions.

New England people

came in families, better air so longer lives, lots of marriage, puritain, democratic church led to democratic goeenment


came with the nationalism following the War of 1812, emphasized imagination over reason, nature over civilization, self over society


captured the peculiarity of a particular region and different diversities and ways that that are in those regions

morgan and carnegie collison

carnegie threatened to invade the same business if morgan did not buy his holdings, so carnegie was rich af and gave away most of his money to philanthropy while morgan launched the United States Steel Corporation, Americans first billion dollar corporation

Pony Express

carry mail speedily by people. ran out of business though

Commonwealth v Hunt

case in 1842 that proved labor unions are not illegal conspiracies and that they were peaceful. They were not allowed before.

business inventions

cash register, typewriter, telephone

Civic virtue

central republican ideology that democracy depended on the unselfish commitment of each citizen to the public good

Pontiac's Uprising

chief of Ottawa tribe that led other tribes and some French traders who remained in the region of Canada to drive the British pout of the Ohio Country. The Indians liked French rule much better than British rule.

result of panic of 1873

class and ethnic conflicts

Conflicts with Spanish after revolution

closed off trade to them in Mississippi, claimed large area north of Gulf of Mexico like florida, schemed with indians

Roosevelt's Square Deal for Labor (his plan)

control of the corporations, consumer protection, conservation of natural resources

Spanish settlement patterns

controlled immigration to colonies, governors are spanish born, creoles (large landowners and merchants) have little power, indian labor forces replaced by african slaves, mercantilist policies

French settlement patterns in Canada

controlled immigration, peace with Indians, slowly growing population, mercantilist policies

Northern advantages

controlled the sea, blockade that choked off southern supplies, larger reserve of manpower bc larger population and immigrants. Not many disadvantages

French treatment of Indians

conversion of indians to Catholicism (says so in ms landaus outline). Though there was peace and a good trade relationship

fraud with homestead act

corporations would use their employees to grab the best properties with timber, minerals, and oil, and then have them swear they improved it by building and twelve by fourteen dwelling, which was really in inches

Southern advantages

could fight defensively, did not have to win the war to get independence at first, morale at first, most talented military officers, they were bred to fight and more physical

Adkins v children's hospital

court reversed its own reasoning in muller v Oregon which had delated women to be deserving of special protection in workplace bc they now had the vote. =


crazy pro southern who shot Lincoln in the head

John Calvin and beliefs

created Calvinism which became the belief of New England Puritans. Born to go to hell, and no good works could save you, conversion is gods gift of saving them and the elect were the saved

William Penn

created Pennsylvania for the Quakers bc they were being persecuted in England. Good relations with INdians, freedom of warship, no tax to church, peace and love, anti black slavery, economically well off grain.

Wagner Act

created a powerful new National Labor Relations Board for administrative purposes and reasserted the right of labor to engage in self organization and bargain collectively though representatives. milestone for American workers

mining industry

creation of ore breaking machinery was improved to smash the gold bearing quartz, which alwoed for big business mining and replaced miners

Federal Farm Loan Act

credit available to farmers at low rates of interest

Trent affair

crisis with Britain, union warship on cuba stopped a British ship, the Trent, and forcibly removed two Confederate diplomats bound for Europe. British were outraged, but US apologized and released the prisoners or else there would have been a war.

families in the city

crowded cities were emotionally isolating, diverse, family size, working at a young age, birth control, and delayed marriage

cult of domesticity

cultural creed that glorified the customary functions of the homemaker, the woman

what happened with the reservation the sioux were given after the battle of the little bighorn?

custer found gold here, and gold seekers swarmed into the sioux lands, therefore the indians saw it as a war

Nineteenth amendment

giving all American women the right to vote


giving those who support you a seat in office

Manifest Destiny

god destined the American people to spread their democratic ideas by taking over western hemisphere. 1840s and 1850s

How did the Spanish obtain wealth from the colonies?

gold and silver

Fugitive Slave Law of 1850

got opposition in the north because the runaways couldn't testify on their own behalf and the federal commissioners would get paid more if they were not freed so it was a bribe. shifted north to antislavery

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

government lending bank. Assisting insurance companies, banks, agricultural organizations, railroads, governments, no loans. Giant corporations benefitted buy that was not the point.

Desert Land Act

government sold arid land cheaply on the condition that the purchase irrigates the thirsty soil within three years


government took up all the states debts and leveled them so that the states would be chained more tightly to the government

National War Labor Board

governments anted to treat labor fairly so this headed off labor disputes that might have hampered the war efforts. pressed employers to grant high wages, eight hour work days. NO DRAMA was the point.

Workingmen's Compensation Act

granted assistance to federal civil service employees during periods of disability

Jones Act

granted to the Philippines the boon of territorial status and promised independence as soon as a stable government could be established.

how did mother nature effect farmers?

grasshoppers, floods, boll weevil, droughts, whole towns were abandoned

Dutch East India Co.

great colonial activity, Dutch East Indies, went into America

The American Scholar

written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, a transcendentalist. It was an intellectual declaration of independence, and urged American writers to throw off European traditions and delve into their own style. Stressed individualism.

Self Reliance

written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, focused on individualism that grew in the west by pioneers

Articles of Confederation

written in congress in 1776 fro a constitution for the new nation. rectified in 1781 by all states. No executive branch, each state makes own laws,weak congress. caused union between all states.

helen hunt jackson

wrote children's stories that inspired sympathy for the indians

Fordney McCumber Tariff Law

high tariff on farm produce and general rates were designed to equalize cost of American and foreign production. The tariff commission can reduce or increase duties by 50%


highway with toll which stimulated western development

Roosevelt's Most lasting achievement

his conservation crusade, which mediated between romantic wilderness preservationists and the rapacious resource predators

why was america so slow to fix the problem of the rich controlling the poor?

hope in the american dream, hostility to government interference with business, principle that competition is the soul of trade

what effect on the environment did western people and indians have?

hunting buffalo made them almost extinct

ecological imperialism

hunting in the west led to extinction of animals

who were the big four financial backers of railroads?

huntington, stanford...

type of people who voted democrat

immigrant Lutherans and Roman Catholics, spurned government efforts to impose and single moral standards on the entire society. south and northern industrial immigrant crowd

Scots Irish

immigrated to colonies after cruel treatment by the Catholics. Squatted in Pennsylvania

Townshend Acts

import duty on class, what lead, paper, and tea


impoverished former slaves and poor whites became these famers where they farmed for other farmers for some pay, but they just became slaves to the soil and their creditors

Noah Webster

improved textbooks and know as the schoolmaster of his republic.

Battle of Fallen Timbers

in 1790 when the US was fighting the Miami Confederacy, the Indians were refused help from British allied and were abandoned, so they offered the Treaty of Greenville

Edict of Nantes

issued by the French crown, granted limited tolerance to French protestants, allowed France to grow into a great European government

Muller v. Oregon

laws protecting women's workers by presenting evidence of the harmful effects of factory labor on women's weaker bodies. closed many male jobs to women though.

Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire

led to much stronger laws regulating the hours and conditions of sweatshop toil. Insurance.

jim crow laws

legal codes of segregation, discriminated against blacks, very cruel

Clayton Anti- Trust Act

lengthened the Sherman Acts list of business practices that were deems objectionable, including price discrimination and interlocking directorates. Benefits on labor bc it exempted them from anti trust prosecution, legalizing unions and strikes.

North Carolina

less aristocratic from South Carolina, hospitable to pirates

spot resolutions

like many others who did not believe Polk, Abraham Lincoln requested information as to the precise spot on American soil where American blood had been shed.

Beliefs of the Hamiltonian Federalists

liked Britain, strong government, support of merchants and shippers- the rich

Beliefs of the Jeffersonian Democratic Republicans

liked France, weak government, middle class and underprivileged southern planter support

Erie Canal

linked the Great Lakes to the Hudson River. The cost of shipping fell so much and it was so much faster and the price of goods were cut so low. American products were becoming cheaper than british- international comp.

why did manufacturing upsurge so suddenly?

liquide capital was now becoming abundant by millionaires and foreign capitalists and investors abroad

settlement houses

located in poor immigrant neighborhoods, offered instruction in English, counseling to help newcomers cope with American life, child care services for working mothers, and activities

Cyrus Field

made a joint Anglo American Canadian venture to stretch a cable under the deep Nothern Atlantic waters from Newfoundland to Ireland. Linked the American and European continents.

Samuel Morse

made a telegraph in 1844 that connected the union

Agricultural Adjustment Act

made available many millions of dollars to help farmers meet their mortgages

Compromise Tariff of 1833

made by Clay, gradually reduces the Tariff of 1832 (abominations) by 10% over 10 years

Sedition Act

made by Hamiltonians no freedom of speech and press if it goes against officials. Super unpopular and against constitution

Alien Laws

made by Hamiltonians that dangerous and undesirable immigrants could be kicked out of states and the residency was raised to 14 years. This is because immigrants usually supported Jeffersonains

10 percent reconstruction plan

made by Lincoln saying that a state could be reintegrated into the union when 10 percent of its voters in the presidential election had taken an oath of allegiance to the united states and pledged to abide by emancipation

Bill of Rights

made by Madison and adopted in 1791 as the first 10 amendments

trust and standard oil company

made by Rockefeller to control rivals. stockholders in various smaller oil companies assigned their stock to the board of directors of his standard oil company and then consolidated and concerted the operations of the previously competing enterprises. anyone left out of the trust agreement were screwed. later came to be known as large scale business combination (trust)

bessemer process

made by William Kenny, it was a method of making cheap steal in 1859s

Homestead Act

made public lands available at a nominal sum of 25 cents an acre. Buchanan vetoed it.

Eli Whitney

made the cotton gin and interchangeable parts


made the oil industry, bright light (but light bulb made it out of business) but later cars, boats, electricity need it


made the reaper in 1830s which led to expansion of what fields and more production

Howe and Singer

made the sewing machine in 1846 and it boosted northern industrialization


made the steamship in 1807 which could go against the current and fast, made shipping a low cost

John Deere

made the steel plow in 1837 which allowed formers to break the stubborn soil and allowed for more land in the west to be cultivated

Criminal Syndicalism Laws

made unlawful the mere advocacy of violence to secure social change. Borke the back of unions

Marbury v. Madison

magnified the authority of the court through "judicial review", the idea that the supreme court alone had the last word on the question of constitutionality. Jeffersonians who were big on states rights hated this.

Chesapeake people

majority of immigrants were single men and most died from disease. Not many women.


man who defended sexual purity

Gentleman's Agreement

many Asians moved to California. They were segregated to free space for whites in school. Roosevelt asked them to stop this, and Tokyo agreed to prevent laborers from coming to US.

what was a conflict between France, England, and Spain during times of colonization?

many of their claims, especially along the Mississippi overlapped

What stopped the governments in London and paris from considering intervening in behalf of the south?

many of their own people supported the north

Why did the Germans move west?

many were farmers displaced by crop failures, or liberal political refugees who were attracted to America's democracy that failed in Germany.

mckinley vs bryan

mckinley republican gold, bryan democrat silve. mckinley won bc he was supported by hanna who put a lot of money into the compaing

Meat Inspection Act

met shipped over state lines would be subject to federal inspection from corral to can. This was after a report was done on the awful sanitation of meat factories.

Great Awakening

mid 1700s started by Jonathan Edwards who bee lived that salvation was obtained through good works and we all depend on Gods grace. (Think "Sinners in The Hands of an Angry God") Passionate and loud.

Constitutional Union Party

middle of the road (of the splitting democrats) group that feared the splitting of the Union. They were all old men, whigs.

Payne- Aldrich Bill

mildly reduced the protective tariff. Progressives really wanted them to decrease even more so they were really mad.

Ex parte Milligan

military could not try civilians even during wartime, in areas where the civil courts were open?

what did the conquest of indians and coming of the railroad both give rise to?

mining frontier if 1859 (fifty niners)

Massachusetts Bay Company

moderate Puritans used their charter as a constitution. City upon a hill. Protestant work ethics.

What was religion like in the early 1700's?

more liberalized and lenient.

Oneida Community

more radical commune society that practiced free love, birth control , and eugenic selection of parents to produce superior offspring

South Carolina Slave Revolt (Stono River)

more than 50 slaves along Stono River tried to march to Spanish Florida but were stopped by local militia

what did lincoln do to help economic development of nation

morill tarrif, provision for transtinental railroad, contract labor law (encouraged immigration of workers), national banking act, homestead act, connected eat and west, reduced foreign competition, allowed for importation of cheap foreign labor, provided for sound national currency

National Recovery Administration

most complex and far reaching effort by the new dealers to combine immediate relief with long range recovery and reform. Assisted industry, labor, and the unemployed. Industries had to work out codes of fair competition. Hours of labor reduced so employment could be spread to more people. Ceiling on the max hours of labor. Wage had minimum levels.

Federal Reserve Act

most important peeve of economic legislation. Wilson. Federal Reserve Board appointed by president oversaw a nationwide system of 12 regional reserve districts, each with its own central bank. Issued paper mont, and amount of money in circulation would be increase for reasons of business needs.

New Spain

most of south to North America like Mexico and Florida

Civilian Conservation Corps

most popular of the New Deal, provided employment in fresh air government camps for 3 million

Split in republican party

most thought that the southern states should be restored to the union as simple and swiftly as reasonable, and the minority radicals said the south should atone more gainfully for its sins


mostly republicans, who were highly against Wilson's league of nations. they would not approve it.

New York draft riots

mostly underprivileged Irish Americans wjp hated the draft and through the rich treatment was unfair


moving assembly line, he was the guy who made the car

Nine Power Treaty

nailed wide open the open door act in china.

gilded age

named by Mark Twain, its the three three decade long post Civil War era

result of westward expansion

nationalism and belief in uniqueness of American wilderness

Red Scare

nationwide crusade against left wingers whose Americansim was suspect

Code talkers

native americans who transmitted radio messages in their native languages, which were incomprehensible to the Germans and Japanese

Teapot Dome scandal

naval oil reserves at Teapot Dome Wyoming and Elk Hills in CA. Fall induced the secretary of navy to transfer these properties into the Interior Department. harding indiscreetly signed the secret order. Fall then quietly leased the land to oil men an received a briber which was usually a loan. Found guilty of taking a briber and made Washington government less prestigious.

Wilmot Proviso

never became federal law, but stated that slavery can't exist in any of the territory gained by the US

Social Security Act

new deals biggest victory. fusion future depressions, provided for federal state unemployment insurance. secure for old age, retired workers get regular payments for government financed by tax. also, provision for the blind handicapped and other dependents. republicans opposed it

Good Neighbor Policy

new era in good relations with Latin America. Didn't care about economic reasons anymore bc investments were shit. he wanted latin america on his side bc dictators were getting in power. Nonintervention and consultation in mexico. hands off cuba, panama, isthmus.

War hawks

new young people in the government under Madison who wanted war with Britain and the Indians

Hitler Stalin Pact

nonagression treaty between the two. Awful for the western democracies. they were both plotting to turn on one another in the end

cotton mills

northern capitalists brought the mills to the south, which opened spots for cheap labor in the south


northerners who moved south for power and profit and modernization

Roger Williams

radical separatist who hounded the clergymen to make a clean break from Catholic church and criticized Mass Bay's charter, he also said the government should not regulate religious behavior. he created the first Baptist Church and found Rhode Island which had complete religious freedom and separation of church and state. all men can vote.

Ku Klux Klan

radical southern whites who hated the power blacks were obtaining and did acts of terrorism against them

panic of 1873

people laid more railroad track, sunk more mines, erected more factories, and sowed more grain fields than existing markets could bear. bankers in turn made too many imprudent loans to finance those expenses. forfeits failed to materialize, so loans went unpaid and the whole credit based system was ruined.


people of mixed Indian and European heritage due to intermarriage between Spanish and Aztecs in Mexico

limited liability

permitted the individual investor, in cases of legal claims or bankruptcy, to risk no more than his own share of the corporations stock. Led to more capital investments that stimulated manufacturing


persuaded Spain to finance his voyage to the Indies, but ended up in the New World. responsible for connecting Europe, Africa, and America by finding this

thomas edison

phonograph, moving picture, lightbulb

Radical Whigs

political group in England that feared the power of the monarch

result of pendleton act

politicians were forced to look elsewhere for money, and turned to big corporations and led them to "marriages of convenience" with big business leaders


preached that individual free will, not divine decree, determined a person's eternal fate, and that all humans, not just the elect could be saved if they freely accepted God's grade. Totally against Calvinism.

Emergency Banking Relief Act

president Roosevelt had the power to regulate banking transactions and foreign exchange and to reopen banks. made it safer to keep money in reopened banks.

Bureau of the Budget

president prepares careful estimates of receipts and expediters for the submission to congress as the annual budget

types of reconstruction

presidential and congressional

Pure Food and Drug Act

prevent the adulteration and mislabeling of foods and pharmaceuticals

Johnson Debt Default Act

prevented debt dodging nations from borrowing further in the US


privately owned armed ships, legalized pirates, authorized by American congress to pray on enemy shipping. Caused British inflation and bankrupt government.


progressives stressed for this, and it was to place laws on the ballot for final approval by the people


progressives wanted this to enable voters to remove faithless elected officials bribed by bosses of lobbyists

Maine Law of 1851

prohibited the manufacture and sale of intoxication liquor. other states in the north followed, but some repealed.

Social gospel

promoted a brand of progressivism based on Christian teachings. Used religious doctrine to demand better housing and living conditions for the urban poor.

Securities and Exchange Commission

protect public against fraud. administrative agency that watched stock markets and made them operate more as trading marts and less as gambling casinos

walter rauschenbusch and washington gladden

protestant pastors who preached the social gospel, and insisted that the churches tackle social issues. they applied lessons of christianity to slums and factories (immigrants)

New jersey Plan

provided for equal representation in Congress by states. Smaller states feared that large states could overpower them

Glass Steagall banking Reform Act

provided for the federal desposite insurance corporation, which insured individual desposites up to 5000

Panic of 1857

psychologically the worst of the 19th century, gold rush inflated currency, over speculation in land, overstimulation of grain growth. the north was hardest hit because the south had king cotton

type of people who voted republican

puritan, strict codes of personal morality, government should play a role in regulating both economic and moral affairs of society. midwest and rural small town northeast, as well as freedmen who stayed loyal to them, and old veterans


puritans believed in these. delivered in plain style, long, frequent, and including many topics

mary yellin (elizabeth)

queen of populists


questioning of traditional authorities. new generation. wring and artistic

Immigration Act 1924

quotas for foreigners were cut from 3 to 2 percent. The purpose was to freeze Americas existing racial composition. Discriminatory. Marked the end of the era of immigration.


radical Puritans who thought the Church of England was unholy so they broke away from them and were harassed out of England

Congressional Committee on the Conduct of War

radical republicans who did not really trust Lincoln and didn't want his presidential power to expand during wartime

stock watering

railroad stock promoters grossly inflated their claims about a given lines assets and profitably solve stocks and bonds far in excess of the railroads actual value


realism but with examination of the determinative influence of heredity and social environments in shaping human character. usually put lower class people in extreme environments

three trends in art during this time?

realism, naturalism, regionalism

Tariff of 1857

reduced duties to about 20 percent, northern manufacturers blamed their misfortunes on the low tariff and they really needed protection

Underwood Tariff

reduction of tariff rates, import fees, graduated income tax to compensate

Espionage Act

reflected American fears about Germans during WW1 and antiwar americans. Prosecuted antiwar socialists and members of the radical industrial workers of the world.

what changed working class life

reliance on real wages and vulnerability to economy and unemployment


relied on reason rather than revelation, science rather than the bible, still believed in a supreme being who had created a knowable universe and endowed humans with a capacity for moral behavior. inspired and promoted by Paine

steel rail

replaced the old iron tracks with the tougher metal, safer and more economical bc it could bear a heavier load

Virginia Plan

representation in both houses of Congress should be based on population. Gave larger states advantage


represented the northern antislavery radicals

Thaddeus Stevens

republican radical in congress who was a friend of blacks and a republican radical

Quartering Act of 1765

required certain colonies to provide food and shelter for British troops

Truth in Securities Act

required promoters to transmit to investors information regarding the soundness of their stocks and bonds. This is so "money changers" can't play with gullible investors, which leads to crash.

Dawes Plan

rescheduled German reparation payments and opened the way for further American private loans to Germany. US bankers lend money to Germany, Germany payed reparations to France and Britain, and the former allies paid war debts to the US. Americans got bank from this.But not really bc no one payed int he end.

Ku Klux Klan

resembled the anti foreign nativist movements. Hated everything except normal christians (white)

Bacon's Rebellion

resented Berkley's politics in Chesapeake bc he was too nice to Indians so they set fire to capital and drove Berkley out. Showed the indentured servants were threat

Democrat vision

retrenchment and an end to banks and aggressive corporations. Individual, anti privilege, states rights.

Burned Over District

revivals in Western New York were filled with sermonizers preaching hellfire and damnation

waving the bloody shirt

reviving gory memories from the Civil War, used in presidential campaigns

gospel of wealth

rich people used this to prove themselves morally responsible

Southern society

rich planters at top, slave at bottom, women had property rights bc men died often

social darwinists

rich relied on this survival of the fittest idea that people won their stations in life by competing on the basis of their natural talents. natural seelction

whiskey ring

robbed the treasury of millions in excise tax revenue

Sugar Act of 1764

rose taxes in the colonies for thee crown because Britain was in debt

Underground railroad

runaway slaves were assisted north by this, like to Canada. Harriet Tubman helped a lot.

Hernan Cortes

sailed from Cuba and went to Aztec land (Mexico) and destructively conquered it, killing most of its people intentionally and by diesase

War Refugee Board

saved many Hungarian jews from Auchwitz, but still, not many jews were allowed into US

Republican motherhood

selfless devotion fo a mother to her family was the model of proper republican behavior. Women were elevated as the special keepers of the nations conscience.

Johnson scandal

senate tried Johnson with impeachment charges against the fact that he fired Stanton. he was not guilty


separation of church and state caused the colonies to separate from the Anglican church

What was the center of puritan life?

sermons. disposed of catholic methods like rings for marriage

War Industries Board

set a precedent for the federal government to take a central role in economic planning in monuments of crisis

How did the Spanish secure their land after seeing other Europeans were interested?

settled and fortified to block them from entering

Treaty of Versailles

settlement between the allies after WW1. Germany was betrayed bc they didn't get the "14 points" peace they wanted. Compromise, but no agreement at all.

Railroad Issue

should the railroad end in the North or South, the favored section would get great rewards of wealth, population...


sided with the Confederacy because many of them owned slaves. The confederacy invited the native americans to send delegates to their confederate congress so tribes supplemented the army

Treaty of Greenville

signed in 1795, indians gave up vast tracts of their land for some money. it was unfair

Treaty of Ghent

signed on Christmas Eve 1841, Englsiha nd Americans simply agreed to stop fighting and to restore conquered territory.

Compromise of 1850

signed under Fillmore right after Taylor died. It as after all the debates. the north got the better deal because California become a free state, which tipped the senate balance against the south, Utah and New Mexico were open to slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty.

Virginia Company Charter

significant in American History and guaranteed overseas settlers the same rights of Englishmen in Britain so it is a comfortable move

after failing with greenbacks, what did creditors fight for and what happened with him?

silver currency because there were new findings of silver so it was cheap. they wanted this for inflation. grant was on the hard money republican side and did not allow this.

which indians lived in western plains?

sioux and cheyenes

what developments came with the growth of american metropolises?

skyscraper (1885), electric elevators (form and function). Mass transit lines like electric trolleys, and first subway opened in 1863, segregated districts

Southern draft

slave owners or overseers with 20 slaves could claim exemption, and mostly volunteers

Columbian exchange effect on Africa

slave trade

Three fifths compromise

slaves count as three fifths a person as far as voting.

value of of slave

so valuable because there were the primary form of wealth and a huge investment in the south so Irish laborers did the neck breaking work


social center where democracy grew with gossip. Spread public opinion and helped with revolutionary movement

Wilderness utopias

sought for human betterment in a communal society. New Harmony, Brook Farm, Oneida Community, Shakers


sought to document contemporary life and society as it actually is

Navigation Laws

sought to stitch England's overseas possessions more tightly to the motherland by throttling American trade with countries not ruled by English crown

new immigrants

southern and eastern europe. italians, jews, slovaks, greeks, poles. tightly bound communities

Gag resolution

southerners drove this through the house that all antislavery appeals should be tabled without debate

america system

specialized machinery to make interchangeable parts, allowed for mass production

what added to the national debt in 20s?

speculation. boom or bust trading that pushed the market up and sock market. on margin stock buying.


spoke against the fact that the church was becoming less holy. Less conversions and there was the development of the Half Way Covenant which weakened distinction between elect and others.

Maine and New Hampshire

sprang from fishing and fur trading on the coast, absorbed by the Mass. Bay Co. but king took NH bc he thought they were greedy for absorbing it

mormon story

started by Joseph Smith who into opposition from non Mormons because they voted as a unit, had a militia, and practiced polygamy. Him and his brother were murdered so Brigham Young led the mormons to Utah to escape persecution. Many immigrants joined the movement because there were missionaries in Europe. Issues with anti polygamy laws delayed statehood for Utah.

american federation of labor

started by Samuel Gompers in 1886, it was an association of self governing, national unions, each still holding their independence, they were foes of socialism and had no problems with capitalism, but wanted a fairer share for labor, better wages, hours, and working conditions. mostly skilled workers

Dartmouth College v. Woodward

the college had been granted a charter from king George but New Hampshire wanted to change it. Marshall said that the original charter must stand because the constitution protected contracts against state encroachments. Protected business enterprise.

land grant colleges

thanks to the Morrill Act of 1862, this provided a generous grant of public lands to states for education

Rather than believing in a hierarchy of power, puritans believed...

that among a group of believers, those would rise as pastoral ministers

Rough Ribers

the American invaders of Cuba. Cowboy volunteers. Beat Spain.

Miami Confederacy

the British had an alliance with this group of different Indian tribes for trade and a buffer from the states

Jamestown and its problems

the English Virginia Company settlers arrived to this place and many died. Problems: men were too busy seeking gold, mosquitos, no women, not enough supplies.

Pequot War

the English of Plymouth set fire to the Pequot tribe, killing most

Pope's Rebellion

the Natives were tired of being forced to convert by the Spanish, and burned down churches and pilled priests claiming New Mexico. It took a while for the Spanish to reclaim it.

credit mobilier scandal

the Pacific Railroad formed the Credit Mobilier construction company and then hired themselves at inflated prices to build the railroad line. to keep congress from stopping them, they distributed shares of their stock to congressmen

Spanish change over time

the Spanish did kill, enslave, and infect natives, however, they eventually intermarried and mixed their culture with them, accepting each other.

San Jacino

the Texan Americans wiped out the Mexicans and captured Santa Anna here. He was induced to sign two treaties and agreed to withdraw Mexican troops and to recognize the Rio Grande as the extreme southwestern boundary of Texas.

Result of XYZ Affair

the US prepared for war with France. They created a Navy and reestablished the Marine. They captured French ships.

Tyler and the bank

the Whigs tired to pass a law to end the independent treasury system and establish a new Fiscal Bank but Tyler vetoed it 2 times. Shows how he was a democrat

Conscience Whigs

the antislavery Whigs in Congress denounced this war with Mexico

The Liberation

the antislavery newspaper Garrison wrote that is one of the reasons the Civil War was triggered

Fourteenth Amendment

the civil rights bill into the constitution. citizen rights for blacks.

Why was the Dred Scott case significant?

the compromise of 1820 had been unconstitutional all along because the congress had no power to ban slavery from the territories

Declaration of the Rights of Man

the declaration of independence inspired the French to have a revolutionary movement and declared this 13 years later.

compromise of 1877

the election deadlock would be broken by the Electoral Count Act that set up and electoral commission consisting of 15 men selected from the Senate, House and SupremeCourt


the father of prohibition who sponsored the Maine Law of 1851

Funding at par

the federal government would pay off its own debts with printing money

Freedmen's Bureau

the freed blacks were unskilled, illiterate, and didn't know how to survive as free people, so congress created this welfare agency to provide food, clothes, medical care, and education to them.

what astonishing event happened in 1890?

the frontier line was no longer discernible bc free land was being filled by immigrants and migrants

how were immigrants dealt with, if at all, by the government and others?

the government did nothing to ease their assimilation and did minimal checks on criminals and insane. Boss Tewwed therefore helped immigrants by trading jobs for votes

Trail of Tears

the march of Cherokees to the newly established Indian Territory where many died


they revolted against their president, so Marines went there to keep it in tact and protect the Americans and their property there. Made it an American protectorate.

how did capitalists control the government?

they used expensive lawyers to thwart controls by the states and used the 14th amendment

how did the US trick native americans in a specific incident?

they were betrayed into believing they would be returned to their ancestral lands in Idaho, but the Nez Perces instead were sent to a reservation in Kansas

Cohens v. Virginia

they were found guilty for selling lottery tickets illegally. Marshall asserted the right of the Supreme Court to review the decisions of the senate.

Motives of English settlement in N. America

they were given claims, English had few restrictions on immigration to the New World, bad conditions in England, economic, political, religious (protestant rev.), mercantilism

why were railroad companies so rich?

they were given so much land and huge loans from the government for every mile of track constructed, off of which they could profit from

Treaty of Kanagawa

they were into isolationism, in 1852 US brought warships in to scare them into free trade and friendly relations and in a year when he returned with ships, they agreed to sign the treaty

how were the poor viewed according to social darwininsts?

they were lazy and lacking in enterprise, this attitude was a roadblock to social reform

Free Soilers

they were not for abolitionism as much as they were for keeping slavery from spreading west

Problem with Philippines after US got them

they were now subject to anarchy or invasion from Germany or Japan. US payed for it and annexed it.

Congress of Vienna

they were redrafting Napoleons map of Europe, and it led to the Treaty of Ghent. THe british asked for a lot, and the US refused. This made them realize that they weren't that strong.

why were the old churches irrelevant, and was what of new importance?

they were slow to raise their coves against social and economic vices. people cared about materialism and social gospel (god caused the righteous prosper). the immigrants made roman Catholicism the most popular

Confederate war strategy

they were spread out because each troop was loyal to their own state and thats what they wanted to protect. This was cool because they could all communicate and run to each others aid, but then the union troops could just attack uncovered land

how were government officials corrupt in dealing with indian land?

they would promise to leave the indians alone and provided with food, clothing and other supplies if they surrendered their ancestral lands, but cheating officials used all that money for their own slalry


this British ship was torpedoed and sank. Americans were killed, so it started fuel between US and Germany.


this is what the progressive movement favored. voters could directly propose legislation themselves, thus bypassing the boss bought state legislatures

Battle of New Orleans

this made Andrew Jackson a national hero because America beat the British. Unleashed a wave of nationalism and freedom.

Emancipation proclamation

this made the the north have a moral cause for the Civil War (better for diplomacy) and declared forever free the slaves in those confederate areas still in rebellion. Bondsmen in the loyal border states were not effected, therefore, there was not much emancipation.

Southern overconfidence

thought that the northern manufacturers and bankers were so heavily dependent on southern cotton and markets so they would never separate. also relied on foreign intervention for the same reason.

Agricultural Adjustment Administration

through artificial scarcity, this agency was to establish parity prices for basic commodities. they would eliminate price depressing surpluses by paying growers to reduce their crop acreage. Payments were to be raised by taking farmers. cancelled.


thugs who would organize crime, forced honest merchants to pay them to not destroy their stores


tin and paper towns during great depression

US Sanitary commission

to assist the union armies in the field, it was woman nurses

steel is king

very important to the industrialized generation, rails, heavy industry, US had outdistanced all foreign competitors and was pouring out more than one third of the worlds supply of steel

Bonus Army

veterans of WW1 and hard hit victims of depression wanted their money now

grand army of the republic

veterans of the civil war

Australian ballot

voting in secret so no one can bribe you to vote republican/ democrat

city beautiful movement

wanted the new american city to look beautiful and convey a confident sense of harmony, order, and monumentality so they copied european styles and classiciam

Anti Imperialist League

wanted to fight the McKinley administrations expansionist moves

Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act

wanted to improve American export trade. Activated low tariff policies. Roosevelt was able to lower tax without senate approval. US foreign trade increase and economic and political relations with Latin America improved.

tuskegee institute

washington guided the curriculum here at this black school

problems with big cities

waste disposal, criminals, impure water, dirt bodies, flammable

who supported the federalists?

wealthier, educated and organized men


western union soldier who captured fort Henry and Ford Donelson, riveted Kentucky more securely to the union, and opened gateway to strategically important region of Tennessee and Georgia

Noche Triste

when Cortez was in the Aztec land that Aztecs attacked the Spanish, provoking him to siege the city

pet banks

when Jackson got rid of the BUS, federal funds were placed in several dozen of these state institutions- flooded the country with paper money


when Texans declared independence. Santa Anna wiped out thousands of Texans here


when cattle was abe to be transported by refrigerated trains, there as a huge business with this. cowboys

Teller Amendment

when the US had overthrown Spanish misrule, it would give the Cubans their freedom. This was just an excuse to invade Cuba and be imperialistic (against Spanish).


when the government reduced greenbacks and resumed metallic money payments. deflationary and good creditors- rich

Neutrality Acts of 1935,36,37

when the president proclaimed the existence of a foreign war, certain restrictions would automatically go into effect. no american could legally sail on a belligerent ship, sell or transport munitions to a belligerent, or make loans to a belligerent. This need up helping dictators c they didn't help the good.

black belt

where most slaves in 1860 were concentrated , in the deep south

Northwest Ordinance

two stages- the area would be under the federal government then, when a territory got 60000inhabitants, it might be admitted by congress as a state. just another way to deal with all the land


un neutral building in Britain of Confederate commerce raiders which were warships that captured many union vessels and north destroyed it

Seward's Folly

under Johnson, he brought Alaska from Russia because they were friendly and it was valuable land and Russia really wanted to sell it to them to strengthen them against Britain but people thought it was stupid

Panic of 1907

under Roosevelt. Wall Street. Paved way for fiscal reforms like the Aldrich Vreeland Act

Bunker Hill

under Washington, colonists seized this hill from British in 1775 but then lost it later on. Showed the minutemen that they could hold up against the much large British and brought hope.

general examples of corruption

unethical stock market manipulators, bribery, robbery


unhappy with Protestant Reformation, and wanted to see the church more de catholicized


union boat made to fight the Merrimack to a standstill. Showed that iron boats are stronger


union soldiers found a copy of lee's battle plans, and McClellan succeeded in haling lee from his whole plan of getting intervention and seducing the border states. Also led to the emancipation proclamation because Lincoln now had the border states

Dominion of New England

unlike the confederation, it was made by London authorities and embraced all of New England, promoted English navigation acts

Battle of Midway

up till then, Japan got Philippines and was getting Australia. Here, near Hawaii, it was a victor for the Americans

New York Slave Revolt

uprising of approximately two dozen slaves that resulted in the deaths of nine whites and the brutal execution of 21 participating blacks.

Progressivism goals

use the state to curb monopoly power and improve the common persons conditions of life and labor. Direct election of senators and laws are just a part of it. Take power out of big business and give it to people.

Spoils system

used by Jackson, its rewarding political supporters with public office. A lot of illiterates and bad people were given positions of public trust.

Bible belt

where the kkk spread int he south and had influence. terrorism

grandfather clause

white southerners used this saying that in order to vote, your father had to be able to vote, and obviously, black slaves were not able to do so

what issue did the campaign between Hayes and Tilden bring up, and what did it lead to?

who could count the votes? president of the senate (republican) or speaker of the house (democrat), Compromse of 1877

planter aristocracy

wide gap between rich and poor, hampered tax supported public education bc the rich sent kids abroad, tried to be like medieval. all made possible by the wealth of cotton.


william james idea that the truth of an idea was to be tested by practical consequences, he said this was americas greatest contribution to sychology

Root Takahira Agreement

with Japan. Pledge both powers to respect each others territorial possessions in the pacific and uphold the Open Door in China

Tripolitan War

with pirates of Tripoli who wanted money- ended and motivated Jefferson to make boats.

Transportation revolution

with the conquest of nature, it was able to bind the south and west.

what was something significant that president Hayes did?

withdrew reconstruction troops form the south, and the redeemers came back


woman known for the birth control movement. feminism


woman who supported free love


woman who wrote Uncle Toms Cabin to awaken the North to the wickedness of slavery. made the inhumanity of slavery evident and increased opposition to fugitive slave law. most influential novel in history, helped start Civil war and the north win it

diversity with colleges

women and black (U of Alabama)

Woman's Loyal League

women helped with prohibiting slavery, now it was their turn wasn't it?

Elizabeth Blackwell, Clara Barton, Dorothea Dix, Sally Tompkins

women nurses during the civil war

Camp followers

women who accompanied the American army, cooking and sewing for the troops for money

panic of 1893

world depression cb cleveland put us on a gold standard and recalled silver, so there was deflation (good for industrialists, bad for farmers), and led to the populist party

Bank of the United States

would create stable national currency, the government would be the major stockholder

The Federalist

written by Madison. Talked about the wisdom of the new government

Central powers

Germany and Austria Hungary (later joined by Turkey and Bulgaria)

Society of Cincinnati

exclusive hereditary order in the Continental Amry

Andrew Jackson

1828, he appealed to the common man and was a democratic republican. His support came from the west and south. First president from the west.

David Walker's Appeal

1829 anti slavery document that called for all slaves to revolt

Indian Removal Act

1830 Jackson didn't listen to the supreme court that protected the indians rights, and called for the transplanting of all Indian tribes from Georgia to the west

Big Picture Topics: 1. To what extent did changes in British policies toward the American colonies after 1763 cause the American Revolution? 2. To what extent did the American Revolution change the economic, political, and social life of the American people? 3. To what extent were the American colonists united in their opposition to the British during the American Revolution? 4. To what extent did Americans rely on the support of foreign governments for victory in the American Revolution? 5. To what extent did the failures, if any, of the Articles of Confederation lead to the Constitutional Convention of 1787. 6. Was the U.S. Constitution created primarily from compromise or consensus?


Peculiar institution


XYZ Affair

1798 France started to capture American ships because the US broke their treaties so the US sent 3 diplomats to France but the French wanted bribes and money to even speak so it made the US mad a prepare for war

End of international slave trade, and what did it cause?

1808, only lead to a greater internal slave trade in America

Hudson River School

1820s and 30s excelled in romantic art that focused on the grand divinity of nature and landscapes and all.

Monroe Doctrine

1823 in response to what happened with Europe and Spanish America, he warned the European powers from colonization and intervention in America. It was made more pout of concern for the US and not Latin America.

Adamson Act

8 hour workday for all employees on trains

corrupt bargain

1824 the election was between Adams and Jackson, and Adams won thanks to Clay's behind the scenes influence as Speaker of the House. Adams announced that Clay would be secretary of state. Jackson supporters said that this was a scam.

Lochner v New York

10 hour day for bakers, which then translated to factory workers

Seven Years' War

1756-1763 result of the French and Indian war. Turned into a world conflict between America, Europe West Indies, Philippines, Africa, and on the Ocean. Really just an imperial competition.

First Continental Congress

1774, 12 of the 13 colonies, except Georgia. not legislative but consultative- it was a convention rather than a congress. Created declaration of rights and the Association

Battle of Quebec

1775 Pitt assigned Wolfe to this against the French. They took Quebec and all of Canada. Amazing.

Second Continental Congress

1775 in Philadelphia with all 13 colonies. Adopted measures to create an army and navy as well as new appeals to Britain. No well defined sentiment for independence yet.


1777 the British were trying to capture Hudson River under General Burgoyne however Washington trapped his troops and they were forced to surrender

Jay's Treaty and what it led to

1780's Washington sent Jay to London to avoid war with the British (since they were attacking merchant ships and depended on trade with British). He pretty much sucked bc he got no promise from the British that they would quit stopping ships. Pinckneys Treaty with Spain.

Treaty of Paris

1783 the British formally recognized the independence of the United States and granted generous boundaries. This was generous bc the British were trying to seduce the Americans away from their French alliance

Cotton gin

1791 device for separating the seed from the short staple cotton fiber. Affected history because cotton became highly profitable and a mass product. Stimulated factories too.

Farewell Address

1796 Washington said not to make any permanent alliances with any country. He was also against political parties


1828 much better than canal because it was faster and more efficient

Bank War

1832 Daniel Webster and Henry Clay presented Congress with a bill to renew the BUSs charter. Clays scheme was to make it an election issue so it was done earlier (if Jackson signed it, west would hate it. If he vetoed it, he would alienate the wealthy and influential groups in the east). Jackson vetoed it claiming it unconstitutional. Clays scheme was stupid because the rich were only a minority and they still feared Jackson.


1839 enslaved africans rebelled abroad the spanish slave ship called that and attempted to sail back to africa

Aroostook War

1842 Britain wanted to build a road in Canada but the US said it crossed their territory in Maine so they agreed on a compromise on the Maine boundary. The US got more land but the English got the road.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

1848 confirmed the American title to Texas and yielded them California and also assumed claims of citizens in Mexico for a price

Know Nothing Party

1849 nativists agitated for restrictions on immigration and laws on deportation. Feared that the foreigners would outbreed and outvote them and hated the Roman Catholic Irish and Germans since they were protestant.

Clayton Bulwer Treaty

1850, there as a strong desire of Central America and the isthmian waterway so this was a treaty between America and Britain that neither would forty or seek exclusive control over the waterway

reservation system

1860s federal government signed treaties that established boundaries for the territory of each tribe and attempted to separate the indians into colonies to the north and south of indented white settlement- it sucked bc the indians didn't really understand that idea of being confined to a settlement

morill tariff

1861, protective tariff

homestead act

1862, allowed a settler to acquire 160 acres of land by living on it for 5 years, improving it, and paying a fee. encouraged filling of empty space

national labor union

1866 unified workers across locales and traders to challenge their more powerful bosses. excluded the chinese, women, and blacks (who made their own union), fought for eight hour workday

the grange

1867, enhanced the lives of isolated farmers through social, educations, and fraternal. they also tried to get rid of middle men to own grain elevators and warehouses for producrs and to regulate railway rates and storage fees

national prohibition party

1869 against drinking

fisk and jay gould

1869 millionaire partners who made a plot to corner the gold market. they bid the price of gold skyward, so they can later profit from its heightened value. they got Grant to agree to keep the treasury to from selling gold, but the treasury did so the price of gold plunged

knights of labor

1869 secret society so that employers won't stop them, and they welcomed skilled and unskilled men, women, whites, blacks, and everyone. they only barred non workers like lawyers and dealers and all, campaigned for social and economic reform, safety, health codes, eight hour workday

suez canal

1869, allowed for faster, chapter, and easier international trade

completion of the transcontinental line

1869, it was americas most impressive undertaking and welded the west coat more firmly to the union, and facilitated flourishing trade with asia. led to growth of the west


1870 more and more states made grade school education mandatory, bc free government connote function if the people are shackled by ignorance. high schools, teacher training schools, public schools

liberal republican party

1872, they hated Grant and urged purification of the Washington administration and an end to reconstruction. they got defeated by the democrats and Grant won again though

railroad strike

1877- employees wages were cut by 10 percent so they had a strike and president Hayes called in federal troops, and the workers battled them

dumbell tenement

1879, eight stories high, minimal ventilation, very poor families and newcomers lived here. slumps- dumps.

the sherman anti- trust act

1880, forbade combinations in restraint of trade, without any distinction between good and bad trusts. this was an ineffective law bc there were loop holes, and it was later used to curb labor unions so it just hit those fighting back in the face

what happened between Guiteau and President Garfield and what did this cause?

1881, and office seeker shot him. led to getting rid of the spoils system via Pendelton Act

first restrictive law against immigrants?

1882, banned criminals, paupers, convicts and prohibited importation of foreign workers under contract- and then later banned the insane, polygamists, prostitutes, alcoholics, anarchists, diseases, and literacy test

pendleton act

1883 made compulsory campaign contributions from federal employees illegal and established the Civil Service Commission to make appointments to federal jobs

haymarket square

1886 was a protest in chicago and a bomb was thrown that killed many, and eight anarchists were rounded up, which associated the knights of labor as anarchists (mistakenly)

dawes severalty act

1887 dissolved many tribes as legal entities, wiped out tribal ownership of land, and set up individual indian family heads with 160 free acres, citizenship in 25 years

hatch act

1887 provided federal funds for the establishment of agricultural experiment stations in connection with the land grant colleges

interstate commerce act

1887, prohibited rebate and pools and required the railroads to publish their rates openly. forbade unfair discrimination against shippers and outlawed charging more for a short haul than for a long one over the same line. set up Interstate Commerce Commision to administer and enforce the new legislation. governments first large scale attempt to regulate business at the interest of society at large

tariff issue under Cleveland's presidency

1887, since it was republican there was protection, but now the president is democrat, and there was a treasury surplus so he made an appeal for lower tariffs, which made republicans happy actually, bc it means there would be higher taxa, lower wages, and increased unemployment (so he would lose). They were right and Harrison beat Cleveland

mckinley tariff act

1890, the republicans passed this to protect republican industrialists from foreign competition. they made farmers in debt bc industrials were protected by not agricultural products

homestead strike

1892 by steelworkers angry over pay cuts, they were armed but troops were eventually summoned, one of many


1892, the peoples party, they were frustrated farmers who demanded inflation through free and unlimited coinage of silver, graduated income tax, government ownership of all railroads, telegraph and telephone, the direct election of US senators, one term limit on the presidency, shorter workday, immigration restriction. against capitalism and for the working class.

anti- saloon league

1893 saying that saloons should be cloud bc they disturbed the family and all

pullman strike

1894 in chagago bc the pullman car company cut wages so their workers stuck and overturned cars and all so the government dispatched troops to crush the strikers(weapons)

gold standard act

1900, paper currency would be redeemed freely in gold. however, gold was more inflated bc of discoveries in gold

triangle fire


what progress was made with prohibition?

1919 national prohibition amendment was attached to the constitution for a little

indian recognition act

1934, reserved the individualistic approach and belatedly tried to restore the tribal bases of indian life


1958 The British captured this from France. Their first victory of the war.

Second Great Awakening

A reaction to deism and Unitarians. Protestant revival movement. Led to conversions, new sects, reorganized churches. Stimulated humanitarian reforms. Was spread by traveling preachers in "camp meetings" who preached

What kind of government did "Common Sense" call for?

A republic in which the power flows from the people and common consent. People sacrificed their self interest to the public good.

Royal African Company

A trading company that had a monopoly on selling slaves, but then loses the monopoly. When they lose the monopoly, the slave MARKET grows because anyone can sell/trade slaves.

Middle Passage

A voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to North America and the West Indies.

Border states

Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, and later, West Virginia


Aka King Philip, Native American ruler, who in 1675 led attack on colonial villages throughout Massachusetts

responsorial style of preaching


Linlon Douglass Debates

Abraham Lincoln (republican) was an impoverished, self educated man vs well speaking Douglas (democrat). This was for the Illinois senatorial election

Why were the 20s a time for sexuality?

Advertisement, women wore more reveling clothes, jazz

Anthony Johnson

African-American landowner in Virginia. Was at first an indentured servant. (1620) Tobacco farmer.

What did Wilson think about imperialism?

Against. Denounced dollar diplomacy

What was the leading industry in America?


Major industry in South

Agriculture for cash crops like tobacco, wheat, and grain

What was the colonist's militia like?

Amateur, scattered, but able to maintain control over large areas of the country. Compelled people to support the American effort

Maine (ship)

America sent this battle ship to cuba to protect and evacuate Americans if something dangerous happened (and bc there were concentration camps there). It blew up mysteriously. Blamed spanish govt but it wasn't them.

What is Paine said to have laid out the foundation for?

American Independence and foreign policy.

War Production Board

American factories poured forth weapons. Helped the economy. Halted manufacture of nonessential items like cars

Valley Forge

American soldiers had bad conditions and starved without food and materials


American streamer carrying supplies to Canada (which it was reeling against Britain) was attacked by British.

Explain the trade imbalance between Britain and the Colonies

Americans demand more British products because they had larger population, but British slow growing population could not meet these demands and didn't buy enough goods from Americans so they had money shortage. They bought more than sold.

War of words with Britain

Americans hated Britain already because of the war and lack of federalists, and British travel writers wrote bad things about Americans, so Americans struck back with insults

What religious sect naturally supported the king?



Anne Hutchinson's belief that being good and holy does not show salvation and the truly saved dont need to obey law. Got tried.

Most significant battles of the north?

Antietam, Gettysburg, and Vicksburg. The last two were what made it clear the north will win.

Who did the African Americans side with during the war?

Any side that granted them freedom

How did Wilson appease business people?

Appointed conservative people to the federal reserve board and federal trade commission (he favored workers though)

Platt Amendment

As promised, US withdrew form Cuba. They were forced to agree not to make treaties that might compromise their independence, not take on debt it can't handle, allow US to intervene with troops if needed, sell or lease coaling or naval stations to US when needed. Not so much freedom...

Northern draft

At first manned by volunteers, The rich could hire people to go in their place or purchase exception. Then they state red giving bounties, and people took advantage of them

Smith Connally Anti Strike Act

Authorized the federal government to seize and operate tied up industries. strikes against any government operated industry were made a criminal offense then. washington took over coal mines and railroads.

What were the conditions in factories like for workers?

Awful, long hours, low pay, unsanitary, child workers

How were the farmers economically in 1920s?

Awful. Surplus of crops = lower prices = depression.

American Temperance Society

temperance crusaders who forced drinkers to sign the temperance plege

Triangular trade

Between North American colonies, Africa and Europe. A skipper would leave a New England court with some run and go to Africa and trade it for slaves. He would then go to the West Indies, trade slaves for molasses and take them toNew England so they can make more rum.

How were loyalists treated in colonies after 1776?

Badly. They were even driven out, imprisoned, or hung.

New England Confederation and why it was created

Bay Colony and Plymouth (Mass.) as well as New Haven and the scattered valley settlements (Conn.) banded together as defense against Indians, French, Dutch. Created bc the English were distracted with the Civil War and they were on their own.

Result of Seven Years War

Because of their large land gains, Britain emerges as the dominant power in North America and became the leading naval power in the world.

What was happening internationally in 1805, after Jefferson was elected for his second term?

Britain and France were in an indirect war.

Who won the wars over North America?

Britain, even through France and Spain were allied. They gained land.


British General who was sent to Virginia. Was defeated by the French and their allied Indians.

King Williams War

British against French over North American land

Queen Anne's War

British against French over North American land

Tariff of 1816

British began to sell cheap things to America to strangle the factories that became successful from the war. This was the first tariff in American history instituted primarily for protection, not revenue.

Why did trade between Germany and America dwindle?

British blockades

Opium War

British fought to secure their right to peddle opium in Asia and they gained free access to five treaty ports and had control of Hong Kong. This made tyler jealous

Hay Pauncefote Treaty

British gave the US a free hand to build the canal and gave them the right to fortify it.

Result of Stamp Act Congress and Nonimportation agreements

British government repealed the Stamp Act

Turning point of war against Hitler

British had launched a thousand plane raid on Cologne, joined by American forces, cascading bombs on German cities.

William Pitt

British leader. Focused on vital areas of Canada rather than trying to attack it as a whole like Braddock did. He also picked young and energetic leaders rather than old. Won the first British victory of the war, the capture of Loisbourg.

West Africa Sqadron

British navy that sized hundreds of slave ships and freed thousands of slaves from people who defied the outlaw of the slave trade

Boston Massacre

British troops were sent to Boston to enforce the Townshend Acts, people were throwing things at them so they shot 11 citizens

Lexington and Concord

British went to Boston to get gunpowder and capture rebels like Sam Adams and John Hancock. At Lexington it was more like a massacre. Concord was actually a fight.

earlier immigrants until 1880s

British, Western Europe, Germany, Ireland, Chinese. they had ethic organizations and urban craft unions

Why was cotton "king"?

Brought more slaves, northern shoppers wanted it, prosperity rested on this crop and the slaves accounted for much of the American exports and stocked economic growth tied Britain to them.

Harpers Ferry

Brown made a plan to invade the south secretly with followers, call upon the slaves to rise, give them arms, and make a black free state. Slaves didn't participate and the US Marines captured him. He was convicted of treason and murder. Made the South feel unsafe, but he was martyred by abolitionists

Who was blamed for not holding the seceders to the union?

Buchanan bc he did nor resort to force

Split of democrats

Buchanan did this by antagonizing the Douglas Democrats in the north. this was the snapping of one of the last strings holding the union together


Burnside of the union launched an attack on Lee, and too many northern soldiers were killed

Popular sovereignty

Cass was the father of this, wrote a doctrine that stated that the sovereign people of a territory should themselves determine the status of slavery. compromise. made a national issue into smaller local issues


Catholic colony founded by Lord Baltimore who wanted financial profits, and a refuge for Catholics from protestant England. Tobacco, indentured servants, slaver.

What was really important to the economy in the 20s?

Cars! Stimulated gas, rubber, steal, and made so many new jobs.

What was the Whig's solution for the Panic of 1837 (what happened)?

Called for expansion of bank credit, higher tariffs, and internal improvements. Van Buren said no.

New France

Canada area and most to the west of New England

What large area of British land did colonies try to invade in 1775?

Canada, they didn't succeed.

Columbian exchange effect on Europe

Change in diet due to new crops, disease


Charles II granted this land, made economic ties with English West Indies and slaver was brought in from hose who moved from there, rice was their cash crop, religious toleration = diversity


Chief of the Wampanoag Indians who helped the Pilgrims survive. They had peace for 40 years until his death.

Boxer Rebellion

Chinese hated foreign intervention and murdered a lot of foreigners. American soldiers stopped the rebellions.

Most honored colonial profession

Christian Ministry

conditions in England that stimulated settlement in American colonies

Civil War, religious controversy, Glorious Revolution, foreign wars

The south threatened to secede because of problem with California and runaway slaves, what did Clay, Calhoun, and Webster do?

Clay made a series of compromises saying that the North should yield by enacting a most feasible fugitive slave law, Calhoun said to leave slavery alone, return runaway sales, give the south its rights as a minority, and resort the political balance, and Webster liked Clays compromise

The American System

Clay proposed for a strong banking system, protective tariff, a network of roads and canals. This knits the country thither economically and politically.

George Washington

Commander in the French and Indian War, started it in Ohio Valley.

The Association

Complete boycott of British goods

How was the Republican party split?

Conservatives that were for Roosevelt vs those bend Taft

Model Treaty

Continental Congress drafted this in 1776 yo the French court. it said that they would have no political, military connection- only commercial. Not the terms that the treaty of alliance with French later on went by.

Whig vision

expansion and stimulation of economy, banks, protective tariffs, internal improvements, schools, prohibition of liquor and slavery

How did America's culture change after the war?

Denounced any traces of aristocratic pretense- nothing hereditary or titles or wigs. Equality. Lower property requirements for voting, separated church and state...

Committee on Public Information

Creed was a propogandaist, and his job was to sell America and WW1 and the world on Wilsonian war aims. Very successful.

Spanish claims based on exploration

Cuba and other Carribbean islands, Mexico, California, the American Suthwest, Florida, claims along the Mississippi

Freeport doctrine

Douglas answered linclon, slavery would stay down if the people voted it down, and laws to protect slavery would have to be passed by territorial legislatures

What did the population look like in the South?

Diverse with Africans

Democratic National Convention(s)

Douglas led the northern wing of the Democrats, and the southerners regarded him as a traitor, so its delegates walked out, and the rest couldn't get the necessary two thirds ore for Douglas. They then tried again and the cotton state delegates walked out again, so the rest of the convention nominated Douglas.

Perter Stuyvesant

Dutch military leader who led an expedition against the Swedish who they accused of taking their land. Took over New Sweden.

Zimmermen note

German foreign secretary proposed a German Mexican Alliance, tempting Mexico with promises of recovering texas, New Mexico, Arizona. Heated Wilson up.

French claims based on exploration

Eastern Canada and Mississippi Valley

Was migration to colonial America motivated primarily by economic, religious, or political factors?

Economic. All but Plymouth. Spanish- conquistadors were after New World treasures English- growing cash crops like tobacco. Over population, lack of land attracted the poor.

In what ways did economic, geographic, and social factors encourage the development of slavery in the American colonies?

Economic: slavery is cheaper than indentured servants slave trade tight packing large plantations Geographic: rise of tobacco in Chesapeake labor intensive crops rice and indigo crops Social: Dehuminization thoguht they were saving the slaves through education, religion black used to be more accepted this changed in southern society

What took over cotton?

Egypt and India, the union gave out supplies of cotton, the north had booming agriculture with Corn and Wheat

Salutary neglect

English backed off for a little with trade and all on New England

West Indies

English were colonizing this area and sugar formed their economy. Used the most African slaves and developed slave codes.

What did France have to offer America?

Equipment, many troops, navy, money

What mark did Washington leave on the government?

Established the cabinet

Why was the high tariff barrier a bad idea?

Europe was impoverished and needed to sell its manufactured goods to the US if it hoped to achieve economic recovery and pay war debt. Without money, Europe can't buyAmerican manufactured goods. This screwed themselves and Europe into national economic distress.

Martin Luther

German friar who protested against Catholic doctrines and inspired Calvinism

Neutrality Act of 1939

European democracies may buy american war materials, but only on a cash and carry basis. this meant tha they would have to transport the munitions in their own ships after paying for them in cash. avoid loans, war debts, torpedoing of american arms carriers.

All in all, how did the national government raise money for debt?

Excise taxes, tariffs, sell western land (ohio territory), proposed that federal government take over states debts, create strong national currency via bank of US

What ultimately split the republic in 1861?

Expansion of slavery!

What was the draft during WW1 like?

Faced much criticism. All men had to draft, but men in key industries were exempted.

How did Americans do with art?

Failed to achieve cultural autonomy and make a national art


German troop hired by british


Germans sank this British ship, and then agreed not to sink unarmed and unresisting passenger ships without warning

What did Shay's rebellion cause?

Fear of the mobs in republicans, shift towards longing of stronger central government and foundation

Insular Cases

Filipinos and Puerto Ricans are subject to American rule but not all American rights!

What did Jackson's actions with the BUS cause?

Financial panic and crash in 1837

What did the south really count on?

Foreign intervention. They thought they really needed the cotton. They were wrong.

How did the Americans resolve the trade imbalance?

Foreign markets

How did the American Revolutionary War become a world war?

France allied with Americans, and Spain and Holland joined. This outnumbered the British

King George's War

France allied with Spain against Britain. Britain won.

Convention of 1800

France gave the US another change to come so they ended the alliance and US paid for damages of ships. (FINALLY)


France, Britain, Russia (Japan and Italy later)

Who were sectional tensions mostly between?

Free north and west, and slave south.


French Catholic missionaries who worked to save then Indians, only made a few permanent converts

Coureurs de bois

French fur trappers that recruited indians into the business as well. Beaver fur.


French protestants who were persecuted by ROman Catholics

Samuel de Champlain

French soldier who was credited for being the father of New France

Quebec Act

French subjects in Canada were guaranteed their catholic religion and they didn't have a representative assembly or trial by jury. The Americans felt threatened by this lack of justice though, and by the catholic enforcement

In what ways did the British, French, and Spanish colonists differ in their response to American INdians?

French: mutual benefit in trade peaceful, aided Huron fighting against Iroquois peaceful attempt to convert and save them British: took over their land, Anglo- Indian Wars, unfair trade with unfair prices, raided villages bc they were in the way, pequot war, praying towns were not successful Spanish: robbed them, took land, forced slavery to work mines, cortez seiging and stealing from aztecs, change in time was peace tolerations intermarriage mestizos, harsh religiously with encomienda

How did French obtain wealth from the colonies?

Fur trade with indians

What did the US do with the western land?

Gave it to the control of the government so it could be equally distributed.

Trouble with Franco- American alliance?

George Washington believed that US was too weak to get into war when Britain and France were fighting

Fletcher v. Peck

Georgia legislature, swayed by bribery, granted 35 million acres to private speculators, the next legislature was mad and tried to crook the transaction. Marshal said that it was a contract and that the constitution forbids states from impairing them so he protected property rights and asserted supreme court rights to invalidate state laws conflicting with federal constitution.


Germans violated their promise and sunk this French Ship

Roosavelt Corollary

Germany tried bombarding Venezuela bc it was financially unstable and vulnerable. This violated the Monroe Doctrine. He said that in the event of future financial malfeasance by the Latin American nations, the US would intervene and take care of the financial problems. No outsiders in western hemisphere!

What "near wars" took place in the late 1880s and early 1890s?

Germany, Italy, Chile, Britain

closed shop

Gompers wanted this all union labor, and he used walk outs and boycotts to get it

Newlands Act

Government authorized to collect money from the sale of public lands in the sun baked western states and then use these funds for the development of irrigation projects

Dollar Diplomacy and example

Government encouraged wall street bankers to sluice their surplus dollars into foreign areas of strategic concern to the US. Japan and Russia controlled the railroads in Manchuria, so group of American bankers wanted to buy the railroads and then turn them over to china under an arrangement. Rejected.

What did La Follet's progressive party call for?

Government ownership of railroads, relief for farmers, anti monopoly, limit supreme courts power to invalidate laws passed by congress.

Wilderness Campaign

Grant vs Less, and man union troops were killed. Bad


Grant wanted to capture junction of main railroads of confederacy in Mississippi Valley, but he was stopped

United Negro Improvement Association

Gravey said that American blacks should resettle in Africa. He was deported later.

What kind of war was used between European powers over North America and why?

Guerilla warfare because they didn't feel it was worth real troops

Chief Justice John Marshall

Had been appointed to the Supreme Court during Federalists times and was a Federalist. Very much like Hamilton, but Jeffersonians were stuck with him.

President Coolidge

Harding died and he was vice. Very republican, and hands off government. Reduce taxes and debts.

Fundamental orders

Hartford (Connecticut) Puritans made this constitution which established a regime democratically controlled by the citizens

Why was Wilson dumb?

He was given the option to pass Lodge's modification of his 14 points, but he rejected it 2x, insisting that he wanted it his way or no way. He didn't get any of it passed.

What was Jefferson like?

He was really big on equality and unity between all parties. Very anti-monarchy and hierarchy.

Why would have Lincoln clashed with congress after the war?

He would have been too kind to the south, and they would have wanted harshness

How did the west feel about the BUS and why?

Hated it because it foreclosed on many of their farms and took too much money for the east.

How did Jeffersonians feel about the neutrality proclamation?

Hated it, because they wanted to support the French revolution and they didn't like how it was acclaimed without consulting the congress

McKinley Tariff

Hawaii was hot for sugar production, and Americans had control over that market. Warned other powers to keep off. This tariff made the sugar market sour when it raised duty on imports.

Why did Roosevelt win his second term?

He aided workers and outsiders.

How did Hoover seek to help the great depression?

He changed his mind and said that govt had to assist railroads, banks, credit corporations. if financial health were restored at top, unemployment would be restored at bottom.

What did Roosevelt do about the London economic conference?

He did not accept because he want to inflate and stimulate American recovery by changing the currency and all. He didn't want stabilization and wanted isolationism.

How did Jefferson show moderation?

He did not go by the spoils system or follow patronage- he let the old federalists hold their seats in office. He kept Hamilton's system except for one aspect (tax). He showed that a change of regime didn't need to be disastrous for the defeated group.

What did Jefferson do with the Alien and Sedition Acts?

He dismissed them and pardoned anyone penalized by them from jail.

What did Jefferson do with the military?

He reduced its size because he believed in peaceful coercion.

What was King George III's response to the Olive Branch Petition?

He refused. He said the colonies were in rebellion and committing treason. he even hired German troops

What did Roosevelt do with the liquor industry?

He repealed the prohibition amendment to raise needed federal revenues and provide employment. heavy taxes on alc. 21st amendment.

What did Jefferson do with Hamilton's system?

He repelled the excise tax.

After WW1 during Wilson's time, why did the congress and senate lose respect for democrats?

He started appealing for a democratic victory in the congressional elections (not allowed. This downgraded him. Also, he did not include republican senators in his party.

Why was Jackson's vision of democracy limited?

He still continued subjugation of Indians and supported slavery.

What did Jackson think of the BUS and why?

He thought that it had too much power and wanted it gone. Paper notes were printed by private banks, so they had so much power over the nations economy. It was a private institution accountable not to the people but to its elite.

How did Jackson respond to the Nullification Crisis

He threatened to invade SC and leave the nullifiers hanged. He took military in as well. He made a compromise Tariff of 1833 and force bill.

What did Roosevelt do with internationalism?

He wanted to be less involved in international relations. Isolationism. Exclusive to Western Hemisphere only.

Problem with where the Panama Canal would be?

IDK. But it ruined relations with Latin America.

Why was the Peninsula campaign ironic?

If McClellan had succeeded in taking Richmond and ending the war, the Union would have been restored with slavery surviving

How did Lincoln break some laws?

Ignoring objections, he proclaimed a blockade, increased the size of the federal army, directed the secretary of the treasury to advance two million without appropriation or security, made arrest ion of anti unionists, supersede voting in the border states, arrested the editors of suspicious newspapers

What was the American army like before the War of 1812?

Ill trained, ill disciplined, and widely scattered

King Phillips War

Indians made an alliance, they attacked New English villages and many were killed on both sides.

Black Hawk War

Indians who resisted eviction of the Indian Removal Act. They were bloodily crushed.

Benefit of Louisiana Purchase?

It avoided a possible rupture with France and entangling alliance with England, and it more than doubled the size of the US.

When did the US start bringing its ships into the then forbidden zones of the Atlantic?

It become too dangerous for Britain to take their stuff alone bc German would attack, so US had to escort them. Got them in trouble with U Boats still.

How did the French and Indian woe change colonists view on their mother country?

It proved that they were not invincible because they lost a lot.

How did cotton encourage migration to west?

It spoiled the land so people moved west to get land. basically, the big got bigger and the small got smaller bc they couldn't afford the sacred land now that cotton was destroying all of it

Why was Polk so quick to try and buy California?

It was a gateway to the Pacific, and there were rumors that the British wanted to buy or seize it (violating the Monroe Doctrine) but when he offered money, the Mexicans were too proud and didn't accept

What was "republicanism" in those days?

It was an entire political culture since they did something that had not been achieved, founding a national government without a monarch or aristocracy- a genuine republic. Ones founded in the past failed and got replaced by tyrants.

Panic of 1837

It was caused by the westerners doing land business on shaky currency with borrowed money. Also the bank war and specie circular (Jackson) caused it. Europe was in economic distress as well. Led to low prices, closed factories, unemployment.

Why was the confederate government weak?

It was created by secession, so they were huge on states rights, and really didn't like a well knit capital or listen to Davis

What was population in the west like by 1860?

It was multiplying a lot by the immigration and fertility. Many were Irish. Led to sanitary problems

Northern feelings about blacks?

It was stronger in the north than south

What is special about the Great Awakening

It was the first spontaneous mass movement of the American people. It united them.

How were slaves emancipated?

It wasn't just one small thing. it happened many times an then they were bonded again and again, until the masters were forced to recognize their slaves permanent freedom

How did Japan and US become rivals early on?

Japan and Russia were in war over Machuria. Roosevelt led the settlements and they were both unhappy with the outcomes.

Pearl Harbor

Japan bombed this in Hawaii without warning. Destroyed a lot of it and brought the us into WW2.

Open Door Note

Japan took over China and Washington was scared that all European powers would interfere. He wrote this urging all powers to respect Chinese rights and ideal of fair competition.

Kentucky and Virginia Resolution

Jefferson- Kentucky, Madison- Virginia. Drafted resolutions that said that individual states could refuse laws created by the government regarding the Alien Laws and Sedition Act. No other states followed.

Revolution of 1800

Jerffersonian revolution because he won elections against Adams. It's the first party overturn, because he beat the Federalists. it was peaceful too.

Lecompton Constitution

Kansas had enough people (mostly free soirees) to apply for statehood, but this was made saying that the people can only vote for the constitution with slavery with or with no slavery. If they voted against slavery, there would still be a provision protecting the owners of slaves already in Kansas

Protestant Reformation

King Henry VIII broke from the Catholic Church, making England rivals to Catholic Spain. The Catholic Irish, under English rule, sought help from Spain but failed.

Church of England

King Henry VIII broke ties with Catholic Church and made himself head of Anglican church


Know Nothing party, anti catholic and Irish and German

Why were the colonies disunited?

Lack of communication due to natural barriers, different governments, border disputes

Why did the Industrial Revolution come to America so slowly?

Land was cheap in America so peasants would rather buy farms. there was not enough mont for capital investment in factories. The country had difficulty producing goods of high enough quality and cheap enough cost to compete with mass drudged european products- the british who already had a head start.

What did the rise of tobacco in Virginia lead to?

Large plantations and slavery.

John Winthrop

Lawyer who was governor of Massachusetts, wanted to banish Quakers, told a speech that cleared him of impeachment saying there should be few in charge in gods name, and life under authority is better.

Who declared the Declaration of Independence and who wrote it?

Lee spoke it, Jefferson wrote it.


Lee wanted to invite the north through Pennsylvania and encourage forge in intervention against union. The confederacy failed and this was a great win the for union. Abe gave his Gettysburg Address here too

What other education opportunities came along with the Second Great Awakening?

Liberal Arts Colleges, State Universities, all women's school

Freeport Question

Lincoln asked, suppose, the people of a territory should vote slavery down. The supreme court in the deed scott decision had decreed that they could not. Who would prevail, the court or people?

Bull Run

Lincoln attacked a smaller confederate force here, but confederate reinforcements arrived unexpectedly and union was unprepared and shocked so they left, and the south ate their lunch. Victory made their south too confident

Union party

Lincoln feared defeat and the republican party did too, so they joined with the war democrats so that the peace democrats and copperheads couldn't beat them

Proclamation of 1763

London government issued this prohibiting settlement to the west of the Appalachians (now that British gained all that land)- not to oppress colonists, but to avoid Indian conflicts. The colonists throughout otherwise and got really mad.

Orders in Council

London government passed these that closed the European ports under French control to foreign shipping unless the vessels stopped at a British port first. Napoleon responded by ordering the seizure of all merchant ships that entered British ports.

American benefits from mercantilism

London paid for ship parts since they became a stronger power they had a stronger navy= demand for more ships. Tobacco planters had a monopoly on British tobacco industry, the colonists benefitted from protection of British army and navy for free

Although manufacturing was not as important as agriculture in the colonies, what was the most important manufacturing activity?

Lumbering. Wood used by shipbuilders to make ships for the British marine.

Significance of building of dams?

Made possible the irrigations of millions of acres of new farmland. Transformed the entire region with abundant water and power.

Macon's Bill No. 2

Madison passed this in 1810 and reopened American trade with the world, but if Britain or France repealed their commercial restrictions, America would restore its embargo against the nonrepealling nation. Napoleon repealed it so the embargo was against Britain.

How did Whitney potentially stimulate the Civil War?

Making the cotton gin boosted slavery, but making the interchangeable parts boosted northern industry

What was America's problem early WW1 and what did Wilson do?

Not ready and disorganized. Wilson wanted to make a shipbuilding program, beef up the army, and economic mobilization

McColloch v. Maryland

Maryland tried to destroy a branch of the BUS by imposing tax on its notes. Marshall said that the bank was constitutional, and he's strengthened federal authority denying the right of Maryland to tax the bank.


Mexicans defeated Americans in Texas here as well.

Situation in Texas in 1830s

Mexicans won independence from Spain so they lived in Texas, but also Americans lived there too and they disagreed on a lot, especially slavery.

How did WW1 prosperity start?

Morgan advanced Billions to the Allies, and this was still neutral, even though it favored them.

interlocking directorates

Morgan made this to consolidate rival enterprises and ensure future harmony by placing officers of his own banking syndicate on their various boards of directors

What did the population look like in the North?

Mostly Puritan migrants

Rome Berline Axis

Mussolini and Hitler ally

Bible Commonwealth

Name for the Massachusetts Bay colony that refers to its tax supported churches and visible saints.

Hatian Revolution

Napoleon failed to get Santo Domingo, an island, because of this revolt by African slaves, so there he did not need Louisiana's food supplies anymore.

How did we get the Louisiana purchase?

Napoleon sold it to us (the reason why is explained in the two cards above).

What was happening with Louisiana before it was ours?

Napoleon wanted it from Spain, and that was bad for the US because he had so much power, so that would mean making an alliance with Britain and going against France with was bad.

Who opposed the construction of roads and canals and why?

New England, because such outlets would further drain away population and create competing states in the west

Chesapeake v. New England Colonies

New England: -founded for religious reasons (anglican church ) Plymouth, Connecticut (closer church state), Rhode Island (roger williams) -rocky soil, long winters, imapacts economy and how farms are organized -democratic meetings, founded on religion so only puritains, mall farms no slavery no hierarchy -small scale farming, more industrial with cities like boston -good public education and literacy, families immifgrated, city upon hill Chesapeake: - founded for economic reasons looked for gold, he who shall not work shalf not eat, tobacco, indentured servants looking for new economic life - aristocrats, large plantation owners, based on agriculture, staple crops like tobacco, rice, indigo - hot summers fertile land, tobacco growing -slavery, males, educations not emphasized, no puritains, church of england established

Why was the south so worried about their votes in the senate?

New Mexico, Utah, and California wanted to be nonslave states, which could establish a precedent for the rest of the Mexican Cession territory

Stamp Act Congress of 1765

New York, delegates from 9 colonies drew up statement of their rights and grievances, and asked the King to repeal the legislation

Columbian exchange effect on New World

New crops and animals, disease

What was disappointing about the Treaty of Ghent?

No mention was made of the grievances for which American had been fighting for: Indian menace, search and seizure, orders in council, imperilment, and confiscations. it was not a real defeat.

Slavery after the revolution

No southern states abolished it, but they did in the north. Freed blacks were treated harshly

Free Soil Party

Northerners who were antislavery made this because they didn't trust Cass or Taylor. Advocated for federal aid for internal improvements

What is important about the Battle of Quebec?

One of the most significant engagements in British and American history

British weaknesses to Colonies

Oppressed Ireland and France who they defeated hate them, English Whigs are on American side, British army is cruelly treated in America, they were fighting far from base so orders came late, no center, America was too large and they couldn't cover the whole thing at once

What did the Washington government do in 1835 to ease tensions?

Ordered southern postmasters to destroy abolitionist materials and told the southern state officials to arrest federal postmasters who did not comply

What caused the great depression?

Overprodcution by both farms and factories. Abundance. Too much $ in hands of few wealthy, who invested in factories and production. Nothing going into salaries and wages. Also, machinery caused unemployment.

The Age of Reason

Paines book in 1794 that said that all churches were set up to terrify and enslave mankind and monopolize power and profit

How did the British make sure that they had the upper hand in the Industrial Revolution?

Parliament had laws forbidding the export of machines of emigration of mechanics able to reproduce them.

American Anti- Slavery Society

Phillips and others started this abolitionist society that would eat no cane sugar and wear no cotton cloth because they were made by southern slaves

The Compromise Line of 49

Polk proposed this to the British and gave them control of Oregon. 1846

Why did the Irish move west?

Potato famine in 1840s, also it was the land of freedom and opportunity and they were being oppressed by the British.


President Polk offered money to Spain for Cuba as a slave state but they refused so then he sent in troops

Treaty of Fort Stanwix

Pro British Iroquois were forced to sign this, the first treaty between the US and Indian nation. Indians ceded most their land.

What did Hoover and the Food Administration do during WW1 and why?

Propoganda instead of ration cards. Meatless Tuesday, Victory Gardens. We had to feed ourselves and allies so we needed to save.

Land Ordinance of 1785

Provided that the Old Northwest should be sold and that the proceeds should be used to pay off national debt. Divided into townships and all.

Great Migration

Puritans came to the Massachusetts Bay Company due to turmoil in England

What happened with Hawaii (and queen)?

Queen said that she wanted Hawaiians to have control, many whites revolted and used president Cleveland to annex Hawaii, but he withdrew the treaty bc he thought it was wrong.

New Nationalism

ROOSEVELTS idea that favored continued helping of trusts and labor unions, but also regulatory agencies, woman suffrage, social welfare, minimum wage laws, and social insurance

Three Rs of new deal program?

Relief, recovery, reform

Second Great Awakening and women?

Religion became more feminized during this time in terms of church membership and theology.

What did the Republicans/ Democrats support by 1856?

Republicans wanted to stop the extension of slavery into the territories, while the Democrats wanted popular sovereignty

Tallmadge amendment

Response to Missouri created as a new state. No more slaves should be brought into Missouri and also provided for the gradual emancipation of children born to slave parents already there.

What reason was Puritanism developed (not religious)?

Response to new social and psychological conditions in England under Elizabeth

To what extent were the ideas of individual freedom and representative government established in colonial society before the American Revolution?

Rhode Island was a colony with religious freedom and voting rights for all men. Mayflower Compact created foundation for self- government and a democracy because men voted for laws. New England Confederation created because English were too busy with the civil war. Colonists realized that they could do well off without kings rule. Fundamental Orders made by Puritans in Hartford established a regime democratically controlled by citizens. Congregational Church of the puritans in New England were self governing puritan congregations, leading way to deomcracy in political government. males met together and voted, elected officials and discussed matters.

standard oil company

Rockefeller's in 1870 and sought to eliminate middlemen and squeeze out competitors. he dominated the oil industry

Atlantic Charter

Roosevelt and Churchill and then endorsed by Soviet Union. Outlined the aspirations of the democracies for a better world at wars end. Rights of individuals rather than nations, human rights. Self determination regarding imperialism. Disarmament and security.

What was up with the Republican Party during elections?

Roosevelt and Taft split the republican party and went against each other. This made them both lose to democrat Wilson.

New Deal

Roosevelt promised a balanced budget, embraced progressive ideas such as unemployment insurance, old age insurance, minimum wage regulation, conservations, restrictions of child work, social welfare.

Quarantine speech

Roosevelt was alarmed by the recent aggressions of Italy and Japan and called for positive endeavors to quarantine the aggressors by economic embargoes

Russo American Treaty

Russia and US made border for Alaska.

Pinckney's Treaty

SPain hared that the US and Britain had a treaty and throughout it was an alliance so they gave US land in Florida, New Orleans, and navigation of the Mississippi (clever move by Washington)

Committees of Correspondence

Sam Adams organized this in Mass. and other colonies copied this. Made to spread the spirit of resistance by exchanging letters and thus keeping alive the opposition to British policy. Every colony had its own

Paxton Boys

Scots- Irish led this armed march in Philadelphia protesting the Quaker's lenient policy towards the Indians (who they hated because they fought for land)

Regulator Movement

Scots- Irish rebellion in North Carolina against eastern domination over the colony's affairs

What department heads served under Washington?

Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of War

What came out of the War of 1812?

Sectionalism, nationalism (revived BUS, expanded army, The American System), prospered manufacturing for industries stimulated by fighting, and less dependence on Europe.

who really helped Grant (democrat) win?

Slave votes


Separatists settled here under the Virginia Co. with the Mayflower. Missed their destination, arriving at Plymouth Bay, outside of the co.

Major industry in New England

Ship building and fishing

How did Americans respond to Molasses Act?

Smuggled and bribed their way out of it

Nullification Crisis

South Carolina proposed that the states should nullify the tariff and ignore it in their borders, and even threatened to leave the union if Washington attempted to collect the customs by force


South protecting lifeline to the western sources of supply. Grant fought this city until it surrendered, and reopened the Mississippi.

Northern vs Southern Democrats

Southern factored the extension of slavery into the territories and the annexation of slave populated Cuba, Northern favored popular sovereignty, and against the obstruct not the Fugitive Slave Law by the states

Mountain whites

Southern whites who didn't have slaves and were very outdated. anti south in the civil war.

Florida Purchase Treaty

Spain ceded florida as well as shadowy Spanish claims to Oregon, in exchange for Americans abandonment of equally murky claims to texas.

Treaty of Tordesillas

Spain divided what they found so far of the New World with Portugal. Spain got most of the Americas (South and Mexico) and Portugal got land in Africa and Asia

Ostend Manifesto

Spain, England, and France urged that America offer 120 million for cuba, if Spain refused, then they could fight for it. Angered northerners


Spanish conquerors in search of gold and glory

War of Jenkin's Ear

Spanish cut off British Captain's ear and started a new war, this time between England and Spain. Turned into King George's War.

Spanish Armada

Spanish tried attacking English, but English fought back and weakened them. Marks the begining of the end of Spanish imperial dreams.

Potsdam conference

Stalin British and Truman, stern ultimatum to Japan. Surrender of be destroyed.

French and Indian War

Started by Washington in the Ohio Valley in 1754, and led to the Seven years War.

What did Calhoun believe?

States can nullify federal rights or decisions, secession

Why was the Panama Canal needed?

Strengthen navy by increasing mobility across Pacific and Atlantic, make it easier to defend Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Philippines...

Bleeding Kansas

Sumner, an abolitionist wrote something condemning proslavery men and insulting south carolina. congressman of SC, Brooks, attacked sumner with a cane.

How did proslavery whites justify their arguments?

Supported by the Bible, Aristotle, Africans needed to be tamed by Christianity, gave them a family, better conditions than factory workers

Other reason Napoleon did not want Louisiana anymore?

The British controlled the seas, and he might be forced to give them a gift of Louisiana at the end of their war. Rather than just give it to Britain, he decided to sell it to America, who he didn't mid getting strong and hurting the British, and he could also get a profit.

What did the south do in response to the worries with Kansas?

THey sent over small groups of well armed slave owners to Kansas, who tried to take slaves and all but the environment were not really fit for that and it wasn't worth it

What did Napoleon do?

Taking advantage of Americans preoccupation with its own internal problems, dispatched a French army to occupy Mexico City, and made his puppet, Maximillian emperor of Mexico. This was a violation of the Monroe Doctrine. Took him down.

Scientific management

Taylors techniques of producing cars fast to eliminate waste of time

Balle of Tippecanoe

Tecumseh and the Prophet, leaders of Shawnee made a confederacy of all the tribes east of Mississippi. Harrison gathered an army and went to their territory and completely beat them. Led Tecumseh in alliance with British.

Kansas Nebraska Act

Territory of Nebraska would be spaced into Kansas and Nebraska and slavery would be settled by popular sovereignty (Kansas would end up a slave state and Nebraska a free state). This contradicted the Missouri compromise which forbade slavery in the Nebraska territory, North is pissed off at Douglas because it was impulsive and not necessary

What caused the Treaty of Paris?

The French needed to plase their Spanish allies now that they had won, and the US throughout that the French were going to betray them and give the we tern land to Spanish. Therefore, John Jay secretly started talking to British to come to terms with them

How did the south feel about the Tallmadge amendment and why?

The North was becoming wealthier and more thickly settled. There were 11 free and 11 slave states so it was equal and they wanted to keep it equal in that sense.

What did Roosevelt think about trusts?

There were good trusts and bad trusts. He needed to get rid of the bad trusts, which angered big businesses. He wanted to regulate, not fragment, the big business companies.

What happened with Europe and Spanish America?

The Spanish Americans were revolting for liberties, and Russia, Austria, Prussia, and France wanted to send armies to restore the king. The British kept out and asked to combine with US to renounce any interest in acquiring Latin American territory and warning Europeans to keep their hands off that area. US realized that this would hamper American expansion and they were just trying to use them and that the British navy would prevent this anyways because they had south American markets.

Motives behind the embargo act?

The US army and Navy was weak because of Jefferson so America couldn't enter the war and side with one side. They decided to pass this so France and Britain would not bring them into it with their port laws.

Boston Tea Party

The british made tea really cheap even with the tax, but the colonists thought that they were being tricked into paying the tax. The import of tea by British East India Company was strictly enforced in Boston so radices disguised as Indians dumped the tea into the Atlantic.

What is a paradox in American history involving triumphs?

The conservatives and radicals alike both won... they were both minorities. They both championed the heritage of republican revolution although they were so different

What did Lincoln believe?

The declaration of Independence, he said it was the central idea of US and its basic founding philosophy. Hated slavery.

What was a long run reason the north won the Civil War?

The delay, it added immensely to the moral strength of the north, they got more population and wealth. The compromise helped with this.

Result of embargo act?

The economy crashed before Britain or France would bend because they were not as dependent on the US as they thought. It was also revived the Federalist party.

Columbian exchange

The exchange of food, diseases, and culture between Europe, New World, and Africa. This revolutionized each.

Result of Lecompton Constitution?

The free soirees boycotted the poles, so the proslaveryites approved to constitution with slavery, under Buchanan who was under souther. but senator Douglas said it was not fair and against popular sovereignty, so there was a compromise that submitted the entire Lecompton Constituiton to popular vote. Kansas ended up just remaining a territory

What did the panic of 1857 cause for the north?

The hard hit north demanded for free farmers from the public domain. Industrialists in the east opposed it and feared that their underpaid workers would move west. South opposed it because they didn't want free farms and political balance against the south. Homestead act and tariff of 1857.

Why did whites without slaves defend the slave system?

The hope of buying slaves and the American dream, and because they had pride in their racial superiority

What stimulated the increasing separation of women and men?

The market economy. Women where physically and emotionally weak, but artistic and refined. They were the keepers of the societies conscious and kept their strong but crude men in line

What was going on in Kansas after the Kansas Nebraska Act?

The northern abolitionists were trying hard to abolitionism Kansas although it supposed to become a slave state and the southerners were betrayed, because there was an understanding that Kansas would become slave and Nebraska free, not both free.

What led to the Kansas Nebraska Act?

The railroad issue, south said that its better for them because they had flatter land and troops that would protect from indians shears the north railroad would go through nebraska which was unorganized and Indians roamed through. the northerners replied that Nebraska should be organized them...

Why did Buchanan (democrat) beat Fremont (republican) in the election of 1856?

The republicans felt threatened by the south that the election of a republican would be a declaration of war on them, forcing them to secede. Northerners were anxious to save the union and their business connections with the south, so they were intimidated into voting for Buchanan

Europe's opinion on the south

The ruling class was sympathetic to the Confederate because they had a semi feudal and aristocratic order. Workers were praying for the north and through slavery was awful.

What did the Mexican War bring up?

The slavery issue. This war was thought to be snarked up by southern slavery supporters for their own evil purposes. Led to quarreling over slavery in the congress and all.

What was the structure of colonial society like?

There was a social ranking. Large farmers, small farmers, large landowners, small landowners, homeless, servants, slaves...

Why were the 20s called the "roaring 20s"?

There was an economic boom for 7 years. This brought on a huge debt later on though.

Problems with the Articles of Confederation

The two branches of congress, judicial and legislative, were crippling. It had no power to regulate commerce therefore the states often had conflicting navigation tariff laws. They couldn't enforce tax collection.

When did factories flourish and no flourish in America?

They flourished during embargo, nonintercourse, and the War of 1812 but went back down with the peach of Ghent in 1815 and then went back up with the protective tariff of 1816

What'd the southern democrats do as a result of the Democratic National Convention?

They had their own convention, northern states were unrepresented

Why were immigrants important to America?

They helped so much to make the Industrial Revolution possible

How did the Whig party die out?

They supported the Fugitive Slave law and did not get nominated

Besides chap land, what else did the Westerners want and what did they do for it?

They wanted chap money so they made their won banks and fought eh powerful Bank of the US

What did the British and French want with Texas?

They wanted the Texans to gain independence form Mexico so it would check the southern part of America. They also wanted to make Texas their puppet so they can go around the Monroe doctrine and weaken America and use it for the trade without the tariff so Britain can grow their own cotton and be less dependent on America.

What was Roosevelt s problem with the supreme court?

They were all old and ultra conservative, so they did not accept many of his new deal reforms bc they deemed them socialistic.

Why were the Irish hated/ liked in the west?

They were competitors for jobs, but they wed also used by politicians to gain votes.

How did Americans do with science?

They were known to borrow and adapt findings of Europeans

Churches associated with the East, and why?

They were less touched by revivalism and more wealthy- Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, and Unitarians

What was strange about colonists' opposition to the stamp tax?

They were mad about supporting the British military, even through they ere defending them for free as well

Problem with royal appointed governors?

They were more loyal to the king than the colonists

Why did women get into settlement housing and women's clubs?

They were not allowed to vote or hold political office, so this offered a side door to public life and social issues.

What state was America in economically as a result of only WW1?

They were now a creditor nation, and the financial giant of the world. Everyone needed money for reparations.

Why was the Bill of Rights created?

They were promised to the antifederalists if they accepted the Constitution.

Problem with Texas

They were threatening to seize Santa Fe so Taylor led an army against them

Why was the abolitionist movement delayed in the North?

They were top true to the union and constitution, the south owed them debt so they couldn't secede they depended on the wealth of cotton for their labor system

Churches associated with the South and West and why?

They wet less prosperous and more zealous- Methodists, Baptists, new sects

Cotton famine

This was in Britain. There was a surplus of cotton in British warehouses so the blockade on the south didn't matter, but then later, there was a shortage, so there was hunger. The north helped them and they found solutions.

Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

Thomas Jefferson won a complete victory of separation of church and state in this colony

Result of court packing plan?

Those in the supreme court were threatened so they started passing more new deal acts. they resented him though.

What was the election of 1924 like?

Three people! Colliage for republicans. Democrates were split between the urban and farmers, fundamentalists and modernists... Davis democrat and La Follete was the new Progressive Party. Colliage won duh.

What did Wilson say WW1 was being fought for?

To make the world safe for democracy.

What did Roosevelt do with the currency?

To stabilize it and protect gold reserves, he ordered all private holdings of gold to be surrendered to treasury in exchange for paper currency. Took the nation off of gold standard

What did the Continental Congress call fro of every state in 1776?

To write new constitutions that defined the people's rights and authority

Who found most British colonies?

Trading companies, religious groups, land speculators

Law of primogeniture

law in England that only the eldest sons were eligible to inherit estates, forced other sons to seek fortune elsewhere.

How did Lincoln control the border states?

Troops in them. Also, he declared publicly that he was not fighting to free the blacks, and to only save the union.

Meuse Argonne offensive

US Army was involved in this WW1 battle, seeking to cut the German railroad lines feeding western front. Too many American troops died.

What did John Marshall believe?

US Federal government supreme in foreign affairs, trade, finance, and thats all. All the rest is up to the states.

Manhattan project

US building atomic bomb that was dropped on Japan and ENDED WORLD WAR 2!

What happened to Hawaii during the Spanish American War?

US thought that Japan would try to get it why there were distracted, so US annexed it officially and granted Hawaiians US citizenship.

What happened with Japan?

US wanted Japs to clear out of China. Said no and chose war.

Excise tax

passed in 1791 to pay off dept. domestic items like whiskey have tax

What did northern democrats divide into?

War democrats supported Lincoln and peace democrats did not

Neutrality proclamation

Washington declared this in 1793 to the French regarding their war with Britain


Washington treasury issued green backed paper money supported by gold, which fluctuated with the fortunes of union arms

Who tended to remain loyal?

Wealthy, educated, cultured and cautious people who were satisfied. Older. Anglican Church members.

What region was responsible for what?

West- grain South- cotton East- machines

Era of Good Feelings

When Monroe was president (he was like Jefferson and Madison). But it was not so good because it led to sectionalism

Tariff of 1842 and backstory

Whigs proposed a tariff and Tyler vetoed it, so they redrafted it and pushed down rates so Tyler reluctantly signed it.

Two party system

Whigs vs democrats

Abigail Adams

Wife of John Adams pressed for full rights of women but was not taken seriously

Issue with the problem with the League of Nations

Wilson kind of already promised it to the allies, so they were able to take advantage of him to get more of what they want. Stronger bargaining position.

League of Nations

Wilson really wanted this. He wanted to parcel out the former colonies and protectorates of the vanquished powers. Assembly with seats for all nations, and council to be controlled by great powers.

Fourteen points

Wilson. Purpose was to bring Russia into the war on allies side. Abolish secret treaties, freedom of seas, removal of economic barriers, reduction of armament burdens, adjustment of colonial claims int he interests of native people and colonizers. Foreshadowed league of nations.


With the help of the French Navy, the Americans under Washington were successful here and caused British to surrender. Shows importance of sea power the French gave.

Olive Branch Petition

after Bunker Hill, continental congress professed American loyalty to the crown begging the king to prevent further hostilities


after another downturn int he depression, Roosevelt put this into action. The use of government spending and fiscal policy to prime the jump of the economy and encourage consumer spending

Who tended to support patriots?

Young people were were energetic and purposeful. Presbyterians in new England.

jane addams

a christain socialist middle class woman who established Hull House, the most prominent American settlement house, volunteered, condemned war and poverty and got the Nobel Peace Prize

Great Reapprochement

after getting into a near conflict with Britain, this ear a of friendship came along between US and Britain

Sojurner Truth

a freed black woman in New York who fought for balck emancipation and women's rights

Virginia Company

a joint stock company that received a charter from King James I for a settlement in the New World. They wanted gold and passages to the Indies from this settlement. Their intention was to get profit and then sell it though.

may day strikes

a number of them by the Knights of Labor in 1889, half of which failed and they were sometimes associated with anarchists who wanted to overthrow America

Mayflower Compact

a simple agreement to form a government and to submit to the will of the majority under regulations agreed upon. Important step towards self government and democratic government we have today.

Brian Trust

a small group of reform minded intellectuals that authored the new deal legislation for Roosevelt

Henry David Thoreau

a transcendentalist who condemned the government supporting slavery, and refused to pay his Massachusetts poll tax and was jailed for a night


a wealthy populists with a tiny army marched to the government to relieve unemployment and inflationary public works program, but they were arrrested

How were women treated in the 1800s

a wife was supposed to immerse herself in home, subordinate herself to her husband, can't vote, can be beaten, can't have title to her property when married


abolitionist that published an antislavery newspaper, the liberator.he always said that the north should secede form the south

John Brown

abolitionist who went to Kansas and led men to cut up proslaveryites, there as basically a civil war in Kansas

minstrel shows

actors painted their faces black, playing and mocking slaves

Thirteenth Amendment

after the Civil War, legally ache iced the emancipation proclamation


began to use steel rails for the New York Central, and created a demand for steel which led to US production of it

Hartford Convention

beginning in 1815, New England extremists (Federalists) who depended on trade with Canada and Britain were against the war. They posed secession from the Union and demanded financial assistance from Washington to compensate for lost trade. Led to the death of federalists.

Reign of Elizabeth

beginnings of a market economy, many became poor and forced to move, lots of crime


belief in the importance of trade, and supported by the government using taxes

Hamilton on Bank of United Staes

believed in loose construction of the constitution and thought it would help the country a lot

Jefferson on Bank of United States

believed in strict construction of the constitution and that the bank is unconstitutional


believed that God existed in only one person, not in the orthodox trinity. they stressed the essential goodness of human nature and believed in salvation through good works- god was loving

Importance of the Ohio Valley

between New England and New France


black abolitionist who wrote Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World

Harlem Renaissance

black culture in new york. jazz

Nat Turner's REbellion

black preacher who led an uprising that slaughtered about 60 Virginians, 1831

Martin Delany

black who was for the recolonization of Africa

jay gould

boomed and busted the stocks of railroads to speculate. this is called stock watering

what were settlements like in mining?

boomtowns and then turned into ghost towns

Sectionalism and religion

both the southern Baptists and southern Methodists had split with their northern brethren over slavery issue in 1844. implied the split of union

Nonimportation agreements

boycotts on British goods. Colonists refrain from buying from the British and made their own stuff

Office of Price Administration

brought acending prices under control with regulations and rationing bc so much production caused inflation

California Gold Rush

brought up the issue of California being a slave or free state. they wanted to establish a constitution that excluded slavery, which aroused south

cross of gold speech

bryans plea for silver. led to republican dominance in government and fading away of the money question issue. new political era- fourth party system

Federal Housing Administration

building industry stimulated by small loans to house holders, both for improving their dwellings and for completing new ones.

what does buying stock on margin mean?

buying them for a small down payment

Seventh of March speech

by Webster, helped turn the tide in the North toward compromise in 1850, it was pleasing to the banking and commercial centers of north which stood to lose millions by secession. slavery is evil but disunion is worse.

Headright system

colonial system of awarding a tract of land, usually fifty acres, to a person who paid for the passage of an indentured servant to the colonies. Some wealthy people in Virginia and other southern colonies accumulated huge tracts of land through this system.


colonists enslaved Indians, promising that they would Christianize them


colonists loyal to the king

Dutch claims

colony in New York


combination of railroad kings who agreed to divide the business in a given area and share the profits

greenback labor party

combined an inflationary appeal with a program for improving the lot of labor. they demand paper mondy

vertical integration

combining into one organization all phases of manufacturing from mining to marketing to improve efficient and controlling quality and eliminating middle fees. carnegie

New Harmony

communal society in Indiana. It ended up sinking out of contradiction and confusion

Brook Farm

communal society in Massachusetts committed to philosophy of transcendentalism but ended in debt due to fire

Bolshevik Revolution

communist revolution in Russia. influenced communism in America and strikes.

heavy industry

concentrated on making capital goods as distinct from the production of consumer goods like clothes and shoes

Conscience Whigs

condemned slavery not so much for enslaving blacks but for destroying the chances of free white workers to rise up from wage earning dependence to self employment they would move west and do so with slaves?


confederate capital


confederate ship that destroyed two wooden union ships

Anglo- Powhatan Wars

conflict between the Chesapeake Virginians and Powhatan Indians. Indian population perished bc of disease, disorganization, and disposability, meaning that they were of no use to the Virginians.

Missouri Compromise

congress agreed to admit Missouri as a slave state, but at the same time, made Maine a separate state thats free. Also prohibited slavery north of the line 36 30 in the Louisiana Purchase.

Wade Davis Bill

congress disagreed with Lincoln and said that 50 percent of a states voters should take the oath of allegiance and demanded stronger safeguards for emancipation than lincolns as the price of readmission to the union. Lincoln pocket voted it and refused to sign it.

chinese exclusion act

congress slammed the door on chinese immigrant laborers by prohibiting nearly all further immigration from china. they were competition for cheap labor

What stimulated tax supported public education?

conservative Americans reasoned that if they did not pay to educate the kids, they might grow up to be dangerous and "armed with a vote"

economic motives of european expansion

desire for goods not available in Europe, desire to break Italian control on trade, fall of Constantinople led to difficulties, Renaissance mindset, better technology, harsh Roman Catholic church, colonies had mercantilist economic policies

Spanish impact on Native People

destroyed long established civilizations, extermination due to disease mostly, enslavement, conversion to Roman Catholicism

Witch trials in Salem

developed into a metaphor for the dangerously irrational urge to find a scapegoat for social resentments

Industrial Workers of the World

did not support the war. did damaging industrial sabotage

du bois

different kind of black than washington bc he was half half and had a phd from harvard. he demanded equality for blacks, social and economic

Seventeenth Amendment

direct election of US senators. (Progressivism)

Five Power Naval Treaty

disarmament with American, Britain, and Japan. ratio with Japan on the smaller end.

Battle of Long Island

disastrous battle in 1776, from which Washington escaped because colonists were outnumbered

Carey Act

distributed federal land to the states on the condition that it be irrigated and settled


distributing jobs in return for votes

Reconstruction Act

divided the south into 5 military districts, each commanded by a union general and policed by blue clad soldiers. They wanted to create an electorate in southern states that would vote those states back into the union on acceptable terms and thus free the federal government from direct responsibility for protection of black rights (inadequate to the cause of justice for blacks)


dont teach about evolution bc it destroys airy in god and then bible. south. took bible literally. struggle of religion vs. science.

Bracero Program

draft for WW2 left farms and factories without workers. brought in thousands of Mexican agricultural workers into the western states

chautauqu courses

education for adults

Merchant princes

elites that were high on the social latter as military suppliers

Non Intercourse Act

embargo was repealed and this reopened trade with all the nations of the world except Britain and France (the most important)

tweed ring

employed bribery, graft, and fraudulent elections to milk the metropolis of 200 million

American Plan

employers went all antiunion bc it was seen as communism.

Works Progress Administration

employment on useful projects on public buildings ,bridges, roads, art.

Federal Trade Commission Act

empowered a presidentially appointed commission to turn a searchlight on industries engaged in interstate commerce. Crush monopoly, root out unfair trade and unlawful competition.

Indian Reorganization Act

encouraged tribes to establish local self government and to preserve their native crafts and traditions. helped stop the loss of indians lands and revived their interest in identity and culture. many tribes resisted

battle of the little bighorn

ended with a signed treaty in 1868, where the us govt abandoned the bozeman trail, something fought over previously, and a great sioux reservation was guaranteed to the sioux tribes

Sons and Daughters of Liberty

enforced the nonimportation agreements

Liberia and the problem with it

established by the American Colonization Society in 1822 for former slaves. Problem is that they were mostly americanized by then and didn't want to go

why did immigrants come to america?

europe had no room for them, the population of the old world doubled bc of abundant supplies from america= europe economy bad (industrialization is blamed), america letters, freedom from military conscription and religious persecution

railroads and time

every town had its own local time until the 1880s, but railroad operators had a hard time keeping schedules so divided the country into 4 time zones

booker t washington

ex slave who wrote an autobiography, he lead a black school and had the accomidationalist viewpoint bc avoiding the issue of social equality and instead etching blacks their right to develop and get economic independence so that they can then gradually get civil rights

how did railroads keep the south behind?

favored manufactured goods, moveing southward from the north, but discriminated against southern manufactured goods bc they need the south as a supplier of raw materials- made it really hard for the south to make an industrial base

Executive Order No. 9066

fear that Japanese Americans will sabotage, US herded them together in concentration camps

Second Battle of Bull Run

federal force vs Lee, he went into maryland to try and encourage forge in intervention and seduce Border States. Leads to Antietam

Hetch Hetchy Valley

federal government allowed San Francisco to build a dam for its municipal water supply in Yosemete. This was a controversy to preservationists bc Hetch Hetchy was nature.

the battle of wounded knee

federal government outlawed the sacred sun dance (to have indians assimilate) and the sioux army stamped it out in 1890

Force Acts

federal troops were able to stamp out much of the KKK

Shepherd Towner Maternity Act

federally financed instruction in maternal and infant health care

Women's Rights Convention at Seneca Falls

feminist meeting in 1848 where they read a "Declaration of Sentiments" which said that "all men and women are created equal"

Middle Colonies

fertile soil, lets of land, fur trade with Indians, industry with lumbering and ships, ethnic, thriving

Congress of Industrial Organizations

feuded with the AFL. this was unskilled and benefitted from Roosevelts new deal laws on labor. Very prosperous.

Peninsula campaign

finally, Lincoln forced McClellan to go toward the confederate capital and he captured Yorktown but then Lee launched a counterattack and drove McClellan back to the sea. Union lost.


first American woman cabinet member.

Roanoke Island

first English attempt at colonization, this colony failed bc it mysteriously vanished.

Judiciary Act of 1789

first congress created federal courts, as well as the Supreme court with a chief justice and office of attorney general

Chateau Thierry

first significant engagement of American troops in European War. France.

Americas main contributions to WW1

food, munition, credits, oil, and a little man power


for the constitution and stronger federal government

Fair Employment Practices Commission

forbidding discrimination in defense industries


forceful enlistment of American sailors to work for British army

Panic of 1819

foreclosed mortgages on farms and imprisonment for debt- the poorer classes were affected terribly- made the BUS look bad. Affected the west.

benefits of railroad construction

greater national unity and economic growth, it was the biggest business in the nation, employing more people than any other industry and spurring the economic growth, stimulated mining and agriculture in the west, led to city populations, immigration, MAKER OF MILLIONAIRES

Charles Grandison Finney

greatest of revival preachers because he had oratory power

james hill

greatest railroad builder of all time

Cause of English economic depression

growth of population and unemployed beggars who were farmers before, they moved to the colonies

civil rights act of 1875

guaranteed equal accommodations in public places and prohibited racial discrimination in jury selection, but it was pronounced unconstitutional and never really followed

charles darwin

had a theory that higher forms of life had slowly evolved from lower forms, through mutation and adaptation which lead to the idea of natural selection

Royal colonies

had royal governors appointed by the king. There were 8.

Fredrick Douglass

half black half white who wrote a story about his escape from slavery and how it was very influential

Taft and monopolies

he hated them more than Roosevelt did and had many lawsuits against trusts.

Aaron Burr

he joined with a group of Federalist extremists to plot to secession of New England and New York. Hamilton found out and Burr killed him.

Henry Harrison's campaign

he lied about how he was a common man and won in 1840. This appealed to the common people


he was a Union commander who just wouldn't fight because he through that they were outnumbered or not prepared and feared losing.


he was a stunt flier who popularized the aviation industry.

General Benedict Arnold

he was a traitor to America by being a British spy for money

Senator Lodge

he was against Wilson. He made revisions to the fourteen points, reserved the rights of United States under the Monroe Doctrine and the constitution to protect American sovereignty. He didn't want to morally bind us to aid any member victimized by external aggression.

Why did Harding support disarmament?

he was an isolationist, and businesspeople did not want to finance naval building programs

Martin Van Buren

he was appointed by Jackson to run, and was his "puppet" so people hated him. Jackson also left him with the financial crisis.

John Quincy Adams

he was disliked because he was nationalistic when the nation was more towards states rights and sectionalism. He protected the Cherokees in Georgia even through they wanted them out. His support came from New England

President Wilson

he was from the south so he sympathized with Confederacy idea of self determination for people of other countries. he believed that president has a big role, he was cold and arrogant.

President Taft

he was just like Roosevelt, but he was not as dashing of a political leader. He was passive towards congress

henry george

he wrote about poverty in india and other places and how to progress and said that the people who own land in places with poverty make unfair profits off of the land so they must be charge a 100 percent tax

Sir Edmund Andros

head of Dominion he was annoying and imposed on meetings, had restrictions, taxed, enforced navigation laws. New English hated being imposed on

slave religion

heavily christianized by the second great awakening, mix of christian and african elements

Elkins Act

heavy fines could not be imposed on both the railroads that gave rebates and on the shippers that accepted them Hepburn Act

How did lincoln win the election of 1864?

hee was vs McClellan, a peace democrat. He was about to win but Lincoln allowed northern soldiers to vote and all

Puritan social aspect

high literacy rate, intense religious life, migrated in families, intolerant

What did Polk end up doing with California

in 1846 he ordered troops into Mexico but the congress refused to declare war because they didn't want to be first, so then the Mexican troops attacked- but they were provoked. Polk bent the truth to make it seem like the Mexicans fully started it so he got full support. He ended up getting it.

how did farmers encounter problems bc they relied on a one crop currency?

in 1880s, bankruptcy came along, other countries flourished in wheat crops, so this meant low prices, which meant deflation- every farmers nightmare

great white fleet

in 1990 us had the largest navy in the world, called this

War of 1812

in Canada, because the British forces were weakest there. Saved upper New York from British conquest. US won... kind of


in Cuba, they rose against sSpain who was oppressing them. Sugar production was ruined by the tariff (US) so they were mad and burned cane fields and sugar mills.

Glorious Revolution

in England. inspired rebellions and their ability to overthrow the throne

New Amsterdam

in New Netherlands run by the Dutch WEST India Co. No religious toleration, established government body, diversity

Zenger trial

in New York, Zener printed something about a corrupt royal governor by the royal court. He was found not guilty. Led way to freedom of press.

Whiskey Rebellion

in Penn, people were mad with the excise tax bc they were so economically dependent on whisky, but Washington summoned the militias of several states and stopped it

U boats

in response to British blockades, Germans introduced these dangerous vessels as a threat to US. Sank many ships "by accident".

Dred Scott v Sandford

in the Supreme Court. Dred Scott, a black slave, was backed by abolitionists to sue for freedom because he was working on free soil. the supreme court said that he was black slave and not a citizen so he couldn't sue in federal court. then the people argued, and declared that because a slave was private property, he or she could be taken into any territory and legally held there in slavery. . south happy. north pissed.

Morill Tariff Act

increased the existing duties for revenue and protection. made a protective tariff which identified the republican party

how did the industrial revolution impact america?

increased wealth and standard of living, demanded more labor and led to more immigrants, decline of agriculture, labor discipline

Tydings McDuffie Act

independence of the Philippines after a 12 year period of economic and political tutelage

why were skilled workers screwed?

individual originality and creativity were not important- conciousless jobs bc machines did all the work

President Hoover

individualism, free enterprise, small government. favorable to businesspeople. everyone liked him

Fair Labor Standards Act

industries involved in interstate commerce were to set up minimum wage and max hour keels. child labor under 16 forbidden. opposed by many industrialists.

Confederate economy

inflation, increased taxes, tight union blockade, but there were states rights so nothing could be enforced.

What was Roosevelt's goal of this currency change?

inflation. Relieve debtors burdens and stimulate new production. Instructed treasury to purchase gold at increasing prices, ratcheting the dollar price of gold up and thus increasing the amount of dollars in circulation.

Common Sense

influential pamphlet by Thomas Paine. Advocated consent of the governed, the brutality of the crown, convinced the Americans that their true cause was independence rather than reconciliation with British

Walker Tariff

it was a lower tariff proposed by President Polk in 1846. Proved to be an excellent revenue producer, because it was followed by boom and heavy imports

what was so important about the frontier before?

it was a safety valve, people through that if they failed in the city, they would move west and prosper by farming. it also lured immigrants to the west, and kept employers to keep wages high so that their workers don't move west

Fort Sumter

it was a union fort in the South so the south kept it, and while the union just wanted to provision and not reinforce it, the south regarded it as an act of aggression, so it was the first battle of the Civil War. North didn't get it.

what was the problem with the lands further west, past the 100th meridian and what did farmers do?

it was really dry so the farmers learned the technique of dry farming, with wheat thats easy to grow in that weather

Criticisms of New Deal

it was socialist, it did not improve the economy, it made workers lazy...


justified british control over the colonies. The british needed to export more than they imported and they take advantage of their colonies to do so. Use colonial goods for themselves and export to the colonies. They needed this to be powerful in comparison to others

McNary Haugen Bill

keep agricultural prices high by authorizing the government to buy surpluses and sell them abroad.government losses were to be made up by a special tax on farmers.

Lend Lease Bill

keep the nation out of war rather than drag it in. send limitless supply of arms to victims of aggression who in turn would finish the job and keep the war on the other side of the atlantic. (helps Britain who was in this pretty much alone)

what happened in 1898 that ended the depression?

klondike gold discovered in alaska, causes inflation. also, a crop failiure in south america helped farmers.


knowledge and truth transcends the sense, it can't be found by observation alone. Every person has an inner light who can illuminate the highest truth and put them in touch with god. Stressed individualism

Southern disadvantages

lack of factories, union blockades, shortage of food and clothing, rickety transportation

British strengths over the Colonies

larger population, strong manufacturing base, well trained army and foreign soldiers, American loyalists, Indians

Judiciary Act of 1801

last act passed by the Federalists. Judges were appointed for life, and this made people think that it was the Federalists way of keeping themselves in the government.


last colony, intended to be a buffer to protect the Carolinas from the Spanish in Florida and French in Louisiana. No slavery, missionaries, religious tolerance to all Christians but catholics, slow


late 1776, Washington surpass and captured a thousand Hessians

when was a bad time for farmers and why?

late 18000s, the railroad monopolies were hurting them, high tariffs (they bought protected, sold unprotected), overproduction led to decrease in prices, and deflation

farmers alliance

late 1870s farmers came together in alliance to socialize, but more importantly break the grip railroads and manufacturers have, they excluded blacks and tenant farmers, sharecroppers, and farmworkers, so it was not that strong

John Smith

of the struggling Jamestown settlement. Whipped colonists back to shape saying, "he who shall not work shall not eat"

Admiralty courts

offenders of the stamp and sugar taxes were tried here. no jury, guilty until proven innocent.


oil baron, mastered horizontal integration and trust

Chesapeake Affair

on a boat, the British claimed the right to seize the sailors but the American commander refused so three Americans were killed and eighteen wounded

Problem with king cotton?

one crop economy dependence which is dangerous

What is important about Saratoga?

one of the most decisive battles of both American and world history because it made possible the urgently needed foreign aid from France, which helped ensure American independence.

southern population statistics

only 1/4th of the while southerners owned slaves, the most popular slave owners were the smallest one, and most people didn't even own slaves

Albany Congress

only 7 of the 13 colonies showed up, it was a congress summoned by the British government to strategize how to keep the Iroquois loyal to the British in the war. Also the greater purpose was to achieve greater colonial unity and thus bolster the common defense against France.

American commitment to independence war

only a few were attached to this cause

Town meeting

open discussion and open voting, direct democracy government.

Anti- masonic party

opposed the influence and fearsome secrecy of the Masonic order (Jackson was part of this so they were also anti Jackson)- against secret societies and also appealed to protestants who wanted to bring religious laws


opposed the stronger federal government and against the constitution

Old lights

orthodox clergy men. They were skeptical of the theatrical and emotional aspect of the Great Awakening

New Jersey and Deleware

other Quaker settlements

Eighteenth Amendment

outlaw of saloons and alc. Temporary.

Kellog Briand Pact

outlawed war. defense wars were still permitted, and anyone can make an excuse for a defensive war. false sense of security to Americans

American strengths over English

outstanding leadership, foreign aid from France, fighting defensively, self sustaining with agriculture

Tenure of Office Act

over Johnson's veto, required the president to secure the consent of the senate before he could remove his appointees once they had been approved by that body. The purpose was to freeze into cabinet the secretary of war, Stanton, from the Lincoln administration.

Anglo- American Convention

pact with Britain that permitted Americans to share the Newfoundland fisheries with Canadians. And a 10 year joint occupation of Oregon.

minstrel shows

painted faces black

Declaratory Act

parliament said that they still and the power to do anything to colonies

Tariff law

passed by congress in 1789 to pay off debt. imposed low a tariff on imports

Tennessee Vally Authority

passed by the hundred days congress. the most revolutionary of all the new deal schemes. offered electricity for very low prices. this was an electric power industry, made to reform the power monopoly and giving people jobs as well. made tennessee into one of the most flourishing regions of the US!

national american woman suffrage association

started by stand ton and anthony and best leader was catt who said that women need the ballot. their argument was that they needed the got not bc they re equal to men, but bc of their responsibility for the health of the family and education of children and thus needed a voice on boards

who supported the antifederalists?

states rights devotees, backcountry dwellers, farmers, poorest classes, debtors


steel king, made vertical integration

two significant new improvements that pried a boon to the railroads

steel rail, westinghouse air brake

Conflicts with the British after revolution

still held navigation laws, did not allow West Indies to trade, obtained trading posts on US Soil, kept Indians on their side as a buffer between US and Canada

D day

still resistance was encountered from germans. it was when the us and societies invaded france. victory

Greek Revival

stimulated by the Greeks who tried to get independence from the Turks in 1820's there were buildings like this

Woman's Christian Temperance Union

stop saloons and make the world homelike. no alc

ABC 1 Agreement

strategy of getting Germany First. America and Britain. Even though Japan bombed them

Island hopping

strategy that US used to fight Japan. they took control of islands nearby heavily fortified ones and heavily bombed the others.

Puritain paradox

strived for self knowledge and acknowledgment of the infinity of their ignorance at the same time

Result of emancipation on blacks?

stronger families, westward movement, church, education

Fifteenth Amendment

suffrage for black males!

other trust besides oil and what characterized them

sugar, tobacco, leather, meat- they were not trustworthy

cumberland road

supported by the federal government because it was a National Road, from Baltimore to Mississippi River

Schenck v United States

supreme court affirmed espionage acts legality, arguing that freedom of speech would be revoked when clear and present danger is to the nation.


system on which the fur trapping empire in the west was based on traders would camp out near the Indians and wait to trade

Hatch Act

the new dealer government was accused of having too much money. this act barred federal administrative officials, except the highest policy making officers, from active political campaigning and soliciting. it also forbade use of government funds for political purposes, as well as collection of campaigning contributions

Enlisted blacks

the north had many fighting for their army, while the south didn't until it was too late because they had too much pride

what did puritanism stress

the pastoral responsibility of the clergy


the peoples party that attacked money and trust and wanted to nationalize the railroads, telephone, and telegraph and have a graduated income tex and get loans for crops and wanted free and unlimited coinage of sliver

morgan and cleveland

the president had dealings with this banker and got a loan of 65 million in gold

What did Roosevelt believe?

the president should lead, therefore, he had no respect for checks and balances. he may take any action in the general interest.

Proprietary colonies

the proprietor chose the governor. There were 3.

Confederate States of America

the seceding states, lead by president Davis


the south ith the Mexican territory and they really needed new slave territory so they aimed for nicaragua. walker made himself the president and allowed slavery but central americans overthrew him


the south used to pretend to be like the radical republicans, but then their government passed back into the inevitably democratic government

Declaration of Independence

the statement that the united colonies are and must be free and independent states. Brought in natural rights, and that the tyrannical king obstructed these rights. All men are created equal

Black Tuesday

the stock market crashed bc British raised their interest rates in an effort to bring back capital lured abroad by American investments. Business depression. Jobless and hungry. GREAT DEPRESSION

plessy v. furguson

the supreme court validated the jim crow laws and ruled the separate but equal facilities were constitutional under the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment

Appomattox Courthouse

the union troops captured Richmond and cornered Lee, and granted generate terms of surrender

Unconditional surrender

the us and britian used this with italy, germany, and japan. die or surrender

Hamilton's vision

the wealthier groups would lend the government money and therefore they would support its success because they have money in it and then it will thrive and all will get rich. The more creditors with a stake in the government, the more involved they are.

Northern economy

there was a boom. new factories sheltered by protective tariffs, soaring prices resulting from inflation, millionaire class, new intentions, dethroned king cotton

Tariff of Abominations

there was a really high tariff that was passed in the time of Adams, passed to Jacksons time. The southerners were hostile to tariffs because they felt discriminated since the north and west was booming from manufacturing and rising property values, and threatened slavery.

Dominion of Canada

there was a rising threat of invasions of Canada from British, especially from the Irish, so Britain established this

how was the industrialization of farming bad for farmers?

there were a lot of trusts associated with like like barbed wire, fertilizer, so there were middlemen who pushed storage rates to the ceiling at grain warehouses and elevators and railroad rates were high as well

Black codes

these laws were designed to regulate affairs of the emancipated blacks and ensure a stable and subservient labor force. penalties on blacks who break their labor contracts that commit them to wrk for the same employer for one year and pay wages. retired system of race relations as well.

railroad kings

they are corrupt, they had more direct control over the lives of more people than the president. they bribed and worked together to protect their profits

how did the republicans win in 1877?

they assured the democrats a place at the presidential patronage through and support for a bill subsidizing the texas and pacific railroads construction of a south transcontinental line

womens role in big cities

they battled for welfare, joined the work force, therefore most were single, and most worked as social workers, secretaries, department store clerks, telephone operators. more feminism and independence

puritan compromises

they became successful businessmen and had to make compromises?

how did corporations control laborers?

they controlled who they hired and the wages, and were able to call on federal coutrs to stop striking, and lockout rebellious workers, voce them to sign oaths saying they won't take part of unions

democrats in 1860s

they couldn't agree on anything. the wealthy wanted federal bonds redeemed in gold and the poor wanted to ohio idea


they did the illegal alc. business during prohibition, killed competition.

Republican radicals

they didn't want rapid restoration of the southern states, they wanted a transformation in the south


they formed the American Legion, and wanted Benefits and compensation from the war

How did the Texans beat the Mexicans?

they got help from their "american cousins"

womens vote in the west?

they got it earlier than others

why did small farmers pay the highest rates, while large customers got the best deals for railroads?

they granted secret rebates or kickbacks to powerful shippers in return for steady and assured traffic

British and American situation with Oregon

they had joint occupation of it

what happened with native americans?

they had to adapt to industrializing environment

English enclosure policies

they had to fence in land, meaning that there was less or no land left over for the poor, they moved to colonies.

Some states were against the new Constitution but still ratified it. Why?

they knew that they could not prosper apart from the union and exist safely

how did some railroad companies lead to bankruptcy?

they laid tracks in areas that lacked enough potential population to support it

why did workers not really care about inflation anymore?

they lived on a fixed wage so they had no reason to favor inflation anymore and liked stability

what did the populists do during the mckinley vs bryan campaign?

they merged with democrats so that they win with the silver

when did we become a creditor city and what does this mean?

they owe us more than we owe them. 1917. this made us urban

how did the US win against native americans?

they put them in reservations, they backed their land claims with military force, with the help of transport by the railroads, diseases, extermination of buffalos doomed the indians nomadic way of life

Treaty of Wanghia

to match the British, the US and China made this agreement which said that they were the most favored nation and they had all trading terms and Americans accused of crimes in china were tried in america

womans christain temperance union

to stop people from drinking, especially in saloons

Duke of York

took over New Amsterdam and forced Dutch to surrended. Named it NY

Union military plan

total war, blockade, liberate slaves to break south economy, split the confederacy by getting Mississippi river, capture its capital at Richmond

Market revolution

transformed a subsistence economy of scattered farms and tiny workshops into a national network of industry and commerce


traveling lecturers who helped carry learning into the masses

Gadsden Purchase

treaty in 1853 which gave a chunk of mexico with a great railway that ran through the US for 10 mil

civilized tribes

tribes like the Cherokee there were open to learning the ways of the whites

Laird Rams

two confederate warships being constructed in Britain. there would have been a huge war, but they were not released and London keep the ships for their navy, and paid the US for damages

women progress

wyoming territory allowed suffrage for women in 1869, followed by other western states, and in 1890 states passed laws allowing wives to own their own property after marriage, and there were also many women's organizations and independence and feminism

Abraham Lincoln Brigade

young men and women headed to Spain to fight as volunteers with the Spanish Civil War bc the US refused to help fight this


young reporters who exposed evil in magazines. Unmasked corruption between big business and government and other awful things going on that people did not know about before.

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