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What did H. Richard Niebuhr argue about?

- Denominationalism in the United States was an adaptation of the gospel to the various racial and socioeconomic strata of society

What is the characteristic of "The Constitution on the Church"?

- Did not place its emphasis on the hierarchy and the clergy - Church is the people of God

Which theologian saw Christianity as neither a matter of rational knowledge nor of subjective feeling but of practical life?

Albrecht Ritschl

Who was crowned Emperor of France after the revolution lost popularity?

Napoleon Bonaparte

What formed after the breaking down of the Ottoman Empire?

National Othodox church

Who were involved in the Orthodox Diaspora?

Nestorians and Monophysite church

What is Hegelian Reason?

Pose a thesis, question with an antithesis, reach a synthesis

What is the name of the three stages of human development by Auguste Comte, French philosopher


To Nietzsche, why do humans come up with concepts?

Power is behind the attempt to drive our own interest

Who are Unitarian?

Rationalist who rejected the doctrine of Trinity - focus on human freedom and intellectual capabilities in contrast to the orthodox emphasis on divine mystery and human sin

What does denomination mean?

Various churches are seen as denominations, that is, as different names given to Christians. In a religiously pluralistic society where tolerance was necessary for political survival, and in view of the bloodshed that dogmatism had caused elsewhere, North American Protestants tended to think of the church as an invisible reality consisting of all true believers, and of the visible churches or denominations as voluntary organizations that believers create and join according to their convictions and preferences

Who led the Bolshevik Rebe2/"3

Vladimir Lenin

What does Michel Foucault believes?

"Knowledge" is never objective or neutral: It is linked to the struggle for power

What is Imperialism?

"control by an alien national or racial group; such control may be primarily political or primarily economic, and need not imply formal terretorial rule; it may also be contrary to the origical intentions of the imperial power, or only indirectly related to those intentions

Who claims to transform the Weimar Republic into the 3rd Reich(Kingdom)?

Adolf Hitler

What is Protestant Liberalism?

freedom to think as one saw fit

Who did the Transcendentalism movement attract?

higher class

Which leading historian saw the development of dogma as the progressive abandonment of the faith of the early church?

Adolph von Harnack

Which continent did the Kimbaguist movement occur? 1) Latin America 2) Africa 3) Antartica 4) Asia


Who organized the "Pastors' Emergency League", what was it for?

- A Lutheran pastor, *Martin Niemöller - Oppose the Nazi measures to control the Church - Emergency grew into the Confessing Church

What is the Confessing Church?

- A body that opposed Hitler's policies in the name of the gospel

What was the characteristic of the Catholic Church in the second half of the 2oth Century?

- A continuation of the policies and attitudes set at Council of Trent - A theological and pastoral mistake to condemn and reject the modern trends

In Barmen, church is the congregation of brethren which Christ is Lord in word and sacrament. What false doctrine was it rejecting?

- Abandoning the form of its message and order to its own pleasure

What were the major issues during the pontificate of John Paul II, which he opposed all?

- Accusation of rampant sexual abuse - particular abuse of children - leveled at clergy - Woman's ordination, in 1995, half a million Catholics in Austria signed a petition for the ordination of women and against the requirement of celibacy for the priesthood

What was Karl Rahner known for?

- Affirmed both tradition and the modern world - Clarify the mysterious nature of existence, to bring mystery back to the heart of everyday life - Drew his philosophy from Thomas Aquinas and Martin Heidegger (one of the foremost proponents of existentialism) - Explored the notion of the episcopate and, without rejecting Roman primary, underlined the collegial nature of the episcopate

In Barmen, God has claim upon our whole life. What false doctrine was it rejecting?

- Areas in life which would not belong to Jesus

What was Rudolf Bultmann recommendation for the NT?

- Argue that the message in the NT is couched in myth, and the need for "demythologizing".

What is the foundational document for the Confessing Church?

- Barmen Declaration

Why was there an increase in membership for the Ku Klux Klan?

- Catholics and Jews were added to black as the great enemies of American Christianity and democracy - Mexican Revolution led many to flee and migrate to United State

In Barmen, Jesus is the word. What false doctrine was it rejecting?

- Church acknowledging other sources apart from Jesus

what is the feature of German Christians?

- Combined traditional Christian beliefs with notions of racial superiority and German nationalism - Reinterpret Christianity in terms of opposition to Judaism, thus anti-Semitic policies of the Reich

Who is Joseph Hromadka, and what is he known for?

- Dean of the Comenius Faculty of Theology in Prague - Associated in the Marxist-Christian dialogue in Czechoslovakia - Warned of the dangers of Nazism - Convinced that Christians should not be led astray by Marxist atheism

What is the rule for the document on religious freedom?

- Declaration must be respected - All religious groups have the right to organize according to their own principle - Rejected much traditional prejudice against the Jews, and acknowledged the unique connection.

Vatican and the Third Reich signed a concordat. What common belief did the 2 have?

- Declared that they believed in the perfectibility of the human race - Confuse the gospel with German culture, thus rose the German Christians

What was the other movement other than Black Theology, that gained traction after the war?

- Feminist Movement - Theology of the death of God, attempts to express Christian message in secular terms led to this movement - 3rd World theology

What is "red scare"?

- First of a series of witch hunts for radicals, communists, and subversives

Name 2 characteristic of National Socialist Ideology:

- Founded upon 'race', and the master race was the Aryans - Jews were seen to be a particular dangerous inferior race - Hitler's policy of expansion was justified on the basis of creating Lebensraum ("living space") for the Herrenrasse ("master race")

Who is Henri de Lubac, and what is he known for?

- French Jesuit - Edited voluminous series of ancient Christian Writings (with Jean Danielou) - Felt the church has narrowed its understanding of tradition, and had therefore lost a great deal of the dynamism of the entire Christian doctrine - The church is a sacrament in the midst of the world, Jesus Christ is the vantage point of all humanity.

How was Luther and his theology view as?

- German liberal scholarship had depicted Luther as both the forerunner of liberalism and the embodiment of the German soul. - Discovered that much in Luther's theology was not in agreement with the interpretation of the previous century

In Barmen, church do not exercise dominion of some over other. What false doctrine was it rejecting?

- Giving special leasers with ruling power

What is Pierre Teilhard de Chardin known for?

- He was instrumental in the identification of the Sinanthropus skull, which further confirmed the principle of evolution

Who was the main figure of Black Theology?

- James Cone, Professor of Union Theological Seminary

Who was the most influential Catholic Theologian of the 20th Century?

- Jesuit Karl Rahner

Who headed the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith? What was it about?

- Joseph Ratizinger, later known as Pope Benedict XVI - To guard the Catholic orthodoxy in lieu of the Inquisition

What are the features of the Cold War?

- Lack of church membership - Churches in suburbia grew rapidly - In the cities, the Holiness churches sought to fill the gap, but vast numbers of people lost all contact with organized Christianity

What was the first document to be discussed in the 2nd Vatican Council?

- Liturgy, created "The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy"

According to Stanley Grenz, what was the development of the Doctrine of Scripture over history:

- Luther: The scripture is the womb from which are born theological truth and the church. Luther's main reason for sola scriptura, to undercut pope and church council as ultimate authority - Calvin: The authority of the Bible does not emerge sui genrius, but arises from God, or more specifically, from the fact that God in person speaks. Authority of the bible as in a certain sense self-authenticating. - Puritans: Understanding of biblical authority that undergirded their program of church and personal reform came to expression in the Westminster Confession of Faith - Pietists: Scripture was not so much a source of doctrine as a devotional resource and a guide of life, but the goal of exegesis was practical. (Spener) - Evangelical: Scripture as the vehicle through which the Spirit worked the miracles of salvation and sanctification. Aim: allow the message of the bible to penetrate into human hearts and to encourage the devotional use of the bible

Who is Nathan Soderblom, and what is he known for?

- Lutheran archbishop of Uppsala - One of the leaders of the early ecumenical movement

Who founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference?

- Martin Luther King Jr.

Who is Ernst Bloch, and what is he known for?

- Marxist philosopher who agreed with Marx that religion has been used as an instrument of oppression - Engaged in the dialogue in Europe between Marxist and Christians - One of his work contributed to the one of the main characteristics of Protestant theology - an emphasis on hope and on eschatology

The renewal of Roman Catholic piety was also during the 2nd Vatican Council. Who were the 2 singular examples of this renewal?

- Mother Teresa of Calcutta, devoted her life to serving in Calcutta, established the Missionary of Charity - Henri Nouwen, Dutch priest, freely expressed the joy and agonies of his inner life (both trusting God entirely, and hesitating to trust)

What are the 3 things that Barmen Declaration don't intend to do?

- Not to break up the unity of the German Evangelical church - Not to forsake confession of the fathers - Not to oppose the unity of German nation

Name 2 things that Pope John XXIII did.

- Opened the 2nd Vatican Council - Insisted on calling other bishops "my brother bishop" - Convinced that time has come for total updating of the church - Created the Secretariat for the Promotion of Christian Unity

What was Barmen Declaration accused of?

- Oppose the unity of the German nation

Who is Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and what is he known for?

- Pastor in London of the Confessing Church - Wrote "The Cost of Discipleship" and "Life Together" - Conclude that pacifism was a way of escaping from his own responsibility and leaving others to make the difficult political and practical decision - Speak of a "religionless Church"

Who proposed the "method of correlation" and what does it means?

- Paul Tillich - Consisted of the examining the most profound existential questions of modern people and then showing how the gospel responds to them

Who is Yves Congar, and what is he known for?

- Periti at the 2nd Vatican Council - Director of the Dominican Monastery in Strasbourg - He showed openness to other Christian

In Barmen, church's commission to deliver the message of free grace to all people. What false doctrine was it rejecting?

- Placing the word and word in any arbitrary chosen desires, purposes an plans

Who formally opened the 2nd Vatican Council?

- Pope John XXIII

Which Pope fought for human rights in the time of Industrialization?

- Pope Leo XIII

Who declared that the Virgin Mary to be the "Mother of the Church"?

- Pope Paul VI, during the 2nd Vatican Council

What events took place between Hitler and the Protestant church?

- Promoted the "German Church" - Supported the formation of "German Evangelical Church" - State gained supervisory powers over the church

What happened when the communist regime (in Czechoslovakia) declared that all churches would have equal standing before the government?

- Protestants saw in this an act of liberation - Vatican opposed, seen as an attempt to regain the privileges that Catholics had lost, and therefore a move to oppress them again

Who is Karl Barth, and what is he known for?

- Provided the most significant theological response during his time when Luther's theology was questioned - A social Democrat, and felt that Jesus did not come to found a new religion, but to begin a new world. - Reacted against religious subjectivism - Convinced that the kingdom is an eschatological reality, and renounced social democrat - Credited with having begun new theological school some would call: dialectical theology, others crisis theology, and still neo-orthodoxy - Wrote: Church Dogmatics

What was the emphasis of the Secretariat for the Promotion of Christian Unity?

- Pursuit of a rapprochement with other Christian

What measure did church leaders during the increasing tension of Europe by the time of the war?

- Seek to use international connections of the churches in order to avert war - When failed, some Christians refused to be carried by nationalist passions, and sought to make the church an instrument of reconciliation

What events took place between Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church?

- Signed a concordat with Vatican in 1933, guarantees the freedom of the practice of Roman Catholicism - Bishops are to take oaths of loyalty to the state - Clergy promises to stay out of political parties - Nazis violated the terms in concordat, bishops condemn the government's policy

What's the central doctrine of Barmen Declaration?

- Sin of Idolatry - Lordship of Christ

What were the reasons for people to opposed World War II?

- Some Christians felt remorse for the unrestrained militarism and nationalism exhibited in the previous war - *Fascists fear of Communism overrode every other consideration - American of German and Italian extraction felt spurred by a sense of allegiance to their ancestral lands - Isolationists believed that nation should leave the rest of the world to its own devices - Racist and anti-Semitic felt that the United States should do nothing to hinder Hitler's plan

What is the longest document of issued in the 2nd Vatican Council?

- The Constitution on the Church in the Modern World

What causes thousands of Mexicans and Mexican-Americans to be deported to Mexico?

- The Great Depression

Name 3 things of the National Socialist Ideology:

- The master race was Aryans - The Jews were seen to be a particularly dangerous inferior race: they were seeking to overthrow the Aryans - Founded upon race

What was the one great cause that united most Protestants?

- The prohibition of alcoholic beverages

In Barmen, state has divine appointment to provide justice and peace. What false doctrine was it rejecting?

- The state not to be a totalitarian order of human life - Church to appropriate the task and dignity of the state

What's the intention of Barmen Declaration?

- Withstand in faith and unanimity the destruction of the Confession of Faith

What is the famous Scopes Trial?

- fundamentalists to ban the teaching of the theory of evolution in public schools

List the measures against the Orthodox church?

1) wording of the Soviet constitution changed over time. 2) church property belonged to the state 3) unbearable financial burdens imposed on them 4) seminaries were closed 5) banned from certain professions (teaching) 6) christian ministers were imprisoned,exiled and killed 7) 7day week.was changed to 5 then 6

List a few reasons why the Ecunemical movement did not advance in Latin America?

-Fear of papal ploy to reassert the Pope's authority -Fundementalism and power struggles divided the church into small groups that wished no connection with others

What were the five fundamentals of Evangelical Alliances to avoid liberalism?

1) Inerrancy of Scripture, 2) Divinity of Jesus 3) Virgin birth 4) Jesus' death on the cross as a substitute for our sins 5) Jesus' physical resurrection and return.

List some legacies by William carey?

1) Introduced Linnaean Gardening system to India 2) Translated indian classics 3) Promoted Bengali 4) Wrote the first sankrit 5) Media pioneer-Father of Print technology in india

List the 4 phases of the anti jewish measures the Jews employed?

1) Isolated measures against the Jews based on emergency order 2) The Nuremberg laws and subsequent decrees, forbidding marriage with jews 3) Pogroms and mass deportations 4) Mass extermination

Who are the four important persons in Edinburgh World Mission Conference in 1910

1) John Mott 2) Charles Brent 3) Nathan Soderbom 4) Williem visser Hooft

List the measures against the Orthodox church?

1) wording of the Soviet constitution changed over time.2) church property belonged to the state3) unbearable financial burdens imposed on them4) seminaries were closed5) banned from certain professions (teaching)6) christian ministers were imprisoned,exiled and killed7) 7day week.was changed to 5 then 6

List some efforts the government made to promote Atheism?

1)Anti-religious propaganda 2) Churches were converted to museums of Atheism 3) anti-religious procession on Christian festivals

List some efforts the government made to promote Atheism?

1)Anti-religious propaganda 2) Churches were converted to museums of Atheism 3) anti-religious procession on Christian festivals

Name some actions the Assembly took against the Church?

1. Abolished compulsory tithes, confiscated her lands, and dissolved all monasteries 2. People had the right to vote the Catholic Priest, even Protestants

Name three important consequences of the Second Great Awakening.

1. Abolition of slavery 2. War against alcohol 3. Break down strict correspondence between ethnic origin and religious affiliation

Name Hans Georg Gadamer's approach to hermeneutics

1. All of us come to a text with our own "horizon of understanding": Based on our own assumptions, bias and questions 2. Our "horizon" influences the way we interpret the text—but it is in turn reshaped by the "horizon" of the text 3. True interpretation involves a "fusion of horizons"

Name some examples of Evangelical Christianity integrating modern age

1. Apologetics: Defending the faith using "universal" rational arguments 2. Theological Method: Using "scientific" approaches to draw out factual propositions (doctrines) from the Bible (viewed as a compendium of truths) 3. Biblical studies: The dominance of the historical-critical approach (often carried out individually) 4. Attempts to find an incontestable foundation: E.g. doctrine of inerrancy, assurance of salvation 5. Seminaries: Fragmented approach to theological education

Name a few characteristics of Cult of Reason

1. Basic belief in Supreme Being but not Christ 2. Immortality of the soul according to Immanuel Kant 3. Their own ceremonies to take the place of Christian rituals 4. Temples dedicated to Reason were built 5. New rites were introduce for wedding. 6. No more infant baptism but dedication to freedom. 7. An official list of "saints" was issued (Voltaire)

What were the struggles of the American colonies for independence from Britain and its consequences for the churches

1. British army as an instrument of repression 2. Taxes 3. Conflicts over Indian lands. - poor whites hoped to establish a homestead - speculators of the landed aristocracy had formed companies with the express objective of colonizing Indian lands.

Name some features of the Enlightenment

1. Clear distinction between the subject (me) and the object (flower) under investigation (my mind through tabula rasa) 2. We must own the knowledge and experience it ourselves (Thomas Paine) 3. Belief in the ability of human language and concepts to fully describe and convey such truths 4. Optimism for the future - no more superstition

What are some implications to Critical Realism?

1. Deep awareness how our own context that influence our reality. 2. We can apprehend reality more fully when we hear the voices of others 3. Tension between confidence in our beliefs vs. recognising the provisional nature of our conclusions 4. We publish our objective truth appropriated subjectively with universal intent

Name some reasons why denominations were formed

1. Diversity of religious traditions that immigrants from various countries 2. Purify the church by creating a new body, purer than the rest in doctrine, worship, and morals 3. Political and social disagreements, particularly on the issue of slavery and its abolition 4. Literalistic interpretations of a few particular texts in Scripture

What are the different philosophies theology has interacted with?

1. Early church: Neo-Platonism 2. Medieval scholasticism: Aristotelianism 3. Protestant Reformation: Nominalism 4. Protestant Orthodoxy: Aristotelianism

How did Protestanism respond to immigrants who the lack of organized Christianity?

1. Establishment of several organizations whose goal was to serve the urban masses (YMCA) 2. Sunday Schools because knowledge of scriptures were waning among the Masses 3. Revivals at meetings

Name few things National Convention did to destroy the Church?

1. Introduce the calendar with 10 days a week. 2. Streets were renamed to secular names (scientists and philosophers in place of saint names)

What were the consequences for the churches in American colonies independence from Britain?

1. Leaving behind the dogmatic attitude of traditional Christianity 2. Espousing natural religion understood in terms of natural reason or common morality

What was the condition of France before the Revolution

1. Louis XVI had poor finance management 2. Poor harvests and the subsequent occurrence of famine 3. Roman Catholic Church in France was plagued by corruption 4. Heavy taxes on the poor people 5. Gulf between higher and lower levels of clergy

Name some features of PostModern Age

1. No clear distinction between subject and object. Both subject and object are contained within a context affected by our own culture and experiences 2. Human reason and language are unable to access and describe reality. Rather they construct new versions of it 3. Universality is an illusion—often asserted in order to promote hidden agendas 4. Emphasise the key role of one's community in determining the way we perceive things

What are the implications for Christianity in the Post Modern age?

1. Oppression of science over Christianity is finally broken. 2. Final demise of the liberal project: The attempts to reconceptualise the Christian faith so that it would be more readily acceptable in an age of reason 3. End of "Neutrality" 4. Rediscovery of sacramental, sacred, liturgical in the Christian faith 5. Postmodernism places importance to community

Name a few features of the Holiness movement

1. Sanctification 2. Holy living 3. Prayer

Name three things in the Declarations of the Rights of Man

1. Set out the rights of the people of France e.g. freedom of speech, freedom to own property 2. Limited the powers of the monarchy and instituted a representative form of government 3. Removed traditional privileges of the aristocracy and introduced meritocracy

What was the agreement of the Concordat that Napoleon made with the Pope?

1. Some lands restored to the Church 2. Bishops appointed by the Pope on nomination by the state 3. Clergy still to be paid by the State 4. No papal decrees were to be published in France without the permission of the state

What were some effects when the French Revolution ended?

1. Spread of the idea of a nation state governed by the people—who have political rights irrespective of their wealth or status in society 2. Encouragement for the continued rise of the Middle Class and their agitation for political and economic liberalism 3. Papacy strengthened that led to a revival of the Roman Catholic Church

Who made up the Estates General in France?

1. The clergy 2. The nobility 3. The bourgeoisie (or middle class)

Name the three stages of development in humanity from Auguste Comte, French philosopher

1. Theological, 2, Metaphysical 3. Scientific or positive

What were the resulting effects of the Two World Wars?

1. Worldwide revolt of colonialism 2. Colonial empires of the defeated nations were dismantled 3. Nationalist movements take on new life

The first Protestant missionary to India? 1) Dietrich Bonhoeffer 2) Bartholomaus Ziegen balg 3) Heinrich Pluschau

2) Bartholomaus Ziegen balg 3) Heinrich Pluschau hahaha....

Which theology seek to affirm the struggles of those who seek liberation from economic and social oppression? 1) Freedom Theology 2) Ma Thoma 3) Minjung Theology

3) Minjung Theology

How many percent of the Cburches were converted for secular use?


The White Man's Burden

A Eurocentric view of the world where the whites have the burden to rule over the world and encounrage development and progress to such a time when the colonised can take their place in the world as they increasignly become like their coloniser--You cannot help yourself, we will come in and help you mentalilty

Define "Opium of the people"

A religious illusion created to maintain the economic status quo.

What is Romanticism?

A renewed stress on feelings and imagination over cold reason

What is Rorty's Coherence Theory?

A statement is true if it is coherent to your belief system

What did the Christmas conference do?

American Methodists as a separate church also banned slaveholding among its members

What were the divisions in the church of India?

Anglicans, Protestants, Roman Catholic, and a protestant movement called Mar thoma

What were the emphasis of fundamentals?

Biblical inerrancy and its rejection of many of the conclusions of biblical scholars to juxtapose texts from different books of Scripture

What was the result of Joseph Smith's encounter with the angel Moroni?

Book of Mormon

Which missionary society was formed in 1865?

China Inland Mission-OMF

What does the Ecumenical movement seek to achieve?

Church unity

According to Auguste Comte, how should society be reorganized?

Clear distinction between spiritual authority and temporal power. Temporal power - in the hands of the capitalists and merchants, who best understand the needs of society. Spiritual authority - in the hands of a new Catholic Church without a supernatural God, and devoted to the religion of humanity.

According to Rorty, what is the aim of human life?

Cling on one another in community that gives us meaning and sense of life. It is not about getting it right.

What is the characteristic of Disciples of Christ movement?

Call for all Protestant Christians to unity through the proclamation of the gospel in its original purity.

Communism is in response to which movement?

Capitolism, so as to form a classless society

The name of the underground church in Russia?

Catacomb Church-led by laypersons who were secretly consecrwhat ated priests and bishop

The name of the underground church?

Catacomb Church-led by laypersons who were secretly consecrwhat ated priests and bishop

Why is everything fabricated reality to Nietzsche?

Categories are invented by men and do not reflect reality. Knowledge is a tool of language and terms are just concepts.

How did the nineteenth century affected the Catholics and Protestants?

Catholics: modern ideas were seen as threats Protestants: new opportunities

Who affirmed that reason is reality itself?

G.W.F. Hegel

What were the consequences of the Industrial Revolution in Latin America and Asia?

Colonialism of military and government intervention

Karl Marx is very much responsible for which movement?


What did the Oneida community practiced?

Complex matrimony, an arrangement in which all adults were married to all others of the opposite sex.

What was the ideological debate in Latin America between liberals and conservatives?

Conservatives feared such notions as freedom of thought and free enterprise. Liberals defended them, both because they were more modern and because they were better suited to the interests of the merchant class.

What did the Byzantine Chriatians intepret as an act of liberation from a tyrannical emperor who had forced thwm into a union wirh heretical Rome?

Constantinople fell to the turks in 1453

What is Colonialism?

Country coming in, and actually taking over, whether is it by land or by politics.

Latin America: What was the conflict between the peninsulares and criollos?

Criollos - felt it understood the affairs of the colonies better than the peninsulares Peninsulares - appointments to all significant offices—both civil and ecclesiastic—were made in Europe, therefore peninsulares, many of them appointed to rule had never seen the lands of the New World before

Name the main characteristic of Protestant Christianity that resulted from North America experience?


Origin of Moravian unbroken prayer? 1) Moscow 2) Westminster Assembly 3) Hernhut


What is Socialism?

Economic is the foundation of society, not reason, not feelings.

Which event brought churches together with a renewed missionary enthusiasm in 1910?

Edinburgh Missionary Conference

Pope ruled the West, who ruled the East?


What did Czar Alexis I Mikhailovich do?

Encouraged Nikon to revise liturgy

What is the Treaty of Paris?

Ended the American War of Independence - war was between Britain and U.S.A

What was Nietzsche view of reality?

Everything is fragmented

Who sought to expound on the development of Theology following Hegel's scheme?

F. C. Baur

Who declared slavery to be against the law of God, also went on record as opposing its abolition, and deposed a minister for advocating abolition

General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church

Why did the government try to consolidate/unite the Church in China?

For Control...

Who is Cecil Rhodes

Founder of Rhodes Scholarship who is actually a British supramcist

What was the great ideological debate between Liberals and Conservatives in Latin America about?

Free market (Liberals) vs the tradition rights of the nobles (Conservatives)

Who is the Patron Saint of Post-Modernity?

Friedrich Nietzsche

Who wrote The Christian Faith?

Friedrich Schleiermacher

Who proposed that religion is grounded in Gefühl and what does it mean?

Friedrich Schleiermacher, feeling

Name a striking characteristic in the shifting of landscapes in United States

Growth of new Christian (and pseudo-Christian) movements

How did the clergy responded to the Assembly's action against the Church?

Half of the clergy refuse to take an oath

What theory did Karl Marx develop?

Historical materialism

What is Universalism?

In the end all will be saved

What was the consequence of Napoleon's reconciliation with the Catholic Church?

Increase the authority of the pope over the French church

What was the Princeton Theology?

Inerrancy of scriptures

Who states that with God out of the picture everything is permitted?

Ivan Karamazov

Who were the Serampore Trio?

Joshua Marshman, Hannah Marshman, William Ward

Argentina became a secular state in which the Church was reduced to an inspirational and ceremonial role because of? 1) Enrique Iglesias 2) Juan Domingo Peron 3) Dora

Juan Domingo Peron

Who prophesized the "withereing away of religion?"

Karl Marx

Who published the Communist Manifesto?

Karl Marx and

Who said... "workers of the world unite"?

Karl marx

What was the friction between the Assembly & King Louis XVI?

King Louis XVI was unable to accept the decisions of the Assembly

Who wrote a Poem for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee

Kipling, but replaced it with "Recessional" (The White Man's Burden)

Who wrote a Poem for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee

Kipling, but replaced it with "Recessional"(The White Man's Burden)

What happened during the Reign of Terror?

Large scale executions of aristocracy and the clergy Massacres at Vendée - Catholic supporters were put down, including priests, women and children. Guillotine could not take it so the radicals introduced drowning of the people.

What was the source of spiritual strength for Orthodox believers


How was the National Constituent Assembly formed?

Louis XVI gave in and ordered members of all three estates to join

Who became the master of France?

Napoleon Bonaparte

If there are no eternal basis of knowledge, what does Nietzsche proposes?

Men to discipline our will to power to create the future

Who did Unitarian movement attract?

Merchant class in New England

What did Joseph Smith founded?


Which country refers itaelf to the Third Rome


Who and why was the Evangelical Alliance formed?

Movement seeking to join all those who saw liberalism as a denial of the faith

Who did the Government imprisoned in 1922-1932, after his imprisonment, adopted a more conciliatory attitude towards the government?

Patriach Tikhon

What was the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo?

Peace treaty that ended the Mexican-American War Treaty also guaranteed the rights of Mexicans who decided to remain in the conquered territory

The main denominations that contribute to the work in Japan?

Pentacostal and Charismatic

Which denomination had the largest growth increase in 21st Century? 1) Presbyterians 2) Methodist 3) Pentacostals 4) Anglican


What were some of the effects of the Cultural Revolution in China?

Persecution and Closing down of churches\

What was the result of the Estate Generals in France?

Poor priests and nobleman started their own body called the Third Estate because they felt the Estate General was getting nowhere

What forms of colonialism did Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands employ?

Portugal, Netherlands - Trader colonialism; Spain - Settler colonialism

Between Spain and Portugal, who had the longest rule?


Who was the Patriarch or Pioneer of African Missions?

Robert Moffat

Who was the first Protestant missionary to China?

Robert Morrison

What were some immediate effects of the failure of the Revolution?

Romanticism Socialism

What does Republic mean?

Rule by the people, no monarchy

What was the main factor contributing to the decline of Christianity?


Who sought to seperate Church and State and was later imprisoned, after imprisonment change his position as well?


What must Shakers avoid?

Sex because it is the root of all evil

What did the movement Mother Ann Lee led?


Who did Ann Lee Stanley— Mother Ann Lee claimed to be?

She was the Second Coming of Christ

What were the consequences of the Second Awakening?

Societies born during the Second Awakening took up various social causes, such as the abolition of slavery Second Awakening helped break down the strict correspondence between ethnic origin and religious affiliation.

What did Auguste Comte, French philosopher, one of the founders of modern sociology propose?

Society could and should be reorganized following the dictates of reason

Explain the meaning of Beyond Christendom

Spatial meaning: Christianity moved beyond its traditional confines within Western civilization and became a truly universal faith. Temporal meaning: The time for Christendom in the West has passed

Who is the symbol of Missionary efforts in the US

St Raphael of Brooklyn

Who conceived his calling as "making Christianity difficult", and which philosophy did he found?

Søren Kierkegaard, existentialism

What event in 1857 resulted in the dissolution of the British East India Company?

The "Great Mutiny"

Which political event in 1884 was key in the European colonisation of Africa?

The Berlin Conference

Which group of people were important in communism?

The Proletariats

What was the most important event in the nineteenth nd twentieth century?

The founding of a truly universal church that involved peoples of all races and nations within the context of colonialism and economic imperialism

What are Aryans?

The master race as opposed to the Jews

Alternate interpretation of the White Man's Burden

The rich have a moral duty and obligation to help the poor "better" themselves whether the poor want the help or not.

What is Karl Marx view of God?

There is no God.. Man made him in their image

What is Critical Realism?

There is truth out there that we can access and understand yet it is critical.

Who were the founders of Disciples of Christ movement?

Thomas Campbell and his son Alexander Campbell

According to Schleiermacher, what is the function of theology and at which 3 levels?

To explore and expound on the implications of the feeling of dependence: the self, its relations with the world, its relations with God

What was the aim of the Estate Generals in France?

To get the body to approve the imposition of taxes on the 1. clergy 2. nobility

Spaniards ?

Travelled westward to eventuallly come to philippines which resulted in the death of many children,

Which treaty divided the colonies of Spain and Portugal in 1494?

Treaty of Tordesillas

What was the name of the council in the Ecumenical movement?

World Council of Churches

Which institution did Robert Morrison set up?

Ying-Wa College

What did fundamentalism declared?

a defender of traditional orthodoxy

What is neo-colonialism?

a system in which the colonizing powers, rather than ruling directly over the colonized, allowed them a measure of political independence while still exploiting them economically and perpetuating their dependency.

Who were involved in the great ideological debate in Latin America?

between liberals and conservatives

Why was American Colonization Society founded?

buying slaves, freeing them, and returning them to Africa

Who were part of the Third Estate?

dissident clergy and noblemen

What is the Copernican Revolution?

empirical experiences and mind plays a role to process the image of reality

What was the main area of tension in the National Orthodox churxh

nationalist sentiments and transnational nature of Orthodoxy

How did Modernists view Christianity and the Bible?

nothing more than another religion and one great book among many

Mexico: Who were the mestizos?

persons of mixed Indian and Spanish blood

What is Transcendentalism?

self-knowledge as a means to understand the universe and its purpose, and held that there is a bit of the divine in every human being—what some called the Oversoul

What is Social Gospel?

the social and economic life of the nation should conform to the requirements of the gospel, and showed that economic liberalism—the theory that the law of supply and demand suffices to regulate the marketplace—results in great inequity and social injustice. The task of Christians in that context is to seek to limit the unbridled power of runaway capital, and to advocate the enactment of laws that will aid the poor and promote greater justice. The point of contact between the Social Gospel and the rest of liberalism was their common optimism regarding human capabilities and the progress of society.


travelled East ward, India, Melecca, Phillipines

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