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Which of the following statements is true regarding conflict? A) It challenges the status quo. B) It can be dysfunctional. C) It can arise from diversity. D) It can lead to the demise of an organization. E) all of the above


Which of the following tactics involves including an individual in the decision-making and planning process? A) ingratiation B) exchange C) pressure D) inspirational appeals E) consultation


Which one of the following might not be a functional outcome of the conflict process? A) stimulates creativity B) increases innovation C) fosters environment of self-evaluation D) relieves tensions E) reduces group cohesiveness



Employee discretion is inversely related to ________. A) complexity B) standardization C) specialization D) departmentalization E) empowerment

For an organization to be politics free would require that A) all organizational members hold the same goals and interests. B) organizational resources are not scarce. C) performance outcomes are clear. D) performance outcomes are objective. E) all of the above.


Leadership requires ________. A) some congruence between the goals of the leader and those being led B) strong two-way communication between the leader and those being led C) a dependency of those being led on the leader D) a dependency of the leader on those being led E) followers to share behavioral traits with their leaders


Leadership research emphasizes ________. A) style B) persuasion C) power D) communication E) commitment


Negotiation can be defined as a process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services and attempt to agree upon ________. A) the exchange rate for those goods and services B) acceptable bargaining strategies for obtaining the goods and services C) a model of the negotiation process for resolving differences D) effective arbitrators for disputes E) the monetary value of the exchanged items


Who is most likely to engage in IM? A) low self-monitors B) high self-monitors C) low Machs D) those with an external locus of control E) everyone


You have decided to try to find a win-win situation to help labor and management resolve their differences. You are attempting to engage in A) integrative bargaining. B) distributive bargaining. C) mediation. D) BATNA. E) arbitration.


Your ________ determines the lowest value acceptable to you for a negotiated agreement. A) BATNA B) margin of error C) bid price D) asking price E) hidden value


________ bargaining is negotiation that seeks to divide a "fixed pie." A) Distributive B) Integrative C) Reflective D) Affective E) Conjunctive


________ power is generally related to an individual's unique characteristics. A) Personal B) Reward C) Legitimate D) Expert E) Idiosyncratic



A ________ is a flat organization. A) bureaucracy B) centralized structure C) matrix structure D) simple structure E) virtual organization


A bureaucracy is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) highly routine operating tasks B) formalized rules and regulations C) tasks that are grouped into functional departments D) decentralized decision making E) specialization


A company oriented around cost minimization is best served by which type of structure? A) virtual B) combination C) mechanistic D) organic E) targeted


A major disadvantage of the matrix structure is ________. A) the confusion it creates B) its simplicity C) its rigid adherence to the unity of command D) its centralization E) its rigid role expectations


A plant manager who organizes the plant by separating engineering, accounting, manufacturing, personnel, and purchasing into departments is practicing ________ departmentalization. A) target-customer B) product C) functional D) geographic E) graphic


A small, core organization that outsources major business functions is a ________ organization. A) team B) virtual C) boundaryless D) matrix E) simple


A strategy that emphasizes the introduction of major new products and services is a(n) ________ strategy. A) innovation B) enhancement C) progressive D) organic E) matrix


A task that is subdivided into many separate jobs is considered to have a ________. A) high degree of departmentalization B) low degree of decentralization C) high degree of work specialization D) low degree of structure E) high degree of matrix structuring


All of the following are characteristics of the organic model EXCEPT A) cross-functional teams B) narrow spans of control C) cross-hierarchical teams D) high participation in decision making E) flatness

66) A law firm has established standardized stages of transition. A defined probationary period of five years is established before a candidate should be given partner status. This is an example fo the ________ entry socialization. A) collective B) fixed C) individual D) serial E) investiture


67) Which of the following is not a means of transmitting culture within an organization? A) stories B) reflections C) rituals D) language E) material symbols


7) Organizational culture is A) not concerned with how employees perceive their culture. B) a descriptive term. C) concerned with whether employees like certain characteristics of their culture. D) evaluative. E) synonymous with job satisfaction.


70) Nunya is a computer software company that employs highly intelligent, but somewhat unusual people. The regular distribution of lollipops, toys, or treats every Friday is an example of a ________ that helps reinforce Nunya's culture. A) story B) ritual C) material symbol D) symbolism E) tool


79) To create a more ethical culture, management should do all of the following EXCEPT A) serve as a visible role model. B) cover up unethical acts. C) provide ethical training. D) communicate ethical expectations. E) provide protective mechanisms.


80) A culture that emphasizes building on employee strengths and emphasizes individual vitality and growth is known as a/an A) strong culture. B) positive organizational culture. C) strengths-driven culture. D) ethical culture. E) reward culture.


83) The best advice to offer US managers when opening up operations in another country is to A) let the US culture dominate. B) be culturally sensitive. C) ignore local cultures. D) merge the local culture with the dominant US culture. E) let the local culture dominate.


85) All of the following factors increase the probability that cultural change can be successfully implemented EXCEPT A) the existence of a dramatic crisis. B) a positive organizational culture. C) a turnover in the organization's top leadership. D) an organization that is both young and small. E) a weak dominant culture.


According to the interactionist's perspective, a group that functions without conflict is ________. A) living up to behavioral ideals B) prone to becoming static and apathetic C) likely to be responsive to the need for change and innovation D) the most productive E) a rare phenomenon


Activities that influence the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within an organization are known as ________. A) human resources B) political behaviors C) sexual harassment D) influential power moves E) interactive initiatives


All of the following are recommendations for improving your negotiating effectiveness EXCEPT A) Set ambitious goals. B) Pay particular attention to initial offers. C) Research your opponent. D) Address the problem, not personalities. E) Be creative and emphasize win-win solutions.


Celebrities are paid millions of dollars to endorse products in commercials because the advertisers believe the celebrities have ________ power. A) personal B) referent C) expert D) legitimate E) star


Conflict is an antidote for A) the risky shift. B) groupthink. C) emotional intelligence. D) a poor decision. E) creativity.


Conflict is dysfunctional when it ________. A) provides a medium to release tension B) reduces group cohesiveness C) fosters an environment of self-evaluation D) provides a means for expressing frustration E) leads to change


Conflict that relates to the content and goals of work is termed ________ conflict. A) job B) task C) relationship D) process E) communication


During which phase of the negotiation process do the parties exchange their initial proposals or demands? A) opening and initiating B) definition of ground rules C) clarification and justification D) bargaining and problem-solving E) integration of preferences


For process conflict to be productive, it must be ________. A) kept high B) kept low C) kept at low-to-moderate levels D) kept at moderate levels E) subject to managerial control


If one party is willing to give in to please someone else, this is an example of which type of conflict-handling intention? A) sacrificing B) accommodating C) collaborating D) compromising E) competing


In an emergency situation, which conflict-handling technique is recommended? A) collaboration B) competition C) accommodation D) avoidance E) compromise


In which stage of conflict do individuals become emotionally involved? A) potential opposition B) cognition and personalization C) intuitions D) behavior E) reaction and transference


Individuals who develop explanations to lessen their responsibility for negative outcomes are demonstrating which of the following defensive behaviors? A) buffing B) justifying C) prevention D) stretching E) misrepresenting


It seems that your work group is in conflict much of the time. One colleague has suggested that you, as the supervisor, are responsible for eliminating the conflict so that your work group can function harmoniously. Another colleague has suggested that conflict is good for stimulating creativity and productivity within the work environment. You are unsure about whether you should try to eliminate the conflict within your group or learn to deal with it positively. You have decided to accept conflict as a natural occurrence and deal with it. You are supporting A) the traditional view. B) the human relations view. C) the interactionist view. D) the behavior modification view. E) the positivistic view.


Jennifer's boss asks for her recommendations on strategies for promoting functional conflict within the company. Which of the following is Jennifer most likely to recommend? A) punishing individuals who support beliefs that management has rejected B) empowering employees to question their bosses with impunity C) implementing a policy of promoting personnel who are conflict avoiders D) training managers to discourage devil's advocates in the decision-making process E) encouraging managers to reward employees who keep their opinions to themselves


Jerrod is relatively new to Xenon Corporation and wants to make sure that he makes a good impression on his coworkers and supervisor. He agrees with the supervisor's opinion most of the time and is always doing nice things for him. Jerrod makes sure that he associates with the "right" people and is constantly complimenting others about their good work. Jerrod is attempting to use A) politics. B) impression management. C) defensive behavior. D) his power base. E) interdependence.


The opposite of coercive power is ________ power. A) referent B) reward C) legitimate D) charismatic E) resourcive


The power tactic that evidence suggests is one of the most effective is ________. A) pressure or coercion B) rational persuasion C) personal appeals or friendship D) exchange or rewards E) flattery


The terms negotiation and ________ are used interchangeably. A) win-lose B) bargaining C) collaboration D) accommodating E) arbitration


There is a greater likelihood of political behavior of the illegitimate kind when there is/are ________ within the organization. A) more resources B) less trust C) more executive opportunities D) less executive opportunities E) less satisfaction


Thomas recognizes that his firm is plagued by organizational politics. He is not good at playing games and instead frequently engages in defensive behaviors in order to protect himself and his interests. Thomas is frustrated because he believes that he has little control over his environment, and his environment is uncomfortable to him. He has had some success at establishing a sense of control for himself by appearing to be more or less supportive publicly while doing little or nothing privately. Which of the following behaviors is Thomas engaged in? A) overconforming B) stalling C) playing dumb D) stretching E) buck passing


Which IM technique appears to backfire on employees and lead to lower performance evaluations? A) ingratiation B) self-promotion C) conformity D) flattery E) association


Which IM technique may be the most important to interviewing success? A) ingratiation B) self-promotion C) conformity D) flattery E) association


Which influence tactic tends to work best as a downward influencing tactic with subordinates? A) pressure B) inspirational appeals C) ingratiation D) coalitions E) exchange


Which of the following conflict-handling intentions might involve attempting to find a win-win solution? A) avoiding B) collaborating C) accommodating D) compromising E) mollifying


Which of the following does not describe high self-monitors? A) The show greater sensitivity to social cues. B) They possess an external locus of control. C) They exhibit higher levels of social conformity. D) They are more likely to be skilled in political behavior. E) They are more likely to engage in political behavior


Which of the following is NOT cited as a culture that creates a breeding ground for politicking? A) cultures with unclear performance evaluation systems B) high trust cultures C) cultures with role ambiguity D) democratic decision-making cultures E) cultures with self-serving senior managers


Which of the following is correct about cultural differences in negotiation? A) The Japanese tend to communicate directly. B) The Chinese draw out negotiations. C) Americans are known for their patience. D) Arabs rely on facts and appeal to logic. E) Russians tend to reciprocate concessions.


Which of the following is most likely to help Jerrod earn higher performance evaluations from his supervisors? A) apologies B) ingratiation C) excuses D) buffing E) self-promotion


Which of the following is not an example of an impression management technique? A) conformity B) capitulating C) flattery D) granting favors E) self-promotion


Which of the following is not considered to be a power tactic? A) coalitions B) substitution C) rational persuasion D) ingratiation E) legitimacy


Which of the following statements is true concerning power? A) Trust and mistrust affect the expression of power. B) A person can have power over you only if he or she controls something you desire. C) Power requires some congruence between the goals of the leader and those being led. D) To be effective, power must be actualized. E) In order to have power, a person must impose their control over others.


Which of the following statements is true pertaining to the role of personality traits in negotiations? A) Personality of the negotiators will definitely determine who prevails. B) Recent research has shown that extraverts are less effective negotiators in distributive bargaining than introverts. C) High risk takers will definitely be better negotiators. D) Individuals who are agreeable and with an internal locus of control will be better negotiators. E) Individuals who are concerned with appearing competent make excellent negotiators.


Which of the following would be considered a legitimate political behavior? A) sabotage B) bypassing the chain of command C) whistleblowing D) wearing protest buttons E) groups of employees simultaneously calling in sick


Which power tactic tends to be the most effective across all organizational levels? A) personal appeals B) rational persuasion C) ingratiation D) legitimacy E) pressure


Which source of formal power can actually backfire? A) reward B) coercive C) expert D) referent E) legitimate


Which type of conflict-handling intention results in a person seeking to suppress conflict and hoping it will go away? A) competing B) avoiding C) accommodating D) compromising E) collaborating


You have decided to allow conflict to exist so long as it doesn't hinder group performance. You will try to eliminate those destructive forms of conflict that are A) functional. B) dysfunctional. C) task. D) individualized. E) non-communicative.


6) The key characteristic of organizational culture that assesses the degree to which organizational activities emphasize maintaining the status quo in contrast to growth is termed ________. A) permanence B) aggressiveness orientation C) stability D) competitiveness E) reflexivity


61) If there is a basic conflict between the individual's expectations and the reality of working in an organization, the employee is most likely to be disillusioned and quit during which stage of socialization? A) prearrival B) ritual C) encounter D) metamorphosis E) reflection


65) Specific orientation and training programs that segregate new employees from the ongoing work setting are examples of which type of entry socialization? A) individual socialization. B) collective socialization. C) formal socialization. D) serial socialization. E) investiture socialization.


71) Nunya is a computer software company that employs highly intelligent, but somewhat unusual people. The dress code worn by Nunya employees is an example of a ________ through which organization culture is transmitted. A) story B) ritual C) material symbol D) symbolic act E) tool


72) The Wal-Mart company chant is an example of a(n) A) story. B) material symbol. C) ritual. D) language. E) reflection.


73) Socialization rituals perform all of the following functions except that of ________. A) reinforcing the key values of the organization B) emphasizing the organization's goals C) revealing the company's bottom line in terms of net profit D) reinforcing the company's perspective on which people are important E) revealing the company's view of which people are expendable


81) The positive organizational culture focuses more on ________ than ________. A) profits; building individual strengths B) building individual strengths; rewards C) rewarding; punishing D) punishing; building individual strengths E) employee's health; profits


According to the interactionist view, it may be appropriate to A) eliminate all conflict. B) avoid all conflict. C) encourage functional conflict. D) create anti-conflict cultures. E) reward conflict avoiders.


An individual most likely to engage in political behavior would have all of the following except a(n) ________. A) high need for power B) high ability to self monitor C) high charisma rating D) internal locus of control E) Machiavellian personality


The ________ view of conflict argues that conflict is a dysfunctional outcome that may arise from management failure. A) human relations B) interactionist C) traditional D) functional E) conjunctive


The categories of causes or sources of conflict include all of the following EXCEPT A) communication. B) structure. C) group interaction. D) personal variables. E) none of the above.


The conflict-handling intention of avoiding is ________. A) assertive and uncooperative B) assertive and cooperative C) unassertive and uncooperative D) unassertive and cooperative E) assertive and reflective


The example of labor-management negotiations over wages exemplifies ________ bargaining. A) integrative B) reflective C) distributive D) restrictive E) affective


The first stage of the conflict process is known as A) cognition and personalization. B) behavioral manifestation. C) potential opposition or incompatibility. D) intention. E) habituation.


The focus on relationships in distributive bargaining is ________. A) accommodation B) long term C) short term D) win-win E) lose-lose


The more a person has invested in the organization, the more that person has to lose if forced out and therefore, is less likely to use A) their power. B) politics. C) illegitimate means. D) defensive behavior. E) all of the above


The power that the College Dean has been granted by the University over the faculty is termed ________ power. A) academic B) positional C) legitimate D) personal E) referent


The two general approaches to bargaining are known as ________. A) emotional and rational B) affective and reflective C) distributive and integrative D) formal and informal E) legal and restrictive


Thomas also attempts to project an image of competence and thoroughness by rigorously documenting all of his activity. This defensive behavior is termed A) justifying. B) playing safe. C) buffing. D) scapegoating. E) misrepresenting.


Thomas has decided that in general, his best defense is to focus on behaviors that enable him to avoid blame. Which of the following behaviors is he most likely to engage in? A) overconforming B) playing dumb C) scapegoating D) prevention E) stalling


Unlike leadership research, research on power tends to focus on ________. A) individual styles in using power B) strategies for goal attainment C) tactics for gaining compliance D) the administration of rewards E) the effective use of threats


Vivian has not been handling one portion of her duties in a satisfactory manner. As a result, her manager threatens to withhold her promotion. Which power tactic is being used? A) exchange B) ingratiation C) pressure D) personal appeals E) inspirational appeals


When "yes" people are hired and promoted, ________ outcomes are likely to result. A) improved organizational B) functional C) dysfunctional D) enhanced policy E) harmonious


When Sal says, "This is the way we've always done it," he is using the defensive behavior known as A) buck passing. B) playing dumb. C) over-conforming. D) stretching. E) stalling.


When employees in organizations convert their power into action, they are engaged in ________. A) influence B) IM C) politics D) power techniques E) power tactics


When your superior offers you a raise if you will perform additional work beyond the requirements of your job, he/she is exercising ________ power. A) legitimate B) coercive C) reward D) personal E) reflective


When your work group disagrees, the disagreements usually concern how the group's work should be accomplished. The type of conflict experienced by your group is A) task conflict. B) relationship conflict. C) process conflict. D) traditional conflict. E) reactive conflict.


Which bargaining strategy is preferable for use in intra-organizational behavior? A) positive negotiation B) distributive bargaining C) integrative bargaining D) equal bargaining E) equity splitting


Which factors in the reward allocation process are likely to increase the likelihood that an employee will be motivated to engage in politicking? A) the use of objective criteria in the appraisal B) use of several outcome measures C) a zero-sum approach D) clear criteria E) all of the above


Which of the following is not an individual factor related to political behavior? A) organizational investment B) perceived job alternatives C) zero-sum reward practices D) level of self-monitoring E) expectations of success


Which of the following is not considered one of the potential sources of conflict? A) too much communication B) jurisdictional ambiguity C) value similarities D) group size E) too little communication


Jerrod is relatively new to Xenon Corporation and wants to make sure that he makes a good impression on his coworkers and supervisor. He agrees with the supervisor's opinion most of the time and is always doing nice things for him. Jerrod makes sure that he associates with the "right" people and is constantly complimenting others about their good work. Jerrod is engaging in which of the following impression management techniques? A) mirroring B) acclaiming C) groveling D) conformity E) apologizing


All of the following can be effective techniques to encourage conflict EXCEPT A) reward dissenters. B) punish conflict avoiders. C) build devil's advocate roles into the decision making process. D) reward those who support the status quo. E) train managers to listen to bad news they may not want to hear.


All of the following may provide reasons to explain why politics is a fact of organizational life EXCEPT A) Organizations are comprised of groups with different values and goals. B) There is the potential for conflict over resources. C) Resources in organizations are limited. D) Win/win scenarios are the norm. E) Decisions are often made in a climate of ambiguity.


Encouraging group leaders to maintain an ongoing minimum level of conflict is part of the ________ view of conflict. A) functional B) traditional C) human relations D) interactionist E) conjunctivist


If Thomas wishes to avoid change at work, he will most likely ________. A) share resources B) overachieve C) build coalitions D) guard information E) divide alliances


In a study examining nonverbal negotiation tactics, which culture was found to make more physical contact? A) Americans B) Canadians C) Japanese D) Brazilians E) Russians


In which stage of the conflict process does conflict become visible? A) illumination B) intentions C) potential opposition or incompatibility D) behavior E) cognition and personalization


Which of the following is NOT considered a "softer" influence tactic? A) personal appeals B) inspirational appeals C) rational persuasion D) pressure E) consultation


Which of the following is NOT true of power? A) To get things done, it helps to have power. B) Managers should increase others' dependence on them. C) To increase your power, you should develop a skill your boss needs. D) Power is a one-way street. E) While you seek to maximize others' dependence on you, you will be seeking to minimize your dependence on others.


Which of the following is a type of conflict identified by the interactionist view? A) resource B) organizational C) personality D) process E) institutional


Which of the following is not a step in the negotiation process? A) definition of ground rules B) clarification and justification C) bargaining and problem solving D) process evaluation E) preparation and planning


Which of the following is not one of the views of conflict? A) traditional view B) human relations view C) interactionist view D) functional view E) all of the above


Formal power can arise out of which of the following? A) the ability to coerce B) formal authority C) the ability to reward D) one's position in the organization E) all of the above


Integrative bargaining focuses on ________. A) competition B) short-term benefits C) zero-sum gains D) ensuring balanced inputs E) long-term relationships


When Matt avoids blame by manipulating information by distortion or deception, he is using the defensive behavior known as A) buffing. B) playing safe. C) justifying. D) scapegoating. E) misrepresenting.


Which is not one of the five conflict-handling intentions? A) collaborating B) competing C) accommodating D) avoiding E) resisting


Which of the following is an example of conflict? A) incompatibility of goals B) differences over interpretation of facts C) disagreements based on behavioral expectations D) workplace violence E) all of the above


Which of the following is likely to lead to conflict? A) older group members B) low turnover C) mutually independent groups D) small group size E) high job specialization



Senior management at Acme is concerned because the company takes so long to bring new products to market. Which of the following approaches would your trainees identify as most likely to help resolve this problem? A) reduction of cross-functional work teams B) decentralization of the decision-making process C) decreased work specialization D) decreased formalization of policies and procedures E) reduced diversity within the company's work force


The ________ is a structure characterized by extensive departmentalization, high formalization, a limited information network, and centralization. A) mechanistic model B) organic model C) traditional model D) bureaucracy organization E) simple structure


The ________ principle helps preserve the concept of an unbroken line of authority. A) span-of-control B) chain-of-command C) cross-functionality D) centralization E) unity-of-command


The ________ refers to the number of subordinates that a manager directs. A) span of control B) unity of command C) chain of command D) decentralization principle E) leadership web


The ________ structure violates the unity of command concept. A) simple B) virtual C) matrix D) team E) web


The basis by which jobs are grouped together is termed ________. A) social clustering B) bureaucracy C) specialization D) centralization E) departmentalization


The best definition for centralization is a situation in which decision making ________. A) is pushed down to lower level employees B) is concentrated at top management levels in the organization C) depends on the situation D) is completed in each department and then sent to the president for review E) is diffused among a large segment of employees


The boundaryless organization relies heavily on ________. A) information technology B) efficient chains of command C) the simple structure D) the matrix structure E) departmentalization


The major advantage of the virtual organization is its ________. A) control B) predictability C) flexibility D) empowerment E) complexity


The matrix structure combines which two forms of departmentalization? A) process and functional B) functional and product C) product and process D) process and geographic E) geographic and product


The more that lower-level personnel provide input or are actually given the discretion to make decisions, the more ________ there is within an organization. A) centralization B) disempowerment C) work specialization D) departmentalization E) decentralization


The primary drawback of the virtual organization is A) the reduction in management's control over key parts of its business. B) the reliance on the founder/manager of the business. C) the wide spans of control. D) the long chain of command. E) the lack of flexibility.


The right inherent in a managerial position to give orders and expect orders to be obeyed is termed ________. A) chain of command B) authority C) power D) unity of command E) leadership


The simple structure is most widely practiced in small businesses in which ________. A) the owner also manages the company B) management is limited to one individual C) managers have a high degree of influence with the company's owner D) managers are hired directly by the company's owner E) training budgets are limited


The strength of the matrix structure is its ________. A) ability to facilitate coordination B) economies of scale C) adherence to chain of command D) standardization E) social empowerment


The strength of the simple structure lies in its ________. A) efficiency B) simplicity C) centralization D) span of control E) specialization


The structure that combines functional and product departmentalization is the ________. A) matrix structure B) simple structure C) bureaucracy D) team structure E) organizational pyramid


The structure that creates dual lines of authority is the ________. A) organizational structure B) bureaucracy C) matrix structure D) virtual organization E) simple structure


Which of the following is not a common organizational design? A) simple structure B) bureaucracy C) centralized structure D) matrix structure E) all of the above


Which of the following is not a determinant of an organization's structure? A) strategy B) organization size C) size of revenues D) technology E) environment


Which of the following is not a drawback of a narrow span of control? A) It is expensive. B) It makes vertical communication in the organization more complex. C) Supervisors may lose control of their employees. D) It encourages overly tight supervision. E) It discourages employee autonomy


Which of the following is not a weakness of the simple structure? A) It is risky. B) It is prone to information overload. C) There is little unity of command. D) It can lead to slower decision making. E) It is often insufficient in larger organizations


Which of the following is not part of an organization's environment? A) public pressure groups B) customers C) employees D) competitors E) government regulatory agencies


Which of the following is true regarding organizations that establish wide spans of control? A) At some point, employee performance increases substantially. B) At some point, supervisors become more efficient at providing support. C) At some point, wider spans of control reduce effectiveness. D) At some point, the organization becomes more formalized. E) At some point, the number of managers in the organization decreases.


Which one of the following dichotomies of organizational structure specifically defines where decisions are made? A) complexity/simplicity B) formalization/informalization C) centralization/decentralization D) specialization/enlargement E) affectivity/reflexivity


Which one of the following is consistent with a simple structure? A) high centralization B) high horizontal differentiation C) high employee discretion D) standardization E) bureaucracy


Which one of the following is not one of the primary ways to group jobs? A) skill B) customer C) function D) product E) process


Which one of the following problems is most likely to occur in a matrix structure? A) decreased response to environmental change B) decreased employee motivation C) loss of economies of scale D) increases in groupthink E) employees receiving conflicting directives


Which organizational design has been called the T-form? A) matrix organization B) virtual organization C) team structure D) boundaryless organization E) bureaucracy


Which organizational structure still dominates in many parts of Europe and Asia? A) simple structure B) bureaucracy C) virtual organization D) boundaryless organization E) matrix


Work specialization is the same as ________. A) departmentalization B) division of labor C) decentralization D) job grouping E) chain command


You assign your students a project that involves developing a business plan for a retail store. The store will have 200 employees and will serve customers both locally and internationally via a storefront and an Internet catalogue. Which of the following organizational designs is least likely to benefit the goals of this retail store? A) matrix B) virtual C) bureaucracy D) team E) simple


You assign your students a project that involves developing a business plan for a retail store. The store will have 200 employees and will serve customers both locally and internationally via a storefront and an Internet catalogue. Which of the following organizational designs is least likely to benefit the goals of this retail store? A) matrix B) virtual C) bureaucracy D) team E) simple


You describe a structure that is flat, has little formalization, and is fast, flexible, and inexpensive to maintain. You are describing the ________. A) matrix structure B) simple structure C) bureaucracy D) team structure E) organizational pyramid


1) ________ defines how job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated. A) Organizational structure B) Work specialization C) Departmentalization D) Organizational behavior E) Matrix departmentation

"I've got two tickets to the game tonight that I can't use. Take them. Consider it a thank you for taking the time to talk with me." This is an example of which impression management behavior? A) favors B) flattery C) association D) self-promotion E) conformity


13) Masterson College is a small liberal arts women's college in North Carolina. The founders of the college were Baptist and were committed to the idea that a liberal arts education was the best preparation for lifelong learning. The college has continued to support this orientation towards liberal arts education and has actually moved to strengthen that commitment recently. Within the last two decades, the business department has become one of the larger departments on campus. The faculty of the business department is also committed to finding employment for their graduates and believe that two things are critical for this to happen: 1) their students must have a solid understanding of the fundamental of their discipline; and 2) internships are an important method of establishing the connections and opportunities for employment. The commitment to finding employment for graduates is part of the ________. A) subculture of the business department B) management culture C) dominant culture D) mission statement E) logic


14) Masterson College is a small liberal arts women's college in North Carolina. The founders of the college were Baptist and were committed to the idea that a liberal arts education was the best preparation for lifelong learning. The college has continued to support this orientation towards liberal arts education and has actually moved to strengthen that commitment recently. Within the last two decades, the business department has become one of the larger departments on campus. The faculty of the business department is also committed to finding employment for their graduates and believe that two things are critical for this to happen: 1) their students must have a solid understanding of the fundamental of their discipline; and 2) internships are an important method of establishing the connections and opportunities for employment. The business department holds some unique values in addition to the ________ of the dominant culture. A) core values B) sub-values C) formal values D) holistic values E) spiritual orientation


22) Which of the following is most likely to result from a strong organizational culture? A) low employee turnover B) low employee satisfaction C) high employee turnover D) high absenteeism E) low organizational commitment


29) Gary has been reading an OB book on culture to improve his managerial skills. As a result, he realizes A) when selecting a candidate, he should take into account the individual-organization fit. B) organizational culture does not play a role in selection. C) promotion decisions are not influenced by organizational culture. D) organizational fit determines if employees like the management of the organization. E) organizational fit is seldom important when rules guide the behavior of employees.


31) The Young Woman's Club of Williams has been operating for seventy-five years as an organization that supports women who stay at home. For years it has been one of the most prestigious organizations in town with a strong membership. This group has always held classes in cooking, sewing, and child rearing. It has always been made up of upper middle class women from the small town of Williams. As the area has grown, many people have moved into Williams and now commute to Capital City, just 15 miles away. Most of the newcomers are dual-income couples, with both spouses holding full-time jobs. It is probable that the strong culture of the Young Woman's Club of Williams will ________. A) prevent the organization from changing as the population of the community changes B) enable the organization to meet the needs of diverse women in the community C) be embraced by all of the newcomers to the community D) be strengthened by the presence of the newcomers in the community E) enable the organization to become more effective.


57) In which stage of the socialization process do you usually begin to notice things that are not as you expected? A) orientation B) prearrival C) encounter D) metamorphosis E) arrival


Which one of the following is not a perspective of the traditional view of conflict? A) Conflict is inevitable. B) Conflict must be avoided. C) Conflict is dysfunctional. D) Conflict is harmful. E) Conflict is synonymous with irrationality.


59) The employee compares her expectations to organizational reality in which stage of socialization? A) prearrival B) encounter C) metamorphosis D) ritual E) analysis


50) The Marines' boot camp is an example of A) onboarding. B) entry. C) socialization. D) culture shock. E) molding.


56) Your first day at work is part of the ________ stage of socialization. A) orientation B) prearrival C) encounter D) metamorphosis E) interview


32) The Young Woman's Club of Williams has been operating for 75 years as an organization that supports women who stay at home. For years it has been one of the most prestigious organizations in town with a strong membership. This group has always held classes in cooking, sewing, and child rearing. It has always been made up of upper middle class women from the small town of Williams. As the area has grown, many people have moved into Williams and now commute to Capital City, just 15 miles away. Most of the newcomers are dual-income couples, with both spouses holding full-time jobs. The culture of the Young Woman's Club can be defined as A) a liability. B) a weak culture. C) an ambiguous culture. D) a diverse culture. E) a tolerant culture.


41) In recent years, ________ has become the primary concern in acquisitions and mergers. A) cultural compatibility B) cultural synergy C) financial advantages D) product synergy E) value dominance


48) Top management has a major impact on the organization's culture through ________. A) establishing norms that filter down through the organization B) ensuring a proper match of personal and organizational values C) socializing new applicants in the pre-hiring phase D) providing a framework for metamorphosis of new hires E) properly rewarding management's initiatives


51) Which of the following is the first stage of the socialization process? A) prearrival B) encounter C) metamorphosis D) ritual E) commitment


53) The socialization stage that encompasses the learning that occurs before a new member joins an organization is known as ________ socialization. A) prearrival B) encounter C) metamorphosis D) ritual E) systemic


54) During which stage of the socialization process do individuals come with a set of values, attitudes and expectations? A) prearrival B) encounter C) metamorphosis D) ritual E) analysis


60) The time when a new employee sees what the organization is really like and realizes that expectations and reality may diverge is called the ________ stage. A) encounter B) exploration C) establishment D) metamorphosis E) mirroring


68) Reminding employees about the founders at each quarterly meeting is an example of which technique for transmitting culture? A) stories B) material symbols C) language D) rituals E) tools


69) ________ typically contain(s) a narrative of events about the organization's founders, rule breaking, or reactions to past mistakes. A) Stories B) Material symbols C) Rituals D) Language E) Reflections


77) An organizational culture most likely to shape high ethical standards is one that ________. A) is high in risk tolerance B) is high in aggressiveness C) focuses on outcomes D) punishes innovation E) creates a highly competitive internal environment


82) Which of the following statements best reflects the current state of positive organizational culture? A) While there are benefits to a positive organizational culture, caution must be exercised that it is not pursued beyond the point of effectiveness. B) There is no such thing as too much of a positive organizational culture. C) Positive organizational cultures are an idealistic vision, but unable to be achieved in reality. D) There is no uncertainty in the research about how positive organizational cultures work and benefit organizations. E) All cultures across the globe value being positive as much as the US.


9) The macro view of culture that gives an organization its distinct personality is its ________ culture. A) dominant B) sub- C) strong D) national E) marginal


Catherine and Bernice are faculty members at a local college who feel very differently about their academic dean. Catherine believes that he is always engaging in political activity that is not in the best interests of the college. She describes him as a man who passes the buck and who is scheming and arrogant. Bernice believes that the dean is an effective manager. Bernice's label for what Catherine describes as "passing the buck" might be A) delegating authority. B) showing responsibility. C) encouraging dependency. D) demonstrating conscientiousness. E) facilitating cooperation.


In assessing conflict-handling intentions, cooperativeness is the degree to which ________. A) one party attempts to satisfy the other party's concerns B) one party attempts to resolve conflict C) both parties work toward a common goal D) there is an absence of conflict E) one party can empathize with the other


In assessing conflict-handling intentions, the dimension of assertiveness refers to situations ________. A) in which one party attempts to satisfy his/her own concerns B) in which there is an expression of competition C) involving a major behavior change D) that lead to conflict E) in which one party behaves generously


It seems that your work group is in conflict much of the time. One colleague has suggested that you, as the supervisor, are responsible for eliminating the conflict so that your work group can function harmoniously. Another colleague has suggested that conflict is good for stimulating creativity and productivity within the work environment. You are unsure about whether you should try to eliminate the conflict within your group or learn to deal with it positively. If you support the idea that conflict should be eliminated, you are supporting which of the following views of conflict? A) the traditional view B) the human relations view C) the interactionist view D) the moderated acceptance view E) the positivistic view


Jeremy is angry and hostile. As a result, he is more likely to A) engage in deviant behaviors at work. B) score high in EI. C) be more creative. D) be more motivated. E) all of the above.


Leadership focuses on the ________. A) downward influence of a leader on his or her followers B) importance of lateral and upward influence patterns C) elimination of dependency relationships D) the stability of the organization E) management of the organization


Political behaviors usually ________. A) lie outside of an individual's specified job requirements B) are counterproductive to individual goals C) are seen only in large organizations D) are frowned upon by organizational leaders E) are expected as part of each job requirement


Stage II of the conflict process deals with conflict being ________. A) perceived and felt B) apparent and experienced C) expressed and perceived D) overt and covert E) internalized


The ________ view of conflict argues that conflict is a natural and inevitable outcome in any group. A) human relations B) interactionist C) traditional D) functional E) human resources


The point below which either negotiating party would break off negotiations is known as the party's ________ point. A) resistance B) refusal C) target D) negative E) assistance


The power tactic of using flattery and creating goodwill before making a request is known as ________. A) ingratiation B) exchange C) inspirational appeal D) motivational appeal E) affective appeal


The process by which individuals attempt to control the perceptions that others form of them is called ________. A) impression management B) information management C) defensive behavior D) perception management E) reflection control


The traditional view of conflict is the belief that conflict is ________. A) harmful B) natural C) necessary D) situationally dependent E) neutral


Thomas recognizes that his firm is plagued by organizational politics. He is not good at playing games and instead frequently engages in defensive behaviors in order to protect himself and his interests. Thomas is frustrated because he believes that he has little control over his environment, and his environment is uncomfortable to him. He has had some success at establishing a sense of control for himself by appearing to be more or less supportive publicly while doing little or nothing privately. The defensive behavior that he is engaged in falls under the category of avoiding A) action. B) blame. C) change. D) power. E) responsibility.


Trying to achieve your goal at the expense of your co-worker achieving hers is an example of ________. A) competing B) avoiding C) accommodating D) compromising E) collaborating


When a bank robber points a gun at a bank employee, his base of power is ________. A) coercive B) punitive C) positional D) authoritative E) fractional


When a co-worker agrees to assist with a project in exchange for a future favor, they are engaged in which process? A) negotiation B) conflict resolution C) direct authority D) delegation E) pressure


When politicking becomes too much to handle, A) it can lead to employees quitting. B) it can lead to increases in employee performance. C) it can increase the motivation of employees. D) it may decrease pressure to compete in the political arena. E) it can increase employee retention.


Which of the following is a characteristic of distributive bargaining? A) I win, you lose B) long-term focus C) convergent or congruent interests D) most preferable bargaining for intraorganizational behavior E) high information sharing


Which of the following is a personal variable that can lead to potential conflict? A) personality type B) degree of intergroup dependence C) group size D) organizational tenure E) culture



As employees are being empowered to make decisions previously reserved for management, which concept of organizational structure has become less relevant? A) decentralization B) maintaining the chain of command C) centalization D) span of control E) departmentalization

1) ________ is a shared system of meaning held by the organization's members that distinguishes the organization from other organizations. A) Institutionalization B) Organizational culture C) Socialization D) Formalization E) Corporate image


10) Cultures within an organization that are defined by departmental designations are often called ________. A) micro-cultures B) subcultures C) divisional cultures D) microcosms E) counter cultures


17) The primary or dominant values that are accepted throughout the organization are known as ________. A) foundational values B) core values C) shared values D) institutional traits E) manifestos


20) A strong culture can create a climate of ________. A) creativity B) high behavioral control C) low commitment D) disloyalty E) uncertainty


21) The retailer known for their strong service culture is ________. A) Macy's B) Nordstrom's C) Kmart D) Target E) Gap


24) A strong organizational culture may reduce A) internalizing behaviors. B) formalization. C) norms. D) the regulation of employee behavior. E) consistency.


25) Since a strong organizational culture increases behavioral consistency, you would expect A) narrower spans of control. B) less formalization. C) longer chains of command. D) less open communication. E) less predictability.


27) The culture of Disney has been very effective in performing which of the following functions? A) displaying the dominance of their industry B) ensuring employees will act in a relatively uniform way C) improving company profits D) facilitating commitment to the theme park industry E) blurring department boundaries


28) As organizations have widened spans of control, flattened structures, introduced teams, reduced formalization, and empowered employees, the ________ provided by a strong culture ensures that everyone is pointed in the same direction. A) rules and regulations B) shared meaning C) rituals D) socialization E) rigid hierarchy


33) The Young Woman's Club of Williams has been operating for 75 years as an organization that supports women who stay at home. For years it has been one of the most prestigious organizations in town with a strong membership. This group has always held classes in cooking, sewing, and child rearing. It has always been made up of upper middle class women from the small town of Williams. As the area has grown, many people have moved into Williams and now commute to Capital City, just 15 miles away. Most of the newcomers are dual-income couples, with both spouses holding full-time jobs. The culture of the Young Woman's Club will be a liability if ________. A) newcomers embrace it B) it does not further the organization's effectiveness C) it reduces ambiguity D) it enhances social system stability E) it improves the performance of the organization.


37) Culture is most likely to be a liability when ________. A) it increases the consistency of behavior B) the organization's environment is dynamic C) the organization's management is ineffectual D) it reduces ambiguity E) countercultures are integrated into the dominant cultures


39) A dilemma is created for strong cultures when A) too many employees are retained. B) diverse individuals are hired. C) turnover remains low. D) core values are embraced. E) new employees are quickly accepted.


45) The selection process helps sustain the organization's culture by ________. A) establishing and enforcing norms B) ensuring that candidates fit well within the organization C) socializing the applicant D) identifying individuals who have the skills to perform certain jobs E) rewarding conformity


47) The selection process at W.L. Gore & Associates is designed to allow candidates who don't fit with the organizational culture to A) obtain training to better fit. B) select out. C) learn more about the culture. D) change the organization's values. E) change their own values to match.


55) The learning that you experience during the interviewing and hiring process occurs as part of the ________ stage of employee socialization. A) selection B) prearrival C) encounter D) metamorphosis E) training


Labor and management at DJ Trucking cannot agree upon a contract for the truck drivers. The drivers are threatening to strike, and management knows that such a strike would be very costly. Each side contends that they are bargaining fairly, but no agreement seems to be possible. Both sides agree that they are competing over a fixed amount of resources. Each side feels that what one side wins, the other loses. The two sides are engaged in A) integrative bargaining. B) distributive bargaining. C) mediation. D) BATNA. E) arbitration.


One reacts to ________ power out of fear of the negative ramifications that might result if one fails to comply. A) legitimate B) coercive C) punitive D) referent E) abusive


Power tactics can be defined as ________. A) the only legitimate sources of power B) techniques for translating power bases into specific actions C) strategies for gathering and maintain support D) organizational structural characteristics E) approaches for winning arguments


Reactive and protective behaviors designed to avoid action, blame, or change when people perceive politics as a threat, are termed ________. A) political behaviors B) defensive behaviors C) protectionism D) impression management E) shielding bias


The ________ view of conflict encourages a group to perform effectively by maintaining an ongoing minimum level of conflict. A) human relations B) interactionist C) traditional D) functional E) reactive


The conflict-handling intention of collaborating is ________. A) assertive and uncooperative B) assertive and cooperative C) unassertive and uncooperative D) unassertive and cooperative E) affective and reflective


The interactionist view of conflict proposes that functional conflict is ________. A) an indication of the group maturity level B) necessary for effective group performance C) a necessary evil D) always focused around relationships E) universally harmful


The most important aspect of power is probably that it ________. A) is needed to get things done in an organization B) is a function of dependency C) tends to corrupt people D) is counterproductive E) involves control


Your colleagues at work are constantly talking about the vice president in your region. He is perceived throughout the organization as a ruthless man who is not to be antagonized. It is necessary for you to bring him a report, and you are very nervous about having to deal with him. The vice president's major base of power seems to be ________. A) reward B) coercive C) referent D) expert E) personal


________ intervene(s) between people's perceptions and their overt behavior. A) Intuition B) Intention C) Cognition D) Attributions E) Attitudes


________ power is based on an individual's position in an organization. A) Leadership B) Formal C) Informal D) Influential E) Static


11) Which characteristic is not reflective of subcultures? A) includes core values of the organization B) typically defined by department designations C) rejects the core values of the dominant culture D) usually defined by geographical separation E) includes values unique to members of a department or group


12) Masterson College is a small liberal arts women's college in North Carolina. The founders of the college were Baptist and were committed to the idea that a liberal arts education was the best preparation for lifelong learning. The college has continued to support this orientation towards liberal arts education and has actually moved to strengthen that commitment recently. Within the last two decades, the business department has become one of the larger departments on campus. The faculty of the business department is also committed to finding employment for their graduates and believe that two things are critical for this to happen: 1) their students must have a solid understanding of the fundamental of their discipline; and 2) internships are an important method of establishing the connections and opportunities for employment. The belief in a liberal arts education is part of the ________ of the college. A) subculture of the business department B) management culture C) dominant culture D) mission statement E) logic


16) A dominant culture is ________. A) the sum of an organization's subcultures B) defined by the leader of an organization C) synonymous with an organization's culture D) usually a strong culture E) likely to be a weak culture


2) Which of the following is not a primary characteristic that captures the essence of organizational culture? A) attention to detail B) innovation C) formality orientation D) team orientation E) outcome orientation


23) The unanimity of a strong culture contributes to all of the following except ________. A) cohesiveness B) loyalty C) higher product quality D) organizational commitment E) lower employees' propensity to leave the organization


26) Which of the following is NOT a function of culture? A) It conveys a sense of organizational identity. B) It shapes employee attitude and behavior. C) It reduces the stability of the social system. D) It has a boundary-defining role. E) It facilitates the generation of commitment to something larger than one's individual self-interests.


40) One of the major reasons cited for the problems of AOL Time Warner's merger is A) financial incompatibility. B) product line incompatibility. C) culture clash. D) goal incompatibility. E) the size of the organizations.


49) The process through which employees are adapted to an organization's culture is called ________. A) training and development B) mentoring C) socialization D) institutionalization E) intimidation


5) The key characteristic of organizational culture that addresses the degree to which employees are expected to exhibit precision is termed ________. A) accuracy orientation B) accountability C) attention to detail D) stability E) reactivity


Catherine and Bernice are faculty members at a local college who feel very differently about their academic dean. Catherine believes that he is always engaging in political activity that is not in the best interests of the college. She describes him as a man who passes the buck and who is scheming and arrogant. Bernice believes that the dean is an effective manager. Behaviors that Catherine views as "over-conforming" are probably viewed by Bernice as A) competent. B) responsible. C) being mindful of the rules . D) practical-minded. E) astute.


Catherine and Bernice are faculty members at a local college who feel very differently about their academic dean. Catherine believes that he is always engaging in political activity that is not in the best interests of the college. She describes him as a man who passes the buck and who is scheming and arrogant. Bernice believes that the dean is an effective manager. Bernice's effective management label for Catherine's phrase "justifying" is probably A) distributing rewards. B) establishing expertise. C) apologizing. D) displaying charisma. E) fixing responsibility.


For task conflict to be productive, it should be ________. A) kept high B) kept low C) kept at low-to-moderate levels D) kept at moderate levels E) subject to managerial control


If no one is aware of conflict, it is generally agreed that ________. A) employee-employer relations will be good B) conflict is subversive C) no conflict exists D) conflict is inevitable E) conflict is psychologically driven as opposed to physically manifest


James approaches his supervisor with data and a logical presentation supporting his request for additional personnel. He is using ________. A) consultation B) legitimacy C) rational persuasion D) informational power E) exchange


Jerrod is relatively new to Xenon Corporation and wants to make sure that he makes a good impression on his coworkers and supervisor. He agrees with the supervisor's opinion most of the time and is always doing nice things for him. Jerrod makes sure that he associates with the "right" people and is constantly complimenting others about their good work. Jerrod is engaging in all of the following impression management techniques except A) conformity. B) flattery. C) excuses. D) association. E) favors.


Leaders achieve goals, and power is ________. A) defined by leaders' hopes and aspirations B) usually used by poor leaders C) a means of achieving goals D) a goal in and of itself E) a strong influence on leaders' goals


Legitimate power is based on ________. A) positive rewards B) interpersonal trust C) structural position D) expert knowledge E) respect and admiration


One of the departments in Jennifer's organization has almost no conflict. In observing this department, which of the following is Jennifer least likely to observe in this department? A) The members of the department have difficulty responding to change. B) The group often makes decisions based on weak assumptions. C) The group thoroughly considers relevant alternatives when making policy decisions. D) The members of the department rarely reassess the department's goals. E) Individuals within the department don't usually question the decisions of their managers.


Personal power is generally perceived as a result of all the following EXCEPT A) expertise B) charisma C) legitimate authority D) admiration E) skill


Political activity is probably more a function of ________ than of ________. A) management's example; the organization's characteristics B) management's example; individual difference variables C) the organization's characteristics; individual difference variables D) individual difference variables; management's example E) individual difference variables; the organization's characteristics


Research has found that tenure and conflict are A) highly positively correlated. B) counterproductive. C) inversely related. D) always present together. E) unrelated.


Research suggests which of the following is the most effective source of power? A) formal B) coercive C) personal D) reward E) legitimate


Some individuals promote their image by describing others with whom they are associated in a positive light. These individuals are using the impression management technique of ________. A) conformity B) flattery C) association D) self-promotion E) attribution denial


Which of the following is not true? A) The more an organization's culture emphasizes zero-sum reward allocations, the more employees will be motivated to engage in politicking. B) The more pressure that employees feel to perform well, the more likely they are to engage in politicking. C) The more growth stability a company demonstrates, the more likely its employees are to engage in politicking. D) The greater the role ambiguity within a company, the more its employees can engage in political activity with little chance of it being visible. E) The greater the opportunity for promotion or advancement within a company, the more employees will compete to positively influence outcomes.


Which of the following types of power requires acceptance of the leader's authority by members of the organization? A) personal B) organizational C) legitimate D) positional E) balanced


Which one of the following views on conflict prevailed in the 1930s and 1940s and may be considered outmoded today? A) human relations B) interactionist C) traditional D) functional E) asymptotic


You decide to do more research on the view that conflict should be encouraged as a means to achieve change and innovation. This view is termed A) the traditional view. B) the human relations view. C) the interactionist view. D) the acceptance view. E) the promotional view.


________ conflict focuses on interpersonal interaction. A) Task B) Job C) Relationship D) Process E) Communication


________ conflict supports the goals of the group and improves its performance. A) Formal B) Informal C) Functional D) Dysfunctional E) Reactive


________ conflicts are almost always dysfunctional. A) Task B) Job C) Relationship D) Process E) Personal


________ power is based on identification with a person who has desirable resources or personal traits. A) Associational B) Legitimate C) Referent D) Personal E) Source


8) In contrasting organizational culture with job satisfaction, organizational culture is a(n) ________ term, while job satisfaction is a(n) ________ term. A) predictive; reactive B) implied; stated C) reflective; affective D) descriptive; evaluative E) inductive; deductive



Consultants Exceptional (CE) has hired you to develop training materials for their consultants. Your first assignment is to develop a training program that helps their consultants to analyze and understand the organizational structure of the company that they are assisting. CE believes that in order to adequately evaluate and understand a client company, consultants need to understand the basic organizational structure of the company. Consultants are then able to recommend actions and changes based on the company's structure. One of the questions you tell the trainees to ask is, "To what degree are tasks subdivided into separate jobs?" This question addresses the issue of ________. A) formalization B) work specialization C) span of control D) chain of command E) matrix restructuring


Consultants Exceptional (CE) has hired you to develop training materials for their consultants. Your first assignment is to develop a training program that helps their consultants to analyze and understand the organizational structure of the company that they are assisting. CE believes that in order to adequately evaluate and understand a client company, consultants need to understand the basic organizational structure of the company. Consultants are then able to recommend actions and changes based on the company's structure. One of the questions you tell the trainees to ask is, "To what degree are tasks subdivided into separate jobs?" This question addresses the issue of ________. A) formalization B) work specialization C) span of control D) chain of command E) matrix restructuring


Consultants Exceptional (CE) has hired you to develop training materials for their consultants. Your first assignment is to develop a training program that helps their consultants to analyze and understand the organizational structure of the company that they are assisting. CE believes that in order to adequately evaluate and understand a client company, consultants need to understand the basic organizational structure of the company. Consultants are then able to recommend actions and changes based on the company's structure. You instruct the trainees to ask about the degree of rules and regulations that direct employees and managers. You want to help them understand the ________. A) chain of command B) degree of formalization C) span of control D) degree of departmentalization E) idea of matrix restructuring

18) Which of the following is characteristic of a strong culture? A) little influence over members' behavior B) low behavioral controls C) narrowly shared values D) intensely held values E) weakly held values


3) ________ is the characteristic of organizational culture that addresses the degree to which management decisions take into consideration the effect of outcomes on people within the organization. A) Humanistic B) Community C) Team D) People orientation E) Relationship


42) The ultimate source of an organization's culture is ________. A) top management B) the environment C) the country in which the organization operates D) the organization's founders E) the belief systems of it employees


46) The selection process helps candidates learn about an organization. If employees perceive a conflict between their values and those of the organization, this gives them a chance to ________. A) work to change the organization B) express their concerns C) inform the organization of appropriate changes D) self-select out of the applicant pool E) rectify their cognitive dissonance


52) The correct order for the stages of the socialization process is ________. A) prearrival, metamorphosis, encounter B) prearrival, encounter, ritual C) prearrival, ritual, encounter D) prearrival, encounter, metamorphosis E) prearrival, ritual, arrival


62) When you start to work through the problems that you discover about the organization, you move into the ________ stage of socialization. A) prearrival B) encounter C) acceptance D) metamorphosis E) refreezing


63) Employee attitudes and behavior change during the ________ stage of socialization. A) establishment B) transformation C) encounter D) metamorphosis E) prearrival


64) New employees are usually comfortable with their organizations by the end of the ________ stage of socialization. A) encounter B) exploration C) establishment D) metamorphosis E) adaptation


74) All of the following are examples of rituals EXCEPT ________. A) anniversary parties honoring long-time employees B) annual award meetings C) fraternity initiations D) the placement of offices within corporate headquarters E) singing company songs


75) All of the following are examples of material symbols that transmit organizational culture EXCEPT ________. A) top executives' use of the company jet B) the layout of corporate headquarters C) new employee orientations D) luxury cars for executives E) private parking spots


76) The acronyms and jargon that employees use in an organization are part of A) stories. B) material symbols. C) rituals. D) language. E) reflections.


78) A highly publicized example of a company with a strong culture that supports high ethical standards that influenced employee behavior in a crisis is A) Enron. B) Disney. C) Johnson & Johnson. D) Boeing. E) American Airlines.


Joe comes to you with a request for funds for a project. He reminds you that company policy supports his position. He is using the tactic of ________. A) coalitions B) consultation C) rational persuasion D) legitimacy E) pressure


Last month, Jennifer's department experienced constructive conflict during a meeting. Which of the following is not an outcome of this functional conflict? A) The quality of decisions is improved. B) Creativity and innovation are stimulated. C) Tensions are released. D) Groupthink is increased. E) Interest and curiosity are encouraged.


Power does not require goal compatibility, merely ________. A) reliance B) communication C) confidence D) dependence E) understanding


The conflict-handling intention of accommodating is ________. A) assertive and uncooperative B) assertive and cooperative C) unassertive and uncooperative D) unassertive and cooperative E) reflective and emotional


The human relations view of conflict advocates ________ conflict. A) encouraging B) open communication for resolving C) group therapy for resolving D) acceptance of E) rejection of


The two general groupings of power are ________. A) informational and personal B) formal and informal C) informal and legitimate D) personal and formal E) static and fluid


When Jennifer asks for Jim's compliance on her new initiative based on their long friendship, which influence tactic is she using? A) exchange B) ingratiation C) pressure D) personal appeals E) inspirational appeals


Which of the following statements is false concerning gender differences in negotiations? A) Women are penalized when they initiate negotiations. B) Women's attitudes toward negotiation and toward themselves as negotiators appear to be quite different from men's. C) Managerial women demonstrate less confidence in anticipation of negotiating. D) Women and men negotiate differently. E) Men tend to negotiate slightly better outcomes than women.


Which one of the following is not implied in the definition of power? A) influence B) potential C) dependency D) actualization E) capacity


Which stage of the conflict process is best conceptualized as a dynamic process of interaction? A) Potential Opposition or Incompatibility B) Cognition and Personalization C) Intentions D) Behavior E) Outcomes


You know that the vice president of your region has the authority to accept or reject your report. This is part of his ________ power. A) reward B) coercive C) expert D) legitimate E) personal


Your physician has advised you to take a series of medications. You comply because of her ________ power. A) referent B) information C) formal D) expert E) personal


________ conflict hinders group performance. A) Formal B) Informal C) Functional D) Dysfunctional E) Reactive


________ conflict relates to how the work gets done. A) Task B) Job C) Relationship D) Process E) Reactive


15) Masterson College is a small liberal arts women's college in North Carolina. The founders of the college were Baptist and were committed to the idea that a liberal arts education was the best preparation for lifelong learning. The college has continued to support this orientation towards liberal arts education and has actually moved to strengthen that commitment recently. Within the last two decades, the business department has become one of the larger departments on campus. The faculty of the business department is also committed to finding employment for their graduates and believe that two things are critical for this to happen: 1) their students must have a solid understanding of the fundamental of their discipline; and 2) internships are an important method of establishing the connections and opportunities for employment. Which of the following represents a core value of the college? A) affordable education B) scientific knowledge C) technological innovation D) remedial reinforcement E) lifelong learning


19) ________ are indicators of a strong organizational culture. A) High levels of dissention B) Weak managers C) Completely horizontal organizational charts D) Narrowly defined roles E) Widely shared values


30) Culture is important from an employee's standpoint because A) it reduces ambiguity. B) it tells employees how things are done. C) it tells employees what is important. D) it increases the consistency of employee behavior. E) all of the above


34) The Young Woman's Club of Williams has been operating for 75 years as an organization that supports women who stay at home. For years it has been one of the most prestigious organizations in town with a strong membership. This group has always held classes in cooking, sewing, and child rearing. It has always been made up of upper middle class women from the small town of Williams. As the area has grown, many people have moved into Williams and now commute to Capital City, just 15 miles away. Most of the newcomers are dual-income couples, with both spouses holding full-time jobs. The Young Woman's Club is most likely to ________. A) experience internal division regarding the future of the organization B) broaden its membership to include women of different classes C) shift its core values in response to the perceived needs of newcomers D) expand its membership significantly, given the town's population increase E) remain similar in size, despite the town's population increase


35) Culture may be a liability when it is a barrier to ________. A) change B) diversity C) mergers and acquisitions D) acquisitions E) all of the above


36) The Young Woman's Club of Williams has been operating for seventy-five years as an organization that supports women who stay at home. For years it has been one of the most prestigious organizations in town with a strong membership. This group has always held classes in cooking, sewing, and child rearing. It has always been made up of upper middle class women from the small town of Williams. As the area has grown, many people have moved into Williams and now commute to Capital City, just 15 miles away. Most of the newcomers are dual-income couples, with both spouses holding full-time jobs. Women who are newcomers to the town of Williams are most likely to ________. A) find membership in the Young Women's Club helpful for increasing their social support B) help to enhance the prestige of the Young Women's Club by increasing the average income of the group's members C) find that the Young Woman's Club values the unique strengths of those from different backgrounds D) help improve the profitability of the Young Woman's Club by recommending increases in its membership dues E) find that the Young Woman's Club has a low tolerance for diversity


38) Consistency of behavior is an asset to an organization when it faces ________. A) a dynamic environment B) an unknown environment C) social upheaval D) massive changes E) a stable environment


4) The key characteristic of organizational culture that addresses the degree to which people are competitive rather than easygoing is termed ________. A) assertiveness B) competitiveness C) aversiveness D) risk taking E) aggressiveness


43) Culture creation occurs in which of the following ways? A) Founders hire employees who think and feel the way they do. B) Founders indoctrinate and socialize employees to their way of thinking and feeling. C) Founders keep employees who think and feel they way they do. D) Founders' behavior acts as a role model for others to identify with. E) all of the above


44) All of the following are factors that serve to sustain an organization's culture EXCEPT ________. A) selection B) orientation C) performance evaluation criteria D) top management practices E) Wall Street views


58) Which of the following steps could your supervisor take to best help you develop a commitment to your new company? A) encourage you to work independently at first to learn the ropes B) discourage you from putting too much weight on your initial expectations C) discourage you from putting too much emphasis on your perception of the organization D) encourage you to look carefully at your own assumptions, which may be biased E) encourage you to develop friendship ties within the organization


84) US managers can learn to be more culturally sensitive. Recommendations for achieving this include A) talking in a low tone of voice. B) speaking slowly. C) listening more. D) avoiding discussions of religion and politics. E) all of the above.


An important criterion in determining whether conflict is functional or dysfunctional is ________. A) overall morale B) turnover rates C) absenteeism levels D) management's assessment E) performance


As a result of the organization's structure, the vice president in your region has which of the following power bases? A) reward B) coercive C) formal D) legitimate E) all of the above


Catherine and Bernice are faculty members at a local college who feel very differently about their academic dean. Catherine believes that he is always engaging in political activity that is not in the best interests of the college. She describes him as a man who passes the buck and who is scheming and arrogant. Bernice believes that the dean is an effective manager. Bernice sees the dean as being competent, thorough and carefully documenting. Catherine would most likely describe the dean instead as A) overachieving. B) scapegoating. C) misrepresenting . D) cunning. E) buffing.


Conflict is constructive when it ________. A) improves the quality of decisions B) stimulates creativity and innovation C) fosters an environment of self-evaluation and change D) encourages curiosity among group members E) all of the above


Jennifer's boss decides to implement a new policy whereby employees provide regular, formalized feedback to their supervisors. Employees are encouraged to evaluate and criticize their superiors. Based on your understanding of functional conflict, is this policy likely to benefit Jennifer's company? A) no, because the evaluations will promote relationship conflict, which is always dysfunctional B) yes, because the evaluations will encourage groupthink, which increases turnover C) no, because the evaluations will create a climate of insecurity for the company's management D) no, because the evaluations will generate dysfunctional conflict, which breeds discontent E) yes, because the evaluations will encourage functional conflict, which improves organizational performance


Labor and management at DJ Trucking cannot agree upon a contract for the truck drivers. The drivers are threatening to strike, and management knows that such a strike would be very costly. Each side contends that they are bargaining fairly, but no agreement seems to be possible. At first, the disputing parties resist your offer to help create a win-win situation for both groups. They are each highly focused on their demands in the negotiation, otherwise known as their ________. A) bargaining chips B) distribution points C) resistance points D) settlement ranges E) target points


The traditional view of conflict argues that conflict ________. A) cannot be avoided B) helps to generate discussion C) can be avoided D) improves productivity E) must be avoided


The vice president in your region is perceived throughout the organization as a ruthless man who is not to be antagonized. It is necessary for you to bring him a report and you are very nervous about having to deal with him. The most likely reason for the success of this vice president in your organization is that his subordinates A) strive to make themselves indispensable to him. B) find his leadership style inspiring. C) strive to emulate him. D) are envious of his success. E) fear negative sanctions if they fail to comply.


Thomas' rigorous documentation allows him to accomplish which of the following? A) avoiding responsibility B) avoiding power C) avoiding change D) avoiding action E) avoiding blame



For much of the first half of the century, managers viewed work specialization as ________ A) a means to encourage employee satisfaction B) a frustrating cause of reduced product output C) an unending source of increased productivity D) difficult to implement without automation technology E) an effective solution to over-centralization


If a job is highly formalized, it would not include which of the following? A) clearly defined procedures on work processes B) explicit job description C) high employee job discretion D) a large number of organizational rules E) a consistent and uniform output


If there is low formalization, a comprehensive information network, and high participation in decision making, one would expect a(n) ________ structure. A) simple B) mechanistic C) organic D) stable E) matrix


If you have a narrow span of control, you have a(n) ________ organization. A) efficient B) short C) tall D) matrix E) fat


In an organization that has high centralization, ________. A) the corporate headquarters is located centrally to branch offices B) all top-level officials are located within the same geographic area C) action can be taken more quickly to solve problems D) new employees have a great deal of legitimate authority E) top managers make all the decisions and lower-level managers merely carry out directions


In observing the departments in his division, Matthew notices that some managers with wide spans of control seem to perform more effectively than other managers with similarly-sized spans of control. Which of the following statements is most likely true regarding the high-performing managers? A) These managers are paid higher salaries than the low-performing managers. B) These managers discourage employee autonomy, which produces more uniform departmental results. C) The employees within their departments tend to compete to reach productivity goals, which boosts performance. D) The employees within their departments have poor communication with each other. E) The employees within their departments are highly skilled and very knowledgeable about their jobs.


In reorganizing his division, Matthew must make some decisions regarding the span of control for management within his decision. The question of span of control determines ________. A) who reports to whom B) the number of levels and managers an organization has C) where decisions are made D) how jobs will be grouped E) how employees will be compensated


In the late 1940s, most manufacturing jobs in industrialized countries were being done with high ________. A) departmentalization B) decentralization C) work specialization D) structuralization E) generalized structure


Wal-Mart is an example of a company following a A) innovation strategy. B) cost-minimization strategy. C) imitation strategy. D) branding strategy. E) differentiation strategy


One of the most popular ways to group activities is by ________. A) product B) function C) geography D) process E) temporality


Organizational structure has six key elements. Which of the following is not one of these elements? A) centralization B) departmentalization C) work specialization D) formalization E) location of authority


Proctor & Gamble departmentalizes by Tide, Pampers, Charmin, and Pringles. This is an example of departmentalization by ________. A) function B) process C) geography D) product E) interest


The trend in recent years has been toward ________. A) narrower spans of control B) wider spans of control C) a span of control of four D) an ideal span of control of six to eight E) eliminating spans of control in favor of team structures


The unbroken line of authority that extends from the top of the organization to the lowest echelon and clarifies who reports to whom is termed ________. A) chain of command B) authority C) span of control D) unity of command E) web of authority


The unity-of-command principle states which of the following? A) Managers should limit their oversight to a maximum of 12 employees. B) Managers should oversee 1-4 employees on average. C) An individual should be directly responsible to only one supervisor. D) Managers should provide direction to their employees in a unified fashion. E) Employees should report directly to two supervisors to maintain task balance.


The virtual is also called the ________ or ________ organization. A) network; modular B) team; social C) pyramid; multi-level D) boundaryless; global E) simple; unitary


The virtual organization stands in sharp contrast to the typical bureaucracy that has many vertical levels of management and where control is sought through ________. A) ownership B) teams C) imposing limits D) directives E) manipulation


Which of the following does not reflect a dynamic environment? A) new competitors B) difficulties in acquiring raw materials C) rapidly changing government regulations affecting business D) no new technological breakthroughs by current competitors E) continually changing produce preferences by customers


Which of the following generalizations about organizational structures and employee performance and satisfaction is most accurate? A) There is fairly strong evidence linking decentralization and job satisfaction. B) No evidence supports a relationship between span of control and employee performance. C) The evidence generally indicates that work specialization contributes to lower employee productivity. D) Employees dislike routine work that makes minimal intellectual demands. E) Large spans of control provide more distant supervision, thereby increasing employee productivity.


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the mechanistic model? A) high specialization B) free flow of information C) centralization D) high formalization E) narrower spans of control


Which of the following is a drawback of a narrow span of control? It ________. A) reduces effectiveness B) is more efficient C) encourages overly tight supervision and discourages employee autonomy D) empowers employees E) increases participatory decision-making


You describe to your students a new committee within the university that brings together specialists from all different departments to develop a new interdisciplinary program. The structure probably best meets the definition of the ________. A) matrix structure B) expert structure C) boundaryless structure D) virtual structure E) organizational pyramid


You discover that your market is clearly divided between very different types of clients, with different support needs. To respond to this market diversity, you will probably choose to departmentalize by ________. A) functional B) geography C) support D) customer E) matrix


You extol the virtues and benefits of standardization. You are probably promoting the ________. A) matrix structure B) simple structure C) bureaucracy D) team structure E) organizational pyramid


You have decided to hire other organizations to perform many of the basic functions of your business. You have hired an accounting firm to keep your records, a recruiting firm to handle human resource functions, and a computer firm to handle all records. To keep costs down, you are looking for other areas in which to outsource operations. You have chosen to operate your business as a ________. A) matrix organization B) virtual organization C) team structure D) boundaryless structure E) organizational pyramid


You have divided the jobs performed by your department through work specialization and are now trying to decide how to best group these jobs to improve efficiency and customer service. You are considering whether to group activities by function, product, process, geography, or customer. You have decided that since you are a novice at departmentalization, you will go with the most popular method. You will probably choose ________. A) function B) product C) process D) customer E) matrix


You have eliminated horizontal, vertical, and external barriers within your organization. You are operating as a(n) ________. A) matrix organization B) virtual organization C) team structure D) boundaryless organization E) organizational pyramid


Your company decides to establish southern, Midwestern, western, and eastern zones of operation. Based on this expansion, you decide to implement ________ departmentalization. A) area B) customer C) geography D) regional E) matrix


Your new organization is looking for maximum flexibility. The most appropriate structure is probably the ________. A) matrix organization B) virtual organization C) team structure D) network structure E) organizational pyramid


Your products fall into several categories with very different production methods for each category. Because of this, you might consider departmentalizing by ________. A) implementation B) method C) production D) process E) matrix


Your trainees are given a case study concerning a local manufacturing firm called Acme Products. In assessing Acme's organizational structure, your trainees notice that all of the company's decisions are made by top management, with little or no input from lower-level personnel. The trainees most likely identify Acme as a(n) ________ organization. A) decentralized B) highly formalized C) aggressively managed D) highly centralized E) informally structured


________ are consistent with recent efforts by companies to reduce costs, cut overhead, speed up decision making, increase flexibility, get closer to customers, and empower employees. A) Wider spans of control B) Narrower spans of control C) Matrix structures D) Simple structures E) Centralization


________ departmentalization achieves economies of scale by placing people with common skills and orientations into common units. A) Functional B) Process C) Product D) Geographic E) Temporal


________ is characterized by a low degree of departmentalization, wide spans of control, authority centralized in a single person, and little formalization A) Bureaucracy B) Matrix organization C) Simple structure D) Team structure E) Centralized structure


________ refers to how an organization transfers its inputs into outputs. A) Production B) Technology C) Operations D) Process E) Effectiveness

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