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Modernizing Russia

1. Peter the Great recognized that Russia had fallen behind western Europe. Determined to learn from his rivals, Peter visited Holland and England, where he toured shipyards, examined new military equipment, and observed western customs. 2. Peter returned to Moscow vowing to transform Russia into a great power. He began by expanding Russia's army and constructing a new navy. 3. Peter did not limit his changes to military organization and technology. He improved Russian agriculture by introducing the potato, strengthened the Russian economy by importing skilled workers, and liberated Russian women by allowing them to appear in public without veils. In a famous and much resented act, Peter forced nobles to shave off their traditional long beards.

What did Peter split Russia up into?

50 provinces each ruled by a governor appointed by the Tsar, and he created the Senate composed of Boyars appointed by Peter.

Who was Peter's son? What happened?

Alexia didn't always live up to Peter's standards, so Peter beat him sometimes. Relationship completely broke down, Alexia fled to Vienna and leaked some stuff. Peter tricked him into coming back, tortured him till he revealed names, and then killed him. Peterthen abolished the law of hereditary succession and said he could pick whomever he wanted to succeed him

What three cities did he travel to?

Amsterdam, London, and Vienna

What was the place that was only open for 3 weeks


What was Peter's plan?

Build an effective army and expel Sweden from the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea, building a warm-water port

What did Peter force Boyars to do

Dress and act more like Western European Nobles, and shave off their beards

The first place he traveled on a boat was

Dutch went to see archangel again

What was the new policy for the Boyars

Every 20 serf families had to give 1 solider who served for life.

What happened when Peter attacked the Baltic Port?

He attacked with 40,000 men, and the fort was secure and successfully defended by 8,000 sweds

How did Peter ensure the loyalty of the Boyars?

He created the table of ranks, which forced boyars to serve the state in bureaucracy or military. He required the boyars to build a house in St. Petersburg and live there for part of the year.

How did Peter control the Church?

He eliminated the position of Patriarch and created the position Procurator of the Holy Synod, which was appointed by the Tsar.

How did Peter reform the economy?

He increased taxes

What did Peter then try? What happened?

Hit and run tactics. The Swedes organized a large scale invasion of Russia. Russians then retreated further and further inland away from Moscow, waited until the enemy was weak, and defeated the Sweds at the battle of Poltava. After that the Russians kicked the Swedes out of the eastern baltic coast

What did peter learn from Vienna

Peace & to get russia out of the war Ottomans (took 2 years)

What eventually happened to the three people?

Peter placed Sophia under house arrest and Ivan died without any sons

Building St. Petersburg

Peter the Great began building St. Petersburg in 1703. Named after his patron saint, St. Petersburg would be a "a great window for Russia to look out at Europe." St. Petersburg quickly became a symbol of Peter the Great's new and more powerful Russia.

Evaluating Peter the Great

Peter the Great provided a model of how an energetic adn ruthless autocrat would change a nation. He successfully transformed Russia into a great power that would play an increasingly important role in European history. Peter the Great's policies increased the disparities between the nobles and the peasants. Millions of exploited serfs formed an estranged class that did not share in Russian society.

How did Peter handle obstacles?

Rage, verbal tongue-lashing and physical beating

What were Peter's weaknesses

Reforms largely limited to just St. Petersburg Never developed a strong ecomomic base No expansion of manufacturing Expansion of serfdom --> small middle class Failed to dislodge Ottoman Turks from the North coast of baltic sea Couldn't garuntee that his successor would keep doing the same things

What did peter really accomplish?


What did Peter create?

Russia's first navy

Exploiting the Serfs

Russia's peasants did not enjoy the benefits of Peter the Great's reforms. Instead, they were conscripted into Russia's army and forced to build St. Petersburg. In central Europe, serfs were bound to the land. In contrast, Russian serfs could eb sold apart from the land. This enabled nobles to force serfs to work in mines and factories.

What was the name of the city Peter built? What did he do here?

St. Petersburg. Moved his entire govt here and build a palace called Peter's house (Peterhof)

What did Peter do regarding education

Started the Russian Academy of Science in Peterspurg

What news did Peter receive? What did he do?

The Streltsy had revolted, and made Sophia the rightful ruler. Peter went back to Moscow, gathered loyal infantry and quickly crushed the rebellion. He tortured the leaders of the Streltsy to death. Streltsy regiments were disbanded

Defeating Sweden

The Thirty Years' War left Sweden in control of the Baltic's entire eastern shore. In 1700, Peter ordered his army to end Sweden's dominance of the Baltic. The Great Northern War between Sweden and Russia lasted from 1700 to 1721. After suffering initial defeats at the hands of Sweden's king Charles XII, Peter ultimately won the war, thus gaining control over warm-water outlets on the Baltic shore. The defeat contributed to Sweden's decline as a major European power. At the same time, Russia now became the dominant power on the Baltic Sea.

Controlling the Boyars

The boyars were the old nobility who supported traditional Russian culture. Peter the Great did more than order the boyars to shave off their long beards and wear Western clothing. He also compelled them to construct costly town houses in St. Petersburg and required every noble to serve in the army or in the civil administration.

peter had a passion for

The dutch, Europe, germany itlay

Why did the english generally think that the russians were descructive

They rented the house of a nobleman and trashed it

Who did Peter meet and pledge friendship to?

William of Orange, who also requested that Peter not visit the Versailles since England and the Dutch Republic were on bad terms with Louis XIV

Musketeers revolt

demanding better conditions, had contact with prisoner Sofia

The victory at Plotava

his army stop at Plotaya, to attack the swedish

Who did Peter elect to succeed him?

his second wife Catherine !!!

What raw materials did Russia export?

lumber grains, and furs

new system of govt

more or less the same as Europe's monarchies

Don on the Sea of Azov

moved army down south to Turkish but unsuccessful at because the Turkish could resupply from the sea, so Peter built a navy & sailed down the Don this was his fist victory

How did Catherine & Peter the great get married??

real name marta moved to moscow & become his mistress then changed her name

How did peter become King

removal of sofia

Peter the great looked like

tall and skinny had a temper

What was Peter the first Russian Tsar to ever do

travel to Western Europe

What did peter make the men and women do?

upper class men must shave their beards & every one must wear western clothing. Women werent covered anymore

Hernrich Flick

was a spy and went to sweden !!! Study the administration

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