Combo with SIA Computer Excel Chapter 2

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Careful __________ can reduce your effor significantly and result in a worksheet that is accurate, easy to read, flexible, and useful.


Choose a type of CHART that relays the message that you want to convey.


Clicking the _____ box completes and entry cancel, formula, enter, tab


Excel can display characters in only three font colors: black, red, and blue.


Excel derives the chart scale based on the values in the worksheet along the vertical axis, also called the y-axis or value axis of the chart.


Excel recognizes the following as text 401AX21, 921-213, 619 321, 883XTY


Excel remembers the last ______ actions you have completed. 25 50 75 100


Excel uses the default Oriel Theme for all new workbooks.

Sum function

Excel's __________, which adds all of the numbers in a range of cells, provides a convenient means to calculate a total.

a sketch

Perry also decides that he should approve __________ of any proposed worksheet. the font and font size a chart a sketch the title and subtitle text

A. requirements document

Perry decides that before either of his emplyees creates a new workbook he must give them a(n) __________. requirements document USB flash drive file name table of keyboard shortcuts


Pressing the ____ keyboard shortcut keys selects cel A1 CTRL+HOME CTRL+END HOME END


Pressing the _____ key to complete an entry activates the adjacent cell to the right RIGHT ARROW, LEFT ARROW, UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW

mouse pointer

The easiest way to select a cell is to move the block plus sign __________ to the cell and then click.


The group of adjacent cells beginning with B4 and ending with B8, written as B4:B8, is call a(n) RANGE.


The opposite of merging cells is SPLITTING a merged cell.


The person or persons requesting the worksheet should supply their requirements in a ______ document blank, test issues, requirements, cerified


To cancel an entire entry before entering it into the cell, press the ____ key ALT, ESC, CTRL, TAB


To clear the entire workseet, click the Clear All button on the worksheet


To draw a Clustered Cylinder chart, first select the data to be charted and then click the Column button (Insert tab / Charts group ).

apostrophe (')

To enter a number as text, precede it with a ______ quotation mark colon plus apostraphe


To enter a number such as 6,000,000,000,000,000 you can type that or you can type______ 6,000T 6K000 6Q 6E15


To remove an embedded chart, you should ______ it and press the DELETE key. move drag hide click


To use the AutoCalculate area, select the range of cells containing the numbers for a calculation you want to verify and then double-click the Auto Calculate area to display the Customize Status Bar shortcut menu.


Toggles between Insert and Overtype mode


You can clear cell contents and formatting by clicking Clear Contents on the Clear button menu.


You can click the ____________ button arrow (Home tab/ Editing group) to view a list of often used functions

colon (:)

You can enter the correct range in a function by typing the beginning and ending cell refrences separated by a _______ semi- colon colon period none of the above


You can press the RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW keys to position the insertion point during in-cell editing.

formula bar

You can select any cell by entering its cell reference in the __________


You can snap an embedded chart to the worksheet gridlines by holding down the ALT key while you drag the chart to a new position.


You can turn off the Bold formatting for selected text by clicking the Bold Off button ( Home tab / Font group )


You click the _________________ tab of the worksheet you want to view in the Excel window.


You should press the SPACEBAR to clear a cell.


You ______ a worksheet to emphasize certain entries and make the worksheet easier to read and understand. save print format clear


You can apply the Bold font style by pressing the ____ keyboard shortcut keys. ALT+B CTRL+B SHIFT+B TAB+B


A ______ reference is an adjusted cell reference in a copied and pasted formula. revised relative recycled retained


A _______ is a series of two or more adjacent cells in a column or row or a rectangular group of cells as shown in the accompanying figure. range bunch nearby cell neighbor


A character with a point sixe of 10 is about 10/72 of one inch in height


A requirements document includes a needs statement, source of data, summary of calculations, and any other special requirements for a worksheet, as shown is the accompanying figure.


A single point is about 1/32 of one inch in height


A thin red border indicates the active cell, as shown in the accompanying figure.


A(n) ______ chart is drawn on the same worksheet as the data embedded emboldened embodied empowered


A(n) ___________ conveys a visual representation of data


A(n) _______________ chart often is used to illustrate changes in data over time


An Excel ____________ allows data easliy to be summarized and charted worksheet, workbook, document, presentation

font size of cells

An increased ______________ gives more impact to the text in a cell.

formula bar

As you type, Excel displays the entry in the _______________ and also displays the Cancel box and the Enter box on the formula bar.


Both the Cancel Box and the Enter Box appear on the formula bar when you begin typing in a cell


By default, text is ____ in a cell left-aligned, centered, justified, right-aligned


Combining two or more selected cells into onw cell is called _____ cells merging mixing combining spanning


Deletes characters to the left of the insertion point


Displays the Find dialog box

Discuss document properties. Include definitions of these terms: metadada, keywords, standdard properties, and automatically updated properites. Be sure to give at least two reasons why document properties are valuable.

Document properties are information about the worksheet or workbook you are working on. With document properties it is easy to find your work with entering in a keyword. A metadata includes the information such as the author and title. Standard properties include the title, author, and subject as well as the automatically updated properties include dates and file names. These are important because it can save time and keeps you organized.

While creating an Excel worksheet, several decisions will determine the appearance and characteristics of the finished worksheet. List and explain the general guidlines you should follow as you create a worksheet.

First you select a title and subtitles for the worksheet and use the fewest words possible to specify the information presented in the worksheet to the intended audience. Next you determine the contents for rows and columns. After, you determine the calculations that are needed in the worksheet. Next is when you save the worksheet. Identify how to format various elements and decided where the chart is needed. Choose a name for the worksheet and determine the bext method for distributing the workbook


Highlights one or more adjacent characters to the right


How many chart types does Excel offer? 5 11 29 50


If a major error is made when typing data into a cell, click the Cancel box in the formula bar or press the ESC key to erase the entire entry, and then reenter the data from the beginning.


If each cell in a selected range is next to a row of numbers, Excel assigns the SUM function to each cell in the selected range when the Sum button is clicked.


If the next entry you want to make is in an adjacent cell, use the _________ keys to complete the entry in the current cell and activate the adjacent cell.

all of the above

In Excel, a number can contain the characters______. 0123456789, ,$%Ee +-(),/ all the above

False ROWS

In a worksheet, COLUMNS typically contain information that is similas to a list


In general, use no more than _____ font types in a worksheet two four six eight


In the accompanying figure, the _____ identifies the colors assigned to each bar in the chart on a worksheet. color code identifier explanation legend


MODIFIED The Cart Tools contextual tabs include the _________ tabs. A. Design B. Column C. Format D. Layout


MODIFIED The characters that Excel displays on the screen are a specific ____. A. font B. Style C. size D. color


MODIFIED The recommended methodogy for creating worksheets includes____. A. analyze requirments B. Design solution C. Validate design D. Document solution


MODIFIED You can insert a function in a cell by _______. A. clicking the Sum button arrow (Home tab/ Editing group) B. clicking the Insert Function button in the formula bar C. typing + and one or more letters and then selecting the function name from a list D. Typing = and one or more letters and then selecting the function name from a list


MODIFIED You can quickly move between worksheet tabs by ______. A. clicking a tab scrolling button B. dragging the tab split box C. clicking a sheet tab D. couble-clicking the statusbar.


Moves the insertion point to the end of data in a cell


Not used to clear a cel


Selects cell A1


Selects the adjacent cell in the direction of the arrow on the key.


Selects the cell at the beginning of the row that contains the active cel


Selects the cell one worksheet window to the right

Discuss how to correct errors after entering data into a cell using in-cell editing

Some ways to correct erros after you have already typed in the cell is to double click on the cell you want to select and try the spell check to make sure the spelling is correct. If you want to change any characteristics in the cell, just couble click and change what you need to change.


The Auto Correct feature can automatically capitalize the first letter in the names of days

fill handle

The ____ is the small black square located in the lower-right corner of the heavy border around the active cell. selection handle sizing handle fill handle copy handle

Auto Calculate

The _____ area on the status bar displays common calculations, such as SUM or AVERAGE, for selected numbers in the worksheet. AutoFormat AutoComplete AutoFunction AutoCalculat


The _____ button is located on the Quick Access Toolbar, as shown in the accompanying figure. Undo Cell Style Bold Increase Decimal

Auto Correct

The _____ feature works behind the scenes, fixing common typing or spelling mistakes when you complete a text entry AutoComplete, Auto Correct, Auto Format, Auto Typing

Auto Fill Options

The ______ button allows you to choose whether you want to copy the values from the source area to the destinitation area with formatting. CopyOptions ReplaceOptions FormattingOptions AutoFillOptions

insertion point

The ______ is a blinking vertical line that indicates where the next typed character will appear. scroll box, sheet tab, insertion point, split bar

auto fill options

The ___________________ button allows you to choose whether you want to copy the values from the source area to the destination area with or without formatting

destination area

The cell being copied is called the source area ( or copy area). the range of cells receiving the copy is called the ______ receiver cell final cell receiving range destination area


The cell into which data is being entered is referred to as the ________ cell.


The default font for a new workbook is ____________ 11-point regular black.

Displays cell contents with two decimal places that align vertically

What effect does the Accounting Numler Format have on the selected cells? Converts alphabetic characters to numbers Displays cell contents with two decimal places that align vertically Performs tax calculation Copies the number of one cell to another

Displays cell contents with two decimal places and commas as thousands separators

What effect does the comma Style format have on the selected cells? Converts decimals to commas within a cell Converts decimals to commas within merged cells Displays cell contents with two decimal places and commas as thousands seperators Allows for substitution of selected characters


When entering dollar values in cells, you also must type the dollar sign ($), commas, and trailing zeros.


When selecting worksheet titles and subtitles, follow the MORE IS LESS guidline.


When text is longer than the width of a column, Excel displays the overflow characters in adjacent cells to the right.


When you click the Enter box to complete an entry in a cell, the active cell moves down to the next cell in the same column

Document properties

Which of the following Excel features helps Anita be more productive by helping her more easily organize and identify her workbook files? Shortcut menus Document properties Contextual tabs Enhanced Screen Tips


Which of the following features helps Anita be more productive by automatically reducing the number of misspelled or misstyped words? AutoComplete AutoCalculate AutoCorrect AutoFill

(Home tab / Styles Group)

Which of the following is the Ribbon path ro the Cell Styles button? Hometab/Styles group Stylestab/Home group hometab/ Format group Formattab/Styles group


Which of the following keys is an alternative to double- clicking the cell to edit it? F1 F2 F3 F4


Which of the following keys moves the insertion point to the beginning of data in a cell? HOME ENTER INSERT TAB


Which of the following keys moves the insertion point to the end of data in a cell? HOME DELETE END BACKSPACE


Which of the following keys toggles between Insert mode and Overtype mode? INSERT ENTER TAB ALT


While typing in a cell, you can press the ________________ key to delete all the characters back to and including the incorrect character you just typed.


With Excel in Edit mode, you can edit cell contents directly in the cell.


Worksheet _________ typically contain descriptive information about items in rows or contain information that helps to group the data in the worksheet.


Worksheet titles and subtitles should be as wordy as possible


_____ is used to add worksheet, column, and row titles on a worksheet color, text, links, tabs


_____ properties are associated with all Microsoft Office documents and include author, title, and subject. Automatic Hidden Replacement Standard

Auto Correct

______________ corrects two initial capital letters by changing the second letter to lowercase.


_______________ cells involves creating a single cell by combinbing two or more selected cells.

Font style

_______________indicates how text characters are emphasized

relative reference

the automatically adjusted cell reference in a pasted formula is called a(n) __________________.

understand what is required

the first step in creating an effective worksheet is to make sure you ________ apply font formatting, understand what is required, insert a chart, enter the data


to enter data in the cell, you must first select or activate the___ row, worksheet, column, cell

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