COMM 103 CH 13

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Which of the following is true about pitch and effective delivery?

- A varied pitch conveys energy and dynamism. - A higher pitch conveys nervousness. - A deeper pitch conveys confidence.

Which of the following are true about using effective volume during a speech?

- It will depend on whether you're using a microphone. - It will be influenced by the size of the audience. - It will be influenced by the size of the room.

Which of the following are true about the psychological effects of public speaking anxiety?

- Public speaking anxiety may begin as soon as the speech is assigned. - Public speaking anxiety may be lessened by knowledge of the topic. - Public speaking anxiety is influenced by delivery style.

Which of the following are true about the rate of speaking and effective delivery?

- Speakers may need to adapt their rate to the audience. - Research finds that speaking at a faster rate is more persuasive to audiences. - A speaker should avoid speaking too fast.

Which of the following statements are true about volume and effective delivery?

- Speakers should vary their volume for emphasis throughout their speeches. - The volume of the speaker's voice should be appropriate to the size of the room. - The volume of the speaker's voice should be appropriate to the size of the audience.

Which of the following are true about the psychological effects of public speaking anxiety?

- anxiety influenced by delivery style - anxiety may begin as soon as speech is assigned - pubnlic speaking anxiety may be lessened by knowledge of the topic

Which of the following are true about the relationship between effective speech delivery and posture and body movement?

- avoid slouching - keep back straight and head up for effective posture for speech - move during transitions

Which of the following are true about anticipatory anxiety?

- it peaks immediately before people deliver their speeches - it's the worry people feel when looking ahead to a speech

Which of the following are true about public speaking anxiety?

- it's anxiety brought on by performing in front of an audience - it can affect individuals psychologically, physical, and behaviorally - it can be debilitating and cause people to deliver poor performances

Which of the following are true about scripted speeches? Check all that apply.

- they are delivered word for word from a manuscript - they may be timed - they are common when the exact wording of the speech is crucial

Five common articulation problems

1. addition: adding uneccesary sounds to words (bolth v both) 2. deletion: omitting parts of word sounds (goin v going) 3. transposition: reversing two sounds within a word (hunderd v hundred) 4. substitution: replacing one part of a word with an incorrect sound (wit v with) 5. slurring: combining 2+ words into one (gonna v going to)

Which of the following should you consider when preparing presentation aids?

If using presentation software, make sure the font is large enough for everyone to read. Make sure everyone will be able to see, hear, touch, taste, or smell the presentation aids you plan to use.

Which of the following are ways to effectively choose presentation aids?

Practice with your aids. Have a backup plan. Consider the size and arrangement of the room.

Which of the following choices accurately describe text slides?

They can be electronic forms of presentation aids. They are often created with presentation software. They display textual material.

Which of the following are ways in which presentation aids can enhance your speech?

They improve audience attention. They improve audience recall. They improve audience learning.

Extemporaneous speech delivery

a carefully prepared and rehearsed speech that is presented from a brief set of notes; sounds spontaneous

A model is

a representation of an object.

Impromptu speech delivery

a speech delivered with little or no preparation

Which of the following will help you use public speaking anxiety as an advantage?

accepting public speaking anxiety as a normal response

Public speaking anxiety usually decreases

as individuals prepare for their speeches.

Which of the following are visual elements that affect the delivery of a speech?

body posture, facial expressions, personal appearance, eye contact

Memorized speech delivery

delivering a speech word for word from memory without using notes; high control over verbal content without use of notes

Which of the following is true about effectively adapting to the size and arrangement of the room?

everyone should be able to experience presentation aids

Which of the following will enable you to take advantage of your public speaking anxiety?

focusing your nervous energy

Which of the following are styles of speech delivery?

impromptu, extemporaneous, scripted, memorized

U.S. audiences typically prefer speeches that are organized


Facial expression is an important element of effective delivery and should be appropriate to the topic and

match the tone of voice, vary throughout the speech

Speeches that are composed word for word but delivered without a script or notes are called

memorized speeches

Which of the following are NOT consequences of public speaking anxiety?

mental flexibility

Which of the following will help you effectively deal with public speaking anxiety?

performing many speeches, desensitizing yourself to speaking situations

Anything that stimulates the listeners' senses meets the definition of ______ aid.


Which of the following describes anything that stimulates the listeners' senses?

presentation aids

Vocal elements of speech

rate (speed), volume (loudness v. softness), pitch (high v. low), articulation (pronunciation), fluency (smoothness)

Scripted speech delivery

reading speech word-for-word; provides maximum control over verbal content

The best posture to maintain during a speech is one that is

relaxed but confident

Public speaking anxiety is a common form of


Which of the following are examples of graphic slides?

table, chart, picture

When deciding which presentation aids will work best, it is important to consider

time available, room layout, resources available

Rate, volume, pitch, articulation, and fluency are all ______ elements of effective delivery.


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