COMM 2020 Final Exam Review Dr. Nichols

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"Today I am going to describe to you terrain of the state of Texas." Which will be used?


A cross is a perfect example of a condensation symbol

Ethos, pathos, and logos

A persuasive speech should include:


According to Aristotle, which level of knowledge comes from a person's experiences?

Specific purpose statement

After getting her general purpose statement done, Mary Allison knew she next needed to create:


Conservative, like familiarity, consistency. Active in church and/or respected civil groups


Emotional appeal refers to a speaker's use of...


Few resources, motivated by need, thrifty. Spends money on essentials, not trendy.


High self-esteem, image conscious. Wine-tasting events, high fashion


In an outline if you have a "2" then you must have a "3"


In the linear mode of communication the process of taking a message and giving it meaning is:

People send and receive messages at the same time

Major diff. b/t Linear Model and Communication and transactional model of communication


Many resources, stress on image, have capabilities. Trendy clothes and technology, health clubs and active night spots


Moving from specific evidence to general conclusion is using which type of reasoning?


People motivated by ideals, but do not have lots of resources are labeled by VALS Framework as


Personal resources, logical, not about image, changes that improve things. Work to improve blighted neighborhoods

Multimedia presentation

PowerPoint, some radio clips, and a short interview taped with a shopkeeper is considered:

Symbols/outline notations

Preparation outlines use full sentences next to:

Question of policy

Professor is arguing the university should have a fixed final exam rule for faculty and students


Self-sufficient, practical. Not trendy, not into image/status


Success is driven w/h resources. Status symbols as proof of success.


Success-driven, few resources. Desire status of achievers.


The VALS framework is designed to place people into categories based on demographic information


The conclusion is the speaker's last chance to persuade


The last type of credibility = derived credibility

Language places values of more and less on everything

The notion that language is hierarchical means that:


The outline that lets you gather and organize info. is what type?


What is the last stage of the persuasive process?


When a speaker introduces irrelevant material to change the subject = fallacy of red herring


Which of Cicero's 5 cannons of rhetoric deals with word choice?

Speech about a policy

Which of the following is NOT a type of informative speech?

Main point

Which of the following is NOT an element of an intro. in the outline?


Which of the following is NOT measured by demographics?

Manipulate messages

Which of the following is NOT one of the 4 functions of rhetoric, according to Aristotle?

Speaking outline uses full sentences

Which of the following is NOT true?

Both provide info. on an event

Which of the following is a characteristic shared by both informative and epideictic speech?


Which of the following is an example of demographic data?


Which type of speech is generally uses the most emotional language and less logic?

Ensembles d'études connexes

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