COMM 2025 End of Course Assessment

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Which of the following is an example of a factual statement?

"Barbara is driving a Jeep."

Which of the following statements would be the best descriptive alternative for the statement, "You never call me?"

"I sure would enjoy hearing from you more often."

Which of the following would be the best active listening response to the statement: "This has been the worst day of my life!"

"You seem really upset. What made your day so bad?"

Identify at least three unproductive conflict management strategies and their productive alternatives. Illustrate your response with concrete examples from everyday life and from your personal experience.

1. Avoidance and Fighting Actively. Everyday life examples- avoidance: falling asleep- and fighting actively: voicing opinions.Personal experience- instead of talking things through with my sister during an argument, I walked away. Instead, I should of have stayed and talked it out with her. 2. Gunnysacking and Present Focus.Everyday life examples- Gunnysacking: A roommate takes your food and when you want to talk about it, they bring up the fact that you are messy and paid the rent late. Present Focus: the roommate would take time to discuss the food issue only.Personal experience- When I asked my sister why she was in my room, she brought up the fact that I ate her food from the refrigerator. Instead, she should of have focused on why she was in my room. 3. Silencers and Facilitating Open Expression.Everyday life examples- Silencers-crying or yelling and screaming. Facilitating- listen activelyPersonal experience- When my mom asked for my sister to put away her phone, she yelled and screamed at my mother instead of talking to her. My sister should have calmly talked to my mom about her feelings about the phone.

List and describe the five stages of perception. Using these stages, explain where errors in perception may occur for each stage.

1. Stimulation is the first stage of perception where your sense organs are stimulated by the environment around you. Errors may occur in this perception due to selective perception. 2. Organization is the second stage of perception where you organize the information you are receiving. Frequently used rules of organization are proximity, similarity and, contrast. Errors may occur in this perception due to your assumptions of similarity not being correct. 3. Interpretation-evaluation is the third stage of perception which is influenced by your experience, needs, wants, and values. Errors may occur in this perception due to stereotypes. 4. Memory is the fourth stage of perception where your perceptions are put into memory and are stored for recall for a later date. Errors may occur in this perception due to stereotypes affecting your memory. 5. Recall is the fifth stage of perception where you recall information base off of your memories. Errors may occur in this perception due to old memories not being accurate.

Discuss any two steps in the five-step process of listening. Elaborate on ways to improve listening in relation to the steps.

1. Understanding is when you process the thoughts and emotions from the speaker. Some ways that I can improve my understanding is to try to see the speakers point of view with out pre-judging. Also, I can try to relate to the speaker's conversation based on my own experience and knowledge. 2. Remembering is not what was actually said but, what you remember based on you personal point of view. I can improve my memory skills by focusing on the important information said by the speaker. Also, I can organize the information into categories so I can better remember the information.

public speaking

A formal presentation made by a speaker to an audience


A restriction on behavior imposed by social custom.

persuasive speech

A speech that attempts to change listeners' attitudes or behaviors by advocating or trying to gain acceptance of the speaker's point of view

informative speech

A speech that enhances an audience's knowledge and understanding by explaining what something means, how something works, or how something is done

Which of the following is true of communication contexts?

All communication takes place within contexts.

Which of the following statements about small groups is true?

All groups have some type of organization among them.

claim-and-proof pattern

An organizational pattern in which the thesis is the claim and each main point offers proof in support of this claim

_______ refers to a willingness to stand up for your rights but with respect for the rights of others.


Which of the following recommendations will increase effectiveness in receiving messages?

Avoid assuming you know what the speaker will say next.

When Antonio disagrees with others' ideas he often responds with statements about the person's personality like, "You are an impractical person." This leads to further conflict within the group. Which guideline for small group communication should Antonio consider if he wants to improve?

Center conflict on issues.

While giving a speech, the speaker is simultaneously monitoring the crowd for their responses. As the crowd responds through facial expressions and vocalizations, they are simultaneously listening to the message. This illustrates which concept of communication?

Communication is transactional.

________ provide benchmarks against which you can measure yourself. Your ability, for example, to achieve what your culture defines as success contributes to a positive self-concept; your failure to achieve what you culture values contributes to a negative self-concept.

Cultural teachings

Which of the following statements concerning monologic and dialogic communication is true?

Dialogic communication involves striving for empathy and mutual understanding.

Which guideline describes effective emotional listening?

Empathize with the other person.

________ is the tendency to view others and their behaviors through our own cultural filters.


Which of the following is true concerning high- and low-power-distance cultures and group membership?

In high-power-distance cultures, power is concentrated in the hands of a few.

List and describe the four types of proxemic distances. Give an example (one that is not in the textbook) of when it would be appropriate to use each type of distance in your communication. Discuss how understanding these distances can help you communicate more effectively in your daily life.

Intimate distance- This distance ranges from touching to 18 inches apart. This distance is mostly used with people that you have intimate relationships with. An example of when to properly use this distance is giving my mother a hug. Personal distance- This distance ranges from 18 inches to 4 feet apart. This distance keeps you in a small imaginary bubble that only certain people can enter. An example of when to properly use this distance is when I am having a conversation with my boss. Social distance- This distance ranges from 4 to 12 feet. This is when significant distance starts to form between you and the other person. An example of when to properly use this distance is when you are sitting at a table across from someone. Public distance- This distance ranges from 12 to 25 feet or more. This is when you try to stay away from strangers or from menacing people. An example of when to properly use this distance is when you are walking down the street and see someone who looks scary to you. It helps me understand the appropriate and respectable amount of distance to use to communicate effectively with other people in each of the four settings.

Which of the following is true of brainstorming?

It encourages creativity.

Which individual is most likely to emerge as a group's leader?

Kalen, who participates often and uses active listening.

Which of the following is true about the relationship between culture and listening?

Listening in any culture requires attention to both verbal and nonverbal cues.

Lauren is a member of a small group in which her actions impact the behaviors of the other groups members. Likewise, the behaviors of the other group members impact Lauren. Which characteristic of small groups does this best illustrate?

Members are all interdependent.

Which of the following is true regarding gender and conflict?

Men tend to withdraw from conflict more than women.

Olivia does not want Justin to know that she is disappointed with the golf clubs he gave her for her birthday, so she smiles broadly and jumps up and down as if she is very excited. Olivia's use of nonverbal communication is an example of which principle of nonverbal communication?

Nonverbal communication helps manage impressions.

Which of the following is not an advantage of interpersonal relationships?

Prevent me from developing other relationships

How are teams unique from small groups?

Teams are constructed for a specific task.

_________ occurs when we are more forthcoming in online communication than in face-to-face communication, perhaps because there is a certain degree of anonymity and invisibility online.

The disinhibition effect

supporting materials

The materials used to support a speaker's ideas. The three major kinds of supporting materials are examples, statistics, and testimony.

What best describes the relationship between the interdependency of two people and the nature of potential conflict?

The more interdependent the people, the more important conflicts become.


The systematic study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

Which is the best way to handle conflict in small groups?

When you disagree, make it clear your disagreement is with the solution suggested rather than with the person who expressed them.

The stages of small group interaction are similar to the stages of __________.

a conversation

Self-esteem is defined as _________.

a measure of how valuable we think we are

When listening to a lecture in class, you say, "I'm sorry, but I don't understand." Your statement to the instructor is an example of

a metamessage

specific purpose

a single infinitive phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish in his or her speech


a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved.

Kellan really did not want to spend his vacation antiquing but did not want to argue with his wife. By agreeing to her suggestions, Kellan chose a (n) ________ conflict style that may not provide lasting resolution.


multiple-definition pattern

an organizational structure for a public speech in which each of your main points consists of a different type of definition

During a discussion about a controversial issue, Diego listened carefully to opposing views, but calmly and objectively responded with rationale for his view and did not back down. Diego is demonstrating ________.


Shonda and Sheri consider themselves friends. As coworkers, they often go to lunch but don't support each other much outside of the office. Shonda and Sheri have a friendship of ________.


Hiro and Nalini met at a local gym and developed a relationship based on frequent interaction during workout sessions and a shared interest in adventurous social outings. This relationship demonstrates the ________ theory.


Julio tells everyone in his work group exactly what to do and how to do it. Since Julio makes all of the decisions without consulting others, his leadership style could best be described as ________.


Physical flight, setting up physical barriers, or just mentally withdrawing are all examples of __________.


When paying someone a compliment, it is best to ________.

be specific and true to your feelings

When you dismiss someone's argument as invalid based solely on their affectional orientation, it is an example of a _________.

bias or prejudice

Betty's friends know that she is stingy, but Betty is not aware of it herself. We can assume Betty's stinginess is part of her _________ self.


A drink placed on a bar at a tavern or books on your desk in order to let others know that these territories belong to you are

central markers.

When you avoid eye contact or avert your glance to help others maintain privacy, it is known as _______.

civil inattention


common or typical categories for organizing subject matter

When Ainsley tells Jeffrey, "I am going to study hard for that history test," and Jeffrey replies, "I know you will. You have a real drive to do well in school. I admire you," Jeffrey is engaging in ________.


Bernie and Loretta are arguing over whether they should send their son to a public or private school. This argument is most clearly a ________ conflict.


Unlike women, men tend to use more ________ messages, talking more about things external to the relationship.


Dewey's problem-solving process starts with which of the following steps?

definition and analysis of the problem and establishment of criteria for evaluating solutions

The concept of ________ communication embodies the presence of respect and concern for one another during conversation.


When Jeanne tells Dave, "I am so excited! I got an A on my chemistry midterm," and Dave replies, "I'm hungry. Let's get some lunch," Dave is engaging in _______.


Your neighbor is telling you about the sadness he feels about the death of his wife. To communicate understanding, you should practice _______ listening.


Generally, people use facial management techniques to ________.

enable them to express feelings while achieving desired effects

When communicating in the office, Lorenzo is careful to keep his verbal and nonverbal messages consistent and maintain eye contact during conversations. Lorenzo is demonstrating good _________ skills.


During weekly sales meetings, Angel makes a point to congratulate other members of the group for their accomplishments that week and makes positive comments about others' ideas to increase sales. One of the roles Angel plays at these meetings is ________.


The theory that claims you develop and maintain relationships in which the ratio of your rewards relative to your costs is equal to your partner's rewards and costs, is known as

equity theory.

To make an effective apology, one should ________.

express understanding of how the other person feels

Calling another person incompetent or untrustworthy during a conflict is characteristic of a _____ conflict orientation.


When visiting home over the holidays, Deandre knows not to comment on her sister's lifestyle or mention her mother's estranged brother. Deandre is maintaining ________.

family rules

At the __________ stage of small group interaction, the group may reflect on what it has done and perhaps on what remains to be done. Some groups may even evaluate their performance at this stage.


Reflecting back on the conversation to signal you feel the business is complete is which stage of the conversation process?


When someone sends a message in response to your initial message, such as laughing at your joke, he or she is sending _________.


Statements such as, "We need to discuss our weekend plans" and "Did you hear about the new professor" are most appropriately made in which stage of conversation?


During a departmental meeting, Zora listens to everyone's ideas and when it seems like everyone is on the same page, she adds, "This all sounds great to me. I'll go along with it." By making this remark, Zora appears to occupy which group role?


The understanding stage in the listening process involves ________.

grasping both the thoughts that were expressed and the emotional tone that accompanies them

The initiator-contributor, information giver, elaborator, and coordinator are best defined as __________.

group task roles.

As a conflict strategy, _____ is the unproductive practice of storing up grievances so as to unload them at another time.


Relationship rules theory helps people to ________.

identify successful versus destructive relationship behavior

During a conversation, Mario was complimentary, shared his views openly, and appeared fully engaged in what the other person was saying. Mario was using ________ behaviors during the interaction.


Instead of saying, "I'm bored with this conversation," you say, "It's getting late and I have to get up early tomorrow." This message, which allows you to express a desire without offending someone, is a ________ message.


Which message is most likely to be polite?

indirect statement

This facial management technique would help you exaggerate surprise when friends throw you a party.


Meeting a friend for coffee to discuss your date exemplifies which type of communication?


In this stage of the relationship model, there is testing and intensifying.


Once you click "send" on your e-mail, you cannot uncommunicate the message, which suggest that all communication is ________.


Artifactual communication would include _______.


The traits approach to leadership posits that __________.

leadership is a function of individual characteristics

While in the deterioration stage of a relationship, two friends are likely to ________.

limit contact with each other

The textbook advises you to do which of these to grow in self-awareness?

listen to others, seek information about yourself, increase your open self

When trying to reach a decision on a topic they should choose, Carrie's group took a vote, with the most votes winning. They made a decision by _______.

majority rule

Matthew is sitting in communication class while the instructor is lecturing, but his mind keeps wandering to his upcoming vacation. Matthew is experiencing which type of listening barrier?

mental distractions

Kay, a new employee, frequently has coffee with Elliot, who has been with the company for many years. Elliot helps Kay understand the company's history and gives advice on how to succeed in the culture. This illustrates a ________.

mentoring relationship

It did not take Zach long to realize that everyone at his new company takes longer than the prescribed one hour for lunch. Zach now takes longer than an hour for his lunch break like everyone else. In this instance, " a longer lunch" is an example of a group ________.


According to the text, the best way to define a problem is as a(n) __________.

open-ended question

Rosa judges everything Serena does based on the fact that Serena is an only child. Rosa is engaging in which attribution error?


Faisal is in charge of leading a group of seasoned volunteers at a local charity. The volunteers know what needs to be done, but they seem to have lost their motivation. In this situation, Faisal is best advised to use which leadership style of the situational approach?


One principle of verbal messages is that message meanings are in ________.


A conversation with your friend would be different in a quiet library than it would in a crowded restaurant. These differences are what is known as changing the _____ context.


Jamie often categorizes situations in extremes: black and white, good and bad, brilliant and stupid, rich and poor. Jamie is using ________ to describe situations.


Dave and Lucy fight often. He doesn't like her to spend too much time with her friends while she finds him overly possessive of her time. The presence of ________ issues is contributing to this conflict.


pro-con pattern

presents arguments in favor of and arguments against an issue

Territories you own, such as your car or bedroom, are considered your _____ territory.


During a department meeting, while Antonio's boss discussed new software, Antonio daydreamed about his upcoming vacation. It is likely that the boss's message is distorted by what type of noise?


power priming

recalling instances of being in power that seem to transfer to current behavior

Memory for speech is not reproductive; you do not simply reproduce in your memory what the speaker said. Rather, memory is ________.


Shaking hands, hugging, or kissing upon greeting someone is an example of ________ touch communication.


Beverly watches only Fox News because its reporters and commentators reinforce her existing beliefs and attitudes. Beverly is engaging in ________.

selective exposure

Jonah has always thought he was not a strong athlete. When he played soccer, he was sure he would not be good at it, and indeed, he was not as he did not practice very hard. This may be a result of a ________.

self-fulfilling prophecy

When in an interview, you take great care to use _____ strategies. That means, you dress professionally, speak articulately, and emphasize your positive qualities to the person interviewing you.


Policeman and congressman are examples of _________ language.


Jose weighed the pros and cons of trying to continue a relationship with Dora after she moved across the country to take a new job. Jose decided that both the material and emotional costs of maintaining the relationship were not worth the effort. His decision to end his relationship with Dora can best be explained by __________ theory.

social exchange

Interruptions, in contrast to back-channeling cues, are attempts to take over the role of the _______.


Ethan is engaging in _______ when he retains a judgment of a close friend, despite the inevitable changes in the friend.

static evaluation

When you hear a new song played on the radio, the __________stage of the perception process has just occurred.


communication apprehension

the fear or anxiety associated with real or anticipated communication with another or others


the listener, viewer, or reader of a text

According to the text, which of the following is an appropriate topic for small talk?

topics that stress similarities rather than differences

Robert is not prepared for the discussion in history class this morning. Every time the history instructor asks the class a question, Robert looks down and avoids eye contact with the instructor. Robert is displaying _______ cues.



using others' ideas and words without clearly acknowledging the source of information

Paralanguage may be defined as _______.

vocal but nonverbal dimension of speech

general purpose

whichever of three goals - to inform, persuade, or entertain - dominates a speech

According to Deborah Tannen, when men and women talk

women communicate to build rapport, men communicate to play up their expertise, men give fewer listening cues than women.

fact-fiction pattern

your main points would be the fiction and thhe facts would be underneath

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