COMM Final

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what to watch on television

A conflict centered on _____ can be categorized as a content conflict.

accommodating style

A conflict management style in which you sacrifice your own needs for the sake of the needs of the other person

collaborating style

A conflict management style in which your concern is with both your own and the other person's needs

compromising style

A conflict management style that is in the middle; there's some concern for your own needs and some concern for the other's needs

competing style

A conflict management style that represents great concern for your own needs and desires and little for those of others

avoiding style

A conflict management style that suggests that you are relatively unconcerned with your own or with the other's needs or desires


A form of bullying that can take place through any electronic communication system—Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, instant messages, blog posts—and can take the form of sending threatening messages or images, posting negative comments, revealing secrets, or lying about another person


A form of bullying that can take place through any electronic communication system—Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, instant messages, blog posts—and can take the form of sending threatening messages or images, posting negative comments, revealing secrets, or lying about another person.


A group of people with defined roles, recognition of mutual responsibilities, a shared history and future, shared living space (usually), and rules for communicating

social allergen

A habit of a friend or romantic partner that you find uncouth, impolite, or unpleasant and that often leads to interpersonal conflict


A love that is compassionate and selfless

verbal aggressiveness

A method of arguing in which one person attacks the other person's self-concept


A pattern of abusive behavior (verbal or nonverbal) repeatedly committed by one person (or group) against another

interaction management

A quality of interpersonal effectiveness in which the interaction is controlled and managed to the satisfaction of both parties; effectively managing conversational turns, fluency, and message consistency


A reaction (consisting of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors) to a physical or emotional threat to one or more of your significant relationships

friends with benefits

A relationship between friends that involves sex but no real romantic commitment

get a promotion

A relationship developed through formal networking is most likely to help you _____.


A relationship with another person in which you feel closeness, caring, warmth, and excitement


A strategy to resist compliance by giving reasons why you should not comply


A type of love characterized by elation and depression, extreme highs and extreme lows


A type of love that emphasizes beauty and sexuality


A type of love that is peaceful and slow


A type of love that is practical and traditional


A type of love that stresses entertainment and excitement

hostile environment harassment

A type of sexual harassment in which verbal and nonverbal messages about sex make a worker uncomfortable

is mutually productive

According to the text, friendship may be defined as an interpersonal relationship that _____.


Adjectives or adverbs that emphasize extremes, too many of which signal a lack of power

nonverbal communications that express positive feelings

Affiliative cues and Duchenne smiles are _____.


An attitude of an individual or an atmosphere in a group that is characterized by openness, absence of fear, and a genuine feeling of equality. Opposite of defensiveness


An attitude that recognizes that each individual in a communication interaction is equal, that no one is superior to any other; encourages supportiveness. Opposite of superiority


An enemy who appears on the surface to be a friend


An interpersonal relationship between two persons that is mutually productive, established and maintained through perceived mutual free choice, and characterized by mutual positive regard


An unproductive conflict strategy in which an individual refuses to discuss the conflict or to listen to the other person; a strategy to resist compliance without any attempt to compromise; you simply state your refusal to do as asked without any qualification


An unproductive conflict strategy in which one person hits the other at a vulnerable level—at the level at which the other person cannot withstand the blow


An unproductive conflict strategy in which you take mental or physical flight from the actual conflict


Because all people are different with different goals, conflict is _____ in relationships.

compliance-gaining strategies

Behaviors designed to gain the agreement of others, to persuade others to do as you wish


Brianna and her husband disagree on how to spend their savings. He wants to buy a new car, but she wants to go on vacation. To make him happy, she takes him to a car dealership and agrees to postpone a trip until they save more. Brianna used the _____ conflict style.

downward communication

Communication sent from the higher levels of a hierarchy to the lower levels—for example, messages sent by managers to workers or from deans to faculty members

upward communication

Communication sent from the lower levels of a hierarchy to the upper levels—for example, from line worker to manager or from faculty member to dean

balanced split pattern

Conflict in Lucy and Jorge's marriage is lessened by the fact that each concedes decisions to the other in certain areas of expertise. Their relationship exhibits which communication pattern?

win-win strategies

Conflict management strategies that seek a resolution in which both parties win

win-lose strategies

Conflict management strategies that seek a resolution in which one person wins and the other loses


Connecting with people who can help you accomplish a goal or help you find information related to your goal; for example, to your search for a job

independent couples

Couples for whom the relationship is important but never more important than each person's individual identity

separate couples

Couples who live together but view their relationship more as a matter of convenience than a result of their mutual love or closeness

traditional couples

Couples who share a basic belief system and philosophy of life; they see themselves as a blending of two persons into a single couple rather than as two separate individuals

interpersonal conflict

Disagreement between two connected persons

Avoid interrupting the other person.

Effective strategies for cultivating argumentativeness include which of the following? A. Avoid interrupting the other person. B. Present arguments emotionally. C. Attack the person, not the argument. D. Treat disagreements subjectively.

laissez-faire families

Families who avoid interaction and communication, encourage privacy, and maintain a "do what you want" attitude; low in confirmation and low in conversation

consensual families

Families who encourage open communication and agreement; high in conversation and high in conformity

protective families

Families who stress agreement and strive to avoid conflict but with little communication

pluralistic families

Families whose members are encouraged to express different attitudes and points of view and to engage in open communication while being supportive of each other

defining the problem in specific terms

Instead of telling his husband that he was "cold and unfeeling," Dan could have communicated more effectively by _____.

when each person feels the other is interfering with his or her goals

Interpersonal conflict occurs _____.

content conflict

Interpersonal conflict that centers on objects, events, and persons that are usually external to the parties involved in the conflict. Opposite of relationship conflict

relationship conflict

Interpersonal conflicts that center on the connection or relationship between people rather than events or people external to them. Opposite of content conflict

lateral communication

Messages between equals—manager to manager, worker to worker


Misha was especially hurt when her husband decided to bring up the fact that she couldn't have children when they were arguing about a completely different topic. This is an example of _____.


Nicholas is enraged when he sees his husband talk to another man. This is an example of _____ jealousy.


Oliver has been taking extra shifts at work, which has caused a conflict with his girlfriend Morgan because she feels neglected. When Morgan tells Oliver that he has to stop spending so much time at work and buy her flowers as an apology for ignoring her the last week, Oliver stops listening and walks away. This is an example of _____.

grapevine messages

Organizational messages that don't follow any of the formal lines of communication established in an organization; rather, they cross organizational lines

place greater emphasis on romantic love and individual fulfillment

People from individualist cultures are likely to _____ than people from collectivist cultures are.

legitimate power

Power a person possesses because others believe he or she has a right—by virtue of his or her position—to influence or control their behavior

coercive power

Power derived from an individual's ability to punish or to remove rewards from another person

expert power

Power that a person has because others believe the individual to have expertise or special knowledge

information or persuasion power

Power that a person has because others see that individual as having significant information and the ability to communicate logically and persuasively

traditionals, independents, and separates

Researchers have identified three basic types of primary relationships within couples. What are they?


Statements that claim some lack of responsibility and signal a lack of competence and a degree of uncertainty


Stephen's friendship with Nader was based on _____ because they both knew the other would never betray him.

face-attacking strategies

Strategies that attack a person's positive face (for example, comments that criticize the person's contribution to a relationship or the person's ability) or a person's negative face (for example, making demands on a person's time or resources that attack the person's autonomy)

face-enhancing strategies

Strategies that support and confirm a person's positive face (praise, a pat on the back, a sincere smile) or negative face (giving the person space and asking rather than demanding)


Tamara sent an e-mail to her boss to request a day off. This represents _____ communication.


Techniques by which you seek to establish your competence, character, and charisma

conflict styles

The approach to conflict resolution, for example, competing, avoiding, accommodating, collaborating, and compromising

network convergence

The blending or sharing of one individual's circle of friends with another person's circle of friends

conversation orientation

The degree to which family members can speak their mind

conformity orientation

The degree to which family members express similar or dissimilar attitudes, values, and beliefs

bystander effect

The phenomenon that when in a crowd a person will just stand by and do nothing to help a victim


The process by which an experienced individual (mentor) helps to train a less experienced person referred to as a mentee or, more often, a protégé

identity management

The process you go through to communicate the impression you want the other person to have of you. Some writers use the terms self-presentation or impression management


The purposeful act of starting arguments by using inflammatory messages online

primary relationship

The relationship between two people that they consider their most (or one of their most) important, for example, the relationship between husband and wife or domestic partners

evaluate the choice

The use of Edward deBono's six "thinking hats" can benefit what step of the conflict management process?


The use of insulting and often profane messages online


The willingness to argue for a point of view, to speak one's mind. Distinguished from verbal aggressiveness


Unproductive conflict strategies (such as crying) that silence your opponent


Verbal expressions such as "er" or "ah" that signal a lack of preparation and certainty

defined roles

Wage earner, cook, child rearer, and housekeeper are examples of the _____ of primary relationship partners.


When a person uses the _____ conflict style, they shrink from any real communication about the problem, causing a lose-lose situation.

rate their opposite-sex friendships higher in quality and nurturance than do women

When engaged in friendship, men tend to _____.


Whenever he engages in conflict, Ben starts yelling, which prevents his boyfriend from constructively responding. Ben's strategy is an example of a _____.

low in conformity and low in conversation

Which of the following best describes a laissez-faire family? A. high in conformity and high in conversation B. high in conformity and low in conversation C. low in conformity and high in conversation D. low in conformity and low in conversation

It's not so much the conflict but the way you deal with it that creates problems.

Which of the following is TRUE about conflict? A. Conflict is best avoided because most difficulties blow over given time. B. It's not so much the conflict but the way you deal with it that creates problems. C. People only experience conflict when their relationship is in big trouble. D. Someone has to win and someone has to lose in every conflict.

Devote your attention to the other person.

Which of the following is an effective guideline for talking and listening in a conflict situation? A. Guess, rather than ask, what the other person is feeling. B. Avoid expressing empathy. C. Never state disagreement with the other person. D. Devote your attention to the other person.

It leads to relationship dissatisfaction.

Which of the following is true of verbal aggressiveness? A. It leads to relationship dissatisfaction. B. It is a type of confirmation. C. It increases the user's power of persuasion. D. It encourages meaningful communication.

physical abuse

Within a relationship, when a person pushes, hits, or breaks things, they are engaging in _____.

to help a junior member advance

Within an organization, the most likely goal of mentoring is _____.


_____ is intentional behavior online that is designed to upset another person by, for example, posting upsetting photos.


_____ love lacks intensity, and these types of lovers set out to establish companionable relationships with someone they can share interests and activities with.

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