Commercial EOC
An airplane descends to an airport under the following conditions: Cruising altitude 10,500 ft Airport elevation 1,700 ft Descends to 1,000 ft AGL Rate of descent 600 ft/min Average true airspeed 135 kts True course 263°Average wind velocity 330° at 30 kts Variation 7° E Deviation +3° Average fuel consumption 11.5 gal/hr Determine the approximate time, compass heading, distance, and fuel consumed during the descent.
13 minutes, 271°, 26 NM, 2.5 gallons.
To act as pilot in command of an aircraft under 14 CFR Part 91, a commercial pilot must have satisfactorily accomplished a flight review or completed a proficiency check within the preceding
24 calendar months.
(Refer to Figure 3.) If an airplane glides at an angle of attack of 10°, how much altitude will it lose in 1 mile?
480 feet.
(Refer to Figure 17.) Which illustration indicates that the airplane will intercept the 060 radial at a 60° angle inbound, if the present heading is maintained?
Operations in Class A airspace require the aircraft be equipped with
ADS-B and TIS-B.
Why does the wind have a tendency to flow parallel to the isobars above the friction level?
Coriolis force tends to counterbalance the horizontal pressure gradient.
When should notification of an aircraft accident be made to the NTSB if there was substantial damage and no injuries?
Which is true regarding flight operations in Class B airspace?
The aircraft must be equipped with an ATC transponder and altitude reporting equipment.
Select the true statement pertaining to the life cycle of a thunderstorm.
The beginning of rain at the Earth's surface indicates the mature stage of the thunderstorm.
(Refer to Figure 5.) What does the intersection of the dashed line at point C represent?
As a commercial pilot, you decide to start a small business flying non-stop tours to look at Christmas lights during the holiday season. What authorizations, if any, are required to conduct Christmas light tours?
You must apply for and receive a Letter of Authorization from a Flight Standards District Office.
(Refer to Figure 54, point 6.) The Class C airspace at Metropolitan Oakland International (OAK) which extends from the surface upward has a ceiling of
both 2,100 feet and 3,000 feet MSL.
A pilot convicted of operating an aircraft as a crewmember under the influence of alcohol, or using drugs that affect the person's faculties, is grounds for a
denial of an application for an FAA certificate, rating, or authorization issued under 14 CFR part 61.
A proper crosswind landing on a runway requires that, at the moment of touchdown, the
direction of motion of the airplane and its longitudinal axis be parallel to the runway.
The angle of attack of a wing directly controls the
distribution of pressures acting on the wing.
Which is true regarding a cold front occlusion? The air ahead of the warm front
is warmer than the air behind the overtaking cold front.
On a post flight inspection of your aircraft after an aborted takeoff due to an elevator malfunction, you find that the elevator control cable has broken. According to NTSB 830, you
must immediately notify the nearest NTSB office.
If the airplane attitude remains in a new position after the elevator control is pressed forward and released, the airplane displays
neutral longitudinal static stability.
If all index units are positive when computing weight and balance, the location of the datum would be at the
nose, or out in front of the airplane.
What performance is characteristic of flight at maximum lift/drag ratio in a propeller-driven airplane? Maximum
range and maximum distance glide.
A detuning of engine crankshaft counterweights is a source of overstress that may be caused by
rapid opening and closing of the throttle.
While holding the angle of bank constant in a level turn, if the rate of turn is varied the load factor would
remain constant regardless of air density and the resultant lift vector.
The angle of attack at which a wing stalls remains constant regardless of
weight, dynamic pressure, bank angle, or pitch attitude.