Common Korean Passive Verbs

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Passive verbs with ~이~ 1. vowel 이 다 2. ㅎ+ 다 -> ㅎ이다ㅆ

메모들 1 (notes 1)

Something happened to the SUBJECT: SUB didn't do anything actively. There is NO OBJECT before passive verbs.

갑차기 문이 열려요.

Suddenly, The door opens.

강아지가 줄에 묶여 있어요.

The dog is tied up with a rope.

문이 열렸어요.

The door has been opened. Focus is on the door.

문이 안 열린다. 안 열려.

The door is not being opened. The door doesn't open. (casual)

문이 열려 있어요.

The door is open. (and is staying open)

문이 안 열려요

The door won't open/The door is not opening.

끝이 보이지 않아

The end is not seen. I don't see the end. There's no end in sight

여우가 물었어(요)

The fox bit.

여우가 물렸어(요)

The fox got bit.

사장님이 오늘 물건을 다 팔았어요.

The owner sold out everything today.

사진이 걸려 있어요

The picture is hanging.

표지판이 (저한테) 보여요.

The street sign is seen by me.

너무 추워는대 날씨가 풀렸어요.

The weather was cold but now it is warmer. If the weather was too cold or too hot and now it is relived, relaxed a little bit, got a little better, people will say this.

요즘에 스트레스가 많이 쌓여요

These days, the stress is piled up/my stress is accumulating.

잘 들려요?

Can you hear me well? Is the sound good?

제 목소리 잘 들려요?

Can you hear my voice well?

젓가락이 밥을 먹을 때 쓰여요.

Chopsticks are used when you are eating.

메모들 2

How do you turn active verbs into passive forms? 1. Insert the suffixes ~아, ~하, ~리, ~기 in active verbs! 2. Conjugate the active verbs to ~어/아지다 3. Change 하다 to 되다 in the verbs!

저는 착한 사람한테 끌려요.

I am drawn to nice people.

묶여 있어요!

I am tied up!

안 들려요

I can't hear you, it, him, etc.

아무 것도 안 보여요. 너무 어두워요.

I can't see anything. It's too dark. 안 보여요 Used when... 1. The thing is not visible. Will use this more often than 볼 수 없어요.

볼 수 없어요.

I can't see. Used when for example... 1. A friend moves away and you can no longer see them 2. You have a visual impairment

감기에 걸렸어요

I caught a cold

(네가/재가) 모기한테 (or 에) 물렸어(요)

I got bitten by a mosquito.

모기 물렸어(요)

I got bitten by a mosquito. (This is more often said than the above.)

한국 음악이 들려요.

I hear Korean music. (=Not trying to listen actively, but it is just heard. Ex. I was walking and I heard music in a store nearby)

무슨 소리가 들려요.

I hear something (Some kind of sound is heard).

공을 찼어요.

I kicked the ball.

한국 음악을 들어요.

I listen to Korean music. (=It is my active action of listening.)

표지판을 봐요

I see the street sign.

Sth(이/가) 보여요.

I see... Not like you are actively watching. You just happen to see it, ex. "Oh, I see you!" Focus is on something else is visible to you.

영화를 봐요

I watch movies

Sth(을/를) 봐요.

I watch... Actively watching. I am actually doing something.

춤 추면 스트레스가 풀려요.

If I dance, my stress is relieved.

맛있는 것 먹으면 스트레스가 풀려요.

If I eat delicious things, my stress is relieved.

노래 하면 스트레스가 풀려요

If I sing, my stress is relieved.

모기가 (나를/저를) 물었어(요)

A mosquito bit me.

아, 걸렸냐? 나도 걸렸어?

Ah, you got caught? I got caught too! (excerpt from Running Man)

저는 똑똑한 사람이 끌려요.

As for me, smart people are drawn to me. I am attracted to smart people.

컨닝하다가 딱 걸렸어요.

In the middle of cheating, I got caught. I got caught cheating.

문이 열려요?

Is the door open? (=business hours, "is this store open?")

많이 쓰여요.

It is used a lot.

스트레스가 풀려요

It relieves my stress

(물건이) 다 팔렸어요

It's all sold out.

제 친구가 (여자친구한테) 차였어요

My friend got dumped by his girlfriend. Your friend is the subject.

친구가 문을 열었어요

My friend opened the door. Friend is the focus.

재 친구가 차일 거예요.

My friend will get dumped.

제 친구의 여자친구가 친구를 찼어요

My friend's girlfriend dumped my friend. Your friend's girlfriend is the subject.

거짓말이 엄마한테 걸렸어요.

My lie got caught by my mom. I got busted by my mom. (Mom came and hooked me. She caught me.)


To be drawn or pulled or dragged


What did you say?

어떤 사람한테 끌려요?

What type of person are you pulled by? *This is how you talk about I am attracted/drawn to a certain type of people. *Use passive form bc you are not being actively pulled in, you do not have a choice who you are drawn to.

어떤 사람이 끌려요?

What type of person pulls you in?

언제 마스크 안 쎠요...

When can we stop wearing masks... More natural to use 쓰다 here as we are actively wearing a mask.

너 거짓말이지? 너 나한테 딱 걸렸어!

You are lying right? You got perfectly busted by me! (casual)

딱 걸렸어!

You got perfectly busted by me!

건물이 보일 거예요. 그러면 우회전해주세요.

You will see a building. Then turn right. 보일 거예요 (future tense of 보이다) is used a lot when giving directions.

뭐 하면 스트레스가 풀려요?

Your stress is relieved when you do what? How is your stress relieved?

-한테 (colloquial, speaking), -에개 (formal, writing) -에

by somebody by something or somewhere


cheat in a test


street sign


tie, bind


to (a person or an animal; colloquial form); by (a person or animal)


to be bitten


to be bound, tied up

어둡다 (어두워요)

to be dark, gloomy

들리다 (들려요)

to be heard, to be audible "I hear": not actively listening 듣다 Irregular : ~리~

걸리다 (걸려요)

to be hooked/hung or when an item is hanging (item is not hanging itself, just happening to item) to get caught, to get busted (you were doing something sneaky)


to be kicked, to be dumped

열리다 (열려요)

to be opened


to be piled up


to be relieved, to be untangled

보이다 (보여요)

to be seen, visible

팔리다 (팔려요)

to be sold, to be sold out


to be used, to be written, to be wore (on the head)


to bite

감기에 걸리다

to catch a cold *I got caught by a sickness. 걸리다 is used to indicate you caught a sickness.

독감에 걸리다

to catch the flu

걸다 (걸어요)

to hang

차다 (차요)

to kick

쌓다. 쌓아요.

to pile, to stack, to accumulate


to pull to draw sth in


to relieve

쓰다 (써요)

write, use, wear (on the head), bitter

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