Commonly Missed Words on the US History GMAS

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Articles of Confederation

The first Constitution of the United States. Major weakness was a weak national government. The founders realized this and threw the Articles out and created the Constitution that we still have today

Monroe Doctrine

Any European country that attempts to influence North or South America will be seen as acts of aggression toward the United States and be met with military force.

Andrew Johnson and Radical Republicans-

During Reconstruction the Radical Republicans had a much harsher plan for Reconstruction compared to that of Andrew Johnson. Johnson was nearly impeached because he and the Radical Republicans did not agree in many areas.

Cold War

Forty year conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union that never led to direct fighting between the two countries. However, the policy of containing communism led to wars such and Korea and Vietnam.

Presidential Election of 1876

In a very close presidential race, a deal was stuck to award Republican Rutherford B Hayes if Republicans agreed to withdraw federal troops from the Reconstruction South. The withdrawal of troops meant that white Southerners could regain power, and signaled an end to Reconstruction.

Jacksonian Democracy

Named after president Andrew Jackson. Major ideas- Increase power of the president, voting rights for ALL white males, and the spoils system (giving political supporters jobs).

Camp David Accords

Peace treaty signed between Egypt and Israel that Jimmy Carter played a huge role in.

Shay's Rebellion

Rebellion that broke out after the American Revolution that illustrated the shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation. The National government did not have the proper funding to successfully put down the rebellion.

Eugene Debs

Socialist union leader (socialist believe that the public should own property and not the government or be held privately, it's the opposite of capitalism). Organized railroads, and other industry by craft, or job. Was sent to prison for criticizing the US Government (sedition). Ran for president five times as a Socialist candidate, but never won.

Nullification Crisis

South Carolina refused to a pay tariff (tax on imports) and threatened to secede. Andrew Jackson and the Federal government did not agree and threatened to bring troops down. They came to an agreement and lowered the tariff, but this is a perfect illustration of state's rights vs. the power of the national government.


The economic policy and belief that colonies exist in order to generate wealth for the mother country.

Electoral College

The process of electing the president of the United States. Plays a huge role in elections like the one in 2000 where Al Gore received a majority of the popular vote, but George Bush won the Electoral College, and therefore won the presidential election.

Whiskey Rebellion

This was a rebellion after the American Revolution where farmers refused to pay a tax on Whiskey and George Washington and his troops came and stopped it. This demonstrated that the new national government had the willingness and ability to suppress violent resistance to its laws.

Iran Hostage Crisis

a crisis between Iran and the United States where 66 Americans were held hostage for 444 days from November 4, 1979, to January 20, 1981, after a group of Islamist students and militants took over the American Embassy in Tehran in support of the Iranian Revolution. Jimmy Carter was president at the time.


a movement in the late 1800's and early 1900's that pushed for economic, social, and political reform in response to corruption and other negative consequences of Industrialization. The muckrakers were a large part of this movement.

Northwest Ordinance

an act of the Congress of the Confederation of the United States, passed July 13, 1787. The primary effect of the ordinance was the creation of the Northwest Territory as the first organized territory of the United States out of the region south of the Great Lakes.

Roosevelt Corollary

an addition to the Monroe Doctrine where Teddy Roosevelt said the United States will intervene in conflicts between European Nations and Latin American countries.

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