Communications Final Exam JPJ
What are the 5 strategies employed in designing your speech to enhance learning and retention
1. Repeat important ideas 2. Highlight key material 3. Limit information 4. Move from their familiar to unfamiliar 5. Use multiple communication channels
When trying to limit the information you present during a speech to enhance learning and retention, how many point should you strive for?
All the following are sources of cultural change EXCEPT A. Isolation B. Invention C. Diffusion D. Calamity E. Communication
If you watch an action movie because you were bored and want some excitement, which of the following apply? A. Uses and gratifications theory B. Agenda setting theory C. Cultivation theory D. Critical theory
Silence can communicate a lot of meanings. Which of the following does not describe what silence could potentially communicate? A. Silence can communicate personal qualifications B. Silence can disconfirm others C. Silent can communicate awkwardness D. Silence can communicate disapproval/contentment
What best describes the speaker's attempt to connect with the listeners values and experiences ? A. "We share concern about our neighborhood" B. "I share a concern about the neighborhood" C. "I share a concern about this neighborhood" D. "There are concerns in the neighborhood"
Which statement about the differences or similarities between persuasive and informative speaking is accurate? A. Persuasive speaking is usually more controversial than informative speak B. Persuasive speaking is usually less controversial than informative speaking C. Persuasive speaking and informative speaking are about equal in their degrees of controversy D. Both seek the same responses from listeners
Andrea is a part of a social group on campus. Even though the group set specific meeting times, everyone in the Group Knows it is acceptable to be 10 to 15 minutes late without needing to call and check in. This nonspoken expectation is an example of
A norm
"Knowing how to create a zombie Apocalypse preparedness kit could save your life one day." Is an example of what?
A thesis
This type of outline is basically a map of the speech and can be called a sketch
A working outline
Which theory assumes the media spotlight some issues, events, and people while downplaying others?
Agenda setting theory
What is a common reason communication researchers have found that people give for not practicing safer sex?
Alcohol impairs their thinking
Chris just moved into a new apartment and spend the 1st day hanging pictures and putting up Important/favorite objects on the bookshelf. Chris has relied on what form of non-verbal communication to personalize the new apartment?
What does it mean to say that communication is a process? A. Communication is on going, always in motion, and evolves in clearly defined stages B. Communication is on going, always in motion, and it's hard to tell when it stops and starts C. Communication evolves in clearly defined stages
Which of following is an accurate statement about non verbal communication? A. Non verbal communication does not impact Verbal communication. B. Non verbal communication is perceived as more honest than verbal communication C. Non verbal communication is less believable than verbal communication D. Non verbal communication only occurs consciously
Which of these 5 questions does not help describe how communication works? A. Who? B. Says who? C. In what channel? D. With what effect? E. Says what?
Which of these types of communication is defined as communication between people? A. Intrapersonal communication B. Interpersonal communication C. Group Communication D.Public Communication
Which of the following statements about communications is accurate.. A. Studying communications only has academic benefits B. People who study communication are no less likely to communicate clearly than those who do not study it. C. Studying communications can improve your communication skills
Rose has just moved to America. Rose's confusion about American's pace of life is based on which aspect of nonverbal behavior?
In response to a suggestion made by Juan, Melanie says, "I agree with Juan's suggestion about how we should proceed. Thanks for keeping us on track, Juan. "Melanie made which type of contribution?
Janet is very connected to her family and values harmony and group interdependence. Janet comes from a culture that would be considered?
Janet was a new teacher and soon became friends with Julia who had been a teacher at the school for several years. In the course of their conversation, Julia told Janet about the principal and what she could expect. This is an example of...
Collegial story
"In my speech I will demonstrate that there are clear parallels between the study of natural sciences and the study of humanities." This thesis sentence suggest which organizational pattern?
The 2 most significant potential disadvantages of group discussion are
Conformity pressures and time required
Janet says, "I know the recent crime on campus scared many of us, and we all want our campus to be a fun, safe place to be." Janet's statement is an example of what important part of informative speaking?
Connect with listeners values and experiences
Stories in organizations that convey values , styles, and history of an organization are called..
Corporate stories
Janet says she enjoys using Facebook because it helps her connect to her friends from high school who are at other colleges, her cousin in Mexico, and new people she meets on campus. Janet's reason for using Facebook is that it
Cultivates convergence
The theory that claims that television promotes a world view that is inaccurate but that viewers nonetheless assume reflects real life is the
Cultivation theory
All of the following are a part of the listening process EXCEPT A. Responding to B. Remembering C. Interpreting D. Judging E. Being mindful
All the following are key promises about cultures except A. Cultures are systemic B. Cultures vary along 5 dimensions C. Cultures may contain multiple social communities within them D. Cultures are static and resistant to change E. None of the above
All the following are ways organization increases speaker effectiveness except A. Organization enhances credibility B. People generally expect structure and they expect ideas to be orderly C. Organization influences comprehension of ideas D. Listeners find an organized speech more informative than persuasive
Situational audience analysis seeks to assess all the following EXCEPT. A. The listeners knowledge about your topic B. The attitude listeners already hold about your topic C.The listeners perception of who you are. D. The degree by which you may be able to sway the listeners opinions
Which of the following criteria are used for evaluating the ethical standards of supporting materials? A. Sufficiency, accuracy, irrelevancy, timeliness, and partiality B. Sufficiency, accuracy, relevancy, timeliness, partiality C. Controversy, accuracy, relevancy, timeliness, partial form D. Sufficiency, accuracy, relevancy, timeliness, impartiality
Which of the following is NOT a guideline for effective informative speaking? A. Providing listeners with a clear thesis statement B. Motivating listeners to want more information C. Adapting to diverse listeners D. Using a single communication channel
All of the following are possible purposes for informative speaking except A. To teach listeners how to do something B. To correct listeners misconceptions C. To make listeners aware of a problem D. To convince listeners to stop doing something they are currently doing
"Were my audience members alive when the spaceship challenger exploded? " Is an example of a question that falls into what category of audience analysis?
Demographic audience Analysis
Describe and discuss the 4 sources of cultural change
Diffusion: When the culture begins to pick up traits of others such as through marriage and location Invention: when new things are introduced into the culture Communication: over time language and meanings change (like slang) Calamity: intertwining different cultures
The ability to recognize another person's perspectives as well as your own is called?
Dual perspective
All of the following are true about symbolic abilities EXCEPT A. Symbols define B. Symbols evaluate C. Symbols organize perceptions D. Symbols allow hypothetical thought E. Symbols are neutral
Informative speakers should... A. Provide a clear thesis statement B. Connect with listeners values and experiences C. Motivate listeners to want information D. Build credibility with listeners E. All of the above
Poor communication in the workplace means A. Errors and misunderstandings occur B. Messages must be repeated C. Productivity suffers D. People lose jobs E. All of the above
Which of the following is a regulative communication rule? A. Hugging is a way to show care and friendship B. Making eye contact and nodding are ways to show interest and respect D. Ignoring someone shows anger or dislike E. Do not argue at the dinner table
Which of the following this an example of paralanguage behavior? A. Raising volume when speaking B. Pausing between words to emphasize certain words C. Lowering pitch D. Lowering volume when speaking E. All of the above
Which of these are considered unifying themes in the field of communication? A. Ethics B. Symbols C. Critical thinking D. Meaning E. All of these are common themes
A noisy Room is an example of what obstacle to listening?
Environmental distractions
What are the 3 broad stages or romantic relationships
Escalation, navigation, and deterioration
The use of one's own culture and its practices as the standard for interpreting the values, believes, and norms of another culture is known as
The type of speaking that involves preparation and practice resulting in a conversational and interactive manner with the audience is
True or false When we use i-language, we give control of our emotions to others
True or false Stereotypes are generalizations about groups that are always inaccurate
A person or group that decides what messages can pass through the media and which can not are called?
Gate keepers
An introduction______________
Gets listeners attention, previews of content of the speech, and presents the thesis statement
Chris says he loves Betsy but he's not sure they have a future together. Chris's feelings towards Betsy indicate
He loves her but isn't committed
To study communication is to study
How we use symbols to create meaning in our lives
"I felt really embarrassed when Delice told my secret." This is an example of using
I-language to own your feelings
What are the 2 ways that mindfulness can and enhance communication?
Increases our understanding of how someone feels and thinks about what they are saying and leads others to express themselves in greater depth
For people to be considered a group, the members must see themselves experiencing What?
Laura smiles and makes a funny face at her baby niece. Laura is engaging in _______ to communicate with the baby.
Thrift, industriousness, and respect for elders /ancestors are valued in cultures with a?
Long term orientation
How do mass media and social media differ?
Mass media are easier to manipulate than social media
The professor has been presenting information while quickly flipping through an abundance of power point slides. Elliot doesn't know where to focus his energies. This is an example of
Message overload
Janet narrowed her topic by associating individual ideas in relation to broader ideas. This concept is known as
Mind mapping
What type of communication demonstrates interests and attentiveness?
Minimal encouragers
Janet says, "If you knew the information I'm going to provide in this 4 Minute speech would save your love one's life, would you listen carefully? Well, it easily could. It saved my father's life when we were at dinner last week." Janet is doing what effective part of informative speaking?
Motivating listeners to want information
When a speaker is asking the audience to understand new information or learn a new process or skill, how can the speaker reduce any uncertainty the audience may experience?
Move from the familiar to unfamiliar
Sally and Jack see each other regularly. Sally has mentioned to Jack her need to maintain other male friendships. Sally's comment could be interpreted as which of the following stages of romantic relationships?
Molly and Donna decide to read and do art while they are together. This satisfies their desires to some extent, but Molly is feeling like they did not spend time together, and Donna had a hard time concentrating on her work. Their response can be described as
All aspects of communication other than the words themselves are known as
Non-verbal communication
Trisha and her roommate Leanne have a regular schedule of television shows that they watch. Even though they enjoy their programs, sometimes they feel like they are missing out on more exciting things on campus. Trisha and Leanne are experiencing the _________dialectic
Novelty/ predictability
What area of communication emphasizes relationships between coworkers?
Organizational communication
What is the term used to describe the ways of thinking, acting, and understanding work that are shared by members of an organization and reflect an organizations distinct identity
Organizational culture
What is a suggestion for Enhancing effectiveness In Verbal communication?
Own your feelings and thoughts
Randy says "I'm really bummed out about not getting any job offers. " His roommate Lance responds, "Sounds as if you're feeling pretty low about the response so far. " Lances communication is an example of..
What is the term used for the ability to perceive another person as a unique and distinct individual based on our knowledge of particular others?
Person centered perception
What are the types of rituals that occur regularly in organizations?
Personal, social, and task
When a speaker attempts to change listeners attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors or attempts to motivate them to take some action, the purpose of the speech is to
Organizations have certain __________governing aspects of work life such as hiring, promotion, benefits, grievances, and medical leaves.
In describing how she sees her work as a team leader, Janet says that her goal is to help members reach their goals and accomplish objectives that Advance them. Janet is expressing which orientation to power?
Power to
"I already know everything he has to say, and I don't wanna hear it again. Dolores's ability to listen is being hindered by...
Janet says, "Let's discuss the donors to the benefit concert and then discuss who will be performing." Janet made which type of contribution to the discussion?
Janet and Lisa are talking about their favorite teachers. They each have qualities and characteristics that they feel make the ideal teacher. What are Janet and Lisa talking about?
David is giving his mom minimal encouragers while checking his favorite websites on his laptop that he is really focused on. David is engaged in
______________ Power is the ability to influence based on personal charisma and personality.
Janet doesn't want to be interrupted while she is speaking so she avoids looking at others until she has said all she wants to say. Then she looks at the person who wants to respond. Janet has just used nonverbal behavior to
Regulate interaction
Training workshops help organizations to manage change. This would be an example of...
Renewal rights
Janet, who had been mistreated by police men, identified with a television program that had police brutality as a central theme. This is an example of
When we begin to recognize the cultural basis or practices that diverge from our own, we are reflecting which response to diversity?
What is the single most important guideline for effective for communication?
Respect what others say about their feelings and ideas
The dimension of interpersonal attribution that explains that behaviors come from factors people can control or from those they cannot control is known as
Attentive posture, holding eye contact, and nodding to show you understand what another person is saying are nonverbal behaviors that convey which dimension of relational level meanings?
What is the term used to describe dramatic, planned set of activities that bring together aspects of an organization's culture into and single event?
Janet and her supervisor have coffee together every Monday. This is an example of a..
The term used to define what is expected of individuals because of their specific positions in an organization is called their..
Jason passes Greg in the residents hall lobby and says Hi. Greg does not say Hi back. Jason expected Greg to say hello in return. Jason's expectations refer to
What is a guideline for choosing a speech topic?
Select a topic appropriate for your audience
Janet isn't listening to her parents conversation with her. However, when her mother mentions going shopping Janet listens attentively. This is an example of...
Selective listening
Janet's failure to see Marvin waiving at her because she was focused on finding Amy is an example of..
Selective perception
What explains why it is dangerous to use social media while driving
Selective perception
Janet says "I didn't get a job offer because the interviewer was biased and it was a nasty day. However Janet didn't get that job offer because she isn't qualified." This is an example of..
Self serving bias
Research indicates that, in general, the least effective and least satisfying response to the tension generated by relational dialectic is
The attempt to increase personal status in a group by winning the approval of high status members is known as
Social climbing
Janet is going to give an informative speech about the parts of the pentagon. Which pattern of organization should she use?
What kind of speaking has a primary goal of increasing listeners understanding, awareness, or knowledge about a topic?
Speaking to inform
A behavioral object that specifies what response a speaker wants from an audience is called a
Specific purpose
"Our campus reflects contributions of administrators, faculty, students, and staff." This thesis sentence suggest which organizational pattern?
Which style of loving is a comfortable, best friends kind of love that grows gradually to create a stable and even-keeled companionship?
When you state that symbols are not intrinsically connected to what they present, you are asserting what?
Symbols are arbitrary
After listening to an idea given by another group member, Jim says, "let me Elaborate on that idea." jim's comment is an example of...
Task communication
How is a team distinct from a group?
Teams have different and complimentary resources and a strong sense of collective identity
"Today I will explain to you how humans have evolved from apes to neanderthals, to the humans we form today." This thesis sentence suggest which organizational pattern?
What are the 4 stages in the cycle of intimate partner violence, in order?
Tension, explosion, remorse, honeymoon
All relationships have rules that guide how partners communicate. Rules are important for which of the following reasons?
They both Guide how partners interpret each other's communications as well as Define what is expected
What are some distinct responses to diversity?
Tolerance: disregarding differences and disagreements in cultures Respect: allowing cultures to continue without judging or adhering Participation: taking part in another culture's traditions Understanding: connecting similarities in different culture values and self values *
"All students who graduate should be literate in speaking." "All students who graduate should be literate in communication technologies," and "All students who graduate should be literate in culture of life." These main points suggest which organizational pattern?
"My task will inform you about what the Sheldrick Wildfire Trust is, the work they do, and how you can donate." This thesis sentence suggest which organizational pattern?
What is our 1st sense to develop?
True or false Symbols are ambiguous, which means their meanings aren't fixed in an absolute way.
True or false When we label people, we focus attention on particular aspects of them
True or false A prototype is a knowledge structure that defines the best or most representative example of some category
True or false Deciding to be mindful is the 1st step in listening and the foundation of all other steps
True or false In communication, all parts of the system affect each other
True or false Meanings are the heart of communication
True or false Our choices of social media shape our perceptions of events, issues, and people
Janet tries to avoid ambiguity and vagueness. What would janet's behavior be an example of?
Uncertainty avoidance
What is media literacy and how can you develop it?
Understanding media, it can be developed by analyzing the message given
Communication from subordinates to superiors is known as...
Upward communication
Social media alter conceptions of