Communications Quiz 2

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What is plagiarism? What is the difference between global and patchwork plagiarism?

-Passing off another's work as your own or neglecting to cite the source for your information is considered plagiarism. -Global plagiarism, the most obvious form of plagiarism, transpires when a speaker presents a speech that is not his or her own work. For example, if a student finds a speech on the Internet or borrows a former speech from a roommate and recites that speech verbatim. -Patchwork plagiarism is plagiarism that occurs when one "patches" together bits and pieces from one or more sources and represents the end result as his or her own.patchwork plagiarism is if you create a speech by pasting together parts of another speech or author's work.

ethical communication

Ethical communication is an exchange of responsible and trustworthy messages determined by our moral principles. Ethical communication can be enacted in written, oral, and non-verbal communication.

How is listening used in the public speaking setting? What are some guidelines for being an ethical listener?

Listening is used to show respect to the speaker. An attentive listening posture includes sitting up and remaining alert, keeping eye contact with the speaker and his or her visual aid, removing distractions from your area, and taking notes when necessary. Also, if you're enjoying a particular speaker, it's helpful to provide positive nonverbal cues like head-nodding, occasional smiling, and eye-contact.

Where did ethics originate?

Some of the early leaders in philosophy—Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato—spoke extensively about morality and ethical principles. As you learned in Chapter 2, Aristotle is frequently cited as a central figure in the development of ethics as we discuss them today in the communication discipline. Aristotle claimed that a person who had ethos, or credibility, was not only able to convey good sense and good will, but also good morals (Aristotle, 1954).

how are ethics used in public speaking?

The evolution of ethics is central to public speaking because it is through communication that our ideas about right and wrong or good and bad are formed. As public speakers, we make ethical choices when preparing and delivering a speech. We can easily be faced with a moral dilemma over what information to provide or how to accurately represent that information. Knowing the speaking setting, the audience, and our knowledge of the topic, we are able to confront ethical dilemmas with a strong moral compass. This process is made easier by our ethical standards -In public speaking, we use ethical standards to determine what and how to exchange messages with our audience. -Every time you plan to speak to an audience—whether it is at a formal speaking event or an impromptu pitch at your workplace—you have ethical responsibilities to fulfill. The two most important aspects in ethical communication include your ability to remain honest while avoiding plagiarism and to set and meet responsible speech goals.

What free speech rights are granted to a speaker?

due to the First Amendment, you have the right and ability to voice your opinions and values to an audience. -However, that freedom of speech must be balanced with your responsibility as a speaker to respect your audience. Offending or degrading the values of your audience members will not inform or persuade them. For example, let's say you want to give a persuasive speech on why abortion is morally wrong. It's your right to voice that opinion. Nevertheless, it's important that you build your case without offending your audience members— since you don't know everyone's history or stance on the subject. -dont show disturbing pictures

What are some ways to use language ethically in presentations?

inclusionary pronouns and phrases. Dont use "You" language. Instead use "We" language. which is pronouns and phrases that unite the speaker to the audience. -avoid sexist language -avoid hate language

What is the difference between paraphrasing and directly quoting a source?

paraphrase—a sentence or string of sentences that shares learned information in your own words. Direct quote is any sentence or string of sentences that conveys an author's idea word-for-word.

Why is raising social awareness an ethical concern when preparing a speech?

social awareness, is the recognition of important issues that affect societies. Raising social awareness is a task for ethical speakers because educating peers on important causes empowers others to make a positive change in the world. Many times when you present a speech, you have the opportunity to raise awareness about growing social issues. persuasive speech = stop texting while driving

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