COMP 455
Suppose G = (V, Σ, R, S) is in Chomsky normal form and there is a derivation in G from S of the form S ⇒ x1 ⇒ x2 ⇒ x3. How long is x3?
If L is L1* where L1 is context-free then L is
Context free but not necessarily deterministic context free
If L is the intersection of a regular language and a context-free language then L is
Context-free but not necessarily deterministic context-free
If L is the language accepted by an arbitrary push-down automata then L is
Context-free but not necessarily deterministic context-free
If L is the language generated by a context-free grammar then L is
Context-free but not necessarily deterministic context-free
If L is the union of a regular language and a context-free language then L is
Context-free but not necessarily deterministic context-free
{encode(M): Turing machine M has at least 10 states}
Decidable but not finite
{encode(M): Turing machine M uses at least 100 tape squares during its computation on blank tape}
Decidable but not finite
{encode(x): string x is a palindrome, that is, x = x^R}
Decidable but not finite
If L is the language accepted by a deterministic push-down automaton then L is
Deterministic context-free but not necessarily regular.
A context-free language is ambiguous if some string has two or more leftmost derivations.
A grammar is ambiguous if some string has two or more derivations.
All subsets of a regular language are regular
All subsets of a regular language are regular.
Every finite automaton accepts at most a finite number of input strings
For every n state nondeterministic finite automaton there is an equivalent deterministic finite automaton having at most 2n states
For every n state nondeterministic finite automaton there is an equivalent deterministic finite automaton having at most n states
If M is a nondeterministic finite automaton over Σ and every state of M is an accepting state, then L(M) = Σ*
If M is an n state nondeterministic finite automaton, then there is a deterministic finite automaton having 2n states that is equivalent to M
If language L1 is undecidable and there is a reduction from language L2 to L1 then L2 is undecidable
If the opponent can always win in the pumping lemma game, regardless of what moves you make, then L is regular.
Nondeterministic Turing machines can decide some languages that deterministic Turing machines cannot decide
Suppose L is a language and the relation ≈L has n equivalence classes. Let M be a finite automaton. If L(M) = L and M is nondeterministic then M has at least n states
Suppose L is a regular language. L must be finite
Suppose L is a regular language. L must be infinite
Suppose L is a regular language. The relation ≈L must have infinitely many equivalence classes
The context free languages are closed under complementation.
The context free languages are closed under intersection.
The deterministic context-free languages are closed under complementation
The language {a^nb^nc^n: n ≥ 0 is context free}
The pumping lemma for context-free languages is used to show that a language is context free.
The set of strings in {a, b, c}∗ having equal numbers of a's, b's, and c's is context free.
The two regular expressions abcø and abcø* are equivalent
If L is the intersection of a regular language and a finite language then L is
{encode(M): Turing machine M does not halt on blank tape}
Not partially decidable
{encode(M)encode(x): Turing machine M does not halt on string x}
Not partially decidable
{encode(M): Turing machine M halts on blank tape}
Partially decidable but not decidable
{encode(M)encode(x): Turing machine M halts on string x}
Partially decidable but not decidable
If there is a Turing machine T with two halting states y and n and for strings (words) in L, T halts in state y and for strings (words) not in L, T halts in state n then L is
Recursive/decidable but not necessarily context-free
If there is a Turing machine T which halts for strings in L and does not halt for strings not in L then T is
Recursively enumerable/partially decidable but not necessarily decidable/recursive
If L is a language represented by a regular expression then L is
Regular but not necessarily finite
If L is a language that is represented by a regular expression then L is
Regular but not necessarily finite
If L is the intersection of two regular languages then L is
Regular but not necessarily finite
If L is the language accepted by a nondeterministic finite automaton then L is
Regular but not necessarily finite
If L is then language accepted by a deterministic finite automaton then L is
Regular but not necessarily finite
What is a method for showing that a language L is not regular?
Show that the relation ≈L has infinitely many equivalence classes.
x ≡M y
The same strings are accepted starting at x as at y
Suppose (K, Σ, δ, s, H) is a Turing Machine. H is
The set of halting states
Suppose (K, Σ, δ, s, H) is a Turing Machine. K is
The set of states
Suppose (K, Σ, δ, s, H) is a Turing Machine. s is
The start state
Suppose δ(q,a) = (p,b) for the Turing machine. Suppose that the Turing machine goes from configuration C1 to configuration C2 using the fact that δ(q,a) = (p,b). q is
The state the Turing machine is in in configuration C1.
Suppose δ(q,a) = (p,b) for the Turing machine. Suppose that the Turing machine goes from configuration C1 to configuration C2 using the fact that δ(q,a) = (p,b). p is
The state the Turing machine will be in in configuration C2.
Suppose δ(q,a) = (p,b) for the Turing machine. Suppose that the Turing machine goes from configuration C1 to configuration C2 using the fact that δ(q,a) = (p,b). b is
The symbol written on the tape between configuration C1 and C2.
Suppose (K, Σ, δ, s, H) is a Turing Machine. Σ is
The tape alphabet
Suppose δ(q,a) = (p,b) for the Turing machine. Suppose that the Turing machine goes from configuration C1 to configuration C2 using the fact that δ(q,a) = (p,b). a is
The tape symbol scanned in configuration C1.
Suppose (K, Σ, δ, s, H) is a Turing Machine. δ is
The transition function
Suppose δ(q,a) = (p,b) for the Turing machine. Suppose that the Turing machine goes from configuration C1 to configuration C2 using the fact that δ(q,a) = (p,b). δ is
The transition function
A grammar is ambiguous if some string has two or more leftmost derivations.
A language L is context-free if and only if there is a push-down automaton M such that L = L(M).
A language L is deterministic context-free if and only if there is a deterministic push-down automaton M such that L = L(M).
All finite languages are decidable
All regular languages are context-free.
For all languages A and B over Σ*, (A*B*)* = (B*A*)*
For every context-free language L there is a context-free grammar G in Chomsky normal form such that L = L(G).
For every n state nondeterministic finite automaton there is an equivalent deterministic finite automaton having at most 2^n states
For every n-state nondeterministic finite automaton M with e arrows there is an equivalent n-state nondeterministic finite automaton M^n without e arrows
For every regular expression E there is a deterministic finite automaton M such that L(E) = L(M), where L(E) is the language represented by the regular expression E.
For every regular expression E there is a nondeterministic finite automaton M such that L(E) = L(M)
General Turing machines can decide some languages that Turing machines that can never move to the left cannot decide.
If E and F are regular expressions, then there is a regular expression for the set of strings in the union of L(E) and L(F) where L gives the set of strings represented by a regular expression
If E is a regular expression, then there is a finite automaton M such that L(M) = L(E).
If G = (V, Σ, R, S) is in Chomsky normal form then the right-hand side of every rule in R has length two
If L is a regular language then the complement of L is a regular language
If L is a regular language then the complement of L is a regular language.
If L is a regular language then the union of L and L* is also a regular language
If M is a finite automaton, then L(M) is regular
If M is a finite automaton, then L(M) is regular.
If M is a finite automaton, then there is a regular expression E such that L(M) = L(E).
If M is a nondeterministic finite automaton, then there is a deterministic finite automaton equivalent to M
If M is a nondeterministic finite automaton, then there is a deterministic finite automaton equivalent to M.
If a language L is partially decidable and its complement is also partially decidable, then L is decidable
If languages L1 and L2 are regular, then their concatenation L1L2 is also regular.
If you can always win in the pumping lemma game, regardless of what moves the opponent makes, then L is not regular.
If τ is a reduction from L1 to L2 then τ is a computable recursive function
If ≈L has finitely many equivalence classes then L is regular.
Suppose L is a language and the relation ≈L has n equivalence classes. Let M be a finite automaton. If L(M) = L and M is deterministic then M has at least n states
Suppose L is a language and the relation ≈L has n equivalence classes. Let M be a finite automaton. L is a context-free language
Suppose L is a language and the relation ≈L has n equivalence classes. Let M be a finite automaton. L is a regular language
Suppose L is a regular language. L must be context free
Suppose L is a regular language. The intersection of L with a context-free language will always be context-free
Suppose L is a regular language. The union of L with a regular language will always be regular
The context free languages are closed under Kleene star.
The context free languages are closed under concatenation.
The context free languages are closed under union (that is, the union of two context-free languages is a context-free language).
The deterministic context-free languages are closed under union
The intersection of two regular languages is regular
The intersection of two regular languages is regular.
The language {a^nb^nc^m: n,m ≥ 0 is context free}
The set of strings in {a, b}∗ having equal numbers of a's and b's is context free.
x ∼M y
x and y cause M to end up in the same state
x ≈L y.
{z : xz ∈ L} = {z : yz ∈ L}
((p, a, β),(q, γ)) is a transition in a push-down automaton
β is popped from the stack if this transition is used. γ is pushed onto the stack if this transition used.