Comp Test 4 Study Set

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A peace officer makes a written accident report when the amount of damage is?

$1000 or more

what are the minimum requirements to show proof of financial responsibility

$30,000; $60,000 and $25,000

If you arrest an operator of a MV, he or she may be released on his promise to appear if the ________?

- offense is a misdemeanor - operator has to sign - operator is not taken before a magistrate

Which of the following may be "frisked?"

--Pat-down of the entire body of a person --Area of a vehicle under immediate control of a person

After arresting a person pursuant to an arrest warrant, the officer takes the person

--to the issuing magistrate if the arrest is made in the same county in which the warrant was issued. --before the nearest magistrate if the arrest is not made in the county where the warrant was issued

An officer may seize "abandoned property"

--under emergency circumstances when there is not enough time to obtain a warrant. --when the officer has established probable cause that the aban-doned property is subject to seizure

For officer safety, a peace officer should search the seating or carrying area of his or her vehicle for weapons or contraband

--when going on duty. --after each prisoner transported is completed,

What are the three parts to the "Search Warrant Package"

-The Affidavit -The Search Warrant -The Return and Inventory

A search warrant is a written order, issued by a magistrate and directed to a peace officer

-commanding him or her to search for property or thing named in the warrant. -to seize the property or thing and bring the property or thing be-fore the issuing magistrate. -to search for and photograph a child

Whenever a person is involved in an accident resulting in injury to or death of any person, the operator is required, by law, to?

-stop vehicle at the scene or as close thereto as possible without obstructing traffic -return to the scene of the collision and remain there until he or she rendered aid to the injured. - give information by presenting a DL upon request

Which answer is the correct answer for the protein need of an officer per day?

.8 to 1 gram of protein per Kg.

the distance for intimate proxemics is _______________ feet


Which article of the Texas Constitution provides for freedom of worship?


A minor who applies for a DL must be and have what?

16, completed the driver safety course, permission for parent or guardian, or if no parent then employer of county judge

The process for amending the Texas Constitution is stated in which article of the Constitution?


For the offense of Enticing a Child a person, with the intent to interfere with the lawful custody of a child under ____ years of age intentionally and knowingly entices, persuades, or takes a child from the custody of a parent.


How old must a person be to operate a taxicab legally?


How old must you be to operate a school bus?




A chemical, including aerosol paint that when inhaled, ingested, or otherwise introduced into a person's body, may: affect that person's central nervous system, create or induce in the person a condition of intoxication, hallucination, or elation, or change, distort, or disturb the person's eyesight, thinking process, balance, or coordination, and nitrous oxide

Abusable volatile chemicals

Possession means

Actual care custody control or management

Get on the floor

Acuéstese en el piso

Get on the ground

Acuéstese en el suelo

Which of the following is not a Texas peace officer?

Agents of the ATF

A person abducts a child and demands a ransom for the child's release: The person gets scared and releases the child unharmed: According to the Penal Code, what is the most serious offense committed?

Aggravated Kidnapping

What is the charge if a pimp has 3 prostitutes that work for him?

Aggravated Promotion of Prostitution

A person who is not a Texas peace officer is an

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms agent.

Which item below is a myth about alcoholism?

Alcoholism is caused by a lack of willpower.

Of the following, which procedures are fundamental in trans-porting a female prisoner? a. Search the prisoner. b. Handcuff any felony suspect. c. Safely proceed to the jail by the shortest and quickest route. d. All of the above.

All of the above

When you arrive at a hazmat event, what are some of the most important things you need to look at?

All of the above

Where can hazardous materials be transported and stored?

All of the above

Which of the following apply to transporting female prisoners? a. They may attempt to assault the officer. b. They are likely to accuse an officer of sexual misconduct. c. They may attempt to escape.

All of the above apply.

Which is the difference between kidnapping and aggravated kidnapping?

All of the above constitute aggravated kidnapping without these it would just be kidnapping

Regularity and Recovery requires that the individual do which of the following:

Allow 48 hours between heavy exercise that uses the same muscle groups.



This is called the building block of the body.

Amino Acids



How many feet should you stand during interviews so you have time to react to danger?

3 1/2 feet

What percent of contacts require physical force?


the distance for personal proxemics is _____________ feet


The prima facie speed limit in an urban zone within a city is _____ mph?


Vehicle headlamps must be turned on with _____ minutes after sunset


a MV may not park closer than _____ feet to a traffic control device


What is the minimum jail term for a DWI as a Class A misdemeanor?

30 days in jail

Define Daytime

30 minutes before sunrise and 30 minutes after sunset

You have your high beams on..... you are approaching a vehicle from the rear, when are you required to switch to your lower beams

300 feet

A motor vehicle lamp or illuminating device, other than a headlamp, spot lamp, auxiliary lamp, turn signal lamp, or emergency vehicle or school bus warning lamp that projects a beam with an intensity brighter than ________ candlepower shall be directed so that no part of the high intensity portion of the beam strikes the roadway at a distance of ______ feet from the vehicle.


How long is a Magistrates Order for Emergency Protection (MOEP)?

31 days, not to exceed 61 days unless a deadly weapon is involved in which the order can be valid for up to 91 days

To loose one pound of weight you must burn __________________calories.


How many levels of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) are there?


John is out all night drinking alcohol and decides to drive home. While driving he runs a red light and hits a small school bus that was passing through town on a field trip. Of the 7 passengers he kills 4 and injures 3 people on the bus. How many counts and what offense has he committed.

4 counts of intoxication manslaughter and 3 counts of intoxication assault.

when transporting objects in a MV that stick out of the vehicle at least ______ feet the operator must attach a red flag or light seen 500 feet away.

4 feet

What is the age and height requirement for a child to be in a safety seat system?

4 foot 9 inches or younger than 8 yoa

A continuing education "training cycle" is

4 years

An officer is required to complete a minimum of __ hours of continuing education training in a "training unit."


If the respondent of a final protective order receives notice within ______ hours of the court date, the court may reschedule for not later than _____ days


If there is a belief or allegation of family violence, how long does a person have to report it to law enforcement?


Which of the following is the statute of limitation for burglary?

5 years

social proxemics is _________________ feet


The Prima Facia speed limit for a school but NOT travelling on a Texas or US HWY is

50 MPH

To the rear of the bicycle, there must be a red reflector that is visible when directly in front of the lawful upper beams of a motor vehicle's headlamps from _____ to ____ feet?


How many feet does an operated of a MV have to stay behind an ambulance running code 3


You must dim your headlights when you are _____ feet from an oncoming vehicle

500 feet

The Rules of the Road - Definitions - are found in the Transportation Code Chapter in which Statue Number


Carbohydrates should be what percentage of your diet?

55 to 60%

Speed limit for a school bus traveling on a TEXAS or US highway


What is the minimum number of people required for it to be considered a 'riot?'


depending on the situation, as little as _______% of interpersonal communication involves words


A person commits an offense if he intentionally leaves a child younger that ___ years of age unattended in a motor vehicle for longer that ___ minutes.

7, 5

Communication is based on __________% tone.


how long do you have, after seizing property, to place it under seal, move to a place ordered by the court, and request the law enforcement agency to take possession of the property and move it to its proper location

72 hours/3 days

According to the 2011 UCR, what is the percentage of family violence committed by males on females?


In Texas alone, what is the percentage of male offenders arrested for family violence?


What is the classification for Burglary of a Vehicle?


What is the classification for DWI if the actor has a blood alcohol concentration of 0.15 or higher?


What is the classification for Unlawful Restraint if a 35 year old woman is held inside her vehicle by force by her boyfriend?


What is the classification for Violating a Protective Order?


What is the classification for burglary of a coin operated machine?


Which of the following does not have to be a licensed peace officer in order to execute the duties of his or her office?

A county sheriff

Which of the following situations does not justify an arrest without a warrant?

A credible person informs you that a red Ford Mustang just ran a red light and the offender is now driving east on the same highway.

If an oral statement of an accused is made as a result of a custodial interrogation, it will be admissible only if certain conditions are met. Which statement is false regarding such statements?

A defense attorney must be provided with a true, complete, and accurate copy of the statement not later than ten days before a court proceeding

Which of the following persons is not a magistrate?

A district attorney

Which one of the relaxation techniques listed below is not used to reduce stress?

A glass of wine after shift.

Which of the following persons may not accept bail in a felony case?

A municipal police officer

Which one of the following is not an exception to the requirement for an arrest warrant?

Any offense reported by a credible citizen

A number of persons are assembled together in such a manner as to constitute a riot. Who is charged by law with authority to cause such persons to disperse either by commanding the people to disperse or by arresting the person (s) engaged, if necessary, with or without a warrant?

Any peace officer

Which of the following may take bail in a misdemeanor case?

Any peace officer

Which of the following may take bail in a felony case?

Any peace officer except a municipal peace officer

Stop the motor

Apague el motor

_______ of the Texas Constitution holds that equality under the law shall not be denied because of race, sex, color, creed, or national origin.

Article 1 Sec 3a

Which article of the Code of Criminal Procedure provides an officer the authority to prevent the consequences of theft?

Article 18.16

In the Code of Criminal Procedure, which article deals with the peace officer's duty to prevent injury?

Article 6.06

The actor grabs his wife by the neck cutting off her breathing. What is the offense?

Assault Family Violence Felony 3rd

What charges would be filed on a person who tried to poison another who did not die following the ordeal?

Attempted murder

Which answer below are the approaches to stress management?

Avoid, Adapt, Alter

All but one of the following are phases of transition typical for persons who experience a traumatic event.


A class ____ DL is required to operate a bus with a seating capacity of 24 passengers or more.


What is the classification for Criminal Trespass when on the private property of another within the city?


Which of the following offenses is punishable by the death penalty?

A person pays another person to kill a business partner.

Which one of the following is not competent to testify in a criminal case?

A person who is insane at the time of the trial

Which of the following persons cannot make an arrest under the authority of a capias?

A person who is not a peace officer but is willing to accept the responsibility and is named in the writ

Under which of the following situations is an officer not permitted to arrest without a warrant?

A red-light violation is committed in view of a credible citizen, but the officer did not witness the violation.


A vehicle with 2 brake horse power.

Which of the following is true about "Observing?"

A) The better an officer observes things, the better the officer can describe them. B) All five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell) are used in observation. C) Since all of the senses must be sharp for peace officers to do their job, they should frequently practice using different senses at various times to improve each of them.

Which one of the following answers is a phase of transition for persons experiencing Post Traumatic Stress?


Which one of the following answers is the definition of fish bowl living?

Being under public scrutiny.







Which one of the following answers is tactical breathing as defined in the TCOLE objectives?

Breath in for a count of four, hold for a count of four and breath out for a count of four and repeat three times.

The Inverted U Principle describes the affects of stress on performance; all but one of the following answers are an affect of high engagement of the SNS.

Breathing changes.

A person intentionally and knowingly offers an officer $200 to not issue him a speeding ticket.


Jump him


A person steals an old lawn mower worth $40 out of an old storage shed that is falling apart

Burglary of a building

What is the classification for Graffiti?


What is the classification interfering with a police service animal if the actor recklessly taunts a Police K9.


in what chapter will you find information about forfeiture

CCP - 59

What Class DL indicated a Texas DL for an automobile and a motorcycle?


What is the technical term for a crash report






Out of the following states which is not a member of the Nonresident Violator Compact Act: California, Louisiana, Ohio, Oklahoma




Which of the following court orders is signed by a clerk of the court?


A person intentionally and knowingly causes one cock to fight another.

Cock Fighting

A motor vehicle primarily used to move property is a ?

Commercial motor vehicle

The police agency seeks opportunities to enhance public service. Which of the following best seeks to accomplish this goal?

Community involvement

What is the punishment range for a Felony of the 3rd Degree.

Confinement for 2-10 years and a 10,000 fine.

What is the punishment range for a Class A misdemeanor?

Confinement for up to 1 year and a 4,000 fine

Fraud covers

Controlled substances

Which of the following is not an advantage of the Professional Model for law enforcement?

Cost of training and development

Which of the following is not a magistrate?

County clerk

If a criminal case is tried in the justice court and the ruling of the court will be appealed, which court hears the appeal?

County court

In Texas which one of the following courts has original jurisdiction for class A and B misdemeanors?

County court

Which court has original jurisdiction for class A and class B misdemeanor cases?

County court

Which of the following courts has original jurisdiction of all misdemeanor cases (other than those involving official misconduct) when the fine to be imposed exceeds $500?

County court

Which of the following officers is declared by law to be the conservator of the peace?

County sheriff

_____________________is the state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery; valor.


As person uses an expired credit card, belonging to someone else, to purchase $5000.00 in furniture.

Credit or Debit Card Abuse State Jail Felony

Cross your feet

Cruce los pies



Which of the following justifies the lawful search of a person's pockets, clothing, wallet, and other personal possessions?

Custodial arrest





Calm Down



Córrele Dále gas Arráncate

Potential effects of a hazardous material event can be: A. health impacts B. Property and Environmental Impacts C. Infrastructure Impacts (budget strain) D. All of the above


A MV may not park closer than _____ feet to a fire hydrant


An operator approaching a railroad grade crossing is required to stop not closer than 15 feet or further than 50 feet from the nearest rail, if a rail road engine that is approaching with approximately ________ feet of the railroad crossing emits a signal audible from that distance and the engine is an immediate hazard because of its speed or proximity to the crossing?


Drop the weapon

Suelte el arma

The highest appellate court for civil cases is the Texas

Supreme Court.

Stress places a demand on the nervous system and can affect the performance of an officer. What are the three parts of the nervous system?

Sympathetic, parasympathetic, central

In 1967, what U.S. Supreme Court case required that a child's case must follow due process of law and therefore the child has the right to counsel in delinquency proceedings?

In Re Gault

Harassment as defined by Penal Code 42.07 cannot occur if the communication is initiated by which of the following means?

In person

What is the purpose of a strength training program?

Increase lean muscle mass and strength

Which of the following is a positive consequence of Effective Police Service?

Increased trust and respect

How long is an arrest warrant valid?

Indefinitely or until served

Which of the following formal accusations of guilt is used in misdemeanor actions?


What is the classification and the offense for a person who intentionally causes serious bodily injury to a 14 year old?

Injury to a Child, Elderly or Disabled Person Felony 1

According to Sec. 8.01 of the Penal Code, it is an affirmative defense to prosecution that at the time of the conduct charged the actor, as a result of severe mental disease or defect, did not know that his conduct was wrong. This general defense is called


The operator of a vehicle fails to stop at a stop sign. A police officer stops the violator and issues a traffic citation. the operator refuses to sign the traffic ticket. what action does the officer take in this instance (not OPDs way but TCOLE)

Instander the ticker and take the operator before the magistrate without necessary delay

The downside of coming off of hypervigilence is all but one of the following.

Talkativeness at home

Which is NOT part of the definition of an element to the offense?

Intentional Act

According to the Penal Code, a person acts _______, with respect to the nature of their conduct, when it is the conscious objective or desire to engage in the conduct or cause the result.


A person with criminal negligence interferes with an EMT while they are attempting to perform their duty.

Interfere with Public Duties

A husband and wife are fighting. The husband decides to call the police. While he is on his cell phone with the 911 Operator she takes his phone and smashes it on the floor. What offense has she committed?

Interference with Emergency Electronic Communication

A person intentionally and without consent of the owner throws glass bottles at a train.

Interfering with Railroad Property

Not having the normal use of mental or physical faculties by reason of the introduction of alcohol, a controlled substance, a drug, a dangerous drug, or any combination of two or more of those substances, or any other substance into the body is a definition of


A intoxicated operator of a motor vehicle involved in a traffic collision in which another person dies as a result of the collision, what is the appropriate offense to charge?

Intoxicated Manslaughter - F2

Which of the answers below is a psychological change associated with steroid use?


The first step for any protective action is to

Isolate hazard and deny entry to area

Once a search warrant has been executed, to whom is the warrant returned?

Issuing magistrate

A officer obtains a search warrant from a neutral magistrate based on probable cause. The officer executes the search warrant and seizes the items named. At court, a technical error is found in the warrant. What happens to the seized article relative to evidence in the case?

It is still admissible

An officer establishes probable cause and obtains a search warrant from a neutral magistrate. After serving the warrant and seizing the property an error is found in the search warrant that does not materially affect the warrant. Which of the following is true regarding the seized property?

It is still admissible under the "good faith" exception to the Texas Exclusionary Rule.

Which answer below is not one of the risk factors for alcohol abuse among officers?

Middle class supervisors

In 1966, what U.S. Supreme Court case required police to advise a person subjected to custodial interrogation of their rights enumerated in the 5th and 6th amendments?

Miranda v. Arizona

Officers are required to inform suspects of their constitutional rights. This decision resulted from which court case?

Miranda v. Arizona

According to the Health and Safety Code the destruction of controlled substance, property or plants must require:

More than 2 people present; and an inventory list

6 categories of controlled substances are

Narcotics, stimulants, depressants, marijuana, hallucinogen, simulated controlled substances

"race or ethnicity" means of a particular descent, including Caucasian, African, Hispanic, Asian, _________, or middle Eastern descent

Native American



What is the age limit on Improper Relationship between Educator and Student?

No Age Limit.

A person intentionally possesses brass knuckles as part of a belt buckle. The knuckles are not removable for use as a weapon. What is the classification?

No Offense this is a curio design for aesthetic purposes only

As an officer, you ask a person to assist you in making an arrest. What penal code offense, if any, was committed if the person refuses your command?

No criminal offense

I don't understand

No entiendo

Don't look at me

No me mire

Don't move your head

No mueva la cabeza



A person has been arrested when he or she has been actually placed under restraint or taken into custody by an officer or person executing a warrant of arrest, or by an officer or person arresting without a warrant. Which of the following is not an element re-quired for an arrest? a. Intent to arrest b. Authority to arrest c. Actual or constructive seizure d. Understanding by the individual that he or she is being arrested e. None of the Above

None of the above because each is a required element

Law enforcement personalities have the following negative affects on home life except one.

Not wanting the family to have hobbies

If a driver hits a mailbox and causes damage to the vehicle exceeding $1000 the operator is required to _____.

Notify the police agency sheriff or nearest office of the DPS immediately or by the quickest means of communication





Phone number

Número de teléfono

According to the Penal Code, what offense is committed when a person threatens to harm another, by an unlawful act, on account of their service as a witness or public servant?

Obstruction or retaliation

TCOLE Rules and Regulations are legislatively mandated in the

Occupations Code



Under Article 2.12, which one of the following is a legally designated peace officer?

Officer of a water-control district

At what level is Criminal Solicitation of a Minor punished.

One level lower and only in certain Felony Cases

Gold (metal)




a person driving a vehicle collides with a mail box. the person should notify the ______?

Owner of the mailbox

give examples of financial identifiers

PIN number account number credit card number social security number









Kick him/her


What is the main element in Sexual Assault that defines it above regular assault?


Based on mere suspicion, an officer may approach and question suspicious people in the area. Which of the following is not true regarding the field inquiry?

People may not be required to identify themselves

A person with the intent to deceive and with knowledge of the statements meaning intentionally and knowingly makes false statements under oath and the law required the statement to be made under oath.



Pistola Cohete arma Quete

_____________________should be described beginning at one point then proceeding in one direction, such as left-to-right or top-to-bottom, to ensure that the description is thorough and systematic. The goal is to paint a picture of the place with your words.


Silver (metal)




Which one of the following is not true of CIS?

Police officers never experience this stress


Por favor

Which is the key to managing unavoidable stress?

Positive attitude

Hit him/her

Pégale chingaso

Stab him/her

Pícalo(a) Córtalo(a)

Shoot him/her

Despárale Tirale

Disarm him





Dispára Tira

Which of the following is not a magistrate?

District attorney

Which one of the following public officials is not a magistrate?

District attorneys

Which court has original jurisdiction of felony offenses in the state of Texas?

District court

Which of the following courts has jurisdiction over misdemeanor cases involving "official misconduct"?

District court

Which of the following courts is responsible for original jurisdiction in criminal cases of the grade of felony, misdemeanor cases involving official misconduct, and those cases properly transferred from other courts of jurisdiction?

District court

An officer with probable cause to believe that an offense occurred may arrest without a warrant a person who? a. violates a protective order even though the officer did not wit-ness the violation. b. commits an assault resulting in bodily injury to a member of his or her family or household. c. commits disorderly conduct in the officer's view

Does All the above.



Which one of the follow answers below is an inappropriate way to manage stress?

Drink alcohol

Stay calm

Quédese tranquilo

Take his/her gun

Quítale la pistola Agarra el armá

What book gives you information needed to identify a material?

Emergency Response Guidebook

The right to an attorney at the time the suspect requests a lawyer is required by

Escobedo v. Illinois



The rational basis for the American Revolution and the writing of the Constitution are partly based upon the writing of which political philosopher?

Sir John Locke

Please Repeat

Repita, por favor

Name that offense A person intentionally prevents or obstructs a person who he knows is a peace officer from effecting an arrest or search of the actor or another by use of force.

Resisting Arrest

According to Sec. 36.06 of the Penal Code, a person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly harms or threatens to harm another by an unlawful act on account of the victim's testifying in court.




Which of the following elements is specifically detailed in the Texas Constitution but is not directly addressed in the U.S. Constitution?

Rights of crime victims

A person in the course of committing theft, and with the intent to obtain or maintain control of property, he intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly places another in fear of imminent bodily injury or death.










You are under arrest

Está arrestado

Police forces in the United States have generally developed from rudimentary organizations having their beginnings in


"A law that imposes punishment for an act that was not punishable at the time the act was committed or imposes additional punishment." Which of the following best describes this statement?

Ex Post Facto Laws

When can an officer search contemporaneous with a lawful arrest?

Execution of a lawful arrest

A person is convicted and sentenced to life in prison and accessed a fine of $10,000.00. What classification is this offense.


What is the classification for Sexual Performance of a child if the child is under 14 years of age?


What is the punishment for Murder


What is the classification for Arson?

F1 if there is any bodily injury F2

A person is convicted and sentenced to 14 years in prison and accessed a fine of $10,000.00. What classification is this offense.


What is the classification for Intoxication Assault that results in the person being in a vegetative state?


A person is convicted and sentenced to 8 years in prison and accessed a fine of $10,000.00. What classification is this offense.


What is the classification for Aggravated Perjury.


What punishment level is Smuggling of Persons


Which of the following is not a peace officer in the state of Texas?

FBI agent

Which of the following is not a peace officer of the State of Texas?

FBI agent

True or False You can hold your breath long enough to get in and out of a hazmat scene.


A person knowingly gives an officer a false statement during the course of his investigation and that statement is material to the investigation.

Falsifying a Report to a Peace Officer

Carbohydrates are starches, sugars and fiber with the ability to help the body burn the following food.


The right to a grand jury in Capital and other infamous federal cases stems from which amendment of the U.S. Constitution?

Fifth Amendment

What is Traffic Code 601.191 talk about

Financial responsibility

Sign here

Firme aquí

What is the statute of limitations for theft and burglary?

Five years

Tennesse vs. Garner is also known as

Fleeing Felon Law

Of the components of fitness listed below which one belongs to the category of functional and health related fitness?


Which is a set of guidelines to assist in incorporating the exercise guidelines to a personal fitness program?

Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type





Let's talk in another room

Hablemos en otro cuarto

I speak only a little

Hablo sólo un poco

The right to be confronted with an accuser comes from which amendment of the U.S. Constitution?

Sixth Amendment

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives citizens the right to an attorney during criminal proceedings?

Sixth Amendment

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives the right to a speedy and public trial?

Sixth Amendment

Sit Down


You are approaching a line of cars from the rear. What should you do?

Slow down and stop if necessary.











Which of the following is not one of the elements in the "Traditional Police Service Model?"

Social services



Saturated fats tend to be solid at room temperature. Which answer is not a source of saturated fat?


Which answer below can become a problem for typical law enforcement personalities?


Which of the items below is the key to officer safety?


Name that Offense A person, on more than one occasion, pursuant to the same scheme or course of conduct, knowingly, engages in conduct that the actor knows or reasonable believes the other person will regard as threatening bodily injury or death of the person and causes the other person or their family to be in fear of bodily injury or death of the other person and would cause a reasonable person to fear bodily injury or death.


A person is convicted and sentenced to 180 days in prison and accessed a fine of $10,000.00. What classification is this offense.

State Jail Felony

a vehicle facing a flashing red traffic signal at an intersection shall

Stop and then proceed when safe

There are two types of stress; which one is the definition of eustress?

Stress perceived as positive

Which of the following types of court orders directs a peace officer to appear in court as a witness?


What is the difference between a improved shoulder and an unimproved shoulder?

Improved - paved Unimproved - not paved

RAS stands for the system that engages what other system?


Who has the authority to alter prima facie speed limits in the state of Texas with concurrence from the governor of the state?

The Texas Department of Transportation (TXDoT)

Which of these is aggravated assault?

The actor exhibits a deadly weapon during the commission of assault.

Contemporaneous with a lawful arrest, what area may you search?

The body of the person and the area within immediate control

Which one of the following is not true about a dying declaration?

The declaration must come from the victim of a robbery.

In an affirmative defense, who has the obligation to both pose the defense and prove its relevance?

The defense must pose, the defense must prove

The wellness continuum ranges from death to optimal wellness. Which of the following actions will help move ones position on the continuum towards wellness?

Wear a seat belt.

18. In negotiating a curve, which of the following actions describes the correct procedures on dry pavement? a. Slow down before entering the curve, then accelerate through the curve to utilize centripetal force to the driver's advantage. b. Do not brake before entering the curve, maintain a constant pressure on the accelerator at all times. c. Brake the vehicle all the way through the curve. d. None of the above responds to the question.


Under Miranda vs. Arizona when must you read someone their constitutional rights?

When you arrest them and you are going to question them about an offense.

18. The offense of burglary is one of the most difficult to solve because a. the burglar is seldom observed. b. the burglar always wears gloves and leaves no fingerprints. c. the burglar seldom leaves clues. d. proof of the burglar's identity is based on hearsay evidence.


18. _____ refers to shared culture and background. Members of a particular group usually have common ancestry and generally share language, religion, and other cultural patterns. a. Ethnicity b. Culture c. Ethnocentrism d. Race e. Society


18.Which of the following is charged by law to serve a civil citation? a. Constable b. Any peace officer c. Municipal police officer d. County attorney


19. The transmission of ideas or messages without using words is a. nonverbal communication. b. often done via telephone. c. frequently accomplished through the U.S. Postal Service. d. never done.


2. The major problem with the early telegraph system for law enforcement purposes was a. the need for land wires between locations. b. the amount of static on the lines. c. the messages could not go over a few miles in distance. d. learning the codes.


2. Which of the following is not one of the adverse conditions that may trick a driver into having a collision? a. Seat belts b. Light c. Weather d. Road e. Traffic


2.Fear is basic to prejudice. 5.1.1 a.True b.False


20. Elder abuse is seldom reported because it often involves a. family members. b. doctors. c. clergy. d. peace officers. e. home-care nurses.


20. One of the most common sex offenses against children is a. indecent exposure. b. dirty jokes. c. kissing their feet. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.


21. Modus operandi is based on the theory that humans are a. creatures of habit. b. victims of circumstances. c. habitual criminals. d. stupid.


21.The _____ investigates claims that peace officers violated the civil rights of a person. a. FBI b. CIA c. U.S. Attorney General d. Texas Attorney General e. governor


22. "The study of the nature and actions of poisons" is the definition of a. toxicology. b. sociology. c. mineralogy. d. genealogy.


22. Civil law is that portion of the law that defines the personal and property rights of individuals to prevent a wrong and to a. allow individuals to seek redress of grievance. b. bring a person charged with an offense before a grand jury. c. bring a person charged with an offense before a magistrate. d. prevent harm to society.


22. Jargon is language that is peculiar a. to a specific profession or work group. b. because it is actually a foreign language. c. because it is rarely understood even by those using it. d. only to aliens.


25. When evacuating people from a hazardous materials event, the people should be kept a. upwind. b. downwind. c. at the HAZMAT location. d. at the flank wind position.


25. When using the police portable radio, you speak a. in a normal voice horizontally across the face of the microphone. b. directly into the microphone of the transmitter. c. with the microphone of the transmitter facing away from the speaker. d. loudly into the microphone to ensure message is transmit-ted.


25.______ provides a convenient group or person to blame when things go wrong in one's personal life or in the community. a. Scapegoat b. Societal strain c. Stereotype d. Projection


26. One of the primary safety steps in dealing with approach to a HAZMAT event is to a. stay upwind. b. stay downwind. c. set up a command post based on a flank wind position. d. choose a command post with the greatest ease of entry to the event, regardless of the wind.


28. Once an officer has identified a HAZMAT area as potentially hazardous, the officer should a. use the public address system to manage and isolate the scene. b. immediately enter the scene and evacuate people. c. establish a command post downwind. d. leave the area to obtain assistance.


28. Physical evidence plays an important role in criminal prosecution because a. it is able to place the suspect at the crime scene. b. its credibility cannot be questioned. c. it requires no testimony to link a suspect to an offense. d. it cannot be contaminated.


3.Provides a convenient group or person to blame when things go wrong in one's personal life or in the community. 5.1.1 a.Scapegoat b.Societal Strain c.Projection d.Proprietary Claims


30. In a trial without a jury, the testifying officer should direct answers to the a. judge. b. defense attorney. c. prosecutor. d. person who asked the question. e. court reporter.


The security given by the accused that he or she will appear and answer before the proper court the accusation brought against him or her is called

Who of the following are peace officers in the state of Texas?

Which of the following terms describes the area within a person's "immediate control," or the area from which the individual can de-stroy evidence or grab a weapon?

Wing span area, or the person's arm length

Under Article 14.06 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, how soon should a person be taken before a magistrate?

Without unnecessary delay

Which of" the following court cases is the "fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine"?

Wong Sun v. United States

An absolute right to test the legality of why a person is being detained or held in custody best describes which of the following?

Writ of Habeas Corpus

Is an accident report required? $1000 damage - a collision between 2 MV that occurred on a parking lot of a supermarket where the patrons did NOT pay a fee for parking.


Jim is 25 but his girlfriend is 16 and will be 17 in two days :She knows Jim can't stand it anymore and masturbates Jim to climax while sitting in his car in front of her house: Has Jim committed an offense?

Yes, Indecency with a Child.

I've called for a Spanish-speaking officer

Yo llamé por un oficial que habla español



Zip Code

Zona Postal

" ________________" is an illness, disease or condition that either substantially impacts a person's thought, perception of reality, emotional process, judgment, or grossly impairs a person's behavior, as manifested by recent disturbance behavior. A. Mental Illness (Mental Disorder) B. Insanity C. Criminal Insanity D. Mental retardation


"Denial" in this sense means truly believing something did not happen, or that it was not as "bad" as it actually was. This is a psychological defense mechanism that kicks in to protect a person from the full impact of what has happened. a. Stage one: Shock, Disbelief, and Denial b. Stage two: Cataclysm of emotions c. Stage three: Reconstruction of equilibrium d. Stage four: A river in Egypt


.________________________________ A fire department or police vehicle, public or private ambulance operated by a person licensed by Texas Dept of Health, Municipal, dept of health, Municipal department of public service emergency vehicle, private vehicle of volunteer fire department while responding to a call, industrial emergency vehicle, vehicle of a blood or tissue bank while making emergency deliveries, vehicle owned or leased by a federal government and is for law enforcement purposes. a. Authorized Emergency vehicle b. Emergency Vehicle c. Ambulance d. AmberLamps


10. Which one of the following is not a federal regulation concerning use of the police radio? a. Officers must use the 10 signals. b. Radio must be used for official police business. c. No profanity is permitted. d. No superfluous calls are permitted.


1048. (25.1.1) Physical arousal associated with "fight or flight" cannot be prolonged indefinitely. Eventually, it will result in ___________________. A. Exhaustion. B. Exhilaration C. Intoxication D. Eustress.


1052. (25.1.2) A victim's reaction to crime may include "three phases." Which of the following were specifically listed as these phases? A. Impact, Recoil, and Reorganization B. Fight, Flight, and Recoil C. Recoil, Flight, and Reorganization D. Impact, Fight, and Flight


107. _________ can occur when there is severe injury to the central nervous system or when there is great tension at the time of death, which results in immediate stiffening in some cases. a. Cadaveric spasm b. Rigor mortis c. Post-mortem lividity d. Delirium tremens


108. A ____ sketch is best for crime scene drawing. a. projection b. 3-D c. plain d. scale


11.• Authoritarian personality symbolizes one's affiliation with a more dominant group. 5.1.1 a.True b.False


111. In a ____ examination, the prosecuting attorney asks the witness a question. a. direct b. cross c. redirect d. recross e. rebuttal


1116. Which of the following statements is true? A. Heat and poor ventilation increase the likelihood of exposure while at a hazardous materials site. B. Cool air and good ventilation increase the likelihood of exposure while at a hazardous materials site. C. Heat and good ventilation increase the likelihood of exposure while at a hazardous materials site. D. None of the above


1118. (29.1.1) "____________" An act or omission forbidden by law and punishable by a fine, imprisonment, or even death. A. Crime B. Elements C. Fact D. Circumstantial Evidence


1120. (29.1.1) "____________" Anything that helps establish the facts related to a crime. A. Evidence B. Element C. Fact D. Fence


1129. (29.2.1) A person commits the offense "____________" if he "forges" a writing with intent to defraud or harm another. A. Forgery B. Criminal Simulation C. Criminal Counterfeiting. D. None of the above


1139. (29.3.2) A person commits the offense of " _______________" if he intends to cause serious bodily injury and commits an act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual. A. Murder B. Capital Murder C. Manslaughter D. Criminally Negligent Homicide


1140. (29.3.2) A person commits the offense of "________________" if while committing or attempting to commit a felony, and in furtherance of the commission or attempt, or in immediate flight from the commission or attempt, he commits or attempts to commit an act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual. A. Murder B. Capital Murder C. Manslaughter D. Criminally Negligent Homicide


1141. (29.3.2) One night Mr. Anderson intentionally, while intoxicated, runs over Mr. Smith with his automobile killing Smith. What is the highest crime that Mr. Anderson can be charged with? A. Murder B. Capital Murder C. Intoxicated Manslaughter D. Negligent Homicide


1145. (29.3.2) A person commits "Capital Murder" if the person intentionally commits the murder in the course of committing or attempting to commit "________________." A. Burglary B. Injury to a child C. Coercing, Soliciting, or Inducing Gang Membership D. Criminal Trespass


1147. (29.3.2) A person commits "Capital Murder" if the person intentionally commits the murder in the course of committing or attempting to commit "__________________." A. Aggravated Sexual Assault B. Theft C. Criminal Trespass D. Leaving a Child in a Vehicle


115. Two officers search a building. They search a room ____ before moving on. a. thoroughly b. completely c. from top to bottom d. independently


1151. (29.3.2) The most serious crime that a person commits is "Capital Murder" if they murder a person under the age of _____ years of age. A. 10 B. 12 C. 13 D. 14


1157. (29.4.1) "_____________" is the dissection of a dead body for the purpose of inquiry into the cause of death. A. Autopsy B. Inquest C. Post Mortem Lividity D. Rigor Mortis


1159. (29.4.2) "_______________" involves the chemical changes occurring in body tissues that tend to make muscles stiffen after death. The presence or absence of stiffening may help in establishing time of death. A. Rigor Mortis B. Post Mortem Lividity C. Duces Tecum D. Mala in se


116. At least ____ officers should enter a building to do a building search. a. two b. three c. four d. five


1160. (29.5.1) "_____________" is useful in examining blood stains, hair roots, semen, vaginal fluid. Useful in the association or elimination of suspect through chromosome coding. A. DNA fingerprinting B. Plastic fingerprinting C. Visible fingerprinting D. Latent fingerprinting


1165. (29.7.8) "_______________" is a drawing which represents the crime scene and serves to supplement photography by providing accurate information concerning the distance between various points in the scene. A. Crime scene sketch B. Triangulation C. Rectangulation D. Rough draft


1169. (29.7.11) The ____________ sketch is useful when no camera is available. A. perspective B. projective C. schematic D. detailed


117. Bloodstains and hair samples at a crime scene are tested for a. DNA fingerprint. b. microanalysis. c. HIV. d. contamination.


1172. (29.7.15) "Wet evidence" such as ____________ must be allowed to dry before packaging to prevent rotting. It should be packaged in a paper bag to avoid purification. A. bloodstains, semen stains, mud B. semen stains, fingerprints, bloodstains C. hair, bloodstains, mud, D. None of the above


1177. The "_____________" rule of evidence is actually a shortcut or substitute for evidence. It deals with a variety of facts and knowledge the court will accept as true without requiring proof. A. Judicial notice B. Habeas Corpus C. Mandamus D. Certiorari


12. Law in its regular course of administration through the courts of justice and the doctrine of fundamental fairness refers to a. due process of law. b. administrative law. c. corporation law. d. tax law.


12. Victims of crimes by juveniles have virtually the same rights as victims of adult crimes, as provided by Chapter 56 of the a. Code of Criminal Procedure. b. Penal Code. c. Health and Safety Code. d. Family Code.


121. The first duty of the criminal investigator is to a. establish whether or not a crime was committed. b. arrest the perpetrator. c. contact all witnesses. d. write a comprehensive report. e. safeguard and protect evidence.


124. A victim can use a pseudonym in place of his or her real name and address on the offense report if involved in the crime of a. sexual assault. b. aggravated assault. c. burglary. d. aggravated robbery.


125. Criminal investigation is a lawful search for people, land, things useful in reconstructing the circumstances of an illegal act or omission, and the a. mental state accompanying it. b. person(s) who committed the crime. c. witnesses who observed the crime. d. corpus delicti of the event.


13. Faulty broadcasting procedures a. may clutter a communications system. b. promote operational efficiency. c. seldom require the message to be repeated. d. are not likely to interfere with normal operations.


13. When a report writer uses a comma between two sentences instead of a period, semicolon, or conjunction, the resulting error is a a. comma splice. b. comma bandage. c. comma long. d. run-on sentence.


Which of the following is a rule of evidence that states that evi-dence is not admissible against an accused person if an officer's search violates the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution?

The exclusionary rule

Who signs an indictment accusing a person of a crime?

The foreman of the grand jury

Which of the following elements is not required to justify a tempo-rary detention?

The investigating peace officer has identified the person (s) in the area.

In a county that does not have a medical examiner's officer or that is not part of a medical examiner's district, who is charged with the responsibility to conduct investigation of the cause of death when the cause is not readily known or ascertainable by a medical doctor?

The justice of the peace

Which of the following persons is charged with the responsibility to conduct an inquest of an alleged suicide that occurred at a private residence?

The justice of the peace

The severity of the depression phase depends on the following factors except one.

The number of counseling sessions in a month

Which one of the following answers below is an affect of the activitation of the sympathetic nervous system?

The person experiences tunnel vision

The Fourth Amendment of the constitution guarantees several rights. Among these rights are:

The right against unreasonable searches

The 5th Amendment addresses a variety of guaranteed rights. Of the rights below, which one is enumerated (listed) in the 5th Amendment?

The right not to be compelled to be a witness against himself

The 6th Amendment of the constitution insures several rights. Which of the following listed rights is addressed in the 6th Amendment?

The right to counsel

For an enhancement to State Jail Felony Theft what must occur?

The suspect has to be twice convicted of theft at any level.

When does a bituminous smear occur?

The tire created friction or heat when locked by braking, and the road's asphalt reaches its melting point.

A man is walking down the street and sees a small ice chest sitting on the victim's front porch: He takes the ice chest without consent: The victim claims that the ice chest is worth $450.

Theft Class B

Which one of the following is correct concerning the limitation on prosecution for offenses?

Theft by public servant--ten years

Two males order and consume $185 worth or food and beverages at Buffalo Wild Wings. They then leave without offering to pay.

Theft of Service

13. Which of the following techniques is suggested to avoid a collision with the vehicle ahead under normal passenger car conditions? a. Allow a 2-second-or-more following distance. b. Mentally calculate reaction time and braking distance to determine total stopping distance, and adjust the vehicle position accordingly. c. Ride with the driver's foot covering the brake to anticipate a quick stop by the vehicle ahead. d. None of the above responds to the question because collisions with the vehicle ahead seldom occur.


To whom may an arrest warrant be issued?

To any peace officer or person specially named

Which of the following is NOT an element of the ethical role?

To assist other officers to understand how they can help in achieving objective and ethical behavior

The goal of accident investigation is to?

To determine how and why the accident occurred.

130. If a judge "overruled" an objection during courtroom testimony, the officer _____________ answer the question a. may b. may not c. can d. should


132. The "strip" type of search at a crime scene is most effective for ______ searches a. outdoor b. indoor c. corridor d. room


14. The radio patrol officer usually cannot receive a message if a. the microphone switch is "open." b. the microphone switch is "closed." c. the transmitter fuse is blown. d. central dispatch is functioning properly.


15. Law enforcement agencies use tape recorders for reporting so officers can a. dictate their reports into phone-activated recorders. b. prevent people outside the agency from understanding the report. c. dictate coded report information. d. carry a stenographer in the patrol car.


159. (5.1.1) "___________" generally refers to groups of people with common ancestry and physical characteristics. A. Race B. Ethnicity C. Ethnocentrism D. Culture


16.______ is an organized and relatively unchanging combination of a person's knowledge and feelings about someone or something that influences him or her to behave in a certain way in regard to that person or thing. a. Attitude b. Prejudice c. Discrimination d. Ethnicity


161. (5.1.1)"__________________" is an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge of or examination of the facts. A. Prejudice B. Discrimination C. Mental disorder D. None of the above


17. If you are inside a building that is on fire and you want to move to a position where you believe an escape is possible, you should a. feel a door to determine the extent of heat on the other side before opening the door. b. use the elevator as an escape route. c. use a stairway above the fire. d. open a door that is pulsating only if smoke (but not fire) is present.


17. Who has the preliminary responsibility to notify victims about the Crime Victims Compensation Act? a. Any law enforcement agency dealing with a victim b. County attorney c. District attorney d. District attorney's investigator e. Attorney General's office


18. A victim can use a pseudonym in place of his or her real name and address on the offense report if involved in the crime of a. attempted sexual assault. b. aggravated assault. c. burglary. d. aggravated robbery. e. none of the above—victims may not use a pseudonym.




Which of the following is the highest appellate court?

U.S. Supreme Court

Name that offense A person intentionally operates a canoe with an electric motor that belongs to another and without the owners consent.


What must you have to operate an ATV on public land?

United States Forest Service Certificate

A person knowingly installs an electronic tracking device on the vehicle of another. What is the offense and classification?

Unlawful Installation of Tracking Device Class A

When approaching, confronting, and interviewing a suspect, two officers should approach the person in a spread ______ formation.


Arizona vs. Gant made search incident to arrest of ___________ unreasonable.






Turn around, slowly

Voltéese, despaciamente

I'm going to call an ambulance

Voy a llamar una ambulancia

30. Which of the following statements is false regarding the effectiveness and limitations of emergency equipment and vehicle equipment? a. Headlights aid and increase visibility of emergency lights. b. Surrounding environmental conditions reduce effectiveness of lights. c. As speed of the vehicle increases, effectiveness of audible warning devices decreases. d. Audible devices are less effective in heavy traffic. e. Because all of the above are true, none responds to the question.


31. All radios and subsequent transmissions should be turned off whenever an officer is within ____ feet from a suspected bomb location. a. 500 b. 600 c. 700 d. 800


31. The purpose of criminal law is to a. prevent harm to society. b. define the "due process" of procedures to be followed by officers. c. limit the authority of courts. d. define the legal significance of public and private acts. e. regulate conduct through injunctions and award money damages.


31. When field notes are used in court, all of the following are potential results except a. notes will be destroyed when the case is completed. b. notes used in court are subject to court scrutiny. c. if placed in evidence, notes may not be available until released by court. d. notes used in court may be kept for future use.


32. Which of the following is least important in taking notes during an investigation? a. Restrict notes to only important facts. b. Take notes in pencil so changes can be easily made. c. Alternate between listening and writing. d. Ask a question and take another look at your notes.


32.People with similar characteristics and features define a. race. b. culture. c. subculture. d. ethnicity.


33. A turning radius ____ as speed increases. a. increases b. decreases c. remains the same d. None of the above is correct.


33.A person displays prejudice toward another person of a different race. This is an example of a. discrimination. b. attitude. c. extreme prejudice. d. stupidity.


34.An organization of knowledge and feelings that influences a person to act in a certain way is called a. an attitude. b. a political position. c. a belief or standpoint. d. an inappropriate position.


36. On the witness stand, the testifying officer should take a position that will allow a. a full view of the entire courtroom. b. the officer to get the upper hand of the defense lawyer. c. the officer to be extremely uncomfortable. d. all of the above.


36.____ is an organized and relatively unchanging combination of a person's knowledge and feelings about someone or something that influences him or her to behave in a certain way in regard to that person or thing. a. Attitude b. Prejudice c. Discrimination d. Ethnicity


37. ______ is not an important fact in the writing of a report in a homicide investigation. a. Victim's religious preference b. Name of the complainant c. Location of the offense d. Name of the victim


4. Physical responses to trauma are based on a. animal instincts. b. very predictable and programmed behavior. c. rational expectation that all victims react exactly the same. d. pure conjecture.


4.An unfounded generalization about a specific category of people is a. prejudice. b. discrimination. c. hate. d. racism.


40. A temporary restraining order is enforceable a. only by motion for contempt—writ of execution. b. by motion for writ of mandamus. c. by immediate custody arrest. d. by garnishment of wages.


40. In filing the offense report after the preliminary investigation of an offense, the reporting officer should ensure that the report is a. complete and accurate to ensure easy follow up. b. as lengthy as possible to cover all points. c. written in police terminology for easy understanding. d. typed for easy reading.


41. Ex-parte family violence orders are issued as a. temporary restraining orders. b. protective orders. c. writ of execution. d. writ of mandamus.


42. Any location subject to external interference a. detracts from the effectiveness of the interview. b. is ideal for conducting an interview. c. has no effect on the person being questioned. d. none of the above.


45. Shallowness or some type of "tough-guy" approach to an interview a. is a detriment to success. b. contributes to the interview in a positive manner. c. always promotes a good rapport. d. generates mutual trust.


47. Emotional stress in a subject can often be detected through a. bodily responses. b. sporadic questioning. c. repeated interviews. d. none of the above.


48. A sentence is a group of words that a. express a complete thought. b. form a predicate. c. end in a fragment. d. do not include the simple predicate of a sentence.


50. The suit in the eviction process follows the same procedure as a normal lawsuit except the appeals time after the judgment is rendered by the court is ___ days. a. 5 b. 10 c. 12 d. 15 e. 20


52. "The class was studying quietly, and suddenly Jerry lets out a yell." This is an example of a. needless shift of verb tense. b. double negative. c. comma splice. d. misplaced modifier.


52. When the interview is ending, the questioning officer should a. close the interview in a friendly and courteous manner. b. stop abruptly. c. tell a joke. d. do none of the above.


57. Communication is a _____, not just luck. a. professional skill b. learned behavior c. necessary response d. logical function


59. Which of the following types of court orders is used to effect an eviction notice? a. Writ of mandamus b. Writ of habeas corpus c. Subpoena duces tecum d. Subpoena


6. Extreme violence to an individual often produces a condition known as a. post-traumatic stress disorder. b. hyperventilation. c. postnasal drip. d. cybernetics.


6. The overall objective in handling a hazardous materials incident is to a. contain the area and limit potential for contamination. b. prevent air and environmental pollution. c. discover the hazardous effects of the material present. d. quickly remove any person from the scene and administer first aid as soon as possible.


6. To get a conviction under Section 241, the Department of Justice must show that the defendant a. conspired with another. b. acted "under color of law." c. was a law enforcement officer. d. was racially motivated.


61. The most common discolorations found at a crime scene are a. bloodstains. b. dirty water. c. seminal stains. d. oil spills.


63. The type of law that defines the personal and property rights of individuals or the right of individuals to seek redress, or is designed to prevent a wrong, is a. civil law. b. criminal law. c. administrative law. d. government law. e. constitutional law.


66. The citation issued by the court for service of an eviction is called a a. forcible entry and detainer. b. reasonable order to enter and detain. c. mandamus. d. habeas corpus.


7. The U.S. Supreme Court says that law enforcement agencies a. are liable for the unconstitutional behavior of rank-and-file members only when the latter's acts are done in following official policy, custom, or usage. b. are immune from Section 1983 liability. c. are liable for the behavior of rank-and-file members when-ever the latter overstep constitutional bounds. d. are liable for the unconstitutional behavior of rank-and-file members only when the latter act willfully.


7. Which of the following does not go into the case folder? a. Evidence b. Witness and victim statements c. Voluntary confessions d. Fingerprint cards and comparison report e. Offense report


76. Upon expiration of the appeal time, the plaintiff in the evic-tion process may obtain a a. writ of possession. b. forcible entry and detainer. c. writ of mandamus. d. promise to appear.


77. The appeal time after a judgment is rendered by the court in an eviction process is ____ days. a. 5 b. 10 c. 15 d. 25


77. The first duty of the criminal investigator is to a. establish whether or not a crime was committed. b. arrest the perpetrator. c. contact all witnesses. d. write a comprehensive report. e. safeguard and protect evidence.


8. One difference between the basic 911 system and the enhanced system is that a. the enhanced system identifies the number and location from which the call is being made. b. the enhanced system has a forced disconnect feature. c. the basic system can automatically route calls. d. the basic system does not have the ring-back feature.


8.Positive consequences of sensitivity include respect of community & respect from fellow professionals. 5.2.2 a.True b.false


80. At a crime scene where there are injured persons, the officer's first responsibility is to a. arrest the perpetrator if he/she is still at the scene. b. immediately provide emergency first-responder care for victims. c. call for emergency medical assistance. d. request backup assistance.


881. (15.1.2) Which of the following was specifically listed as a "Characteristic of a Sentence" in the BPOC? A. A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. B. A sentence typically contains only a subject and begins with a capital letter, and ends with a punctuation.. C. A sentence used in a police report should be long but concise. D. None of the above


882. (15.1.2) A "________________" is a group of words that is only a piece, or fragment, of a complete sentence. Pieces of important information are left out of the "sentence." A. Sentence fragment B. Complete sentence. C. Run-on sentence D. None of the above


884. (15.2.1) Which of the following statements is true concerning the use of field notes? A. Provides basis for report. B. Increases the need to re-contact parties involved. C. Provides less accuracy relative to time, statements, and events than memory alone. D. None of the above.


885. (15.2.1) Which of the following statements is true concerning the use of field notes in court? A. Notes used in court are subject to scrutiny of the court. B. If notes are placed into evidence it is required procedure to immediately return notes to the officer after his testimony is complete. C. Non-police information should be written in notebook. D. Personal notes used by the officer during testimony is not subject to the scrutiny of the court.


892. (15.3.5) The "Three" basic kinds of information necessary in police reports are: (1) Identification of the involved persons, vehicles, etc., (2) Narrative description of the offense or incident, and (3) ________________________. A. Elements of the offense or probable cause. B. Factual, Identification, and Correct C. Identification, Correctness, and Verification. D. None of the above are correct


9. Under state law, torts often brought against officers are either a. intentional or negligent. b. accidental or careless. c. wanton or reckless. d. abusive or neglectful.


9.____ is a fundamental requirement made of all peace officers. 5.2.1 a.Impartiality b.Projection c.Ethnocentrism d.Authoritarian personality


91. Which of the following is not interviewed regarding their relationship to a crime scene? a. Suspect b. Victim c. Witness d. Complainant


95. After an objection, the judge rules that the officer or witness may answer the question, the objection is a. overruled. b. sustained. c. submitted to arbitration. d. an issue for appeal.


A "crime scene sketch" is a drawing which represents the crime scene and serves to supplement photography by providing accurate information concerning the distance between various points in the scene. a. True b. False


A feeling of ease and harmony in a contact or relationship between people. a. Rapport b. Reasonable Doubt: c. Statement d. Victim


A highly personal and unreasoned distortion of judgment a. Bias b. Prejudice c. Complainant d. Corpus delicti


A person considered to be directly or indirectly connected with a crime, either by overt act or by planning and/or directing it. a. Suspect b. Witness c. Victim d. Alias


An opinion or leaning adverse to anything without just grounds or before obtaining sufficient knowledge. a. Prejudice b. Modus Operandi (MO) c. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt: d. Probable Cause:


Barriers to active listening include all of the following except a. empathy b. arguing c. pacifying d. moralizing e. name-calling


Characteristics of a criminal investigator: takes nothing for granted. Investigators may find that victims and witnesses, as well as suspects, may be motivated by various physiological, psychological, and sociological needs that may "color" the information they give. Gathers information, but verifies it credibility. a. Suspicious b. Curious c. Observant d. Unbiased and Unprejudiced e. Develops rapport through interpersonal communication skills.


Conditions that must occur for an act to be called a specific kind of crime. a. Elements of a crime b. Evidence c. Fence d. Field Identification


Death results from injuries received during the commission of some other felony. a. Felony Murder b. Murder-Suicide. c. Triangle Killing. d. Revenge or jealousy Killing.


Defined as an individual who commits the crime or crimes of burglary, white collar crimes, larceny, vehicle theft, agricultural crimes and arson, all of which may result in heavy or lengthy sentences depending on the criminal history of the accused. a. Professional "heavy" criminal b. Thief c. Semi-professional (unskilled) thief d. Burglar


Deprivation of rights under color of law is found in federal law a. Title 18, Section 242, U.S. Code. b. Title 18, Section 241, U.S. Code. c. Title 19, Section 242, U.S. Code. d. Title 19, Section 241, U.S. Code.


Determines quantitative and proportional concentrations of specific elements in materials through the analysis of a vaporized sample. a. Atomic Absorption test b. Laser examination c. Luminal d. DNA (Dioxyribonucleic acid) fingerprinting


Evidence gathered from an employee under threat of dismissal is NOT ADMISSIBLE in criminal court a. Garretty vs NJ b. Tennessee vs Garner c. Graham v. Connor d. Estate of Ceballos v Bridgewater


Fear, shock, dreams about violence, bed-wetting, guilt, usually ill, low self esteem, aggressive, confused, tearful, anxious about separation, isolating and temper tantrums are all part of what? a. Children's reaction to violence b. Children's reaction to understanding c. Children at bedtime d. Adults reaction to violence


In a criminal trial "_________________" is questioning of a witness by the party producing the witness. For example, a police officer representing the state's case, is questioned first by the prosecutor. a. Direct examination b. None are correct c. Re-direct examination d. Cross examination


Reasonable requests constitutes what?

a need for more than words (ex: fight or flight) taking action with reason

The 5 W's and H is--

a system that has been used effectively to identify key words and phrases

What does a steady yellow light mean?

a warning to vehicular traffic that the related green movement is being terminated and that the red light will soon be exhibited.

When justified, a frisk may be conducted if there is reasonable fear that the suspect may be in possession of

a weapon.

The Following behaviors describe which personality disorder? • Most commonly recognized in males • A pattern of irresponsible and antisocial behavior diagnosed at or after age 18 • May have one or more of the following: History of truancy as a child or adolescent, may have run away from home, Starting fights, Using weapons, Physically abusing animals or other people, Deliberately destroying others' property, Lying, Stealing, Other illegal behavior a. Paranoid b. Antisocial c. Borderline d. Psychotic


Deceptive police practices are

acceptable for surveillance

what kind of report can an officer express their opinion on ?

accident report

If a person abducts another with intent to interfere with the performance of government, it is

aggravated kidnapping.

Informants can be classed as a. police b. confidential. c. good citizen. d. named. e. all of the above.

all of the above

The Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution

all of the above

each law enforcement agency in this state shall adopt a detailed written policy on racial profiling. the policy must

all the above

"motor vehicle stop" means an occasion in which a peace officer stops a motor vehicle for a(an) ___________ of a law or ordinance?

alleged violation

How much protection do police uniforms give against hazardous materials?

almost no protection



A capias is

an arrest warrant

The standards for a warrantless arrest are the same as for the issuance of

an arrest warrant

The effect of a capias is the same as that of

an arrest warrant.

An investigation into the cause and circumstances of the death of a person with a determination as to whether the death was caused by an unlawful act or omission is called

an inquest

What is the first and second component of asking questions?

analyze the content with the 5 W's and H system

What is family violence?

any act committed between family or household members, including intimate partners and children, that is intended to, or reasonably threatens to, place the member in fear of physical harm, bodily injury, assault or sexual assault

The acronym CYMBALS is used for: a. vehicle make b. vehicle description c. vehicle body style


What are things for which we make inferences?

appearances behavior environment

observing means making inferences about

appearances behavior environment

When a peace officer approaches a suspect, sound field procedures direct that the officer

approach from the front and constantly observe all actions of the suspect

Ethical people

are made, not born

Search warrants

are wholly statutory

In order to frisk an individual that has been stopped, an officer must reasonably suspect that the Individual is


Eliminating distractions is a sub-skill of

arranging the environment for effective communication

the 4 sub-skills of effective communication are

arranging, positioning, posturing, and observation

"The act of keeping back or withholding, by design, a person" is Black's Law definition of


If a peace officer suspects that a crime is "about to be committed," the proper course of action is to


Once a restraining order has been verified, what must an officer do?

arrest the suspect if he is in violation of any aspect of the order

A capias is a/an

arrest warrant

a right turn should be made________

as close to the right curb or side of the roadway as possible

If one of the disputants in a family quarrel is excited and speaking loudly, what should you do?

ask them to speak slowly so you can understand the problem

What has the highest priority at an accident scene?

assisting the injured

Where must a MV stop at an intersection in relation to a stop sign?

at a clearly marked stop sign in every case

a traffic violator should be stopped where?

at the first safe site

a pattern of behavior that is uncommon and would likely be associated with some element of dysfunction is referred to as


The four parts of an arrest are

authority, intent, custody, and knowledge



"Ethical presence" results from a. authority. b. expression of self-control. c. condescension. d. nature.


"_____________" is a legal term. It is considered "a diminished capacity and inability to tell right from wrong." The definition varies from state to state. Generally used by the court with regards to an individual's competency to stand trial. A. Mental retardation B. Insanity C. Mental illness D. None of the above


"________________" is an important communication tool that is a helpful technique in defusing and calming a person that is excited and or having mental problems in a crisis type situation. A. Using assertive tones in your voice B. Listening C. Using body language indicating you will not tolerate dangerous behavior D. None of the above


. 1136. (29.2.10) A person commits the crime of "____________" if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causes bodily injury to another, including the person's spouse. A. Family violence B. Assault C. Aggravated assault D. None of the above


1. The preliminary investigation is said to end a. only when the suspect is arrested. b. when the patrol officer completes all the work possible at that time. c. as soon as the crime is verified. d. only when the case cannot be brought to a successful conclusion.


1. The sentence "Latent fingerprints were found on the bottle" is written in a. active voice. b. passive voice. c. neuter voice. d. combination voice.


1.Deprivation of rights "under color of law" is a. Section 1985, Title 42, U.S. Code. b. Section 242, Title 18, U.S. Code. c. Section 241, Title 18, U.S. Code. d. none of the above.


10. One of the most difficult and emotional situations that officers encounter is that of a. enforcing traffic laws. b. death notification. c. working traffic accidents. d. investigating vandalism reports.


10.An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge of, or examination of the facts i.e., bias. 5.1.1 a.Attitude b.Prejudice c.Discrimination d.Ethnocentrism


103. Elder abuse cases are difficult to investigate because a. the elderly have a difficult time explaining the elements of the crime. b. the victim is embarrassed to report the crime. c. this offense is considered to be a "victimless" crime. d. the elderly do not make good witnesses in a court of law.


1051. (25.1.1) The intensity of long-term stress reactions and the frequency of the re-experienced crisis usually: A. Increases over time. B. Decreases over time. C. Is not a major factor in a person's life. D. None of the above.


11. Law enforcement communications have been revolutionized by the development and refinement of the a. teletype. b. radio. c. telegraph. d. tape recorder.


110. A subpoena duces tecum directs a witness to bring a. another witness. b. a document or evidence. c. crime scene notes. d. a copy of the offense report.


1112. "______________" is a situation in which hazardous material is or may be released into the environment. A. Toxic event B. Hazardous materials event C. DOSE event D. None of the above are correct


1114. "______________" is the study of the nature and actions of poisons. A. Poisonolgy B. Toxicology C. Schizophrenia D. None of the above


1115. Which of the following statements is true concerning the "DOSE-response Concept?" A. It is the scientific study of poisons. B. All substances, in the right amounts, become toxic. C. The same as a "HazMat Event." D. None of the above


1117. (29.1.1) "_______________" is the process of legally gathering evidence of a crime that has been or is being committed. A. Corpus delicti B. Criminal Investigation C. Field Identification D. None of the above


112. "A postmortem examination of the body of a person, including X-rays and an examination of the internal organs and structures after dissection to determine the cause of death or the nature of any pathological changes that may have contributed to the death" is the definition of a. postmortem lividity. b. autopsy. c. physical examination. d. justice of peace inquest.


1124. (29.1.5) The term "____________" includes all means by which an alleged fact is established or disproved. A. Investigation B. Evidence C. Autopsy D. Trial


1126. (29.2.1) A pickup is parked in front of a residence. A person steals property that is lying in the pickup-bed. What crime has occurred? A. Burglary B. Burglary of a Vehicle C. Theft from a Vehicle D. None of the above


1130. (29.2.1) A person commits the offense "_______________" if he issues or passes a check or similar sight order for the payment of money knowing that the issuer does not have sufficient funds in or on deposit with the bank or other drawee for the payment in full of the check or order as well as all other checks or orders outstanding at the time of issuance. A. Criminal Hot Check Writing B. Issuance of Bad Check C. Felony Theft - Check D. None of the above


1131. (29.2.1) A person commits the offense "__________________" if the person obtains, possesses, transfers, or uses identifying information of another person without the other person's consent and with intent to harm or defraud another. A. Deceptive Deception B. Fraudulent Use or Possession of Identifying Information C. Fraudulent Identity Theft D. None of the above


1133. (29.2.4) A "__________________" is described as the altering of a vehicle's identity by placing the serial number of a total loss car (total loss vehicles are cheaper to buy and still get a title) onto a stolen car. A. Fraudulent Identity Plate. B. Salvage Switch. C. Illegally Salvaged Vehicle. D. None of the above.


The alcoholic, the drug addict, and the sexual deviate a. are offenders, not mentally disturbed. b. are people who often commit criminal offenses. c. normally are paranoid. d. must always be treated as mentally disturbed people.


1135. (29.2.10) "____________" is defined as an individual who has fantasies, urges or behaviors that involve illegal sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally 13 years or younger.) A. Power rapist B. Pedophilia C. Sadistic rapist D. None of the above


1137. (29.2.10) "_____________" A criminal offense against a person or property which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias against race, religion, ethnic national origin group, or sexual orientation group. A. Race crime B. Hate crime C. Prejudice D. None of the above


1144. (29.3.2) A person commits "Capital Murder" if the person intentionally commits the murder in the course of committing or attempting to commit "_______________." A. Assault B. Kidnapping C. Prohibited Sexual Conduct D. Reckless Damage or Destruction


1148. (29.3.2) A person commits "Capital Murder" if the person intentionally commits the murder in the course of committing or attempting to commit "__________________." A. Aiding Suicide B. Obstruction or Retaliation C. Coercion of Public Servant or Voter D. Improper Influence


1149. (29.3.2) The most serious crime that a person commits is "______________" if they murder more than one person during the same criminal transaction or during different criminal transactions but the murders are committed pursuant to the same scheme or course of conduct. A. Murder B. Capital Murder C. Manslaughter D. Criminally Negligent Homicide


1150. (29.3.2) The most serious crime that a person commits is "_______________" if they murder a peace officer or fireman who is acting in the lawful discharge of an official duty and who the person knows is a peace officer or fireman. A. Murder B. Capital Murder C. Manslaughter D. Criminally Negligent Homicide


1152. (29.3.2) Which of the following would not constitute Capital Murder? A. Murder of a fireman acting in performance of an official duty B. Murder during the commission of felony criminal mischief C. Murder during the commission of arson D. Murder for remuneration or promise of remuneration


1154. (29.3.2) In the course of an armed robbery of a convenience store, the robber intentionally shoots and kills a store employee. What is the most serious crime that has occurred? A. Aggravated Robbery B. Capital Murder C. Manslaughter D. Criminally Negligent Murder


1155. (29.3.2) A person intentionally kills a woman and her five-year-old child. What is the most serious crime that has occurred? A. Murder B. Capital Murder C. Manslaughter D. Criminally Negligent Manslaughter


1158. (29.4.2) "______________" is the dark blue discoloration observable on the parts of the body that are nearest the ground. It appears about two hours subsequent to death. May provide a clue as to whether the body was moved after death. A. Rigor Mortis B. Post Mortem Lividity C. Duces Tecum D. Mala in se


1164. (29.7.6) An officer establishes probable cause and obtains a search warrant from a neutral magistrate. After serving the warrant and seizing the property an error is found in the search warrant that does not materially affect the warrant. Which of the following is true regarding the seized property? A. Because it is "fruit of the poisonous tree," it is not admissible as evidence. B. It is still admissible under the "good faith" exception to the Texas Exclusionary Rule. C. It will be admissible only as "rebuttal evidence" in the court case. D. The Federal Exclusionary Rule applies and it is not admissible in a Federal Court.


1170. (29.7.12) "_____________" is the process which records transactions of evidence from person to person since its acquisition by a law enforcement agency; it maintains exactly what happened to evidence from the time it was found until presented in court. A. Hapeas Corpus B. Chain of Custody C. Modus Operandi D. Rule of Evidence


118. What purpose does a crime scene sketch serve? a. To show where each piece of furniture was located b. To reconstruct the crime scene c. To show the size of items at the crime scene d. To depict blood at the crime scene


119. When the court orders a person to testify, the process is called a. summons. b. subpoena. c. duces tecum. d. writ.


12. When presented in the report, conclusions and recommendations should always be based on a. the investigator's best estimate. b. facts. c. opinions and hearsay. d. the prosecutor's recommendations.


12. When requesting information from the dispatcher, questions should be formulated in such a fashion as to allow a. long, complete explanations. b. yes-or-no answers. c. technical responses. d. the dispatcher to answer in code.


12.Peace officers are in a sensitive position regarding impartial law enforcement due, in large measure, to the fact that a. they have supervisors nearby at all times. b. they often work alone. c. they always receive sensitivity training at the academy. d. their actions will likely be videotaped.


123. The ____ sketch is the type most frequently used because it portrays three dimensions to all for better correlation of the evidential facts of the scene. All places and objects are drawn in one plane, as seen from above. a. perspective b. projection c. schematic d. detailed


129. If a judge "sustained" an objection during courtroom testimony, the officer _________ answer the question. a. may b. may not c. can d. should


13. Authority for the management of the scene of an on-highway hazardous substance spill or disaster is vested in the appropriate law enforcement agency a. first arriving on the scene. b. having primary traffic investigative authority on the highway where the spill occurs. c. having environmental control over the land that may be contaminated by the hazardous materials at the spill. d. having jurisdiction in the country where the spill occurs.


13. In a civil lawsuit the process begins with a. the arrest of the defendant. b. service of citation. c. some dastardly deed. d. all of the above.


134. In the triangulation method, measurements are made from ____________ fixed points to intersect at the location of the object. a. one or more b. two or more c. three or more d. None of the above is correct.


14. Crime victims may deny that such a thing could happen to them, or they may intellectualize their feelings by a. selling their story to television. b. making excuses for criminal behavior. c. writing a book. d. employing a bodyguard.


14. In cases where the sheriff or constable is disqualified from executing process, the appropriate officer to handle the task is a. a private citizen. b. a deputy. c. a municipal police officer. d. the district attorney.


14. In report narratives, the reporting officer should a. refer to other officers by their first names. b. avoid using radio codes. c. never use penal code designations. d. always use third person, present tense.


14. Which of the following best describes the phenomenon of "hydroplaning"? a. The vehicle tire lifts off the dry surface due to excessive speed. b. Traveling at speeds as low as 30 mph will cause the tire to drive on top of a water/oil surface whenever there is water on the roadway. c. It develops as a result of failure to yield the right-of-way at intersections. d. It describes the resulting condition from excessive tire wear combined with centripetal force.


15. Every report narrative, regardless of format, will at some point depict the order in which the events occurred, this is the a. categorical order. b. chronological order. c. grammatical order. d. inductive order.


15. Two of the basic fingerprint powders used in processing suspected areas for latent fingerprints are black and a. bronze. b. grey. c. white. d. red. e. maroon.


15. Which of the following fires could best be controlled by using a Class B fire extinguisher? a. Common combustibles such as wood b. Petroleum-based fires involving gasoline or oil c. Electrical fires created by a home appliance d. Any of the above


158. (5.1.1) "____________" is a mental position based on a person's knowledge, feelings, and experiences about someone or something influencing him her to behave in a certain way in regard to that person or thing. A. Prejudice B. Attitude C. Ethnicity D. Discrimination


16. A building is on fire, and you observe through a window a small child lying on the floor just 4 feet from the front door. You decide to conduct a rescue attempt because the fire has not yet reached that part of the house, although there is a lot of smoke. The position you use to enter the house is a. a running crouch. b. low crawl and feel your way. c. standing and feel your way. d. none of the above, you should never enter a building on fire.


16. Law enforcement use of hand-held portable radio equipment a. is of no practical value today. b. has increased considerably during recent years. c. is on the decline due to its limited capabilities. d. is restricted to the supervisors.


16. The subject of a sentence a. receives the action. b. performs the action. c. denotes the action. d. is always a pronoun.


16. Which of the following is not a skill that the police driver should develop? a. The steering wheel shuffle b. The hand-over-hand method of turning a vehicle c. Maximum braking d. Fender judgment


16. Which of the following types of court orders is used to effect an eviction notice? a. Writ of habeas corpus b. Writ of mandamus c. Corpus delicti d. Modus operandi e. Bill of attainder


160. (5.1.1) "___________" refers to shared culture and background. Members of one of these groups usually have a common ancestry and generally share language, religion, and other cultural patterns. A. Race B. Ethnicity C. Ethnocentrism D. Culture


162. (5.1.1)"________________" is the act of regarding one's culture as the center of the universe and hence as the basis for all comparisons with other cultures. A. Ethnics B. Ethnocentrism C. Culture D. Prejudice


165. (5.1.1) Finding someone else to blame for one's own problems and misfortunes is known as A. Surrogating. B. Scape-goating. C. Projectionism. D. Buck-passing.


17. In active voice writing, the subject is specified in the sentence and a. is receiving the action of the verb. b. is directly doing the action. c. is being acted on. d. is never a pronoun.


17. In dealing with the law enforcement agency telephone, the person answering the phone should a. permit the phone to ring twice in order to avoid calls that might be wrong numbers. b. answer the phone promptly with a polite and courteous tone of voice. c. put the person calling on "hold" until all the phone lines have been answered. d. tell the caller that he or she is too busy to handle the call right now.


17. Often the work of juvenile burglars can be identified by a. negligible losses. b. wanton destruction and defacing of property accompanying the burglary. c. the fact that they always enter through a window or door. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.


18. Informal communications a. always follow departmental lines of authority. b. take place on a person-to-person basis. c. are carefully worded messages. d. are usually official in their content.


18. Which one of the following may not be transmitted over the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System? a. Arrest warrants b. Subpoenas c. Missing person reports d. Stolen vehicle reports


19.______ is an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge of or examination of the facts, bias. a. Idiosyncrasy b. Prejudice c. Ethnocentrism d. Discrimination


2. A sentence fragment is a group of words that a complete thought. b. does not express a complete thought. c. rhymes. d. tells a dirty story.


2. Normal response to trauma follows a similar pattern called a. trauma response. b. crisis reaction. c. insanity. d. hysteria.


2. To recover damages against a law enforcement officer under Title 42, U.S. Code, Section 1983, the plaintiff must prove that a. the defendant acted under color of federal law. b. the defendant deprived the plaintiff of some right secured by the Constitution or U.S. laws. c. the defendant acted intending to do a constitutional injury. d. state law does not give enough redress against these wrongs.


20. "A situation in which a hazardous material is or may be released into the environment' is the definition of a hazardous materials a. occurrence. b. event. c. accident. d. incident. e. happening.


21. An officer should not use his/her radio to transmit within ____ of blasting operations, or where blasting caps are stored. a. 700 feet b. 200 yards c. 800 feet d. 1,000 yards


21. Laws are rules established by a governing power to maintain peace, to secure justice for its members, to define the legal rights of the individual and the community, and to a. control judicial discretion. b. punish offenders for legal wrongs. c. maintain the status quo. d. determine innocence by a preponderance of evidence.


21. ____ and poor ventilation increase the likelihood of becoming exposed while at a hazardous materials site. a. Light b. Heat c. Clouds d. Noise


22. A death notice should not be delivered to a(n) a. neighbor. b. child. c. adult residing in the home. d. pregnant mother. e. 17-year-old son or daughter.


22. An officer should not use his/her radio a. to advise dispatch of an impending tornado. b. during an emergency or crime "in progress" call involving other units unless the officer becomes involved in the incident. c. within 1,000 feet where blasting caps are stored. d. to advise dispatch that the unit is returning to service.


23. In a civil case, a person brings a lawsuit seeking some sort of redress for an injury he or she claims to have suffered. The redress that the person seeks is usually a. conviction and times served. b. in the form of money. c. related to property rights. d. an-eye-for-an-eye retaliation. e. retribution.


23. Rumors a. are always false. b. are unconfirmed messages passed from person to person. c. are people who cannot tell the truth. d. are not part of informal communications.


23. Successful results in a case are in direct proportion to a. the prosecutor's legal prowess. b. the police officer's investigative efforts. c. lucky breaks in the case. d. maintaining custody of the evidence. e. the specialized followup investigation.


23.______ provides a source of egotistic satisfaction, through comparing others with oneself. It is the act of regarding one's culture as the center of the universe and hence as the basis for all comparisons with other cultures. a. Prejudice b. Ethnocentrism c. Idiosyncrasy d. Discrimination


24. "A police officer or a citizen requesting an emergency response from public safety personnel to an emergency event involving, but not limited to, a life-threatening occurrence or accident, criminal activity, or breach of the peace." This statement is the definition for a. unusual occurrence. b. emergency communications. c. urgent communications. d. normal communication e. normal occurrence.


24. The officer responding to a reported criminal offense that has just occurred should first a. approach slowly and stake out the scene. b. assist the injured victim where injury exists. c. collect and preserve physical evidence. d. attempt to locate the suspect.


24. Where should the command post be established at a HAZMAT event? a. Downwind position b. Upwind position c. Flank wind position d. At the nearest intersection of a major highway near the location


25. In conducting the preliminary investigation, the officer will normally interview which one of the following last? a. The victim b. The suspect c. The cooperative witness d. The uncooperative witness


26. Which of the following is detrimental to good police radio communications? a. Transmitting within 1,000 yards of blasting caps b. Screaming into the microphone to tell dispatch that someone is shooting at you c. Requesting 10-28 and 10-29 on a vehicle suspected of being stolen d. Waiting until another officer finishes transmitting before issuing a 10-33 alert


26. Which of the following is not an effect that speed has upon a turning vehicle? a. Turning radius increases as speed increases and decreases as speed is reduced. b. Turning radius decreases as speed increases and increases as speed is reduced. c. Traction limits may be exceeded as speed increases. d. Weight transfer increases as speed increases e. None of the above


26. ______ owes justification for various types of discrimination that are thought to be of advantage to the dominant group . a. Scapegoat b. Societal strain c. Stereotype d. Projection


27. If you find a suspected bomb in a building, you should alert dispatch by a. portable radio as soon as the item is located. b. telephone, do not transmit radio within 500 feet of bomb. c. portable radio only after inspecting the item to make sure that it is not electrically wired. d. the quickest and easiest means available whether it be radio or telephone.


27. Which of the following is not one of the components that make up total stopping distance? a. Perception of danger b. Age of driver c. Decision or reaction time d. Braking distance e. None of the above


28. Techniques of proper vehicle operation include all of the following except a. seat adjustment. b. preshift vehicle inspection. c. mirror adjustment. d. foot placement. e. hand placement.


29. Police field note taking does all of the following except a. provide basis for police report. b. increase need to recontact parties involved. c. provide greater accuracy relative to time, statements, and events than memory alone. d. produce impeachable inconsistencies between notes and reports.


3. When punctuation is totally omitted from one or two sentences, the most likely result is a. a runaway sentence. b. a run-on sentence. c. an epic poem. d. a clear and easily understood statement.


3.State and local officers are not the only people liable under Section 1983. This law also reaches a. counties and municipalities. b. anyone who violates rights guaranteed by state constitutions. c. anyone who conspires to injure a citizen because of race, color, or national origin. d. the state itself.


30. What information should not be included in your notebook? a. Descriptions of suspects, victims, witnesses b. Nonpolice information (i.e., personal comments) c. Suspicious vehicles d. Dates and times and exact locations of incident occurrence e. Names of other officers on the scene


30. What rule gives the Federal Communication Commission authority to govern emergency communications? a. FCC Part 80 b. FCC Part 90 c. FCC Part 95 d. FCC Part 98 e. None of the above is correct.


31. A peace officer's role includes enforcing law in a/an ______ manner and supporting the concept that all persons, including criminal justice personnel, are equally subject to the law and will be treated equally by it. a. exemplary b. impartial c. preliminary d. professionale e. ethical


31. Which of the following is not an objective of a preshift vehicle safety inspection? a. Prevent traffic collision due to faulty equipment. b. Increase the effectiveness of emergency lights and siren. c. Maintain operational efficiency of the vehicle. d. Provide a sense of confidence in the vehicle. e. None of the above


33. The final step the police officer takes in a given investigation is a. to go on a week's vacation. b. to present evidence in court. c. to destroy the evidence. d. to do none of the above.


34. In which one of the following reports should probable cause be included? a. Injury report b. Arrest report c. Supplemental report d. Stop-and-frisk report


35.Prejudice can take several forms including racial and ethnic, ____, sexual orientation, and authority figures. a. spiritual b. gender c. pictorial d. editorial


37. Following a rendering of a decision by the court in a civil case, both parties have ____ days to appeal that decision to the next highest jurisdiction court. a. 15 b. 30 c. 45 d. 60


37.____ is an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge of or examination of the facts, bias. a. Idiosyncrasy b. Prejudice c. Ethnocentrism d. Discrimination


38. Which of the following is a principle for report writing, but not for note taking? a. Written as soon as possible b. Signed c. Complete d. Neat


4. In order to substantiate the offense of sexual assault, the two most important elements that must be proven are a. emission and force. b. force and penetration. c. emission and penetration. d. force and the age of the victim.


4. Which of the following is included in Class C types of fires? a. combustibles such as wood, paper, or cloth b. electrical fires c. petroleum fires d. chemical fires


4.Generally refers to groups of people with common ancestry and physical characteristics. 5.1.1 a.Culture b.Race c.Ethnicity d.Ethnocentrism


40.The act of scapegoating a. provides an outlet for projecting one's tension and frustrations onto other people. b. provides a convenient group or person to blame when things go wrong in one's personal life or in one's community. c. symbolizes one's affiliation with a more dominant group. d. affords a convenient grouping for people of whom one is ignorant.


41. Generally speaking the most appropriate time to conduct an interview is a. within a week of the incident. b. as soon after the incident as possible. c. when it is convenient for the officer. d. at the scene of the crime.


42. A person's environment influences how that person a. encodes a message that was sent. b. decodes a message that was sent. c. provides feedback. d. enhances noise.


44. Which of the following plays no role in determining how our perceptions are formulated? a. Our needs b. Our genes c. Our past experiences d. Our personal theory of personality


45. Nonverbal communication techniques and cues include all of the following except a. eye contact. b. our personal theory of personality, c. body posture. d. distance. e. touching.


46. A suit for eviction must be filed in the a. county in which the person is located. b. justice precinct in which the property is located. c. precinct in which the landlord resides. d. county in which the property is located.


46. Often the interviewer will find that what a person says is not as important as a. where it is said. b. the manner in which it is said. c. when it is said. d. to whom it is said.


48. If no written agreement exists, a person bringing a civil law-suit regarding personal injury is within the statue of limitations to commence a suit if action is brought within ____ year(s) of the injury. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5


48. Questions in which the desired answer is implied are a. open-ended questions. b. leading questions. c. yes-or-no questions. d. all of the above.


49. After giving appropriate notice to a defendant, the landlord may file suit in the appropriate justice court. The eviction suit is called a. an eviction notice. b. a forcible entry and detainer. c. a writ of habeas corpus. d. a writ of attachment.


5. A devise capable of converting a radio signal to a voice signal or to data for a computer is a a. transmitter. b. receiver. c. repeater. d. antenna.


5. An officer is not liable under Section 1983 a. if he or she did not willfully intend to do constitutional injury. b. if he or she enforces an unconstitutional law that has not yet been declared unconstitutional, in the reasonable belief that the statute is valid. c. if he or she makes an arrest without probable cause and without a warrant, but the victim is later found guilty of the crime. d. in any of the above situations.


The defense counsel will begin the questioning after the prosecution has finished with the witness. a. Direct Examination b. Cross Examination c. Redirect Examination d. Recross Examination


The good faith defense for an officer is _____ when following the written directives of the department. a. enhanced b. greatly enhanced c. slightly enhanced d. somewhat enhanced e. not enhanced


The level of certainty a juror must have to find a defendant guilty of a crime. a. Rapport b. Reasonable Doubt c. Statement d. Victim


The most widely recognized duty of a law enforcement officer is that of avoiding ____ in accomplishing the police task. a. use of deadly force b. negligence c. reasonable standards of care d. liability


The operator of an authorized emergency vehicle engaging in conduct permitted by Section 546.001 ________ use, at the discretion of the operator in accordance with policies of the department or the local government that employs the operator, audible or visual signals. a. may b. shall c. should d. could


The rate of cooling is dependent on the temperature of the air, the manner in which the body is clothed, and the size of the person. a. Rigor mortis b. Body temperature c. Putrefaction d. Post-mortem lividity


The techniques that help in the solution of the crime. Consists of fingerprints, serology, ballistics, and DNA analysis, etc. a. Information b. Instrumentation or forensic science c. Interviewing d. Laws of arrest, search and seizure


This appeal is valuable when dealing with people having a strong sense of right and wrong a. Ethical appeal. b. Rational appeal c. Practical appeal d. Personal Appeal


To determine if a peace officer used the appropriate amount of force to achieve a legitimate lawful objective, the court must determine if the force was a. specifically authorized in the penal code. b. necessary or reasonable. c. too aggressive or not aggressive enough. d. unlawful.


Under which of the following situations is an officer authorized under the law to use force, including deadly force, to prevent the escape of a person? a. A burglar is ordered to stop, he drops items he is carrying and runs from the officer. b. A person is escaping from a correctional facility. c. A person is committing theft during the daytime and runs from an officer who challenges the subject. d. You physically restrain a person who resisted arrest for the crime of robbery, he is placed in the patrol unit and then kicks out the rear window and attempts to escape from custody.


5. The initial action of an officer responding to a hazardous spills incident should be to a. immediately enter the area and remove any victims needing first aid. b. evaluate the need for assistance and report to communications. c. pick any containers in the vicinity and deliver them to the fire department official in charge of the area. d. set up a command post at the intersection point closest to the scene of the incident but not farther than 200 feet from the spill.


51. The sentence "We saw many swimming pools flying over Texas" is an example of a a. needless shift in tense. b. misplaced modifier. c. double negative. d. comma splice.


51. Upon expiration of the appeals time following an eviction process, the plaintiff may obtain a ____ to regain possession of the property. a. writ of mandamus b. writ of possession c. writ of attachment d. bench warrant e. capias


53. In serving the eviction notice, ___ force may be used to execute the writ. a. any b. reasonable c. deadly d. limited


55. Which of the following is not an essential characteristic of the police report? a. Correct spelling and grammar b. Subjectivity and opinion c. Legibility and clarity d. Accuracy and conciseness e. Completeness


56. In a civil lawsuit, the process begins with a. the arrest of the defendant. b. service of the citation. c. some dastardly deed d. any of the above.


56. In order for a sketch or diagram to be admissible in court, it should be a. drawn by a professional artist. b. part of some qualified person's testimony. c. drawn on graph paper. d. drawn only by the investigating officer. e. none of the above.


58. Ninety-three percent of communication is determined by a. voice and tone. b. body language. c. written documents. d. voice, tone, and pace.


6.Customary beliefs, social norms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group constitute a. religion. b. culture. c. prejudice. d. discrimination.


60. The officer can obtain precise measurements by a. rectangular correlation. b. straight-line measurements. c. educated estimates. d. pacing off distances.


62. Communication is based on ____ percent nonverbal cues. a. 7 to 10 b. 33 to 40 c. over 60


62. The purpose of ____ law is to prevent harm to society. a. civil b. criminal c. administrative d. governmental e. constitutional


65. A person charged with serving civil process is a a. Texas peace officer. b. constable. c. DPS officer. d. deputy sheriff.


66. Field notes give an officer the advantage of being able to a. make repeated contact with witnesses and involved parties b. provide more details in reports and testimony c. rely on memory for most of the details of an event d. record personal observations that should not appear in reports


68. Photography is considered a valuable investigative tool because a. it is always admitted into evidence. b. it usually allows the investigator or the court to better understand the crime scene. c. it always reproduces the crime scene exactly as it really is. d. all of the above.


69. A civil suit is filed and the person being sued makes a response, the response is called a(n) a. active response. b. answer. c. legal writ. d. legal response.


7. Two major concerns in writing crime reports are a. writing style and flowing language. b. proper word usage and correct grammar. c. the writer's laziness or ignorance. d. both b and c above.


70. Evidentiary matter that can be used for comparison purposes is known as a. samples. b. standards. c. units. d. elements.


72. If no written agreement exists, a person bringing a civil law suit regarding personal injury is within the statute of limitations to commence a suit of action if brought within ____ year(s) of the injury. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4


72. Normally the first officer to arrive at a crime scene is a. the identification specialist. b. the patrol officer. c. the detective. d. the juvenile officer.


73.Following the rendering of a decision made by the court in a civil case, both parties have ____ days to appeal the decision to the next higher court. a. 15 b. 30 c. 45 d. 60


75. Labeling photographs of fingerprints is primarily for a. the benefit of the defense attorney. b. future identification. c. the photographer's ego. d. confusing the judge.


75. The citation issued by the court to begin an eviction process is called a a. writ of possession. b. forcible entry and detainer. c. writ of mandamus. d. promise to appear.


8. The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution a. states that all people not born in the United States will never be citizens. b. prohibits states from depriving any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. c. allows states to make or enforce laws that take away rights, privileges, or immunities of U.S. citizens. d. freed the slaves.


8. Which of the following statements is false? a. Reaction distance plus braking distance equals total stopping distance. b. The average reaction time for a person is one-half second. c. While the driver is reacting to a hazardous situation, the vehicle being operated is moving, how far it will move depends on the speed being traveled. d. The driver's chance of being killed doubles with every 10 mph over 50 mph.


83. Which type of search pattern is among the most effective for outside searches? a. Point-to-point search b. Strip search c. Quadrant or sector d. Circular or spiral e. Aerial


84. The ______ sketch is the type most frequently used because it portrays three dimensions for better correlation of the evidential facts of the scene. All places and objects are drawn in one plane, as seen from above. a. perspective b. projection c. schematic d. detailed


883. (15.2.1) The BPOC defines "_____________" as brief notations concerning specific events and circumstances that are recorded while fresh in the officer's mind and used to prepare a report. A. Official notes B. Field notes C. Permanent notes D. None of the above


891. (15.3.4) "____________" reports arrange information by category(e.g., witnesses, suspects, crime elements.) A. Chronological B. Categorical C. Passive D. Ethical


893. (15.3.7) A victim may choose a "pseudonym" to be used instead of the victim's name to designate the victim in all public files and records concerning a __________ offense, including police summary reports, press releases, and records of judicial proceedings. (CCP Chapter 57) A. Robbery B. Sexual C. Assault D. None of the above


894. "_________________" is the transfer of meaning. For it to be successful, the meaning must not only be sent, but also comprehended. A. Feedback B. Communication C. Verbalization D. None of the above


898. "Communication" is based on A. 7-10% nonverbal B. 33-40% nonverbal C. 60% + nonverbal D. 85% content


9. If hazardous materials are not inside a vehicle, the material can be identified by a _________ label similar in color and identically numbered as the vehicle placard. a. 10 X 10-inch b. 4 X 4-inch c. 8 X 8-inch d. 6 X 6-inch


9. In order for reports to be understandable, the writer should use commonly known, everyday words and phrases in a. long and complicated sentences. b. short sentences c. a flowery and poetic style. d. none of the above.


9. Rape (sexual assault) victims frequently experience a phase of a. laughter and gaiety. b. despair and bitter anger. c. nonchalance. d. peace and happiness.


9.Finding someone else to blame for one's own problems and misfortunes is known as a. surrogating. b. scapegoating. c. projectionism. d. buck passing.


90. The process that records transactions of evidence from person to person from its acquisition by a peace officer until it is used in court is called a. chain of evidence. b. chain of custody. c. chain of involved people. d. chain of transactions.


92. All suspicious deaths should be treated as _____ until proven otherwise. a. murder b. criminal homicide c. manslaughter d. criminally negligent homicide


In determining whether or not to request assistance in dealing with a person with a mental disorder, law enforcement officers should consider various factors impacting their decision. Which of the following is not one of these considerations? a. The size and age of a person with mental illness b. Persons with a mental illness may, but not always, be unpredictable and irrational. c. A person with a mental illness may exhibit extraordinary strength. d. Backup may be needed for the safety of the officer, others, or the individual.


In the majority of murder cases, the victim knows the perpetrator. a. True b. False


Inappropriate childish behavior, facial grimaces, emotional outbursts, and general excitability can be some of the symptoms of a. schizophrenia. b. paranoia. c. depression. d. psychosis.


Individuals with mental illness are traditionally not hardened criminals. a. True b. False


Is a hate crime a specific offense? a. No, It's a enhancement. b. No, It's an affirmative defense c. Yes d. Sometimes


It is a defense to ______ liability that the force used was within that degree of force authorized by the penal code. a. criminal b. civil c. social d. judicial


94. In a court of law, the judge will rule on an objection. When the officer or witness may not answer the questions asked, the objection is a. overruled. b. sustained. c. submitted to arbitration. d. issued for appeal.


98. Objections in a court of law are designed to keep improper evidence out of the case. When the defense attorney asks you a question, you should a. answer the question before an objection is made. b. pause long enough to give the prosecutor time to object. c. tell the judge whether or nor you want to answer the question. d. raise an objection to the form of the question. e. ignore the question if it is intended to provoke you to lose emotional control.


A criminal's characteristic method of operation. a. Prejudice b. Modus Operandi (MO) c. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt: d. Probable Cause:


Joy- riding juvenile; usually host to several other juveniles. Abandons vehicle when it runs out of gas or they tire of it. Transportation thief - "borrows" car for transportation. Abandons vehicle when it has served its purpose. a. Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle offender(s) b. Use-in-crime thief c. Insurance fraud swindlers d. Strippers and dismantlers e. Professional auto thief


Justification of baton use includes ________. a. physical stature of offender b. reasonable suspicion c. offender's perception d. weaponless strategies


Mental retardation includes those with sub-average intellectual functioning indicated by a score of ________ or less on an appropriate version of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale or Stanford Binet IQ test. A. 69 B. 79 C. 89 D. 99


Not all crimes are solvable. a. True b. False


Objects are drawn in such a way as to show them as they appear to the eye with reference to relative distance or depth. This sketch is useful when no camera is available or the condition of the scene is such that a photograph would not be illustrative. a. Perspective sketch b. Projection sketch c. Schematic sketch d. Detailed sketch


Pesticides and insecticides are an example of? a. Agricultural Chemicals b. Chemical Warfare Agents c. Biological Toxins d. Obnoxious Fumes


Rapid-fire questioning is intended to confuse the witness and procure inconsistent answers. When faced with such a situation, take time to consider each question, be deliberate in answering, and ask to have the question repeated. Remain calm a. Offensive b. Condescending c. Friendly d. Badgering/ Belligerent


Regarding sexual abuse. Which age groups are most affect by violence? They also have two dimensional thinking; usually able to say who did it and show what happened; usually unable to give a complete narrative of the incident. a. 3-6 year old. b. 6-11 year old. c. Adolescents/teens


Rigor Mortis usually disappears beginning at the head and neck and extending to the lower parts of the body in what amount of time? a. 36 hours b. 96 hours c. Two hours subsequent to death d. without unnecessary delay


Takes advantage of the situation during commission. Typically has been drinking or doing drugs. Uses minimal force or threat. Typically not a repeat offender. a. Opportunistic rapist b. Sadistic rapist c. Voyeur rapist d. Anger rapist e. Power rapist


The Following behaviors describe which personality disorder? •Tendency to interpret the actions of others as deliberately threatening or demeaning •Foresee being in position to be used or harmed by others •Perceive dismissiveness from other people a. Paranoid b. Antisocial c. Borderline d. Psychotic


The first statement of a child (12 and under who is the victim of a sexual or assaultive offense) made to a person 18 years of age or older is an exception to the hearsay rule and that person (known as the outcry) can testify directly in court as to what the child revealed to them. a. True b. False


The good faith defense for an officer is enhanced when following the a. policy of the department. b. penal code. c. code of criminal procedure. d. government code.


The knowledge a criminal investigator gathers from other persons (victims, witnesses, suspects) and other legitimate sources (records, reports, etc.) a. Information b. Instrumentation or forensic science: c. Interviewing d. Laws of arrest, search and seizure


The most common organic mental disorder of older people is a. Alzheimer's disease. b. loss of brain tissue. c. senility. d. bipolar disorder.


The rational appeal is based on a. use of reasoning. b. short-term solutions that ignore long-term consequences. c. addressing a person's needs and desires. d. your position as a professional officer.


The term "____________" includes all means by which an alleged fact is established or disproved. a. Evidence b. Autopsy c. Trial d. Investigation


This appeal is useful when dealing with people who are upset and highly emotional. a. Ethical appeal. b. Rational appeal c. Practical appeal d. Personal Appeal


This method can be used as a preliminary step in evaluating the scene. Moves in order of appearance of evidence. (1st item of evidence at the scene to the 2nd item. The 2nd to the 3rd. Move like this until all evidence is covered.) a. Point to Point b. Aerial c. Quadrant d. Circular


To judge whether a peace officer did or did not exceed his or her authority to use force in apprehending an offender, the courts will apply the Penal Code standard of ____ force in looking at the officer's action. a. reasonable b. probable c. noticeable d. excessive


Under CCP 6.06 PEACE OFFICER TO PREVENT INJURY, peace officers have __ to prevent injuries to others (including suicide) and protect other people's property. a. a duty b. a moral obligation c. no right d. a right to decide whether or not


What % of the US population suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year? a. 22.1% b. 32% c. 42% d. 11%


What degree of mental retardation is considered mild? a. 69-55 b. 54-40 c. 39-25 d. Below 25


What level of PPE is fully-encapsulated? a. Level A b. Level B c. Level C d. Level D


What section of the Federal Communications Act pertains to Prohibited Communications? a. FCA Section 501 b. FCC Public Service Specialists c. FCA Section 605 d. FCC Rules, Part 90


What type of search uses any technique which will be effective in examining specific and small areas with defined borders, such as landscaped areas, bushes, paths, and sidewalks? a. Area b. Aerial c. Quadrant d. Circular


When making an arrest, an officer may use ______ force. a. necessary b. required c. maximum d. minimum e. any


Where an officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect has committed a crime involving the infliction or threatened infliction of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others, _________may be used to prevent escape. a. deadly force b. reasonable force c. required force d. force


Which of the following is not a factor to be considered in determining whether or not to request assistance? a. The size and age of a person with mental disorder b. The safety of officers c. The safety of the individual d. The safety of others


Which of the following is not a psychological disorder that may be encountered by officers? a. Hypothermia b. Schizophrenia c. Bipolar disorder d. Major depression


Which of the following is not one of the most common personality disorders encountered by peace officers? a. Dissociative identity disorder b. Paranoia c. Antisocial behavior d. Bipolar disorder


Which one of the following is not a possible cue to mental retardation? a. Resentment toward the peace officer b. Muscle control difficulty c. Self-endangering behavior d. Purposeless repetitive behavior


____ is a developmental disorder, usually appearing before age three, and characterized by impaired nonverbal communication, including abnormal speech patterns or loss of speech, lack of eye contact, a restricted range of interests, resistance to change of any kind, obsessive repetitive body movements such as hand flapping or spinning, a lack of awareness of the existence or feelings of other, social isolation, and no comfort seeking in times of distress. This is definition of a. Autism b. Mental retardation c. Mental illness d. Physically handicapped


_____________ holds that "an officer who is present at the scene and who fails to take reasonable steps to protect the victim of another officer's use of excessive force can be held liable under t42 USC sec. 1983 for their nonfeasance. a. Davis v. Rennie b. Shaw v. Stroud c. Graham v. Connor d. Estate of Ceballos v Bridgewater


Not based on actual personal knowledge or observation of the facts in controversy, but of other facts from which deductions are drawn, showing indirectly the facts sought to be proved a. Corpus Delicti b. Circumstantial Evidence c. Hearsay d. Rumor


Of the prison population in the United States, ___ __ _____offenders are serving time for a sexual offense (Henderson, 1995) a. one in two b. one in seven c. one in ten d. one in a million


Officers should keep in mind that a crime scene may include what? a. Multiple personalities b. Multiple locations c. Multiple sclerosis d. Multiple bulletholes


Person requesting an investigation or that action is taken. Is often the victim of a crime. a. Bias b. Complainant c. Crime d. Corpus delicti


Power dynamically considered, that is, in motion or in action; constraining power, compulsion; strength directed to an end. Usually the word occurs in such connections as to show that unlawful or wrong action is meant. a. deadly force b. force - Blacks Law Dictionary c. force - Penal Code d. reasonable force


Psychological and physiological training can have a positive effect on a person threatened with danger to ensure that he or she can survive a conflict situation without resorting to excessive use of force. Which of the following has a significant effect on such training? a. Confidence in the academy's training officer's abilities b. Development of instinctive reactions c. Watching television shows that resort to logical solutions to problems d. Practicing sight alignment and sight picture target acquisition


Regarding sexual abuse. Which age groups feel responsible? Model dad's behavior toward mom; confused about parents; usually able to give a detailed account of the incident; usually unable to give exact date or understand why he/she is not to blame. a. 3-6 year old. b. 6-11 year old. c. Adolescents/teens


Shots at or from a motor vehicle, warning shots, and shots to destroy animals a. are never justified. b. should be in accordance with departmental policy. c. should be in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure. d. are justified if deadly force is justified.


Steals a car for sole purpose of using it in the commission of another crime. a. Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle offender(s) b. Use-in-crime thief c. Insurance fraud swindlers d. Strippers and dismantlers e. Professional auto thief


Supervisor may be liable for acts of subordinate, even where supervisor has no direct involvement, if the supervisor has failed to document and take corrective action for prior acts of misconduct. a. Davis v. Rennie b. Shaw v. Stroud c. Graham v. Connor d. Estate of Ceballos v Bridgewate


Supreme Court modified the fleeing felon rule in this case. Deadly force can't be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat a. Garretty vs NJ b. Tennessee vs Garner c. Graham v. Connor d. Estate of Ceballos v Bridgewater


• Based on promises of unusual return i.e. something for nothing, double your money, etc. Often use victims own greed, assuring them risks are minimal • Often use props in carrying out schemes • Frequently work with partner(s) • Often prey on elderly • Generally very mobile • Tend to be non-violent a. Con Artists and Con Games or Schemes b. Thief c. Identity Theft d. Burglar


If a peace officer refuses to execute a legal process directed to him or her by the court, he or she is liable for

a fine of not less than $10 or more than $200

If a person fails to appear as directed when summoned to testify by subpoena, he or she is subject to

a fine of not more than $500 in felony cases.

Use of physical force against a person who is in the presence of the police for custodial interrogation (who poses no threat to their safety or that of others and who does not otherwise initiate action that would indicate to a reasonably prudent peace officer that the use of force is justified) is a. justified if the detention could lead to an arrest. b. unconstitutional. c. constitutional if the officer informed the suspect of his or her "Miranda warning." d. justified under "retaliation" law. e. justified under "Talion Law."


Victims of police abuse and/or assault frequently file a suit against a police agency alleging that the governmental entity has liability because it a. authorized the abuse or assault. b. failed to train the officer in correct use of force. c. authorizes the use of deadly force in accordance with the penal code. d. is insensitive to the community's needs and desires.


What category of individual is defined as a "child, early years" (under eighteen years of age) whose mind has not developed to standard? a. Mental ill b. Mental retardation c. Mental underdeveloped d. Mental under standard


What category of mental retardation,moderate a. 69-55 b. 54-40 c. 39-25 d. Below 25


What level of PPE is SCBA + Level C a. Level A b. Level B c. Level C d. Level D


What percent of a message is received due to the content? a. 3% b. 7% c. 33% d. 60%


What type of search may employ infrared film for discovery of such things as grave sites? a. Area b. Aerial c. Quadrant d. Circular


When a person exhibits behavior that causes distress and disability or interferes with usual relationships and lifestyle, it is said that the person suffers from mental a. illness. b. disorder. c. disability. d. dementia.


When words and actions disagree, a. trust words, not action. b. trust action, not words. c. trust neither words nor actions. d. discuss the problem with the person exhibiting the behavior.


Whenever an offender escapes from custody, a. peace officers have a duty to retreat or desist from their efforts if the arrested person threatens resistance by force. b. peace officers may use reasonable force to effect the arrest or to prevent escape. c. peace officers should fire their handguns with intent to kill the suspect in order to prevent his or her escape. d. officers should fire a warning shot in the air to alert the offender that further attempt to escape may result in officers using handguns to stop the fleeing offender.


Which is not a characteristic of a street thief? 29.2.2. a. often carry weapons b. will rarely be armed c. take reckless chances to avoid apprehension d. the most dangerous auto thieves


Which is not listed as a factor of Ethical Presence? a. An expression of self-control. b. Acting out of emotion c. Use words to state purpose, not to express personal feelings. d. Maintain professional attitude. e. Anything perceived as hasty, irrational, or unfair, makes an officer seem unethical.


Which is not one of the three basic objectives of a pre-shift vehicle safety inspection? a. Prevent traffic collisions due to faulty equipment b. Prevent traffic citations due to faulty equipment c. Maintain operational efficiency of the vehicle d. Provide a sense of confidence in the vehicle


Which is not one of the three major types of elder abuse? a. Neglect b. Fabrication c. Abuse d. Exploitation


Which of the following is not one of the assessments that should be made in the first three minutes when contacting a person displaying symptoms of a mental disorder? a. Elements of evaluation b. Availability of back-up resources c. behavioral reactions d. emotional reactions e. intellectual functioning


Which of the following is not one of the myths associated with suicidal persons? a. People who talk about suicide won't commit suicide. b. People who commit suicide are "not crazy." c. Once the person begins to improve, the risk has ended. d. Prior unsuccessful suicide means there will never be a successful suicide.


Which one of the following is not one of the three general characteristics symptomatic of a mental disorder? a. Behavior inappropriate to the setting b. Behavior showing great disrespect for peace officers c. Behavior that tends to be inflexible d. Behavior that tends to be impulsive


a group of hazardous materials that share dangerous characteristics. a. hazard level b. hazard class c. hazard style d. hazard group


some studies indicate the ______% of US adults suffer from mental illness within their lifetime a. 22.1% b. 32% c. 42% d. 11%


• Adrenaline begins to pump through body • Body may relieve itself of excess materials, like ingested food • Physical senses, one or more, may become very acute while others "shut down" • Heart rate increases • Hyperventilation, sweating, etc. The above describes a. Frozen Fright b. Fight or flight c. Let it go d. Night Terrors


• Profit motive • Operate so as to minimize chances of observation • Lack of eyewitnesses. • May be traced when stolen property is recovered. • This type requires planning, direction, and operating skills. The type of property stolen may be an important clue. Often work in conjunction with criminal receivers (fences). a. Professional "heavy" criminal b. Thief c. Semi-professional (unskilled) thief d. Burglar


The security given by the accused that he or she will appear and answer the charge before the proper court is called


Financial dependence, lack of support, negative legal or criminal justice system experience, fear, love, children, an immigrant status are all?

barriers to leaving an abusive relationship

In effecting an arrest, police should always

be alert and have their weapons readily accessible

The value of the professional model for law enforcement, Under Advantages, Public or Client is _________________________________.

better served

The level of proof for a criminal conviction is called

beyond a reasonable doubt.

kinesics deals with

body movement

Probable cause is not required for official

border searches

Hazardous material incident first responders should know CHEMTREC which is

both a and b

A _______ is defined as motor vehicle used to transport persons and designed to accommodate more than 10 passengers including the operator, or is a motor vehicle, other than a taxicab deigned and used to transport persons from compensation?


The level of proof in a civil hearing is called proof

by a preponderance of evidence.

1. A placard on a vehicle transporting hazardous material must be in the shape of a a. circle. b. rectangle. c. diamond. d. triangle.


1. Just about everyone believes in a predictable and orderly world, when unexpected events take place, the whole society a. wants to rejoice. b. is affected in a positive way. c. feels violated and threatened. d. has no feeling or reaction.


1. The very earliest form of emergency communications in law enforcement was the a. rattle watch. b. night stick. c. hue and cry. d. whistle.


1.The attitude that one's own culture or group is by nature superior is called a. prejudice. b. ethnicity. c. ethnocentrism. d. bias.


10.Behavior involving unfair and unequal treatment of individuals is a. prejudice. b. bias. c. discrimination. d. impartiality.


1047. (25.1.1) Which of the following was not given as a "normal response" to a stressful situation? A. To fight B. To take flight C. To negotiate D. To fight or to take flight


109. A Miranda warning is given before a. an interview. b. an interrogation. c. a custodial interrogation. d. testimony.


11. Property owned in common by a husband and wife is known as a. shared property. b. separate property. c. community property. d. public property.


11. When a suspect has been arrested and charged, the case status is a. open. b. inactive. c. cleared by arrest. d. unfounded.


11. Which of the following is potentially the most dangerous mile any driver will ever face? a. The first mile driven every day b. The last mile driven every day c. The mile directly in front of the driver at all times d. The mile directly behind the driver at all times


11. Which of the following types of fingerprints would most likely be found on a bar of soap? a. Latent b. Patent c. Plastic d. Visible


1109. (28.1.1) The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) defines _____________ as: A substance or material capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, or property when transported in commerce. The term includes hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, marine pollutants, elevated temperature materials, and materials designated as hazardous in the Hazardous Materials Table (se 49 CFR 172.101) A. Toxicology B. Dangerous drugs C. Hazardous Material D. None of the above.


1111. (28.1.2) "_____________" is given by the BPOC as a route of exposure to hazardous material by being cut or abraded by a contaminated object. A. Inhalation B. Absorption C. Injection D. Ingestion


1127. (29.2.1) A person commits the offense of "________________" if, without the effective consent of the owner, he breaks or enters into any coin-operated machine, coin collection machine, or other coin-operated or coin collection receptacle, contrivance, apparatus, or equipment used for the purpose of providing lawful amusement, sales of goods, services, or other valuable things, or telecommunications with intent to obtain property or services. A. Robbery B. Burglary C. Burglary of Coin-operated or Coin Collection Machines. D. Felony Criminal Trespass


1128. (29.2.1) A 66 year old woman is walking down the sidewalk when a thief knocks her down and steals her purse. The woman sustains minor injuries as a result of this incident. What is the most serious crime that has occurred? A. Theft B. Robbery C. Aggravated Robbery D. Theft from the Elderly


113. There is a seriously injured victim at a crime scene who is conscious. What is the first question you should ask? a. Who did this to you? b. Is the person who did this to you still at the scene? c. What is your ID and who is your next of kin? d. Are there any witnesses to the attack still on the scene?


1132. (29.2.3) A "gray market vehicle" is: A. stolen vehicle. B. Registered salvaged vehicle. C. Foreign made vehicle not produced for sale in the United States but which have been imported by individuals or companies into the U.S. D. None of the above.


1138. (29.3.2) A person commits the offense of "_____________" if the person intentionally or knowingly causes the death of an individual. A. Involuntary manslaughter B. Capital Murder C. Murder D. Voluntary Manslaughter


114. At a crime scene, how are photographs made? a. Interior to the exterior b. Starting with the most serious injury to the least serious injury c. Exterior to interior d. Start with the largest item and move to the smallest item


1142. (29.3.2) One night Mr. Anderson unintentionally, while intoxicated, runs over Mr. Smith with his automobile killing Smith. What would be the appropriate crime that Mr. Anderson should be charged with under this set of circumstances? A. Murder B. Capital Murder C. Intoxicated Manslaughter D. Negligent Homicide


1153. (29.3.2) A person commits " _______________" if he recklessly causes the death of an individual. A. Murder B. Negligent Homicide C. Manslaughter D. Capital Murder


1162. (29.7.1) "________________" is a planned and coordinated legal search of a crime scene to locate physical evidence or witnesses to the crime under investigation A. Criminal investigation B. Modus Operandi C. Crime Scene Search D. Subpoena Duces Tecum


1168. (29.7.10) In order to facilitate proper orientation of a crime scene sketch, ______________. A. a legend must be present B. a scale must be prepared to ¼ inch C. use an arrow pointing to the north D. it must be enlarged for court purpose


1173. (29.10.4) In a criminal trial "_________________" is questioning of a witness by the party producing the witness. For example, a police officer representing the state's case, is questioned first by the prosecutor. A. Cross examination B. Redirect examination C. Direct examination D. None of the above


1174. (29.10.4) In a criminal trial, during the ____________ examination the prosecutor elicits facts from the officer, who directs his testimony to the jury or judge. A. redirect B. recross C. direct D. side bar


47. Which of the following is not a tactical communication you use appropriate to the situation? a. Positioning—being far enough to be safe, close enough to see and hear b. Posturing—standing erect to show strength and confidence c. Prejudging—making up your mind before hand because you know what will be said d. Observing—drawing inferences about feelings, relation-ships, energy levels, and values e. Responding—responding to content and meaning to reflect on what was seen and heard


49. Sentence fragments often occur through a. a complete thought. b. comma splice. c. omission of words. d. correct punctuation.


5. Most notes are the product of a. the officer's imagination. b. observations at the crime scene. c. interviews. d. statements from other officers.


5. The intensity of long-term stress reactions usually a. is not affected by the passage of time. b. increases as time passes. c. decreases over time. d. never changes.


5. When interviewing the victim of a sexual assault, the investigating officer should use a. terms and descriptions that indicate the officer knows the victim's educational background. b. formal terms for the parts of the body such as penis, vagina, and so forth. c. a choice of language appropriate to the victim's age and social class. d. all of the above.


5. Which of the following statements best defines why fatigue is a threat to safe driving? a. It increases visual acuity and perception. b. It gives the officer time to consider the hazards of the light, weather, road, traffic, and vehicle effectively. c. It lowers visual efficiency and causes longer reaction time. d. None of the above responds to the question because fatigue is not a physio-logical condition that poses a threat to driving.


50. "Tell me what you saw," or "then what happened?" are examples of a. leading questions. b. incriminating statements. c. open-ended questions. d. improper questions.


51. An interviewing technique that turns the subject's statements into questions requiring additional information is a. asking leading questions. b. asking yes-or-no questions. c. asking non-directive questions. d. none of the above.


52. The order for eviction commands ___ to regain possession of premises under an eviction notice. Such officer is responsible for restoring possession of the property to the plaintiff. a. any peace officer b. any officer of the Department of Public Safety c. the sheriff or constable d. the chief of police


53. Recent U. S. Supreme Court rulings have a. made investigations impossible. b. made confessions a thing of the past. c. given new guidelines concerning interrogation. d. stressed police officer rights.


54. Property that is removed by the landlord or plaintiff can be a. stored. b. placed curbside. c. either stored or placed curbside. d. only given to the owner at time of possession.


55. The central place of a crime and acts associated with it are referred to as a. the corpus delicti. b. the habeas corpus. c. the crime scene. d. all of the above.


55. Which of the following is the most preferred method in service of a citation? a. By publication b. By registered or certified mail (with a "return receipt" re-quested) c. Face-to-face (in person) d. By alternate service


56. Communication is an important professional skill, ____ percent of an officer's duties involve verbal skills. a. 80 b. 90 c. 97 d. 100 e. 85


58. In accordance with Rule 738, Rules of Civil Procedure, a suit for rent may be joined with an action of ________. In such case, the court may at the same time render judgment for any rent due the landlord by the tenant provided that the amount of rent is within the court's jurisdiction. a. eviction b. writ of mandamus c. forcible entry and detainer d. capias e. writ of habeas corpus


58. The rough sketch drawn at the crime scene is usually a. a reproduction of only one area. b. a finished work of art. c. not drawn to scale. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.


59. ____ restrict(s) communication. a. Communication blocks b. Constraints c. Noise d. Inappropriate body language


6. The radio wave in which a radio signal travels through space is a a. megahertz. b. squelch. c. frequency. d. skip.


6.When applying the principles of impartiality, the peace officer should take necessary enforcement action, basing it's ___ on the nature of the situation and the ___ of the offense. 5.2.1 a.Knowledge/ Nature b.Experience/ Type c.Intensity/ Severity


60. A civil suit is filed with the justice of peace. The constable is charged with service. The constable's first legal action to serve legal notice is to deliver a _____ to the defendant. a. writ of mandamus b. citation c. citation with attachment(s) d. subpoena e. subpoena duces tecum


60. Communication is based on over ______ percent content. a. 7 to 10 b. 33 to 40 c. over 60


62. After the crime scene has been firmly secured, a. the investigating officer can relax. b. the chief of police should be called. c. it must be searched. d. aerial photographs should be taken.


63. Success or failure of a criminal investigation is based on a. the season of the year in which the offense occurs. b. the speed with which the detective arrives at the scene. c. the thoroughness and immediacy of the preliminary investigation. d. many inconsequential factors.


64.Any one of various, legally recognized, private injuries or wrongs, a civil action is called a a. civil violation. b. contractual omission. c. tort. d. criminal violation.


65. The basic responsibility of the officer protecting the crime scene is a. interviewing witnesses. b. searching the surrounding area for footprints. c. preserving the crime scene in the same condition as it was left by the criminal. d. searching for traces left by the criminal.


67. In the search operation, efficiency demands that a. two officers share command responsibility. b. no more than two officers conduct the search. c. one officer be in charge. d. none of the above.


67. The eviction process is an enforcement upon expiration of the appeal time, and the plaintiff obtains a writ of ____ to regain possession of property. a. mandamus b. habeas corpus c. possession d. permission


68. A temporary restraining order is enforceable only by a motion for a. judgment. b. ex-parte relief. c. contempt. d. protection.


7. Emergency 911 calls always go to a. the police dispatch office. b. the telephone company. c. the public safety answering point. d. the city switchboard.


7. Trauma can be so overwhelming that it causes a person to revert to a childlike state known as a. depression. b. repression. c. regression. d. projection.


7. You are at the site of a burglary investigation. Which of the following items should you classify as potentially being a "high-risk" hazard if the elements are observed in normal quantities? a. Household bleach b. Dry swimming pool chlorine c. Compressed gas d. Ninhydrin power


7.The most important expression of cultural symbolism is a. money. b. credit cards. c. language. d. clothing.


71. Each item of evidence must be marked a. when it is convenient for the officer. b. when the officer-in-charge orders it. c. when it is removed from its original position. d. with the officer's social security number.


71. The purpose of criminal law is to a. put criminals behind bars. b. protect citizens from offenders. c. prevent harm to society. d. create jobs for police officers.


74. Even though a technician is used to photograph the crime scene the actual picture-taking must be directed by a. the chief of detectives. b. the community-relations officer. c. the officer in charge of the investigation. d. the juvenile officer.


74. For reasons other than eviction for past-due money, the per-son being evicted must be given ____ days notice before a suit to evict is filed by the landlord. a. 20 b. 25 c. 30 d. 45


76. ______ is a lawful search for people, land, things useful in reconstructing the circumstances of an illegal act or omission and the mental state accompanying it. a. An inquisition b. An inquest c. A criminal investigation d. An examination e. A civil appeal


8. In crime reports, most spelling errors are caused by a. lack of education. b. stupidity c. laziness. d. faulty typewriters.


8. Most law enforcement first responders are limited in their ability to handle a hazardous materials incident because they lack a. understanding of the political hazard(s). b. proper safety equipment. c. training in recognition of hazardous materials. d. knowledge of the extent of damage the components can cause to the environment.


8.Standards that form our orientation to the world around us are a. norms. b. folkways. c. values. d. money.


82. A dark blue discoloration observable on the parts of the body that are nearest the ground is called a. rigor mortis. b. putrefaction. c. post mortem lividity. d. cadaveric spasm.


86. An item of evidence is blood soaked. What is the proper procedure for collecting and preserving the evidence? a. Put it in a plastic bag. b. Put it in a paper bag. c. Allow the item to air dry before packaging. d. Get the evidence to the lab before the blood dries.


895. In order for the sender to know if the message was received, the sender must obtain "______________." A. Verbalization B. Reformation C. Feedback D. None of the above


9. The federal agency responsible for police radio communications is the a. FBI. b. CIA. c. FCC. d. DOD.


9. The first task of the police officer assigned to a reported auto theft is to a. obtain license numbers for immediate broadcast to other field units. b. obtain license numbers and other identifying characteristics of the vehicle in order to alert other police units. c. determine if a crime has, in fact, been committed. d. prepare the offense report.


93. Elder abuse often involves physical abuse by _____ and therefore seldom gets reported. a. a physician b. a health care professional c. family members d. friends


A chemical method of detecting latent blood. a. Atomic Absorption test b. Laser examination c. Luminal d. DNA (Dioxyribonucleic acid) fingerprinting


A father finds his 16-year-old son on the porch of a known crack house. The father goes to the son and pulls him to the car while the son screams in protest. Is this excessive force? a. Yes—the 16-year-old has a right to go where he wants to be. b. Yes—if the father causes a bruise on the boy's arm. c. No—if the force used is to protect the welfare of the child. d. No—as long as the son forgives his father at a later time.


A legal narrative description of events related to a crime. a. Rapport b. Reasonable Doubt c. Statement d. Victim


A person may not administer a psychoactive medication to a patient who refuses to take the medication voluntarily unless a. the patient is in need of medication related to an emergency. b. the patient is under an order authorizing the administration of the medication regardless of the patient's refusal. c. Both a and b. c. Neither a nor b.


A person with ____ means a person with mental illness, mental retardation, or a developmental disability. a. anxiety b. antisocial personality c. mental impairment d. mental disease


Adult sex offenders generally fall into one of the following categories EXCEPT: a. Opportunistic rapist b. Sadistic rapist c. Voyeur rapist d. Anger rapist e. Power rapist


After a shooting incident, you should determine the physical condition of any injured person and render first aid when necessary. You summon necessary medical aid, notify the dispatcher, and a. return to routine duty until told to return to the scene. b. discuss the incident with all witnesses on the scene. c. surrender your duty weapon for examination as evidence. d. do not discuss the incident with anyone until debriefing by the chief of police or sheriff.


An "offender with _______" means a person with mental disorder, mental retardation, or a developmental disability who is arrested or charged with a criminal offense. a. mental depression b. underdeveloped mental capacity c. mental impairment d. paranoia


An act or omission forbidden by law and punishable by a fine, imprisonment, or even death. Crimes and their penalties are established and defined by state and federal statutes and local ordinances. a. Bias b. Complainant c. Crime d. Corpus delicti


An area of increasing interest in recent history is under what circumstances police are allowed to use deadly force in order to arrest a fleeing felon. In the U.S. Supreme Court case _____, the Court announced that using deadly force to apprehend a suspect constitutes a seizure and is therefore protected under the Fourth Amendment. a. Mapp v. Ohio b. Miranda v. Illinois c. Tennessee v. Garner d. Gates v. Illinois e. Carroll v. U.S.


An arrest can be both _____ and physical problem for officer and arrestee. a. an intellectual b. a legal c. an emotional d. a prejudicial e. an uncertain


An extreme form of antisocial behavior is the ______ who can become destructive during violent episodes. a. deeply depressed person b. schizophrenic c. psychotic personality d. insane personality


An individual whose behavior pattern is outside the norm, but who thinks that he or she is not doing anything wrong, is a a. depressed person. b. bipolar person. c. sociopath. d. mentally ill person.


Chapter 418 of the Government Code may be cited as the Texas Disaster Act of ___________________. a. 1966 b. 1985 c. 1975 d. 1977


Characteristics of a criminal investigator: They should develop the ability to take accurate notice of, keep in view and give attention to, that which is present in their five senses. a. Suspicious b. Curious c. Observant d. Unbiased and Unprejudiced e. Develops rapport through interpersonal communication skills.


Deadly force is defined as that amount of force likely to cause death or a. bodily injury. b. pain and suffering. c. serious bodily injury. d. near-death experience.


Defense counsel may be overly courteous in an effort to lull the witness into a false sense of security where answers may be given in favor of the defense. When faced with such a situation, stay alert and bear in mind that the defense counsel is attempting to diminish the effect of the testimony a. Offensive b. Condescending c. Friendly d. Badgering/ Belligerent


Defines "pathogen" a. illness-causing organism b. cancer-causing organism c. disease-causing organism d. disease-caustic organism


Emotional roller coaster that eventually becomes balanced a. Stage one: Shock, Disbelief, and Denial b. Stage two: Cataclysm of emotions c. Stage three: Reconstruction of equilibrium d. Stage four: A river in Egypt


Employed when it is desirable to represent an orderly combination of events which have occurred a. Perspective sketch b. Projection sketch c. Schematic sketch d. Detailed sketch


Exposure to a substance over long period of time, possibly resulting in adverse health effects. a. over exposure b. acute exposure c. chronic exposure d. indecent exposure


For a peace officer, "reasonable belief" is defined as the belief of a. the chief of police or sheriff. b. your supervising officer. c. another peace officer acting in the same circumstances. d. a newspaper editor who covers the story for a news report.


How long till post mortem lividity appears? a. 36 hours b. 96 hours c. Two hours subsequent to death d. without unnecessary delay


Human Bacterial Pathogens include all but a. anthrax b. plague c. Smallpox


Human Virus Pathogens include all but a. Smallpox b. Bird Flu c. anthrax


Husband or wife kills spouse who has involved himself/herself with another lover. a. Felony Murder b. Murder-Suicide. c. Triangle Killing. d. Revenge or jealousy Killing


If a person is immediately escaping after committing a property theft at nighttime, the use of deadly force is a. not justified. b. justified in all cases. c. justified if you honestly believe the property will never be recovered by any other means. d. justified if the value of the property exceeds $500.


In an incident where unreasonable force is used by an officer, the victim will generally file a law suit against the a. officer. b. department. c. officer and the department. d. chief administrator.


In dealing with a mentally disturbed person, peace officers should a. be sure to inform the person of his or her rights under the Mental Health Code. b. never use handcuffs. c. never try to deceive the person. d. All of the above are correct procedures.


In handling a person with mental illness, do all of the following except a. remain calm, breathe deeply to become calmer. b. be patient, avoid "crowding" the individual. c. avoid using the person's name in talking to him or her. d. maintain as much eye contact as possible but respect that different cultures are not comfortable, nor do they feel it appropriate, to look someone in authority in the eye. e. listen to the mentally ill person and provide a quiet place whenever possible.


In the suicide acronym "LEAPS" the "L" stands for a. look. b. leave. c. listen. d. leap.


In using handcuffs to control mentally disturbed people or others who are out of control or placed under arrest, the officer should a. handcuff the subject with hands in front, palms facing inward. b. handcuff the subject with hands behind the back, palms facing inward. c. handcuff the subject with hands behind the back, palms facing outward. d. never handcuff a mentally ill person.


Level of proof required to obtain a conviction in a criminal trial. a. Preponderance of evidence b. Mere Suspicion c. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt d. Probable Cause


Mentally retarded people a. can be recognized by their physical characteristics. b. are those who have not advanced beyond 5 years of age mentally. c. differ in varying degrees from nonretarded people in their intellectual development. d. All of the above are correct.


Officers learn through observation and understand that certain characteristics contribute to or interfere with communication. These characteristics include all of the following except: a. Age b. Gender c. Sexual orientation d. Ethnicity e. Language


Officers who use excessive force in the performance of duty are subject to a. personal compensatory but not punitive civil tort action. b. personal criminal actions but no civil rights violation actions. c. personal compensatory, punitive civil, and criminal, as well as personal civil rights violations. d. only agency liability under the "master-servant rule."


One who receives and disposes of stolen property on a regular basis. a. Elements of a crime b. Evidence c. Fence d. Field Identification


Owner abandons vehicle in area where he knows vehicle will be stripped. May burn vehicle or have it dismantled in junkyard. a. Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle offender(s) b. Use-in-crime thief c. Insurance fraud swindlers d. Strippers and dismantlers e. Professional auto thief


Physical balance is the position that allows you the ability to move while maintaining balance, strength and ______________. a. awareness b. attitude c. advantage d. appropriate strategy


Regarding sexual abuse. Problems magnified by family violence. Usually able to give complete narrative of incident and understands the implications of revealing the secret. Usually unable to understand "why" and unable to forgive the mother. a. 3-6 year old. b. 6-11 year old. c. Adolescents/teens


Ricin, and botulinum toxin are examples of? a. Agricultural Chemicals b. Chemical Warfare Agents c. Biological Toxins d. Obnoxious Fumes


Shooting at a fleeing violent offender in a moving automobile is a. never authorized b. recommended if the felon is exceeding the speed limit at a high rate of speed considered to be dangerous to life c. generally not recommended because the accuracy and path of the bullet are unpredictable d. frequently a matter of officer discretion rather than departmental policy e. recommended if the officer is certain that the bullet will be able to follow a curving vehicle


Shooting at nonviolent fleeing felons is a. never authorized. b. authorized only if the person is escaping after committing a crime against property. c. limited to situations where the officer or an innocent third party is physically threatened. d. a matter of departmental policy and authorized only with specific supervisory permission in each case.


The Following behaviors describe which personality disorder? • Most commonly recognized in females • May have one or more of the following: Unstable and intense personal relationships, impulsiveness with relationships, spending, food, drugs, sex, intense anger or lack of control of anger, recurrent suicidal threats, Chronic feelings of emptiness or boredom, feelings of abandonment a. Paranoid b. Antisocial c. Borderline d. Psychotic


The Mental Health and Mental Retardation Act gives peace officers a. the authority to search mentally disturbed people without a warrant. b. the authority to incarcerate mentally disturbed people in police lock-ups. c. the authority to apprehend a mentally disturbed person without a warrant. d. none of the above.


The Texas Health and Safety Code, Section 571.019(a) states that people acting in good faith, reasonably and without negligence, are not ____ liable for conduct related to performance of lawful duties. a. civilly b. criminally c. civilly or criminally d. morally


1176. (29.10.6) In a criminal trial the court (judge) at the request of a party "may order the exclusion of a witness" (also called "______________________" ) who for the purposes of the prosecution is a victim, close relative of a deceased victim or guardian of a victim only if the witness is to testify and the court determines that the testimony of the witness would be materially affected if the witness hears other testimony at the trial. A. Officially required witness exclusion B. Witness exclusion C. Invocation of the Rule D. None of the above


12. The command post at a hazardous materials spill area should be located a. downwind, at the entry point to the inner perimeter. b. upwind, at the entry point to the inner perimeter. c. upwind, at the entry point to the outer perimeter. d. downwind, at the entry point to the outer perimeter.


126. Qualifications of a criminal investigator include a. a working knowledge of economics. b. the power to think subjectively. c. an unusual ability for observation, objective perception, and recall. d. the ability to analyze the motivation of the perpetrator.


13.Some people hold the view that all people are entitled to equal basic rights and dignities simply because a. they were born in the United States. b. they live in the lower socioeconomic segment of society. c. they are human beings. d. wealthy and famous people are to be given preferential treat-ment.


15. An instrument issued by the clerk of a court or a justice of the peace commanding that the person named therein appear at a specific time and place is a. a warrant. b. a writ. c. a subpoena. d. a notice.


15. When working with victims who experience post-traumatic stress disorder, professional peace officers must be a. harsh and unfeeling. b. condescending and unconcerned. c. sensitive and patient. d. bright and cheerful.


29. Whenever a peace officer's actions are improper, a. only the peace officer can be sued in civil court. b. only the officer's agency can be sued in civil court. c. both the officer and his/her agency can be sued in civil court. d. neither the officer nor the agency can be sued in civil court.


29. Which of the following is not a principal objective of a police investigator? a. To determine if a crime has, in fact, been committed b. Identification of the offender c. Prosecution of the suspect d. Collection and preservation of evidence e. Recovery of stolen property


29.Which of the following statements is true? a. The right to be free implies the right to discriminate. b. Because people are different from us, we should not try to understand them. c. Democracy cannot work for some unless it works for all. d. Few people share the common needs such as health, shelter, and positive self-image. e. All of the above are correct.


3. In dealing with a suspected bomb, which of the following actions should an officer do first? a. Once the bomb is found, notify communications with the portable radio. b. Move the suspected bomb away from populated areas. c. Isolate the object and effect a reasonable evacuation of the area. d. Request the owner of the building to identify and remove the item if emergency personnel are not available.


3. Traumatic stress is an event outside the range of usual human experience that a. has very little impact on an individual. b. is generally fatal. c. would be markedly distressing to anyone. d. causes males to become impotent.


30. A "tort" is a civil action related to a. a violation of contract. b. public injury. c. private injuries. d. preventing social harm.


31. Personal appearance is important when testifying in court because it will a. determine the quality of the testimony. b. determine the quantity of the testimony. c. affect the weight the jury gives the testimony. d. reduce the possibility of the defense attacking the testimony.


32. In most criminal trials, the primary objective of the defense lawyer is to a. discredit the prosecution's witnesses. b. prove a client's innocence. c. cause the jurors to doubt the guilt of the client. d. explain the client's actions.


32. Which of the following acts does not commonly result in civil action? a. Civil rights violations b. Wrongful death c. Aiding victims involved in car crashes d. Sexual harassment e. Negligent vehicle operation


32. Which of the following is not a factor that contributes to traffic collisions? a. Over-confidence b. Self-righteousness c. Patience d. Preoccupation e. Peer pressure


33. Which one of the following words is often added to the 5 W's of fact recording? a. Time b. Amount c. How d. Because


33. the disposition resulting from an officer's wrongful actions results in conviction and punishment is rendered, who is most likely to be involved in civil action that is totally separate from the criminal trial? a. The officer b. The officer's commissioning authority c. Both the officer and the commissioning authority d. Neither the officer nor the commissioning authority because the action was handled in criminal court and no civil case is possible.


35. Regardless of the tactics the defense attorney uses, testifying officers should always a. argue the point when convinced they are right. b. stare at the lawyer. c. remain calm and polite. d. let the lawyer know they are armed.


35.If a person who is charged with serving a process fails to execute or return the process, he or she a. commits a misdemeanor offense. b. commits a felony offense. c. can be held in contempt of court. d. receives an automatic fine of $500. e. None of the above is correct.


36. After service has been effected and the defendant(s) do not make written answer, a(n) ____ judgment may be rendered by the court. a. instanter b. show of cause c. default d. diligent effort


38.A civil subpoena is valid for ___ miles from the courthouse where it is issued. a. 50 b. 100 c. 150 d. 200 e. 250


38.The term "ethnocentrism" is the act of a. thinking and acting based on tradition. b. proceeding on the basis of prejudice. c. regarding one's culture as superior and the basis for all comparisons with other cultures. d. using learned behavior passed down from one generation to another.


39. The officer-witness who does not know the answer to a question asked should simply say, a. "I guess I forgot." b. "I'll try to find out." c. "I don't know." d. "None of your business."


39. What questions should be answered by any police report? a. Who, when, which, how, why b. Which, how, when, why, what c. Who, when, why, how, where, what d. When, time, location, which, what, how


4. If a personal "shorthand" is used in making notes, the officer should be certain that a. no one else can read the notes. b. a special code is required to understand the notes. c. someone else can decipher the notes. d. none of the above.


4. Which of the following driving movements or activities least frequently contributes to collisions? a. Backing b. Passing c. Parking d. Left-hand turns and right-of-way violations e. Unsafe speed for conditions


40. Questioning with intent to determine the extent of a person's involvement in a particular offense is a. an interview. b. the third-degree. c. an interrogation. d. none of the above.


42.Attachments may be made for a. people. b. property. c. both people and property. d. neither people nor property.


43. The ideal location for conducting an interview is a. in a tavern where it is noisy. b. at the victim's home with family present. c. in a private office at police headquarters equipped for the purpose. d. on a busy street.


47. The person bringing a civil petition to court is called the a. prosecution. b. bailiff. c. plaintiff. d. defendant.


The assumption of another person's identity for the use in fraudulent transactions that result in a loss to the victim resulting in the acquisition of something of value by the offender(s). Types of identity crimes include identity theft, credit card/access device fraud ("skimming"), check fraud, bank fraud, false identification fraud, and passport/visa fraud. a. Robber b. Thief c. Identity Theft d. Burglar


The defense attorney may further question a witness after redirect examination by the prosecutor a. Cross Examination b. Redirect Examination c. Recross Examination d. Crisscross examination


The investigator shall collect ___________ evidence of an accused person's guilt in order to negate the defenses claims. a. all b. best c. corroborating d. deniable


The mind's response parallels the ________ response. a. psycho-social b. Physiological c. physical d. Physical fitness


The most advanced form of antisocial behavior is a. paranoid behavior. b. neurotic behavior. c. psychopathic behavior. d. manic-depressive behavior.


The physical response to TRAUMA is based on our animal instincts. It includes physical shock, disorientation, and numbness: Also known as a. Let it go b. Fly buy night c. Frozen Fright d. Night Terrors


The questioning of victims, witnesses, or suspects in a criminal investigation. a. Information b. Instrumentation or forensic science c. Interviewing d. Laws of arrest, search and seizure


The right to use lawful force is outlined in the a. Occupations Code. b. Government Code. c. Penal Code. d. Code of Criminal Procedure.


This appeal is based on the beliefs and value system of the person. a. Ethical appeal. b. Rational appeal c. Practical appeal d. Personal Appeal


What aspects of a robbery (modus operundi) may help in tying a person or group to a series of robberies ? a. timetable b. countersign c. signature d. thumbprint


What level of PPE is air-purifying respirator, chemical resistant clothing, double-layered gloves, etc? a. Level A b. Level B c. Level C d. Level D


What level of force may be used to effect a lawful arrest? a. Minimum b. Any c. Necessary d. Required


What percentage of police contact involve verbal skills? a. 50 percent b. 66 percent c. 97 percent d. 75 percent e. 88 percent


What section of the Federal Communications Act pertains to Permissible Communications? a. FCA Section 501 b. FCC Public Service Specialists c. FCA Section 605 d. FCC Rules, Part 90


Where an officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect has committed a crime involving the infliction or threatened infliction of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others, _____ may be used to prevent escape. a. limited force b. necessary force c. deadly force d. force


Which does not define the NOUN "force" a. Strength or energy brought to bear, cause of motion or change, active power; moral or mental strength; capacity to persuade or convince. b. Violence, compulsion, or constraint exerted upon person or thing. c. To do violence to. d. The quality of conveying impressions intensely in writing or speech.


Which is not a component of a pre-shift vehicle inspection? a. Mechanical check b. Interior check c. Console check d. Exterior check e. Required inventory


Which is not a type of hazardous material? a. Toxic b. Infectious c. Stratified d. Ionizing radiation


Which of the following behaviors most frequently results in criminal defense? a. Paranoia b. Antisocial c. Schizophrenia d. Insanity


Which of the following is not an "authorized emergency vehicle" in accordance with the Transportation Code? a. Police vehicles b. Private vehicles operated by volunteer fire fighters while answering a fire alarm c. A vehicle operated by an employee of the blood bank transporting the daily supply of fresh blood to a local hospital under normal circumstances. d. The operator of a vehicle owned by an eye bank while making an emergency delivery of eye tissue to the airport. e. None of the above


Which of the following is not an effective communication and interaction skill used when dealing with persons with mental retardation? a. Arrange for a quiet setting for the interview. b. Reassure and help the person to relax. c. Do not identify yourself and what role you play. d. Ask short, simple questions, use simple language, and speak slowly.


Which of the following is not classified as organic types of mental disorders? a. Substance-related disorders b. Delirium, dementia, amnesiac, and other cognitive disorders c. Psychological factors or unknown causes d. None of the above is correct.


Which of the following is not one of the effective communication/interaction skills used when dealing with person with a mental illness? a. Stay calm, breathe deeply to become calmer. b. Be patient, avoid "crowding" the individual. c. Understand that the size and age of a person with mental illness has much to do with whether or not a back-up should be called. d. Remember that a person will mental illness may exhibit extraordinary strength. e. Never argue about a delusion, since arguing only solidifies the conviction.


Which of the following is not one of the five strategies for dealing with a person in a mental health crisis? a. IQ analysis b. Safety c. Language d. Movements e. Helpful techniques


Which of the following ranges of the IQ indicate a "severe" degree of mental retardation? a. 69-55 b. 54-40 c. 39-25 d. Below 25


Which one of the following is true in dealing with a mentally disturbed person? a. The peace officer should try to determine what type of mental disorder the individual is suffering. b. The peace officer should not attempt to question a person with a mental disorder. c. Family members or witnesses should be questioned to help the officer appraise the situation. d. All of the above are correct procedures.


Without a specific request to protect property, a person is justified in using force or deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property of a third person if the actor is justified in using force or deadly force to protect one's own land and the third person whose land or property the actor seeks to protect is his or her a. next door neighbor. b. neighbor across the street. c. spouse. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.


_____ means under arrest by a peace officer or under restraint by a public servant pursuant to an order of a court. a. Conduct b. Coercion c. Custody d. Official proceeding e. Omission


_____ of the time a message is received due to voice. a. 3% b. 7% c. 33% d. 60%


_______ is a legal term for diminished capacity and inability to tell right from wrong. It is generally used by the court with regards to an individual's competency to stand trial. a. Mental cessation b. "Crazy" c. Insanity d. Mental retardation


_______ percent of the American population is considered retarded. a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four e. Five


_________ is that degree of influence the officer must exert over a violator to take him or her safely into custody. a. Force b. Leadership c. Control d. Optional choice


The radio communication term "CAD" stands for:

computer aided dispatch

When an officer has suspicion that a crime is being committed, the officer may

conduct an investigation to determine what, if anything, is occurring.

Things that are illegally possessed and that cannot be lawfully owned are


what is illegal to possess and subject to forfeiture


A substance, including a drug, and adulterant, and a dilatant, listed in Schedules I - V or Penalty Groups 1, 1-A, 2, 2A, 3, or 4

controlled substance

The court of jurisdiction in cases involving jail (class A and B misdemeanors) as a punishment is the

county court

Appeals from county court are heard in the

court of appeals.

What kind of crime is family violence?

crime of power and control


cuchillo Navaja Filero

The immediate area surrounding a home and structures is called


"Reasonable force" to effect arrest or prevent escape is a. authorized only with the supervisor's permission. b. permitted only if deadly force is permissible. c. generally not permitted unless harm is imminent. d. permissible to overcome resistance.


"____________" is defined as an individual who has fantasies, urges or behaviors that involve illegal sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally 13 years or younger.) a. Sadistic rapist b. Hemophiliac c. Power rapist d. Pedophilia


"________________" consists of a group of psychotic disorders characterized by changes in perception. It cause an over sensitivity to sounds and visions characterized by hallucination and or impaired distorted thinking. A. Insanity B. Mental retardation C. Bipolar disorder D. Schizophrenia


"________________" means significantly sub-average intellectual functioning existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior and originating in the development period before age 18. A. Mental illness B. Mental disorder C. Bipolar disorder D. Mental retardation


(Safe methods for preserving evidence in original condition) Liquid blood must be what? (Blood in vials) a. Allowed to dry b. Kept at room temperature c. Kept warm d. Refrigerated


1. Which of the following is not a component of the "defensive driver"? a. Driver attitude b. Driver skill c. Understanding vehicle capabilities and limitations d. Slamming brakes and skidding to avoid a head-on collision e. Preparing for driving conditions


1.____ is the act of regarding one's culture as the "center of the universe". 5.1.1 a.Attitude b.Prejudice c.Discrimination d.Ethnocentrism


10. An officer investigating a reported auto theft will usually determine a. if persons other than the owner use the vehicle. b. if the owner is behind in making payments. c. a complete description of the automobile. d. all of the above.


10. Lawsuits against law enforcement officers based on the intentional torts could involve a. assault. b. battery. c. false imprisonment. d. all of the above.


10. One of the best ways to develop a good command of the language is through a. correspondence courses. b. private tutoring. c. crash courses in college. d. reading.


10. You are responding to an accident in which a truck carrying 55-gallon drums has jack knifed after collision with a guard rail. Which of the following driver actions should quickly alert you that you may have a hazardous materials incident? a. The driver is attempting to push the barrels off the road. b. The driver sets up flares in front of and behind the accident scene. c. The driver sits in the cab of the truck seeking assistance on a citizen band radio. d. The driver is running from the scene of the accident.


102. A properly prepared case folder will a. establish facts that set forth the legality of the arrest,. b. include a list or description of items of evidence. c. include a list of witnesses, victims, and complainants. d. do all of the above e. do none of the above.


104. When evidential items of clothing are wet with blood or semen or are otherwise damp from perspiration, the officer should a. place the items in a paper bag. b. place the items in a plastic bag. c. send the items out to be dry cleaned. d. let the items dry in a secured room before packaging them. e. handle the items as any other piece of evidence.


1046. (25.1.1) The "____________" is the normal human response to TRAUMA. A. Eustress Reaction B. Stress Reaction C. Psychological Reaction D. Crisis Reaction


1049. (25.1.1) Which of the following was specifically given as a "Long-term Crisis reaction?" A. All victims survivors suffer from long-term stress reactions. B. Very few victims continue to re-experience crisis reactions over long periods of time. C. Crisis reactions are not normally in response to events that remind the victim of the trauma. D. Not all victim survivors suffer from long-term stress reactions.


105. Which of the following observable factors is least helpful in determining whether or not a vehicle has been stolen? a. Wires are observed hanging down from under the dash-board. b. The officer observes that a radio is missing from the dash-board. c. The officer observes that keys are left in the ignition. d. The operator of a vehicle has an out-of-state driver's license. e. An officer finds an abandoned vehicle.


6. Which of the following statements regarding the use of seat belts is true? a. The use of seat belts is necessary only when the driver is traveling at distances farther than 25 miles from home. b. Being thrown free from a vehicle in a collision is twenty-five times safer than remaining inside the vehicle. c. Because a driver can bend over and touch his or her head to the dashboard under normal conditions, wearing the seat belt will not prevent the occupant from crashing into the windshield. d. Safety belts prevent death and injury when properly worn. Officers must buckle up every time they are in a motor vehicle.


12. The point of entry is usually the best place to begin a search because a. it contains the least amount of evidence. b. many tool marks could be found but no fingerprints. c. it is the most likely place to find only plastic and visible fingerprints. d. it usually contains the most evidence, including fingerprints.


120.____ market vehicles are foreign made vehicles not produced for sale in the United States but which have been imported by individuals or companies into the United States. a. Yellow b. Blue c. Green d. Gray


122. Strip search is most effective for ______ searches. a. building b. crime scene c. accident investigation d. outside


128. Which of the following is not generally useful in establishing time of death? a. Rigor mortis b. Body temperature c. Putrefaction d. Post-mortem lividity


13. "Triggering events" vary with different victims but may include a. identification of the assailant. b. anniversaries of the event. c. media articles about a similar event. d. all the above.


13. Most errors committed by inexperienced officers in collecting latent fingerprints occur from a. failure to fully develop a fingerprint pattern after it becomes visible. b. incorrect brushing. c. applying too much powder. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.


131. If a person is alive and conscious, the criminal investigators should first ask about a. the identify of the suspect. b. the identify of any witnesses. c. where the suspect might be. d. identification and next of kin. e. none of the above.


133. The type of search used as a preliminary step in evaluating the crime scene is the ___________ search. a. quadrant b. circular c. area d. point-to-point e. strip


14. Which person may best identify an unusual object at a bank where a bomb has been reported to have been placed when time is apparently available to conduct a search? a. An EOD specialist b. An investigator in the police detective unit c. The initial responding peace officer d. A bank official familiar with the area


14.According to Maslow's theory of human needs, everyone must have a. physical needs met. b. security needs met. c. needs for love and belongingness met. d. all the above.


15.In ordinary terms, culture is reflected in a. what we wear. b. when and where we work. c. when and what we eat. d. all of the above.


16. A burglar is considered to be a dangerous criminal because a. burglary is a felony. b. burglars can engage in other crimes. c. losses can be excessive. d. burglars have been known to use a weapon to avoid apprehension.


164. (5.1.1) "_____________" is acting on the basis of prejudice. A. Attitude B. Ethnocentrism C. Ethnicity D. Discrimination


17. A civil citation is served by a. sending a copy by registered mail. b. sending a copy by certified mail. c. delivering a copy to the defendant. d. any of the above.


17. _____ generally refers to groups of people with common ancestry and characteristics such as skin color and physical features. a. Ethnicity b. Culture c. Ethnocentrism d. Race e. Society


18.Black smoke at a fire scene indicates a a. wood fire. b. electrical fire. c. chemical fire. d. petroleum fire.


19. The NLETS control agency for Texas is a. the Criminal Justice Division. b. the Attorney General's Office. c. the Adjutant General's Office. d. DPS.


19. Which of the following types of evidence is considered most reliable? a. A suspect's confession b. A victim's statement c. Eyewitness's testimony d. Physical evidence


19. Who is affected by the "ripple effect" on crime victims? a. Law enforcement b. Victim's family c. Victim's friends d. All of the above e. b and c above, but not a


2. In dealing with hazardous occurrences, officers should a. attempt rescue in all situations. b. enter the area from downwind. c. breathe the air to determine which pollutant has escaped. d. identify the aspects of the incident or spill that could damage the environment.


2. Robbery differs from theft and burglary in that it involves a. stealth. b. taking property. c. illegal entry. d. force or threat of force. e. none of the above.


20. Voice tones, facial expressions, eye movements, and hand and body movement are all part of a. formal communication. b. informal communication. c. covert messages. d. nonverbal communication.


20. Which of the following collisions is not one of the positions of the two-car crash? a. Vehicle ahead b. Vehicle behind c. Passing or being passed d. Run off the road, fixed-object collision e. Intersection collision


20.An "officer's return," as it applies to serving a subpoena, shall include a. the date and hour received. b. his agency's name and address. c. his name. d. all of the above.


21. Which of the following driving movements contributes most to accidents? a. Backing b. Passing c. Parking d. Unsafe speed


21. Who is the right advocate for a victim of family violence? a. District attorney b. County attorney c. Justice of the peace d. Peace officer


22. Persons who tend to always use safety belts are a. uninformed. b. frequent television watchers. c. uneducated. d. well educated.


23. In managing a HAZMAT situation, establishing a command structure to effectively handle the event is imperative. Until more capable personnel arrive, who is the "Incident Commander" who must make immediate decisions? a. The commander of the nearest military base b. The county sheriff c. The Director of DPS d. The first responding peace officer e. A citizen who reports the incident


24. In a civil case, the degree of proof to determine a judgment is called a. beyond a reasonable doubt. b. clear and convincing evidence. c. reasonable suspicion or belief. d. preponderance of evidence. e. none of the above.


24. In making a death notification, an officer does all of the following except a. provide the survivor(s) with the officer's name and phone number. b. stay with the survivor(s) if they wish and help them make decisions. c. notify the family as soon as the deceased's identity has been established. d. explain the situation to a child.


25. Which of the following is not a traffic condition that affects safe vehicle operation? a. Traffic density b. Speed of vehicles c. Pedestrians d. Properly inflated tires e. Animals


26. In the preliminary investigation, the purpose for immediately separating witnesses is to a. reduce the possibility of comparing stories. b. help restore order if confusion exists. c. protect the reliability of eyewitness accounts. d. do all of the above. e. do none of the above.


26. Notes aid in a. the investigative process. b. interrogation. c. accurate testimony. d. all of the above.


28. A state of emergency exists when a tornado causes major damage to a city in Texas. Which of the following individuals must be immediately notified about the natural disaster? a. The National Weather Service b. The National Emergency Relief Service c. The President of the United States d. The governor of the state of Texas e. The attorney general of Texas


28. Communication is the transfer of a. information. b. data. c. computations. d. meaning. e. feedback.


28. In accordance with Rule 103, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, it is the duty of ____ to execute and make a return to the court of civil process documents a. any peace officer b. the sheriff c. the constable d. the sheriff and constable e. none of the above


28.Which of the following is a form of prejudice? a. Racial and ethnic b. Gender and sexual orientation c. Authority figures (police, government, teachers, parents) d. All of the above e. None of the above


29. A hazmat incident is called a(n) a. hazard. b. accident. c. problem. d. event.


3. Marconi was most noted for developing the technology that led to the first a. telephone system. b. telegraph system. c. telegraph codes. d. radios.


3. The robber a. is usually armed. b. is a dangerous criminal. c. usually plans the crime. d. All of the above are correct. e. None of the above is correct.


3.A cultural heritage that sets certain individuals apart from others in a variety of social relationships shared by a category of people is a. ethnocentrism. b. discrimination. c. prejudice. d. ethnicity.


30. All substances are toxic if given in large quantities is defined as a a. mast response b. hazmat response c. toxic response d. DOSE response e. None of the above is correct.


30.Which of the following is/are true relative to the "functions of discrimination?" a. It tends to reinforce prejudice concerning the group's alleged inferiority. b. Discrimination by any group limits the other groups' effectiveness in business, education, political offices, and so forth. c. It affords an avenue to economic exploitation of the group being discriminated against. d. All of the above are true. e. a and b above, but not c, are true.


32. When a disaster occurs, all requests for assistance must be channeled through the proper civil authority through DPS to the a. county sheriff. b. chief of police. c. attorney general. d. governor.


34. Service of a civil citation may not be served on ___, but most other civil documents can be served or executed at any time. a. Monday b. Wednesday c. Saturday d. Sunday e. none of the above (a civil citation is served as any other document and may be served or executed at any time).


34. Whether in uniform or in civilian clothes, officers on the witness stand should present an appearance marked by a. neatness. b. cleanliness. c. concern for detail of their appearance. d. all of the above.


35. In the 5 W's of fact recording, to whom does the "who" refer? a. Who reported the unlawful act? b. Who committed the unlawful act? c. Who responded to the scene of the unlawful act? d. All of the above e. None of the above


36. Which one(s) of the following should be included in the nar-rative of an initial report? a. How crime was committed b. 5 W's c. Important facts of the case d. All of the above e. None of the above


37. During a trial, actions of the officer/witness that come under the scrutiny of the jury include which of the following? a. The manner of walking to the witness stand b. The manner of sitting in the witness chair c. The manner of testifying d. All of the above


39. A subpoena duces tecum directs a witness to a. appear with an attorney. b. come to the court alone. c. bring another witness to court. d. bring documents or evidence to court. e. do none of the above.


4. Modern law enforcement telecommunications using computers replaced the a. telegraph system. b. radio system. c. telephone system. d. teletype system.


4. The injured party need not show, before suing a law enforce-ment officer under Section 1983, that a. his or her rights were violated because of his race, color, or national origin. b. remedies provided under state law are inadequate to get redress. c. the officer's unconstitutional behavior was authorized or required by state laws. d. any of the above.


41. In order for the sender to know if the message was received, the sender must obtain a. an encoded message. b. a decoded message. c. environmental communication. d. feedback. e. external physiological noise.


43. "Noise" in communication can be a. external. b. physiological. c. psychological. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.


43.An order from a higher court to a lower court or agency directing that person to carry out a required duty is called a a. writ of habeas corpus. b. writ of attachment. c. writ of show cause order. d. writ of mandamus.


44. Before an eviction can be effected, the person occupying the premises must receive ____ hours written notice if the suit is for past due money. a. 24 b. 36 c. 48 d. 72


44. In preparing for an interview, the officer should generally a. review all relevant evidence and information. b. review all pertinent case reports. c. study the case in its entirety. d. do all of the above.


45. For reasons other than "eviction for past due money," the defendant must be given ___ days notice. a. 10 b. 15 c. 25 d. 30 e. 60


49. Rapid-fire questions usually a. produce negative results. b. create emotional tension. c. cause confusion. d. do all of the above.


5.Prejudice is a. an irrational attitude. b. a universal ill. c. generally an adverse opinion. d. all the above.


50. Joining two sentences together with a comma is called a a. sentence fragment. b. misplaced modifier. c. double negative. d. comma splice. e. none of the above.


53. In the daily routine, peace officers must quickly describe _____ using clear and vivid language. a. things b. places c. people d. all of the above e. none of the above


54. Nervous laughter, wringing of hands, or twisting a handkerchief may be symptoms of a. anxiety. b. tension. c. apprehension. d. all of the above.


57. A plaintiff wins a default judgment against a defendant who does not pay the debt awarded by the court. The plaintiff can request a writ of ____ to seize property from the defendant to secure the debt or satisfy the judgment. a. forcible entry b. habeas corpus c. mandamus d. attachment e. detainer


57. Even though photographs are taken, the officer should still make sketches of the crime scene because a. photographs do not show depth. b. the camera angle can cause illusions. c. the camera is not selective. d. all of the above.


59. Which of the following does not apply to the finished crime scene drawing prepared for courtroom presentation? a. It is drawn to scale. b. All measurements are recorded in the drawing. c. It is prepared from the rough sketch. d. It must be prepared by a professional draftsperson.


6. The initial report is the product of the information gathered in the a. crime-scene investigation. b. follow-up investigation. c. crime laboratory. d. preliminary investigation.


6. The pedophile is dangerous to young children because a. he is a despoiler of their morals b. he may do bodily harm to them. c. he may kill a child who resists or to hide his offense. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.


Any location or facility at which 9-1-1 calls are answered either by direct calling, rerouting, or diversion is the ___________________________.

public safety answering point (PSAP)

Put your hands behind your back

póngase las manos detrás de la espalda

the term VEHICLE under the traffic law does not include a_______

railroad train operated on rails

The appeal based on reasoning is--

rational appeal

What tactic is most successful in resolving civil disputes?

reasonable powers that get the parties to agree to a solution

Police may make a valid stop if they have

reasonable suspicion

The degree of proof needed to conduct a stop and frisk "pat-down" is

reasonable suspicion

The degree of proof required for a pat-down frisk is:

reasonable suspicion

The degree of proof required to "stop and frisk" is called

reasonable suspicion

The standard of proof required for an officer to stop and investigate is called

reasonable suspicion

What is the ability to infer the conclusions on one or multiple premise?


The reflector on the rear of an 18 wheel semitrailer is ____ in color


Turn signals viewed from the front of the vehicle may be any of the following except


The second component of the sub-skill for responding to content is--

reflecting on key words and phrases

The third component of asking questions is--

reflecting on what was said or not said

If it is necessary to verify a protective order before arresting an individual named in the injunction for a violation of the directive, the officer is required to

remain at the scene of the investigation while verifying the allegation and prevent further commission of family violence

A police officer summons a citizen to assist him in performing his duty as a peace officer. The citizen refuses to assist the officer. The officer may

report the citizen to the district or county attorney

Police officers and other criminal justice personnel, even when they are not at work, stand out as __________________________ of the system. The standards, by which they are judged, even in their private lives, are often higher than those required for other members of society.


The professional model promotes stronger community support and __________________.


What is happy, sad, confused, strong, angry, or weak?

responding to feelings

The fourth component of asking questions is--

responding to the answer

A vehicle is stalled in your lane of traffic. if it is safe you may pass on the ______.


Two officers are transporting two suspects in a vehicle without a cage. The suspects should be placed

right rear and center rear seat—nondriver officer left rear, door locked and officer places weapon on left side.

the _____ is that portion of the highway, other than the berm or shoulder, that is improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic


"law enforcement agency" means an agency of the state, or of a country, municipality, or other political subdivision of the state, that employs peace officers who make motor vehicle stops in the _________ performance of the officers' official duties


What does SARA stand for?

scanning analysis response assessment

2+2=4 is an example of

scientific evidence

The first step necessary to ensure that officers possess desired characteristics of professionalism is

screening standards for police applicants that include criteria designed to test ethical conduct aptitude.

what kind of marks most frequently indicates the point of impact?


"An examination of a man's house or other building or premises, or his person, with a view to the discovery of contraband or illicit or stolen property, or some evidence of guilt to be used in the prosecution of a criminal action for some crime or offense with which he was charged. A prying into hidden places for that which is concealed and is not a search to observe that which is open to view." This is Black's Law Dictionary definition for


Warrants issued to photograph a child are

search warrants.

"An examination of a man's house or other building or premises, or of his person, with a view to the discovery of contraband or illicit or stolen property, or some evidence of guilt to be used in the prosecution of a criminal action for some crime or offense with which he was charged; a prying into hidden places for that which is concealed and it is not a search to observe that which is open to view" is Black's Law definition of


what chapter of the CCP explains racial profiling

section 3.05

In order to issue a citation to a person for consuming an alcoholic beverage while operating a vehicle in a public place, an officer must?

see an open container in the vehicle

When making an arrest, one of the officer's greatest assets in dealing with a law violator is


Law Enforcement Code of Ethics: AS A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, my fundamental duty is to___________________________________________; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the __________________________________________of all persons to liberty, equality and justice.

serve the community; constitutional rights

Forced sexual intercourse, not allowing the use of or using birth control that results in unwanted pregnancy, use of objects, or forced sex in inappropriate places or in front of children are what type of abuse?


A summons shall be in the same form as the capias except that it _____ summon the defendant to appear before the proper court at a stated time and date.


If a peace officer meets with resistance in discharging any duty imposed upon him by law, he or she _____ summon a sufficient number of citizens of his county to overcome the resistance; all persons summoned are bound to obey (CCP2.14).


You _____ make an arrest if it occurred in your presence


each law enforcement agency in this state ____________ adopt a detailed written policy on racial profiling


In accordance with Section 550.062 TC, a law enforcement officer who investigates a MV accident that results in injury to or the death of a person or damage to the property of any one person in the amount of $1000 or more ____ makes a written report of the accident and files it with the DPS not later than the ____ day following the accident


which person is responsible for removing livestock from a roadway or highway?


that portion of the highway that is contiguous to the roadway is the ______.


preferential traffic right of way at intersections is designated by which of the following: stop signs yield signs flashing yellow signals

stop signs and yield signs

an innate anxiety, mistrust, or wariness of foreigners, newcomers, outsiders, or other unacquainted and unknown individuals is known as

stranger anxiety

A subpoena that directs a person to appear as a witness and order the individual to produce items of evidence in that person's custody is called a

subpoena duces tecum.

What is the first sub-skill for the ability to listen effectively is?

suspending judgment

"The act of imagining—or of doubt or apprehension of some¬thing without proof, or on slight evidence" is Black's Law definition of


an operator of a vehicle that collides with and damages a fixture upon a highway must?

take reasonable steps to locate and notify the owner or person in charge of the property

What is the second sub-skill of making requests?

taking action with reason



"That which is to last for a limited time only, as distinguished from that which is indefinite, in its duration" is Black's Law definition of


Holding a person for a limited time, but who is not as yet answerable to a criminal offense, is the definition of

temporary detention

Which protective order occurs when only one party is present and does not exceed 20 days?

temporary ex parte

What are the 3 types of Protective Orders?

temporary ex parte, final protective order, magistrates order for emergency protection



What is the highest Texas Court that a convicted felon could appeal his case too?

the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals

The state court with final appellate jurisdiction in death penalty cases is

the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

What is reasoning?

the ability to infer a conclusion

The Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is

the amendment that states that power not granted to the federal government is retained by the states or the people

Black's Law Dictionary defines probable cause as

the apparent state of facts found to exist upon reasonable in-quiry, which would induce a reasonably intelligent and prudent man to believe that a person had committed the crime charged

The curtilage is

the area of open space surrounding a dwelling that is immediately adjacent so that it is considered part of the house

The "curtilage" is generally considered to be

the area of open space surrounding a dwelling that is immediately adjacent so that it is considered part of the house.

Chimel v. California involved searches of

the arm's-reach area near an arrestee

One of the major innovations that revolutionized the manner in which police were able to respond to citizens' calls for service was

the automobile.

Fear of abandonment and using abuse to control their partner, blaming their partner for problems, jealousy, and possessiveness during the tension phase are displayed by?

the batterer

Who feels guilty or sad, begs for forgiveness, promises to change, is loving and kind during the honeymoon stage

the batterer

Who is authorized to permit a vehicle to cross a fire hose ?

the fire chief ON SCENE

mood refers to--

the fourth sub-skill of listening

Caring and understanding are examples of--

the fourth sub-skill of responding: asking questions

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits

the government from establishing a religion

A motor vehicle operator collides with a mail box receptacle used to collect letters and small packages and causes $100 damage to the box and $200 damage to the vehicle . The operator is required to report the collision to?

the local police department ( if the owner of the mail box is not an option)

The deciding factor in determining the use of handcuffs is

the officer's judgment

Who is responsible to the ensure that a 15 year old front seat passenger is wearing a safety belt in a moving vehicle?

the operator

if a 16 year old front seat passenger is not wearing a safety belt, to whom should the traffic ticket be issued?

the operator and the 16 year old

What are the 4 typical reasons for errors in reasoning?

the person fails to observe and use all relevant facts of a problem the person fails to approach the problem in a systematic step-by-step manner, making leaps in logic and jumping to conclusions without checking them the person fails to spell out relationships fully the person is sloppy and inaccurate in collecting information and carrying out mental activities

Constructive custody occurs when

the person submits to the arrest without any physical control on the officer's part

Readily observable things an officer sees in a place the officer has a legal right to be that are not the product of a search and are not subject to exclusion from evidence defines

the plain-view doctrine

A municipal court subpoena is executed

the same as a justice court subpoena

Reflecting on key words and phrases refers to

the second component of sub-skill responding to content

What does it mean to determine intensity?

the second component of sub-skill responding to feeling

What is facing squarely?

the second sub-skill of posturing for effective safety and control

What is paraphrasing key words and phrases?

the third component of sub-skill responding to content

What is intensity?

the third sub-skill of listening

61.When can a landlord consent to the search of a tenant's property? a. When rent has not been promptly paid on the first of the month. b. At any time because the landlord is the original owner of the property. c. Under no circumstances may a landlord permit a search of the tenant's property. d. When a magistrate has issued a search warrant, the landlord may use a pass key to allow officers to search the tenant's property. e. If a search warrant has been issued, the tenant must be pre-sent for the officers to search the property.


64. The police officer must respond to the scene of a crime as rapidly as possible because a. it is the primary source of evidence. b. the perpetrator could still be there. c. certain physical evidence can deteriorate. d. all of the above.


64. Which one of the following should be included in the narrative of an initial report? a. How crime was committed b. 5 W's c. Important facts of the case d. All of the above e. None of the above


What is intensity?

the third sub-skill of listening effectively

66. The primary reason for searching the crime-scene area is a. to determine the criminal's method of operation. b. to expose hidden fingerprints. c. to determine the motive for the crime. d. to locate and obtain obvious physical evidence. e. to protect the constitutional rights of all persons involved.


69. Photographic evidence is usually introduced in connection with a. verbal testimony. b. crime scene sketches. c. other physical evidence or exhibits. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.


7.People share all but which of these common needs? 5.1.3 a.Social and Shelter b.Employment and Food c.Health and Positive self-image d.All of the above e.None of the above


70. Which of the following are constitutionally created and elected people? a. Chief of police b. Justice of the peace c. Peace officers of the attorney general's office d. Sheriff and constables


73. The purpose of the crime-scene search is to a. collect physical evidence. b. locate any evidence that will connect the suspect with the scene. c. locate, collect, and preserve trace evidence. d. do all of the above.


78. The corpus delicti of a crime is the a. deceased body at a criminal homicide. b. culpable mental state of the perpetrator. c. criminal act. d. body of the crime that includes the act and the agency of the act. e. crime scene and evidence.


79. When must a person be informed of his or her constitutional rights per the Miranda warning? a. At the time of arrest b. At the time of booking c. Prior to the custodial interview d. Prior to the custodial interrogation e. After the person calls a lawyer


8. Victims' responses to crime range from feeling helpless and uncontrollable anger to blaming a. their parents. b. their children. c. their employer. d. themselves.


8. Which of the following can be a child molester? a. A young serviceman b. A mature female c. An elderly male businessman d. All of the above e. None of the above


81. If an actor is fleeing the crime scene where a person has been injured, the officer should first a. pursue the fleeing perpetrator. b. obtain the names of witnesses. c. secure the crime scene. d. care for the injured. e. do none of the above.


87. ______ is a postmortem examination of the body of a person including X-rays and an examination of the internal organs and structures after dissection to determine the cause of death, a. Lividity b. Rigor mortis c. Inquiry d. Autopsy


88. Which of the following is not a method used to tell the time of death in a homicide situation? a. Rigor mortis b. Body temperature c. Putrefaction d. Post mortem lividity e. None of the above—each plays a part in determining time of death.


89. You are the first officer at a crime scene. When may you leave the crime scene? a. When you finish your report b. When the justice of peace arrives c. When the victim is taken to the hospital d. When released from responsibility e. None of the above


897. Approximately _____ percent of an officer's duties involve verbal skills. A. 25 B. 50 C. 65 D. 97


9. Which of the following factors of vehicle speed does not affect the vehicle's capabilities? a. Feet per second that vehicles travel at various mph b. Effect of speed upon "stopping distance" c. Effect of speed upon turning movements d. Effect of speed on seat-belt reliability


Deadly force is that force that is a. necessary to subdue an offender. b. never justified in the defense of property. c. justified if force is justified. d. intended or known to cause death or serious bodily injury.


Upon reaching an uncontrolled intersection of equal design and surface, an operator of a vehicle must yield ROW to?

the vehicle on his or her right

Thinking they deserve it, minimizing pain, repressing anger, "walking on eggshells" and taking the responsibility for "fixing" the situation or relationship during the tension stage are actions felt or used by?

the victim

During an administrative investigation regarding use of force, officers may be compelled to answer questions, participate in a line-up, or take a polygraph examination. If the officer is warned of the possible consequences of noncooperation, she may be disciplined. This information obtained under threat of dismissal is not admissible in a criminal trial under the court case a. Anderson v. Creighton. b. Harlow v. Fitzgerald. c. Osabutey v. Welch. d. Garrity v. New Jersey.


Evidence that warrants a person of reasonable caution in the belief that a crime has been committed or is being committed. a. Preponderance of evidence b. Mere Suspicion c. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt d. Probable Cause


Fatigue poses a threat to safe driving because it? a. Lowers visual efficiency b. Causes longer perception time c. Causes longer decision/reaction time d. a,b, and c e. b and c only


Federal civil rights complaints are investigated by the _______. a. CIA b. DEA c. DPS d. FBI


Who feels hopeful, sympathetic, and believes their partner during the honeymoon stage?

the victim

What is point of view?

the way one views the world that shapes one's constructive meaning

What is a reasonable request?

this is the skill that helps you get people to act, cooperate, and do things without intimidating them

A search warrant is valid

three whole days not counting day of issuance nor day of execution

Female searches are generally the same, but include a. Search brassiere b. If a female is wearing a dress, it must be raised so that waistband of undergarments can be searched. c. Males will never search females d. A and B


History of involvement between perpetrator and victim. a. Felony Murder b. Murder-Suicide. c. Triangle Killing. d. Revenge or jealousy Killing


How much force may an officer take to prevent a threatened injury to him- or herself or another? a. Deadly force b. Minimum force c. Maximum force d. Force equal to the person's threat e. None of the above


Unless otherwise stated in the CCP, the statute of limitations for felony offenses is

three years

what do chronemic skills deal with


Triangulation of a vehicle should be made from a vehicle's?

tires / wheels

In determining the appropriate method of transporting a patient, officers should do all of the following except a. follow departmental policy and procedure. b. be aware of distance to approved medical facility for examination or admission. c. assess behavior or physical condition of the person to be transported. d. consider the size and age of the person in deciding whether or not to use restraints.


In physical arrest, the police role is essentially defensive. "Defensive" means a. serving to protect. b. devoted to resisting. c. preventing aggression or attack. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.


Wants to assert masculinity, or punish and degrade. Uses blitz approach. Offender's mood is angry or depressed. Language is abusive and obscene. Assault is of relatively short duration. Victim is selected for vailability, usually strangers. Offender is frequently impotent and may use devices. Assaults are spontaneous and sporadic. a. Opportunistic rapist b. Sadistic rapist c. Voyeur rapist d. Anger rapist e. Power rapist


What are the two systems of field note taking? a. Report; Court b. Pen; Ink c. Recall; Memory d. Temporary; Permanent


What level of PPE is uniform, gloves, mask, etc? a. Level A b. Level B c. Level C d. Level D


What section of the Federal Communications Act pertains to General Operating Requirements? a. FCA Section 501 b. FCC Public Service Specialists c. FCA Section 605 d. FCC Rules, Part 90


What terms are associated with radio communication? a. telecommunication b. radio channel c. interoperability d. all of the above


What type of search is useful when an item is missing from the center and the search must be conducted rapidly? (The search may begin in the inside or the outside as the circumstances dictate.) a. Area b. Aerial c. Quadrant d. Circular


When an officer arrives on the scene, his or her appearance should be considered as a. officer presence. b. official presence. c. police presence. d. professional presence.


When may officers vacate the scene. a. When released from responsibility b. When not needed c. When directed to do so d. Any of the above


Which below is not PERMISSIBLE CONDUCT. (In operating an authorized emergency vehicle) TC 546.001 a. park or stand, irrespective of another provision of this subtitle b. proceed past a red or stop signal or stop sign, after slowing as necessary for safe operation c. exceed a maximum speed limit, except as provided by an ordinance adopted under Section 545.365, as long as the operator does not endanger life or property d. Investigate traffic accidents in private parking garages e. disregard a regulation governing the direction of movement or turning in specified directions


Which is not a Criminal investigation tool? a. Information b. Instrumentation or forensic science c. Interviewing d. Introspectiveness e. Laws of arrest, search and seizure


Which is not a characteristics of a criminal investigator? a. Suspicious b. Curious c. Observant d. Obtuse e. Unbiased and Unprejudiced f. Develops rapport through interpersonal communication skills


Which is not a goal of the criminal investigator? 29.1.3 a. To determine if a crime has been committed. b. To legally obtain information and evidence to identify the person(s) responsible for committing the crime. c. To legally arrest the suspect(s). d. To prosecute the suspect e. To recover stolen property. f. To present the best case possible to the prosecutor.


Which is not an issue usually addressed by pursuit policy? a. The conditions under which a pursuit may be initiated and when it should be terminated. b. The manner in which emergency equipment (light and siren) should be used. c. Pursuit procedures. d. Pre-shift Safety Inspection


Which is not listed as an Element of communication? a. Words, touch, body movement, message b. Content - actual message. c. Voice - verbal personality (how it is said). d. Written - Reprimands e. Non-verbals - raised eyebrows, posture, etc.


Which is not one of the four prominent categories of mental illness. a. Personality Disorders b. Mood Disorders c. Psychosis d. Functional Disorders e. Developmental Disorders


Which of the following is the most common condition found in law enforcement agency policy justifying the use of deadly force in a law enforcement situation? a. Shooting at fleeing felons b. Right to use deadly force to prevent theft of property c. Authorization of warning shots to threaten use of deadly force d. Defense of self or others when immediate threat to life exists


Which of the following is true regarding "warning shots"? a. Officers should fire a warning shot before using deadly force in protection of an innocent third person. b. Officers should fire a warning shot in the event a felon is escaping from custody. c. Warning shots are generally authorized whenever "reasonable force" is authorized. d. Warning shots are not generally authorized.


Which of the following persons has responsibility to intervene and stop an officer who uses or engages in excessive force? a. Any citizen b. District or county attorney c. Magistrate d. A fellow nonsupervisory officer on the scene e. The chief of police


Which of the following statements is true concerning "crime scene sketching?" a. A "perspective sketch" is a three dimensional drawing which is useful when no camera is available or the condition of the scene is such that a photograph would not be illustrative. b. Use a "legend" to explain any symbols used on the crime scene sketch. c. Use an arrow to show north and orient north to the top of the sketch. d. All of the above


Which one of the following is not necessarily a cue to peace officers that they are dealing with a person with a mental disorder? a. Disorganized speech patterns b. Impaired self-care c. Disorientation d. All of the above may be cues.


Which one of the following might appear to be a mentally disturbed or mentally retarded person but be mentally healthy? a. An elderly person b. A diabetic c. An intoxicated person d. All of the above can display symptoms.


Your "verbal personality" that results in gaining a person's co-operation results from a. words you use. b. tone of voice. c. the way you speak. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.


_____ of the time a message is received due to non-verbals (body language). a. 3% b. 7% c. 33% d. 60%


_______ is a false belief about a group based on the behavior of a few in a group. a. Hallucination b. Delusion c. Personality disorder d. Stereotype


_______ is conceptualized as a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with present distress, disability, or significantly increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom. a. Mental illness b. Psychological dependence c. Physical dependence d. Mental disorder


_______ means significantly subaverage intellectual functioning existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior or originating in the developmental period before age 18. a. Mental depression b. Mental disorder c. Mental impairment d. Mental retardation


• Least violent of offenders • Four steps in check fraud • Forging • Use of false or stolen identification cards • Use of a presentation that overcomes a merchant's reluctance to cash a check upon minimal identification • Con artist's sense of right time, place, and victim • Credit cards often used as alternative to check writing a. Con Artists and Con Games or Schemes b. Thief c. Identity Theft d. Forgery and Credit Card Abuse


• Same motivation as professional thief • Has ability to gain entry to premises by stealth or defeating locks, alarms • Ability to plan, direct, and execute an operation • Has business sense - ability to distinguish between valuable and worthless items during burglary • Connections to dispose of fruits of the crime • Type of burglary committed may give a clue to suspect identity • residential premises, safe burglary, commercial premises, vehicle a. Professional "heavy" criminal b. Thief c. Semi-professional (unskilled) thief d. Burglar


Landlords can consent to the search of a tenant's property? a. when the tenant is behind in rent. b. whenever the tenant is absent. c. when requested by an authorized police officer. d. None of the above is correct.

d. None of the above is correct.

A "frisk" is? a. a pat-down of outer clothing of a person to protect the officer's safety. b. not a fishing expedition. c. permitted any time an officer has reason to believe a person has a weapon on or about his or her person that can be used to cause injury or death. d. all of the above,

d. all of the above

Black's Law Dictionary defines suspicion as? a. the act of imagining. b. the apprehension of something without proof. c. on slight evidence.

d. all of the above

A device or a drug that is unsafe for self-medication and that is not included in Schedules I through V or Penalty Groups 1 - 4

dangerous drug

According to the Penal Code, an amount of force that is intended or known by the actor to cause, or in any manner of its use or intended use is capable of causing, death or serious bodily injury is _______.

deadly force

the third sub-skill of observing is

deciding if things are typical or atypical

The Theory Y management style would include the sharing of decision making so that the subordinates have a say in ________________________that influence them.


Hypervigilence is somewhat like a rollercoaster and can have the following negative affect?

detachment from family, emotional withdraw, extreme fatigue

What is the second component of sub-skill responding to feeling?

determine intensity

the fourth sub-skill of sizing up a situation is

determining if there is stress or no stress present

The fourth sub-skill of listening is--

determining mood

An inquest of a deceased person need not be held if the person

dies while attended by a physician and cause of death is known.

A peace officer testifying that she or he observed the defendant strike the victim with a baseball bat is presenting

direct evidence

at a T intersection an inferior dirt road intersects with a paved highway, but there is no signs or signals that designate the right of way. who yields to whom at this intersection

dirt road yield to highway

proxemics refers to


The court that adjudicates cases involving imprisonment—felony, official misconduct (class A) and referred cases from county court—is the

district court.

Upon serving a search warrant, the officer shall? a. state the manner in which the warrant was executed. b. deliver a copy of the inventory of the property taken into possession. c. immediately bring the property to the magistrate's office in every case.

do a and b above but not c

though expressionless, the "blank face" sends a strong emotional message of

do not disturb

In order to make an arrest with a warrant, the officer

does not have to have the warrant in his or her possession at the time of the arrest but must show the warrant to the person as soon as possible

What are the variety of tactics used by abusers to manipulate and exert power?

dominance, humiliation, threats, intimidation, isolation, denial and blame

Give me your other hand

déme la otra mano

10. Which of the following concepts is not used as a component of total stopping distance? a. Perception of danger b. Decision time/distance c. Reaction time/distance d. Braking distance e. None of the above (Each is a component of total stopping distance.)


100. Which of the following is NOT a technique used for presenting effective testimony? a. Honesty b. Brevity c. Clarity d. Objectivity and emotional control e. Because each is a technique, none of the above responds to the question.


101. Which of the following is/are the reason(s) for searching a subject when entering a jail facility? a. Officer safety b. Inmate safety c. Safety of other prisoners d. Prison security e. All of the above are correct.


106. A Miranda warning is not necessary until the suspect is a. arrested. b. asked for his or her name. c. taken to the magistrate for initial appearance. d. being interviewed as a suspect. e. subjected to custodial interrogation.


11. Depending on the magnitude of the incident or spill, the "inner perimeter" should be at least ____ feet from the incident and only authorized personnel wearing protective equipment should be allowed to enter the closed area. a. 200 b. 800 c. 1,000 d. 1,500 e. 2,000


12. Which of the following is not involved with "driver attitude"? a. Use of foresight to anticipate trouble b. Knowledge of the Transportation Code c. Alertness d. Exercise of good judgment and skill e. None of the above (Each directly affects driver attitude.)


127. Criminal investigators must possess an extensive knowledge of a. criminal law. b. rules of evidence and investigative concepts and techniques. c. scientific aids and laboratory services. d. people who commit crimes and modus operandi of criminals. e. all of the above.


14. From a fingerprint, the examiner can determine a. race. b. sex. c. age. d. nationality. e. none of the above.


15. Which of the following is not a recommended action in dealing with the head-on crash situation? a. Drive to the right. b. Reduce speed. c. Read the road ahead. d. Ride right off the road to avoid the collision unless there is a cliff or river. e. Move left rather than right.


23. The source of secondary victimization includes the a. criminal justice system. b. media. c. family, friends, acquaintances. d. clergy. e. All of the above are correct.


23. When a state disaster occurs, all requests for assistance must be channeled through the Director of DPS to the a. Director of Emergency Management Council. b. county sheriff. c. chief of police. d. attorney general. e. governor.


24. Which of the following is not an advantage of using safety belts when driving a vehicle? a. Reduced chance of injury or death if involved in a collision b. Better vehicle control c. Compliance with statutes and department policy d. Proper placement of lap belts and head rests e. Prevents injury or death from head-on collisions


27. The dollar amount in small claims civil court may not exceed a. $2,000. b. $3,000. c. $4,000. d. $5,000. e. $10,000.


29. Components of a preshift vehicle inspection include a. mechanical check. b. interior check. c. exterior check. d. required inventory. e. all of the above.


3. Which of the following is not a faulty driver attitude that greatly contributes to the occurrence of traffic accidents? a. Overconfidence b. Self-righteousness c. Impatience d. Preoccupation e. None of the above (Each is a faulty driver attitude.)


31. A person responding to a HAZMAT event has a skin wound by a contaminated object, such as stepping on a nail. What is the most likely method of contamination? a. Inhalation b. Skin absorption c. Eye absorption d. Oral ingestion e. Injection


38. When asked a question, the testifying officer should always a. speak clearly. b. speak concisely. c. speak in a normal conversational tone of voice. d. speak loud enough to be heard. e. do all of the above.


46. Verbal techniques in good communication include a. active listening. b. clarification. c. summarization. d. not allowing silence. e. a, b, and c, but not d


54. Which of the following is not a significant use of the police report? a. Permanent record of facts b. Coordination of follow-up c. Basis for prosecution and defense d. Performance evaluation of officer e. Maintain a record of opinion and hearsay information


7. Which of the following conditions is not one of the factors influencing the overall "stopping distance" of a vehicle? a. Driver b. Vehicle c. Road d. Weather e. None of the above (All are factors.)


85. Chain of custody or possession accounts for a. who found the evidentiary item. b. where the evidence was found. c. who took custody and marked it. d. who transported it and where was it stored. e. all of the above.


A major symptom of mental disorders, including drug-related disorders, is a. hallucinations. b. delusions. c. alteration of mood. d. defects in perception. e. major loss of contact with reality.


A mental disorder is defined as a. a group of behaviors or symptoms known as a syndrome. b. behaviors that cause distress and disability with usual relationships and lifestyles. c. behavior, although affecting social relationships, that causes pain and discomfort to the individual. d. behavior that is associated with present distress. e. all of the above.


About what percentage of police contacts require physical force? a. 50 percent b. 10 percent c. 22 percent d. 9 percent e. 3 percent


Characteristics of a criminal investigator: Accomplished by being patient, courteous, and sympathetic with persons contacted during an investigation. a. Suspicious b. Curious c. Observant d. Unbiased and Unprejudiced e. Develops rapport through interpersonal communication skills.


Force that is intended by the actor and known to cause death or serious bodily injury is called ____ force. a. reasonable b. extreme c. unreasonable d. drastic e. deadly


Force that is intended by the actor or known to cause death or serious bodily injury is called ____ force. a. reasonable b. extreme c. unreasonable d. drastic e. deadly


the first sub-skill of arranging the environment for effective environment is

eliminating distractions

the sub-skills of arranging the environment refer to

eliminating distractions adding attractors enhancing the environment

Any communication requesting a response from a police officer or citizen from public safety personnel, to an emergency event involving, but not limited to, a life threatening occurrence, or accident, or criminal activity or breach of the peace is the definition of ________________________________.

emergency communications

Withholding affection if a form of what type of abuse?


withholding affection, ignoring a person or treating them like a non-person, name calling, allegations of infidelity, isolation, injuring or killing pets, destroying personal possessions, belittling in front of family or friends, humiliating or degrading acts or constant monitoring are examples of what type of abuse?


facial expression are better than any other body part to reveal


facial expressions reveal

emotions, opinions, and moods

As far as expressions go, what kind of opinions and moods do our faces make/

emotions--facial expressions

What is understanding a person's state of mind?


observations and experience are examples of

empirical evidence

Perhaps the greatest factor influencing opinion about police is the manner in which citizens evaluate the effectiveness of police in

enforcing the laws

When a person experiences a critical incident such as an officer involved shooting which of the following answers below are appropriate ways to assist the individual?

ensure and assure safety, assist in keeping routine as normal as possible, designate someone to handle the media

Peace officers should maintain the highest standards of personal and professional behavior possible. They must serve the ______________ __________________and never represent any particular special interest group.

entire community

what are the three major credit-monitoring services

equifax trans-union experion





Another advantage of the professional model for law enforcement is that officers proceed with _________ conduct.


What are some types of verbal appeal?






An affirmative defense to prosecution

excuses criminal responsibility if the defense is proven by a preponderance of the evidence

If police officers are to provide a satisfactory level of service, they must direct their efforts toward

existing community problems.

tire erosion leaves visible marks on the roadway. What are some methods of leaving tire skids?

extreme acceleration, extreme deceleration, extreme change of direction

5.Forms of prejudice include all but which of the following: 5.1.2 a.Racial b.Ethnic c.Gender d.Religious e.Age f.None of the above

f (all are included)

emotions pertain to

facial expressions

the second sub-skill of positioning for effectiveness and safety is

facing squarely

A conviction under 483.072 may not be not be obtained without uncorroborated


Consent must be voluntary and cannot be withdrawn once given


Heroin, cocaine/crack, PCP, GHB, and methamphetamine are all drugs listed in penalty group II


Officers do not have to be trained in the usage of presumptive field test kits


Possession of Inhalant paraphernalia is a MC (485.003)


There are 6 controlled substance groups


True or False A person may not be issued a class M DL who is 15 to operate a motor driven cycle with not more than 125 CC piston displacement who has completed and passed a MC required course


True or False A police patrol vehicle making use of visual and audible signals is given the right of way and therefore doe not have to worry about due regard for the safety of others.


True or False All accidents scenes have skid mark evidence


True or False Driving off the main traveled portion of the highway is permitted by a vehicle passing another vehicle on the right side


True or False Motor vehicles, people riding animals, people riding bicycles, and people riding motor driven cycles do not come under the jurisdiction of the transportation code while upon the roadway


True or False The drag factor is a constant number for all roadways


True or False a 15 year old boy when a hardship exists in the family that requires him to operate a MV may not be issued a DL


True or False a person who is 16 and who has successfully completed the licensing requirements may not be issued a class C DL


True or False? Substance abuse, in itself, is cause for family violence


True or false an investigator arrives at a conclusion by asking other person their opinions


true or false Negative reinforcement is punishment.


true or false Punishment is the most effective approach to changing behavior.


true or false a farm trailer with a gross weight not exceeding 4000 pounds is required to obtain a valid certification of registration


true or false a farmer who owns property on both sides of a public highway and uses the highway to cross from one section of land to the other required to obtain a valid certificate of registration


true or false an investigator arrives at a conclusion by an inductive reasoning process based on the totality of the circumstances


true or false an investigator arrives at a conclusion by sending all investigation to a forensic laboratory


true or false interview witnesses collectively so that one witness can fill in the gaps in the story of another, thus helping the officer understand the whole sequence at one time


true or false while making a pass a vehicle is permitted to exceed the maximum posted speed limit in order to comply with the rule that states that a pass must be completed while allowing 200 feet for the vehicle approaching from the opposite direction


true or false peeping tom is when you look over someone's shoulder or from a nearby location as they enter their PIN at an ATM


true or false trash diving is when identity thieves may rummage through your trash or the trash of businesses to find personal data


Individuals related by consanguinity (blood) or affinity (marriage) is the definition of?


EEOC Definition of Sexual Harassment: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual ___________________, and other verbal or _______________ conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work-environment.

favors; physical

Possession of 5 grams of heroin is a

felony 2

Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of the professional model for law enforcement?

financial rewards

When unable to be moved, the protection in place for civilians should always be

first consideration

An operator does not have to yield the ROW when approaching which of the following: flashing red light a steady red light a flashing yellow light a stop sign

flashing yellow

Schedule I has a ______ potential for abuse, and ____ accepted medical use in treatment

high, no

The entire width between boundary lines that is publicly maintained is called the _____?


____ means the entire width between property lines of every publicly maintained way when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel

highway or street

Temporary detention means

holding, for a limited time, a person who is not yet answerable to a criminal offense.

What is a unit composed of persons living together in the same dwelling whether related or not?


Skid marks indicate what?

how far a vehicle slid after the wheels locked

The third sub-skill of listening is--

identifying intensity

What is the second sub-skill of listening?

identifying key words and phrases

The arresting officer has better control of a prisoner

if the prisoner is handcuffed with hands behind back

No warrant is required

if valid consent is given to search

When does a pedestrian has the right of way

in a crosswalk

under what circumstance may a vehicle stand momentarily to pick up a passenger?

in front of a public drive way, not on the roadway side of a vehicle that is parked at a curb, no on a crosswalk railroad crossing or sidewalk either

Misdemeanor cases to be tried in justice court must be filed

in the precinct where the offense occurred.

a person may not solicit a ride, contribution or employment while standing......

in the roadway or street

In determining probable cause for an arrest, police may use

inadmissible evidence

Evidence seized unlawfully without a warrant by a peace officer is

inadmissible in court.

In completing traffic citations for an accident, officers should?

include all violations on the citation

The danger for victims of family violence _______ over time


An arrest warrant is valid

indefinitely until served or withdrawn by magistrate

An investigation into the cause and circumstances of the death of a person, and a determination made with or without a formal court hearing as to whether the death was caused by an unlawful act or omission is the definition of


date and time

la fecha y la hora

License plate

la placa

a left turn at an intersection is made into the _______?

lane then legally available, be it the center or the curb lane

A truck - including a pickup truck panel delivery truck or carry all truck that has a manufacturer's rate carry capacity of 2000 pounds or less is the definition of a _____?

light truck

An inventory of a vehicle is for the purpose of

listing personal property belonging to the arrested person for safekeeping.

Place of birth

lugar de nacimiento

What is an example of scanning?

making a laundry list

THC is the chemical that causes the high in


A violation of a temporary ex part order is criminally enforceable if it is served and an officer ____ arrest for such violation


In accordance with TC 550.041 a peace officer who Is notified of a MV accident resulting in injury to or death of any person or damage to the property of any on person to an apparent extent of $1000 or more ________ investigate the accident and file justifiable charges relating to the accident without regard to whether the accident occurred on property to which the TC applies (such as a parkinglot)


When responding to a call in response to a violation of a protective order that did not occur in you view, you ____ arrest the offender


During the search of an apartment for a 24-inch console television set pursuant to a valid search warrant, an officer looks in a closet large enough to contain the TV. Although the TV is not in the closet, the officer observes a short-barrel shotgun, which she rec-ognizes as a prohibited weapon. The weapon

may be seized and the person charged with possession of a pro-hibited weapon

A person who is charged in a death and arrested under a warrant of the justice of the peace

may not be removed from the officer's custody on authority of a warrant from another magistrate.

Speed or ice is a common street name for


If you feel good, you generally act good refers to--


give examples of personal identifiers

mothers maiden name social security number date of birth

The phrase "against the peace and dignity of the state"

must appear on all writs and processes.

The corpus delicti rule states that a confession

must be corroborated with independent evidence

In order for a "consent search" to be valid, the consent

must be voluntary and the person must understand that he/she may object to the search

If the true name of the suspect is not known, a warrant for his arrest

must contain a reasonable definite description of him

What must a protective order application include?

name, counties of victim and alleged offender, relationship, and request for protective order

Definition of Community Policing: Based on the concept that police officers and citizens working together can help solve community problems related to crime, fear of crime, social and physical disorder, and _________________.

neighborhood decay

When are you permitted to exceed the maximum posted speed?


Unlike Texas, because of its large territory and absence of large cities/urban areas, northeastern states in the USA generally had the "Watch" and "Ward" systems. The Watch System was at _____ while the Ward System was at ______.


DOT has identified __________ hazard classes.


An officer charges a violator with Failing to Stop at a Stop Sign and the violator is permitted to sign a promise to appear, does the violator have to been taken before a magistrate?


An officer responds to a family violence call and sees that one person has scratches and the other has a bloody nose and is clearly the aggressor. Is it ok for the officer to arrest both individuals?


Authorized Emergency Vehicle? A vehicle operated by an employee of the blood bank, transporting the daily supply of fresh blood to a local hospital under normal circumstances


Does the operator of a vehicle intending to proceed straight through an intersection without turning have the burden to yield the right of way?


Is a civil dispute a criminal problem?


Is a person on active duty in the US armed forced who has in his or her immediate possession a valid license issued in a foreign county by the US armed forces for a period of not more than 120 days from the date of return to the US exempt from DL requirements?


Is a temporary ex parte order enforceable is it has not been served?


Is an accident report required? $1000 damage - 2 MV collide head-on in a parking garage where a fee is paid for parking.


Is forced marriage an example of sexual abuse?


Is there a residency requirement length for a protective order?


May a bicycle rider hold onto a moving vehicle while traveling down a HWY?


Should witnesses to an accident be asked to provide traffic control duties so that they will not leave the accident scene?


a vehicle turning right on red after making a complete stop and allowing all other vehicle to clear the intersection a violation of the TC?


is a criminal conviction necessary for forfeiture


is a vehicle making a left turn against a red light when it is accompanied by a green arrow light signaling traffic to move to the left a violation of the TC?


is a vehicle on a one way roadway approaching another one way road making a left turn on red after allowing all other vehicles to clear the intersection a violation of the TC


Contraband seized in violation of a person's Fourth Amendment rights is _____ as evidence against the person from whom it was seized.

not admissible

An officer has a search warrant to look for a stolen 24-inch RCA color television set. During the search of the residence, the officer opens a dresser drawer in the bedroom and locates a white powder substance that field tests positively for cocaine. The cocaine is

not admissible as evidence because it was seized unlawfully

a peace officer may __________ in racial profiling

not engage

Word gets around if an officer is biased, prejudiced, and unfair, and his/her ability to serve is diminished. Word also gets around if an officer is fair and _________________ in one's work, and one's ability to serve is increased.


Appearances, behavior, and the environment are associated with


what is the definition of "race or ethnicity"

of a particular descent, including caucasian, african, hispanic, native american, or middle eastern

What are the three things the crime triangle consists of?

offender victim location

The 5th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states, "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless ___________________."

on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury

An arrest may be made

on any day or at any time of the day or night

When is a temporary ex parte order valid?

once the respondent is served

What is the minimum number of head lamps that must be illuminated on the front of a motor vehicle operated on the highway

one on each side of the front of the vehicle

A substance that has an addiction forming or addiction sustaining liability similar to morphine or is capable of conversion into a drug having addiction forming or addiction sustaining liability. Includes racemic and levorotatory forms.


A search warrant may?

order an arrest

The court that has first jurisdiction of a case is said to have __ jurisdiction.


What is it called when someone has expressed a problem they have to you, and you repeat it back to them?


The third component of sub-skill responding to content is--

paraphrasing key words and phrases



______________ least frequently results in law enforcement collisions ______________ most frequently results in law enforcement collisions

parking backing

Where do officers not have jurisdiction to investigate and issue traffic citations if warranted?

parking lots where a fee is paid for parking

The release of a prisoner from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice before the end of his or her sentence is called


Once you are inside the house of disputing parties you have separated, what should your first concern be?

pat down for weapons

A _____ of the outer garments to locate a weapon is a frisk.


Violation of a Protective Order/Magistrates order can be found?


Who's duty and responsibility is it to file a report or the appropriate documents if family violence is suspected?

peace officers

Straight hair

pelo liso

curly hair

pelo rizado

"Describing"_________________ is the most difficult.


A commitment is a court order

to place a convicted person in jail

In order to listen effectively, what do you need?

to suspend judgment

What does it mean to empathize?

to understand the other person's state of mind or see through the eyes of the other person

True or False a person who is a resident of a state in the NonResident Violator Compact of 1977 is permitted to accept the citation from the officer and to immediately continue after promising to comply with the terms of the citation


True or False a person who is under the age of 15 may not be issued a DL


True or False a texas resident operating a motor home on the public roadway is required to obtain a valid certificate of registration


True or False an officer may be held liable for deaths injury or property damage that occurs while in an emergency vehicle and fails to drive with due regard for the safety of others


True or False an operator is not required to yield the right of way when facing a flashing yellow light


True or False any vehicle proceeding at least the normal speed of traffic is required to be operated in the right hand lane then available for traffic


True or False failing to allow sufficient space between vehicles for passing when proceeding in a funeral procession is not a violation of the transportation code


True or False operators of vehicles emerging from an alley must yield the right of way to any pedestrian approaching on a sidewalk


True or False the following is NOT a violation of the TC: A non profit organization has a permit to serve coffee and snacks to drivers on memorial day weekend at a public rest area and remains in the rest area for 72 hours


True or False? A report shall be taken if a family violence event occurred or is alleged to occur


True or False? A victim of family violence will leave on an average of seven times before they leave a situation for good


True or False? An abuser usually believes his behavior should not have negative consequences


True or False? Attempts to reconciliation do not negate a protective order


True or False? Do not dismiss what children may tell you because often they will tell you what has been happening


True or False? During the violence or eruption stage, the batterer may show extreme rage, "teach him/her a lesson", or blackmail the victim


True or False? During the violence or eruption stage, the victim may feel terrified, allow herself to express anger by fighting back, or have feelings of depression, helplessness or hopelessness


True or False? Once a restraining order has been verified, an officer can make an arrest


True or False? Other criminal acts committed while in violation of a protective order may be prosecuted as a separate misdemeanor or felony addition to violating a protective order


True or False? The protected may not be in violation of a protective order


True or False? When investigating family violence, it is important to take photos while the evidence is fresh


True or False? When responding to a call about family violence, you should separate the parties involved before talking


True or false an investigator arrives at a conclusion by reasoning based on the accumulation of facts


True or false an officer should concentrate on the evidence at the scene when taking photos


True or false? Family violence is not a domestic disturbance


Under traffic law, a school bus must be painted and designated as a school bus. true or false


a left hand turn can be made from a lane controlled by a protected traffic control device exhibiting a green arrow. true or false


a left hand turn can be made from center of the roadway when safe to make the turn. true or false


a left hand turn can be made from the second left turn lane so long as vehicles remain in their respective lanes of travel and turn when safe to do so true or false


true or false A person may operate a vehicle on the left side of the roadway when obstructions exist in the right lane of traffic providing that it is safe to do so.


true or false An officer must always be able to return to words and verbal strategies after the safety of the officer is determined.


true or false Positive and negative reinforcement are used to suppress behavior.


true or false Positive reinforcements are the most readily available reinforcement and are very powerful.


true or false Rapport creates a pleasant feeling of mutual trust, affinity, and friendship established through effective verbal and nonverbal communication.


true or false The ability to return to words and verbal strategies once the threat to an officer's safety (or other's safety) is over is a criteria for assessing whether a person is acting professionally.


true or false Vehicles may be operated on the left side of the roadway on streets designated for one way traffic.


true or false when interviewing a witness or operator, the officer should be prepared to take notes immediately while the witness is talking in order not to leave anything out of the investigative report


true or false a security alert means a notice placed on a consumer file that alerts a recipient of a consumer report involving that consumer file that the consumer's identity may have been used without the consumer's consent to fraudulently obtain goods or services in the consumers name


true or false a security freeze means a notice placed on a consumer file that prohibits a consumer reporting agency from releasing a consumer report relating to the extension of credit involving that consumer file without the express authorization of the consumer


true or false the FBI should be contacted when an identity crime takes place involving $100,000 or more


The statute of limitations for misdemeanor offenses is

two years.

a pattern of behavior that is common and would likely be associated with the same element of dysfunction is referred to as




A person is under arrest when the individual is

under constructive or physical restraint or no longer is able to move about freely on his or her own will.

When can an officer enter a home without consent?

under exigent circumstances

In Texas, county jails incarcerate prisoners who have been convicted of Class "A" Misdemeanor offenses which call for a sentence of:

up to one year

Bystanders can complicate accident investigations. what is an acceptable method of using bystanders at and accident scene?

used to control other bystanders by holding a rope away from the accident scene in a safe location

A __________ is a device in on or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn on a highway except devices used exclusively on stationary rails or tracks


A _________ is the place where a protective order may be filed. It can be in the county where the applicant or respondent resides


Family Code 82.003 refers to the _______ where a protective order application can be filed


To arrest an out-of-state fugitive, an officer must have

verification of the existence of the warrant.

A woman from Arkansas with a restraining order for her estranged husband moves to Texas. You are called and find the husband on scene. The woman shows you the unexpired restraining order. What should you do?

verify the order and arrest the subject on the protective order

It is important to be able to distinguish between professional and non-professional behavior. Sometimes the line is ________________ _________________.

very narrow

A protective order is valid in the US and US territories under the Federal Full Faith and Credit provisions of the __________ under the Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Protective Orders Act under Texas Law

violence against women act (VAWA)

paralanguage skills refer to




Arrest warrants issued by a magistrate may be executed in any part of the state except

warrants issued by mayors of incorporated cities

Any evidence that was obtained by an illegal search cannot be ad-mitted as evidence under the exclusionary rule unless the officer

was acting in good faith that the search warrant was valid at the time of the search even though it contained errors.

One major flaw of the Theory X management style is that it is much more likely to ______________ large businesses or police department.


A pat-down frisk is to discover


When an officer is conducting a "frisk search," the officer is seeking to find


In writing police reports, chronology refers to


When is it an offense to run a red light

when entering the intersection when the light is red

When would using an ethical appeal be most useful?

when people are upset and highly emotional

when can a person pass a school bus

when the visual signal is turned off, when signaled by the bus driver, when the school bus resumes motion

When is it the most dangerous for a victim of family violence?

when they decide to leave

"Open fields" begin

where the curtilage ends

The point of impact is generally found?

where the maximum engagement of the collision occurred as determined by underbody debris found at the scene

At the close of an application for a protective order, the court shall fine

whether family violence has occure or is likely to occur

Turn signals viewed from the rear of the vehicle may be any of the following colors except? yellow, orange, white, color between yellow and orange (AKA Amber)


What are the 5 W's and H?

who, what, when, where, why, how

How should you ask questions to get a higher probability of getting more reliable answers?

with caring and understanding

A bicycle, when operated as traffic on a roadway, rides?

with the traffic - and must obey all laws as if a MV

After making a lawful arrest for a felony or class A or B misdemeanor offense, the arresting officer is required to take the offender before the closest magistrate

without unnecessary delay

who has the responsibility to clean up the debris from crash scenes?

wrecker operator

An order from the court directing the person responsible for holding an individual in jail or prison to bring that person before court and show why he or she is being held in custody is called a

writ of habeas corpus

When a sheriff or other person holding an individual in jail or prison receives a/an _______, he or she must bring the detained person before the court and show just cause why the person is being held in custody.

writ of habeas corpus

Authorized Emergency Vehicle? Police vehicle


Authorized Emergency Vehicle? Private (or personal) vehicle operated by a volunteer fire fighter, when responding to fire alarm


Authorized Emergency Vehicle? The operator of a vehicle owned by an EYE bank while making an emergency delivery of eye tissue to the airport.


Can a police officer remove a vehicle to the nearest garage if the vehicle is illegally parked so as to block the entrance to any private driveway and it is impractical to move such vehicle to another point?


Can a police officer remove a vehicle to the nearest garage if the vehicle is unattended on a bridge?


Can a police officer remove an abandoned vehicle?


Can an operated move to the left side of the roadway to avoid a collision?


Does the operator of a vehicle approaching the intersection of a street or roadway that terminates at the intersection not otherwise regulated have the burden to Yield the right of way?


Does the operator of a vehicle intending to turn left within an intersection or into an alley, private road, or driveway have the burden to yield the right of way?


Does the operator of a vehicle proceeding on an access or feeder road of a controlled-access highway have the burden to yield the right of way?


If a vehicle is disabled, so that its normal operation is impossible or impractical, and the person in charge of said vehicle is incapacitated, can you have the vehicle removed?


Is Asset Forfeiture an extra form of punishment?


Is a U turn permitted at an intersection controlled by an official traffic control device displaying red yellow and green signals unless a sign prohibits the movement


Is a nonresident who is at least 16 years of age and who has in his or her immediate possession a valid DL issued in their home stated exempt from DL requirements?


Is a person in the service of the state military forces or of the United States when operating an official motor vehicle in such service exempt from driver's license requirements?


Is a person while operating a road machine or farm tractor temporarily operated or moved on the highway exempt from DL requirements?


Is an accident report required? $1000 damage - a MV collides with a billboard along a roadway controlled by a water control and improvement district.


is a vehicle slowing but not making a complete cessation of movement at a stop sign a violation of the TC ??


yes or no When someone is repeatedly refusing to comply with reasonable requests, does this constitute a need to reply with more than words?


can an officer make a valid cusotdy arrest for a person refusing to sign a promise to appear? failing to yield ROW? Passing in a no Passing zone?

yes x3

a citizen concerned about the speed of vehicles traveling in front of his residence places a "slow" sign next to the road, May the sign be removed without notice? and has the citizen committed an offense?

yes, yes

You use the table of placards only if

you have not been able to identify the material by identification number or name


¡Pare! ¡Alto!

Police! Don't move!

¡Policía! No se mueva

Get out of the car

¡Sal del carro!

How Many?

¿Cuantos? ¿Cuantas?





How may I help you?

¿Cómo puedo ayudarle?




¿De quiénes?

Where does it hurt?

¿Dónde le duele?



Which way was the other car going?

¿En qué dirección iba el otro vehículo?

Which way were you going?

¿En qué dirección iba usted?

Do you understand?


Are you the owner of the car?

¿Es usted el dueño del carro?

Are you alright?

¿Está bien?

Have you been drinking or taking any drugs?

¿Ha bebido alcohol o tomado drogas?

Do you speak English?

¿Habla usted inglés?

Is anyone injured?

¿Hay alguien herido?

Were you wearing a seat belt?

¿Llevaba puesto el cinturón de seguridad?

Do you need an ambulance?

¿Necesita una ambulancia?


¿Por que?



Do you wish to file a complaint?

¿Quiere hacer una demanda?

Do you want me to call a tow truck?

¿Quiere que llame una grua?

Who is the victim?

¿Quién es la víctima?

Who called the police?

¿Quién llamó á la policía?

Who was driving?

¿Quién venía manejando?

Who saw what happened?

¿Quién vió lo que pasó?



Did you call the police?

¿Usted llamó á la policía?

How fast were you driving?

¿Á qué velocidad venía manejando?

An adequate amount of the right kinds of fuel is the key to which of the following?

performance disease prevention wellness

This appeal works best when dealing with headstrong people who insist on getting their own way--

personal appeal

This type of appeal words best with headstrong people who insist on getting their own way--

personal appeal

A search warrant may be issued to search for all of the following except

personal writing by the accused constituting evidence of an offense.



Pulling, shoving, slapping, hitting, punching, cutting, stabbing, hair pulling, choking, burning, kicking, disfiguring, spitting or throwing things at, stomping, or pinching are examples of what type of abuse?


What is the most obvious form of abuse?


What are the three types of abuse?

physical, emotional, and sexual

what do credit bureaus require in order to block fraudulent information and to begin repairing victim's credit reports

police report

facing squarely is an example of

positioning for effectiveness and safety

Mood can be described as:

positive negative neutral

The sub-skills of reinforcing behaviors is are--

positive and negative

What are the methods of good problem solvers?

positive attitude concern for accuracy breaking the problem into parts avoiding guessing activeness in problem solving

Standing or sitting erect is a sub-skill for what?


the third sub-skill of effective communication is

posturing for effective control

What should every family disturbance be regarded as?

potentially explosive and dangerous

It is the duty of a peace officer to

preserve the peace in his or her jurisdiction. obey orders of a magistrate. protect property and prevent injury.

in completing the accident report, the investing officer shall___

print his or her name and badge number at the bottom of the report AND type / print legibly in black ink

"A reasonable ground to suspect that a person has committed or is committing a crime or that a place contains specific items connect-ed with a crime" is Black's Law Dictionary definition for

probable cause

Both search and arrest warrants must be based on

probable cause

The level of proof required to obtain a search warrant is

probable cause

what must you have in order to seize property

probable cause

The professional model also lends itself to more effective ____________ ____________.

problem solving

Unless specifically prohibited, vehicular traffic facing a green signal may?

proceed straight

a police unit at an accident scene is parked in a position to ......

protect the scene

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures

How much of your plate should be fruit and vegetables?


The engineer in charge of a locomotive shall ring the bell and blow the whistle or siren at least _____ from the place where the railroad crosses a public road or street (TC 471.006)

1/4 mile

Gap Skids are usually ____ feet or longer.


How many days must a police officer give a violator to appear in court when the person has been permitted to sign the traffic ticket?


Passenger car means a motor vehicle other than a MC used to transport persons and designed to accommodate _____ or fewer passengers including the operator


Within a city limit, the operator of a motor vehicle may not pass another vehicle within ____ feet from and intersection


a person may not park a MV within ___ feet of an intersection


a signal of intention to turn a vehicle shall be given continuously for at least _____ feet prior to the turn


When visibility is less than ______ feet, an operator must turn on his or her headlights


In order to file a drug free zone enhancement the violation must occur within how many feet of a school, youth center, or playground

1000 feet

An accident report must be filed with the DPS not later than the _______ day after the date of the accident


Unless requested by the applicant, the court shall set a date and time for a hearing based on the application of a final protective order no later than _____ days after filed


How many days is a search warrant valid, not counting the day of issuance or the day of execution?


The U.S. Supreme Court and the judicial system of the U.S. Government is enacted under Article _____ of the constitution of the United States


In order to react to danger, those who work in the criminal justice setting typically allow __________ feet as a norm

3 1/2

"Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of the press" is embodied in the _____Amendment to the U.S. Constitution


The Executive Branch of government is established by Article ___ of the United States Constitution


What is the minimum amount of officers that should respond to a family violence call?


What is the total number of headlights that a vehicle can have illuminated on each side of the vehicle


a operator is operating a passenger car with a single license plate registered to another vehicle. the cooperator is committing how many offenses if any


The number of license plates required on a passenger car

2 - one on the front and one on the back

An individual working in the heat should drink_____________water 2 hours prior to exercise.

2 1/2 cups of water

How long does a protective order last?

2 years

A run of approximately 1 mile burns 100 calories so to loose 2 pounds a month you must run approximately how many miles a day?


A Temporary Ex Parte order may not exceed how many days?


a person may not park a MV within ____ feet of a crosswalk


Above what heart rate might an officer begin to exhibit irrational behavior such as repetitive non-productive activity?

200 BPM

A survey of 2,200 officer throughout the US revealed that _____% of the officers had alcohol problems.


Headlamps on a MV cannot be below how many inches from the ground

24 inches

what is the minimum amount of light transmission that must pass through the driver's side window?


What is the punishment range for Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Child F1?

25-99 years and a 10,000 fine.

Which of the following offenses may not be dismissed by taking a driving safety course: 26 mph over the speed limit 20 mph over the speed limit 23 mph over the speed limit 24 mph over the speed limit or all but 20mph over the speed limit

26 mph over the speed limit

A class C DL permits a person to operate a single two -axle vehicle (other than a MC or Moped) with a gross weight not exceeding _____ pounds?


Which one of the following is not an element of proof for the offense of murder?

Causing the death of an individual while DWI

A threat is interpreted by what organ?

Cerebral cortex



How are accomplices to offenses charged?

Charged for the same offense as the principal actor.

CHEMTREC stands for

Chemical Transportation Emergency Center





The Texas Supreme Court has Jurisdiction over which types of cases.

Civil and Juvenile

Light Color


A person is convicted in county court and sentenced 9 months in county jail and accessed a fine of $3200.00. What classification is this offense.

Class A

A violation of a protective order is what type of offense?

Class A

Possession of a dangerous drug without a valid prescription is a

Class A

Possession of marijuana, greater than 2 ounces but less than 4 ounces is a:

Class A

What type of DL is required to drive a combination of vehicles with a gross weight of 26001 pounds towing a trailer weighing 10001 pounds?

Class A

A person is convicted and sentenced to 180 Days in jail and accessed a fine of $1500.00. What classification is this offense.

Class B

an operator's identification is a ____?


at the scene of an accident operators are required to exchange names addresses, registration information, insurance information and______?


Forging or altering prescriptions is the same offenses as fraud but covers only:

Dangerous drugs

Valid prescription bottle contains

Date of issue, name and address, name and quantity of the substance

When are headlights not required to be on?

Daytime - half an hour after sunrise and in CLEAR weather conditions

What report will be filed for a drive by shooting where 3 actors shot at a residence firing 39 rounds?

Deadly Conduct F3

The increased use of radio and cars for police patrol in the 1900 to 1940 era resulted in a decrease of foot patrol. What impact did this have on the citizen?

Decreased citizen contact

The right to be free from excessive bail and fines stems from which amendment of the U.S. Constitution?

Eighth Amendment

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment?

Eighth Amendment

Which is an example of physical courage?

Facing a barricaded, armed subject with PTSD

The operator of a motor vehicle who is involved in a collision resulting in a death or SBI to another person and who leaves the scene of the accident is charged with?

Fail to stop and render aid

You arrest 2 subjects for public intoxication outside a bar: Both give you their name, date of birth but one gives address for his friend's house: What offense has he committed?

Failure to Identify

Criminal Cases may be appealed to the Texas Supreme Court


Merely affording a person the opportunity to commit an offense constitutes entrapment.


Municipal Courts have original jurisdiction over felony cases


The only difference between F1 and F2 Burglary of a Habitation is if the victim is home at the time of the offense.


True or False After taking this class, you will be able to clean up a spill.


True or False Shipping papers on a load of a hazardous material does not have to be carried in the vehicle as long as the transport vehicle is carrying the right placards.


True or False The shipping papers on a load can be located anywhere in the vehicle.


John takes 5 checks from his place of work and without consent of the owner he writes himself a check for $50,000. He cashes the check and receives the money. What offense has he committed?


Arrest is justified in accordance with the _______ Amendment to the U.S. Constitution when an officer has probable cause.


Particular descriptions of the place to be searched and the things to be searched for are required by the

Fourth Amendment

The right of the people to be safe and secure in their houses from unreasonable searches and seizures comes from which amendment in the U.S. Constitution?

Fourth Amendment

The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides which one of the following protections?

Freedom from double jeopardy

In order to have a ticket dismissed by a driving safety course, an 18 year old person must?

Give a valid DL - Enter a plea of no contest or guilty - Have not completed a driver safety course within one year preceding the date of the offense.

Beat him/her up




The court of jurisdiction in cases involving fine only (class C misdemeanor) is the

JP, Municipal Court

Who is responsible to conduct inquests in criminal homicide cases?

Justice of peace

A person commits suicide. Who is charged under law to investigate the inquest when the incident occurred at a private residence?

Justice of the peace

Which court(s) has (have) original jurisdiction for class C misdemeanors?

Justice-of-peace court

Place of work

Lugar donde trabaja

Penalty Group 1A only covers



La licencia

A damage rating scale of LFQ-5 indicates what?

Left Front Quarter , Major Damage

Get up


name 3 conditions that should be considered in determining how and why an accident occurred.

Light, Vehicle, Traffic Control Device





What action should the officer take when a person refuses to assist the officer in making an arrest?

Make a report to the county or district attorney

Hands in the air

Manos arriba

The "exclusionary rule" prohibits unlawfully seized evidence from being used in a court of law. The rule developed from the U.S. Supreme Court case

Mapp v. Ohio


Marca y modelo

Which one of the answers below is not an approach to stress management?




An ambulance is responding CODE 3 using emergency audio and visual signals. Upon seeing said vehicle, all traffic on the roadway is required to????

Move as far right as possible and stop.

When there is a collision between vehicles within the city limits, who has the responsibility to complete the accident report?

Municipal police officers (we do, OPD)

Which answer below is not a symptom of high engagement of the SNS?

Muscles relax

Which of the following is false regarding the execution of an arrest warrant?

Only a peace officer may execute an arrest warrant

a person's signature on a traffic ticket is?

Only a promise to appear in court

During a frisk, an officer may seize any illegal weapon and file charges. What level of force may an officer use to conduct a frisk?

Only force necessary to overcome resistance

A person intentionally facilitates where another person sells stolen merchandise that is known to be stolen and the value is $2000.

Organized Retail Theft

Which of the following is not a peace officer?

Private security officers commissioned by the Texas Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agency

What degree of proof is required for a warrantless arrest?

Probable cause

Which of the following is not a Texas peace officer?

Probation officer



One of the precursors for methamphetamine is


A person leaves a bar and falls asleep in his vehicle in the parking lot after placing his keys under the floor mat on the passenger side of the vehicle. You wake him up and arrest him what is the charge?

Public Intoxication

While on patrol you see a male and a female in the parking lot. You can see that the female has the waistband of her pants unbuttoned and the male has his hand down her pants. You can see that the female is being sexually gratified by the male through the use of his hand. They have committed what offense.

Public Lewdness

Which is not an element of Murder?


For the offense of Prohibited Sexual Conduct the victim must be ______ to the actor.

Related regardless of blood or affinity



Which acronym is a list of risk factors for suicidal persons


If Bob steals 500 feet of copper wire what is the minimum charge for this theft?


Possession of less than 20 AU (abuse units) of LSD is a


What is the classification for DWI with a child passenger?


What is the classification for Evading on foot with a previous conviction?




Which one of the following statements about search warrants is not true?

Search warrants must be executed within one week of issuance.

Which is the cap that holds down all the other areas in the pyramid of factors influencing fitness and wellness?


Which one of the following is an affect of the stress cocktail of hormones?

Sense and perception changes

Spread your legs

Sepáre las peirnas



Female (married,divorced,widowed)


Female (unmarried)


Which official is authorized under the Code of Criminal Procedure to call any military company in a county to aid in overcoming resistance, and if necessary, in seizing and arresting persons engaged in such resistance?


In accordance with CCP 49.18, who is responsible for conducting an investigation to determine the cause of death of a person while confined in a penal institution or while in the custody of a peace officer?

Sheriff, Person in charge of the institution, Director of the law enforcement agency of which the officer is a member

All of the following answers are symptoms of alcohol abuse EXCEPT:

Showing off how much alcohol can be consumed

What is the statute of limitations for "theft by a public servant of governmental property over which he or she exercises control in an official capacity?"

Ten years

Whenever a person causes a reaction of any type by threatening to explode a bomb, which of the following offenses has been committed?

Terroristic threat

In which of the following court cases did the U.S. Supreme Court rule that an officer can conduct a. frisk-type search of a person's outer garments for officer safety?

Terry v. Ohio

The landmark federal case on stop and frisk was

Terry v. Ohio

Which of the following court cases relates to the "stop and frisk" doctrine?

Terry v. Ohio

Which is the highest appellate court in the state of Texas for criminal cases?

Texas Court of Criminal Appeals

Which of the following is the highest Texas criminal court?

Texas Court of Criminal Appeals

The death penalty requires an automatic appeal to the

Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

Which is the highest appellate court in the state of Texas for civil cases?

Texas Supreme Court

The right of the people to peaceable assemble and to petition the government to seek a remedy for a grievence are two rights listed in which Amendment?

The 1st Amendment

The peace officer must be able to describe people, places, and things by using specific, clear, and vivid language. Which of the following is the most correct answer?

This takes practice

How long is a search warrant valid?

Three days, not counting the day of issuance nor the day of execution



The purpose of a Police Organization is to fight crime, ___________ and to promote public safety.

To serve and protect

What designates the right of way that directs traffic to stop and go at an intersection?

Traffic Control Device

Name that offense A person knowingly transports a person with the intent to force into prostitution.

Trafficking of Persons



CHEMTREC is an emergency call center open during the week that provides immediate information and assistance to anyone involved in a chemical or hazardous material incident. A. True B. False


Justice Courts and County Courts are established by the Texas Constitution


The term entry in Chapter 30 (Burglary) means to intrude into any part of a vehicle, habitation or building with any part of the body.


True or False Any accident can turn into a hazmat incident.


True or False There are three states of a material.

True (solid, liquid, gas)

• Indicates a tendency to use violence on a stranger • Bolder type personality - sacrifices secrecy through confrontation with victim • Generally classed according to style • ambush - least planned; based on element of surprise • planned operation - carefully structured; robbery group examines all aspects of the situation and plans for foreseeable contingencies. May engage in "dry runs" in preparation for robbery or "casing" of the robbery scene • May specialize in specific targets i.e., banks, jewelry stores, home invasion. • "Signature" aspects of robbery (modus operandi) may help in typing a person or group to a series of robberies • Use of "backup" creates a special hazard to officers responding to robbery in progress a. Robber b. Thief c. Semi-professional (unskilled) thief d. Burglar


The affidavit made before the magistrate or district or county attorney is called ___ if it charges the commission of an offense.

a "complaint"

What was the precedence for the Rule of Thumb defense in State v. Rhodes, 1868?

a defendant had the right to whip his wife with a switch no larger than his thumb

An officer may "break down the door" to serve

a felony arrest warrant if refused admittance after giving notice of his or her authority and purpose

A person arrested by order of search warrant shall be taken before

a. the issuing magistrate

Suspects are to be handcuffed at all times in every escort situation. If two officers are escorting two suspects, officers should be positioned to the rear of suspects, one officer on either side of the suspects, holding

a. waistband or belt between cuffed hands

A peace officer walks into a busy convenience store and observes an armed robber at the cash register pointing a handgun at the clerk. The officer issues a challenge, "Police—don't move!" The robber turns and points the handgun at the officer. In self-defense, the officer fires her duty weapon. One of the officer's rounds kills the robber, the other round kills the clerk. The use of deadly force that caused the death of the clerk was a. justified because the deadly force against the robber was justified. b. reckless and therefore not justified under law. c. an unfortunate occurrence. d. murder under the penal code.


A person who saw a crime or some part of it being committed or who has relevant information. a. Suspect b. Witness c. Victim d. Alias


A person with bipolar disorder can be expected to show the following symptoms except a. lethargy. b. consistent depression. c. agitation. d. antisocial behavior.


A single exposure that results in biological harm or death; usually characterized by a brief exposure lasting no more than 7 days, as compared to longer, continuing exposure over a period of time. a. over exposure b. acute exposure c. chronic exposure d. indecent exposure


Actor kills another, then self. Not uncommon among elderly and mentally distraught. a. Felony Murder b. Murder-Suicide. c. Triangle Killing. d. Revenge or jealousy Killing.


Aggression and violence are eroticized act is symbolic of destruction/elimination. Victim is symbolic of a person the offender wants to destroy. Assault is calculated and pre-planned. Offender brings weapons.Assault is ritualistic, involves torture, bondage, and bizarre sex acts.Offender is verbally commanding and degrading. Assault is of extended duration with repeated assaults.Injuries are inflicted to sexual areas of the body.Victim may be murdered and mutilated. Offender usually in 30s. Obsessed with sadism and masochism.Collects sexual devices and brings them to the assault. a. Opportunistic rapist b. Sadistic rapist c. Voyeur rapist d. Anger rapist e. Power rapist


An application for detention of a person with a mental disorder must contain all of the following except a. a description of the risk the person poses. b. the address of the person apprehended. c. a description of the behavior evidenced by the person. d. the name and relationship of the person who reported the behavior.


Anger/RAGE, fear/TERROR, grief/SORROW, confusion/ FRUSTRATION, guilt/SELF-BLAME, and violation/VULNERABILITY a. Stage one: Shock, Disbelief, and Denial b. Stage two: Cataclysm of emotions c. Stage three: Reconstruction of equilibrium d. Stage four: A river in Egypt


Anything to be offered in court to prove the truth or falsity of a fact in issue. a. Elements of a crime b. Evidence c. Fence d. Field Identification


Characteristics of a criminal investigator: Desires to investigate and learn the facts and truth about people, places or objects. This means being habitually curious of such things as spontaneous statements by suspects, an unusual amount of money in the possession of a person of modest means, etc. a. Suspicious b. Curious c. Observant d. Unbiased and Unprejudiced e. Develops rapport through interpersonal communication skills.


Communication is a ____________ ____________, not just luck. a. one way street b. professional skill c. occupational hazard d. break down


Conspiracy against the rights of citizens is found in federal law a. Title 18, Section 242, U.S. Code. b. Title 18, Section 241, U.S. Code c. Title 19, Section 242, U.S. Code d. Title 19, Section 241, U.S. Code.


Control is that degree of influence the officer must exert over a violator to take him or her safely into custody. Control is a "two-way-street." This means that a. both the officer and the violator are in control. b. an officer must be in complete self-control to be able to control a violator. c. self-control is one of the least used assets in dealing with a law violator. d. self-control is inherited rather than achieved.


Dating violence is increasing, and should be treated as __________ ________ - (FC 71.0021) a. assault b. forcible rape c. opportunistic rape d. aggravated assault


Defense counsel will be ultra benevolent in approach to the point of ridicule in an effort to give the impression that the witness is inept. When faced with such a situation, ask for the question to be repeated if it was improperly phrased and then answer in a firm and decisive manner a. Offensive b. Condescending c. Friendly d. Badgering/ Belligerent


Following the cross examination by the defense attorney, the prosecutor may question the witness to clarify statements or answers given during the cross-examination a. Cross Examination b. Redirect Examination c. Recross Examination d. Crisscross examination


Identify, in the proper sequence, the components of total stopping distance. a. Decision/reaction, Braking, Perception of danger b. Perception of danger, Decision/reaction, Braking c. Braking, Perception of danger, Decision/reaction d. Braking, Perception of decision, Incision/reaction


In handling a person with mental illness, ____ using the person's name in talking to him or her. a. avoid b. do not avoid c. hesitate in d. resist


In the rectangulation method, objects are located using what? a. One perpendicular lines. b. Two perpendicular lines. c. Three perpendicular lines. d. Four perpendicular lines.


In using intervention and/or communication strategies, establish _____, and use diffusion and calming techniques. a. liability b. credibility c. believability d. credentials


It ____ a defense to civil liability that the force used was within that degree of force authorized by the penal code. a. is b. is not c. may be d. can be


May still be used in some jurisdictions for the detection of fingerprints and examination of questioned documents. a. Atomic Absorption test b. Laser examination c. Luminal d. DNA (Dioxyribonucleic acid) fingerprinting


Nerve agents, and vesicants are an example of? a. Agricultural Chemicals b. Chemical Warfare Agents c. Biological Toxins d. Obnoxious Fumes


16. Which of the following is not a crime victim's right in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure? The right to a. receive adequate protection from harm and threats of harm from the law enforcement agency. b. have the magistrate take the safety of the victim or his/her family into consideration as an element in fixing the amount of bail for the accused. c. prevent the accused from receiving bail or bond when there is probable cause to believe violence may continue if the accused is released. d. be informed of relevant court proceedings and to be informed if those court proceedings have been canceled or rescheduled prior to the event. e. be informed by a peace officer concerning the defendant's right to bail and the procedures in criminal investigation.


163. (5.1.1) "____________" is a way of thinking and acting based on tradition i.e., learned behavior passed down from one generation to another. A. Race B. Ethnicity C. Culture D. Prejudice


17. Which of the following actions is more likely to threaten the officer's life on a day-to-day basis? a. Confrontation with a robbery in progress b. Dealing with an armed confrontation where the officer is required to safely and effectively use a sidearm c. Operating a motor vehicle on streets and highways d. Issuing a traffic citation to a speeding violator


19. Upon serving a civil citation, the officer shall a. sign the citation b. note how the citation was served. c. both a and b. d. do none of the above.


19. Which of the following statements is false? a. A police officer must understand that the police vehicle has limitations in its capabilities. b. Professional drivers never remove their hands from the steering wheel while the vehicle is in motion. c. Maximum braking occurs when the brakes are locked down and the vehicle begins to skid. d. Fender judgment involves the ability to observe vehicle position by properly aligning its front fenders in relation to other objects on the roadway or parking area.


19. Yellow smoke at a fire scene indicates a a. wood fire. b. electrical fire. c. chemical fire. d. petroleum fire.


2.Although the idea of race is expressed primarily in terms of physical characteristics, it is also substantially determined by a. size. b. skin color. c. popular social definition. d. religious practices.


20. Who is authorized to declare a local disaster in a city in Texas? a. The chief of police b. The sheriff c. The mayor d. The chair of the Emergency Management Council


20.The morality governing an individual or group is a. an epitaph. b. necessary to control behavior. c. an ethic. d. significant to group culture.


21. Nonverbal communications are a. totally useless. b. just so much bull. c. often as expressive as verbal. d. rarely used.


22. An officer conducting a preliminary investigation at the crime scene demonstrates inefficiency and incompetence by a. protecting the crime scene. b. apprehending the suspect. c. picking up each item of evidence and examining it. d. identifying and interviewing witnesses. e. preparing a complete and accurate report.


22._____ is to act on the basis of prejudice,. a. Ethnocentrism b. Judgment c. Discrimination d. Idiosyncrasy


23. Defensive driving is an acknowledgment that an accident can happen a. only to careless persons. b. to persons who have not taken a driver's education course. c. to anyone—even a peace officer. d. when safety belts are not fastened.


24. Written communications a. occur face to face. b. allow ample opportunity for question. c. permit both the sender and receiver to have a record of the message. d. do not encourage clear thinking.


24.______ and categorical treatment afford a convenient grouping for people of whom one is ignorant. Lumping such people together under a popular description saves time and thought and affords a convenient grouping. a. Scapegoat b. Societal strain c. Stereotype d. Projection


25. Sheriff and constable officers are a. generally appointed b. statutorily created and elected. c. constitutionally created and elected. d. hired by the county commissioners.


25. When supervisors hear the term "communications breakdown," they should immediately a. sound the panic alarm. b. call a repair person. c. search for ways to improve communications. d. resign.


26. Which court is designated by the Government Code to handle small claims? a. County court b. County court-at-law c. Justice-of-peace court d. District court e. All of the above


27. As a responder to a hazardous material incident, you should first a. notify proper agencies. b. prevent contaminations to yourself and the public. c. recognize potentially hazardous materials incident. d. do none of the above.


27. The child molester is an adult with an abnormal sexual desire a. to caress and fondle children's clothing. b. limited to erotic cravings toward little girls. c. to have some form of sexual relationship with children. d. to engage in acts of perversion with mature men and women.


27. ________ are brief notations concerning specific events and circumstances that are recorded while fresh in the officer's mind and used to prepare a report. a. Complaints b. Court records c. Field notes d. Depositions


27.It is important to be aware of one's biases, so that one can double check decisions to ensure accurate and fair decision making. There are four basic feelings or attitudes harbored by most prejudiced persons. Which of the following is not one of these feelings or attitudes? a. Fear b. Proprietary claims c. Feeling of inferiority d. Feeling that others are strange and different e. Feeling of superiority


29. Under which of the following circumstances should an officer not transmit on the police radio? a. The officer observes an electrical power wire lying on the ground. b. An off-duty officer observes an automobile collision. c. Another officer is involved in an emergency and has asked for radio clearance. d. The officer is making a "routine" traffic stop.


a diabetic having an insulin reaction, was mistakenly believed to be involved in a robbery and intoxicated by Charlotte, North Carolina police officers. This person was arrested and thrown into a patrol car. The U.S. Supreme Court reversed the lower courts ruling directing that the inquiry must, under the 4th Amendment, be whether the officers' actions are objectively reasonable in light of the facts and circumstances confronting them at the time, without regard to their underlying intent or motivation. a. Garretty vs NJ b. Tennessee vs Garner c. Graham v. Connor d. Estate of Ceballos v Bridgewater


• Profit still underlying motive, but this type may be more interested in getting money for drugs • Targets are determined more by opportunity (cruising robber) • Less involved in planning or preparation • More likely to resort to violence against victim • Presents a special danger when interrupted and cornered • More prone to violence to try to effect escape • Less rational than "professional" counterpart a. Professional "heavy" criminal b. Thief c. Semi-professional (unskilled) thief d. Burglar


Whenever a peace officer meets resistance in making an arrest or search, the officer may

call upon as many citizens as necessary to aid in the arrest or search.

An officer conducting a suspicious incident investigation to determine what, if anything, is occurring

can interview people in the area without giving a statutory warning.

An "order of arrest" issued by the clerk of the court is a


Family Code 82.003 refers to the _______ where a protective order application can be filed


Striations are narrow parallel light grooves scratches or stripes on a surface left by a tire grinding pavement grinding or smear. Striations are generally associated with?

centripetal skid marks



as a traffic controller, you see an ambulance running code 3, what do you do?

clear a path for the ambulance so that it may safely proceed through the intersection

Title 8 of the Texas Penal Code (chapters 36, 37 and 38)

codifies certain illegal behaviors of public officials

Law enforcement officers are called on to provide a wide range of services that may include, but are not limited to,

collecting and securing found property, enforcing animal control laws, helping a traffic accident victim

Using cymbals in your field notes is an acceptable practice. What does the cymbal "C" represent?


An arrest warrant ___ that the named individual be taken into custody immediately to be dealt with in accordance with law.


The affidavit filed in applying for a warrant of arrest is called a


In order to obtain a warrant of arrest, an officer must sign a


The affidavit made before the magistrate or the district or county attorney charging the commission of an offense is called a(n)


All witnesses to an accident should?

complete WRITTEN statements

1050. (25.1.1) "Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)" is a pathological anxiety that usually occurs after an individual experiences or witnesses severe trauma that constitutes a threat to the physical integrity or life of the individual or of another person. Which of the following statements are true in regards to PTSD? A. People who survive severely traumatic events rarely have Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. B. After some delay (symptoms do not usually develop immediately after the trauma), the person in some way relives the traumatic event and tries to actively think about it. C. In general, the worse or more enduring the trauma, lessens the likelihood of developing PTSD. D. People who survive severely traumatic events often have Post-traumatic Stress Disorder


11. Chapter 56 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure pertains to a. animal rights. b. outdoor burning. c. water quality. d. crime victims' rights.


11.Prejudice may take a(n) ________ form. a. economic b. racial c. political d. All the above are true.


1110. (28.1.2) Which of the following is NOT a route of exposure to hazardous materials? A. Injection B. Oral ingestion C. Skin and eye absorption D. Reduction


1113. The effects of a "hazardous-materials event" on society may vary. Some chemicals and substances cause little harm, while others can kill instantly, or result in later health problems. Effects on property and the environment that were given in your text that were specifically listed included all of the following except: A. Temporary or long-lived damage to water systems. B. Loss of the productive use of land that has been contaminated by a "HazMat Event". C. Necessity to destroy food items (meat, grain, vegetables) contaminated by a "HazMat Event." D. Lowering of the protein content of food plants.


1119. (29.1.1) "______________": literally means the body or substance of the crime. In law the term refers to proof establishing that a crime has occurred; the necessary elements that constitute a crime. A. Mandamus B. Res geste C. Mala prohibitum D. Corpus delicti


1121. (29.1.2) The "Three Tools of the Criminal Investigator" are: A. Information, Intelligence, Communication B. Intelligence, Science, Communication C. Information, Instrumentation, Intelligence D. Information, Instrumentation, Interviewing


1122. (29.1.3) Which of the following was not specifically listed as one of the "goals" for criminal investigation? A. to determine if a crime has been committed B. to legally gather evidence that identifies the suspect C. to recover stolen property D. to convict a suspect


1123. (29.1.4) The "______________" of a crime is the body, foundation or substance of the crime, which ordinarily includes two elements: the act and the criminal agency of the act. (Literally "the body of the crime.") A. Mandamus B. Res geste C. Mala prohibitum D. Corpus delicti


1125. (29.1.5) The legal significance of evidence rests in its influence on the ______________. A. Investigator or officer B. Prosecutor C. Defense Attorney D. Judge or jury


1134. (29.2.10) Which of the following was not specifically given as a method of gaining sexual access to a person? A. Consent B. Pressure C. Force D. Reference E. Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault


1143. (29.3.2) The most serious crime that a person commits is " ______________" if they intentionally kill another person while committing "Arson". A. Murder B. Criminally negligent homicide C. Manslaughter D. Capital Murder


1146. (29.3.2) A person commits "Capital Murder" if the person intentionally commits the murder in the course of committing or attempting to commit "__________________." A. Theft B. Bribery C. Impersonating Public Servant D. Robbery


1156. (29.3.2) A pregnant woman obtains an abortion through a recognized legal medical practice. The woman has committed A. Murder B. Capital Murder C. Manslaughter D. no offense


1161. (29.6.2) Which of the following statements is "true" concerning procedures for identifying a victim in case of serious injury or death? A. Officers may locate any source of identification such as driver's license, military ID, social security card, tattoos, amputations or unusual scars, only after obtaining a search warrant. B. Even though a person is injured, they should never be moved until a crime scene sketch and photographs have been completed. C. If person is alive and conscious, obtain identification and information about next of kin, but remember you must first give them the Miranda warnings first. D. If person is alive and conscious, obtain identification and information about next of kin.


1163. (29.7.3) In regards to crime scene search patterns, the "_____________" was given as "among the most effective for outside searches. A. Quadrant (or Sector) Search B. Area Search C. Circular (Spiral or Concentric) Search D. Strip Search


1166. (29.7.10) A/an "______________" is the explanation of symbols used to identify objects in the sketch. A. map point B. symbol sector C. identification section D. legend


1167. (29.7.10 and 29.7.11) Which of the following statements is not true concerning "crime scene sketching?" A. Use an arrow to show north and orient north to the top of the sketch. B. Use a "legend" to explain any symbols used on the crime scene sketch. C. A "perspective sketch" is a three dimensional drawing which is useful when no camera is available or the condition of the scene is such that a photograph would not be illustrative. D. A sketch is not required provided thorough photographs have been taken of the crime scene.


1171. (29.7.12) Chain of custody or possession accounts for all of the following except: A. who found the evidentiary item and the location where the evidence was found B. who took custody and marked it. C. who transported it and where was it stored. D. who will prosecute the case.


1175. (29.10.5) As a witness in a criminal trial an officer should be perceived by the jury as; A. Very interested in seeing that the accused is convicted and punished. B. Hard on crime, and as such, will not tolerated the criminal behavior of the accused. C. Prejudicial D. An "objective public servant" presenting only the facts of the case.


Two general categories of mental disorders are a. organic and logic. b. functional and logic. c. dysfunctional and organic. d. organic and functional.


96. When answering questions as a witness in a court of law, you should be honest, brief, clear, and objective, and keep emotions in control. Being objective means a. presenting a modest demeanor and displaying a sincere interest in the accuracy and truth of statements. b. avoiding getting flustered, confused, or embarrassed and confining statements to answering the questions. c. ensuring that questions are correct, and avoiding errors, inconsistencies, and confusion that undermine your credibility before the jury. d. presenting an impartial and conscientious picture of a public servant working for the interest of justice. e. ignoring insult, badgering, and innuendos, avoiding displaying anger that results in loss of credibility.


97. If an officer does not know the answer to a question proposed during direct or cross examination, the officer should a. tell the questioning attorney what he or she wants to hear. b. ad lib and give an answer the jury will believe. c. refer to his or her notebook until a good answer comes to mind. d. simply say, "I don't know" or "That's all I can recall." e. do any of the above.


99. In a court of law, an officer is asked a question and the opposing attorney raises an objection. The judge "sustains" the objection. What should the officer do? a. Answer the question. b. Wait for the judge to explain the objection. c. Ask the attorney to repeat the question. d. Remain quiet and do not answer the question. e. None of the above


A "tort" litigation is adjudicated in a a. criminal trial. b. federal civil rights violation hearing. c. state civil rights violation hearing. d. civil court.


A criterion for assessing whether a person is acting professionally is the officer's ability to a. know when to move from words to force. b. effectively communicate with people outside the police profession. c. accurately assess a situation and define the problem. d. do all of the above.


A number of departments have adopted use-of-force continuum scales. Which of the following is a principal consideration in these scales? a. Ineffective control results when the level of force is less than the subject's level of resistance. b. Excessive control results when the level of force is unreasonably greater than the subject's level of resistance. c. The force used should be no more than a reasonable officer would use under the total circumstances of the situation. d. All of the above e. None of the above


A parent may use force, but not deadly force, against a child younger than age __ if the parent reasonably believes the force is necessary to discipline the child or safeguard or promote his or her welfare. a. 15 b. 16 c. 17 d. 18 e. 21


A peace officer may take a person into custody without a warrant if the officers has reason to believe that the person has a mental illness, there is substantial risk of serious harm to the person or others unless the person is immediately restrained, or a. a magistrate orders the custody. b. the county judge verbally agrees that custody is in the best interest of the patient. c. the sheriff consents to the custody. d. there is not sufficient time to obtain a warrant.


A police supervisory officer and/or a nonsupervisory officer has a/an __________ duty to intervene to stop an officer who is engaging in excessive force in his or her presence. a. mandatory b. regulatory c. ethical d. affirmative


A sharp dividing line between normal and abnormal behavior a. frequently exists. b. is evidenced by the type of disorder observed. c. exists for the majority of disorders. d. does not exist.


A victim of a crime of a sexual nature may use as a pseudonym... a. Alias b. Initials c. Only use own name d. Either a or b


Accept violence as normal Have no concept of a healthy, happy home or relationship Accepts violent parents as role models. 85% of prisoners come from violent homes These are characteristics of? a. generation X b. cycle of trust c. cyclic victimhood d. generational cycle


According to Sex Offender Registration Program CCP 62.02 Registration - (a) The person shall satisfy the requirements of this subsection not later than the ____ day after the person's arrival in the municipality or county. a. 1st b. 2nd c. 5th d. 7th


According to the 5th Circuit Court appeals, this case on deadly force are clear; "an officer cannot use deadly force without an immediate threat to himself or others." (Penal Code 9.51) a. Garretty vs NJ b. Tennessee vs Garner c. Graham v. Connor d. Estate of Ceballos v Bridgewater


According to the Penal Code, the use of deadly force is not justified a. to protect against another's use or attempted use of unlawful deadly force. b. to prevent a person who is in the imminent commission of aggravated sexual assault. c. against another who is in the imminent commission of arson. d. against another who is fleeing immediately after committing the crime of arson.


Alcoholism is a. a stage of dependency. b. an illness. c. a danger to both the alcoholic and the public. d. all of the above.


An officer has _______ to retreat before using deadly force. a. a duty b. a responsibility c. a right d. no duty


An officer who uses excessive force may be subject to a. department liability. b. civil lawsuit. c. criminal charges. d. all of the above.


An officer who uses excessive force may face a. civil suit. b. criminal charges. c. department liability. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.


Approximately ______ percent of the American population are considered to be mentally retarded. A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. 3


Attack parked vehicle and remove parts that can be readily disposed of. Steal vehicle and tow or drive it to a "chop shop" a. Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle offender(s) b. Use-in-crime thief c. Insurance fraud swindlers d. Strippers and dismantlers e. Professional auto thief


Characteristics of a criminal investigator: An investigator must possess an __________________ mind. Allowing either attitude to be involved in a case will result in a sloppy investigation, incorrect conclusions and unfairness to victims and suspects. a. Suspicious b. Curious c. Observant d. Unbiased and Unprejudiced e. Develops rapport through interpersonal communication skills.


In the line of duty, you fire your weapon at a person who is armed and in the imminent commission of robbery. One of your rounds kills the armed felon, however, a second round recklessly injures an innocent third person who was behind the subject. Which of the following is true? a. Officers have immunity from prosecution when they are acting in the line of duty. b. Officers can use a "good-faith defense" against criminal but not civil litigation. c. Officers can use a "good-faith defense" against civil but not criminal litigation. d. Officers have no defense in this situation and can face both criminal and civil litigation.


Intended to provoke to lose emotional control and, therefore, credibility with the jury. When faced with such a situation, ignore the defense counsel's actions, stay calm, speak in a deliberate voice, and give the prosecutor time to make the appropriate objections a. Offensive b. Condescending c. Friendly d. Badgering/ Belligerent


On-the-scene identification of a suspect by the victim of or witness to a crime, conducted within minutes of the commission of a crime. a. Elements of a crime b. Evidence c. Fence d. Field Identification


PERMISSIBLE CONDUCT. In operating an authorized emergency vehicle the operator may: Is not permissible when? TC 546.002 a. responding to an emergency call b. pursuing an actual or suspected violator of the law c. responding to a fire alarm d. returning from a fire alarm e. directing or diverting traffic for public safety purposes e. conducting a police escort.


Provides guidance on what investigative techniques are acceptable. Mastery and knowledge of criminal procedures and the rules of evidence enable the investigator to gather evidence against a suspect that can withstand court challenges. a. Information b. Instrumentation or forensic science c. Interviewing d. Laws of arrest, search and seizure


Something known to be true. a. Corpus Delicti b. Circumstantial Evidence c. Hearsay d. Fact


The "Crime Scene Search" is a planned and coordinated legal search of a crime scene to locate physical evidence or witnesses to the crime under investigation. Which of the following were listed as purposes of the search? a. To determine who, how, when, and why the crime was committed. b. To determine if a crime was committed. c. To determine what crime has been committed and establish elements of the offense. d. All of the above


The BPOC list several "factors" to be considered when choosing methods of crime scene search. Which of the following was specifically listed as one of these factors? a. The degree off thoroughness required depending on the type of crime committed, the type of physical evidence sought and the purpose of the search. b. Personnel and equipment necessary and available. c. Size and type of area to be covered. d. All of the above


The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution limits the level of force that may be used to __ force. a. deadly b. necessary c. constructive d. reasonable e. required


The _______ personality is an extremely violent antisocial personality who may become psychotic during destructive episodes. a. paranoid b. bipolar c. depressed d. sociopathic


The basic skills of an effective radio communicator include: a. calmness b. alertness c. control d. all of the above


The catalyst for crisis intervention training and why the training is so importance resulted from a. an article in The Police Magazine, March 2000. b. a statement in the National Law Enforcement Policy Center that encouraged agencies to develop such programs. c. a policy statement in the Police Executive Research Forum that mandated training. d. a confrontation between officers and a mentally ill person in Memphis, Tennessee, that resulted in the death of the person when officers reacted as they were trained.


The legal term for diminished capacity and inability to tell right from wrong is a. mental disorders. b. mental illness. c. mental retardation. d. insanity.


The main type(s) of pedophile(s)? a. Situational b. Preferential child molesters c. Institutional d. Both a and b e. Both b and c


The person injured by a crime a. Rapport b. Reasonable Doubt c. Statement d. Victim


The physical response to TRAUMA is based on our animal instincts. It includes which below? a. physical shock b. disorientation c. numbness d. All of the above


The robber a. is usually armed. b. is a dangerous criminal. c. usually plans the crime. d. All of the above


The sex offender could be involved in which of the following crimes? a. Arson b. Assault by physical contact c. Mutilation d. All of the above


The single most common factor in suicidal behavior or death by suicide is that the individual is experiencing _________________. A. Insanity B. Poor health C. Mental illness D. Depression


This type of appeal works well with headstrong people who insist on getting their own way. a. Ethical appeal. b. Rational appeal c. Practical appeal d. Personal Appeal


To determine whether recovered property is linked with a previous crime, you would need to check what? a. Stolen reports b. NCIC/TCIC c.Teletypes from other jurisdictions. d. All of the above


To determine with certainty whether a person is mentally retarded requires comprehensive examinations and tests by a qualified individual. When officers first encounter a citizen, the officers must rely on their own perceptions and minimal information to see if referral or other actions are appropriate. Which of the following is not one of the factors to consider in the initial analysis? a. Does the person move awkwardly or have poor motor coordination? b. Can the person perform relatively simple tasks such as telling time, counting, using the telephone? c. Is the person unable to communicate at the level of others in his or her approximate age group? d. None of the above responds to the question because each is a factor to be considered.


To justify using force to arrest or search a suspect, you must a. reasonably believe the arrest or search is lawful. b. communicate your purpose to arrest or search. c. identify yourself as a peace officer unless your identity is already known or you are in uniform. d. all of the above. e. only a and b above.


Identify the conditions under which an officer or law enforcement agency may be held liable for deaths, injuries, or incidents of property damage that occur while in an emergency vehicle being operated under emergency conditions. a. Failure to drive with due regard for the safety of others. b. An agency when it has not adopted a written policy on police pursuits. c. A negligent or wrongful act or omission by an employee of the entity. d. When not in immediate pursuit of actual or suspected violator or responding to a bonafide emergency. e. all of the above


In accordance with PC 1.07(42), "_____ means a belief that would be held by an ordinary and prudent man (i.e., person) in the same circumstances as the actor." a. Preponderance of evidence b. Probable cause c. Reasonable doubt d. Truthfulness e. Reasonable belief


In considering whether to use deadly force, an officer must consider a. the type of crime, immediacy of the threat, and suspect(s) involved. b. the threat to the lives of other people. c. the surrounding environment, background, buildings, and vehicles. d. agency policy, the officer's capabilities, and the suspect's capabilities. e. all of the above.


In which of the following circumstances would you be justified in firing your duty weapon? a. You fire a warning shot at a nonviolent fleeing felon. b. You shoot at a fleeing moving vehicle that is in the process of being stolen. c. You put an injured animal out of its misery at a local park where other people were present. d. You fire even though you don't have a clear target at a violent offender, because other officers are firing. e. In each of the preceding situations, the firing of the duty weapon was unnecessary considering the potential danger involved. f. You were justified in firing your duty weapon in all the above situations.


Plant and Animal Pathogens include all but which. a. Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) b. Exotic Newcastle Disease (END) c. Classical Swine Fever (CSF) d. Boll Rot of Cotton e. All are included


Reasonable or necessary force is a. strength or energy brought to bear, cause of motion or change, active power. b. the quality of conveying impressions intensely in writing or speech. c. to compel by physical, moral, or intellectual means. d. intended or known by the actor to cause, or in the manner of its use or intended use is capable of causing, death or serious bodily injury. e. the minimum amount of law aggression sufficient to achieve legitimate law enforcement objectives.


Steals late model vehicles and resells them. May ship vehicles and resells them. May ship vehicle out of country (Mexico or South America). a. Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle offender(s) b. Use-in-crime thief c. Insurance fraud swindlers d. Strippers and dismantlers e. Professional auto thief


The Texas Health and Safety Code, Section 571.004 states that the "least restrictive alternative" is the treatment that a. is available. b. provides the patient with the greatest possibility of improvement or cure. c. is no more restrictive of patient's physical or social liberties than is necessary to provide the patient with the most effective treatment. d. Protects adequately against any danger the patient poses to him or herself, or others. e. All of the above.


Tools used to redirect someone's behavior include a. listening. b. empathizing. c. avoiding questions. d. all of the above. e. only a and b above.


Wants to prove his masculinity.Assault is an attempt to control and sexually possess the victim to feel adequate. Uses force or threat to overcome resistance. Offender's mood is anxious. Language is inquisitive and instructional. May ask victim for praise or reassurance. Assault may be of extended duration. Victim is selected for specific characteristics and availability. Assault is premeditated. Offenses are obsessive and repetitive. Frequently commits date and acquaintance rapes. Often apologizes after assault. a. Opportunistic rapist b. Sadistic rapist c. Voyeur rapist d. Anger rapist e. Power rapist


Which does not define the VERB "force": a. To do violence to. b. To compel by physical, moral, or intellectual means. c. To make or cause through natural or logical necessity. d. To achieve or win by strength in struggle or violence. e. All fo the above define the VERB "force"


Which of the following is not considered a factor in deciding whether or not a person is mentally retarded? a. Disorientation b. Disorganized speech patterns c. Size of the person d. Age of the person e. Both c and d


Which of the following is not one of the conditions officers must consider when faced with the use of deadly force? a. The type of crime and suspect(s) involved b. The threat to the lives of innocent persons, both present and future c. The law and the peace officer's agency policy d. The threatening weapon's capabilities e. None of the above (each has a significant impact on an officer's decision to use deadly force)




Arranging, positioning, posturing, and observation are the sub-skills of

effective communication

positioning is an example of

effective communication

80% of family violence calls can be efficiently handled by?

effective listening

The degree to which mutual respect and trust are enjoyed in the personal relations of criminal justice personnel influences the efficiency and ______________________ of the work.



el color

How many routes of exposure can a contaminate enter the body?

four (inhalation, ingestion, injection, absorption)

A person removes a $450 price tag from a retail item, replaces it with a $200 price tag and pays the lower price: According to the Penal Code, the person has committed the offense of _______.

fraudulent destruction, removal, or concealment of writing

flat tire marks are generally found in ____ wheel skids


david is


When an officer is handling a family violence case, he or she must

give a written notice to the alleged victim of his or her rights.

The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

gives the right to be confronted by witnesses

What is the second sub-skill of reinforcing behavior?

giving negative consequences

What is the first sub-skill of reinforcing behavior?

giving positive reinforcement

responding to feelings refers to--

happy, sad, confused, strong, angry, or weak

What statute does not relate to family violence?


The police effort in carrying out the police mission will be effective only to the extent that they

have the support and cooperation of the community.

What would a key word or phrase be for a rational approach?

having a strong sense of right and wrong

True or False a fire truck in route to a call has the highest traffic priority when directing traffic


Abandoned property

is always open to police as evidence

If an officer has probable cause to arrest or search, the officer ___ liable for detaining or searching a suspect against his or her consent,

is not

If contraband is seized in violation of a person's Fourth Amendment rights, the property

is not admissible as evidence against the person from whom it was seized

A professional is one who is "engaged in one of the learned or _______________ professions, or in a calling considered socially superior to a trade or handicraft."


Positive reinforcement includes--

social rewards



what is the creation of e-mails and websites that appear to belong to legitimate business such as established retail companies, financial institutions, and online auction sites


How should you face someone when you are going to talk to them?


Precise communication consists of physical descriptions given in ...

standard order of submission of information

the first sub-skill of posturing is

standing or sitting erect

what are associated with posturing for effect and control

standing or stilling erect eliminating distracting behaviors leaning forward slightly

Evidence seized under an invalid search warrant but seized in good faith can

still be used in court

What must an operator do when exiting an alley?


a person begins to leave her driveway and observes a pedestrian approaching on the sidewalk. the operator should?

stop and yield to the pedestrian

What is a flashing red signal also called?

stop sign

what do haptic skills deal with


while operating a farm _________ on the highway, an operator is exempt from having a driver's license


_______ is defined as pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, conveyances (including vehicles and streetcars) using a high way for the purposes of travel.


where do most race-based complaints generate from

traffic stops

What type of measurement is the best to locate the exact position of a vehicle at an accident scene?

triangulation measurements from fixed points

A person does not have to hold something to possess it.


An informant is any person that provides information to law enforcement personnel regarding the criminal conduct of another. They range from anonymous informants (tipsters) to criminal informant who testify against their accomplices for monetary consideration or mitigation of criminal offenses


An officer may be held liable if the officer is in pursuit of an operator but works for an agency that has not adopted a written policy on a police pursuits. True or False


An officer must be properly trained and certified to enter a clandestine laboratory


Deliver means to sell, dispense, or supply in any other manner but does not include giving away.


Inhalation is one method of drug abuse


Physical and psychological consequences of controlled substance abuse can mimic mental illness


True of False The Texas Transportation code never gives the right of way to any vehicle but rather places responsibility on one vehicle to yield the right of way to another in specific circumstances


True of False The prima facie speed limits are determined to be the reasonable and prudent speeds under normal conditions; however, no person may operate a vehicle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under circumstances that do in fact exist


True or False A person may not be issued a Class A DL for a person who is 16, who has had a education course, and already has a class C DL


True or False An officer that is operating a law enforcement vehicle under non emergency conditions is subject to the same rules of the road as any other operator


True or False Placing a hand on the vehicle and asking " who was operating this car at the time of crash is a good approach to determining which person was operating the MV.


True or False The drag factor will change on each road surface


True or False The drag factor will vary on each road surface


True or False The operator of a vehicle carrying explosive substances when approaching a rail road grade crossing not within the limits of an incorporated city, providing the operator slows down to a speed of 20 mph and no train is approaching is not required to stop at all rail road grade crossings


True or False The rule regarding passing states that operators of vehicles proceeding in opposite directions shall pass each other to the left


True or False Traffic laws apply to persons riding bicycles with the exception of those provisions of the TC that by their nature cannot apply


True or False Unless a person has medical exemption, he or she must wear protective headgear while operating or riding a MC on ALL public streets or highways if the person is under 21


True or False a 17 yo person seeking a class C license to go to work because she dropped out of high school after 40 days of class for hardship reasons to seek work to help her family may not be issued a DL


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