Completion/Short Answer Chapter 1

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Prayer and divine intervention

In the Dark Ages, what was the main method used to treat illness and disease

Bubonic Plague, Typhoid, Malaria, Smallpox

List four diseases that shorted the life span of individuals in the Middle Ages

Good diet, fresh air, cleanliness, exercise

List four things Hippocrates stressed to help the body heal itself

That evil spirits and demons caused it

What did ancient people think was the cause of disease and illness

Plants and herbs

What did apothecaries use to make many of the medications in the 17th century

The invention of sulfa drugs

What helped the medicine progress faster in the 20th century than in all previous years

It allowed physicians to see organisms that are to small to be seen by the human eye

What was the significance of the invention of the microscope in 1666

Because not everyone responds to treatment well

Why is it important to individualize an integrative treatment plan

Because of human dissection

Why was dissection a major advance in health care during the Renaissance

Gene therapy to find cures for inherited diseases

Why was the discovery of DNA so important

Allowed the physicians to listen to internal body sounds

Why was the invention of the stethoscope in 1816 important

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