CompTIA ITF+ Practice Test Questions

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How much storage does a character data type use?

1 byte A character (or char) is a single textual character, and can be a letter, a symbol, or a numerical character, such as A, a, @, 1, etc. Each character consumes one byte of storage. The data type that consumes 1 bit of storage is the boolean data type, which is a special numeric data type indicating that something is either TRUE or FALSE. Floating-point numbers, which can be whole numbers or decimal fractions, consume a minimum of 4 bytes of storage. Integers and floating-point numbers consume up to 8 bytes of storage.

Which of the following represents the largest amount of storage capacity? 1. 2500000000 MB 2. 3000000 GB 3. 10000 TB 4. 5 PB

10000 TB Storage capacity is typically calculated using decimal measurements (base 10), so 10,000 TB (TeraBytes) equals 10 PB or 10,000,000 GB or 10,000,000,000 MB. It is larger than the other choices in this list. 3,000,000 GB (GigaBytes) equals 3 PB or 3,000 TB or 3,000,000,000 MB. It is not as large as 10,000 TB. 2,500,000,000 MB (MegaBytes) equals 2.5 PB or 2,500 TB or 2,500,000 GB. It is the smallest amount in this list. 5 PB (PetaBytes) equals 5,000 TB or 5,000,000 GB or 5,000,000,000 MB. It is not as large as 10,000 TB.

Convert the hexadecimal number 16 into decimal notation.

22 To calculate the decimal value of a number in hexadecimal notation, multiply each digit with its corresponding power of 16 from right to left. The calculation for 16 is: 6 * 1 + 1 * 16 = 22. 10 would be the correct answer if the question was to convert 16 in decimal into hexadecimal. Hexadecimal numbers are the same as decimal for 0 to 9, and A to F is decimal 10 to 15.Hexadecimal and decimal numbers are the same for 0 to 9, not all the way to 16. 16 in hexadecimal converts to 22 in decimal. F is not part of decimal notation. It is part of hexadecimal notation and converts to 15 in decimal notation.

Convert the binary number 1000000 into decimal notation.

64 A quick way to calculate a binary number which consists of a 1 with the rest being 0's is to count the number of 0's, and then calculate 2 to the power of that number. In this case, there are six 0's, and 2 to the power of 6 = 64. If the task was to convert 1000000 into hexadecimal notation, the answer would be 40. If this example had one less 0, i.e., 100000, then the answer would be 32. If this example had one more 0, i.e., 10000000, then the answer would be 128.

A laptop built a year ago is likely to have which CPU (Central Processing Unit)?

64-bit Most modern workstations and laptops use 64-bit CPUs. Some budget laptop models might come with a 32-bit chip, though this is increasingly unusual. 16-bit CPUs were used several decades ago and were replaced by 32-bit CPUs. The first 32-bit CPU was introduced in 1985. There are currently no mainstream general-purpose processors built to operate on 128-bit technology. Most modern CPUs feature Single-Instruction Multiple-Data (SIMD) instruction sets where 128-bit vector registers are used to store several smaller numbers, such as four 32-bit floating-point numbers. In other words, 128-bit processing is emulated with 32-bit or 64-bit architecture.

Which 802.11 wireless standard can use both 2.4 GHz (Gigahertz) and 5 GHz frequency bands?

801.11n The 802.11n standard, available since 2009, can use either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz frequency band and supports data rates of up to 600 Mbps (Megabits per second). The 802.11g standard, available since 2003, uses the 2.4 GHz frequency band and supports data rates of up to 54 Mbps. 802.11a is the original standard, available since 1999. It uses the 5 GHz frequency band and supports data rates of up to 54 Mbps. 802.11a was not as widely adopted as the other standards. 802.11ac is the latest standard, available since 2013. It is widely supported, and delivers up to 1.7 Gbps throughput, but only in the 5 GHz range.

An attacker installs bot malware on multiple machines and launches a coordinated attack against a web service. What type of availability concern does this describe?

A Denial of Service (DoS). A Denial of Service (DoS) attack is where an attacker targets the availability of a service. A DoS attack might tamper with a system or try to overload it in some way. In a power outage, if you lose power, then clearly your computers cannot run. It's common for data corruption to occur when a computer is turned off rather than being shut down. Hardware components in servers fail. A hard disk contains moving parts and will eventually fail. If a disk fails, you will likely lose the data. A Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack is an integrity concern not an availability concern. A MitM attack is where a host sits between two communicating nodes, and transparently monitors, captures, and relays all communication between them.

A table contains information about the company's customers. The information includes First Name, Last Name, Address, Phone, and Email for each customer. What does this table need, to make sure that the Email field contains the symbols "@" and "."?

A constraint Constraints restrict the data which goes into a table, by placing conditions on a given field. A constraint can make sure that a field conforms to the format of a valid email address .A primary key is a type of constraint, in the way that it ensures the uniqueness of the field within the table. It is not the type of constraint that restricts the format of the Email field .A foreign key is the field in a table which references a primary key in another table. Data persistence refers to storing data when the application that uses the data terminates.

Which of the following best describes containers and identifiers? 1. A container is a set of constraints 2. An identifier is a type of container. 3. Identifiers have attributes, properties, and methods. 4. A container is a type of identifier.

A container is a type of identifier. A container is a term for a special type of identifier that can reference multiple values (or elements). One example of a container construct is a simple array. An identifier is a way to access a program element, such as a stored value, class, method, or interface. An identifier can be a variable, a constant, or a container. A container is a set of values, not limited to constants. Objects have attributes, properties, and methods. An identifier can reference an object, or other types of elements which do not have attributes, properties, or methods.

Which of the following poses a higher risk to ensuring business continuity? 1. Syncing data between servers 2. Service and data replication 3. A converged network 4. Real-time synchronization

A converged network A network carrying both voice and data is said to be converged. There is also a greater vulnerability to Denial of Service (DoS) (without redundancy the network is a single point of failure for both voice and data traffic) and eavesdropping on voice communications. To increase site redundancy, you must consider implementing service and data replication between multiple data centers. To increase site redundancy, you can synchronize data between servers and potentially between sites. To increase site redundancy, you can implement replication which might be real-time or bundled into batches for periodic synchronization.

What is true about firewalls?

A firewall provides a way to restrict access to a computer or network. A firewall restricts access to a computer or network to a defined list of hosts and applications, by blocking or allowing specific IP (Internet Protocol) addresses and port numbers. A firewall can be set up to block all outside access to a computer, but its purpose is to offer protection while allowing the computer to be connected to the Internet, which means that some hosts and/or applications need to be on the "approved" list. One type of firewall is a hardware firewall, which is a dedicated appliance with the firewall installed as firmware. Other types of firewalls are software applications. More than one host firewall running at the same time can conflict with each other.

When using web search engines, why should privacy considerations affect a user's decisions?

A user's web searches can reveal very valuable information. Privacy considerations should affect your choice of Internet Service Provider (ISP) and web search engines. Your browsing and search history reveal an enormous amount of very valuable personal information. If you make something public accidentally, it can be very difficult to stop people from continuing to publish it elsewhere. Public data can be archived and continue to appear in web searches. Information about individual consumers gleaned from web search and social media histories allows for personalized advertising. Large data sets, such as web searches and social media histories, can be used to identify trends, and develop products and services to meet changing demands and interests.

What's a true statement about variables?

A variable can have any data type that the programming language supports. A variable is used in a program to access a program element. Its value can be a text string, a number, or any other data type if the programming language supports it. It's good practice to declare all variables in a program before using them, but not all programming languages require it. It is often possible to use undeclared variables, although this can make code harder to read and more prone to errors. A variable contains a value that can change during the execution of the program, but it can also remain unchanged. Variables can have initial value assignments, but it is not mandatory.

A home office with 3 networks uses devices, which include 2 desktops, 4 laptops, 5 smartphones, 3 tablets, and a wireless printer. What device switches the communications between the wired and wireless networks in this office?

Access point An access point creates a Wi-Fi wireless network between computers and mobile devices equipped with suitable adapters, and also switches communications between the wired and wireless networks. A switch connects four or eight computers together in an Ethernet LAN (Local Area Network) using RJ-45 network ports and twisted-pair cabling. A modem connects the wired and wireless network clients to the Internet via a WAN (Wide Area Network) link, by transmitting frames across the WAN link. A router connects the wired and wireless network clients to the Internet via a WAN link, by forwarding packets between the local network and the Internet.

What is available in software installer packages to select specific feature sets or modules within the software package?

Advanced options Most software installer packages offer a choice between a default installation and a custom (or advanced options) installation. A custom installation allows the user to choose specific settings, such as where to install the software and what icons or startup/autorun options to configure, as well as the selection of specific feature sets or modules within the software package. Advanced installation can refer to an installation using advanced options, although it is not a widely used term. Additional features may be part of the advanced options during software installation. Add-ons and plugins are software components that add a specific feature to an existing computer program. They may be part of the advanced options during installation.

What is a true statement about interpreters and interpreted programming languages?

An interpreter converts the program into machine code at runtime. With interpreted languages, the program does not need to compile prior to running. It runs within the context of an interpreter, which is a computer program that directly executes instructions written in an interpreted programming language. Interpreter code is usually in a lower-level language than the programs that they interpret, for better performance. The tools which convert machine code into a human-readable format are called disassemblers or decompilers, not interpreters. Interpreted programming languages can run on platforms for which there is an interpreter. Interpreted programming languages can run on a variety of platforms, as long as there is a corresponding interpreter.

Why is data persistence an important consideration when using a database with an application?

Applications need a way to prevent the loss of information after they terminate. When an application terminates, it loses the internal variables and other temporary data that it used during processing. A database represents a way for an application to store data persistently and securely. Applications communicate with databases with the help of a database connection such as ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) or ADO (ActiveX Data Objects). Applications limit users' access to the data through security controls such as log-in screens. Databases limit users' access to the data through tools such as ACL (Access Control Lists). Applications view data in a variety of formats using queries and reports.

A Customer object has a field called EmailAddress. Other programs need to have frequent access to this field. What is the best way to set up this field?

As a property of the Customer object Object properties represent a way of accessing a field publicly, instead of the overhead of using methods. Properties allow external code to ask the object to show or change the value of one of its fields. Object attributes are private variables which other programs cannot access directly. An object needs to have a method which allows another part of the program to access a field, adding extra overhead to the process. Setting up the EmailAddress field as its own object adds unnecessary overhead and duplication of information. It is much easier to set it up as a property of the Customer object. An array of variables is an inefficient way to store data, compared to objects.

How does an object store its attributes?

As private variables Attributes are values and data types that define the object. The object stores the attributes as fields or private variables. Other programs cannot access or change the attributes of an object directly, the way that they can with public variables. Most programming languages support container types called vectors that can grow or shrink in size as elements are added or removed. Vectors are specialized types with their own rules and limitations, and objects do not use them to store their attributes. Programmers use comments in code to assist with maintaining it, not for attributes of objects.

How do the CPU (Central Processing Unit) and storage devices in a computer process data?

As zeros and ones The CPU and storage devices in a computer only process data as ones and zeros. These hardware components have no conception of what the data mean. Bits and bytes are units of measure, used to describe computer storage. A bit can represent the value zero or one, which is what the hardware components work with. A byte is a multiple of 8 bits. Integers and decimals are data types used in computer programs, but they are a collection of ones and zeros from the hardware standpoint. Characters and strings are data types used in computer programs, but they are a collection of ones and zeros from the hardware standpoint.

What is the basic unit of computer data?


If a password is short and non-complex, what type of attack can it be vulnerable to?

Brute force If a password is short (under seven characters) and non-complex (using only letters for instance), a password might be cracked in minutes via brute force. Denial of Service (DoS) is where an attacker targets the availability of a service. A DoS attack might tamper with a system or overload it. A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) uses hosts compromised with bot malware to launch a coordinated attack against a web service. It is possible to capture cleartext password packets in transit via a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack. Malware is malicious software threats and tools designed to vandalize or compromise computer systems.

Which of the following SQL (Structured Query Language) commands can run with just one parameter? 1. CREATE VIEW 2. CREATE INDEX 3. CREATE DATABASE 4. CREATE TABLE

CREATE DATABASE The CREATE DATABASE command requires just one parameter: the name of the database. Other parameters which configure the new database are optional. The CREATE TABLE command requires the name of the table, as well as at least one column name and its specifications. The CREATE INDEX command requires the name of the index, the table that will have the index, and which column(s) are in the index. The CREATE VIEW command requires the name of the view, and the contents of the view, such as a query from a table with some criteria.

An Employee object includes the following fields: Name, Address, Phone, Age, DateOfBirth, Salary. Which of the following is NOT a good example of a method in this object?

CalculateSalesTax, which multiplies two numbers (input as variables) and returns the result to the calling program CalculateSalesTax works with information which is not in the Employee object, so it needs to be an independent function in the program, and not a method of the Employee object. EstimateRaise uses the Salary field of the Employee object to make a calculation which the calling program needs for its purposes. This is a good example of a method of the Employee object. UpdateAge updates a field in the Employee object, which is the proper use for a method. PrintAddressLabel works with multiple fields in the Employee object, and is a good example of a method.

Which wireless Internet service does a computer use when it connects by tethering?

Cellular radio Tethering is when a cell phone, which uses cellular radio service, shares its Internet connection with a computer that has no other means of Internet access. A computer that needs to connect to the Internet by tethering to a cell phone has no other means of Internet access, such as wi-fi. Radio Frequency is a means of provisioning a wireless local network using Wi-Fi standard equipment. While this isn't a means of Internet service provision in itself, it is a means for a client to connect to a wireless router offering Internet access. A computer that needs to connect to the Internet by tethering to a cell phone has no other means of Internet access, such as a satellite link.

Which of the following best describes their capacity in petabytes?

Cloud systems A petabyte is 1000 terabytes (1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes). Cloud systems have petabytes of capacity, as they encompass massively shared resources and require very large capacities. Hard disk drives are typically described in tens or hundreds of gigabytes, or terabytes in the more recent years as the costs for larger capacity disks have dropped significantly. Storage networks, even large ones, are typically described in terabytes, with only the largest of them in petabytes. A tape drive is a data storage device that reads and writes data on a magnetic tape. Capacities are typically measured in terabytes.

Which backup storage type best helps mitigate against critical data loss in the risk of fire or theft?

Cloud-based storage backup. Offsite/cloud-based is backing up data over the Internet to cloud-based storage. Keeping offsite copies of data is very important in mitigating against the risk of fire or theft. Locally attached storage uses hard disks or flash drives attached to a local PC or server. Hard disks or flash drives can be stolen or destroyed. A system backup is an operating system (OS) backup that makes a copy of the OS and installed applications so that a workstation or server can be recovered without having to manually reinstall software and reconfigure settings. A test restore is important when using new backup software, to test old backup media, to check a new job, and to carry out random spot checks.

A web browser is an example of productivity software. What type of software is an email client?

Collaboration software With collaboration software, multiple users can work together on the same file or project. Email software allows users to compose, send, and receive messages from others, and is considered to be collaboration software. Productivity software refers to applications that help users complete typical office tasks. A web browser can be used for information and research, and is considered to be productivity software. Specialized business software is designed to assist with a particular business process or consumer demand, not general office functions and tasks covered by productivity software. Open source software makes the program code used to design it available to the public. There are open source email clients, as well as those with proprietary code.

What type of programming language has the fastest execution time? 1. Scripting 2. Markup 3. Compiled 4. Scripted

Compiled Compiling converts the source code into machine code, which is strings of ones and zeros for the CPU to process. This conversion takes place prior to the execution of the program, resulting in fast execution time compared to interpreted code. Scripting languages are interpreted languages, which means that the programs run within the context of an interpreter. The interpreter's process adds to the overhead of running the program, resulting in slower execution time than compiled programs. Scripted languages are interpreted languages, and they have the same execution process as scripting languages. A markup language is not a programming language but a means of making data in a document accessible to a program.

What's a true statement about compiled programming languages?

Compiled programming languages have to transform the code to an executable binary. The code in a compiled programming language needs to transform to an executable binary before it can run. This is the process of compiling, which converts the source code into machine code. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) can only process machine code. A compiled program can run on multiple platforms, as long as the source code recompiles for each platform. Compiled programs generally run quickly, compared to interpreted code. Human-readable data is encoded as text, and machine-readable data (machine code) is the binary representation. The source code of compiled programming languages is human-readable, and the compiled executable binary is machine-readable.

A company has 100 employees, who work in 2 shifts. Half of the employees work during standard business hours, and the other half work at night. All 100 employees have their own desktop computers with an installation of a proprietary software program, which they use on a daily basis. What type of software license makes the most sense for this company?

Concurrent license A concurrent license means that a set maximum number of users use the software at one time. Companies with users who use the software at different times can get a concurrent license, which costs less than other licenses for the same number of installations. A site license means that the company can install the software on an agreed number of computers. A site license for 100 computers likely costs more than a concurrent license for 50 users. Group use has the same provisions as a site license. A single use license means that only one computer can use the software. 100 single use licenses cost more than a concurrent license for 50 users or a site license for 100 computers.

What is a key difference between copyright and a patent?

Copyright protection happens automatically, but a patent must be applied for and registered. Copyright is automatic legal protection granted to certain types of work. There is no need to apply for copyright or display any copyright notice in order to be protected by it. The creation of the work ensures copyright protection automatically. A patent must be applied for and registered because there is no automatic protection, as there is for copyright. Patents are registered for a limited time only. Copyright lasts for a number of years after the owner's death. The exact length of time varies between 15 and 70 years depending on the nature of the work. After this time, provided the copyright has not been extended for some reason, the work becomes public domain and may be used freely.

A relational database has a table, Customers, which contains information about the company's customers. The information includes First Name, Last Name, Address, Phone, and Email for each customer. What's the best way to keep track of customers' purchases in this database?

Create 2 new tables: Products and Purchases. A proper relational database design has as little redundancy as possible in the data. In this example, customers can make multiple purchases, and multiple customers can purchase the same type of product. This relationship calls for a 3-table design: a list of customers, a list of products, and a cross-reference of which customers purchased which products. A 2-table design, with a list of customers and a list of each of their purchases, means there is a duplication of product information. A Purchases table, without a foreign key field to connect with the Customers table, is not a good relational model. Adding new fields to the Customers table with information about a purchase creates redundancy when a Customer makes multiple purchases.

A file contains information about the company's customers. The information includes Name, Address, Phone, and Email for each customer. What's the best way to convert this file into a database?

Create a table called Customers, with fields called Name, Address, Phone, and Email. A database consists of tables of information, organized into columns and rows. Each row represents a separate record in the database, and each column represents a single field within a record. Name, Address, Phone, and Email are fields for each customer, and the collection of these fields is a table. Name, Address, Phone, and Email do not need to be individual tables. They are all part of a record for each customer. Name, Address, Phone, and Email are not records, they are fields, or columns in the table. A record is one set of information about a customer. Fields make up a table, and tables make up a database.

What is the advantage of DAS (Direct Attached Storage) over NAS (Network Attached Storage)?

DAS is less expensive. The cost of DAS tends to be much lower in comparison to NAS, whether this is from simple flash drives for small amounts of easily portable data, to much larger terabyte hard drives. Expandable NAS drives allow for the option to add more hard drives to the NAS unit. This allows the users to easily upgrade storage without having to transfer everything across to a new and larger drive, the way they need to with DAS.NAS drives are designed to give the user more freedom to update, access, and transfer files, provides more flexibility than DAS. As the NAS is connected to a network, a user can access the NAS drive from many devices, without needing to be connected.

A database administrator needs to extend a table with another column. What method contains the command to do that?

DDL (Data Definition Language) DDL (Data Definition Language) commands refer to SQL (Structured Query Language) commands that add to or modify the structure of the database. DDL commands include ALTER TABLE, to add columns to a table. DML (Data Manipulation Language) commands refer to SQL commands that access or modify the contents of the database. DCL (Data Control Language) mainly deals with the rights, permissions, and other controls of the database system, with commands such as GRANT and REVOKE. XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.

Which of the following is an example of an optical drive? 1. SSD 2. HDD 3. DVD 4. DDR

DVD. DVD (Digital Video Disc) is a storage format for consumer multimedia, such as music and video, and referred to as an "optical" drive because a laser is used to read data from the discs. HDD (Hard Disk Drive) is a mass storage device that uses spinning disk technology (microchips!). SSD (Solid State Drive) is designed to replicate or supplement the function of the HDD, with flash memory technology. DDR, short for DDR SDRAM (Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory) is a volatile type of storage featuring "double pumped" data transfers.

Besides Video Graphics Array (VGA), what graphic device interface supports analog equipment?

DVI-I DVI-I (Digital Visual Interface Type I) is a high-quality digital interface designed for flat-panel display equipment. DVI-I supports both analog and digital equipment. DVI-D (Digital Visual Interface Type D) is a high-quality digital interface which supports only digital equipment. HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) is the most widely used graphic device interface. HDMI supports video and audio digital streams, and is a digital replacement for analog video standards. DisplayPort is a digital display interface, primarily used to connect a video source to a display device such as a computer monitor, and it can also carry audio and other forms of data.

What is an example of "processing" in a computer system?

Data is written to memory and manipulated by the CPU. Processing is when the data is written to memory and manipulated by the CPU, acting on instructions from the operating system and applications software. Storage is when the data is written to different types of storage devices, such as hard disks or optical discs. Input is when the computer receives data entered by the user through peripheral devices, such as mice, keyboards, scanners, cameras, and microphones. Output is when the processed data is shown to the user through an output device, such as a monitor or a printer.

Why is it important to write data to a storage device, such as a hard disk?

Data stored in system memory is only preserved while the computer is powered on. Writing data to storage devices, such as hard disks or optical discs, is an important step for preserving data for later use, because data stored in most types of system memory is only preserved while the computer is powered on. Data can be processed by the CPU when it's on a storage device or in system memory. Data can be shown or played to the user when it's on a storage device or in system memory. The space used by data is determined by the content of the data, and not its location.

An attacker used hosts compromised with bot malware to launch a coordinated attack against a web service to overload it. Which of the following is the active attack threatening web service availability to your users?

Denial of Service (DoS) Denial of Service (DoS) is where an attacker targets the availability of a service. A DoS attack might tamper with a system or overload it. A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) uses hosts compromised with bot malware to launch a coordinated attack against a web service. To prevent physical destruction of devices, you can put your servers in a physically secure room and control access to that room. Replay is an integrity concern where a host captures another host's response to some server and replays that response in an effort to gain unauthorized access. Impersonation is an integrity concern where a person will attempt to figure out a password or other credentials to gain access to a host.

If a worm propagates over a network, which of the following is the first action to take, to prevent further infection?

Disconnect the network link.

What is the last step in CompTIA's troubleshooting model?

Document lessons learned, actions, and outcomes. All the way through the troubleshooting steps, it is important that information about the problem, tests performed, and attempted resolutions are recorded. That way, when a problem is resolved, a complete record exists documenting the symptoms, possible causes investigated, and the ultimate resolution. The last of the 8 steps in CompTIA's troubleshooting model is to document findings/lessons learned, actions, and outcomes. Step 7 in CompTIA's troubleshooting model is to verify full system functionality and, if applicable, implement preventive measures. Part of step 7 in CompTIA's troubleshooting model is to implement preventive measures. Step 5 in CompTIA's troubleshooting model is to establish a plan of action to resolve the problem and identify potential effects.

Which of the following types of collaboration software is least sensitive to latency? 1. Document Sharing 2. Screen Sharing 3. Instant Messaging 4. Video Conferencing

Document sharing. Latency is the delay in seconds that a packet of data takes to travel over a network. Tasks which need to be real-time are more sensitive to latency, where slight delays impact the ability to perform the task. Such delays do not greatly impact the sharing of documents, which are often done passively and not in real-time. Screen sharing is when a remote user views the host's desktop, often used for software demonstrations and product support, and need to be in real-time. Instant messaging software allows users to communicate in real-time, through text as well as voice and video calls. Video conferencing software allows users to configure virtual meeting rooms, and need to be in real-time.

The first step in the troubleshooting process is to identify the problem. What are some of the components of this step?

Duplicate the problem; determine if anything has changed. The components of identifying the problem are as follows: gather information, duplicate the problem, question users, identify symptoms, determine if anything has changed, and approach multiple problems individually. Researching symptoms can be part of the information gathering phase of identifying the problem or part of the step to research knowledge base/Internet. Considering multiple approaches is part of the step to establish a theory of probable cause. Approaching multiple problems individually is part of the first step, but divide and conquer refers to a testing process, which is part of the step to establish a theory of probable cause. Questioning users is part of the first step, but documenting findings is the final step.

An attacker taps into a wired network to intercept unencrypted wireless transmissions. Which of the following is a type of confidentiality concern that describes this activity?

Eavesdropping Eavesdropping/wiretapping/sniffing is snooping on data or telephone conversations as they pass over the network. It can be relatively easy for an attacker to "tap" a wired network or intercept unencrypted wireless transmissions. Snooping is any attempt to get access to information on a host or storage device (data at rest) that you are not authorized to view. Social engineering refers to getting users to reveal confidential and personally identifiable information. Impersonation is an integrity concern where a person will attempt to figure out a password or other credentials to gain access to a host.

What problem is Windows' UAC (User Account Control) designed to solve?

Elevated privileges "Least privilege" means that users receive permissions required to perform tasks and no more. Early versions of Windows led to the problem of "elevated privileges", where all users were given administrative privileges, as otherwise it was difficult to perform typical administrative tasks. UAC was created to solve this problem. The "Guest" account, used in Windows 7 and 8.1, is a standard, local user account, with very limited permissions. There is typically one such account, but having many of them is not a problem. UAC enables users to perform common tasks as non-administrators and as administrators without having to switch users. The number of administrative accounts is not relevant to this feature. Inadequate account authentication is not part of UAC functionality.

Which of the following is least likely to pose a substantial risks to an organization, such as a system intrusion? 1. Employees file sharing on P2P networks 2. Employees using personally owned devices in the workplace 3. Employees using permitted software and services as outlined in the handbook 4. Employees using social networking

Employees using permitted software and services as outlined in the handbook An employee's handbook should set out the terms under which use of web browser/email/social networking/P2P software is permitted for personal use. Many employees expect relatively unrestricted access to Internet facilities for personal use. However, employees' use of social networking poses substantial risks to the organization. Many employees expect relatively unrestricted access to Internet facilities for personal use. However, employees' use of P2P networks for file sharing poses substantial risks to the organization. Portable devices, such as smartphones, USB sticks, media players, and so on, pose a considerable threat to data security as they facilitate file copying.

After a network administrator restores data from a backup due to a system outage, what is the first step before allowing user access to the data?

Ensure the integrity of the data. If a system goes down, data can be restored from backup or by switching over to another system to which data has been replicated. It is vital that the integrity of the data be checked before user access is re-enabled. If the data is corrupt or the database system is not working properly, trying to add more data to it could result in more severe problems. After ensuring the data's integrity, you should restore access to the data and try to restrict the number of users initially, so that the system can be monitored. After ensuring the data's integrity, you should restore access to the data and try to verify that user's access to the data is working normally.

What is the end result of the iterative process of establishing and testing a theory while troubleshooting?

Establish a root cause for the problem. The end result of the iterative process of establishing and testing a theory (establish a theory, test it, if it doesn't work, establish another theory) is to establish a root cause for the problem. The iterative process of establishing and testing a theory is the combination of Steps 3 and 4 of CompTIA's troubleshooting model. Resolving the problem is part of Step 6: implement the solution or escalate as necessary. Ensuring that the problem is never repeated is part of Step 7: verify full system functionality and, if applicable, implement preventive measures. Many technical problems are not caused by a specific person, but by events and circumstances, such as power or equipment failure, hardware or software malfunction, etc.

Which file system allows a file with the name "Encyclopedia:Volume 1.txt"?

Ext4 File systems have a number of reserved characters which cannot be used in a file name. Ext4 (4th extended file system), used by Linux distributions, only reserves the slash (/), which means that all other characters are acceptable in a file name. No system allows the slash character in their file names, as it's used to indicate folders or subdirectories. HFS+ (extended Hierarchical File System), used by Apple Mac computers, does not allow colons (:) in addition to the slash. NTFS (New Technology File System) has 9 reserved characters, including the colon. FAT32 (File Allocation Table, 32-bit version) has 16 reserved characters, including the colon.

Which of the following encrypts data at rest? 1. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) 2. File-level encryption 3. A transport encryption protocol 4. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

File-level encryption With data at rest, it is usually possible to encrypt the data using techniques such as whole disk encryption, mobile device encryption, database encryption, and file- or folder-level encryption. With data in transit (or data in motion) data can be transmitted over a network such as communicating with a web page via HTTPS. With data in transit (or data in motion) data can be protected by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS). With data in transit (or data in motion) data can be protected by a transport encryption protocol.

What does a programmer use to visualize a program sequence?

Flow chart A graphical flow chart helps to visualize the program sequence and understand the processes. The more lengthy and complex a program sequence is, the more useful it is to view it in the form of a flow chart. Pseudocode is an informal high-level description of the operating principle of a computer program. It works as an outline of the logic behind the program, but not a visual chart of the sequence. An object attribute is a term in OOP (Object-Oriented Programming), not a visual representation of a program sequence. A batch file is a collection of command-line instructions for some operating systems.

What is the term for the processing speed of 1 billion cycles per second?

GHz GHz stands for Gigahertz, which is 1000 million or 1 billion (1,000,000,000) cycles per second, when measuring a computer's internal clock and the speed at which its processors work. MHz stands for Megahertz, which is 1 million (1,000,000) cycles per second, when measuring a computer's internal clock and the speed at which its processors work. Bps stands for Bytes per second when measuring the rate at which data is transferred between components in the computer or between computers over a network. GBps stands for Gigabytes per second (1,000,000,000 bytes per second) when measuring the rate at which data is transferred between components in the computer or between computers over a network.

Which is a true statement about a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit)?

GPU works with the CPU to handle complex high-resolution images. The GPU is a dedicated processor for display functions. It works with the CPU to handle complex high-resolution images. Every computer needs a CPU. While the GPU can perform some functions that the CPU cannot, the GPU does not replace the CPU. CPUs are located on the motherboard in a special mount. GPUs may be part of the CPU or come on a plug-in expansion card. Early GPUs generated analog signals for Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitors but plugged into the motherboard and communicated with the CPU using digital signals.

The direct database access method is the best method to run which SQL (Structured Query Language) command?

GRANT Direct access provides tools for database administrators to run SQL commands. They can run commands, which interact with the data or perform database administration tasks. The GRANT command assigns permissions on database objects to users, so the database access methods for non-administrative users should not run it. Applications with utility or programmatic access use the UPDATE command to make changes to specific records, without risk to the rest of the database. Applications with utility or programmatic access use the INSERT command to add new information into the database. All database access methods use the SELECT command to retrieve data for processing, as well as to run queries/reports.

What is an example of a cloud hosted application?

Google mail Google mail, or Gmail, is a cloud hosted application which is accessed from a web browser. There are locally installed applications, such as Microsoft Outlook, which can access the data (by downloading emails into the client) but all data is stored on the server. Microsoft Excel is a locally installed application for working with spreadsheets. Adobe Photoshop is a locally installed graphics editor, with a bundled suite of image-processing software applications. Windows Media Player is a locally installed media library application, used for playing audio and video, as well as viewing images.

Which notation is a more efficient method to express large numbers?

Hexadecimal With hexadecimal notation system, 16 numbers can be expressed using a single digit from 0 to F, resulting in fewer digits for large numbers. Binary notation system uses 2 values: 0 and 1, which works well with computers to represent the off/on states of transistors but uses many digits to represent large numbers. Octal notation system uses digits from 0 to 7. Octal was widely used in legacy computing platforms but is not as efficient for expressing large numbers as hexadecimal notation. Decimal notation system, the most commonly used numbering system, uses a single digit from 0 to 9. It is not as efficient for expressing large numbers as hexadecimal notation.

If a system goes down, which of these will NOT help recover from data loss due to a natural disaster? 1. Replication between data centers 2. Restoring the data from file backups 3. Syncing the data 4. Implementing a Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID)

Implementing a Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) is not a substitute for backups. A disaster, such as a fire, that destroys the whole array will result in total data loss without a backup .To guard against data loss from a natural disaster, you must consider implementing service and data replication between multiple data centers. If a system goes down, if a component or system is not available, redundancy means that the service can failover to the backup either seamlessly or with minimum interruption. Data can either be restored from backup or by switching over to another system, to which data has been replicated. To guard against data loss from a natural disaster, data should be synchronized between servers and between sites.

If a system goes down, which of these will NOT help recover from data loss due to a natural disaster?

Implementing a Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) is not a substitute for backups. A disaster, such as a fire, that destroys the whole array will result in total data loss without a backup. To guard against data loss from a natural disaster, you must consider implementing service and data replication between multiple data centers. If a system goes down, if a component or system is not available, redundancy means that the service can failover to the backup either seamlessly or with minimum interruption. Data can either be restored from backup or by switching over to another system, to which data has been replicated. To guard against data loss from a natural disaster, data should be synchronized between servers and between sites.

A user's Windows 8 laptop has the latest version of the Safari browser. The user tries to use a web application and receives a message that the browser does not support all features. What is the best course of action?

Install the browser which is fully supported by the application. While the mainstream browsers are more standards-based than they used to be, compatibility problems can still arise. Computers may need to have more than one browser installed, in case a web application is not fully supported by the preferred browser. Finding another web application that performs the same functions is not always possible, nor is it necessary. Running the preferred web application from a different browser that's fully supported is much simpler. Waiting until the next version of the preferred browser comes out can take months, and there is no guarantee of added compatibility with web applications. Upgrading to the Windows 10 operating system takes extra work, include a learning curve for new features, and requires re-installation of many programs.

Which of the following is NOT part of IoT (Internet of Things) home automation? 1. Door lock 2. HVAC 3. Insulin pump 4. Sprinkler system

Insulin pump IoT-enabled medical devices include portable devices such as cardiac monitors/defibrillators and insulin pumps, which allow doctors and nurses to adjust dosages and monitor a patient remotely. While these devices may be located at a patient's home, they are not part of the home controlled by IoT home automation. The ability to control HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems from an app installed on a smartphone is functionality provided by IoT thermostats, part of IoT home automation .The ability to control alarms, locks, lighting, and entry systems is functionality provided by IoT home automation security systems. The ability to control devices such as outdoor sprinkler systems is functionality provided by IoT home automation lawn/gardening management systems.

What is an authorization policy that would help a systems administrator grant rights to users to perform their job and no more?

Least privilege Authorization policies help to reduce risk by limiting the allocation of privileges as far as possible. Least privilege means that a user should be granted rights necessary to perform their job and no more. Non-repudiation is the principle that the user cannot deny having performed some action. Accounting is an important part of ensuring non-repudiation. Accounting is usually provided for by logging events. This allows the accounting system to track what users are doing within the system and enforce non-repudiation. A digital signature is used to prove that the user was an author of a document (they cannot deny writing it).

Which of the following computer components does an "all-in-one" workstation contain within the monitor case? 1. Scanner 2. Keyboard 3. Mouse 4. Microphone

Microphone The terms workstation, PC (Personal Computer), and desktop computer are often used interchangeably, so this refers to an "all-in-one" desktop unit or PC. All-in-one means that the computer components (except the keyboard and mouse) are contained within the monitor case. These components typically include the processor, system memory, disk storage, and audio/visual equipment, such as a camera, speakers, and a microphone. A keyboard is not contained inside the monitor case of an "all-in-one". A mouse is not contained inside the monitor case of an "all-in-one". A scanner is part of an "all-in-one" PSC (Printer-Scanner-Copier) or MFP (Multifunction Printer) but not a workstation/PC.

Which of the following will NOT help a network administrator avoid service unavailability due to one or more disks failing? 1. Contingency plan 2. Redundant Array of Disks (RAID) 3. Fault tolerance 4. Network redundancy

Network redundancy Network redundancy provides fault tolerance to the connections to the network, if a network adapter fails, but will not avoid unavailable service if one or more disks fail. Combining hard disks into an array of disks can help to avoid service unavailability due to one or more disks failing. A Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) offers a variety of fault tolerant solutions. To help protect against losing access to a computer system when a component fails, you must implement fault tolerance. Fault tolerant systems are those that contain additional components to help avoid single points of failure. Vulnerabilities in critical workflows and resources can be mitigated by creating contingency plans and resources that allow the system to be resilient to failures and unexpected outages.

What is the difference between DropBox and OneDrive?

OneDrive is built into the Windows OS.

What's a true statement about the assembly language?

Only specialists use assembly code. An assembly language is any low-level programming language in which there is a very strong correspondence between the program's statements and the architecture's machine code instructions. Assembly code is very difficult to follow and is only really used by specialists trying to solve a very particular problem with an application. The assembly language represents machine code in human-readable text. Assembly languages are the first generation of programming languages. They rate at slightly higher level than machine code. An assembly language is typically specific to a particular hardware architecture. Different assembly languages can run on different platforms.

When a user has multiple passwords for different services, which of the following can help prevent the user from having to remember all of these passwords or from using the same password for each service?

Password managers Various hardware and software password managers or "fillers" can store passwords for multiple accounts. Users only have to remember one "master" password and prevent the use of the same password for different services. Reusing a password for different services prevents the user from having to remember different passwords but it is unsecure; your security becomes dependent on the security of other (unknown) organizations. A system may keep a history of previously used passwords and prevent the user from choosing the same one again but not from writing down the passwords. If a note containing a password is lost, the IT department should be informed to reset the password quickly. This will not stop users from writing down passwords.

Which of the following helps to authenticate the user requesting a password reset over the telephone?

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) PII is often used for password reset authentication to confirm identity over the telephone. Password-type credentials are generally seen as not providing adequate security for high-risk applications. One solution is to provide each user with a unique hardware token to prove their identity. "Something you are" authentication means employing some sort of biometric recognition system. Many types of biometric information can be recorded, including fingerprint patterns, iris or retina recognition, or facial recognition. An IP address can be used to refer to a logical network segment or it could be linked to a geographic location using geoip.

Which of the following exposes a user to a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack? 1. Encryption 2. Cryptographic hash 3. Plain text 4. Cyper text

Plain text. Plain text is also known as clear text and is an unencrypted message. To secure transmissions from eavesdropping, sniffing and MitM attacks, data should be encrypted. Cipher text is an encrypted document or message that can travel across a public network, such as the Internet, and remain private. With encryption, even if an eavesdropper could intercept and examine the data packets, the content would be unreadable. Cryptographic hashing is a type of encryption that can be used to prove that a message has not been tampered with and for secure storage of data where the original meaning does not have to be recovered (e.g., passwords).

A new scanner is purchased for the office, and the technician is using a disk with driver software instead of Plug-and-Play. What is the most likely reason?

Plug-and-Play installation did not work for this scanner model. Windows devices are now all Plug-and-Play (PnP). This means that when a new device is connected Windows identifies it and tries to install a device driver. When Plug-and-Play does not work, driver software may need to be installed manually before the device can be recognized. Plug-and-Play is an automatic process and does not require any expertise to run. Wireless devices need to be connected to the computer by adding them to the network or with a USB cable. Once the computer recognizes the device, Plug-and-Play starts automatically. The earliest version of Windows that attempted PnP (not very successfully) is Windows 95. Windows 2000/XP provided highly improved PnP capability, and all subsequent versions, including Windows 7, have fully functional PnP.

What is the main cause of memory leaks?

Programming errors Memory leaks refer to Windows memory loss, caused by a program or an app. This occurs when an application does not release memory when it's done with it, eventually causing a system slowdown. If the software that is outdated and no longer supported has proper memory management in the code, then it would not cause more leaks than current but badly written programs. Damaged memory chips cause problems, but memory leaks refer specifically to memory losses due to software programs incorrectly managing memory allocation. Upgrading the operating system can be a cause of memory leaks, with an increase in memory usage by the new drivers. Operating system upgrades are done less frequently than everyday use of programs that cause leaks.

A senior manager of a regional office branch needs a payroll report of all staff, to calculate next year's budget. Which program is NOT useful for that? 1. Project management software 2. Database software 3. Accounting software 4. Spreadsheet software

Project management software Project management software assists with the process of breaking a project into a number of tasks and assigning responsibilities, resources, and timescales to ensure the completion of those tasks. It is not designed for generating payroll reports. Accounting software is the best way to generate payroll reports. Accounting programs contain ready-made reports which calculate and display payroll data in the most frequently used formats. Reports can also be easily customized to fit most business needs. Database programmers can use database software to create custom reports from the data stored in the database. Payroll data can be stored in a spreadsheet, or imported from a database or accounting software into a spreadsheet, and displayed in report format.

What type of language has working with datasets as its primary purpose?

Query Code written in a query language, such as SQL (Structured Query Language), is designed to retrieve specific records from a dataset. An assembly language is any low-level programming language, designed to perform many functions. A markup language is a means of making data in a document accessible to a program, via a series of nested tags that describe the structure and/or meaning of the tag contents. A markup document represents a dataset, and the program that reads it is the one that works with it. Compiled languages can perform any programming task, including working with datasets, usually via a markup document or embedded queries. That is a small part of their designed functionality.

CompTIA's troubleshooting model includes having to establish a theory of probable cause. What is one of the components of this step?

Question the obvious. Step 3 in CompTIA's troubleshooting model is to establish a theory of probable cause. Its three components are: question the obvious, consider multiple approaches, and divide and conquer. Step 1 in CompTIA's troubleshooting model is to identify the problem. One of the six components of this step is to question users. Step 2 in CompTIA's troubleshooting model is to research knowledge base/Internet, if applicable. Step 4 in CompTIA's troubleshooting model is to test the theory to determine cause. Steps 3 and 4 form an iterative process of establishing and testing a theory until something works.

What port does an Ethernet network adapter use?

RJ-45 An Ethernet network adapter used with twisted pair cable has an RJ-45 port to connect the computer to the network, via another RJ-45 port in the network equipment. These ports are marked "LAN" (Local Area Network). A fax modem uses twisted pair cabling with an RJ-11 connector at the fax end and a connector suitable for use with the country's phone system at the other end. USB (Universal Serial Bus) is the standard means of connecting peripheral devices to a computer. USB-A (USB Type A) is for connection to the host. Using an Ethernet cable with a USB-A port requires an additional USB to Ethernet adapter. USB-B (USB Type B) is for connection to a device, such as a printer.

What type of database uses a schema?

Relational A schema is the structure of the database. It contains the definition of each table with all of the fields, and the relationships between tables, in the form of primary and foreign keys. These relationships are the basis of a relational database. A document database does not define tables and fields. Instead, the database adds documents which can be similar in type, or completely different. The lack of database structure means that there is no schema. A key/value pair database is a means of storing the properties of objects without predetermining the fields used to define an object, which means that there is no schema. Document and key/value pair databases are examples of semi-structured databases, which are schema-free data models.

What is a clean uninstall of a program?

Removing files and settings manually A clean uninstall means removing files and settings manually, following the instructions on the vendor's website. This can be done when uninstalling a program using regular methods does not work. Some applications come with an "Uninstall" program or option, which can be found in their Start Menu folder. That does not constitute a clean uninstall. Closing any applications or files that might lock files installed by the application is essential for a successful uninstall, but it is not considered to be a clean uninstall. Sometimes after the uninstall completes, the computer needs to be restarted for the memory to free up. That is not the criteria for a clean uninstall.

Which of the following is NOT true about critical data when configuring file backups? 1. Replication allows critical data backup, which protects from accidental deletion of a record. 2. Critical data can store within a settings file located within a database. 3. Critical data does not always store in files within a user or shared folder. 4. Critical data might include Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

Replication allows critical data backup, which protects from accidental deletion of a record. Replication doesn't protect you from errors such as accidentally deleting a record. If the error is accepted as a valid transaction, it will be propagated amongst all the replicas at the next scheduled replication interval. When configuring backups, you need to understand that not all critical data may be stored in files within a user folder or shared folder. When configuring backups, critical data could be stored in a settings file outside of the normal data areas or be located within a database or message store. When configuring backups, you have to consider that critical data might include confidential, proprietary, and/or personal information.

A manager requests to see the information on all of the company's customers, listed by geographical regions, with the totals of purchases made by each customer. What is the best tool to produce this list?

Report A report is a means of formatting and summarizing the records returned by a query. Reports are the best tools for presenting complex or large amount of data in customizable ways. A query allows the user to specify criteria and choose which fields to display in the results, which is more useful than seeing all of the data in the table. However, a query might return a large number of rows and be just as difficult to read as a table. A flat file does not present data in an organized format or provide calculations of total amounts. An input form is a means of getting data into a database, or to specify criteria to run a report.

Which of the following will NOT help prevent the attachment of portable personally owned devices, such as smartphones and Universal Serial Buses (USBs)? 1. Network access control 2. Data loss prevention solutions 3. Requiring a fob 4. Endpoint security

Requiring a Fob. The most widely implemented way to authenticate a user, based on something they have, is the smart card or Universal Serial Bus (USB) fob, which contains a chip with authentication data, such as a digital certificate. Network access control, endpoint security, and and data loss prevention solutions are ways of preventing the attachment of portable devices, such as smartphones and USB sticks to corporate networks.

Why would a business choose satellite service instead of DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)?

Satellite systems provide bigger areas of coverage Satellite systems provide far bigger areas of coverage than can be achieved using other technologies. Satellite services for business are also expanding, especially in rural areas where DSL or cable services are less likely to be available. Satellite signal is affected by things such as the weather or obstructions including other buildings, making the service not very reliable. Satellite connections experience severe latency problems as the signal has to travel thousands of miles more than terrestrial connections, introducing a delay of 4-5 times what might be expected over a land link. To create a satellite Internet connection, the ISP (Internet Service Provider) installs a satellite dish at the customer's premises and aligns it with the orbital satellite.

What's the difference between scripted and scripting languages?

Scripting languages are for configuring an operating system. Scripted languages are general purpose interpreted programming languages such as JavaScript or Perl. Scripting languages support the automation and configuration of a particular operating system, i.e., the Windows Command Prompt, Windows PowerShell, or Linux Bash. Both scripted and scripting languages are interpreted languages, which means that the program does not need to compile prior to running. Scripted and scripting languages run within the context of an interpreter, a computer program that directly executes instructions written in an interpreted programming language. Scripted and scripting languages can run on platforms for which there is an interpreter, with each scripting language geared toward a particular operating system.

In addition to making a copy of an entire database, a program can invoke the SQL (Structured Query Language) BACKUP command to work at which level?

Table Most database management systems provide stored procedures that invoke the BACKUP and RESTORE commands at a database or table level. The BACKUP command does not work at the field level. If some fields need to have a backup without the entire table, the administrator can make another version of the table with just those fields, and use the BACKUP command on the new table. The BACKUP command does not work at the record level. If some records need to have a backup without the entire table, the administrator can make another version of the table with just those records, and use the BACKUP command on the new table. Applications are collections of programming code, and not part of a database.

A student is replacing an old computer with a new one, with the help of an external hard drive to transfer the contents of the old computer. The external hard drive arrives with an enclosure. What is the purpose of the enclosure?

The enclosure provides ports to connect the drive to the computer. The external hard drive is shipped in a special enclosure, which provides some combination of USB, Firewire, eSATA, and/or Thunderbolt ports to connect the drive to the computer. An external hard drive can be used as an internal drive, but the special enclosure that comes with it is not used for that purpose. External units may be designed for desk use (3.5" drives) or to be portable (2.5" drives). 3.5" drives require a separate power supply, so most external drives now use the 2.5" form factor. The enclosure that comes with the drive is not used to convert one into the other. There are special waterproof enclosures available to protect the external drive from water damage, but most do not.

In a SQL (Structured Query Language) command, what does the WHERE clause determine in the result set?

The number of rows With the WHERE clause, an SQL command (such as SELECT, UPDATE, or DELETE) extracts only those records, or rows, that fulfill a condition. The WHERE clause does not affect the number of columns. SELECT and UPDATE commands list the columns which the SQL statement processes, for the rows that fulfill the condition in the WHERE clause. Fields are the same as columns, and the WHERE clause does not affect them. The WHERE clause can include tables in the condition. For example, if the SQL statement involves more than one table, then the WHERE clause contains the logic to connect them. But the result set is only the records, or rows, that fulfill the condition in the WHERE clause.

What is the difference between a software product key and a product ID?

The product key activates the software, and the product ID is for technical support. In most cases, the software needs a product key for activation. The product key will generate a different product ID or serial number, which technical support typically requests before providing help. The product ID is usually not known during the software activation, as the product key generates the product ID at some point during software installation. The product ID is usually on the screen when the application starts, as well as on the About page in the Help menu. A product key is typically a long string of characters and numbers printed on the software box or disk case.

Why are USB (Universal Serial Bus) thumb drives non-volatile?

They retain data without power. Volatile means that data is only retained in the memory chips while there is a power source, and non-volatile means that it retains data without power. USB thumb drive is a removable flash memory device, and removable flash memory devices do not need power to retain information. Inserting and removing a device without turning off the computer is not a condition of non-volatility. The degree of difficulty of connecting to the computer is not a condition of non-volatility. The size and weight of a device is not related to volatility.

What does bps measure?

Throughput rate When data is transferred between components in the computer or between computers over a network, the throughput rate that a connection can sustain is measured in bits per second (bps).The speed at which a computer's processors work (processing speed) is measured in units of time called Hertz (Hz). 1 Hz represents one cycle per second. The display resolution of a computer monitor or display device is measured in pixels. Hard Disk Drive (HDD) performance is partially determined by the speed at which the disks can spin, measured in revolutions per minute (RPM).

What is the best reason to use a flat file instead of a database?

To exchange information between systems A flat file is a good way of exporting and importing information between systems. It's easier to work with flat files than try to ensure compatibility between different databases or data formats. Databases support a wider variety of data formats than text files or spreadsheets do. In a file-based storage model, when one user opens the file, it's locked to other users. They may be able to view the file but not change it. A database system supports concurrent users without locking the whole database. A single file-based data storage solution does not offer high enough speed for the volumes of transactions (adding and updating records) on enterprise-level systems.

Why would a locally installed application store data files in a user folder and not the application folder?

To prevent users from modifying application folders Data files manipulated by the application can be stored on the local disk, usually in a user folder rather than the application folder. Ordinary users should not be able to modify application folders, for security reasons. Data and application layers are terms used in database application architecture models, to describe the way that the application interacts with the database. Data files used by the application are not in this category. If the data files are part of the database uninstall process, they get deleted regardless of their location. Data files can be backed up regardless of their location, with no impact on the speed of the process.

What is the main purpose of NIC (Network Interface Card) expansion card?

To provide additional NICs to servers on a wired business network Network Interface Card (NIC) provides the Ethernet port in the computer. Servers with a NIC on the motherboard (onboard card) may have additional NICs supplied on expansion (or add-on) cards. Almost all workstation computers come with a NIC on the motherboard, allowing for Ethernet connection to the network. An outdated NIC on the motherboard is not a frequent occurrence. Both onboard cards and expansion cards operate in the same manner using the same protocols and cable ports. NICs come in many different forms and speeds, but both types come in equal speeds.

What should a company that's trying to promote its goods and services have on its name and/or logo to protect it from imitators?

Trademark If a company wants to promote its goods, it will normally trademark its name and/or logo. A trademark must be distinctive within the industry in which the company is selling goods and services. Copyright is legal protection granted to certain types of work that is typically in the domain of publishing, such as books, films, plays, computer software, games, and artwork. A patent is legal protection for some kind of invention. A firewall is used in network security to control how hosts and network applications are accessible to one another. It is used for protecting data, not a company name.

A user installs VirtualBox on a Linux OS (Operating System). Which class of hypervisor is it?

Type II, because VirtualBox is a software application within a host operating system A type II hypervisor runs as a software application within a host operating system. VirtualBox is a third-party virtualization software which can be installed on host systems including Linux. For both type I and II hypervisors, the physical machine (or host) provides the resources, such as CPU and memory, for the virtual environment. Both type I and II hypervisors manage the virtual machine environment and facilitate interaction with the host hardware and network. The Linux OS is installed directly on the computer, but it serves as the host to the type II hypervisor which is the VirtualBox software.

What type of connector does Thunderbolt 3 use?

USB-C Thunderbolt version 3 changes the physical interface of other Thunderbolt versions to use the same port, connector, and cabling as USB-C (Universal Serial Bus connector Type C), which is a reversible connector type (can be inserted either way up). USB-B (Universal Serial Bus connector Type B) is used for connection to a device. The connector and port are square, with a beveled top, and not reversible. DVI-D (Digital Visual Interface Type D) is a high-quality digital interface designed for flat-panel display equipment. DVI-D supports digital equipment, with a different pin configuration of the ports and connectors for single- or dual-link types. HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) is the most widely used graphic device interface. HDMI uses a proprietary 19-pin connector.

What is the easiest way to install a standard mouse, and configure it to use basic settings?

Use Control Panel/Settings. A standard mouse does not need a special driver for installing. Basic settings can be configured using the Mouse applet in Control Panel/Settings. To access and configure extra buttons on some mice, the manufacturer's driver is needed. The driver is on a disk included with the mouse. In the absence of a disk with the driver, it can usually be found online on the manufacturer's website, and downloaded for installation. The driver is needed to access and configure extra buttons on some mice, not to install the mouse and configure basic settings. There are apps on the smartphone which enable the smartphone to operate as a mouse, but they are not used for installing and configuring a standard mouse.

A user wants the easiest and most secure way to prevent websites from discovering the IP (Internet Protocol) address of the computer. What should the user do?

Use a Virtual Private Network. For fully "anonymous" browsing, the user needs to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) which is a software service that encrypts the data sent to and from the internet and routes it through a VPN server in another location, so that websites see the server's IP address. Most VPN's do not require extra configuration. Proxies hide the device's IP address from websites, but an SSL proxy typically lacks the encryption and other security features offered by VPNs. Proxies also usually require extra configuration. In private mode, the browser doesn't store cookies or temporary files, but the browser does send some information to the website, such as the computer's IP address. Incognito mode is the same as private browsing mode.

What is NOT one of the features of an application virtualization software such as Citrix XenApp, which installs on a network server instead of individual workstations?

Users can use the application without a network connection. Application virtualization software is installed and executed on a network server. Client workstations access the application using a remote terminal or viewer, with a local network connection to the server. Locating the application and its data files on a server is easier to secure. Security is implemented in one location, the server, instead of each workstation running a locally installed application. Having the all of the application's data files on one server is easier to back up, than having local installations and corresponding sets of data files. Application virtualization software allows applications to run in environments that do not suit the native application, meaning that they can run from different operating systems without being developed as a cross-platform application.

What is an example of using a locally installed application without network access?

Using Microsoft Word to write a letter A locally installed application does not need network access to run, but the network has to be present if the application makes use of network features. Using Microsoft Word to write a letter does not require network connection. Checking email requires an Internet connection. If done from an application like Outlook, it needs network connection to download messages from the email server. Quicken is a personal finance management tool. It does many tasks locally, like budget reports, but it needs Internet connection to send a banking institution the instructions for paying bills .iTunes is a media library and player. It can play locally stored music files, but needs to be connected to the Internet to play or download a podcast.

Which of the following measures their data transfer capacity in Mbps (megabits per second)? 1. Older computer peripheral interfaces 2. Latest PC bus standards 3. Data center telecommunications links 4. Wireless networks

Wireless networks Wireless networks and residential Internet links, as well as many internal computer interfaces, typically have their data transfer capacity measured in Mbps or Mb/s (Megabits per second). Older computer peripheral interfaces run slower than their more modern counterparts. They have their data transfer capacity measured in Kbps or Kb/s (Kilobits per second). The latest PC bus standards can support higher data transfer capacity measured in Gbps or Gb/s (Gigabits per second). Major telecommunications links between data centers, cities, and countries have the highest data transfer capacity measured in Tbps or Tb/s (Terabits per second).

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