Computer Concepts for End Users: Unit 11

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In a problem statement, a(n) ____________ is something you accept as true in order to proceed with program planning.


In a problem statement, you can limit complexity by making ____________.


Programmers sometimes start with a set of _____________ that simplify a problem.


A subclass is any class that inherits attributes from a superclass


An API is a set of application or operating system functions that programmers can add to the programs they create.


_____________ programmers create productivity applications such as Microsoft Office, as well as enterprise applications such as CRM and ERP.


A(n) ___________ typically reads a program written in an assembly language, translates the program into machine language, and then submits the machine language program to the processor for execution.


A(n) ________ is a type of SDK that packages a set of development tools into a sleek programming application.


_________ was officially launched in 1995 and has many of the characteristics of C++, from which it derives much of its syntax.


A(n) ___________ is a collection of language-specific programming tools that enables a programmer to develop applications for a specific computer platform.


__________ laid the foundation for the objectoriented paradigm


​Computer historians believe that ____________ was the first programming language to work with objects, classes, inheritance, and methods.


A(n) _________ provides programmers with tools to build substantial sections of a program by pointing and clicking rather than typing lines of code.


A low-level language has a low level of ___________ because it includes commands specific to a particular CPU or microprocessor family.


A(n) _________ methodology focuses on flexible development and specifications that evolve as a project progresses.​


A(n) ____________ for a computer program is a set of steps that explains how to begin with known information specified in a problem statement and how to manipulate that information to arrive at a solution.​


A(n) ____________ is a set of steps for carrying out a task that can be written down and implemented.​


Regarding OO programming, which of the following terms best matches with the term "method"?​


In Prolog programming, a(n) __________ represents one of the main subjects that a fact describes.​


A(n) ___________ is a template for a group of objects with similar characteristics.​


A(n) _____________ defines the characteristics of a set of objects.

class attribute

The instructions that make up a computer program are sometimes referred to as __________.


A program must __________ without any errors before it can be run.


A(n) ___________ converts all the statements in a program in a single batch, and the resulting collection of instructions, called ________, is placed in a new file.​

compiler, object code

. ____________ encompasses a broad set of activities that include planning, coding, testing, and documenting while a related activity, __________, is a development process that uses mathematical, engineering, and management techniques to reduce the cost and complexity of a computer program while increasing its reliability and modifiability.

computer programming, software engineering

A(n) __________ is a factor that remains the same throughout a program


In the context of a VDE, a(n) ___________ is a screen-based object whose behavior can be defined by a programmer.


The process of finding and fixing errors in a computer program is called ____________.​


. In the context of Prolog programming, a(n) ________________ is a tabular method for visualizing and specifying rules based on multiple factors.

decision table

Prolog and other __________ languages were classified as fifth generation languages.​


The ________ paradigm is most efficient for processing words and languages.


The _______________ paradigm describes aspects of a problem that lead to a solution


The procedural paradigm focuses on an algorithm that describes a solution, the _____________ paradigm focuses on describing the problem.


___________ programming is an approach to software development in which programmers anticipate what might go wrong as their programs run, and take steps to smoothly handle those situations.

defensive or secure

_________________ refers to the process of hiding the internal details of objects and their methods.


A lowlevel language uses command words and grammar based on human languages.​


A programming language that supports the procedural paradigm is called a declarative language.​


A simple example of a repetition control structure is the if...else command.​


Agile methodologies tend to be used for large software development projects involving more than ten developers, geographically dispersed development teams, and lifecritical applications.​


Algorithms are usually written in a format that is specific to a particular programming language


Application programmers specialize in developing system software such as operating systems, device drivers, security modules, and communications software.


Declarative languages are commonly used for production applications


Generally speaking, in an objectoriented program, the objects don't interact.​


In Prolog, facts can have no more than two arguments.


Programmers insert documentation called facts into the program code.


The declarative paradigm is fundamentally quite similar to the procedural paradigm.​


The order or sequence of rules in a Prolog program is usually critical.


Third-generation languages added a level of abstraction to machine languages by substituting abbreviated command words for the strings of 1s and 0s used in machine languages.​


A class is defined by attributes and ________.​


When high-level languages were originally conceived in the 1950s, they were dubbed second-generation languages because they seemed a major improvement over machine and assembly languages.


programmers who work within the declarative paradigm envision a program as data objects that essentially network with each other to exchange data


you can specify the actual solution in the problem statement.​


What is the term that refers to the sequence in which a computer executes program instructions?

flow control

A(n) _________ is a graphical representation of the way a computer should progress from one instruction to the next when it performs a task.


In 1969, computer scientists began to develop high-level languages, called ________-generation languages, which more closely= resembled human languages.


A(n) __________ is a section of code that is part of a program, but is not included in the main sequential execution path.


Each fact in a Prolog program is similar to a record in a database, but you can query a Prolog program's database by asking a question, called a(n) _______ in Prolog jargon.​


_______________, such as BASIC, Python, Java, Prolog, and C++, make the programming process easier by replacing unintelligible strings of 1s and 0s or cryptic assembly commands with understandable commands, such as PRINT and WRITE.​

high-level language

Encapsulation refers to the process of hiding the internal details of objects and their ___________


. Finding a value for a variable is referred to as ___________


As an alternative to a compiler, a(n) ________ converts and executes one statement at a time while the program is running.​


Which of the following is not a characteristic for a good problem statement?

it contains detailed descriptions of the processes and tools that need to be developed

In a repetition control structure, the computer is directed to repeat one or more instructions until a certain condition is met. The section of code that repeats is usually referred to as a(n) ___________


Which programming language is an interpreted language most commonly used for client-side Web scripting, such as animating page elements and validating input on HTML forms?​


In a programming language, a(n) ______, or command, is a word with a predefined meaning


The _____________ in a problem statement is the information that is supplied to the computer to help it solve a problem.

known information

Like a ___________ language, an assembly language is classified as a low-level language because it is machine specific—each assembly language command corresponds on a onetoone basis to a machine language instruction


A method is activated by a(n) _________, which is included as a line of program code.


A(n) ___________ is a segment of code that defines an action.


The ________________ paradigm is based on the idea that the solution for a problem can be visualized in terms of objects that interact with each other.​


A(n) ____ code, is a command word for an operation such as add, compare, or jump


The _________ for an instruction specifies the data, or the address of the data, for the operation.​


The phrase programming _____________ refers to a way of conceptualizing and structuring the tasks a computer performs.


Keywords can be combined with specific ____________, which provide more detailed instructions for the computer to carry out.​


The ability to redefine a method in a subclass is referred to as ___________.


___________ provides OO programs with easy extensibility and can help simplify program control structures


In Prolog, the __________ describes the relationship between the arguments.


In Prolog, the __________ describes the relationship between the _________ .

predicate, arguments

In a problem statement, a(n) _____________ methodology requires extensive planning and documentation up front.​


Which of the following is not a programming paradigm?


The downside of the _____________ paradigm is that it does not fit gracefully with certain types of problems— those that are unstructured or those with very complex algorithms.​


____________ paradigms are used to conceptualize the solution to a problem as a sequence of steps.


A computer _____________ is a set of stepbystep instructions that tell a computer how to carry out a task.


Much of the power and flexibility of the _________ language stems from its ability to query facts by matching predicates, comparing constants, and instantiating variables.


Which programming language is used for artificial intelligence applications and expert systems?​


____________ is a notational system for algorithms that is less formal than a programming language, but more formal than simply jotting down notes.​


A(n) __________ is available for use by any routine in the program while a(n) _______________ can be accessed only from the routine in which it is defined.​

public attribute, private attribute

A(n) ____________ control structure directs the computer to repeat one or more instructions until a certain condition is met.


Which of the following is a scripting language?

ruby, perl, PHP

In the context of a Prolog program, a(n) __________ is a general statement about the relationship between facts


With just facts and goals, Prolog would be nothing more than a database, but the addition of _________ gives programmers a set of tools to manipulate the facts.


A(n) ________________ tells a computer what to do based on whether a condition is true or false.​

selection control structure

A(n) _____________ changes the order in which instructions are carried out by directing the computer to execute an instruction elsewhere in the program.

sequence control structure

During ___________ execution, the first instruction in the program is executed first, then the second instruction, and so on, to the last instruction in the program.


. The human-readable version of a program created in a high-level language by a programmer is called __________.​

source code

Within the agile development framework, the process of developing each iteration of a program is called a(n) _________.​


In the context of programming, a problem ____________ defines certain elements that must be manipulated to achieve a result or goal.​


VDEs for mobile devices are based on a(n) ___________ that a programmer manipulates to design the user interface for an app.​


A(n) __________ is any class from which attributes can be inherited.


The set of rules that specify the sequence of keywords, parameters, and punctuation in a program instruction is referred to as _______.​


____________ programmers specialize in developing system software such as operating systems, device drivers, security modules, and communications software.


. __________-generation languages, such as COBOL and Fortran, were used extensively for business and scientific applications.​


. The process of planning a computer program begins with a problem statement that clearly define the program's purpose


An important characteristic of third-generation programming languages is that the source code can be written with simple tools, such as a word processor, and this code can be easily understood by programmers.


Another way to express an algorithm is with pseudocode.​


As a general rule, declarative programming languages are most suitable for problems that pertain to words and concepts rather than to numbers.


Microprocessors only understand machine language, so there has to be some way to convert assembly language instructions into 1s and 0s.


Procedural languages encourage programmers to approach problems by breaking the solution down to a series of steps


Prolog and other declarative languages were classified as fifthgeneration languages.​


Prolog programming is all about facts and rules.


Some software engineering activities overlap with the systems analysis and design activities


Structured English is a subset of the English language with a limited selection of sentence structures that reflect processing activities.


The core of a computer program is a sequence of instructions.


The facts in a Prolog program are useful even without any rules.


The goto command is rarely used by skilled programmers because it can lead to programs that are difficult to understand and maintain


The procedural approach is best used for problems that can be solved by following a stepbystep algorithm.


When taking the object-oriented approach to a problem, one of the first steps is to identify the objects that pertain to a solution


A(n) _________ represents a value that can change.​


Prolog allows you to ask openended questions by replacing constants with __________.​


Before finalizing the algorithm for a computer program, you should perform a(n) __________ to verify that your algorithm works.


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