Computer Science Studying

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7. List the six key questions to consider when evaluating the severity of the consequences of a data loss event.

- Can the data be replaced? - How easy is the data to replace? - Who will be affected by the data loss? - Are there financial implications to the data loss? - Are there life and death consequences to the loss? - Who is responsible for data recovery?

10. List four methods to prevent data loss, along with the key characteristics of each.

- Failover system > The constant capability to automatically and seamlessly switch to a highly reliable backup system. This can be operated in a redundant manner or in a standby operational mode upon the failure of a primary server, application, system, or other primary system component. - Redundancy > Data redundancy is a condition created within a database or data storage technology in which the same piece of data is held in two separate places. This can mean two different fields within a single database, or two different spots in multiple software environments or platforms. Whenever data is repeated, this basically constitutes redundancy. - Removable media > Any type of storage device that can be removed from a computer while the system is running. CDs, DVDs, tapes, USB drives. Removable media makes it eas for a user to move data from one computer to another - Offsite storage > An offsite backup is a backup process or facility that stores backup data or applications external to the organization or core IT environment. It is similar to a standard backup process, but uses a facility or storage media that is not physically located within the organization's core infrastructure.

3. List three categories of user documentation, along with advantages and disadvantages of each.

- Help files Advantages: Accessible at any time when using the program. Give general instructions on how to use the system. Give general instructions on how to solve some major errors. Disadvantages: They can only be used after system has been installed. They don't give any help when installing the solution. They often only deal with very general errors. They often lack a search capability, you have to look to find help for your problem. - Online Support Advantages: They are often extensive compared to help files. They get continuously revised by the systems developer to deal with the problems occurring most often. They often provide an option for live support, talking to a real human operator if a problem arises which the user documentation has no answer to. They often have search capabilities built-in so that users can easily search through them. Disadvantages: They are useless if users have no internet connection. Live support does not work quite well with users unfamiliar with computers when they have to explain their problem. - Printed manuals Advantages: They can be read through by users before starting to work with the new system. Always available. Give help installing the system. Disadvantages: Can be lost, misplaced, limited in number. Often limited to a little booklet supplying little information apart from how to install the system. Not to be updated every time the system is updated.

5. List a specific example of a natural disaster that may result in data loss. Clearly explain how the event causes data loss.

- Hurricanes and fires may take out infrastructure, or even a company's technology entirely. Computers can be destroyed in these situations

4. List two specific examples of malicious activities that may result in data loss.

- If a computer gets an email-based attack and the employee clicks on a dodgy link, virus/malware may enter the system to damage or remove files. Without back ups or proper anti-virus software, this information can be lost. - Theft is another malicious activity that may result in data loss.

6. List three important consequences of data loss to a company.

- Loss of revenue - Loss of customer confidence/loyalty - Loss of passwords

4. List three common methods for delivering user training, along with advantages and disadvantages of each.

- Self instruction Advantages: Lowest cost, flexible timeline, tailored training Disadvantages: No guidance, user might feel lost. Unstructured learning means certain features might be misunderstood/ignored. - Formal Classes Advantages: Structured learning environment. Expert on hand to answer question. Curriculum designed to teach all aspects, including ones that might be misunderstood or difficult to grasp. Disadvantages: Expensive, rigid schedule and curriculum, not much personalisation. - Remote/Online training Advantages: Structured learning environment, expert on hand to answer questions, curriculum designed to teach all aspects, including ones that might be misunderstood or difficult to grasp, flexible locations Disadvantages: Expensive, can feel remove with no quick hands on, has to be computer based

Define server

A computer that provides data to other computers. It may serve LANs or WANs. Can include web servers, mail servers, and file servers. Each runs software specific to the purpose of the server.

Outline the use of a dailover system

A failover system is a standby/redundant system; Which is used to eliminate/reduce the impact on users/owners; By automatically taking over if the primary system suddenly becomes unavailable

Define firewall

A firewall acts as a barrier between a trusted system or network and outside connections, such as the internet. A computer firewall is more of a filter than a wall, allowing trusted data to flow through it. Can be created either hardware or software.

5. Define legacy system and list an example.

A legacy system is an old method, technology, computer system, or application program that may or may not be supported/available for purchase anymore. An example is Windows XP

2. What is a patch, and which category (release or update) is it?

A patch is a software update, it inserts new code in an executable program. They are usually temporary and resolve issues such as bugs, the need for new drivers, security vulnerabilities, stability, and upgrades.

1. Define the term stakeholder in the context of system design.

A person, group, or organization that has interest or concern in an organization.

List a potential ethical issue related to the internet. Explain how this might affect society positively and negatively.

A possible ethical issue related to the internet is the implementation of ICT in the workplace. While it can affect society positively, creating a more efficient and well-communicated environment, it can also lead to the loss of many jobs and a reduction in wages.

13. List a potential social issue related to introducing a new IT system. Explain how this might affect the organization positively and negatively.

A potential social issue related to introducing a new IT system is the disparity in numbers of people who own technology. Some countries and groupings of people don't have access to certain technologies, and these IT systems can exclude them in that sense. However, it also encourages people to be able to remain current and encourage productivity in organizations.

7. What is the definition of a moral issue?

A problem or is presented as any issue with the potential to help or harm anyone, including oneself

8. What is the definition of an economic issue?

A problem or situation that is concerned with the organization of the money, industry, and trade of a country, region, or society

9. What is the definition of an environmental issue?

A problem or situation that is concerned with the protection of the natural world of landm, sea, air, plants, and animals

Define router

A router is a hardware device that routes data from a local area network to another network connection. It can be a separate hardware device or software loaded onto a server.

What is the difference between a social issue and an ethical issue?

A social issue is a problem that influences a considerable number of individuals within a society. An ethical issue is a problem or situation that requires a person to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right or wrong.

1. Distinguish between a software release and an update.

A software release involves launching a new product for a market/user base, while an update doesn't involve the release of a new product but instead new fixes for existing software.

Explain what is meant by user acceptance testing

A system of partially functional prototype; Given to users to test for functionality or to gain feedbacks on functions or the UI

8. List two advantages and two disadvantages of running a system on client hardware.

Advantages - Doesn't require an internet connection, security Disadvantages - Potential data loss if there are issues with saving, lack of mobility

10. List two advantages and two disadvantages of hosting your system remotely.

Advantages - Employee mobility, cost savings Disadvantages - Security, availability

15. What are two advantages and two disadvantages of a parallel running as compared to pilot running.

Advantages: - In pilot running there's no backup for the selected group of users - All people within the organisation get familiar with the new system Disadvantages: - If the system doesn't work properly, everyone in the company is trying to use it. With pilot running, it's only that branch that's affected by it not working - Also, productivity would greatly be reduced if everyone had to wait for issues to be fixed that were affecting their work performance. By minimizing the number of people using the new system, you're also minimizing the number of people slowed down by the initial bugs and issues that are found.

14. What are two advantages and two disadvantages of a direct changeover as compared to parallel running.

Advantages: - Saving money, as parallel running can be very expensive - Saving time Disadvantages: - If the new system fails, there's no backup - Outputs from the two systems cannot be compared to see if the new one is running correctly

Discuss one advantage and one disadvantage of printed material, when compared to online support

Advantages: Portability; Printed material is more easily transportable and can be moved around Extent of material; Books/technical instructions may have more details, and be more useful to provide deeper explanation; Availability; It is always available (no power cut problems) Disadvantages: Readability; Font size online can be easily magnified; Trouble shooting/cross-reference/usability; Online is faster and usually has links to other pages whereas paper is a thick manual Aging; Online is more frequently updated Environmental; Waste of paper versus energy consumption

21. Define and distinguish between alpha and beta testing.

Alpha testing is usually performed by testers who are internal employees of the organisation, while beta is performed by clients or end-users who are not employees. Alpha testing is performed at the developer's site, while beta testing is performed at client location or end user of the product.

Define peripheral and give two examples

Any external device that provides input or output for the computer. A keyboard is an input peripheral, and a monitor is an output peripheral. Sometimes referred to as I/O devices (input/output devices)

25. What is automated testing, and what under what conditions is it useful?

Automated testing is a method in software testing that makes use of special software tools to control the execution of tests. and then compares actual test results with predicted or expecte dresults. It's used when testing may be too difficult to perform manually, when the body of code needing to be tested is vast.

4. Describe the process of installing an automatic update, including the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.

Automatical updates don't require you to do anything, as the software will contact the developer automatically in order to download and install updates. You don't have to worry about maintaining the system with the latest update, as it will ensure this itself - but the lack of control can also mean that you experience issues on your system if an update is bad.

1. What are four factors to consider when identifying the context for a new system?

Background, environment, framework, setting

22. Define and distinguish between black-box and white-box testing.

Black-box testing treats software under test as black-box without knowing its internals. Tests are using software interfaces and trying to ensure that they work as expected. White-box testing looks inside the software that is being tested and uses that knowledge as part of the testing process.

2. Name four common formats for user documentation.

Books, PDFs, websites, video

5. What are four specific methods to improve the accessibility of systems?

Braille keyboards Eye typers Screen readers Voice synthesizers

Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of using observations to gather information.

Can highlight aspects that are not detected in questionnaires/interviews; So the observer can help produce more detailed reports Observations may be more reliable than interviews; They reveal what people actually do instead of what they say they do. Time consuming/expensive; The observer might need to observe a complete cycle which could last a significant amount of time. If the observations are made by only one person, they may be biased. Observations may be unreliable; Because people act differently when they know they are being watched.

Define software and give two examples

Computer software describes computer programs or sets of instructions. Computer software can involve software programs, applications, scripts, and instruction sets. It's virtual, not physical. Internet browser, operating system.

A hardware shop supplies a wide variety of bathroom equipment. There are 15 shop assistants who serve customers, 3 office staff who handle the administration, and a manager. They are implementing a new computer system. Identify two different types of users of the system.

Customers; Employees - shop assistants; Employees - office staff; Manager/Owner

Describe the features of SaaS

Data is in the cloud/computing infrastructure; SW necessary for the activities in the cloud; Access to SW is with thin client (terminal/computers) by web browsing (on the extranet)

1. What is data loss, and why should it be avoided?

Data loss occurs when something is accidentally deleted, or is caused to become corrupted or unavailable. Losing data can affect businesses and people alike, progress can be lost on certain projects, or vital information can become unavailable.

Discuss two possible problems that may occur during data migration.

Data loss/data corruption; When moving data from one storage device to another, data could be corrupted/lost and not useful anymore; Incompatibility of data formats; Necessary to translate from one format to another, to be able to use the data in the new system which causes delays/performance issues in business/office operation;

17. What is data migration?

Data migration is the act of moving data. It can be as simple as putting a file on a USB drive and opening it on a different computer, but it can also be the idea of databases exchanging information across countries.

13. List and briefly explain the four approaches to install a new system.

Direct changeover - Old system is stopped and new system is started Parallel running - The new system is started but the. old system is kept running alongside it. Data has to be entered into both systems. Pilot running - The new system is piloted with a small subset of the organisation. Once it is running correctly and all bugs have been ironed out, it is implemented across the whole organisation. Phased conversion - The new system is introduced in phases as parts of the old system are gradually replaced with the new system

Identify one disadvantage of direct observation

Direct observation is susceptible to observer bias; Direct observation also can affect the behaviour of users/process being observed; Direct observation is time consuming;

Identify one advantage of direct observation

Direct observation is systematic/structured process; Direct observation allows for a current computer system to be studied in its natural setting; Direct observation provides a better understanding of the way computer system is used;

Situation: An international company is in the process of moving its Head Office from Europe to Asia. Outline one social issue associated with this process

Employees who will not be willing to move to Asia; Lost jobs / finding new job / income decreased; Employees who will move to Asia; Personal or family issues during the period of moving or in a new environment /. finances and cost of living / services such as schools, hospitals, transport / language problems

6. After defining the requirements for a new system, you must gather relevant information before finalizing a design. List four sources of relevant information you should check.

Examining current systems Looking at competing products Organizational capabilities Literature searches

State two methods of delivering user training

Formal classes; Self-instruction; Online training

11. Provide two examples of systems that are remotely hosted.

Google Apps, Dropbox

Define hardware and give two examples

Hardware is the physical parts of a computer and any related devices. An internal piece of hardware is a hard drive, while an external one is a keyboard. Internal pieces are generally called components, external ones are usually called peripherals.

2. List and briefly describe the five most common causes for data loss.

Hardwave/System malfunctions - Issue with RAM or other memory devices can cause data to be lost Human error - Doing something such as clicking CLOSE instead of SAVE, accidentally deleting a file, saving over them. Software corruption - Can happen in situations such as when your computer loses power or crashes while you save Malicious Software - Viruses can be downloaded from a plethora of sources, can be trojans, viruses or worms. This can result in files being deleted or corrupted, general access being denied Natural disasters - Destruction caused by these is one of the main reasons for infrastructure-based data loss.

3. Give a specific example of how human error may cause data loss.

If you accidentally delete a file, while some computers and software have options for you to retrieve that file, it isn't always possible.

18. List and briefly describe four problems that may arise when migrating data.

Incompatible file formats - The same piece of software might have different versions, the data created in one version may not be compatible with another Data structure - Moving data from a table to a flat file, or from an array to a linked list, may cause problems Validation rules - These rules are applied to inputs. If these are different at the destination than at the source, data will be rejected and lost. Incomplete data transfers - If the actual transfer is interrupted, only part of the data will be at the destination, leading to loss.

19. Why is software testing important?

It's important to ensure that the system works as expected. If it doesn't, it will greatly reduce productivity and end user satisfaction.

10. What is iteration in the context of system design, and why is it important to plan for?

Iteration is the action or a process of iterating or repeating. In a system design, it can mean one of two things: 1. A procedure in which repetition of a sequence of operations yields results successively closer to the desired result (linked to prototyping) 2. The repetition of a sequence of computer instructions a specified number of times or until a condition is met It's important to plan for as they have links to prototyping and loops, and can determine how code is written.

Situation: An international company is in the process of moving its Head Office from Europe to Asia. Identify two possible compatibility issues as a part of data migration.

Language differences/different character set; Different conventions of representing various data/currencies, data, etc Incompatible software/incompatible hardware;

3. Define the limitations of a new system, and provide a real-world example.

Limitations of a new system are the things that prevent certain features or things from being accessible, an example being how expensive technology can be, do people have the money to utilise a certain type of system or should you consider alternatives.

Outline one problem of maintaining legacy systems

Maintaining previous/outdated computer system, which uses old technology and old application programs; That are hard to understand/expensive to change/evolve because programs might be disorganized/documentation might be missing/incomplete/unreliable. Compatibility issues (typically refer to old programming languages/old database technology); Maintaining but not updating the old system can lead to compatibility / security issues; It may be difficult to recruit staff/programmers familiar with old languages/operating systems; Database contains inconsistencies/redundancies (eg information systems and no DBMS); Usually pre-internet, needs interfaces; Typically large and complex systems/mainframes

Define email server

May run a programme like Exim or iMail, which provides SMTP services for sending and receiving an email.

6. Why do mergers create software system challenges? List three specific examples of problems that may arise as a result of a business merger.

Mergers can create software system challenges as the two companies were not designed to work together. The different platforms or ways of utilising software may be completely different in the two companies, which means that it would be difficult for them to combine into one. There are also language barriers in certain cases, one company may store information in one language, while the other company works in another. Three examples of problems that may arise are: - Language differences - Time zone differences - Workforce cultural differences

Describe why it is useful to produce more than one prototype of a new system.

More than one prototype allows for the choice of the most suitable one, giving more flexibility and improving the final system.

Define network and give two examples

Multiple devices that communicate with one another using a transmission medium. Can be two computers or more. Examples: Traditionally they were just desktop computers, but an example of a modern network is a gaming console. There are many different types of networks, such as Local Area Networks and Wide Area Networks, that typically define the area of control/access the network has.

4. List three difficulties you may encounter when deploying a new system in your organization.

New systems may omit old features Data loss during migration Change may lead to incompatibility

4. List three methods of obtaining requirements from stakeholders when designing a system, and describe the pros and cons of each.

Observation - Advantages: Possibility of gathering first-hand, unbiased information. Disadvantages: Often people might not work the way they normally do when being observed. Interviews - Advantages: Allows a lot of very detailed information to be gathered, people can be asked about what they don't like on the system. Disadvantages: Takes a long time Questionnaires/Surveys - Advantages: A large amount of data from a large group can be gathered, takes little time to analyze, simple. Disadvantage: It's hard to ask the right question, information gathered is limited by questionnaire, can be biased. Quality of responses not ensured.

9. Provide two examples of software that runs on client hardware.

Office 2016, Pages

4. List three commonly used digital devices. For each, list two possible usability problems.

PCs - May require specialist support to set up, software can be difficult to understand Cell phones - Limited options for input, small screens Digital cameras - Complex to use (with adjusting settings), people with vision issues may struggle with the small screens and lack of options for accessibility

14. List a potential ethical issue related to introducing a new IT system. Explain how this might affect the organization positively and negatively.

Protection of computer property, records and software is a potential ethical issue. While organizations may gain rapport for being trusted with information, if the new IT system fails and there are data leaks - not only are there ethical issue surrounded by the loss of this privileged information, but it may also affect public perception.

Situation: An examination office of a university must securely store students' examination papers and their grades. The office keeps the documentation of past students for two years. After two years the office only stores the student grades. All documentation of current students is frequently accessed for other operations and the volume of data increases quickly. They are creating a new system. Describe the purpose of the prototype

Prototype is used to ensure all essential functions/operations of the system are present/meets the needs of the users; Prototype is used to speed up development process; Positive user's feedback helps in refining the acceptable prototype in order to develop the complete system/product; Or else a further prototype should be created in order to develop the satisfactory system/product

9. What is a system prototype, and what are the three purposes of creating one?

Prototypes are abstract representations of the system, often focusing on only one or two key aspects of the system. Fail early and inexpensively - by building a prototype, you can quickly weed out the approaches that don't work to focus on the ones that do Gather more accurate requirements - Interviews and focus groups can fall short because many people find it difficult to conceptualize a product before you see it. By developing a working prototype, you can demonstrate the functionality to help solidify requirements for the final design. Technically understand the problem - By developing a functional prototype, you are forced to address both the foreseen and the unforeseen technical challenges of a device's design

Situation: An examination office of a university must securely store students' examination papers and their grades. The office keeps the documentation of past students for two years. After two years the office only stores the student grades. All documentation of current students is frequently accessed for other operations and the volume of data increases quickly. They are creating a new system. Describe how direct observations on the current system may provide information to help propose a new suitable system.

Quick/first hand/realistic information on data/software/hardware/users/procedures in the current system; Help better understand positive and negative features of the current system (for example problems in accessing or validating data/user errors/security issues, etc); Which can be used when specifying requirements of the new system (keep/improve positive and change negative features)

3. What is accessibility?

Refers to the design of products, devices, services or environments for people with disabilities or specific needs.

20. Define and distinguish between static and dynamic testing.

Reviews, walkthroughs, or inspections are referred to as static testing, whereas actually executing code with a given set of test cases is referred to as dynamic testing.

Explain the role of users in the process of developing a new computer system.

Role of users is important because inadequate user involvement leads to project failure; All users must participate and explain how they use the system; All users must participate and explain what they think is wrong with the system; Users (managers, owners) are involved in approval of projects and budgets; All users are involved in testing of the system; All users are involved in training;

Identify two features that need to be considered when planning a new computing system for an organization

Roles/activities of the users (eg permissions, security, partitions, collaborative work); Resources appropriate for the organisation; Cost/budget limits; Delivery time; Compatability with the old system;

Discuss the limitations of SaaS in relation to security

Security in storage; Data is stored in the server of the service provider; The organization has no direct control of its data; Legislation in the country of the provider may be weaker than in the user's country; Cases of provider's corruption/bankruptcy/data loss are a risk to the organization Security in transmission; Application running in-site may require data in SaaS; Hence longer transmission times and higher risk of failure/attack/interception

Define client

Servers have clients. Client-server architecture can be found in local and wide area networks. If an office has a server that stores the company's database on it, the other computers in the office that can access the database are clients of the server.

Outline one usability issue associated with the design of mobile devices.

Size of screen; Therefore difficult to see/use Size of keys; Therefore difficult to access functions Battery life; May need to recharge regularly Touch screen keys on tablets; Lack of tactile feedback

List a potential social issue related to the internet. Explain how this might affect society positively and negatively.

Social media is a potential issue related to the internet. This might affect society positively by promoting communication and fostering connections between people regardless of distance, but it can also pose a negative impact on society. It's been shown to negatively affect many people's mental health, and comparisons to people they see posting online have countless negative effects on people. It also prevents people from living in reality, and often focuses more on social media than the real world.

12. What does "SaaS" stand for?


7. List three types of illustrations used to capture a system design, and describe what each type is intended to show.'

System flow chart - Represents the process using different symbols containing information about steps or a sequence of events. Data flow diagram - A data flow diagram maps out the flow of information for any process or system Structure chart - Diagram representing the organization of a system, usually with showing the different parts in hierarchical order

A small hotel buys a software package to manage their bookings. Describe two types of documentation that should be provided with the software package

Technical documentation; Describes how to install software; Describes the hardware configuration needed; User documentation; Describes various functions of the software; Helps users to learn how to use the software

Explain what is meant by beta testing

Testing prior to product's full release / last stage of testing; To see if it works properly / complete functionality / usability; Performed by end users (not by designers);

Define DNS Server

The Domain Name System Serve as memorisable names for websites and other website services. DNS translates domain names into IP addresses (which is how computers access internet devices)

12. What is the difference between a client and an end-user? Can they be the same person?

The client will be the person who has asked for it to be made, but end users are the people who will directly have to use the system. They can be the same person.

2. Define the extent of a new system, and provide a real-world example.

The extent of a new system defines what the system will have to encompass, what features or functions will be taken over by this system. The extent to which an attendance sheet is used is just for that, it would need to cover absences, present, late, etc, but to no further extent does it need to have capabilities for.

8. Distinguish between the purpose of a system flow chart and a data flow chart. That is, what is the key difference between the kind of information that each shows?

The flow chart shows a process, while the data flow shows the flow of information

2. What is ergonomics?

The scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance

Situation: An examination office of a university must securely store students' examination papers and their grades. The office keeps the documentation of past students for two years. After two years the office only stores the student grades. All documentation of current students is frequently accessed for other operations and the volume of data increases quickly. They are creating a new system. Identify two aspects of data that need to be taken into account during the planning of the new system.

The type of access needed; for example read only/read write/online or offline; Access rights; For example, data available only for administrators / different permissions for students Frequency of acess; Some data (of non-current students) are not frequently accessed and can be archived; Other data (of current students are frequently used, subject to a variety of operations; Quantity/size of the data; For example should not exceed storage capacity of the new system Type/nature/format; For example incompitibility issues

6. List the five examples of software systems listed in the IB syllabus. For each, list two possible usability problems.

Ticketing - Difficult to keep track of the ticket (not easy to remember), inefficient Online payroll - Downtime, users may have difficulty learning how to work with it Scheduling - Confusing, inefficient at times Voice Recognition - Opens up the possibility of more errors, may not be able to recognise voice in loud situations Systems that provide feedback - Inaccurate, can be frustrating

Situation: An examination office of a university must securely store students' examination papers and their grades. The office keeps the documentation of past students for two years. After two years the office only stores the student grades. All documentation of current students is frequently accessed for other operations and the volume of data increases quickly. They are creating a new system. Outline one economic aspect that the examination office needs to take into account to support parallel running.

Two systems are running simultaneously so that operations are not disrupted; This is a costly operation; Because both systems and all their resources should be maintained / More staff should be hired Safe way of validating the new system; Running two systems could be cheaper; Than losing all data in case of failure

Define the term usability

Usability means making the computer systems easy to use, matching them more closely to user needs and requirements

Define Human Resources and give two examples

Used to describe both the people who work for a company or organization and the department responsible for managing resources related to employees. Often referred to as the end-users of a system. Examples: The employees of a company utilising a new work communication programme, the teachers who use an attendance programme.

23. What is user acceptance testing, and why is it important?

User acceptance testing is testing any new/updated system with its ultimate end users to see if their expectation is met. Happy users = more productive users.

1. What is user documentation, and why is it important?

User documentation is any document that explains how to use the features and functions of a system to its end-users. It's important because it's a reference guide for how to use the system - without it, many features may go unused or unnoticed, and using the features they do know about may be difficult.

11. It is, indeed, critical to involve the end-user at every step of the system development process. What are two possible negative results of failing to properly involve the end-user?

User may be unsatisfied with the system System may be unsuited for user's problem, affecting productivity

Situation: An international company is in the process of moving its Head Office from Europe to Asia. Outline how a virtual private network will allow employees who are in Europe to communicate with the Head Office in Asia

VPN allows secure communication with the Head Office in Asia; A VPN is the company's private network that uses a public network (in this situation the internet) to connect remote sites/employees together; Privacy is protected using VPN tunnelling; VPN uses encrypted connections routed through the internet from the company's private network (Europe) to the remove site in Asia (or employees); Hiding IP addresses to prevent unwanted exposure and data leaks; Data security is ensured by encryption - anyone intercepting the encrypted data cannot read it;

Identify two methods that could be used to improve the accessibility of a computer system

Voice recognition; Text to speech; Use of touch screen; Braille keyboard Etc

2. What are three questions you should ask when deciding who the stakeholders are for a given system?

Who will be affected by the new system? Who will the new system affect? Who will the end-users be? What are their needs?

7. Distinguish between systems that run on a client's hardware with systems that are hosted remotely.

You can either buy a program and install it on a particular computer or set of computers (called local) or you can buy/rent/use software that is installed on a computer somewhere on the internet and then use it through a browser or dedicated local application (called remote)

3. Describe the process of installing a manual update, including the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.

You download and install them yourself, which can typically be done through the program or companies website. While it allows you to have full control over the update process, it's also quite time-consuming.

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