computer science stuff he gave except questions with diagrams

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Convert the decimal (base-10) number 20 to binary (base-2). A. 10010 B. 00101 C. 11000 D. 10100


Markus is finding that it takes too long to track down all of the groceries he needs to buy from a given store. GroceryGrabbr to the rescue! The app allows Markus to input his shopping list and search for his local grocery store in GroceryGrabbr's database. If his grocery store is there, Markus is all set to go! The database stores grocery items, cost, and item location information for each grocery store. When Markus walks into the store, a notification pops up on his smartphone letting him know that GroceryGrabbr is ready to get to work. Each of Markus' grocery items is displayed one at a time, along with the aisle number and shelf location. After Markus grabs his items off the shelf, he hits a button on the app to navigate to the next item. The list of items is arranged so that Markus follows the most efficient path through the grocery store. When Markus finishes shopping, the total amount of money his groceries cost is displayed, which allows him to double check the total cost with the cashier. GroceryGrabbr pays grocery stores a small amount of money for each user who successfully uses the app and checks out of the store with over one hundred dollars worth of groceries. Which of the following data is not obtained using data collection from the smartphone, but is necessary for GroceryGrabbr to create the total cost of groceries on the list? A. the location of the grocery store B. the location of the user C. the cost of groceries D. the shelf location of the groceries

the cost of groceries

Emilee is watching an online video. The video is being sent to her laptop by a server over the Internet which splits the video into packets and sends them in the order they appear in the video. Which of the following is true about how the packets will arrive at her computer? A. The packets will always be received in the order that they were sent B. Either every packet will reach her computer or none of them will. C. Packets that arrive out of order will be sent back to the server. D. The packets may arrive out of order

the packets may arrive out of order

wordList is a list of words that currently contains the values ["tree", "rock", "air"] Which of the following lines will result in the list containing the values ["air", "rock", "air"] A. wordList[0] = wordList[2] B. wordList[2] = wordList[0] C. insertItem(wordList, 0, "air") D. removeItem(wordList,0)

wordList[0] = wordList[2]

Jesse purchases a new smartphone and is immediately able to use it to send a photo over the Internet to a friend who lives in a different country. Which of the following is NOT necessary to make this possible? A. Both devices are using the same shared and open protocols B, A single direct connection is established between any two devices connected to the Internet C. The data of the image is routed through a sequence of directly connected devices before arriving at its destination. D. Both devices are directly connected to at least one part of the Internet

A single direct connection is established between any two devices connected to the Internet

Which of the following situations is most likely to cause issues arising from the digital divide? A. A state makes voter registration forms available only by visiting a government website B. Two internet-connected devices located in different countries and thousands of miles apart attempt to communicate with one another C. Packets sent from one router to another begin arriving in a different order than they were sent D. A smartphone attempts to communicate over the Internet with another type of device, like a tablet or laptop

A state makes voter registration forms available only by visiting a government website

Which of the following is NOT true of how computers represent complex information? A. Computing devices use patterns of bits to represent complex information B. Abstraction helps represent complex information by surfacing complexity that might otherwise be hidden C. Depending on context the same sequence of bits may represent different types of information D. Common abstractions that are represented by computing devices include numbers, characters, and color.

Abstraction helps represent complex information by surfacing complexity that might otherwise be hidden

A town government is designing a new bus system. The planners are deciding where to put the different bus stops. They want to pick a set of bus stop locations that will minimize the distance anyone needs to walk in order to get to any bus stop in town. What term best defines this kind of problem? A. A decision problem B. An optimization problem C. An undecidable problem D. An efficiency problem

An optimization problem

Which of the following best describes the existence of undecidable problems? A. Undecidable problems are problems for which more than one algorithm solves the problem and computer scientists have not yet chosen the algorithm they believe is best B. Undecidable problems are problems for which an algorithm can be written that will produce the same output for at least two possible inputs C. Undecidable problems are problems for which an algorithm can be written that produces a correct output for all inputs but in an unreasonable time D. An undecidable problem is a problem for which no algorithm can be constructed that always produces a correct output

An undecidable problem is a problem for which no algorithm can be constructed that always produces a correct output

Arman takes a picture with his smartphone which he subsequently posts online. Beatrice finds the picture online and posts a copy of it on her website with an attached Creative Commons license. Which of the following best describes who owns the photo? A. Beatrice owns the photo because only holders of a Creative Commons license can own works online. B. Arman owns the photo because he was the original creator and did not license the work. C. Arman owns the photo because it was granted a Creative Commons license by another person online. D. Both own the photo because creating a copy makes it her intellectual property

Arman owns the photo because he was the original creator and did not license the work.

A restaurant is interested in learning about the food preferences of people living nearby to the restaurant and intends to use survey data to help decide which new items to add to the menu. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be part of the process used to analyze the data? A. Cleaning a data visualization to remove unwanted patterns B. Iteratively creating visualizations to ask and answer new questions C. Cleaning data to remove inconsistencies D. Filtering the data to look at the responses from only certain groups

Cleaning a data visualization to remove unwanted patterns

Which of the following is NOT a reason to include comments in programs A. Comments help the computer decide whether certain components of a program are important. B. Comments help programmers debug issues in their own code C. Comments help document how code was written for other programmers to use D. Comments enable programmers to track their work throughout the development process

Comments help the computer decide whether certain components of a program are important.

Which of the following is true of intellectual property? A. Information created on a computer is not owned by anyone since only analog information is protected under copyright law. B. You do not need to cite work created by someone else if both the original work and your use of it are in digital form. C. Creative Commons enables content creators to freely distribute their otherwise copyrighted work. D. Creative Commons has severely hindered broad and open access to digital information

Creative Commons enables content creators to freely distribute their otherwise copyrighted work.

In which of the following situations would parallel systems MOST likely be used to help analyze data? A. Data analysis involving two or more columns of data B. Data analysis involving both string and numeric data C. Data analysis involving large datasets D. Data analysis that could result in two or more different types of visualizations

Data analysis involving large datasets

Which of the following best describes the purpose of a design specification? A. Tracking errors that arise through user testing B. Documenting comments that will need to be added to a program C. Describing the requirements for how a program will work or users will interact with it D. Listing detailed questions that will be asked of users during interviews

Describing the requirements for how a program will work or users will interact with it

Which of the following is true of algorithms? A. Algorithms may have an infinite set of instructions B. Algorithms must be expressed using a programming language C. Every algorithm can be constructed using combinations of sequencing, selection, and iteration D. Every problem can be solved with an algorithm

Every algorithm can be constructed using combinations of sequencing, selection, and iteration















Snappy is a crowdsourcing app designed with the purpose of making the world a happier place. The app collects photos users submit of "Happy Moments". Photos are tagged with the location where they were taken. Users have access to a map where they can zoom in to photos submitted at specific locations. A leaderboard displays the locations with the most "Happiness Moments" and the users who are the "snappiest" in each city due to the volume and rating of "Happiness Moments" they have submitted. Users can rate other "Hapiness Moments" using a limited set of emojis and can also leave comments which are moderated using machine learning in an effort to only allow positive comments, by checking each comment for common negative words learned through a training set. Which of the following data is necessary for Snappy to display "Happy Moments" for a particular city? A. The user's current location. B. Access to photos from the user's device C. Photos tagged by location that are submitted by any user. D. Ratings for each photo.

Photos tagged by location that are submitted by any user.

Snappy is a crowdsourcing app designed with the purpose of making the world a happier place. The app collects photos users submit of "Happy Moments". Photos are tagged with the location where they were taken. Users have access to a map where they can zoom in to photos submitted at specific locations. A leaderboard displays the locations with the most "Happiness Moments" and the users who are the "snappiest" in each city due to the volume and rating of "Happiness Moments" they have submitted. Users can rate other "Hapiness Moments" using a limited set of emojis and can also leave comments which are moderated using machine learning in an effort to only allow positive comments, by checking each comment for common negative words learned through a training set. Which of the following is the most likely data privacy concern for Snappy users? A. Photos uploaded to the app and tagged with location may contain identifiable information like people's faces or street names. B. A user's ranking on the leaderboard. C. Machine Learning used to moderate the comments on "Happiness Moments". D. Use of emojis to rate "Happiness Moments".

Photos uploaded to the app and tagged with location may contain identifiable information like people's faces or street names.

var words = ["apple","bug","car","dream","ear", "food"] var filteredWords = [ ]; for(var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { var word = words[i]; if (word.length < 4) { appendItem(filteredWords,word) } } console.log(filteredWords); If the program above is run, what will be displayed in the console? A. [apple, dream] B. [bug, car, ear] C. [bug, car, ear, food] D. [apple, dream, food]

[bug, car, ear]

Choose the correct definition for Conditional Statement A. affects the sequential flow of control by executing different statements based on the value of a Boolean expression B. stores information as a number, String, or Boolean C. joins together two or more strings end-to-end to make a new string D. an ordered sequence of characters

affects the sequential flow of control by executing different statements based on the value of a Boolean expression

A researcher is interested in learning more about the different kinds of plants growing in different areas of the state she lives in. The researcher creates an app that allows residents of the town to photograph plants in their area using a smartphone and record date, time, and location of the photograph. Afterwards the researcher will analyze the data to try to determine where different kinds of plants grow in the state. Which of the following does this situation best demonstrate? A. Citizen science B. Crowdfunding C. Open data D. Machine Learning

citizen science

Includes a program as an integral part of its function. Can be physical (e.g. self-driving car), non-physical computing software (e.g. picture editing software), or non-physical computing concepts (e.g., e-commerce).

computing innovation

A process that reverses encryption, taking a secret message and reproducing the original plain text.


A process of encoding messages to keep them secret, so only "authorized" parties can read it.


Which of the following algorithmic efficiencies would be considered LEAST efficient? A. Linear B. Constant C. Polynomial D. Exponential


Software intended to damage a computing system or to take partial control over its operation.


A restaurant knows from historical data that 60 out of 100 of its customers purchase a full meal while 40 out of 100 only order a side dish. The program below is intended to simulate the orders of 1000 customers. fullMeal<- 0 sideDish <- 0 REPEAT 1000 TIMES { If (<missing code>) { fullMeal <- fullMeal + 1 } else { sideDish <- sideDish + 1 } } display (fullMeal) Display ("full meals were ordered,") Display (sideDish) Display ("side dishes were ordered.") Which of the following can be used to replace so that the simulation works as intended? A. random(1,100) = 40 B. random(1,100) = 60 C. random(1,100) <= 40 D. random(1,100) <= 60

random(1,100) <= 60

Using existing algorithms as building blocks for new algorithms has all the following benefits EXCEPT: A. reduces development time B. reduces testing C. simplifies debugging D. removes procedural abstraction

removes procedural abstraction

Algorithms can be created in all the following ways EXCEPT: A. creating from an idea B. combining existing algorithms C. removing sequencing, selection, and iteration from an algorithm D. modifying existing algorithms

removing sequencing, selection, and iteration from an algorithm

A wireless access point that give unauthorized access to secure networks.

rogue access point

Involves one key for both encryption and decryption.

symmetric key encryption

The use of a program to record every keystroke made by a computer user in order to gain fraudulent access to passwords and other confidential information.


A job placement agency helps match job seekers with potential employers. The agency would like to design a simulation in order to help predict the likely job placement outcomes for job seekers based on historical trends and patterns. Which of the following is most likely to be a benefit of the simulation? A. The computer simulation will be able to include more details and complexity than the real-world job placement process. B. The computer simulation could be used to test hypotheses about patterns in the job placement process that are costly or time consuming to observe in reality. C. The computer simulation will be able to precisely predict the real-world outcomes for each job seeker. D. The computer simulation will remove the bias that may arise in the real-world job placement process.

the computer simulation could be used to test hypotheses about patterns in the job placement process that are costly or time consuming to observe in reality.

Which of the following best describes how computing devices represent information? A. A computer will either represent information as bits or bytes but not both B. A computer represents data as a byte which is either a 0 or a 1 C. A computer represents data as bits which is either a 0 or a 1 D. A computer represents information as bits which contain 8 bytes.

A computer represents data as bits which is either a 0 or a 1

What will the following program display in the console? for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { console.log(i); } A. 0 1 2 3 B. 0 1 2 3 4 C. 1 2 3 D. 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3

What will the following program display in the console? var sum = 0; for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { sum = sum + i; } console.log(sum); A. 0 B. 5 C. 10 D. 15


Which of the following binary (base-2) numbers is LARGEST? A. 11000000 B. 01111111 C. 00000001 D. 10111111


Your computer uses 4 bits to represent decimal numbers (0, 1, 2, 3 and so on) in binary. What is the SMALLEST number for which an overflow error occur? A. 14 B. 15 C. 16 D. 17


A sequential algorithm is broken into three stages Sequential Algorithm Time Download stage: 1 minute Sorting stage: 6 minutes Upload stage: 1 minute A parallel version of the algorithm completes the sorting stage in parallel leading to a new set of times Parallel Algorithm Time Download stage: 1 minute Sorting stage: 2 minutes • Upload stage: 1 minute What is the speedup of the parallel solution? A. 6 minutes B. 4 minutes C. 2 D. 3


How many total numbers can be represented with an 8-bit binary (base-2) system? A. 127 B. 128 C. 255 D. 256


A computer is performing a binary search on the sorted list of 7 numbers below. What is the maximum number of iterations needed to find the item? [1, 5, 20, 50, 51, 80, 99] A. 1 B. 3 C. 6 D. 7


This diagram (lol look at like 2.4 for diagram i don't have quizlet plus) shows a number of computing devices connected to the Internet with each line representing a direct connection. What is the MINIMUM number of paths that would need to be broken to prevent Computing Device A from connecting with Computing Device E? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


What will be displayed in the console when this program runs? var numList = [10,20,30]; console.log(numList[numList.length-1]); A. 2 B. 3 C. 20 D. 30


What will be displayed when this program finishes running? var numbersList = [20, 10, 5] appendItem(numbersList, 50) appendItem(numbersList,100) removeItem(numbersList,1) insertItem(numbersList, 0, 30) console.log(numbersList.length) A. 3 B. 6 C. 7 D. 5


Convert the binary (base-2) number 1001 to decimal (base-10). A. 9 B. 10 C. 16 D. 17


Markus is finding that it takes too long to track down all of the groceries he needs to buy from a given store. GroceryGrabbr to the rescue! The app allows Markus to input his shopping list and search for his local grocery store in GroceryGrabbr's database. If his grocery store is there, Markus is all set to go! The database stores grocery items, cost, and item location information for each grocery store. When Markus walks into the store, a notification pops up on his smartphone letting him know that GroceryGrabbr is ready to get to work. Each of Markus' grocery items is displayed one at a time, along with the aisle number and shelf location. After Markus grabs his items off the shelf, he hits a button on the app to navigate to the next item. The list of items is arranged so that Markus follows the most efficient path through the grocery store. When Markus finishes shopping, the total amount of money his groceries cost is displayed, which allows him to double check the total cost with the cashier. GroceryGrabbr pays grocery stores a small amount of money for each user who successfully uses the app and checks out of the store with over one hundred dollars worth of groceries. Which of the following grocery stores is LEAST likely to receive payment from GroceryGrabbr? A. A national chain of mid-sized grocery stores. B. A small, local store. C. A grocery store in a busy location with lots of customers. D. A popular, large grocery store.

A small, local store.

Markus is finding that it takes too long to track down all of the groceries he needs to buy from a given store. GroceryGrabbr to the rescue! The app allows Markus to input his shopping list and search for his local grocery store in GroceryGrabbr's database. If his grocery store is there, Markus is all set to go! The database stores grocery items, cost, and item location information for each grocery store. When Markus walks into the store, a notification pops up on his smartphone letting him know that GroceryGrabbr is ready to get to work. Each of Markus' grocery items is displayed one at a time, along with the aisle number and shelf location. After Markus grabs his items off the shelf, he hits a button on the app to navigate to the next item. The list of items is arranged so that Markus follows the most efficient path through the grocery store. When Markus finishes shopping, the total amount of money his groceries cost is displayed, which allows him to double check the total cost with the cashier. GroceryGrabbr pays grocery stores a small amount of money for each user who successfully uses the app and checks out of the store with over one hundred dollars worth of groceries. Which of the following is the most likely data privacy concern for GroceryGrabbr users? A. A user's grocery list is stored. B. A user is able to look up grocery stores stored in a database. C. A user needs to have their smartphone on while grocery shopping to use the app. D. A user's location is always being tracked.

A user's location is always being tracked.

A photographer stores digital photographs on her computer. In this case the photographs are considered the data. Each photograph also includes multiple pieces of metadata including: Date: The date the photograph was taken Time: The time the photograph was taken Location: The location where the photograph was taken Device: Which camera the photo was taken with Which of the following could the photographer NOT do based on this metadata? A. Filter photos to those taken in the last week B. Filter photos to those taken in a particular country C. Filter photos to those taken of buildings D. Filter photos to those taken with her favorite camera

Filter photos to those taken of buildings

Which of the following is true of functions? A. Programs written with functions run more quickly B. Functions can help remove repeated code from a program C. Replacing repeated code with a function will reduce the number of commands the computer needs to run D. Functions are called once but can be declared many times

Functions can help remove repeated code from a program

A school is creating class schedules for its students. The students submit their requested courses and then a program will be designed to find the optimal schedule for all students. The school has determined that finding the absolute best schedule cannot be solved in a reasonable time. Instead they have decided to use a simpler algorithm that produces a good but non-optimal schedule in a more reasonable amount of time. Which principle does this decision best demonstrate? A. Unreasonable algorithms may sometimes also be undecidable B. Heuristics can be used to solve some problems for which no reasonable algorithm exists C. Two algorithms that solve the same problem must also have the same efficiency D. Approximate solutions are often identical to optimal solutions

Heuristics can be used to solve some problems for which no reasonable algorithm exists

Which of the following Internet protocols is used to request and send pages and files on the World Wide Web? A. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) B. Internet Protocol (IP) C. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) D. HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Which of the following best describes the purpose of an IP address? A. IP addresses provide a unique number for identifying devices that send and receive information on the Internet B. IP addresses assist in the reconstruction of a message that has been divided into many packets C. IP addresses indicate the location where an internet-connected computing device was manufactured D. IP addresses indicate how many times an individual packet has been requested by a router

IP addresses provide a unique number for identifying devices that send and receive information on the Internet

Which of the following BEST describes the differences between sequential and event- driven programming? A. In sequential programming commands run one at a time. In event-driven programming all commands run at the same time. B. In sequential programming commands run faster than in event-driven programming. C. In sequential programming each command is run many times in sequence. In event-driven programming all commands are run a single time as an event. D. In sequential programming commands run in the order they are written. In event-driven programming some commands run in response to user interactions or other events.

In sequential programming commands run in the order they are written. In event-driven programming some commands run in response to user interactions or other events.

This diagram (lol look at like 2.4 for diagram i dont have it) shows a number of computing devices connected to the Internet with each line representing a direct connection. Device A is attempting to send data over the Internet to Device E. Which of the following is true of how the data will travel through the network? A. The data will always travel through Device B as it is the shortest path B. The data will never be sent to Device G since there are other shorter paths available C. It is possible that the data travels through any of the devices in the network before arriving at device E D. If the data travels through Device D then it will not travel through Device B

It is possible that the data travels through any of the devices in the network before arriving at device E

Snappy is a crowdsourcing app designed with the purpose of making the world a happier place. The app collects photos users submit of "Happy Moments". Photos are tagged with the location where they were taken. Users have access to a map where they can zoom in to photos submitted at specific locations. A leaderboard displays the locations with the most "Happiness Moments" and the users who are the "snappiest" in each city due to the volume and rating of "Happiness Moments" they have submitted. Users can rate other "Hapiness Moments" using a limited set of emojis and can also leave comments which are moderated using machine learning in an effort to only allow positive comments, by checking each comment for common negative words learned through a training set. Which of the following may be an unintended effect of the use of Snappy? A. Users may identify other Snappy users in their own town. B. Large towns might look "happier" than small towns. C. Users can rate other "Happiness Moments" with emojis. D. Users are prevented from leaving negative comments.

Large towns might look "happier" than small towns.

The algorithm below is used to find the largest element in a list of numbers. By modifying one of the lines in the program it is possible to make the algorithm find the SMALLEST element. Which line would need to be modified and how? 01 target <- list[1] 02 FOR EACH num IN list 03 { 04 IF(num > target) 05 { 06 target <- num 07 } 08 } 09 DISPLAY(target) A. Line 01 becomes target <- list[2] B. Line 04 becomes IF (num < target) C. Line 04 becomes IF (num = target) D. Line 01 becomes list[0] <- target)

Line 04 becomes IF (num < target)

Which of the following is true of lossy and lossless compression algorithms? A. Lossy compression algorithms are used when perfect reconstruction of the original data is important. B. Lossy compression algorithms are typically better than lossless compression algorithms at reducing the number of bits needed to represent a piece of data. C. Lossless compression algorithms are only used to compress text data. D. Lossless compression algorithms only allow for an approximate reconstruction of the original data.

Lossy compression algorithms are typically better than lossless compression algorithms at reducing the number of bits needed to represent a piece of data.

Ryan is designing an app that needs to quickly send low quality photos between users. Most smartphones take much higher quality photos than Ryan needs for his app. Which answer best describes the type of compression Ryan should choose and why? A. Lossless compression since it ensures perfect reconstruction of the photo. B. Lossy compression since it ensures perfect reconstruction of the photo. C. Lossless compression since it typically results in smaller data sizes. D. Lossy compression since it typically results in smaller data sizes.

Lossy compression since it typically results in smaller data sizes.

This function checks if a character is a vowel. If it is, it returns . Otherwise, it returns false. Where should return false; be written in the code? function checkVowel(character) {var vowels = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]; for(var i=0; i<vowels.length; i++){ if(vowels[i] == character) { return true; OPTION A } OPTION B } OPTION C } OPTION D A. OPTION A B. OPTION B C. OPTION C D. OPTION D


A group of students writes their names and unique student ID numbers on sheets of paper. The sheets are then randomly placed in a stack. Their teacher is looking to see if a specific ID number is included in the stack. Which of the following best describes whether their teacher should use a linear or a binary search? A. The teacher could use either type of search though the linear search is likely to be faster B. The teacher could use either type of search though the binary search is likely to be faster C. Neither type of search will work since the data is numeric D. Only the linear search will work since the data has not been sorted

Only the linear search will work since the data has not been sorted

Which of the following is true of how packets are sent through the Internet? A. Packet metadata is only included on important packets to indicate they should get access to faster paths through the network B. Packet metadata is used to route and reassemble information traveling through the Internet C. Information sent through the internet is only encapsulated in packets if the message is too large to be sent as a datastream D. Information sent through the internet is split into two packets, one which contains the message and another which contains the metadata

Packet metadata is used to route and reassemble information traveling through the Internet

Which of the following is a benefit of parallel and distributed computing? A. Distributed computing typically requires fewer computers B. Distributed computing can be used when parallel solutions are not possible C. Parallel computing scales more effectively than sequential computing D. Distributed computing improves the speed at which an individual computer executes a program

Parallel computing scales more effectively than sequential computing

Which of the following is MOST likely to be an outcome of the digital divide? A. Certain companies will be unable to certify their technology as digitally secure. B. People from some racial or ethnic groups have unequal access to computing technology. C. People will have equal access and influence both globally and locally. D. Political groups in some countries are unable to agree on regulations of digital technology.

People from some racial or ethnic groups have unequal access to computing technology.

Snappy is a crowdsourcing app designed with the purpose of making the world a happier place. The app collects photos users submit of "Happy Moments". Photos are tagged with the location where they were taken. Users have access to a map where they can zoom in to photos submitted at specific locations. A leaderboard displays the locations with the most "Happiness Moments" and the users who are the "snappiest" in each city due to the volume and rating of "Happiness Moments" they have submitted. Users can rate other "Hapiness Moments" using a limited set of emojis and can also leave comments which are moderated using machine learning in an effort to only allow positive comments, by checking each comment for common negative words learned through a training set. Question: Which of the following data is necessary for Snappy to display "Happy Moments" for a particular city? A. The user's current location. B. Access to photos from the user's device C. Photos tagged by location that are submitted by any user. D. Ratings for each photo.

Photos tagged by location that are submitted by any user.

Which of the following is NOT true about procedural abstraction? A. Procedural abstraction improves code readability B. Procedural abstraction manages complexity by allowing for code reuse C. Procedural abstraction improves the speed at which a program executes D. Procedural abstraction allows a solution to a large problem to be based on the solution of smaller subproblems

Procedural abstraction improves the speed at which a program executes

An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company that builds the routers and wired connections that allow individuals to access the Internet. An ISP is considering adding additional redundant connections to its network. Which of the following best describes why the company would choose to do so? A. It costs less to design a network that is redundant B. The protocols of the Internet only work on networks that are redundant C. Redundant networks are more reliable D. Adding additional connections reduces the fault-tolerance of the network

Redundant networks are more reliable

A bank is developing an algorithm that will help them decide who to make loans to. As input the algorithm will consider information about the person applying for the loan and the amount of money requested, and as output the algorithm will decide whether the bank should give that loan. The bank intends to develop the algorithm using machine learning techniques. The algorithm will be trained using data from past loan decisions made by human bankers. Which of the following best describes whether this algorithm will include bias? A. The algorithm will not be biased because using machine learning eliminates human biases B. While the algorithm may be biased, the eventual decision made the algorithm will not be C. The algorithm will likely reflect the human biases in the data used to train it D. Machine learning algorithms cannot be developed using biased data so if there is bias in the data it will be impossible to develop the algorithm

The algorithm will likely reflect the human biases in the data used to train it

A software company used to run an algorithm sequentially on one server. As more users start using their app, the company decided to rewrite the program to be parallel. It is now run on four separate servers instead of one Thanks to the use of a parallel algorithm, the same process that used to take 40 minutes to run now only requires 20 minutes. The company is considering purchasing additional computers to decrease the time the program runs even further. Which of the following best describes the impacts of running the parallel algorithm on an even larger number of computers A. The algorithm will likely require more time since it is now being run sequentially on more computers. B. The algorithm will likely require the same amount of time to run because it is processing the same amount of data C. The algorithm will likely require less time to run though the improvements in efficiency will not be as significant as before. D. The algorithm is unlikely to still run since parallel algorithms are not designed to scale to additional computers

The algorithm will likely require less time to run though the improvements in efficiency will not be as significant as before.

Jorge is sending a large image file to a friend as part of a shared classroom project. Which of the following is most likely true if Jorge opts to compress the image before sending it? A. The image can no longer be represented using bits. B. The image will have been converted into an analog form. C. The image will require more pixels to display it on the screen. D. The image will require fewer bits in order to be represented.

The image will require fewer bits in order to be represented.

Snappy is a crowdsourcing app designed with the purpose of making the world a happier place. The app collects photos users submit of "Happy Moments". Photos are tagged with the location where they were taken. Users have access to a map where they can zoom in to photos submitted at specific locations. A leaderboard displays the locations with the most "Happiness Moments" and the users who are the "snappiest" in each city due to the volume and rating of "Happiness Moments" they have submitted. Users can rate other "Hapiness Moments" using a limited set of emojis and can also leave comments which are moderated using machine learning in an effort to only allow positive comments, by checking each comment for common negative words learned through a training set. Which of the following data is LEAST likely to be included in the rankings of users on the leaderboard? A. The number of ratings a "Happiness Moment" received. B. The number of comments a "Happiness Moment" received. C. The location of a "Happiness Moment". D. The number of "Happiness Moments" a user has submitted.

The number of comments a "Happiness Moment" received.

When visiting a museum Lian takes a photo of a painting with a smartphone which stores the photo as an image file. Which of the following best describes the differences between the painting itself and the photo of the painting stored on the smartphone? A. Both the painting and the photo are analog B. The photo is a digital representation of the analog painting C. Sampling can be used to determine whether the analog image is an accurate representation of the painting D. The phone can represent the photo in either digital or analog formats depending on the sampling technique that is used

The photo is a digital representation of the analog painting

A photographer stores digital photographs on her computer. In this case the photographs are considered the data. Each photograph also includes multiple pieces of metadata including: Date: The date the photograph was taken Time: The time the photograph was taken Location: The location where the photograph was taken Device: Which camera the photo was taken with Due to a computer error, the Time metadata for all of the photographs is accidentally set to the same time of day. The other pieces of metadata and the data itself are not affected by the error. Which of the following is MOST likely to be the result of this problem? A. The photographer will not be able to view any of the images B. The photographer will not be able to sort images by the date they were taken C. The photographer will not be able to filter to photographs taken in the morning D. The photographer will not be able to find images taken on the same date

The photographer will not be able to filter to photographs taken in the morning

A school is developing a program to keep track of information about students and their class schedules. In which of the following instances would a data abstraction be most helpful? A. The program includes individual variables to store the names of each student rather than a single list of students. B. A program includes multiple comments that could be combined into a single comment C. A program includes repeated programming statements that could be moved inside a loop D. A program includes repeated code that could be moved inside a function.

The program includes individual variables to store the names of each student rather than a single list of students.

What will be displayed in the console when the following program runs? var count = 0 while (count != 5) { console.log(count); count = count + 2; } A. 0 2 4 6 B. 0 2 4 C. 2 4 6 D. The program will result in an infinite loop

The program will result in an infinite loop

Which of the following best describes the protocols used on the Internet? A. The protocols of the Internet are designed by government agencies to ensure they remain free to use B. The protocols of the Internet are secret to maintain the privacy and security of people using them C. Each device connected to the Internet will use a protocol designed by the company that manufactured it D. The protocols of the Internet are open and used by all devices connected to the network

The protocols of the Internet are open and used by all devices connected to the network

Which of the following is true of how the Internet has responded to the increasing number of devices now using the network? A. The Internet protocols are changed every year to adapt to the new devices that have been connected to the network B. While the number of devices connected to the Internet has grown, the network itself has not grown C. The protocols of the Internet were designed to scale as new devices are added D. The protocols of the Internet are no longer necessary thanks to the large number of devices now connected to the network

The protocols of the Internet were designed to scale as new devices are added

Which of the following Internet protocols is MOST important in reassembling packets and requesting missing packets to form complete messages? A. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) B. Internet Protocol (IP) C. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) D. HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

Snappy is a crowdsourcing app designed with the purpose of making the world a happier place. The app collects photos users submit of "Happy Moments". Photos are tagged with the location where they were taken. Users have access to a map where they can zoom in to photos submitted at specific locations. A leaderboard displays the locations with the most "Happiness Moments" and the users who are the "snappiest" in each city due to the volume and rating of "Happiness Moments" they have submitted. Users can rate other "Hapiness Moments" using a limited set of emojis and can also leave comments which are moderated using machine learning in an effort to only allow positive comments, by checking each comment for common negative words learned through a training set. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be a benefit of Snappy? A. Users are happier after using the app. B. Town can attract tourists based on the number of "Happiness Moments" tagged with that town's location. C. Users may not rank other user's "Happiness Moments" because they want to stay on the top of the leaderboard. D. Users look for "Happiness Moments" to document in their everyday lives.

Users may not rank other user's "Happiness Moments" because they want to stay on the top of the leaderboard.

Lucy is completing a project as part of a science class using materials she found online. Which of the following is MOST LIKELY to lead to legal consequences? A. Modifying a piece of open source software. B. Using open access research for which she does not acquire a license. C. Failing to publish her work under a Creative Commons license. D. Using images posted online by another student without permission or citation.

Using images posted online by another student without permission or citation.

Markus is finding that it takes too long to track down all of the groceries he needs to buy from a given store. GroceryGrabbr to the rescue! The app allows Markus to input his shopping list and search for his local grocery store in GroceryGrabbr's database. If his grocery store is there, Markus is all set to go! The database stores grocery items, cost, and item location information for each grocery store. When Markus walks into the store, a notification pops up on his smartphone letting him know that GroceryGrabbr is ready to get to work. Each of Markus' grocery items is displayed one at a time, along with the aisle number and shelf location. After Markus grabs his items off the shelf, he hits a button on the app to navigate to the next item. The list of items is arranged so that Markus follows the most efficient path through the grocery store. When Markus finishes shopping, the total amount of money his groceries cost is displayed, which allows him to double check the total cost with the cashier. GroceryGrabbr pays grocery stores a small amount of money for each user who successfully uses the app and checks out of the store with over one hundred dollars worth of groceries. Which of the following is considered a potential effect of the GroceryGrabbr app rather than a function of the GroceryGrabbr app? A. Using the app may result in the user being able to spend less time shopping for groceries and more time with their family and friends. B. Using the app allows users to locate grocery items on a list. C. The app enables users to receive a notification that the app is ready to be used when they enter the grocery store D. The app informs users of the total cost of their groceries.

Using the app may result in the user being able to spend less time shopping for groceries and more time with their family and friends.

The mayor of a city is interested in learning what goals are most important for residents of the city. Members of her staff visit one of the many neighborhoods in the city and ask 20 residents to fill out a survey. The mayor is concerned that the survey may be biased and not accurately reflect the overall interests in her town. Which of the following strategies is MOST likely to address concerns about the data being biased or inaccurate A. Finding the same people surveyed previously to ask more detailed questions. B. Visiting the same neighborhood to collect more survey responses C. Visiting multiple new neighborhoods to collect more survey responses D. Having her staff collect the data using an app rather than paper surveys

Visiting multiple new neighborhoods to collect more survey responses

Which of the following is true of how computers represent numbers? A. Using a fixed but large number of bits can eliminate the possibility of round off error when representing numbers in binary B. With a fixed number of bits some numbers are too large to represent in a computer which will lead to overflow errors. C. Using a fixed but large number of bits, for example 128, eliminates the possibility of overflow errors. D. With a large but fixed number of bits it is possible to eliminate either round-off errors or overflow errors, but not both.

With a fixed number of bits some numbers are too large to represent in a computer which will lead to overflow errors.

Two devices are connected to the Internet and communicating with one another. A squirrel chews through one of the wires in the network that is currently being used by the devices to communicate. The network immediately begins using a different path through the network and communication continues as normal. This situation best exemplifies which principle? A. fault-tolerance B. scalability C. protocol D. pathing


ageList and gradeList contain information about students in a classroom. A programmer has already written the following code with that information. var ages = [16,17,18, 17] var names = ["Beni", "Analise", "Ricardo", "Tanya"] var filteredNames = []; Which of the following programs will result in filteredNames only containing the names of students who are 17 or older? A. for(var i = 0; i < ages.length; i++){ age = ages[i]; if(age < 17){ appendItem(filteredNames, age) } } B. for(var i = 0; i < ages.length; i++){ age = ages[i]; if(age < 17){ appendItem(filteredNames, names[i]) } } C. for(var i = 0; i < ages.length; i++){ {age = ages[i]; if(age >= 17){ appendItem(filteredNames, age) } } D. for(var i = 0; i < ages.length; i++){ age = ages[i]; if(age >= 17){ appendItem(filteredNames, names[i]) } }

for(var i = 0; i < ages.length; i++){ age = ages[i]; if(age >= 17){ appendItem(filteredNames, names[i]) } }

list = [10, 5, 15]; for (var i = 0; <INSERT CODE>; i++) { console.log(list[i]); } Which of the following will result in ONLY all the items in being printed to the console if placed where the program reads and the program is run? A. i < list[list.length] B. i < list.length C. i < list[0] D. i < list[1]


In which of the following stages of the development process is a team MOST likely to interview a potential user of an app? A. investigating and reflecting B. designing C. prototyping D. testing

investigating and reflecting

This function finds the minimum number in a list. What should <MISSING CODE SEGMENT> be replaced with in order for this function to operate as expected? function min(numList){ var min = numList[0]; for(var i=0; i<numList.length; i++){ if(numList[i] < min) { <MISSING CODE SEGMENT> } } return min; } A. numList[i] = min; B. min = numList[i]; C. min = numList; D. numList = min;

min = numList[i];

Dividing a program into separate subprograms (such as libraries) is known as: A. modularity B. iteration C. API D. documentation


Which code segment results in "true" being returned if a number is even? Replace Unit 7 "MISSING CONDITION" with the correct code segment. function isEven(num){ if(MISSING CONDITION){ return true; } else { return false; } } A. num%2==0; B. num%0==2; C. num%1==0; D. num%1==2;


A program is designed to determine the minimum value in a list of positive numbers called numList . The following program was written var minimum = <MISSING CODE> for(var i = 0; i < numList.length; i++) { if (numList[i] < minimum) { minimum = numList[i]; } } console.log("The minimum is" + minimum); Which of the following can be used to replace so that the program works as intended for every possible list of positive numbers? A. 0 B. 1000000 C. numList.length D. numList[0]


A town decides to publicize data it has collected about electricity usage around the city. The data is freely available for all to use and analyze in the hopes that it is possible to identify more efficient energy usage strategies. Which of the following does this situation best demonstrate? A. Citizen science B. Crowdfunding C. Open data D. Machine Learning

open data

Information about an individual that identifies, links, relates, or describes them.

personally identifiable information (PII)

A technique that attempts to trick a user into providing personal information. That personal information can then be used to access sensitive online resources, such as bank accounts and emails.


Pairs a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption. The sender does not need the receiver's private key to encrypt a message, but the receiver's private key is required to decrypt the message.

public key encryption

The following algorithm is followed by a person every morning when they get up from bed to go to school Wake up Brush teeth Put on shirt Put on pants Put on socks Put on shoes Tie shoes Which concept does this algorithm BEST demonstrate? A. Sequencing B. Selection C. Iteration D. Execution


What is one of the benefits of using a library in a program? A. simplifies creating a complex program B. increases development time C. removes all testing D. reduces abstractions in the program

simplifies creating a complex program

A 2-sided coin has an equal likelihood of landing on each side. One side is called "heads" and the other is called "tails". The program below simulates randomly flipping that coin many times. var heads = 0; var tails = 0; var rolls = 100; for(var i = 0; i < rolls; i++){ if(randomNumber(0,1) == 0) { heads++} else { tails++ } } Which of the following is NOT a possible combination of values of the variables in this program when it finishes running? A. tails has a value of 0 and heads has a value of 100 B. tails has a value of 100 and heads has a value of 0 C. tails has a value of 20 and heads has a value of 20 D. tails has a value of 50 and heads has a value of 50

tails has a value of 20 and heads has a value of 20

Markus is finding that it takes too long to track down all of the groceries he needs to buy from a given store. GroceryGrabbr to the rescue! The app allows Markus to input his shopping list and search for his local grocery store in GroceryGrabbr's database. If his grocery store is there, Markus is all set to go! The database stores grocery items, cost, and item location information for each grocery store. When Markus walks into the store, a notification pops up on his smartphone letting him know that GroceryGrabbr is ready to get to work. Each of Markus' grocery items is displayed one at a time, along with the aisle number and shelf location. After Markus grabs his items off the shelf, he hits a button on the app to navigate to the next item. The list of items is arranged so that Markus follows the most efficient path through the grocery store. When Markus finishes shopping, the total amount of money his groceries cost is displayed, which allows him to double check the total cost with the cashier. GroceryGrabbr pays grocery stores a small amount of money for each user who successfully uses the app and checks out of the store with over one hundred dollars worth of groceries. Question: Which of the following data must be obtained from the user's smartphone in order for GroceryGrabbr to suggest the order for picking up groceries? Which of the following data must be obtained from the user's smartphone in order for GroceryGrabbr to suggest the order for picking up groceries? A. the grocery list the user input B. the location of the grocery store C. the user's photo album on their smartphone D. the user's current location

the grocery list the user input

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