Computer Viruses
Concept virus
refers to two different pieces of computer malware, each of which has acted as a proof of concept for a new method of propagation: (source:
(short for Setup Utility for Long File Name Backup) is an internal component of the Microsoft Windows operating system (in Windows 98 and Windows Me) for restoring long file names. The component became famous in the early 2000s as the subject of an e-mail hoax. The hoax claimed that SULFNBK.EXE was a virus, and contained instructions to locate and delete the file. (source:
Macro Virus
is a virus that is written in a macro language. (source:
is copnsidered to be the first computer virus that was created in 1986; is also known as Lahore, Pakistani, Pakistani Brain, Brain-A and UIUC; affects the computer by replacing the boot sector with a copy of the virus. (source:
virus that affects only MACINTOSH System 6 (source:
Ping-Pong Virus
virus that is harmless to most of the computers; boot sector virus. (source:
Computer Virus Hoax
is a false email message warning the recipient of a virus that is going around. The message usually serves as a chain e-mail that tells the recipient to forward it to everyone they know. (source:
Acme Virus
may infect an EXE in the current directory by creating a hidden 247 byte long read-only COM file with the same base name. Acme is a variant of Clonewar (computer virus). (source:
INIT 1984 Virus
Malicious, triggered on Friday the 13th.Very destructive, destroys all data. Found only on Italian systems so far. (source:
Nonresident Viruses
can be thought of as consisting of a finder module and a replication module. (source:
Resident Viruses
contain a replication module that is similar to the one that is employed by nonresident viruses. (source:
infects Apple and iPods (source:
Computer Virus
is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user. (source:
Trojan Droppers
perform two tasks at once. A dropper performs a legitimate task but also installs a computer virus or a computer worm on a system or disk at the same time. (source:
virus hoax that involved an e-mail spam in 2002 that advised computer users to delete a file named jdbgmgr.exe because it was a computer virus. jdbgmgr.exe, which had a little teddy bear-like icon (The Microsoft Bear). (source: