Coms 5 Unit 3

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The media's extensive and incessant coverage of airplane crashes and disasters is related to which concept from mass communication theory?


These types are the most difficult to communicate with at work


All of the following statistics regarding the demographics of online users are accurate EXCEPT:

Average age of Internet users is 26

Messages that reference the future of the relationship and a couple's commitment to one another provide _________.


This occurs when we treat and communicate with family members in a way that is consistent with how they see themselves.


Socialization typically evolves through what stage or stages?

all of the above

This focuses on how the relationship is defined by the role each partner plays.

Content expectations

Gatekeepers are individuals who

Control the flow of information

This refers to the level of openness and the frequency with which a variety of topics are discussed.

Conversation orientation

Which function of mass communication is usually involved with editorials?


All of the following are negative aspects of forming relationships online EXCEPT:

Costs outweigh rewards

___________ are those who hold positions of power in an organization and are viewed as a protégé for specific responsibilities or roles.

Groom mentors

____________ is a mentor who motivates a protégé by communicating messages of disappointment when performance fails to meet expectations.

Guilt-trip producers

A form of attitude which involves negative reactions toward a group of people based on inflexible and inaccurate assumptions is commonly known as


This is a nightly strategy used to maintain order in the routine.


Providing information online that others would not otherwise know about you is considered

self disclosure

The disengaged homemaker is a lifestyle type that consists of being female, younger, well educated, and having a high need for stimulation.


The media's surveillance and entertainment functions are essentially the same.


When comparing FTF with CMC qualities, FTF has artificial nonverbal cues and CMC has real nonverbal cues.


When comparing FTF with CMC qualities, FTF has synchronous and CMC has asynchronous only.


__________ are created to communicate the beliefs, values, and attitudes held by members to represent characteristics that are considered important to the family.

family myths

__________ has been employed by family scholars to explore a variety of interactions including children's attitudes toward their single-parent dating, family involvement in addressing children's problems at schools, and adolescent abuse of their parents.

systems theory

According to cultivation theory, resonance reflects the intensified effect on the audience when what people see on television is what they experienced in life


According to cultivation theory, resonance reflects the intensified effect on the audience when what people see on television is what they experienced in life.


According to diffusion theory, change agents are professionals who encourage opinion leaders to adopt or reject an innovation.


According to uses and gratifications theory, audiences actively seek out the media to satisfy individual needs.


Groups are often assigned tasks that would be inefficient for individuals to handle alone.


Groups that emphasize conformity and hierarchical authority tend to be ineffective.


Social information processing theory is a theory of mediated communication.


Surveillance is a dimension of the functional theory of mass communication and is the information and news providing function of mass communication.


The disengaged homemaker is a lifestyle type consisting of being female, middle-aged, lower in education and income, and use the media for companionship and to pass time.


The magic bullet and hypodermic needle theories of mass communication are essentially derived from the laws perspective.


The tendency for a system to develop order and energy over time is called entropy.


When comparing FTF with CMC qualities, FTF has elaborate and more formal language style.


When comparing FTF with CMC qualities, FTF is active and CMC is passive.1


While opinion leaders are usually quite similar to their followers, change agents are usually more educated and of higher status.


Refers to the willingness of a culture to approach or avoid change ambiguity about the future.

uncertainty avoidance

All of the following have been found to attract people to one another online EXCEPT:


The act of engaging in verbal aggressiveness online is referred to as __________________.


What example did Dr. Gale gave about deception online?

A date who was ten inches shorter than listed online

What's the geographical/cultural phrase about money Dr. Gale used from her background in Nebraska?

A penny saved is a penny earned

This refers to our awareness of the feelings and emotions involved in diverse approaches to relationships and communication.


Reuben Hill developed _________ to study the stress experienced by families during war.

ABCX model

Concepts that are essential to enhance competence include

All of the above

Families create and sustain their identity as a unit through

All of the above

In developing effective online relationships it is important to

All of the above

In the two-step flow theory, which of the following individuals would be considered opinion leaders?

All of the above

Loevinger's reflective-projective theory of mass communication suggests that the media:

All of the above

Maslow's theory of the Hierarchy of Needs addresses

All of the above

Tensions experienced at work include

All of the above

The impact of cultural diversity on communication in interpersonal relationships include

All of the above

This contributes to diversity in our interpersonal relationships

All of the above

Jack is someone who manages his online impressions by paying close attention to small or minute cues that he and others send. Jack is paying special attention to

Behavioral Cues

An example of co-cultural classifications include

Both A and B

Culture is learned...

Both A and B

Research that has focused on communication in organizations has primarily focused on what type of work relationship?

Both A and B

This explains the process of relationship development between superiors and subordinates.

Leader-member exchange theory

According to diffusion theory, which of the following is a professional who encourages opinion leaders to adopt or reject an innovation?

Change agent

The ability to communicate the norms, rules, and values of a society refers to which media function?

Cultural transmission

Which of the following is not in the task area of responses in Bales' model?

Deflating others' status

___________ is defined as an individuals attempt to create a distinct identity that is separate from that of their siblings.


The _____________________ is defined as the "gap" between those who have access to the Internet and those who do not.

Digital divide

This occurs when family members fail to offer any type of response and in essence this could be viewed as lack of acknowledgement for how they view other family members.


This involves denying an individual or group of people their rights.


Which dimension of the functional theory of mass communication concerns how mass communication helps fill our leisure time by presenting messages filled with comedy, tragedy, play, and performance?


_________ refers to a family's ability to achieve the same goal by following different paths or employing different communication behaviors.


Cultivation theory contends that the greatest amount of cultivation effects will be exhibited in audiences who are

Exposed to the greatest number of consistent messages Exposed to messages most congruent with their own personal experiences Exposed to stimuli that they most desire

According to the spiral of silence theory, people are not concerned with whether their opinions match those of the majority from cues in the environment.


The media's surveillance and entertainment functions are essentially the same.


This is a comprehensive theory that focuses on the cognitive process that is used to shape and guide our interpersonal interactions.

Family communication patterns theory

_____________ is often a result of supportive messages exchanged as a result of either personal or professional experiences

Friends to close friends

Angela pretended to be a male in an engineering chat room to see if participants treated her comments differently. Angela is participating in


What's the example Dr. Gale gave about smart phones and the widespread access to information?

Getting lost in San Francisco

Which of the following is not in the social-emotional area of responses in Bales' model?

Giving an opinion

Hall's model of cultural values is represented by a continuum ranging from characteristics associated with

High context and low context

In a study comparing parasocial interaction with media dependency using the medium of television shopping, which result was found?

Individuals with strong media dependency relationships with TV shopping tend to develop parasocial relationships with TV shopping personalities

__________ view work as a means to earn a living.


________strategies typically involve face-to-face encounter between two individuals to reduce uncertainly.


This proposes that the family system is comprised of interrelated parts or members.


___________ are those that evolve from a family member.

Internal stressors

This refers to the theoretical principles that explain behaviors occurring within a specific communication context.


Cultivation theory is generally within which major theory-building perspective?


___________ cultures have a flat structure with most individuals being viewed as equal.

Low power distance

Which of the following is not a form of interdependence in groups addressed in our chapter


This involves changes in the new employee's behavior to adapt to the role expectations in the new environment.


Which three areas do spiral of silence theory concern?

Mass media and communication, individual and interpersonal communication, public opinion

According to media dependency theory, the media influence society because they

Meet the audiences' needs and wants

The ability to promote national interests and behaviors during a national crisis refers to which media function?


Which of the following is a person who pays close attention to the mass media, then exerts their influence on other concerning the message received from the media?

Opinion leader

Which dimension of the functional theory of mass communication concerns the media's ability to communicate norms, rules, and values of a society?

NOT Correlation

What Myers-Briggs type was Dr. Gale when she took the test several times in her life?


Which dimension of the function theory of mass communication concerns how the mass media select, interpret, and criticize the information they present to the public?1

NOT Entertainment

Which dimension of the functional theory of mass communication concerns the information and news-providing function of mass communication?

NOT Entertainment

Tension between _____________ is fueled by the fact that friends and work are together several hours each week.

NOT Friendships in organizations

Which of the following is not a typical norm in an effective group?

NOT Goals and procedures are not fixed, but vary with the situation Leadership and participation is distributed among all group members individuality is endorsed

Which of the following is not an initial element in a task-oriented group system?

NOT Group charge

Which law made sexual harassment illegal?

NOT None of the above Civil Inequality Act of 1973 Civil Equality Act of 1972

Which of the following lifestyle types consist of being female, middle-aged, lower in education and income, and use the media for companionship and to pass time?

NOT Outgoing activist

The most important first step for a discussion group is to:

NOT Set criteria

When a group creates individual roles, behavioral norms and values specific to the group, this is called:

NOT Synergy

Which event might have prompted research to believe more firmly in the magic bullet theory of mass communication?

NOT The deterioration of the radio and film audiences in the 1950s

What example did Dr. Gale give about a family story told over and over again in her family?

NOT Brother who got lost on a hike

What's the example Dr. Gale gave about smart phones and the widespread access to information?

NOT Getting lost in Tucson

Which of the following is not true of formal roles?

NOT They are sometimes associated with member's status

At one time or another, all individuals possess _________ which are strong feelings of discomfort or desires which motivate us to take action to overcome the feelings and restore the self to a satisfied state.


These families adopt both a high conversation and a high conformity orientation

None of the above

These families adopt a high conversation orientation and a low conformity orientation

Pluralistic families

Which of the following lifestyle types consists of being female, younger, well educated, with a high need for stimulation, good income, and less likely to marry?

Outgoing activist

__________ are those who are considered to be "older and wiser" as a result of their tenure in the organization.

Parent mentors

The process which helps us put together all the stimuli that we are bombarded with in a potential communication encounter is known as


Which of the following lifestyle types consist of being female, older, highly educated, opinion leaders likely to marry, and have high incomes?

Restrained activist

____________ incorporated recurring patterns or interactions to accomplish daily routines.

Routinizing actions

All of the following are considered emoticons EXCEPT:


This refers to genetically inherited biological characteristics such as hair texture and color, eye shape, skin color, and facial structure.


This strategy often involves conversations to coordinate the exchange of childcare issues on a regular basis.


____________ involves asking others for work accommodations or childcare assistance as a result of last-minute circumstances that arrive.

Requesting assistance

__________ couples tend to emphasize each individual's identity and independence over maintaining the relationship.


Which of the following theories explains how people get to know one another online, without nonverbal cues, and how they develop and manage relationships in the computer-mediated environment?

Social information processing theory

This refers to interactions that take place with friends and extended family members.

Social network engagement

When all the professors in a department, despite extensive negative feedback, continue to all teach in the same way, this is an example of which kind of system?


This results from our inability to see and appreciate the uniqueness of individuals.


_________ interactions are characterized by a status differential between individuals, and focus on the interactions that take place between supervisors or managers and their employees.

Superior subordinate

Which function of mass communication is most violated when the news focuses too much on sensational and negative stories?


The most widely applied theories in the study of family life is

Symbolic interactionism

Uses and gratifications theory generally is considered an example of which theory-building perspective?


Two-step flow theories might be disconfirmed by generalized media effects surrounding

The assassination of the President

One of the basic tenets of media dependency theory is that the more dependent an individual is on the media for having his or her needs fulfilled

The more important the media will be to that person

The term "propaganda" first emerged during World War I.


To be valid, hypodermic needle theories would have to uncover direct, uniform, and predictable effects of media messages on mass audiences.


When comparing FTF with CMC qualities, CMC has low richness of interaction.


When comparing FTF with CMC qualities, CMC language style is restricted and less formal.


When comparing FTF with CMC qualities, CMC uses passive and active level of communication activity.


When comparing FTF with CMC qualities, FTF has high social presence and CMC has low social presence


This model could be described as a union between uses and gratifications theory and media dependency theory

The uses and dependency model

According to media dependency theory, people develop dependency relationships with the mass media because

They see it as a way of attaining their goals of understanding, orientation, and play

This is a strategy that involves negotiating responsibilities between spouses when unique situations arise that present a struggle in managing work and family needs.

Trading off

According to cultivation theory, enculturation reflects a type of cultural adaptation reflecting when we learn to speak, listen, read, interpret, and understand verbal and nonverbal messages in such a fashion that the messages will be recognized and responded to by the individuals with whom we communicate.


According to cultivation theory, mainstreaming refers to the power of television to present uniformed images.


According to spiral of silence theory, people fear social isolation.


Agenda-setting is a theory that holds intense media attention increases the importance of certain topics, issues, and individuals.


Mobilization is a dimension of the functional theory of mass communication that reflects the ability of the media to promote national interests.


Social information processing theory explains how people get to know one another online, without nonverbal cues, and how they develop and manage relationships in the computer-mediated environment.


The most heavily studied set of questions that mass communication scholars have addressed are those that probe the media's effects on individuals and society.


This involves applying knowledge to specific situations in an attempt to explain the behaviors that are occurring.


________ serve as a guide to our behavior. They dictate what we should and should not do.


____________ are those events that family members seek out, such as changing careers and moving to a new city or deciding to run for political office.

Voluntary stressors

Which of the following lifestyle types consist of being male, lower in education and income, middle-aged, and married?

Working class climber

What's the example Dr. Gale gave of the dialectic between judgment and acceptance?

a tennis coach

A subsystem is a self-contained unit and therefore can only be understood when completely separated from the context of the entire system.


A uses and gratifications researcher would not expect people to be able to adequately articulate their motivations to use a particular medium.


According to cultivation theory, enculturation reflects the intensified effect on the audience when what people see on television is what they experienced in life


According to cultivation theory, enculturation reflects the intensified effect on the audience when what people see on television is what they experienced in life.


According to diffusion theory, gatekeepers are professionals who encourage opinion leaders to adopt or reject an innovation.


According to the spiral of silence theory, people are not concerned with whether their opinions match those of the majority from cues in the environment.


Cultivation theory posits that the media affect all people equally, immediately, and predictably.


Goals differ from objectives because goals always involve clear, measurable outcomes.


Katz and Lazersfeld's two-step flow theories of mass communication are essentially derived from the laws perspective.


Lewin developed Field Theory because he was especially interested in diverse, unpredictable behavior people exhibited in group interactions.


Merely explaining what others have said or elaborating on others' suggestions is not a considered a positive task role in a group.


Mobilization is a theory that holds intense media attention increases the importance of certain topics, issues, and individuals.


Modern diffusion theory of information theory conceptualizes a single layer of opinion leaders that interpret messages for mass audiences.


Multistep flow and diffusion theories reduce the number and type of intermediaries between the media and audience decision-making.


Synergy is a dynamic state in which the members becomes greater than the team they make up.


Girls were more likely than boys to disclose which of the following types of information online?


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