Concepts Chapter 5

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passively, actively

Stretches can be done either ___ or ___.

dynamic, static

____ flexibility is important for daily activities and sports. But because ____ flexibility is easier to measure and better researched, most assessment tests and stretching programs target that type of flexibility.

intervertebral disk

____ is an elastic disk located between adjoining vertebrae, consisting of a gel- and water-filled nucleus surrounded by fibrous rings; serves as a shock absorber for the spinal column.

collagen, elastin

MUSCLE ELASTICITY AND LENGTH Two principle types of connective tissue are ____ (white fibers that provide structure and support) and ____ (yellow fibers that are elastic and flexible.)

elastin fibers, elastic elongation, plastic elongation, sarcomeres

MUSCLE ELASTICITY AND LENGTH When a muscle is stretched, the wavelike ____ straighten; when the stretch is relieved, they rapidly snap back to their resting position. This temporary lengthening is called _____. If stretched gently and regularly, connective tissues may lengthen and flexibility may improve. This long-term lengthening is called ____. Without regular stretching the process reverses: these tissues shorten, resulting in decreased flexibility. Regular stretching many contribute to flexibility by lengthening muscle fibers through the addition of contractile units called ____.

soft tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue

MUSCLE ELASTICITY AND LENGTH ____ - including skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments - also affect flexibility of a joint. ____ is the key to developing flexibility because regular stretching can lengthen it. The most important component of it (related to flexibility) is the ____ that envelops every part of it, from individual muscle fibers to entire muscles.

Connective tissue, collagen, elastin

MUSCLE ELASTICITY AND LENGTH ____ provides structure, elasticity, and bulk, and makes up about ____% of muscle mass. The two principle types are: ___.

2-3 days per week, 5-7 days per week

APPLYING THE FITT PRINCIPLE: Frequency The ACSM recommends that stretching exercises be performed ____ (minimum); ____ (ideal)

mild discomfort, pain

APPLYING THE FITT PRINCIPLE: Intensity Stretch to the point of ____, not ___.

10-30 seconds, 2-4

APPLYING THE FITT PRINCIPLE: Time (Duration) Hold each stretch for ___ and do ____ reps.

static stretches, ballistic stretches, dynamic stretches, and PNF

APPLYING THE FITT PRINCIPLE: Type What are the four common stretching techniques?

slipped disk

BACK PAIN Physical stress can cause disks to break down and lose some of their ability to absorb shock. A damaged disk may bulge out between vertebrae and put pressure on a nerve root, a condition commonly referred to as a ____.

natural elasticity, arthritis

BENEFITS OF FLEXIBILITY: JOINT HEALTH Improved flexibility greatly improves quality of life, especially as you get older. Exercising less as you age leads to loss of joint mobility and increases incidences of joint pain. Aging also decreases the ____ of muscles, tendons, and joints, resulting in stiffness. This problem is often compounded with ____. Good joint flexibility might help prevent this condition, as well as increase balance and flexibility in older adults.

joint deterioration

BENEFITS OF FLEXIBILITY: JOINT HEALTH When the muscles and other tissues that support a joint are tight, the joint is subject to abnormal stresses that can cause ____.

back, pelvis, and thighs

BENEFITS OF FLEXIBILITY: PREVENTION OF LOW-BACK PAIN AND INJURIES Poor spinal stability puts pressure on the nerves leading out from the spinal column and can lead to low-back pain. Strength and stability in the ___ may help prevent this type of back pain but may or may not improve back health or reduce the risk of injury. (Scientific evidence is limited.)


Bad posture can gradually change your body structures. Sitting in a slumped position can lead to tightness in the muscles in the front of your chest and over-stretching and looseness in the upper spine, causing a rounding of the upper back. This condition, called ____, is common in older people. Stretching regularly may prevent it.

Sit n reach

Because flexibility is specific to each joint, there are tests in general for flexibility. The most commonly used flexibility test is ____, which rates the flexibility of your muscles in the lower back and hamstrings.

relief of aches and pains relief of muscle cramps improved body position and strength for sports/life maintenance of good posture and balance relaxation improving impaired mobility

Besides joint health and the prevention of low-back pain and injuries, what are some other potential benefits of flexibility?

85, 30, 55

Bone health should be a major concern throughout life. Girls amass ___% of their adult bone mass by age 18 and boys build the same amount by age 20, but most people begin losing bone mass around age ___. Overall, osteoporosis is a health threat for about ___% of Americans age 50 and older.

osteoporosis, osteoarthritis

Chronic bone-related illnesses include: ____ is the loss of bone mass and ___ is the degeneration of of the cartilage inside joints.


During any dynamic movement, the core muscles work together. Some shorten to cause movement, while others contract and hold to provide stability, lengthen to brake the movements, or send signals to the brain about the movements and positions of the muscles and bones (______).

3 days per week muscular endurance, muscular strength early in the morning stabilization

EXERCISES FOR THE PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF LOW-BACK PAIN 1. Do low-back exercises at least ___. Most experts recommend doing it daily. 2. Emphasize ____ rather than ____; the first is more protective. 3. Don't do spine exercises involving a full range of motion ____ because your disks have a high fluid content early in the day, injuries may result. 4. Engage in regular endurance exercise such as cycling or walking in addition to performing exercises that specifically build muscular endurance and flexibility. 5. Emphasize ____ exercises when working with core muscles.


In ___ stretching, a muscle is stretched by a contraction of the opposing muscle (the muscle on the opposite side of the limb.)


In ___ stretching, an outside force or resistance provided by yourself, a partner, gravity, or a weight helps your joints move through their range of motion. You can achieve a greater range of motion (a more intense stretch) using this stretching.

may temporarily reduce their explosive strength and interfere with neuromuscular control

It is best to do stretching exercises when your muscles are warm because intensely stretching muscles before exercise ____.

Hinge joints, ball-and-socket joints, joint capsules

JOINT STRUCTURE How flexible a joint is depends partly on the nature and structure of the joint. ____ such as those in your finger and knees allow only limited forward and backward movement; they lock when fully extended. ____ like the hip enable movement in many different directions and provide for a greater range of motion. _____ (semi-elastic structures that give joints strength and stability but limit movement) surround the major joints.

synovial fluid, ligaments

JOINT STRUCTURE The bone surfaces within the joint are lined with cartilage and separated by a joint cavity containing ____, which cushions the bones and reduces friction as the joint moves. ____, both inside and outside the joint capsule, strengthen and reinforce the joint.

Heredity, gender, women

JOINT STRUCTURE ____ plays a part in joint structure and flexibility. For example, although everyone has a broad range of motion in the hip joint, not everyone can do a split. ____ may also play a role. Some studies have found that ____ have greater flexibility in certain joints.

joint structure, length of resting muscle fibers

Joint structure, muscle elasticity and length, & nervous system regulation are all affected by the flexibility of a joint. ____ can't be changed, but other factors, such as ____ can be changed through exercise; these factors should be the focus of a program to develop flexibility.

3 months

Low-back pain is considered chronic if it persists for more than ____.

warm, gradually

MUSCLE ELASTICITY AND LENGTH A muscle can tolerate a limited amount of stretch. As the limits of its flexibility are reached, connective tissue becomes more brittle and may rupture if overstretched. Research has shown that flexibility is best improved by stretching muscles when they are ___ (following exercise or application of heat) and the stretch is applied ____ and conservatively.


MUSCLE ELASTICITY AND LENGTH The two types of connective tissue, collagen and elastin, are closely intertwined, so muscle tissue exhibits properties of both types of fibers. A structural protein in muscles called ____ also has elastic properties and contributes to flexibility.

85, second, headaches, second, 50 billion

More than ___% of Americans experience back pain by age 50. Low-back pain is the ____ most common ailment in the U.S. (___ top the list) and the ___ most common reason for absences from work and visits to a physician. Low-back pain is estimated to cost as much as $___ a hear in lost productivity, medical and legal fees, and disability insurance and compensation.

strength, eccentric

NERVOUS SYSTEM REGULATION Muscle flexibility is linked to ____. Practicing lower-body ____ exercise (lengthening contractions) increases strength and flexibility and might decrease the risk of lower body muscle injury.

movement and specific exercises, proprioceptors

NERVOUS SYSTEM REGULATION Modifying nervous control through ____ is the best way to improve the functional range of motion. Regular stretching trains the ___ to allow the muscles to lengthen. They adapt quickly to stretching (or lack of stretching), so frequent stretching helps develop flexibility.


NERVOUS SYSTEM REGULATION Small movements that only slightly stimulate the nerves cause small reflex actions. Rapid, powerful, and sudden changes in muscle length strongly stimulate the nerve receptors and can cause large and powerful reflex muscle contractions. Thus stretches that involve rapid, bouncy movements can be dangerous and cause injury. Performing a gradual stretch and then holding it allows the ____ to adjust to the new muscle length and to reduce the signals sent to the spine, thereby allowing muscles to lengthen and, overtime, improving flexibility.

proprioceptors, spinal cord, muscle, antagonistic

NERVOUS SYSTEM REGULATION When a muscle is stretched (lengthened), ____ detect the amount and rate of the change in muscle length. The nerves send a signal to the ____, which then sends a signal back to ____, triggering a muscle contraction that resists the change in muscle length. Another signal is sent to the ____, or opposing, muscle, causing it to relax and facilitate contraction of the stretched muscle. These reflexes occur frequently in active muscles and allow for fine control of muscle length and movement.


NERVOUS SYSTEM REGULATION ____ are nerves that send information about changes in the muscular and skeletal systems to the nervous system, which responds with signals to help control the speed, strength, and coordination of muscle contractions.

healthy weight smoking, stress lumbar support warm up

PREVENTING LOW-BACK PAIN 1. Maintain ___. Excess fat contributes to poor posture, which can place harmful stresses on the spine. 2. Stop ___ and reduce ____. 3. Avoid sitting, standing, or working in the same position for too long. Stand up every hour or half-hour and move around. 4. Use a supportive seat and a medium-firm mattress. 5. Use ____ when driving, particularly for long distances, to prevent muscle fatigue and pain. 6. ___ thoroughly before exercise. 7. Progress gradually when attempting to improve strength or fitness.

a body an arch several bony processes

STRUCTURE OF THE SPINE Although the structure of vertebrae depends on their location on the spine, the different types of vertebrae share common characteristics. Each consists of: ____.

cylindrical, intervertebral disks spinal cord, joints, attachment sites, nerve roots

STRUCTURE OF THE SPINE The different types of vertebrae share common characteristics: Each consists of a body, an arch, and several body processes. The vertebral body is ____, with flattened surfaces where ____ are attached. The vertebral body is designed to carry the stress of body weight and physical activity. The vertebral arch surrounds and protects the ___. Irregularly shaped bony outgrowths serve as ___ for adjacent vertebrae and ___ for muscles and ligaments. ___ from the spinal cord pass through notches in the vertebral arch.

vertebrae 7 cervical vertebrae 12 thoracic vertebrae 5 lumbar vertebrae 9 vertebrae sacrum coccyx (tailbone) cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral

STRUCTURE OF THE SPINE The spinal column is made up of bones called ____ that provide structural support to the body and protect the spinal cord. The spine consists of ____ in the neck, ____ in the upper back, and ____ in the lower back. The ____ at the base of the spine are fused into two sections and form the ____ and ____. The spine has four curves: ____,____,____, and ____. These curves help bring the body weight supported by the spine in line with the axis of the body.

contract, by pulling the tops of the feet toward the body

TYPES OF STRETCHING TECHNIQUES Example of PNF: In a seated stretch of calf muscles, the first step in PNF is to ____ the calf muscles. (The individual or partner can provide resistance for an isometric contraction.) Following a brief period of relaxation, the next step is to stretch the calf muscles by ____.


TYPES OF STRETCHING TECHNIQUES In ____ stretching, each muscle is gradually stretched, and the stretch is held for 10-30 seconds. A slow stretch prompts less reaction from proprioceptors, and the muscles can safely stretch farther than usual. This type of stretching is most often recommended by fitness experts because it is safe and effective.


TYPES OF STRETCHING TECHNIQUES In ____ stretching, the muscles are stretched suddenly in a forceful bouncing movement. For example, touching the toes repeatedly in rapid succession is a " stretch for the hamstrings. It trains a muscle dynamically, so it can be an appropriate technique for some well-trained athletes (if such movements are a part of their sport; i.e. tennis players)

Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation


dynamic stretching, functional stretching

TYPES OF STRETCHING TECHNIQUES The emphasis in ___ stretching (AKA ___), is on functional movements. It is similar to ballistic stretching in that is includes movement, but it differs in that it does not involve rapid bouncing. Instead, this type of stretching moves the joints in an exaggerated, but controlled, manner through the range of motion used in a specific exercise or sport; movements are fluid rather than jerky. An example would be a lunge walk.

static stretching

TYPES OF STRETCHING TECHNIQUES The key to ___ is to stretch the muscles and joints to the point where a pull is felt, but not to the point of pain. NOTE OF CAUTION: Excess of this type of stretching can decrease joint stability and increase the risk of injury. This may be a particular concern for women, whose joints are less stable and more flexible than men.)

Dynamic stretching, static stretching

TYPES OF STRETCHING TECHNIQUES ____ is more challenging than ____ because it requires balance and coordination and may carry a greater risk of muscle soreness and injury.

PNF, contract-relax stretching method

TYPES OF STRETCHING TECHNIQUES ____ techniques use reflexes initiated by both muscle and joint nerves to cause greater training effects. The most popular " stretching technique is ____, in which a muscle is contracted before it is stretched. The contraction activates proprioceptors, causing relaxation in the muscle about to be stretched.

core muscles, 29

The ___ are the trunk muscles extending from the hips to the upper back, including those in the abdomen, pelvic floor, sides of the trunk, back, buttocks, hip, and pelvis. There are ____ of these muscles, attached to the ribs, hips, spinal column, and other bones in the trunk of the body. These muscles stabilize the spine and help transfer force between the upper body and lower body.


The average person can increase their flexibility by ____% in many joints.

active static stretching

The only disadvantage to active stretching is that a person may not be able to produce enough stress to increase flexibility. The safest and most convenient technique is ___, with an occasional passive assist.

thorax (upper-body cavity) spinal cord body's weight attachment site neck and back

The spinal column performs many important functions in the body, such as: 1. It provides structural support for the body, especially the ____ 2. It surrounds and protects the ____ 3. It supports much of the ____ 4. It serves as an ____ for a large number of muscles, tendons, and ligaments 5. It allows movement of the ____ in all directions

joint health prevention of low-back pain relief of aches and pains relief of muscle cramps improved body position and strength for sports/life maintenance of good posture and balance relaxation improving impaired mobility

What are some benefits of flexibility?

static, dynamic

What are the two types of flexibility?

joint structure, muscle elasticity and length, & nervous system regulation

What determines flexibility of a joint?

Joint capsule

____ are semi elastic structures, composed primarily of connective tissue, that surround major joints.


____ are white fibers that provide structure and support in connective tissue.


____ are yellow fibers that make connective tissue flexible.


____ is the ability to hold an extended position at one end or point in a joint's range of motion. For example, this type of flexibility determines how far you can extend your arm across the front of your body or out to the side. It depends on your ability to tolerate stretched muscles, the structure of your joints, and elasticity of muscles.


____ is the ability to move a joint through its range of motion with little resistance. It would affect your ability to pitch a ball or swing a golf club. This type of flexibility depends on the other type of flexibility, but it also involves strength, coordination, and resistance to movement.

Range of motion

____ is the full motion possible in a joint.

Plastic elongation

____ is the long-term change in the length of muscles, tendons, and supporting connective tissues.

Elastic elongation

____ is the temporary change in the length of muscles, tendons, and supporting connective tissues.

soft tissue

_____ are tissues of the human body that include skin, fat, linings of internal organs and blood vessels, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and nerves.

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