Confident Driving Final

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Typically the left lane is used for _____ moving traffic, __________, and passing.

faster, carpools.

A _________ is when the air pressure slowly reduces until the tire is too flat to drive on.

flat tire.

When large vehicles signal for a right turn, drivers should anticipate the vehicle will

go into the left lane and make a wide right turn.

By law you must use your headlights from a _________ after sunset to a half hour before _______. Use your lights anytime it is dark or difficult to see or be seen.

half hour, sunrise.

The financial responsibility law requires that the driver of a vehicle

have liability insurance coverage on the vehicle to drive legally.

To minimize a hazard, put more space between your vehicle and a potential ______ to minimize the negative effect of the hazard.


If you are driving into an area that has more ________ or an increased ____ of conflict, then take your foot from the ________ and hold it above the brake pedal. This is called __________________.

hazards, risk, accelerator, covering the brake.

Passing: Return to your lane when you can see the other vehicles ________ in your rearview mirror.


Use your __________ when visibility is reduced. Dim the high beams when within 500' of an _________ car or when within 300' of a car you are _________.

high beams, oncoming, following.

If you are being tailgated, then you should:

increase the following distance in front of you to at least 4 seconds.

You should not attempt to pass another vehicle if you will enter, cross, or go through a

intersection, hill, curve, railroad.

You are in a rear-wheel skid when you are steering straight, but the rear of your vehicle skids to the ____ or right. Steer ___ the direction of the rear-wheel skid to regain control.

left, in.

A two-way turn lane is a lane that separates two directions of traffic with a lane in the center to use for _____ turns in either direction. You must use this lane for these turns when it is present. You cannot use this lane for ______, U-turns, or driving for more than 300'.

left, passing.

An over-braking skid occurs when you brake too hard and the wheels _______. This will occur in vehicles that do not have ____.

lock-up, ABS (antilock braking system).

Speed limit signs tell you the ______ _____ speed for the area beginning at the location of the sign under _____ conditions. You must reduce your speed ______ _____ a sign that lowers the speed limit. You may not begin to increase your speed until ________ _________ a sign that increases the speed limit.

maximum legal, ideal, before reaching, after passing.

Driving is made up of social, physical, and mental skills, but driving is primarily a ______ task.

mental. your hands and feet can only do what your brain tells them to do.

Which vehicle can stop the quickest under ideal conditions?


You are not required to stop for the school bus if you are _________ traffic and the road:

oncoming. 1. Has 3 of more marked lanes of traffic. 2. Is separated by a median. 3. Is separated by a physical barrier.

You may start a vehicle with an automatic transmission in ______ or _______.

park, neutral.

A solid yellow line indicates that ________ is not allowed. When double yellow lines are present follow the indications of the line that is _______ to your lane of traffic.

passing, closest.

Vehicles within two seconds of the intersection are beyond the _______________ and should continue safely through the intersection. Do not _______ to clear the intersection.

point-of-no-return, accelerate.

A green arrow means that you have a _______ turn in the direction of the arrow.


Emergency vehicles with lights and/or sirens on require drivers to...

pull to the right side of the road and stop.

Roads will be most slippery as _____ first begins to fall on hot days as it mixes with the ___ and dirt in the asphalt and brings it to the road surface.

rain, oil.

A solid yellow signal light indicates the light is about to turn _____ and you must prepare to ______ unless you are already in the intersection or within ____ seconds of the intersection.

red, stop, 2.

________ signs are red, white, and black and show the ______ and rules we must follow.

regulatory, laws.

Do not ____ the brakes all of the way down the hill. Let the vehicle ______ and only brake as needed to avoid over heating your brakes, called ________.

ride, coast, brake fade.

The __________ law indicates that you can make a right turn on a red light after making a complete ______ and checking for traffic in all directions. You may also make a ______ turn on a red signal light onto a one-way heading left in WA and OR, but not in CA (and some other states).

right turn on red, stop, left.

Trucks, buses, and vehicles pulling trailers need more space to make a _____ turn. Expect the vehicle to signal to the _____ and then move to the left lane and make a wide turn through the intersection.

right, right.

An intersection that circulates around an island to flow traffic more smoothly and safely is a ___________ or traffic circle. Enter to the ______ and signal to exit (like any right turn).

roundabout, right.

The first thing you should do upon entering the vehicle is to adjust the ______.


The single biggest contributor to collisions is failing to ___ what is happening. Look ahead, to the _____, and behind you.

see, sides.

In order to drive what three things do you need to have in the vehicle

valid driver's licence, registration document, and proof of insurance in the vehicle. NEVER CARRY THE VEHICLE'S TITLE!

Roadway marking are _____ and yellow. A yellow line indicates the ______ edge of your drive space and the white line indicates the ____ edge of your drive space.

white, left, right.

Bicycles should ride ____ the flow of vehicles and as far to the ______ as possible.

with, right.

The basic speed law indicates that

you can only legally drive a safe speed under the current conditions.

The _________ law requires you to have _________ insurance and carry an ID card in your vehicle

Financial Responsibility, liability.

________ is when your tires lose contact with the road surface and _____. If this happens ease of the ____ pedal and keep steering straight. Do not brake or turn until your tires are in ________ with the road surface.

Hydroplaning, skid, gas, contact.

What does IPDE stand for and mean

IDENTIFY: scan for driving related clues and information. PREDICT: guess where possible conflicts could occur and predict a worst case scenario. DECIDE: choose an action to avoid conflict. EXECUTE: physically act out your decision.

A solid line typically indicates that you should not _____ the lane line while a ______ or broken lane line indicates that you may cross the line.

cross, dashed.

Pedestrians (and bicycles) have the right of way at all...

crosswalks and intersections.

You must yield the right of way to pedestrians at ________ and _________.

crosswalks, intersections.

when merging onto the expressway there are three areas:

entrance ramp, acceleration lane, merging area.

The ________ law makes it illegal to text while driving.

text message.

The location where you can no longer stop safely on a yellow light is?

the point-of-no-return.

If you are parking on a hill with no curb, then turn your wheels ______ the edge of the road.


a ___________ is a maneuver to reverse the direction of the vehicle.


If you are traveling under the speed limit and you have ___ or more vehicles behind you, then you are required to pull over and let them pass.


During the Instruction Permit (IP) stage you are required to practice for ___ hours to develop the physical and mental _____ necessary to become a safe drive. At least ___ of these hours need to be completed at night when dark.

50, skills, 10

You must maintain a distance of _____ behind an emergency vehicle with lights/sirens on.


You are required to reduce your high beams to low beams when you are within _____ of an oncoming vehicle and _____ from a car you are following.

500', 300'.

When riding at night a bicycle must have a headlight visible for _____ and a red reflector on the back visible from _____ away.

500', 600'.

Use the appropriate safety seats for children under ___ years of age or under _____ tall.

8, 4'9".

What is the fine for parking in a handicap space?


The IPDE process refers to:

Identify, Predict, Decide, Execute.

The law that requires you to take a field sobriety test by any law enforcement officer is?

Implied Consent Law.

the _________ law requires that you comply with any request from a law enforcement officer to complete a ___________ test. If you refuse, then your license will be suspended for _______.

Implied Consent, field sobriety, 1 year.

If there is color on the curb are there parking restrictions?


Six rules for driving safely on the expressway

1. Stay centered in your lane. Aim steering far ahead down center of lane. 2. Maintain a consistent speed. Scan your speedometer often and know your speed. 3. Maintain a 4-second following distance from the vehicle ahead of you. 4. Scan 10-15 seconds ahead. 5. Stay out of other vehicle's blind spot. 6. Do not brake unless necessary.

The three right of way rules are:

1. The vehicle to enter the intersection first, goes first. 2. If two or more vehicles arrive at the same time, yield to the vehicle on your right. 3. A vehicle making a left turn yields to oncoming traffic.

The right-turn-on-red law in WA allows you to turn right on a red light...?

1. after making a full stop 2. on a red arrow or round light 3. whether it's one lane or two

List the four steps to handling a country curve (a sharp curve in a rural environment).

1. brake while straight to the advisory speed limit. 2. scan far around the curve to aim steering and identify hazards. 3. begin steering and then release the brake. 4. accelerate half way through and out of the curve.

How can you best prepare yourself to be a safe driver?

1. educate yourself on the laws and rules of the road. 2. practice driving in residential areas to develop your physical skills. 3. have a positive attitude towards driving and being a defensive driver.

List three questions I must answer yes to before attempting to pass another vehicle on a two-way, two-lane roadway.

1. is it legal. 2. is it safe. 3. is it truly necessary.

How would a driver recognize they are entering a one-way street

1. no yellow line; all lines are white. 2. signs on both sides of the road face the oncoming driver. 3. ONE WAY directional signs pointing in the direction of traffic flow.

If your brakes stop working completely (total brake failure) then:

1. pump the brake pedal 3-4 times to build hydraulic pressure to stop. 2. downshift to a lower gear to help slow the vehicle. 3. apply the parking brake gently and increasingly harder to stop. Do these in order and write in order on the final.

What four things should you do when at an intersection to determine if it is safe to enter.

1. scan all four corners for signs. 2. determine which direction has the right-of-way based on the signs, or is it uncontrolled. 3. scan for traffic ahead of you, scan to the left, and scan to the right. 4. look left and right just before entering the intersection. NEVER ASSUME IT WILL BE SAFE!

In order for a vehicle to enter the bike lane:

1. the line must be dashed or broken. 2. the vehicle must be making a right turn. 3. there must be no bicycles present.

Pass at a speed ___ mph higher than other vehicle (but not speeding)


At a speed of 55 mph you will need approximately ___ seconds to pass another vehicle. Since you will cover 800' in ten seconds you need to be able to see ____ ahead of you to avoid conflicting with _____________.

10, 1600', oncoming traffic.

You must park within ____ of the curb.


Do not park within ______ from a fire hydrant


To be a good driver you need to scan at least ___ seconds ahead.


In the city under normal driving conditions we should maintain a following distance of

3 seconds.

To prevent a rear-end collision maintain a space cushion (following distance) in front of you of ___ seconds at speeds under 30 mph and of ___ seconds at speeds over 30 mph.

3, 4.

_______ areas will freeze first and dry out last. Watch as you transition into these areas.


The ________ involves looking in a sequential order to ensure that all areas around your vehicle are scanned regularly

Smith System. The order is aim high in steering (look far ahead), keep your eyes moving, get the big picture, make sure others see you, leave yourself an out.

the speed limits unless otherwise posted in WA are: a.___ school zone. b.___ city. c.____county. d.___ state highway

a. 20 b. 25 c. 50 d. 60

Hand signals: a. left hand up b. left hand straight out c. left hand pointed down

a. right turn b. left turn c. slow or stop

The first thing you do upon entering the vehicle to prepare to drive is to

adjust the seat.

When the speed limit sign raises the speed to a higher limit you can begin accelerating

after passing the sign.

By law you are required to use your lights from 30 minutes ________ to 30 minutes _________. If you can't see the sun in the ____, then turn on your _________.

after sunset, before sunrise, sky, headlights.

If you are parking on an uphill with a curb, then also turn your wheels ____ from the curb. If you are parking on a downhill with a curb, then turn your wheels ____ the curb.

away, toward (in).

The ___________ law indicates that the legal speed is what is safe under the _______ existing conditions

basic speed, current.

What is not a requirement to get your driver's license?

be 17 years old. the requirements are: 1. complete 50 hours of practice at home. 2. have a permit for six months. 3. complete a driver's education course.

The area next to your vehicle that you cannot see when looking forward or at the three mirrors is called the _________. You will see this area by making a quick glance over your shoulder out the _____ window of the vehicle.

blind spot, side.

The area to the left and right of the vehicle not visible in the side mirrors is called the

blind spot.

A _________ is when the tire loses all of its air pressure at once. When the tire blows out the car will ___ sharply in the direction of the blowout. Keep a firm ____ with both hands on the steering wheel to keep the car going straight. Ease off the gas pedal and then pull over to a safe place off the road to change tire. Avoid _________.

blowout, pull, grip, hard braking.

If you have overused your ________ and caused them to overheat, called _________, then you will need to pull over and stop driving to let the brake pads cool off to harden up again.

brakes, brake fade.

If your vehicle has an anti-lock ______ _______ (ABS) brake with _____, steady pressure.

braking system, firm.

Overpasses and ______ do not have the warm earth underneath them so they will be _______ when the other road is not.

bridges, frozen.

___________ driving is any activity that takes your attention away from driving. This can also be called _________.

distracted, inattentional blindness.

What is NOT a rule in regard to driving through roundabouts

signal right to enter the roundabout. the rules are: 1. signal right prior to exiting the roundabout. 2. enter the roundabout to the right (or counter-clockwise) 3. yield to the traffic already in the circle when entering.

The right lane is used for ______ moving traffic and entering and _______ the expressway.

slower, exiting.

To separate the hazards, when approaching two or more hazards at the same time adjust your _____ to face one at a time.


Which of the following is NOT a requirement of the backing around the corner maneuver

stay under 5 mph during the maneuver. the requirements are: 1. stay within 18" of the curb. 2. stop at the corner and check traffic in all directions. 3. watching traffic behind you at least 50% of the time while backing.

If your accelerator pedal ______, then try to release the pedal by kicking it ____ with your foot. If that doesn't work and you have time, then try to ______ the pedal with your toes. If it is still stuck, shift to ________ and pull over and stop.

sticks, once, pull up, neutral.

A _______ is a white line near an intersection with a stop sign indicating where to stop your vehicle. If there is no stop line present then stop your vehicle before crossing the _______, and if none, then before the _________ (before entering the intersection).

stop line, crosswalk, curb line.

The priority indicator to tell where to stop at a stop sign is the

stop line.

Do not park within 30' of a ______ or ______ sign or a traffic signal.

stop, yield.

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