consumer behavior ch. 1-4

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what does goals in long-term cultures tend to include

"profits 10 years from now"

consumer literacy

"the ability to find and manipulate text and numbers to accomplish consumption-related tasks within a specific market context in which other skills and knowledge are also employed"

what does goals in short-term cultures tend to include

"this year's profits"

major ethnic sub cultures ranked by percentage

1) hispanic 2) african american 3) Asian

what are the 4 steps to market segmentation

1. Identifying products-related need sets 2. grouping customers with similar need sets 3. describing each group 4. selecting an attractive segment to serve

What are the 4 interrelated parts to a conceptual model of consumer behavior?

1. external influences include culture, reference groups, demographics, and marketing activities. 2. internal influences include perception, emotions, attitudes, and personality. 3.self-concept & lifestyle 4. decision process.

what are the 4 segments that have been identified

1. healthy indulgers, ailing outgoers, healthy hermits, and frail recluses

what are the seven key considerations for each geographic market that a firm is contemplating

1. is the geographic area homogeneous or heterogeneous with respect to culture 2. what needs can this product or a version of it fill in this culture 3. can enough of the people needing the product afford the product 4. what values or patterns or values are relevant to the purchase and use of this product 5. what are the distribution, political, and legal structres for the product 6. in what ways can we communicate about the product 7. what are the ethical implications of marketing this product in the country

what are the main characteristics of guanxi

1. the notion of a continuing recipocal relationship over an indefinite period of time 2. favors are banked 3. it extends beyond the relationship between two parties to include other parties within the social network (it can be transferred) 4. the relationship network is built among individuals not organizations 5. status matters-relationship with a senior will extend to his suordinates but not vise versa 6. the social relationship is prior to and a prerequisite to the business relationship

what are the 2 basic approaches to the measurement of social classes

1. use a combinatin of several dimensions, a multi-item index 2. use a single dimension, a single-item index

Green Naives

11% Environmental issues have not registered with this group in terms of beliefs or actions. Sedentary; Lower income

Skeptical individuals

13% Believe in environmental issues like global warming and carbon emission concerns. Skeptical of corporate green efforts. Very high income and education; Urban coasts; Male


13%-negative toward international brands, don't like brands that preach American values, don't trust multinationals. Higher in the United Kingdom and China. Lower in Egypt and South Aftrica

Proud Traditionalist

14% Environmental efforts forced on keeping home running efficiently and effectively (insulation and water efficient products). Focused on family and hard work. Rural Midwest.


14% environmentally concerned, but actions don't match beliefs. More interested in appering to be green to "ride the wave of environmenal consciousness" May try ech-friendly products but tend to return to their favorite non-green brands. Young adults


16% highly committed to and concerned about environment. Beliefs reflected in their consumption behaviors across a wide range of products Will pay more for eco-friendly products. Cynical about corporate green efforts-viewed as merely marketing tacts. High education and income: Urban South and West

Frugal Earth Mothers

18% Environmental efforts focused on running a more efficient home to save money (buy used, wash in cold water, air dry clothes) Focused on practicality and lowering day-to-day costs. Lower income; Rural; Female

Global Dreamers

23%-positive toward international brands, and buy into their positive symbolic aspects, less concerned about corporate responsibility to the local country. Equally distributed across countries

in the us where do the normal business conversatins occur

3 to 5 feet apart

Global Citizens

55%-positive toward international brands, view them as a signal of higher quality, most concerned about corporate responsibility to the local country

Respectful Stewards

7% Most highly concerned about environment. Beliefs reflected in their consumption behaviors. Will pay more for eco-friendly products. Not cynical about corporate green marketing efforts. Focused on community and culture. Lower education and income. Hispanic: Urban.


7% highly dismissive of environmental concerns. Don't believe global warming exists. Highly negative of corporate green efforts-seen as marketing ploys. Middle income; Male, smaller metro areas.

Global agnostics

9%- don't base decisions on global brand name, evaluate as they would local brands, don't see global brands as special. Higher in the United States and South Africa. Lower in Japan, Indonesia, China and Turkey

what is a defining characteristic of american society

A strong emphasis on individualism

what are the steps in Selecting a target market

A) grouping customers with similar need sets. B) selecting an attractive group to target. C) describing each group. D) identifying product-related need sets.

what is included in marketing communications?

A) price B) advertising C) public relations D) packaging

major sources of immigration

Asia-36.4% mexico- 14.1% europe- 11.5%

global teenage culture

Mass media Less and less culture is US centric only

is american culture soup or salad?


T/F China has put legal restrictions on the use of sex appeals in ads


T/F Compared with US and Australian ads, ads in Hong Kong and India contain few sex appeals.


Ethical Issues in cross culture marketing

Using weak government regulations to market cigarettes to youth in other countries. Taking advantage of cheap labor.


a firm promotes environmental benefits that are unsubstantiated and which they don't deliver

age cohort or generation

a group of persons who have experience a common social, political, historical, and economic environment

generation, or age cohort

a group of persons who have experienced a common social, political, historical, and economic environment


a marriage in which husband and wife share responsibility. both work, and they share homemaking and child care responsibilities


a marriage in which the husband assumes the responsibility for providing for the family and the wife runs the house and takes care of the children

market segment

a portion of a larger market whose needs differ somewhat from the larger market


a segment of a larger culture whose member share distinguishing values and patterns of behavior

What is the field of consumer behavior

a study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society.

index of social position (ISP)

a two-item index that is well developed and widely used

Instrumental materialism

acquisition of things to enable one to do something

product position

an image of the product or brand in the consumer's mind relative to competing products and brands

nonverbal communication systems

arbitrary meaning a culture assign actions, events and things other than words

regional subcultures

arise as a result of climatic conditions, the natural environment and resources, the characteristics of the various immigrant groups that have settled in each region, and significant social and political events

how do most Latin Americans, Asians, and Indians tend to view time

as being less discrete and less subject to scheduling

ascribed role

based on an attribute over which the individual has little or no control

purchasing power parity (PPP)

based on the cost of standard maarket basket of products bought in each country

gender roles

behaviors considered appropriate for males and females in a given society


believes in CRM but generally doesn't act accordingly

monochronic time perspective

believing that a person does one thing at a time, strong orientation toward the present and short-term future

pre-depression generation

born before 1930. they are conservative and concerned with financial and personal security

depression generation

born between 1930 and 1945. major market for upscale children's furniture, toys, strollers, car seats, and clothing

generation x

born between 1965 and 1976 first generation to be raised mainly in dual-career households

generation y

born between 1977 and 1994 rivaling the baby boom generation also called the echo boom

generation z

born between 1995 and 2009 labeled the digital natives


boundaries that culture sets n behavior/rules that specific or prohibit certain behaviors in specific situations


concerned about motives behind CRM

collective activity

consumers will look toward others for guidance in purchase decisions and will not respond favorably to promtional appeals to "be an individual"

voluntary simplicity

consumers' efforts to reduce their reliance on consumption and material posessions

time percpective

culture's overall orientation toward time


describe a population in terms of its size, struture, and distribution


describes the society in terms of age, income, education, and ocupation

Shoppers who care about mall essentials and brand-name merchandise are known as ________ shoppers.


what does developing regulatory guidelines involve?

developing policies, guidelines, and laws to protect and aid consumers,

religious subcultures

different religions that prescribe differing values and behaviors

working-class aristocrats

dislike the upper-middle class and prefer products and stores positioned at their social-class level


doubts sincerity or effectivness of CRM

socially concerned

driven by desire to help

what does creating more informed individuals involve?

educating consumers about their own consumption behaviors as well as marketers' efforts to influence it in such a way as to create a more sound citizenship, effective purchasing behavior, and reasoned business ethics

baby boom generation

end of wwII and 1964 large size makes them very important to marketers

single-item indexes

estimate social status on the basis of a single dimension such as education, income, or occupation

consumer cost

everything the consumer must surrender in order to receive the benefits of owning/using the product.

enviropreneurial marketing

evironmentally vriendly marketing practices strategies, and tactics initiated by a firm to achieve a competitive diffentiation

class to mass

expanding opportunities for less affluent consumers to afford luxury.

Marketing strategy ends with conducting a market analysis.


Most economically developed societies are legitimately referred to as marketing societies.


Self-concept is a major step in the consumer's decision process.


The first step in the consumer decision process is budget setting.


What is market analysis

gathering data and tracking trends related to the company, competitors, conditions, and consumers.

mature market

generally defined as consumers 55 years of age and over

traditional housewife

generally married. prefers to stay at hom. very home and family centered. desired to please husband and children. seeks satisfaction and meaning from household and family maintenance as well as volunteer activities. experiences strong pressure to work outside the home and is well aware of forgone income opportunity. feels supported by family and generally content with role.

trapped housewife

generally married. would prefer to work, but stays at home because of young children, lack of ouside opportunites, or family pressure. seeks satisfaction and meaning outside the home. does not enjoy most household chores. has mixed feelings about current status and is concerned about lost opportunities.

frail recluses

have accepted their old-age status adn have adjusted their lifestyles to reflect reduced physical capability and social roles

ailing outgers

have health problems that limit their physical abilities, but their positive outlook means they remain active within financial constraints.


having the product available where target customers can buy it

are cultures homogenous or heterogenous


social class system

hierachical division of a society into relatively distinct and homogeneous groups with respect to attitudes, values, and lifestyles

success dimension

higher value on possessions as a means for demonstrating sucess


how one lives

what are some additional communication factors that can cause problems

humor, style and pace

what do you need to be award when negotioning with a Japenese company

in negotiations where the buy has more power, buyers are more likely to use that power to extract higher prices in the US, not true in Japan

Terminal materialistm

in the acquisition of item for the sake of owning the item itself

marketing communications

includes advertising, the sales force, public relations, packaging, and any other signal that the firm provides about itself and its products.

Injurious consumption occurs when

individuals make consumption decisions that have a negative impact on their long-run well being.

Green Marketing

involves developing products whose production, use or disposal is less harmful to the environment than the traditional version of the product, developing products that have a positive impact on the environment or trying the purchase of a product to an environmental organization or event

What is marketing strategy

involves setting appropriate levels for the marketing mix as a function of the segments being targeted and the market conditions that exists.

digital savvy

leading-edge digital users who are early adopters and diffusers of information related to technology in terms of information related to technology in terms of techology ownership, internet usage, and cell phone feature usage


literally translated as personal connections/relationships on which an individual can draw to secure resources or advantages when doing business as well as in the course of social life

does India, Hungary, Brazil, Hong Kong and China have short-term orientation or long term orientation?

long-term orientation

What are the five stages that interplay between consumer behavior and marketing strategy?

market analysis, market segmentation, marketing strategy, consumer decision process, outcomes at the individual, firms, and societal level

what are two applications of consumer behavior?

marketing strategy & informed individuals

what 4 areas can consumer behavior be applied

marketing strategy, regulatory policy, social marketing, and creating informed individuals

Cause markeing or cause-related marketing (CRM)

marketing that ties a company and its products to an issue or cause with the goal of improving sales or corporate image while providing benefits to the cause

career working women

married or single. prefers to work. derives satisfaction and meaning from employment rather than, or in addition to , home and family. experiences some conflict over her role if younger children are at home, but is generally content. views home maintenance as a necessary evil. feels pressed for time.

trapped working woman

married or single. would prefer to stay at home, but works because of economic necessity or social or family pressure. does not derive satisfaction or meaning from employment. Enjoys most household activities, but is frustrated by lack of time. feels conflict about her role, particularly if younger children are home. resents missed opportunites for family, volunteer, and social activities. is proud of financial contribution to family

what are the problems of literal translations and slang expressions

means associated with words, the absence of some words from various languages, and the difficulty of pronouncing certain words

Tiger leadership

new leadership style prowling around Southeast Ashia which combines the brashness of Western enterpreneurial style with a tireless Asian work ethic

Does verbal language translation generally present major problems as long as we are careful



one segmentation approach to the mature market that incorporates agin processes and life events related to the physical health and mental outlook of older consumers.


one segmentation approach to the mature market that incorporates aging processes and live events related to the physical health and mental outlook of older consumers

cognitive age

one's perceived age, a part of one's self-concept.

social class and social standing are used interchangeably to mean societal rank

one's positon relative to other on one or more dimensions valued by society

polychronic time perspective

orientation toward the present and the past/time is less discrete and subject to scheduling

achievement role

performance criteria over which the individula has degree of control

healthy indulgers

physically and mentally healthy and are thus active, independent, and out to enjoy life

healthy hermits

physically healthy, but life events, often the death of a spouse, have reduced their self-concept and they have become withdrawl

Centerality dimension of materialism

place a higher value on the importance of obtaining possessions


population's size, distribution and structure

what are the 6 major generations functioning in America today

pre-Depression, depression, baby boom, generation x, generation y, and generation z

environmental-oriented values

prescribe a society's relationship to its economic and technical as well as its physical environment

What are the steps in the consumers decision process

problem recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase, use and post purchase evaluation.

cohort analysis

process of describing and explaining the attitudes, values, and behaviors of an age group as well as predicting its future attitudes, values, and behaviors.

nouveaux riches

professional athlete who owns 5 or 10 luxury cars, multiple homes, and so forth

conspicuous consumption

purchase and use automobiles, homes, yachts, clothes, and so forth primarily to demonstrate their great wealth


refers to auxiliary or peripheral activities that are performed to enhance the primary product or primary service

structure of a population

refers to its age, income, education, and occupation makeup

social crystalization

refers to the consistency of individuals and families on all relevant status dimensions


refers to the number of individuals in the society


refers to the physical location of individuals in terms of geographic region and rual, suburban and urban location

other-oriented values

reflect a society's view of the appropriate relationships between individuals and groups within a society

Other-oriented values

reflect a society's view of the appropriate relationships between individuals and groups within that society

self=oriented values

reflect the objectives and approaches to life that the individual members of society find desirable

what are the 3 catergories of values that affect behaviors

related to self, others, and the environment


represents generally accepted ways of behaving in social situations

what does developing marketing strategy involve?

setting levels of the marketing mix based on an understanding of the market and segments involved to create desirable outcomes

Does the US and the United Kingdom and Australia have short-term orientation or long term orientation?

short-term orientations

multi-item indexes

take into account numerous variables simultaneously and weight these according to a scheme that reflects societal views


the amount of money one must pay to obtain the right to use the product

marketing stratergy

the answer to the question, How will be provide superior customer value to our target market?

what is social marketing

the application of marketing strategies and tactics to alter application of marketing strategies and tactics to alter or create behaviors that have a positive effect on the targeted individuals or society as a whole.

social marketing

the application of marketing strategies and tactics to alter or create behaviors that have a positive effect on the targeted individuals or society as a whole


the complex whole that includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by humans as members of society.

Power distance

the degree to which people accept inequality in power, authority, status and wealth as natural or inherent in society

customer value

the difference between all the benefits derived from a total product and all the costs of acquiring those benefits.

what is Customer value

the difference between all the benefits derived from a total product and all the costs of securing those benefits.

What do you need to be aware of in verbal communication when traveling in Britain or Australian

the differences in pronunciation, timing, and meaning might be differerant


the exchange of business cards when two people meet

what determines degree to which culture influence behavior

the extent the individual identifies with that culture

social class system

the hierarchical division of a society into relatively permanent and homengeous groups with respect to attitudes, values, and livestyles.

personal space

the nearest that others can come to you in various situations without your feelings uncomfortable

cohort analysis

the process of describing and explaining the attitudes, values, and behaviors of an age group as well predicted its future attitues, values and behaviors.

marketing mix

the product, price, communications, distribution, and services provided to the target market


the result of violations of cultural norms/penalties ranging from mild social disapproval to banishment from the group

target market

the segment of the larger market on which we will focus our marketing effort

gender identity

the traits of feminity (expressive traits such as tenderness and compassion) and masculinity (instrumental traits such as agressivness and dominance)

ethnic subculture

those whose members' unique shared behaviors are based on a common racial, language or national background

what are the seven variable that influence nonverbal communications

time, space, symbols, relationships, agrements, things, and etiquette


totality of an individual's thoughts and feelings about him or herself

A segment is a portion of a larger market whose needs differ somewhat from the larger market.


Consumer behavior is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experience, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society.


If a company's customers value variety, the firm can provide superior value by offering more variations of its product.


One of the elements marketers use in their evaluation of the attractiveness of various segments is the segment size.


T/F Compared with Americans, Korean and Chinese consumers have traditionally been much less comfortable dealing with new situations or ways of thinking


T/F cultural creatives are more likely to cross traditional ethnic boundaries in seeking out products


t/f a tightly defined social class system does not exist in the US


t/f at present the rate of population growth is moderate, average age is increasing and souther and wersern regions are growing


t/f in many Latin American, Asian, and middle east countries, virtually all prices are negotiated prior to sale, including those for industrial products


t/f use of credit is lower in long-term oriented cultures, whee cash and debit usage is more common


using Coleman and Rainwater's system, describe American society in terms of what 7 major categories

upper-upper, lower-upper, upper-middle, middle, working class, upper-lower, and lower-lower

the meaning of time varies between cultures in what two major ways

what we call time perspective and interpretations assigned to specific uses of time

injurious consumption

when individuals or groups make consumption decision that have negative consequences for their long-run well-being


whether a person is biologically male or female

cultural values

widely held beliefs that affirm what is desirable

secular society

without religion, separates church and state, does not endorse religion

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