Consumer Behavior Chapter 15

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unawareness set

To which set do alternatives the consumer does not know about belong? A) inert set B) inept set C) unawareness set D) unknown set E) evoked set

a b and c

A consumer decision requires information on which of the following? A) The appropriate evaluative criteria for the solution of a problem. B) The existence of various alternative solutions. C) The performance level or characteristic of each alternative solution on each evaluative criterion. D) a and b E) a, b, and c

awareness set

All of the brands that a consumer thinks of as potential solutions are known as the _____. A) awareness set B) evaluative criteria C) alternative set D) preferred set E) consideration set

inert set

Brands for which a consumer is aware but basically indifferent toward compose his or her _____. A) evoked set B) consideration set C) inept set D) excluded set E) inert set


Brands that are found completely unworthy of further consideration are members of the _____. A) evoked set B) inept set C) excluded set D) inert set E) discarded set

maintenance strategy

Coca-Cola has a large brand-loyal purchaser segment. Which marketing strategy is appropriate for this brand? A) capture strategy B) acceptance strategy C) maintenance strategy D) preference strategy E) disrupt strategy

general product-related terms

Consumers conducting a generic search in an Internet search engine use which type of terms? A) retailer-related terms B) brand-related terms C) general product-related terms D) brand- plus product-related terms E) price-related terms

shopping orientations

Consumers' general approaches or patterns of external search are termed _____. A) social status B) shopping orientations C) involvement D) motives E) differentials

ongoing search

Deliberate external search that occurs in the absence of problem recognition and is done both to acquire information for possible later use and because the process itself is pleasurable is known as _____. A) internal search B) ongoing search C) eternal search D) continuous search E) perpetual search

consumer characteristics

Experience, familiarity, social status, shopping orientation and product involvement are examples of which factor that influences the expected benefits and perceived costs of search? A) market characteristics B) product characteristics C) consumer characteristics D) situation characteristics E) personality traits

product differentiation

Feature and quality variations across brands are referred to as _____. A) product positioning B) brand leverage C) product differentiation D) market segmentation E) market characteristics

extended decision making

For which type of decision making is external information search relatively important? A) automatic decision making B) limited decision making C) nominal decision making D) extended decision making E) truncated decision making

evaluative criteria

Freddy is purchasing a new car, and he has decided that gas mileage, price, reliability, and styling are important to him. These attributes represent Freddy's _____. A) evoked set B) evoked criteria C) consideration criteria D) evaluative criteria E) evaluative set

personal sources

Friends, family, and others are examples of which source of information? A) memory B) personal sources C) independent sources D) marketing sources E) experiential sources

all of the above

How has the Internet changed consumers' ability to search for information? A) allows easy access to manufacturers' Web sites B) allows easy access to other consumers C) allows easy access to government agencies D) expands the ability of marketers to provide information to consumers E) all of the above

intercept strategy

If a brand is included in a consumer's evoked set, which marketing strategy is NOT appropriate? A) maintenance strategy B) intercept strategy C) capture strategy D) preference strategy E) all of the above are appropriate

nominal decision making

If, in response to a problem, a consumer recalls a single, satisfactory solution, no further information search or evaluation may occur. The consumer purchases the recalled brand and _____ has occurred. A) automatic decision making B) limited decision making C) nominal decision making D) extended decision making E) truncated decision making

marketing sources

Lane is test driving several models of automobiles to help him decide which one to purchase. Which source of information does this represent? A) memory B) personal sources C) independent sources D) marketing sources E) experiential sources

independent sources

Magazines, consumer groups, and government agencies represent which source of information? A) memory B) personal sources C) independent sources D) marketing sources E) experiential sources

using email

Research shows that the most common use of the Internet is _____. A) searching for a map or driving directions B) getting news C) buying a product D) using e-mail E) checking the weather

internal search

Once a problem is recognized, relevant information from long-term memory is used to determine if a satisfactory solution is known, what the characteristics of potential solutions are, what are appropriate ways to compare solutions, and so forth. This is referred to as _____. A) internal search B) external search C) primary search D) ongoing search E) evoked search


Past searches, prior personal experiences, and prior low-involvement learning are examples of which source of information? A) memory B) personal sources C) independent sources D) marketing sources E) experiential sources

a b and c

Perceived risk is a function of the _____. A) individual B) product C) situation D) a and b E) a, b, and c

all of the above

Perceived risk is high for products whose failure to perform as expected would result in a high _____. A) social cost B) financial cost C) time cost D) physical cost E) all of the above


Research has shown that most of the online search leading up to a purchase was _____. A) brand only B) generic C) brand-item D) retail E) price-related

marketing sources

Sales personnel, Web sites, and advertising represent which type of information source? A) memory B) personal sources C) independent sources D) marketing sources E) experiential sources


Services that aid consumers in their search and decision making on the Internet are known as _____. A) bots B) worms C) viruses D) seekers E) minimizers

evoked set

The brands or products one will evaluate for the solution of a particular consumer problem are called the _____. A) evoked set B) evaluative criteria C) alternative set D) preferred set E) awareness set

evaluative criteria

The desired features or characteristics required to meet a consumer's needs are his or her _____. A) evoked set B) evoked criteria C) consideration criteria D) evaluative criteria E) evaluative set

consideration set

The evoked set is also called the _____. A) evaluative set B) alternative set C) awareness set D) preferred set E) consideration set

market characteristics

The number of alternatives, price range, store distribution, and information availability are examples of which factor that influences the expected benefits and perceived costs of search? A) market characteristics B) product characteristics C) consumer characteristics D) situation characteristics E) technological characteristics

clickthrough rate

The percentage who clicks through a banner ad to the corporate Web site is known as _____. A) response rate B) turnover rate C) clickthrough rate D) rating E) hits

evoked set

Thomas is aware of several different brands of electric shavers, but he is only considering seriously three different brands. These three brands that Thomas is evaluating represent his _____. A) evoked set B) evaluative criteria C) alternative set D) preferred set E) awareness set


Unsolicited e-mail that is a major concern and irritant and is known as _____. A) spit B) spam C) blog D) junk mail E) banner mail

limited decision making

When a consumer notices a new product in a store because of the point-of-purchase display, reads about the attributes of the product and recalls an unresolved problem that this product will solve, and then purchases the product, _____ has occurred. A) automatic decision making B) limited decision making C) nominal decision making D) extended decision making E) truncated decision making

Household income

Which demographic characteristic describes the greatest percentage of U.S. adult Internet users? A) Women B) Black, non-Hispanic C) 65+ years of age D) Household income of $75,000+ E) Rural

low involvement learning

Which information source is NOT actively acquired by consumers? A) past searches B) personal experience C) low-involvement learning D) independent groups E) marketer information

preference strategy and acceptance strategy

Which marketing strategies are appropriate for extended decision making? A) maintenance strategy and disrupt strategy B) capture strategy and intercept strategy C) preference strategy and acceptance strategy D) maintenance strategy and intercept strategy E) capture strategy and acceptance strategy

capture strategy and intercept strategy

Which marketing strategies are appropriate for limited decision making? A) maintenance strategy and disrupt strategy B) capture strategy and intercept strategy C) preference strategy and acceptance strategy D) maintenance strategy and intercept strategy E) capture strategy and acceptance strategy

maintenance strategy and disrupt strategy

Which marketing strategies are appropriate for nominal decision making? A) maintenance strategy and disrupt strategy B) capture strategy and intercept strategy C) preference strategy and acceptance strategy D) maintenance strategy and intercept strategy E) capture strategy and acceptance strategy

disrupt strategy

Which marketing strategy is appropriate if the brand is not part of consumers' evoked sets? A) disrupt strategy B) maintenance strategy C) capture strategy D) preference strategy E) all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following factors influences the expected benefits and perceived costs of search? A) market characteristics B) product characteristics C) consumer characteristics D) situation characteristics E) all of the above

search engine optimization

Which of the following involves techniques designed to ensure that a company's Web pages appear high on an Internet search result list? A) market segmentation B) search engine optimization C) spam D) blogging E) behavioral targeting


Which of the following is NOT a major issue marketers must deal with concerning the Internet's role in information search and decision making? A) How can they get more consumers to use the Internet instead of seeking information from salespeople? B) How can they drive their information to consumers? C) How can they drive consumers to their information? D) How (if at all) can online selling be utilized or integrated with existing channels? E) all of the above are major issues marketers must deal with


Which of the following is NOT a research finding regarding the Internet as an information source? A) Online information is expected. B) Online information boosts offline sales. C) Online sources are viewed as valuable. D) Online sources reduce a salesperson's role. E) Over 90% of Americans use the Internet to research a product/service before buying it.

purchase set

Which of the following is NOT a subcategory of the awareness set? A) evoked set B) purchase set C) inert set D) inept set E) all of the above are subcategories of the awareness set

all of the above

Which of the following is a primary source of information available to consumers? A) memory B) personal sources C) independent sources D) marketing sources E) all of the above

temporal perspective

Which of the following is probably the most important situational variable with respect to search behavior? A) temporal perspective B) task definition C) physical surroundings D) antecedent state E) social surrounding

all of the above

Which of the following is true regarding the Internet as a source of information? A) Online information is expected. B) Online information boosts offline sales. C) Online sources are viewed as valuable. D) Online sources reduce a salesperson's role. E) all of the above


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding appropriate alternatives? A) An evoked set is those brands or products one will evaluate for the solution of a particular consumer problem. B) The brand found completely unworthy of further consideration is a member of the inept set. C) Marketing strategy that focuses only on creating awareness is adequate. D) Brands for which a consumer is aware of but basically indifferent toward compose that consumer's inert set. E) Alternatives the consumer does not know about compose the unawareness set.


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding information search? A) Consumers continually recognize problems and opportunities, so internal and external searches for information to solve these problems are ongoing processes. B) Searching for information is free. C) Information search involves mental as well as physical activities that consumers must perform. D) The benefits of information search often outweigh the cost of search. E) Consumers acquire a substantial amount of relevant information without deliberate search.

marketing sources

Which source of information includes inspection or product trial? A) memory B) personal sources C) independent sources D) marketing sources E) experiential sources

external search

Which type of search can involve independent sources, personal sources, marketer-based information, and product experience? A) internal search B) external search C) primary search D) secondary search E) evoked search

Behavioral targeting

_____ involves tracking consumer click patterns on a Web site and using that information to decide on banner ad placement. A) Clickthrough targeting B) Search engine optimization C) Bot software D) Behavioral targeting E) Spam

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