Consumer promotions

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Frequent buyer program

A loyalty program in which loyal consumers are rewarded for making multiple purchases

Type of promotion

- Analyze benefits and risks - Consider testing before rollout - Consistent with budget - Goal: generate attractive benefits for greatest number of consumers

Promotion Goals

- Boost short term sales - Introduce new product - Reposition product - Bundle existing products - Capitalize on holidays - Revive dormant products

Promotion budget

- Build into marketing budget - Allocate to various media - Plan for maximum impact - Justify $$$ benefits - Costs must not exceed benefits

Evaluate promotion

- Compare outcomes to goals - Cost/benefit analysis - Isolation effect - Evaluate program components - Strategy evaluation - Lessons for future

Consumer promotions

- Coupons and rebates - Premiums - Loyalty marketing programs - Contests and sweepstakes - Sampling - Point-of-purchase promotion

Target audience

- New or existing customers - Motivation (hedonic or utilitarian) - DBM - emotional, rational, patronage, product - Group influences - Geodemographic targeting

New developments

- RIFD tracking of products - Learning labs: retail stores using video surveillance to monitor shopping behavior - Mobile technology

Consumer promotion

- Set of actions to stimulate sales by influencing the end consumer - Short-term strategies designed to motivate customers to buy

Key Questions

1. What's the goal of your promotion> 2. Who is your primary target audience? 3. What is your promotion budget? 4. What type of promotion will work best? 5. How will you evaluate your promotion?


A cash refund given for the purchase of a product during a specific period


A certificate that entitles consumers to an immediate price reduction


A promotional program that allows the consumer the opportunity to try a product or service for free


An extra item offered to the consumer, usually in exchange for some proof of purchase


Promotional display in retail location


Promotions that depend on chance or luck, with free anticipation


Promotions that require skill or ability to compete for prizes

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