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integrated pest management (IPM)

a combination of pest control methods that is used in the proper order and at the proper times, keep the size of a pest population low enough that it does not cause substantial economic loss

*A legal agreement that protects privately owned forests or other property from development for a specified number of years is termed:* a) a public range land b) a conservation easement c) a habitat right of way d) a sanctuary deed e) an ecosystem lien

a conservation easement

cover crops

a crop planted with the purpose of protecting soil from erosion rather than for a harvestable product

*Livestock is an expensive source of food because:* a) it is the preferred food source in many developing countries b) animals are inefficient at converting plant food into meat c) it is particularly rich in protein d) the antibiotics and hormones needed to support high yield are exceedingly expensive e) of the amount of land area needed to house the animals

animals are inefficient at converting plant food into meat

*The decline in genetic diversity within a given variety of crop plant results in loss of:* a) color variations b) all of these choices are correct c) size variations d) flavor differences e) nutritional differences

color variations, size variations, flavor differences, nutritional differences

*When the Mississippi River flooded in 2008* a) it affected relatively few people b) it was the first time such floods affected Minnesota, Wisconsin, or Iowa c) wetlands prevented the water from receding quickly d) sandbags and levees prevented major damage e) it was only the latest in a series of major floods along that particular river

it was only the latest in a series of major floods along that particular river

*The natural or human-induced process that decreases the future ability of the land to support crops or livestock is known as:* a) desertification b) overgrazing c) undergrazing d) clear cutting e) land degradation

land degradation

*Which of the following is NOT a component of sustainable agriculture?* a) decreased pesticide use b) water and energy conservation c) integrated pest management d) organic farming e) decreased biodiversity

decreased biodiversity

*Important environmental benefits provided by ecosystems, and which have been affected by industrial agriculture, are known as:* a) natural products b) evolution of genetics c) habitat exploitation d) none of these choices is correct e) ecosystem services

ecosystem services

*Saltwater intrusion can occur in coastal areas due to:* a) sinkhole formation b) subsidence c) larger or more frequent hurricanes d) wetland degradation. e) excessive groundwater pumping

excessive groundwater pumping

*Nonpotable water that has already been used once, but is reused for toilets or car washing is called:* a) household water b) xeriscaped water c) reclaimed water d) gray water e) secondhand water

gray water

*All of the following are subsistence agriculture practices except:* a) nomadic herding b) slash-and-burn agriculture c) intercropping d) high-input agriculture e) shifting cultivation

high-input agriculture

*In the future, all of the following factors are likely to contribute to an increased demand for rice, corn and wheat EXCEPT:* a) increasing affluence b) increased population size c) increasing demand for meat d) increased use of crop plants to produce biofuels e) migration away from productive growing areas

migration away from productive growing areas

*An ecological simplification in which only one type of plant is cultivated over a large area is called a:* a) single species standard b) wildlife corridor c) monoculture d) wise-use move e) natural regulation


*Sustainable agricultural practices are characterized by all of the following except:* a) crop selection b) use of manure as a fertilizer c) increasing biological diversity to control pests d) water and energy conservation e) monoculture


*The 1930's Dust Bowl in the western United States is an example of:* a) the relationship between economics and annual precipitation b) human activities not being the cause of or accentuating soil problems c) the use of flood plains for agriculture leading to desertification d) the natural cycle of climate disasters in that region e) prolonged drought and accelerated wind erosion caused by use of marginal land for agriculture

prolonged drought and accelerated wind erosion caused by use of marginal land for agriculture

*Artificial lakes in which water is stored for later use are called:* a) ponds b) lakes c) cisterns d) reservoirs e) estuaries


*Which of the following is a type of contour plowing?* a) strip cropping b) grasslands reserve program c) sod busting d) native prairie seizure e) crop rotation

strip cropping

*Which of the following crops has not been significantly improved by the green revolution?* a) potatoes b) rice c) sweet potatoes d) corn e) wheat

sweet potatoes


taking the salt out of oceans or somewhat salty waters

*Which of the following best describes groundwater?* a) water moving from precipitation over the ground to rivers and lakes b) water found in lakes and rivers c) water flowing through permeable rocks and sediments d) water that is completely independent of surface water e) water found above the water table

water flowing through permeable rocks and sediments

*All of the following are successful motivators for consumers to conserve water EXCEPT:* a) increased water prices b) water rationing c) improved technology d) effective education e) all these choices are true

water rationing

*The upper limit of an unconfined underground reservoir of water is termed the:** a) watershed b) groundwater c) water table d) wetland e) aquifer

water table

*Soil is composed of:* a) all of these b) water c) mineral particles d) air e) organic materials

water, mineral particles, air, organic materials

*Which of the following human actions or features does NOT significantly contribute to flooding?* a) deforestation b) zoning restrictions c) all of these significantly contribute to flooding d) draining of wetlands e) paving surfaces for roads and parking

zoning restrictions

*Ecosystem services associated with healthy soils*

*Supporting* -Nutrient cycle -Soil formation -Primary production *Provisioning* -Food -Freshwater -Wood & fiber -Fuel *Regulating* -Climate regulation -Flood regulation -Disease Regulation -Water Purification *Culture* -Aesthetic -Spiritual -Educational -Recreational

*Factors driving deforestation across the globe, and environmental problems associated with deforestation at various scales and for developing and developed countries*

*causes* -mainly for expansion of agricultural -wildfires -construction of roads (urbanization) -tree harvesting -trees being infected with insects and diseases *environmental problems* -decreased soil fertility -uncontrollable soil erosion -increased sedimentation of waterways -formation of deserts -extinction of certain species -global climate changes.

*US soil conservation policies (working lands and lend retirement programs)*

-Soil Conservation Act of 1935 *allowed the government to pay farmers to reduce production so as to conserve soil and prevent erosion -Food Security Act 1985 (Farm Bill) *allowed lower commodity price and income supports and established a dairy herd buyout program -Conservation Reserve programs *farmers remove environmentally sensitive land from agricultural production & plant species that will improve environmental health and quality

*Causes of soil degradation and problems associated with it*

-Soil erosion *causes a loss in soil fertility as organic material and nutrients are eroded *more fertilizers must be used to replace nutrients lost to erosion -Nutrient mineral depletion -Salinization *salt concentrations get to levels toxic to plants -Desertification *degradation of once-fertile rangeland, agricultural land, or tropical dry forest into nonproductive desert

*The policy of no net loss of wetlands in the U.S. is only partially successful because:* 1) wetland dynamics are not totally understood. Reconstructed wetlands do not always provide the essential elements necessary to attract the species of the original habitat. 2) wetlands developed for the drinking water supply do not have to be replaced. This contributes to overall net loss of wetland. 3) There is no routine tracking of compliance to document success. 4) The definition of wetland was broadened by Congress, adding marginal wetlands in addition to swamps and marshes.

-Wetland dynamics are not totally understood. Reconstructed wetlands do not always provide the essential elements necessary to attract the species of the original habitat. -There is no routine tracking of compliance to document success.

habitat corridors

-a protected zone that protects unlogged or undeveloped areas -wildlife corridors are though to provide escape routes and allow animals to disperse so they can interbreed

*What is a floodplain? *

-area bordering a river channel that has the potential to flood (value is place specific) -it is suggested by researchers to build floodplains at a further distance from the river rather than right next to them -this allows the river to flow more freely and naturally rather than in a channel-like manner

*Links between deforestation and biofuels*

-because farmers need more land to produce crops for biofuel, more and more forests are being cut down for land use -forest land is not as fertile as are other kinds of land, so they lose their nutrients fast -results in the land only being used for agriculture for a short amount of time before more forest needs to be cut down

*How have floodplains changed over time and what are the consequences?*

-buildings are now being constructed on floodplains, they are then more likely to flood -the consequences of this are having to rebuild and reconstruct buildings that flood on floodplains -ex. of this is UIowa rebuilding after our river flooded years ago

food insecurity

-condition in which people live with chronic hunger and malnutrition

*Ecosystem services of wetlands*

-habitat for migratory waterfowl -recharge groundwater -regulate damages from flooding -improve water quality/water purification -streamflow maintenance

*How to promote healthy soils and soil conservation*

-make your own compost -mulch -weed control -reduces evaporation -add to soil organic content

*GM (genetically modified) crops and foods:* a) all of these choices are correct b) may have higher nutritional value than the original product c) have been largely banned by the European Union d) may be resistant to pests, diseases, and stressful (weather)/climate conditions e) may produce unexpected allergic reactions in some consumers

-may have higher nutritional value than the original product -have been largely banned by the European Union -may be resistant to pests, diseases, and stressful (weather)/climate conditions -may produce unexpected allergic reactions in some consumers

*What are the threats to surface water and groundwater supplies?*

-overdrawing -chemical agriculture -conflicting ecosystem services -growing populations

*name ecosystem services provided by natural areas?*

-watershed management -soil erosion protection -climate regulation -wildlife habitat

*value of wetlands*

-wetlands provide a habitat for migratory waterfowl and wildlife -recharge ground water -reduce damage from flooding -improve water quality -produce many commercially important products -provide a habitat for holding CO2 so it isn't released into the atmosphere

*The marine fishing crisis and the role of aquaculture*

-overfishing of oceans causes severe population depletion of many species. 90% decline of large predatory fish and ~30% of world's fish stocks -bycatch (trapping, killing, and discarding of unwanted marine animals in fishing nets) leads to many collateral deaths in the ocean. -other problems with marine fishing: *trawling nets destroy reefs and other marine habitats, fishing boats leak polluted waste such as heavy metals and oil in the water. -aquaculture: Growing aquatic organisms for human consumption. -aquaculture may hurt natural habitats by polluting nearby water -fish raised on antibiotics may escape and interbreed with wild stock -pros: *aquaculture can reduce our dependence on wild caught seafood -may lessen the environmental damage caused by invasive fishing gear. -reduces bycatch

*Environmental impacts of modern food production techniques and intensive agriculture*

-overgrazing/over tilling can lead to land degradation and erosion -extensive irrigation can lead to water problems -farm runoff includes fertilizers with pollute water

*Explain antibiotic use as an example of the tragedy of the commons *

-overuse of antibiotics in developed countries to increase meat production in livestock decreases the overall effectiveness of antibiotics worldwide -the more we abuse antibiotics, the weaker they become against bacteria -in human patients, use of antibiotics benefits the individual at the cost of societal health because bacterial infections become more difficult to treat

*how we can conserve wetlands*

-pay farmers to maintain wetlands so that they aren't drained for agricultural reasons -the government can purchase more wetlands under the Emergency Wetlands Resources Act with funds from the Land and Water Conservation Fund -No net loss *every time a farmer drains their wetlands they will put money into building new wetlands somewhere else *there are certain companies that do this for a living *farmers just needs to contact a business that drains and then puts credits into another wetland to help with this

*According to recent climate projections, how is Amazonia likely to be affected by deforestation?* 1) Rainfall will decrease. 2) Temperatures will increase due to a negative feedback loop between forest cover, drought, and air temperature. 3) Drought frequency could increase forest loss. 4) All of these

-rainfall will decrease -temperatures will increase due to a negative feedback loop between forest cover, drought, and air temperature.

*What is food insecurity / what are the criteria for being food insecure?*

-state of living in fear of going hungry -overeating on poor nutritional food becoming widespread problem -biggest reason is poverty

*What is subsistence agriculture and monoculture?*

-subsistence agriculture is when farmers focus on growing enough crops to feed and supply for their family -monoculture is when one type of plant is cultivated over a large area -many farmers might grow a large amount of one crop that can provide the most for their families and have a large surplus over the years

*What is sustainable agriculture and how is it different from organic agriculture? What is integrated pest management (IPM)?*

-sustainable agriculture is agriculture that focuses on the health of the soil and environment, the issue is that anybody can label their foods sustainable and they could be lying. -organic agriculture is a very similar thing except that they have standards that they must meet in order to label their foods as organic -IPM is a common-sense approach to pest management. A farmer would make sure that his farm is clean enough to not attract pests. Then they would monitor damage and decide the best plan from there. This eliminates the risk of killing beneficial organisms. This method uses pesticides as the last resort. This approach is much better for the environment.

*Linkages between energy and food production*

-takes energy to make fertilizers -takes energy to irrigate the crops -harvesting requires gas/diesel -transportation

*Define grain stocks and explain how they are a measure of world food security?*

-the amounts of rice, wheat, corn, and other grains stored by governments from previous harvests as a cushion against poor harvests and rising prices -world grain stocks supply a measure of food security if they dont fall below the minimum amount of 70 days supply

food security

-the goal of all people having access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food at all times -the condition in which people dont live in hunger or fear of starvation

*Explain the process of saltwater intrusion?*

-the movement of seawater into a freshwater aquifer located near the coast -caused by aquifer depletion -caused by excessive groundwater pumping in coastal areas

saltwater intrusion

-the movement of seawater into a freshwater aquifer located near the coast, caused by aquifer depletion. -saltwater intrusion also occurs in a low-lying parts of the world due to sea-level rise

*Explain the process of desalinization.*

-the removal of salt from ocean or somewhat salty water -thermal distillation: the water is boiled and then the steam is collected, leaving the salt behind -more modern methods of distillation make use of various techniques such as low-pressure vessels to reduce the boiling temperature of the water and thus reduce the amount of energy required to desalinate. -desalinization can also utilize electric current to separate the water and salt -electric current will be used to drive ions across a selectively permeable membrane, carrying the dissociated salt ions with it -another method of desalination is reverse osmosis, in which pressure is used to drive water through a selectively permeable membrane, leaving the salt behind

subsistence agriculture

-traditional agriculture methods that are dependent on labor and a large amount of land to produce enough food to feed oneself an ones family, with little left over to sell or reserve for hard times -subsistence agriculture uses humans and draft animals as its main source of energy

*Values of biodiversity*

-valuable because it provides plants and organisms to be able to fight against bacteria. -aids in carbon sequestration which helps keep carbon out of our atmosphere -helps development of recreational lands. -provides a wider variability of food production. Incorporating various kind of crops will maintain the land fertile. Many crops can be farmed at the same time and which give off benefits to one another. Example: The Three sisters -development of pharmaceutical drugs which include drugs that fight against HIV, AIDS, and serves as a treatment for cancer

*What are the problems associated with overdrawing surface water and with aquifer depletion?*

-when surface water is overdrawn, the organisms in freshwater ecosystems suffer & natural wetlands dry up and estuaries become saltier -aquifer depletion is the removal of groundwater faster than it can be recharged by precipitation or melting snow -aquifer depletion from porous rocks can cause subsidence or sinking land -sinkholes can occur when droughts or excessive pumping of water causes a lowering of the water table -depletion can cause saltwater intrusion: the movement of seawater into a freshwater aquifer located near the coast

*What is polyculture agriculture?*

-when you grow several crops at once -some crops can give back where other crops take

*How to minimize erosion and mineral depletion of the soil?*

1)conservation tillage -residues from previous crops are left int he soil, partially covering it, and helping to hold it in place until newly planted seeds are established 2)crop rotation -planting a series of different crops in the same field over a period of years 3)contour plowing -matches the natural contour of the land and reduces soil erosion 4)strip cropping -different crops are laid out in alternating, narrow stops along natural contours 5)cover crops -growing crops in between seasons of other crops and help protect soil 6)terracing -dikes are built to produce level areas for agriculture 7)shelterbelt -row of trees planted as a windbreak to reduce soil erosion of agriculture lands 8)agroforestry -use of both forestry and agricultural techniques to improve degraded areas and offer economic benefits

*What are two reasons why fish stocks are overexploited?*

1)growing human population requires protein in its diet, leading to a greater demand 2)technological advances in fishing gear have made it possible to fish is often removed from an area

*Four components of the soil system and explain the ecological significance of each?*

1)inorganic nutrient minerals -provides anchorage and essential nutrient minerals for plants as well as pore space for water and air 2)organic materials -decomposes and releases essential nutrient mineral ions into soil, where they are absorbed by plant roots 3)soil air -produce moist but aerated soil that sustains plants and other soil-dwelling organisms 4)soil water -produce moist but aerated soil that sustains plants and other soil-dwelling organisms

*problem associated with soil resources (how to protect/conserve them) & give a realistic solution*

A big problem is soil erosion that gets rid of top soil and planting the same crops year after year. Soil erosion loses around 8o billion tons of top soil worldwide each year. Also, planting the same crops year after year increases damages by insects and diseases. Realistic ways to solve these problems are conservation tillage and crop rotation. Conservation tillage leaves the residue from the previous year's crops to prevent soil erosion. Crop rotation is when you plant different crops year after year and it doesn't make the soil as bad. We can also do crop covering which is the planting of different crops in different seasons so the soil doesn't lay bare and dry during months where crops are not being planted.

*problem associated with food resources/the sustainable production of food & give a realistic solution*)

Fisheries are a big part of the worlds food supply. But, the problem is that fisherman are over fishing and even set up certain nets that hurt the fish population. Many fisherman are attracted to catching the big name fish such as salmon, tuna, and flounder. We are catching fish faster than they can repopulate, because the demand for fish is increasing as population increase. Also certain nets hurt the ocean floor or entangle fish and other marine organisms. A realistic solution to all the problems caused by fisherman is to limit the areas that fisherman can catch in. For example a lot of fisheries can be removed from international use, so that the fish are caught faster than they can reproduce. There can also be limits on the amount of fish caught per person. If we made it per boat people could just buy another boat, but if we make it per person and monitor it closely, we can reduce the amount of fish that are being caught. The fishing industry also needs to monitor boats that enter fisheries and be aware of the nets they are using, because even though many nets are band, people are still using them illegally.

*problem associated with land use change (deforestation or wetland losses) & give a realistic solution*

Forest have been decreasing and decreasing over the past years. The clearing of forests causes deforestation. Deforestation is caused by agriculture expansions, constructing of roads, tree harvesting, fires, and tress having insects and diseases. The result of deforestation is not a good one. It results in decreased soil fertility, soil erosion, desertification, extinction of species, and global climate changes. Deforestation doesn't have very good environmental effects and it needs to be scaled down. Deforestation can't be stopped in its entirety, but we can reduce how often it happens. A realistic solution to deforestation is to put regulations on the cutting of trees. A series of laws or rules can be put into place so that forests can't be wiped out in their entirety, unless the trees are filled with disease or destroyed by wildfires. Another solution to deforestation is to replant the trees once they are cut down. Desertification can occur in areas where there are dead trees or disease ridden trees. Instead of letting the land turn into a desert, we can plant new, young trees in replacement of the older trees that were cut down.

*Crop rotation and strip cropping alternate crops such as corn and wheat. The difference is:* a) In strip cropping, the crops are alternated by row. In crop rotation, the crops are alternated by years b) In strip cropping, the crops are alternated by size. In crop rotation, the crops are alternated by color c) There is no difference. Crop rotation is another word for strip cropping d) In strip cropping, one crop transforms into the other by genetic seed manipulation. In crop rotation, each crop is alternated according to the type of pollinator required e) In strip cropping, one crop is exposed and the other covered. In crop rotation, dual crops form concentric circles

In strip cropping, the crops are alternated by row. In crop rotation, the crops are alternated by years

*What is the relationship of overgrazing to desertification?* a) Overgrazing is the destruction of vegetation; desertification is the destruction of a desert ecosystem b) Overgrazing is a synonym for desertification c) Overgrazing results in barren exposed soil; if erosion continues, it contributes to desertification d) Overgrazing is caused by too fertile rangeland; desertification is caused by too fertile agricultural land e) Overgrazing is brought about by cattle; desertification is brought about by temperature

Overgrazing results in barren exposed soil; if erosion continues, it contributes to desertification

*Which of the following statements is NOT true about public planning of land use?* a) Land use decisions are complex because they have multiple effects b) Public planning of land should take all repercussions into account c) All of these statements are true d) Initial land development spawns additional land development e) Public planning is concerned primarily with immediate effects

Public planning is concerned primarily with immediate effects

*Which of the following statements about rangelands is true?* a) Rangelands are found in temperate regions, but not in tropical climates b) Rangelands have native grasses with fibrous root systems that can survive extended periods of drought c) About 10% of the human population lives in rangelands that border deserts d) Rangelands are valuable for food production but yield no other economically valuable resources e) Rangelands can benefit from overgrazing by cattle since it may actually increase the plant diversity

Rangelands have native grasses with fibrous root systems that can survive extended periods of drought

*problem associated with water availability/flooding & give a realistic solution*

Too much water causes flooding. Flooding can happen anywhere and some type of flooding happens every year. But, when there are big floods that wipe out towns and cities it becomes a big problem that needs to be managed. There are already solutions to manage flooding that are realistic, and as long as we keep implementing them we can continue to manage floods. Some big factors that manage floods are putting in dams and reservoirs in big spill ways. Dams and reservoirs ensure year-round supply of water and with regulated flow. The regulated flow stops the the waters from flooding over it boundaries and flowing into cities. The dam creates a reservoir which is an artificial lake for the water to be stored an that water flows through the dam. Dams have been put in where there are big flooding problems. Dams are very beneficial in flood prevention, but they also help with water supply, irrigation, hydropower, and much more.

conservation tillage

a method of cultivation in which residues from previous crops are left in the soil, partially covering it and helping to hold it in place until the newly planted seeds are stablished


a soil conservation method that involves building dikes on hilly terrain to produce level areas for agriculture


a type of intercropping which several kinds of plant that mature at different times are planted together

*Which of the following is/are currently used to increase livestock yields in industrialized countries?* a) implementing integrated pest management b) using genetically engineered foodstuffs c) increasing use of nomadic herding d) administering antibiotics and hormones e) maintaining a wide variety of genetically diverse livestock

administering antibiotics and hormones

sustainable agriculture

agriculture methods that maintain soil productivity and a healthy ecological balance while having minimal long-term impacts

*Conservation strategies that set aside ecosystems for preservation:* a) can only be carried out by government agencies b) increase the likelihood that a given ecosystem will be exploited c) are impractical and not encouraged d) are the best way to preserve an area's diversity

are the best way to preserve an area's diversity

*An area of land that is drained by a single river is called a/an:* a) drainage basin b) watershed c) both watershed and drainage basin d) aquifer e) wetland

both watershed and drainage basin

*The effects of flooding are more destructive today than in the past because:* a) roads and buildings effectively absorb and slow water flow b) the use of levees has been determined to be an unsound engineering practice c) buildings are constructed on flood plains d) retaining walls are too expensive to build in all of the appropriate locations e) soil with plant cover is ineffective in absorbing excess water

buildings are constructed on flood plains

*Future climate change will likely:* a) have no effect on precipitation b) cause an increase in precipitation c) cause extreme droughts throughout all of North America d) cause a decrease in precipitation e) cause an increase in precipitation in some areas and a decrease in others

cause an increase in precipitation in some areas and a decrease in others

*Increased soil erosion may be caused by all of the following except:* a) agriculture b) clearcutting large forested areas c) construction of shelterbelts d) construction of buildings e) construction of roads

construction of shelterbelts

*Which of the following outlines a typical crop rotation planting schedule for conservation purposes?* a) oats → soybean → oats → corn b) corn → soybean→ oats →alfalfa c) corn → corn → corn → corn d) corn → soybean → corn→ soybean

corn → soybean→ oats →alfalfa

*Which of the following statements about genetic diversity is false?* a) wild plant and animal populations generally have high genetic diversity b) the majority of vegetable crops grown in the US are of only a few varieties c) low genetic diversity increases vulnerability to new disease-causing organisms d) during domestication, selection often occurs for traits which are not of obvious value to humans e) much of genetic diversity is lost due to domestication

during domestication, selection often occurs for traits which are not of obvious value to humans

*Aquaculture is:* a) growing plants without soil b) fish farming c) a type of germplasm storage d) using desalinated water for irrigation e) fishing without hooks

fish farming

*A flood plain has the potential to flood. Why is this a problem?* a) flood damage is permanent, causing major changes in the course of the bordering river channel b) floods are caused by drought cycles in the weather c) floods are unnatural events caused by human activity d) when flood waters recede, the flood plain is left infertile for growing crops e) flood damage is extremely costly due to homes and businesses being built on the flood plain

flood damage is extremely costly due to homes and businesses being built on the flood plain

*From the farmer's field to the kitchen table, which section of the conventional "food pipeline" contributes the most greenhouse gases?* a) packaging b) transportation c) home storage d) marketing e) food production

food production

*Tropical dry forests are being destroyed largely due to demand for:* a) industrial wood and wood fiber b) pharmaceutical products c) fuel d) food e) mining ores


*What are habitat corridors and what are the causes of habitat fragmentation?*

habitat corridor: area where wildlife habitats are connected, away from human activity -habitat fragmentation: caused by geological processes that slowly alter the physical environment -human structures quickly alter the land and can cause extinction of species

*In many developing countries, individuals:* a) have insufficient water to meet basic drinking and household needs b) consume about 200 gallons of fresh water per day c) use the most current technology to increase their water use efficiency d) utilize excessive amounts of water for irrigation e) rely on desalinization to provide the majority of their water needs

have insufficient water to meet basic drinking and household needs

*Forest management for timber production:* a) includes the harvesting of trees b) results in forests less susceptible to disease c) maintains the natural species composition of the forest d) specifically avoids producing monoculture forests e) results in forests with high biodiversity

includes the harvesting of trees

*Planting the same crop year after year:* a) does not deplete essential nutrients from the soil b) will slowly increase crop yields c) increases damage by insects and disease d) is a new and innovative agricultural practice e) decreases soil erosion

increases damage by insects and disease

*What are issues associated with flooding and their links with human activities such as agriculture, and climate change?*

issues: -damage to the land and soil -deforestation -destruction of wetlands -humans building on floodplains can also cause more flooding to occur

*Forests:* a) fix large amounts of oxygen, removing it from the atmosphere b) promote soil erosion c) release large amounts of carbon monoxide into the atmosphere d) provide habitat for few animal species e) maintain watersheds

maintain watersheds

*Which of the following represents an "ecosystem service" performed by soil organisms?* a) altering topography by amplifying erosion b) preserving toxic materials by situating toxins into encapsulated structures c) maintaining soil fertility by decaying and cycling organic material d) providing minerals by assisting in weathering e) contributing to desertification by removing excess moisture from the soil

maintaining soil fertility by decaying and cycling organic material

*Soil erosion:* a) is never responsible for or related to water pollution b) may result in decreased water quality for fishes and other aquatic organisms c) is not affected by the extent of plant cover d) is exclusively linked to human activities e) does not reduce the fertility of the soil, just the quantity

may result in decreased water quality for fishes and other aquatic organisms

*One way to make agricultural water more sustainable is through:* a) water diversion b) microirrigation c) international water swaps d) "use it or lose it" water allotments for farmers e) plot flooding


*_________ describes the pathway of various nutrient minerals or elements from the environment through organisms and back to the environment.* a) crop rotation b) mycorrhizae c) nutrient cycling d) leaching and illuviation e) none of these choices is correct

nutrient cycling

*Habitat corridors are intended to provide:* a) increased timber production b) further habitat fragmentation c) opportunities for larger animals to establish larger territories d) increased species richness within forest monocultures e) a means for controlling insect pests and invasive species

opportunities for larger animals to establish larger territories

*Which of the following is not true of conservation tiling?* a) residues are partially covering soil and helping it to hold seeds b) there are several types including no tilling c) a method of cultivation in which residues from previous crops are left in the soil d) all these are false e) over 70% of US farmland was planted using conservation tilling in the early 2000s

over 70% of US farmland was planted using conservation tilling in the early 2000s

contour plowing

plowing that matches the natural contour of that land that furrows run around a hill rathe than in straight lines and lessens erosion

*Worldwide, 75 billion metric tons (83 billion tons) of topsoil is lost annually, primarily due to:* a) poor agricultural practices b) Stevenus Seagalicus bacteria c) conservation tillage d) global warming e) ozone depletion

poor agricultural practices

*Soil degradation is primarily attributed to:* a) exhaustion of parent material, severe climate and leaching b) erosion, excessive tillage and coastal location c) wildfires, surplus soil organisms and dense vegetation d) poor agricultural practices, overgrazing and deforestation e) heavy rainfall, agroforestry and crop rotation

poor agricultural practices, overgrazing and deforestation

*All of the following are benefits of coastal wetlands except:* a) improved water quality b) reduced impact of ozone depletion c) provide habitat for endangered species d) reduced flooding through their ability to hold excess water e) produce important commercial products

reduced impact of ozone depletion

*Which of the following is not an environmental problem associated with industrialized agriculture?* a) release of antioxidants b) depletion of freshwater resources c) disposal of livestock wastes d) habitat loss e) soil erosion

release of antioxidants

*Which of the following is the most effective way to reduce flood-related damage?* a) creating exposed, barren hillsides by clear cutting woodlands b) paving new roads c) restricting development on flood plains d) constructing new buildings e) building expensive levees

restricting development on flood plains

*Of the following, which has the greatest permeability?* a) loam b) clay c) sand d) silt e) humus



the area bordering a river that is subject to flooding


the cultivation of only having one plant over a large area

*The soils of tropical rain forests tend to be nutrient-poor due to:* a) sediment washing into streams from intact forests b) the fact that nutrient minerals are stored primarily in the vegetation c) removal of native plants, largely grasses, depleting the nutrient minerals d) extensive wind erosion e) poor crop rotation practices in slash-and-burn agriculture

the fact that nutrient minerals are stored primarily in the vegetation

*Concern over the routine use of antibiotics in raising livestock centers around:* a) a tentative link between antibiotics and cancer b) the excessively high concentrations of chemicals that are then found in the meat products c) the potential that bacterial resistance to antibiotics may increase as a result d) violations of S. government policy that prohibits their indiscriminate use in livestock e) the fact that the antibiotics may be toxic to small children

the potential that bacterial resistance to antibiotics may increase as a result

habitat fragmentation

the process by which habitat loss results in the division of large, continuous habitats into smaller, more isolated remnants.

*Which of the following statements regarding trees and climate change is true?* a) when trees act as carbon "sinks," they accelerate climate change b) the process of photosynthesis removes greenhouse gases from the atmosphere c) trees take greenhouse gases and turn them into CO2, an important compound for many living organisms d) the oxygen produced by trees helps to moderate climate change e) there is much more carbon stored in trees than there is in the atmosphere

the process of photosynthesis removes greenhouse gases from the atmosphere

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