Content Quiz 1-4 CJ Stats

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People that have full time jobs are more likely to be represented by private attorneys than those who are unemployed?

Independent: full-time/underemployed Dependent: type of attorney

A study examining the impact of poverty upon crime.

Independent: poverty Dependent: crime

A researcher what's to investigate race as a predictor of poverty.

Independent: race Dependent: poverty

What is used to find social phenomena and develop statements about why they work?

Inductive Reasoning (Induction)

Frequency polygons are used with

Interval data and Ratio data

What is the process of assigning a score to cases so that the magnitude of differences between them known and meaningful?

Interval/Ratio level of measurement

Problem with variance in statistical analysis?

It is difficult to interpret squared units In order to interpret your results you need to remove the squared units

What are the three types of Kurtosis

Leptokurtic Platykurtic Mesokurtic

What is best with interval/ratio data?


What is the most popular measure of central tendency and is used typically with interval/ratio data?


What is best with ordinal data?


What needs ordinal data because it shows direction and not distance?


In a quasi experiment, is there a control group?


If data from test one and test two were given and both had a mean of 75, are there ranges the same?

NO, the range is larger on test one compared to test two. This is an example of dispersion.

What providers information on crimes committed against individuals and households, regardless of whether the crimes were reported to police or anyone else?

National Crime Victimization Survey

What is the simplest measure of distribution?


What is a quasi-experiment?

A research design that doesn't approach the effectiveness of the true experiment with respect to systematically manipulating the independent variable.

What represents the average variability in a distribution?

Standard deviation

The data in a UCD are.....?

Summary measures

Three elements in social science research

Theory, Research methods, Statistical analysis

_______________ standard deviations fall on either side (above and below) the mean in a distribution.


What are the three types of percentages?

Total Row Column

Crime rate is always the dependent variable. (True or False)


Hypothesis are frequently expressed in a statement of the relationship between two or more variables. (True or False)


What is information compiled by the FBI and is used to count crime and to track trends over time?

Uniform Crime Report

What is most appropriate for interval/ratio data?

Variance and Standard Deviation

What is the idea that social scientist have concerning the nature of social reality?


What is the presumed cause?

independent variable

What levels of measurement can't be equal to 0?


levels of measurement: how many officers do you have under your command?


levels of measurement: how many years have you been a chief?


amount of money stolen in dollars


Negative Skew is to the


To show rate of change in a rate of homicide from 2000 to the present, by year, a research would probably use?

line chart

What measure of central tendency as the arithmetic average of distribution?


What are the three measurements of central tendency?

mean, median, and mode

What is the use of a series of numbers in the data-analysis stage or research?


What is a measure of a central value and gives the balance point?

measures of central tendency

A distribution of the numbers of delinquents is highy skewed. What measurement of central tendency would you recommend for the purpose of characterizing delinquent?


What is best with nominal data?


What is the most frequent, typical or common value in distribution; a measure of central tendency?


Two outcomes or events are __________________ if the occurrence of one rule out the possibility that the other will occur?

mutually exclusive outcomes

The numbers on an inmates clothing?


Type of car stolen


levels of measurement: Do you have a bachelor's degree?


What is the process of placing cases into categories and counting their frequency of occurrence?

nominal level of measurement

What are the four levels of measurement?

nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio

Pie charts are used for

nominal/ ordinal data

Histograms are used with

nominal/ordinal data


normal curve

Compared to the ordinal level of measurement, the interval level...

not only indicated the order of Caterogies, but also the exact distance between them

levels of measurement: on a five point scale (strongly favorable to strongly unfavorable) how do you feel about work?


seriousness of offense


What is the process of ordering or ranking cases in terms of the degree to which they have any given characteristics?

ordinal level of measurement



What sums to 100% and is the percentage of cases that fall within a particular class interval?

percentages distribution

A Frequency distribution of the percentages of male and female patrol officers in a police department would be best depicted in the form of a:

pie chart

When dealing with nominal data, every case must be...?

placed in one and only one category

Ordinal measurement is used primary to:

rank-order data

What is the comparisons between the number of actual cases and the number of potential cases?


What levels of measurement answer can be equal 0?


levels of measurement: how many times have you been disciplined an officer under your command?


Survey research is....


Positive skew is to the


The direction of skewness is determined by the relative position of the?

tail of distribution

A cross-tabulation would be helpful for comparing...?

the amount of attention: a little, a moderate amount, or a great deal that a particular attorney gives to 30 wealthy clients and 30 poor clients.

The greater the variability around the mean of the distribution,

the larger the standard deviation

What are the limitations of range?

the range only takes two values into consideration which makes it a crude measure of variability and it's influenced by outliers.

What are the three types of measures of variability?

the range, variance, and standard deviation.

Typically social and behavioral scientist collect data on individual persons. (True or False)


What are variables that vary from one point in time to another?

unemployment, crime rate, and population

What is the element that is being observed or studied?

unit of observation

What is variance and standard deviation used for?

used to compare two distributions

What is the manner in which the scores are scattered around the center of the distribution?


What is any characteristic that varies from one individual or group to another or from one point in time to another?


Why do surveys lack the tight control of experiments?

variables are not manipulated and subjects are not assigned to groups at random.

What are good for are good for interval and some ordinal data?

variance and standard deviation

The so called normal range within which approximately two thirds of all scores fall is located...?

within one standard deviation about and below the mean.

A _________________ is the most basic technique for the organization of raw numbers.

Frequency distribution

Most common types of distributions are

frequency, combination, and percentages

What is an idea about nature of social reality that is testable through systematic research?



(raw score- mean)

What is set out to develop statements and test them?

Deductive Reasoning (Deduction)

What is the distance of any given raw score from its mean?


What refers to the difference between a singlecase and the measure of central tendency?


What is defined as "how narrow or spread out the values are around the central value"?


What refers to the overall difference between all cases and the measure of central tendency?


Hypotheses don't usually contain an independent variable or a dependent variable. (True or False)

False, they do.

What are variables that varies from one individual or group to another?

age, social class, and attitude

What measures vary across entire collection of people?


The initial difference between experimental and the control group are eliminated by...?

assigning subject on random basis to the experimental and control conditions.

Variance measures the

average of squared deviations of scores around the mean

How would you study content analysis?

books, magazines, newspapers, films, photographs, cartoons etc.

What is the benefit of survey research?

can investigate a much larger of important independent variables in relation to any dependent variable.

Categories or groups are referred to as

class intervals

Nominal data measurement is used to primarily to:

classify or categorize data

Criminal justice researchers used measurements to

classify or categorize data rank-order data assign a score

What is research objectively seeks to describe the content of preciously produced messages?

content analysis

The experiment distinguished by a degree of _____________ a research situation/


When a manipulation occurs, the other group not being manipulated is called...?

control group

Sometimes we want to know how is one variable (usually the dependent variable) distributed across another (usually the independent variable) is what?

cross tabulations

What involve the total number of cases having a given score or a score that is lower?

cumulative frequency

What are percentage of cases having any score or a lower score and calculates percent contribution to "N" for a category and below?

cumulative percentages

What is the presumed effect?

dependent variables

What is a a set of outcomes that over all possibilities?

exhaustive outcomes

When manipulation occurs, the experimenter will assigns the independent variable to one group of people is called?

experimental group

Measure of central tendency are down to

fall towards the center of distribution, where most of the scores are located.

What is an example of an aggregate?

families, census tracts or states



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