Copy of Enzyme Activity with pH and Temperature

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Make a prediction about what data you expect to see if your hypothesis is supported.

-The amount of O2 produced will be higher at higher temperatures. -The amount of O2 produced will be low at lower and higher temperatures, and higher at medium temperatures

What are two independent variables that you are able to change in this experiment?

-The ph of the environment -The temperature of the environment

Reflect on your hypothesis. Does your data support your hypothesis? If not, describe what parts of your data do not support your hypothesis.

According to the data, the rate of oxygen production as measured by the increase in balloon size was greatest at pH 7. Because catalase is the enzyme that catalyzes oxygen production from hydrogen peroxide, this experiment supports the conclusion that catalase activity is optimal at pH 7. Additional experimentation should be done to confirm this result by testing catalase activity in other pH conditions.

What is the variable that you can measure in the experiment?

The amount of O2 gas produced

We are going to explore the question: What is the effect of the temperature on catalase activity? To have a controlled experiment, what is the only variable that I should change? Hint: This is also called your independent variable.

The temperature of the environment.

Remember our question: What is the effect of the temperature on catalase activity? Select the descriptions that describe evidence from your data table and graph. Select all that apply:

-The most amount of oxygen was produced at 22 deg. C. -At temperatures less than 22 deg. C, the enzyme produced less oxygen. -The enzyme did not produce any oxygen at 75 deg. C.

We are going to explore the question: What is the effect of the temperature on catalase activity? We have now identified our independent variable. To have a controlled experiment, all the other variables should be held constant. What variables should be the same in each trial? Hint: there are 5!

-The pH of the environment. -The starting amount of enzyme -The amount of hydrogen peroxide substrate used -The type of enzyme used -The time of the experiment

One of the variables that you have identified to stay constant should have been temperature. Based on your first experiment, what temperature would be best to use for your investigation about pH?


We are going to explore the question: What is the effect of the temperature on catalase activity? Make a hypothesis that we can test with our experiment. Consider using the sentence frames: If the [independent variable] increases/decreases, then the [dependent variable] will ______________, because ______________.

If the The temperature of the environment increases, then the the amount of O2 gas produced will increase.

Now that you have analyzed your evidence, make a claim that answers our experimental question. What is the effect of the temperature on catalase activity?

If the temperature increases, then the catalase activity will increase, because a increase in temperature causes a steep decrease in activity as the enzyme's active site changes shape. An optimum activity is reached at the enzyme's optimum temperature.

In what pH environment does catalase have the highest activity (oxygen production)? Make a hypothesis to answer your question and then test. Describe the evidence you would expect if you were to support your hypothesis.

The catalase have the highest activity at pH 7 i would expect evidence of the highest rate to occur at pH 7. At pH levels close to 4, catalase reacts optimally. Because catalase is the enzyme that catalyzes oxygen production from hydrogen peroxide, this experiment supports the conclusion that catalase activity is optimal at pH 7. I expect to test the catalase at various pH levels to confirm my hypothesis.

Describe the evidence from your data table and graph. Hint: Remember not to make any inferences/conclusions yet.

The data from the table and graph shows that the catalase activity with pH of 7 has the highest oxygen production. The graph is like a quadratic, it starts getting higher as it approaches 7 and the slows does at the same rate it went up. So the y-values would be the same before and after the highest (7).

In what pH environment does catalase have the highest activity (oxygen production)? Make a claim that answers our question, and is supported by your evidence (data).

The pH environment that catalase have the highest activity (oxygen production) is pH 7. The O2 production increases until it reaches its best point which is 7 and then the enzyme denature which means it slows down to stop.

Describe what you know about enzymes that explains your evidence and your claim. Use the words: temperature, energy, substrate, product, active site, 3D shape, denature, and hydrogen bonds Hint: There are two different explanations for each part of the curve you observed.

When the temperature increases, the rate of a catalase activity increases. And when it decreases, the rate of a catalase activity also decreases. An enzyme refers to a protein molecule that can be used to catalyze the chemical reaction in a living organism. An enzyme increases the rate of the chemical reaction and lowers the energy of activation that is needed to reach the threshold to initiate the reaction. The active site of an enzyme is special to a substrate and bind with it to catalyze the reaction and stay without change after the product formation in the reaction. Also, when the temperature brings about an increase in the rate of reaction, it leads to an increase in the catalytic activity but after a limit, it can denature the 3D shape of the protein because that hydrogen bonds break in the process and then brings about the loss of its biological properties.

Describe what you know about enzymes that explains your evidence and your claim. Use the words: pH, substrate, product, active site, 3D shape, denature, and hydrogen bonds

When the temperature increases, the rate of a catalase activity increases. And when it decreases, the rate of a catalase activity also decreases. The enzyems has a optimum (best) pH level in which they give the best production, and then the pH levels higher than that causes the enzyme to denature which means it changes shape to cause it to no longer work. An enzyme refers to a protein molecule that can be used to catalyze the chemical reaction in a living organism. An enzyme increases the rate of the chemical reaction and lowers the energy of activation that is needed to reach the threshold to initiate the reaction. The active site of an enzyme is special to a substrate and bind with it to catalyze the reaction and stay without change after the product formation in the reaction. Also, when the temperature brings about an increase in the rate of reaction, it leads to an increase in the catalytic activity but after a limit, it can denature the 3D shape of the protein because that hydrogen bonds break in the process and then brings about the loss of its biological properties.

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