Corrections: Midterm

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What features did the Pennsylvania system include?

reformation of inmates, separation, and silence

What categories of inmates are held in jails?

1) Mentally ill people pending their transfer to appropriate mental health centers 2) Individuals pending arraignment and awaiting trial, conviction, or sentencing 3) Probation, parole, and bail bond violators and absconders

What is relevant for the pretrial division program?

1) Occurs between the filing of charges and final judgement of guilt 2) Offers people charged with crimes an alternative to traditional criminal proceedings 3) Used for minor offenders of law against public intoxication and minor property crimes

What were the requirements for English prisons and jails in the Penitentiary Act of 1779?

1) Secure and sanitary structures 2) Systematic inspections 3) Abolition of fees charged to inmates

What is responsible for the increase in the use of jails from 2000 to 2008?

1) The overcrowding of state and federal prisons in the past decade 2) The increasing use of split sentences 3) The tough on crime mentality

What constitutional amendment addresses excessive bail?


True or False: The number of people in the nation's jails has decreased significantly over the past 20 years


True or False: Under mandatory minimums, the sentencing judge may impose a sentence of probation, assess a fine, or suspend the prison sentence as long as a reason is given


True or False: Drugs courts are a unit within the court system


What 1987 SCOTUS decision upheld the ability of a magistrate to confine an offender on the presumption that he or she was dangerous?

US v Salerno

What was the first prison designed to house sentenced offenders in the United States called?

Walnut Street Jail

What sentencing option authorized in state penal codes requires an offender to pay a fine or do community service in exchange for a waiver in jail time?

economic sanctions

In what sentencing model do judges have discretion in sentencing?

judicial form of sentencing

What are practical suicide prevention techniques in jails?

1) asking specific suicide related questions at inmate intake screening and assessment 2) training correctional and mental health staff to be aware of the risk of suicide 3) improving communication between the transporting officer, jail staff, and inmate

What is true of determinate sentences?

1) fixed term of sentence 2) offenders are eligible for release once their time has been served 3) truth in sentencing is a form of determinate sentencing

What are the three most important reasons for effective jail classification systems?

1) identify those who are high risk of escaping 2) provide a guide for separating violent inmates from those who may be victims 3) provides a guide for inmates who may have special or mental needs

What are goals of mental health courts?

1) improving the quality of life for participants 2) Increasing the treatment of mentally ill individuals 3) increasing public safety by reducing criminal activity by mentally ill offenders

What is true of jails in a correctional setting?

1) jail officers do much of the same work as prison officers 2) Jail staff are outnumbered by inmates 3) Jails are better managed through a consistent routine of operations

What are some elements of private correctional agencies?

1) required to meet professional standards for jail operations 2) Enter into a contract with the federal government to house inmates 3) Charge the county on a per day basis for each inmate private jails hold

A very large percentage of arrested and jailed offenders make bond and are released within _____________.

48 hours

What constitutional amendment refers to cruel and unusual punishment?


What supervision is satisfactory for offenders who pose little risk to the community?

Administrative supervision

Jails inmates may have only non contact visits. What type of visitor is the exception?


What was known as the "congregate and silent" system?

Auburn system

What is the Hands off Doctrine?

Avoidance by SCOTUS of judicial intervention in the operations of prisons and the judgement of correctional administrators

What is a pledge of money or property in exchange for the promise to return for further court proceedings?


What SCOTUS case allowed an exception to parole violations by holding that failure to make restitution payments due to unemployment is not a sufficient reason to revoke probation?

Bearden v Georgia

What are sentencing options?

Capital punishment, probation, community service

What style of supervising community offenders emphasizes assisting the offender with problems, provide counseling, and ensuring that the offender successfully completes supervision?

Casework Style

Which 18th century theorists is known as the founder of the classical school of criminology?

Cesare Beccaria

Who among the following concluded that criminals had traits that made them throwbacks to the early stages of evolution?

Cesare Lombroso

What links crime causation to punishment based on the offenders free will and hedonism?

Classical School

When is a presentence investigation used?

Evaluating a plea bargain deal agreed to by the defense and the prosecution

True or False: A lockup is a jail that serves more than one county and is overseen by a regional jail commission


True or False: A probationer cannot be arrested and detained in jail throughout the revocation process


True or False: Boot camps are gaining in popularity because they are less expensive to operate than other methods of incarceration


True or False: Community residential center placement rarely occurs after probationers are failing under their current supervision requirement


True or False: Community supervision officers do not visit offender's home or place of employment


True or False: Electronic monitoring is a criminal sanction, not a method of supervision


True or False: Fewer than 30% of felony cases result in a guilty plea by the defendant, and instead go to trial


True or False: Good time is used only in determinate sentences because it allows inmates to reduce the jail term until their eligible for release


True or False: Historically, the PSI was shorter, factual without opinion, and designed to avoid legal challenges by the defense


True or False: In criminal case, offenders can neither be charged with more than one crime, nor can they be charged with several counts of the same crime


True or False: Mental health courts are merely drug courts handling the mentally ill


True or False: Offenders are fingerprinted and booked into the jail before arrest


True or False: Prisons were developed in colonial times as a punishment for crime


True or False: Recidivism is a legislative authorization to provide specific punishment for specific crimes


True or False: Second Generation jails use a linear design for housing inmates


True or False: The PSI is not intended to assist courts in the sentencing decision


True or False: The number of offenders on probation, in prison, and on parole has decreased significantly


True or False: The police, the courts, and judges make up the three major components of the criminal justice system


True or False: The warden is the elected official who oversees both policing activities within the county and operation of the jail


True or False: With house arrest, offenders face the restriction of not being able to work a job outside of the house


What type of crime is punishable by one year or more in incarceration?


What 1973 SCOTUS decision created due process requirements for revoking probation?

Gagnon v Scarpelli

What is an early English term for jail?


How do correctional agencies fulfill their missions?

Imprisoning offenders who receive a sentence of incarceration from the courts Assisting courts in the decision to grant bail Supervising offenders in the community under court jurisdiction

What kind of caseload includes offenders with very high risk or needs?

Intensive supervision

The stages of which of the following are solitary confinement, special prison, open institutions, and ticket of leave?

Irish System

Which theorist suggested that criminal laws should be organized so that the punishment for any act would outweigh the pleasure derived from such an act?

Jeremy Bentham

What SCOTUS decision grated probationers the legal right of counsel during a revocation hearing?

Mempa v Rhay

_____________ is used only after low-risk offenders demonstrate good adjustment to supervision

Minimum supervision

What term describes the overlapping of criminal sanctions and added supervision for community placed offenders?

Net widening

What requires an offender to repay society for the harm caused by his or her offense?

Offender restitution

What is defined as legislative authorization to provide a specific range of punishment for a specific crime?

Penal code

What is based on the belief that criminals do not have a complete choice over their criminal actions and may commit acts that are beyond their control?

Positive School

What is a prison sentence that is suspended on the condition that the offender follows certain rules and commits no further crimes?


Why did states adopt sentencing guidelines?

Provides uniformity, ensuring that similar crimes get similar punishments

What probation style mimics the community policing philosophy and partners with citizen groups, churches, and other neighborhood organizations?

Public Safety Probation

In presumptive sentencing, what do mitigating circumstances indicate to a judge?

Reasons for leniency

What was the primary objective of the Walnut Street Jail?


Which correctional era advocated an environment that emphasized reformation, education, and vocational programs, and focused offenders' attention on the future?

Reformatory Era

Community corrections gained prominence as an adaption of what era of corrections?


What era of corrections developed the distinct provision that the community be an essential part of the correctional process?


In rural counties, what elected official oversees the operation of a jail?


On which model is shock probation based?

Specific deterrence

What is the greatest cause of death among jail inmates other than illness and natural causes?


What is the primary reason for new jail construction over the past decade?

The number of successful legal challenges by jail inmates for overcrowding has increased

True or False: During the 1950's the rehabilitation of offenders replaced punishment as the penal system's primary objective


True or False: General deterrence presumes that others in society will not commit crimes because they see that there is a punishment for such acts, and that individuals will receive the prescribed punishments


True or False: In recent years, as a result of increasing surveillance and close monitoring of offenders, the number of probation violations has risen significantly


True or False: Jail staff members are always outnumbered by inmates in any correctional setting


True or False: Non incarceration sentences include economic sanctions, probation, and intermediate sanctions


True or False: Offenders can pay restitution through community service


True or False: Over the last 30 years, the number of criminal offenders with mental illnesses has risen


True or False: Over the past 50 years, sentencing options available to judges have increased


True or False: Sentenced offenders can serve up to one year in jail


True or False: Split sentences have become more common over the past two decades thanks to the tough on crime appraoch


True or False: The criminal justice system has made adjustments to involve victims in the sentencing of criminals


True or False: The nations jails employ less than half as many staff members as state and federal prisons


True or False: There is a large numerical difference between the number of crimes reported and the number of offenders convicted and facing criminal sanctions


True or False: Under the medical model, offenders were believed to be sick or had a disease/ inflicted with problems that caused their criminality


True or False: atavism implies that criminals are born and criminal behavior is predetermined


True or False:Early jails in the American colonies followed the English model


In what case did SCOTUS declare that probation is a privilege and not a right?

US v Birnbaum

What is plea bargaining?

an agreement in which the defendant enters a plea of guilty in exchange for a reduced sentence

Which early colonial bail system enabled rich offenders to pay a fee and be released?

fee system

What did the Quakers criminal code include?

free food and lodging for inmates

What main factor differentiates jails from prisons?

length of stay

What is included in a PSI report?

the range of allowable sanctions

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