Correctly match the organism (genus species) with the disease it causes

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Why Malaria is hard to prevent with vaccination

Antibody does not have much time to act (cell lysis and reinfection is fast) 2. Red blood cells can not present antigen to signal they are infected 3. T cells can not recognize them and kill infected cells.

Bartonella henselae

Causes: Cat scratch disease Results: Puss at the sites weeks after initial injury, swollen draining lymph node, difficulty to culture, so serology or PCR are used to diagnose

Rickettsia prowazekii

Causes: Epidemic Typhus Results: spread by body lice: rash on trunk

Clostridium perfringens

Causes: Gas Gangrene Results: Anaerobic bacteria that can grow in wounds that have lost blood supply

Borrelia burgdorferi

Causes: Lyme Results: Tic borne; bulls eye rash, chronic stage inflammation can cause arthritis

Plasmodium (apicomplexan protist species of Plasmodium)

Causes: Malaria Results: nearly 1/2 million deaths per year, symptoms: start with malaise, abrupt chills, and fever, rapid and faint pulse, polyuria, headache, myalgia, nausea, and vomiting. After 2 to 6 hrs of these symptoms, the fecer falls, and profuse sweating occurs for 2 to 3 hours, followed by extreme fatigue. Symptoms occue b/c of synchornized rupture from blood cells

Yersina pestis

Causes: Plague Results: -bubonic: starts at skin, bubos in draining lymph SWOLLEN LYMPH -pneumonic: can be spread person to person -septicemic: DIC causes ischemia and necrosis in extremities (50% mortality) BLACK TOES

Rickettsia rickettsia

Causes: Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Results: Tic borne, petechia rash starting at extremities. Begins at the hands and writs and then spreads to the trunk.

Human Herpes Virus

Infectious Mononucleosis

Plasmodium pathogen itself

Malaria, has devlopmental stages in both mosquito and human hosts, spread to humans in bit of mosquito, is an intracellular parasite

Route of transmission Malaria

Mosquito takes a blood meal and injects Plasmodium, Liver cell is infected, Plasmodium multiples, Plasmodium enters the blood, Gametes produced by meiosis, Microgamete fertilizes macrogamete, Zygote, Mitosis, Parasite differentiates and enters saliva.

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