COUN 524: APA Write and Cite

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Which part of a journal article introduces the research topic in context of existing knowledge in the field?


When quoting, always provide the author name(s), year, complete reference in the reference list, and _______.

specific page citation

Identify the grammar error in the following sentence: "To complete the project on time the contractor had to hire extra workers." - Faulty subject/verb agreement. - Inconsistency in verb tense. - Introductory phrase needs a comma. - No error.

Introductory phrase needs a comma.

For religious works and classical literature referenced from a republished source, which is the last element included in the reference entry? - (Original work published YEAR) - (First initial, Last name, Ed.) - (Version published YEAR) - (First initial, Last name, Trans.)

(Original work published YEAR)

Identify the error in the following sentence: The jury deliberated for several hours the crowd waited impatiently for the verdict.

Fragment/run on

Identify the error in the following sentence: The research, including dozens of interviews conducted over the past two years.

Fragment/run on

Which of the following shows a correct first parenthetical citation for a group as author? - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2015). - (CDC, 2015). - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "CDC", 2015).

(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2015).

In revising a paper for style, sentence length can affect its emphasis. Which of the following examples is the most effective? - "The fact that he had not succeeded in his bid for the presidency led to several weeks of protest by his supporters." - "His failure to win the presidency was met by prolonged protest."

"His failure to win the presidency was met by prolonged protest."

In revising a paper for style, sentence length can affect its emphasis. Which of the following examples is the most effective? - "The past few months have reignited the debate on whether the Electoral College continues to be relevant in determining the people's will, or if it should be abolished." - "The question as to whether or not the Electoral College remains a relevant method to determine of the will of the American people or whether it should be abolished has been the subject of much debate these past few months."

"The past few months have reignited the debate on whether the Electoral College continues to be relevant in determining the people's will, or if it should be abolished."

The three types of websites most commonly used for academic research are blank________.

.edu, .gov, and .org

Unless specified by the publisher or university, the margins of the manuscript should be blank____.

1.0 inches top, bottom, left side, and right side.

What is the average page requirement for a doctoral dissertation? - 25-50 pages - 50-75 pages - 80-120 pages - 125-250 pages

125-250 pages

If a quote is equal to or longer than ____ words, a block format should be used.


What is the average page requirement for a master's thesis? - 5-10 pages - 20-40 pages - 80-120 pages - 123-250 pages

80-120 pages

What type of publication is a monograph?

A monograph is an in-depth book on a single subject written by an expert in the field.

When is the least useful time to receive feedback on an assignment?

After the paper has been graded and returned.

Feedback on an assignment can come from many sources. Which of the following would NOT be a good feedback source? - An instructor or teaching assistant, to confirm understanding and provide guidance. - A classmate, to make sure the key points match what was taught in class. - A learning center tutor, for topic-level expertise. - A friend who is not familiar with the subject, to point out areas that are illogical or need further development.

A learning center tutor, for topic-level expertise.

A master's thesis must include all of the following EXCEPT: - An introduction that includes the thesis statement. - A literature review. - A list of references or bibliography. - A list of other topics in the subject area that merit study.

A list of other topics in the subject area that merit study.

Which of the following is NOT a primary source of information? - a published court opinion - a statutory law - a network news broadcast of a Supreme Court ruling - a transcript of a legal hearing

A network news broadcast of a Supreme Court ruling.

Which of the following offers a correct parenthetical citation according to the 7th Edition of the Publication Manual for a work with two authors? - A retail study showed holiday consumer spending is up by 5% in 2019 compared to 2018 (West and Robinson, 2019). - A retail study showed holiday consumer spending is up by 5% in 2019 compared to 2018 (West et al., 2019). - A retail study showed holiday consumer spending is up by 5% in 2019 compared to 2018 (West, 2019). - A retail study showed holiday consumer spending is up by 5% in 2019 compared to 2018 (West & Robinson, 2019).

A retail study showed holiday consumer spending is up by 5% in 2019 compared to 2018 (West & Robinson, 2019).

Which documentation style used in scientific journals has precise requirements for manuscript layout, headings, in-text citations, and reference lists? - APA Style (American Psychological Association) - Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) - Council of Science Editors (CSE) style - MLA (Modern Language Association) style

APA Style (American Psychological Association)

Even words that are seen as synonyms have different nuances. Which of the following "synonyms" has the most positive connotation? - Belligerent - Hostile - Antagonistic - Aggressive


Choosing to invert the expected word order can add emphasis to an idea. Which of the following examples is more effective? - Over 150,000 American, British, and Canadian soldiers landed to face the Nazi guns along a 50-mile stretch of Normandy's rugged coastline. - Along a 50-mile stretch of Normandy's rugged coastline, over 150,000 American, British, and Canadian soldiers landed to face the Nazi guns.

Along a 50-mile stretch of Normandy's rugged coastline, over 150,000 American, British, and Canadian soldiers landed to face the Nazi guns.

Which of the following is NOT included in a parenthetical citation of a direct quotation? - The author's surname - Any suffixes to the author's name. - The year of publication. - The page number.

Any suffixes to the author's name.

In writing a case study, which of the following is NOT considered an error? - Overgeneralizing your conclusions, and assuming they apply universally to all cases. - Choosing only a single unit to study, and generalizing across a larger set of units. - Under-analyzing the observations and drawing only one conclusion. - Failing to describe the scope and limitations of your study.

Choosing only a single unit to study, and generalizing across a larger set of units.

When revising your first draft of a paper, which of the following changes would result in less effective writing? - Combining several main ideas into one paragraph. - Trimming excess words, and ending sentences with emphasis. - Switching word order to change the tone of a sentence. - Breaking up long sentences to create greater impact.

Combining several main ideas into one paragraph.

Which of the following is an example of a secondary source for research? - Witness accounts of an event. - Transcriptions of original speeches. - Contemporary analyses of historical events. - Autobiographies.

Contemporary analyses of historical events.

When revising a paper you have been working on extensively, which of the following is NOT effective an technique for gaining a fresh perspective? - Print the paper out, and read it in a new setting. - Take a break from the project and seek external feedback. - Continue working at the paper until you have a perfect draft. - Change the size, spacing, or font of the paper to fool your brain into seeing it anew.

Continue working at the paper until you have a perfect draft.

Which of the following offers a correct narrative citation according to the 7th Edition of the Publication Manual for a work with three authors? - Cooper, Jones, and Fielding (2017) found that almost 87% of teens are sleep-deprived. - Cooper, Jones, & Fielding (2017) found that almost 87% of teens are sleep-deprived. - Cooper et al. (2017) found that almost 87% of teens are sleep-deprived. - None of the above

Cooper et al. (2017) found that almost 87% of teens are sleep-deprived.

All of the following are important considerations in evaluating a manuscript layout, EXCEPT: - Does the paper fulfil its purpose, delivering the reader from introduction to conclusion? - Does the paper thoroughly convince a reader, leaving no room for other interpretations? - Do each of the paragraphs contribute to the idea, building upon the main argument? - Do the topic sentences reflect the main ideas, and flow smoothly from one paragraph to the next?

Does the paper thoroughly convince a reader, leaving no room for other interpretations?

All of the following are ethical questions to consider when creating audiovisual resources in the social sciences, EXCEPT: - Does the video include minors whose anonymity should be protected? - Would video surveillance have a negative impact on the person being filmed? - Does the video expose any confidential information? - Does the video confirm what is already known in the field?

Does the video confirm what is already known in the field?

There are four types of essays, known as modes of discourse. What is the acronym that names the types of essays? - DINA - AMIE - EDNA - DORA


Which of the following should you NOT use when drafting a discussion board post? - Examples of common knowledge, even if unsupported. - References to areas in the lesson or textbook that answer the question. - Your personal thoughts and experiences. - References to scholarly sources that support your position.

Examples of common knowledge, even if unsupported.

What type of writing style mistake can you find in the following sentence: "The two sisters were reunited after 18 years at a checkout counter." - Faulty sentence structure. The idea could have multiple interpretations. - Vague, imprecise language. - Passive voice weakens the sentence's impact. - No error. The sentence is clear and specific.

Faulty sentence structure. The idea could have multiple interpretations.

What is the intended audience for a trade book?

General readership

Which of the following is NOT included in the abstract of a journal article? - What the study was about - How the study was conducted - What the results were - How the study compares to other research in the field

How the study compares to other research in the field

While researching the effects of graphic warnings on cigarettes, you come across a journal article titled "The impact of vulnerability to and severity of a health risk on processing and acceptance of fear-arousing communications." In light of the section on writing style, what criticism could you make of this article? - No criticism. This article is an example of clear, efficient academic writing. - Faulty sentence structure calls into question the author's research. - The use of passive voice make the writing less forceful. - Imprecise language leaves the reader wondering exactly what the author is discussing.

Imprecise language leaves the reader wondering exactly what the author is discussing.

Which of the following offers a correct parenthetical citation according to the 7th Edition of the Publication Manual for a work with one author? - In 2016, only 15% of eligible Democratic voters cast a ballot in the presidential primaries (Robbins). - In 2016, only 15% of eligible Democratic voters cast a ballot in the presidential primaries (Robbins, 2016). - In 2016, only 15% of eligible Democratic voters cast a ballot in the presidential primaries (Robbins et al., 2016). - None of the above

In 2016, only 15% of eligible Democratic voters cast a ballot in the presidential primaries (Robbins, 2016).

A writer can choose to break up longer sentences, or combine many ideas into one. Which of the following examples is the most effective? - Many arguments can be made both for and against maintaining the Electoral College, including its supporters' view that it forces candidates to court all states rather than focus only on areas of high population, and its detractors' view that it weighs individual votes differently from state to state and allows a candidate to prevail without winning the majority of the popular vote. - In the debate surrounding the Electoral College, there are positions both for and against. Its supporters believe it forces candidates to court all states rather than focus only on areas of high population. However, its detractors point out that individual votes carry different weight from state to state, and a candidate can prevail without winning the popular vote.

In the debate surrounding the Electoral College, there are positions both for and against. Its supporters believe it forces candidates to court all states rather than focus only on areas of high population. However, its detractors point out that individual votes carry different weight from state to state, and a candidate can prevail without winning the popular vote.

Identify the grammar error in the following sentence: "After reading the book the students divided into discussion groups." - Faulty subject/verb agreement. - Inconsistency in verb tense. - Introductory phrase lacks a comma. - No error.

Introductory phrase lacks a comma.

Participatory video is an approach in which the subjects themselves film some aspect of their lives for further study. Why is this technique useful? - It is easier to allow subjects to film themselves than to use an outside film crew. - It allows outsiders a glimpse into a community that may be inaccessible due to religious or cultural concerns. - Self-directed video results in a structured, logical film. - It provides both an internal and external view of a specific community.

It allows outsiders a glimpse into a community that may be inaccessible due to religious or cultural concerns.

The Plain Writing Act of 2010 requires federal publications to be "clear, concise, and well-organized." All of the following are reasons for adopting the Plain Writing Act, EXCEPT: - It provides citizens with accurate, easy-to-use information. - Plain writing allows the government to reach out and assist a wider audience. - The availability of clear, simple information reduces time and money spent addressing misunderstandings. - It ensures uniformity of style between government publications and other legal documents and business contracts.

It ensures uniformity of style between government publications and other legal documents and business contracts.

The following sentences express the same idea. Which is an example of more effective writing? - Jane's unsatisfactory work performance lead to her dismissal. - The fact that Jane's performance at work was often not very reliable lead to her eventual dismissal.

Jane's unsatisfactory work performance lead to her dismissal.

Which of the following best describes an academic journal article? - Journal articles can be intimidating for students who are not yet experts in the field. - Journal articles are quick, easy-to-read summaries of current studies. - Journal articles are readily available at newstands or bookstores. - It can be difficult to determine the validity of a journal article.

Journal articles can be intimidating for students who are not yet experts in the field.

Identify the grammar error in the following sentence: "When asked what characteristics they admired in their teachers, the four most common student responses were: honesty, good listener, hard-working, and communication." - Too many commas are distracting and break the flow of the sentence. - Inconsistency in verb tense. - Introductory phrase needs a comma. - Lack of uniformity in lists.

Lack of uniformity in lists.

A writer can choose to break up longer sentences, or combine many ideas into one. Which of the following examples is the most effective? - Many factors contribute to a positive workplace environment and result in satisfied and motivated employees. Opportunities for personal development and professional advancement protect the employee from becoming obsolete in times of change. Recognition of excellent performance lets the employee know he is valued by the organization. Most importantly, a sustainable work-life balance shows the company's appreciation of its team as human beings. - A positive workplace environment can lead to greater employee satisfaction and motivation, and includes many different elements, such as the opportunity for personal development and professional advancement to avoid becoming obsolete in times of change; recognition for excellent performance so that the employee knows he is valued by the organization; and perhaps most importantly, a sustainable work-life balance that shows the employee that the company values their team's personal lives.

Many factors contribute to a positive workplace environment and result in satisfied and motivated employees. Opportunities for personal development and professional advancement protect the employee from becoming obsolete in times of change. Recognition of excellent performance lets the employee know he is valued by the organization. Most importantly, a sustainable work-life balance shows the company's appreciation of its team as human beings.

Identify the grammar error in the following sentence: "Although my friend and I both followed the same exercise program, she lost more weight than me." - Too many commas are distracting and break the flow of the sentence. - Misuse of pronoun. - Inconsistency in verb tense. - No error.

Misuse of pronoun.

What type of publication takes a scholarly article beyond the bounds of a journal, to become a book that serves as an authoritative guide on a subject? - Textbook - Monograph - Trade book - Compilation


What are the two most important adjectives that describe a doctoral dissertation? - Original and Substantial - Clear and Concise - Descriptive and Entertaining - Accessible and Applicable

Original and Substantial

When conducting academic research, what kind of material can be found in databases such as DOAJ, InfoTrac, and JSTOR? - Peer reviewed journals. - Newspapers and popular magazines. - Trade books. - Popular blogs and podcasts.

Peer reviewed journals.

The appendix follows the _________. - Abstract - Table of Contents - Manuscript's conclusion - Reference list

Reference list

When writing a research paper, each paragraph should do all the following EXCEPT: - Relay emotion and personal opinions on the topic. - Contribute to the argument as a whole. - Provide a documented source to support the main statement. - Stay on point and guide the reader toward the conclusion.

Relay emotion and personal opinions on the topic.

One way to check the layout of your paper is by re-reading the draft and highlighting the key idea in each paragraph. Those key ideas should do all the following EXCEPT: - Reflect the bullet points in your outline. - Flow smoothly from one idea to the next with logical transitions. - Each shed light on the argument with no notable digressions. - Represent new and original ideas not included in the rubric.

Represent new and original ideas not included in the rubric.

Revising a paper can be a difficult process, particularly when you are pressing a deadline. Which of the following is NOT an inconvenience associated with revision? - Shuffling around paragraphs and sections can result in rough transitions that need re-working. - Finding areas that are unclear or need further development can force you to conduct additional research. - Revision may require the writer to re-assess the conclusion, if unexpected findings change the direction of the study. - Revision can make sure that all elements in the rubric are covered.

Revision can make sure that all elements in the rubric are covered.

Identify the error in the following sentence: She was definately overdressed for the occasion.

Spelling error

Identify the error in the following sentence: The hotel formally known as The Apple Tree Inn re-opened as The Orchard Inn.

Spelling error

Identify the error in the following sentence: The process was perfected mostly through trail and error.

Spelling error

Which of the following offers a correct parenthetical citation according to the 7th Edition of the Publication Manual for a work with three authors? - Surprisingly, men between the ages of 18 and 24 were the largest group of Facebook users (Wilkins et al., 2016). - Surprisingly, men between the ages of 18 and 24 were the largest group of Facebook users (Wilkins, Martin, and Miller, 2016). - Surprisingly, men between the ages of 18 and 24 were the largest group of Facebook users (Wilkins, Martin, & Miller, 2016). - Surprisingly, men between the ages of 18 and 24 were the largest group of Facebook users (Wilkins & Martin, 2016).

Surprisingly, men between the ages of 18 and 24 were the largest group of Facebook users (Wilkins et al., 2016).

Any modifiers added to a paper should increase the reader's understanding, not just the sentence's length. Which of the following examples does NOT include a redundant modifier that could be cut? - The bill was approved by a 75% majority. - The answers varied due to the participants' past experiences over the last 5 years. - The company's presentation included its future plans for corporate social responsibility. - More than 100 invited guests attended the annual gala.

The bill was approved by a 75% majority.

Which of the following statements indicates correct usage of a running head and header? - The words "Running head" appear on every page, with the header and page number being listed in the right margin of the title page only. - The words "Running head" are no longer required, but the header and page number are listed in the left margin of every page. - The label "Running head" is no longer required; only the abbreviated caption should be listed in the upper left, and the page number in the upper right margin. - The words "Running head" appear on the title page only, with the header and page number being listed in the right margin of every page.

The label "Running head" is no longer required; only the abbreviated caption should be listed in the upper left, and the page number in the upper right margin.

For a reference entry for an authored book, which of the following is NOT a correct element? - Author last name and initials. - The year of publication in parentheses. - The book's title in italics. - The location of the publishing house.

The location of the publishing house.

For a reference list entry of a YouTube video, who should be listed for the author element? - The person who created the content. - The person featured in the video. - The person or organization that uploaded the video. - The person who wrote the content the video is based on.

The person or organization that uploaded the video.

Which of the following would cause a reader to question a book's credibility or objectivity? - The author has several publications available. - The author's work has been cited in several studies. - The author has relied on an extensive list of references for the study. - The publisher is affiliated with a company that stands to benefit commercially from the study.

The publisher is affiliated with a company that stands to benefit commercially from the study.

Using the advice in the writing style section, choose the style mistake in the following sentence: "Mrs. Johnson expelled Lexi from the class because she was having a temper tantrum." - The use of passive voice make the writing less forceful. - The sentence structure is ambiguous; we don't know whether it was Mrs. Johnson or Lexi who had the temper tantrum. - Excessive wordiness. The writer should be more concise. - No error. The sentence is clear and specific.

The sentence structure is ambiguous; we don't know whether it was Mrs. Johnson or Lexi who had the temper tantrum.

The assignment rubric contains valuable information to successfully complete an assignment. Which of the following will NOT be in the rubric? - The expected documentation style. - The elements to be included in the argument. - The number of pages or words required. - The sources to consult to research the problem.

The sources to consult to research the problem.

Imagine you are referencing an online TED Talk for your research. What kind of information should you look for in the speaker's bio to establish credibility? - The speaker's ties to the industry concerned. - Information on the speaker's personal life and engagement in the subject area. - The speaker's professional experience, publications, and peer support. - The speaker's experience in motivational speaking.

The speaker's professional experience, publications, and peer support.

When the same author is referenced for two different works, one of which is co-authored by another person, which work is listed first? - The work in which he is a single author is listed first. - The work with the earliest publication date is listed first. - The works are then alphabetized by title. - The work with the most recent publication date is listed first.

The work in which he is a single author is listed first.

When referencing an online newspaper article, which date should be included in parentheses after the author's name? - The year of publication - The year of publication, followed by month and day - The month and year of publication. - The date you accessed the online article.

The year of publication, followed by month and day.

In conducting research using both academic journals and online content, what is one benefit that the two types of media share? - Their timeliness; both offer current content. -Their credibility through peer review. - Their accessability, with free content available anywhere in the world. - Their reliability, with verified information from experts in the field.

Their timeliness; both offer current content.

Choosing to invert the expected word order can add emphasis to an idea. Which of the following examples is more effective? - To conduct a surprise attack on an unwary troop of Hessians, General Washington crossed the Delaware at night. - General Washington crossed the Delaware at night to conduct a surprise attack on an unwary troop of Hessians.

To conduct a surprise attack on an unwary troop of Hessians, General Washington crossed the Delaware at night.

Which of the following is (are) correct in terms of APA number style? - Trial three - Chapter seven - Trial 3 - Table two

Trial 3

All figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. - True - False


In APA style, a separate title page is required for a research paper or an essay. - True - false


The abstract should begin on a new page with the word "Abstract" in bold title case, centered at the top of the page, with the abstract itself typed in block format as a single paragraph. - True - False


When referencing a multi-author work, how many authors' names can you include in the entry before omitting names with an ellipsis? - Seven. For more than seven authors, use an ellipsis after the seventh and include the last author's name. - Five. After the fifth author, use an ellipsis followed by the last author's name. - Twenty. List up to 20 authors without an ellipsis. - Never omit an author's name with an ellipsis in the reference list.

Twenty. List up to 20 authors without an ellipsis.

A writer's word choices impact the paper's clarity and effectiveness. Each of the following is generally accepted as good advice regarding word choice, EXCEPT: - Omit needless words. Cut out any excess language that does not add meaning to a sentence. - Use the positive form of words; e.g. dissatisfied, instead of not happy. - Use sophisticated language in place of common words whenever possible. - Avoid hedging your statement with the use of adverbs such as almost, quite, or somewhat.

Use sophisticated language in place of common words whenever possible.

When referencing a journal article with a digital object identifier, how and where is the DOI noted? - Use the format and place the DOI after the name of the journal, volume and issue numbers, and page range. - Use the label DOI: with the digital number and place it after the name of the journal, volume and issue numbers, and page range. - Use the format and place the DOI before the name of the journal, volume and issue numbers, and page range. - Use the label DOI: with the digital number and place it before the name of the journal, volume and issue numbers, and page range.

Use the format and place the DOI after the name of the journal, volume and issue numbers, and page range.

Positive statements are more effective than negative ones. Instead of writing "not honest," a writer could use any of the following EXCEPT: - Dishonest - Corrupt - Weak - Fradulent


When should you include a page number in a parenthetical citation? - When paraphrasing another's idea. - When summarizing another's work. - When using a direct quotation. - Page numbers are not required for parenthetical citations.

When using a direct quotation.

Getting feedback can help you correct many deficiencies in a paper. Which of the following types of feedback would you NOT seek just before handing in an assignment? - Whether there are spelling or grammar errors you have overlooked. - Whether your arguments are sound and supported, and your conclusions are logical. - Whether there are any ideas that need development or are unclear to an unfamiliar reader. - Whether you understood the assignment and chose an appropriate topic.

Whether you understood the assignment and chose an appropriate topic.

Using peer feedback can greatly improve your writing. Which of the following is NOT true regarding peer feedback? - Giving peer feedback helps improve your critical eye for your own writing. - You should be mindful of having a classmate review your work, since it can be seen as cheating. - Peer feedback helps prevent errors that come with over-familiarity with one's own work. - It can be easier to get feedback from a classmate than from a professor.

You should be mindful of having a classmate review your work, since it can be seen as cheating.

Identify the type of writing error in the following sentence: The reduction in hostilities by the rebel forces resulted in the ratification of a peace treaty by the government. - Unsupported assertion. Opinion alone is insufficient; include an appropriate reference to back up each argument. - Zombie nouns. Turning active verbs into awkward adjectives makes ideas more abstract. - Hedging. Qualifiers lend doubt to your writing. Strike extra words that do not contribute meaning. - No error.

Zombie nouns. Turning active verbs into awkward adjectives makes ideas more abstract.

Identify the type of writing error in the following sentence: The validation-seeking approach employed by many social media users can lead to the alienation of others in the social circle. - Unsupported assertion. Opinion alone is insufficient; include an appropriate reference to back up each argument. - Zombie nouns. Turning active verbs into awkward adjectives makes ideas more abstract. - Hedging. Qualifiers lend doubt to your writing. Strike extra words that do not contribute meaning. - No error.

Zombie nouns. Turning active verbs into awkward adjectives makes ideas more abstract.

All of the following are examples of secondary sources of audiovisual information, EXCEPT one. Which one would be considered a primary source? - a documentary - a blog entry - a podcast - a Youtube video

a documentary

Which part of a journal article is usually provided free of cost, and can help determine if it is worth it to purchase the whole article?


Which part of a journal article represents a miniature version of the article?


What is the best source for current research in a field?

academic journals

In which part of a case study will you describe your findings in relation to other studies in the field, and include your study's limitations? - Introduction and thesis statement - Method - Discussion - Conclusion


Which of the following webpages is most likely to provide credible information on the topic of refugees fleeing Syria? - - A syndicated news network - - A popular news magazine reporting current trends - - The United Nations Refugee Agency - - A conservative news site with right-leaning views on immigration - The United Nations Refugee Agency

When revising your paper, you want to make sure you have included all the elements required for the assignment. One method is to re-read the paper, highlight the main idea of each paragraph, and ______.

match those with the guidelines in the rubric.

A Table of Contents _________. - is always required - precede the abstract - may be required for longer papers - is never required

may be required for longer papers

Which of the following is NOT a primary source of information? - news broadcast on election results - recording of a speech - original works of art - archived correspondence

news broadcast on election results

Which section of a research paper unites all aspects of the research problem posed in the introduction, tying together the results of the study and with the findings from other literature in the field? - the methods section - the results section - the discussion section - the conclusion

the conclusion

In order to establish the credibility of an online source, you should reference the article's title, its author, the date you accessed the site, and blank_______. - any concurring articles you found from other sites. - any counterarguments you found on other sites. - the organization behind the website. - its links to other sites.

the organization behind the website.

How does an APA reference entry for a TED Talk video differ from an entry for a YouTube video? - A TED Talk video reference provides the date of the talk, while a YouTube video reference provides the date uploaded. - A TED Talk video credits the speaker as the author, while a YouTube video credits the person who uploaded the video as author. - A TED Talk video reference does not require brackets indicating the type of material, while a YouTube reference does. - A TED Talk video reference does not require a retrieval date, while a YouTube video reference does.

A TED Talk video credits the speaker as the author, while a YouTube video credits the person who uploaded the video as author.

Which of the following is an example of a primary source for research? - A novel about the Underground Railroad set during the Civil War. - A study of the black women involved in the Civil Rights movement of the mid-20th Century. - A collection of speeches given by Martin Luther King, Jr. - A briefing on the educational effectiveness of Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

A collection of speeches given by Martin Luther King, Jr.

Imagine you are writing a paper on the battle of Gettysburg. Which of the following is a secondary source of information? - Maps of the campaign from a museum's archives. - Diary entries from a witness to the battle. - A comprehensive history of the battle written by a prominent Civil War scholar. - A published account of the battle from a soldier on the field.

A comprehensive history of the battle written by a prominent Civil War scholar.

In writing a research paper, which of the following would NOT belong in the introduction? - An explanation of why the topic is important, using a real-world example and showing what is missing from current approaches to the problem. - A list of your key findings from your research. - An overview of what is currently known about the topic, including any controversies in the field. - A thesis statement, explaining the problem you intend to solve with the research.

A list of your key findings from your research.

How should a textbook be used for academic research? - Textbooks are primary sources of information, and should be the main source of academic research. - A textbook should be seen as a general guide that gives background information, but is not an authoritative source. - Students can use textbooks to confirm findings in academic journals. - Textbooks contain the most recent knowledge in the field, and should form the backbone of student research.

A textbook should be seen as a general guide that gives background information, but is not an authoritative source.

Which of the following feedback techniques would be LEAST useful in helping a writer improve his paper? - Giving positive comments on clear, well-supported sections, and pointing out areas that could be strengthened. - Writing comments in the form of "I" statements; i.e. "I would like an example here." - Being very tough on the paper, pointing out only errors as a strict instructor might do. - Asking questions about the writing, such as, "How can you link these two ideas?"

Being very tough on the paper, pointing out only errors as a strict instructor might do.

If using traditional, print books for academic research, which of the following is a noted disadvantage? - Books don't provide the latest information available. - Books can be difficult to locate and obtain. - Books are seen as old-fashioned relics, and have fallen out of favor for academic research. - Books are more difficult to read, mark, or copy than digital media.

Books don't provide the latest information available.

For a section with two levels of headings, use: - Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase text - Centered, italicized, uppercase and lowercase text - Flush left, Boldfaced, Uppercase and Lowercase text - Both A and C

Both A and C

Imagine you are conducting research, and find only one relevant journal article. What is the simplest way to find additional resources for your topic? - Meet with your professor to ask for recommendations. - Perform a search to see what else that author may have written. - Google the topic to try to locate experts in the field. - Check the bibliography, and use that list of references.

Check the bibliography, and use that list of references.

Positive statements are more effective than negative ones. A writer could replace "not attractive" with any of the following EXCEPT: - Comely - Unattractive - Ugly - Unsightly


Which characteristics should define all types of essays? - Loosely organized, informal storytelling. - Concise, well-planned, with clear purpose and direction. - Well-researched and supported by scholarly articles. - Comprehensive, encompassing several aspects of the topic.

Concise, well-planned, with clear purpose and direction.

Which type of essay uses words to create an emotionally accurate picture of a person, place, object, or experience? - Expository - Descriptive - Narrative - Argumentative


Identify the grammar error in the following sentence: "Who doesn't think that pancakes with syrup sounds delicious?" - Faulty subject/verb agreement. - Introductory phrase is missing a comma. - Inconsistency in verb tense. - No error.

Faulty subject/verb agreement.

To judge if a book is credible for research, which one of the following questions would NOT apply? - Is the author an expert in the field? - Does the author use credible sources? - Has this author's work been cited by others? - Does the author have an established presence on social media?

Does the author have an established presence on social media?

When using alternative media such as podcasts or video lectures for research, it is important to establish credibility. Which of the following is NOT a question used to judge credibility? - What are the speaker's credentials and experience? - Does the speaker have a strong presence in several social media outlets? - What institution is providing access to the information? - Has the speaker been cited by other experts in the field?

Does the speaker have a strong presence in several social media outlets?

For a midsentence quotation: - End the passage with quotation marks and cite the source in parentheses at the end of the sentence. - End the passage with quotation marks and cite the source in parentheses immediately after the quotation marks. - End the passage with quotation marks and cite the source in parentheses at the end of the paragraph. - Either A or B

End the passage with quotation marks and cite the source in parentheses immediately after the quotation marks.

What type of writing style mistake is exemplified in the following sentence: "The fact that he had chosen a somewhat obscure field to pursue during his studies led to greater difficulty in procuring employment after graduation." - Faulty sentence structure. The idea could have multiple interpretations. - Excessive wordiness. Several words could be cut, leaving the meaning intact. - Vague, imprecise language. - No error. The meaning is clear, and the writing concise.

Excessive wordiness. Several words could be cut, leaving the meaning intact.

A "how-to" article would be an example of what type of essay? - Expository - Descriptive - Narrative - Argumentative


Tables and figures are listed in order by page number and are included in the Table of Contents. - True - False


Within the text, refer to the figure using its location (e. g., "see the above figure"). - True - False


A writer should make word choices that contribute to concise and effective writing. Which of the following describes the mistake of "hedging?" - Hedging is trimming excess words to make a paper easier to read. - Hedging is the use of qualifiers that diminish the impact of the statement without quantifying anything; e.g. quite, almost, or somewhat. - Hedging is omitting a topic altogether to avoid controversy. - Hedging is paraphrasing another's ideas.

Hedging is the use of qualifiers that diminish the impact of the statement without quantifying anything; e.g. quite, almost, or somewhat.

How can you be sure a paper you wrote meets all the assignment guidelines? - Read your paper to a friend, to make sure it is logical and clear. - Highlight the main sentence in each paragraph, and match it to a point in the rubric. - Take advantage of the school's writing center to get assistance in drafting your paper. - Use your word processing program's style templates and word count functions to make sure you comply with formatting requirements.

Highlight the main sentence in each paragraph, and match it to a point in the rubric.

What is purpose of an author note?

Identifies your departmental affiliation, provides acknowledgements, states any disclaimers or perceived conflict of interest, and provides a point of contact for the interested reader.

Identify the grammar error in the following sentence: "The Ford GT is sleeker, faster, and more powerful." - Too many commas are distracting and break the flow of the sentence. - Incomplete comparison. Faster and more powerful than what? - Introductory phrase needs a comma. - No error.

Incomplete comparison. Faster and more powerful than what?

Identify the grammar error in the following sentence: "The students asked questions, and the teacher answers them." - Too many commas are distracting and break the flow of the sentence. - Inconsistency in verb tense. - Incorrect subject/verb agreement.

Inconsistency in verb tense.

Full bibliographic information for a source can be provided in any of the following, EXCEPT: - Index - Works Cited - References - Footnote or Endnote


An ideal discussion board post will include three elements. Which of the following is NOT a key element for a discussion post? - Introductory small talk, to create a friendly mood. - Your thought on the discussion topic. - References that support your thought or opinion. - Additional questions or areas for discussion.

Introductory small talk, to create a friendly mood.

The following sentences express the same idea. Which is an example of more effective writing? - The fact that John was not usually late made his absence today somewhat unexpected. - John's usual punctuality made today's absence surprising.

John's usual punctuality made today's absence surprising.

What is the primary advantage of using a journal article for academic research? - Journal articles are the most comprehensive source of information on a topic. - Academic journals are available at most bookstores. - Journal articles are easy to understand. - Journals offer expert content on a regular basis, ensuring information is credible and up-to-date.

Journals offer expert content on a regular basis, ensuring information is credible and up-to-date.

Identify the grammar error in the following sentence: "Many medical providers (including the local public health clinic) promote four keys to living a healthy life: exercising, healthy diet, a balanced life, and avoid substances like alcohol, drugs, and tobacco." - Lack of uniformity in lists. - Too many commas break the flow of the sentence. - Inconsistency in verb tense. - No error.

Lack of uniformity in lists.

Which of the following reference elements would NOT be types in italics? - Journal name - Journal volume number - Book title - Magazine article title

Magazine article title.

Identify the grammar error in the following sentence: "A few weeks ago, my friend asked me to recommend hotels and restaurants in Tuscany, since I have visited Italy more than her." - Too many commas are distracting and break the flow of the sentence. - Incomplete comparison. - Inconsistency in verb tense. - Misuse of pronoun.

Misuse of pronoun.

Identify the error in the following sentence: Having accidentally misplaced the envelope, the manager blamed maintenance for its disappearance.

No error

Identify the error in the following sentence: The defendant received a second trial after his original conviction was reversed on appeal.

No error

Even words that are seen as synonyms have different nuances. Which of the following "synonyms" would more likely be used in a sympathetic context? - Nonnative - Outsider - Foreigner - Alien


A writer's word choice affects how the reader perceives the subject. Which of these "synonyms" casts the most negative view? - Assertive - Confident - Overbearing - Forceful


Identify the type of writing error in the following sentence: Statements on current events were read by the participants, and responses of agreement or disagreement were recorded. - Lacks clarity. Using a pretentious tone confuses the audience; choose words that enlighten the reader. - Passive voice. Use the active voice for direct, concise writing. - Incorrect grammar or punctuation. All academic writing must adhere to the rules of grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. - No error.

Passive voice. Use the active voice for direct, concise writing.

In general when reporting from the literature, you should use blank_____ tense verbs. - present - subjunctive - perfect - past


How can popular periodicals such as magazines be used for academic research? - If properly cited, any periodical is a credible source for academic research. - Popular magazines from established publishing houses are credible sources of information for academic research. - Popular periodicals have no place in academic writing. - Popular periodicals can add context to a topic, but should be supported with scholarly sources.

Popular periodicals can add context to a topic, but should be supported with scholarly sources.

The best way to refer to a table within the body of the manuscript is: - As shown in the following table... - As shown in the preceding table... - See Table 9 - As shown in Table 9...

See Table 9

Identify the error in the following sentence: Having accidentally misplaced the envelope, the manager blamed maintenence for it's disappearance.

Spelling error

Identify the error in the following sentence: Each of the players get two complimentary tickets to the final game.

Subject/verb agreement

Identify the error in the following sentence: Neither of the two options are attractive.

Subject/verb agreement

The discussion section of a journal article does all the following, EXCEPT: - Summarize the methods used to select subjects and gather data. - Compare the results to those obtained in similar studies. - Discuss any surprising findings. - Show what the study adds to the knowledge in the field, and what questions remain.

Summarize the methods used to select subjects and gather data.

What is one technique to avoid committing plagiarism in your paper? - Copy and paste passages directly into your paper. - Take notes while doing research, putting the ideas into your own words - Write your paper while reviewing the original source. - Use the Find-Replace function to make word changes in a copied text.

Take notes while doing research, putting the ideas into your own words.

When conducting internet research, how can you be sure the information is current? - Peform new searches every week to see when new information is released. - Online articles always include their date of publication. - Do not rely on web content for current information; always consult periodicals and databases. - Target a specific date range in an advanced search.

Target a specific date range in an advanced search.

Which section(s) of a journal article should you read first, to determine if it is a good source for your paper? - The methods, to see how the study was conducted. - The results, to see if they support your research. - The discussion, for interpretation of the study. - The abstract and conclusion, to see if the study applies to your research problem.

The abstract and conclusion, to see if the study applies to your research problem.

When using online material for research, you should look for information on the website to support the article's credibility. Which of the following is NOT relevant regarding credibility? - The number of followers or commenters on the website - The author's educational background or experience. - Any other publications by the author or the organization. - Any references to original source material

The number of followers or commenters on the website.

An APA reference entry for a blog post will containt all of the following elements EXCEPT: - The blog writer's surname and initials. - The date of the blog post: (Year, month, day) - The retrieval date. - The blog name in italics.

The retrieval date

Why should a student use the assignment's rubric to outline a research paper?

The rubric provides logical headings for a paper, and makes sure no key area is neglected.

The only time you use ALL CAPS is with: - One level of headings - The running head - The reference section - Never

The running head

Consider these two sentences. Which is a better example of writing style, and why? 1) She was disappointed when she received the bad news. 2) Tears streamed down her face after she opened the thin envelope containing the rejection notice. - The first sentence is better, since it is less emotional. - The second sentence is better, since it uses specific language to paint a clear picture. - The first sentence is better; the second sentence is excessively wordy. - The first sentence is better, because the second contains faulty grammar and punctuation.

The second sentence is better, since it uses specific language to paint a clear picture.

What does it mean for an article to be peer-reviewed? - The author worked in collaboration with peers while conducting the study. - The study is published in a journal with a wide circulation. - The study has passed review of experts in the field prior to publication. - The study is presented on an online forum for comments and criticism by experts in the field.

The study has passed review of experts in the field prior to publication.

The preferred typeface for APA writing (except for figures) is:

There is no single preferred typeface.

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons for a writer to cite original sources? - To direct the reader to the original source and to be able to confirm the statement in context. - To avoid the risk of plagiarism, or using others' ideas and presenting them as your own. - To give the reader a source of further information on the topic. - To add length to a paper with an extensive reference list or bibliography.

To add length to a paper with an extensive reference list or bibliography.

Identify the grammar error in the following sentence: "Several lucrative careers, in the healthcare field, do not, however, require a medical degree." - Too many commas are distracting and break the flow of the sentence. - Faulty subject/verb agreement. - Inconsistency in verb tense. - No error.

Too many commas are distracting and break the flow of the sentence.

Identify the type of writing error in the following sentence: It is widely acknowledged that Britain's exit from the European Union will have a negative economic impact on citizens of the UK. - Hedging. Qualifiers lend doubt to your writing. Strike extra words that do not contribute meaning. - Unsupported assertion. Opinion alone is insufficient; include an appropriate reference to back up each argument. - Lacks clarity. Using a pretentious tone confuses the audience; choose words that enlighten the reader. - No error.

Unsupported assertion. Opinion alone is insufficient; include an appropriate reference to back up each argument.

Which of the following is NOT an example of constructive feedback? - Using a series of checkmarks, exclamation points, or question marks to note your feelings about each section. - Giving positive comments on clear, well-supported sections, and pointing out areas that could be strengthened. - Writing comments in the form of "I" statements; i.e. "I would like an example here." - Asking questions about the writing, such as, "How can you link these two ideas?"

Using a series of checkmarks, exclamation points, or question marks to note your feelings about each section.

Trade books (or popular books) can be helpful for academic research. Which of the following is NOT a good use of trade books? - Consulting its reference list for additional research sources. - Using it as a way to understand a new area of study in laymen's terms. - Using it as the foundation of your research. - Using it to supplement your reading of scholarly works.

Using it as the foundation of your research.

All of the following are included in the methods section of a journal article, EXCEPT: - How the subjects were selected or excluded. - Which variables were chosen for study. - Whether or not the results confirm the hypothesis. - What measurements were used to gauge the results.

Whether or not the results confirm the hypothesis.

Which is the best method of designing the layout of an academic paper? - Just begin writing! Your ideas will evolve and naturally develop into a conclusion. - Write the introduction and conclusion, then create an outline of key points to take the reader from one to the other. - Make a bullet-point list of key concepts and cover each area individually. - Write the introduction without pointing the reader toward any set conclusion, and lead the reader through several possibilities.

Write the introduction and conclusion, then create an outline of key points to take the reader from one to the other.

A classmate or instructor responds to your discussion board post or asks a question. Must you always reply? - You should reply if you have additional information to add. - You should always reply to someone who has taken the time to comment on your post. - You need to reply if there is ample time before the discussion board closes. - You need to reply if no one else joins the thread.

You should always reply to someone who has taken the time to comment on your post.

Which of the following is correct in terms of APA number style? - a five-mg dose - a 5-mg dose - a height of four ft. - a height of 4'

a 5-mg dose

Abstracts, when used, should blank______. - be as brief as possible - follow the Table of Contents - add information discovered after the paper was written - be single spaced rather than double spaced

be as brief as possible

Each appendix should ________. - be on a separate title sheet - be sorted using Roman numerals - not have a running header - be single-spaced

be on a separate title sheet

The Table of Contents should be ____________. - left justified like the rest of the paper - .organized alphabetically. - double-spaced and typed in a font consistent with the rest of the paper. - brief, and include only Level One headings.

double-spaced and typed in a font consistent with the rest of the paper.

Online videos, blogs, and podcasts can provide current information to support academic research, provided the writer establishes: - the speaker's commercial involvement in the industry concerned. - the expertise and objectivity of the source material. - the speaker's political clout in the area concerned. - the popular support for the presented platform.

the expertise and objectivity of the source material.

Name a tool that a student can use to design an outline for a paper to cover all required content.

the rubric

Graduate students face challenging academic writing requirements. Which of the following does NOT describe a dissertation? - A brief statement of a hypothesis or conjecture which will form the subject of a research paper. - A lengthy argument in defense of a particular hypothesis, generally ranging from 125 to 250 pages. - An opportunity for a graduate student to contribute new knowledge, theory, or practice to a field. - A comprehensive paper required to graduate with a doctoral degree.

A brief statement of a hypothesis or conjecture which will form the subject of a research paper.

Which of the following authors would NOT be considered a credible source for academic research? - A journalist on a popular news site. - A doctoral student publishing a scientific study in an academic journal. - A Supreme Court Justice writing a court decision. - An anthropologist publishing the results of a study in a peer-reviewed journal.

A journalist on a popular news site.

The body of a dissertation must include all of the following EXCEPT: - An introduction with a statement of the problem. - A review of existing literature. - A conclusion, with suggestions for further research. - A self-critique, showing possible holes in one's research.

A self-critique, showing possible holes in one's research.

Which type of essay shares traits with a research paper, and includes a conclusion that reviews the thesis in light of the evidence? - Expository - Descriptive - Narrative - Argumentative


Which of the following is NOT one of the three main documentation styles used in academic writing? - APA Style (American Psychological Association) - Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) - Association of American Universities (AAU) style - MLA (Modern Language Association) style

Association of American Universities (AAU) style

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the use of a direct quotation in academic writing? - A direct quotation should be contained in quotation marks or indented, to designate it as a quotation. - The source of the quotation must always be identified. - Citation is not required if you change the wording of a direct quotation, but keep the idea. - A direct quotation can be referenced via in-text citation, footnote, or endnote, depending on documentation style.

Citation is not required if you change the wording of a direct quotation, but keep the idea.

Which is the best method for drafting a research paper? - Just start writing! The paper will develop toward a conclusion on its own as you add informatino. - Create an outline, structuring the paper from thesis statement to conclusion, then fill in the blanks with source-based arguments. - Begin writing your paper as soon as you start conducting research. Add more information as your study progresses. - Wait to write the paper until the assignment is due, so that you have all the information available and do not neglect important content.

Create an outline, structuring the paper from thesis statement to conclusion, then fill in the blanks with source-based arguments.

When revising a draft of a research paper, which should you NOT do? - Look for statements that raise new questions, and develop those ideas. - Make sure that transitions from one paragraph to the next are logical, and follow a clear path from introduction to conclusion. - Delete any redundancies or areas that do not add to your main argument. - Cut out any references to studies that contradict your conclusion.

Cut out any references to studies that contradict your conclusion.

The discussion section of a research problem should do all the following EXCEPT: - Present current approaches to the study of the subject area. - Discuss theories that disagree with your conclusion. - Disregard prior studies that contradict your conclusion. - Explain existing theories that reinforce your conclusion.

Disregard prior studies that contradict your conclusion.

Which type of essay is meant to explain something, and includes a thesis statement, a supporting argument, and a conclusion. - Expository - Descriptive - Narrative - Argumentative


A dissertation includes all of the following components EXCEPT: - signature page - glossary - abstract - table of contents


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good reference list or bibliography? - Shows the author has done his work and considered more than one perspective. - Provides additional resources to consult for further investigation. - Gives full bibliographic information to support any cited information. - Includes any potential sources of information on the subject, whether the author used them in the research or not.

Includes any potential sources of information on the subject, whether the author used them in the research or not.

Identify the type of writing error in the following sentence: I agree with your discussion post its alot harder to fix human resource problems when they're aren't any systems in place. - Incorrect grammar or punctuation. All academic writing must adhere to the rules of grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. - Unsupported assertion. Opinion alone is insufficient; include an appropriate reference to back up each argument. - Passive voice. Use the active voice for direct, concise writing. - No error.

Incorrect grammar or punctuation. All academic writing must adhere to the rules of grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

What is the defining characteristic of a case study? - It provides depth of information rather than breadth, giving extensive detail about a single unit or small number of units. - It provides breadth of knowledge, giving an overview of many similar cases. - It is most useful in studies where the phenomenon of interest is widespread, and many cases exist. - It describes a particular case, but does not apply broadly to a larger solution.

It provides depth of information rather than breadth, giving extensive detail about a single unit or small number of units.

Which type of documentation style is most often used in the humanities or liberal arts? - APA Style (American Psychological Association) - Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) - Council of Science Editors (CSE) style - MLA (Modern Language Association) style

MLA (Modern Language Association) style

A well-chosen case for a case study will do all the following EXCEPT: - Lead to resolution of a problem, or incite further research. - Challenge common assumptions - Provide new perspectives to understand a research problem. - Represent what is commonly known about the phenomenon of interest.

Represent what is commonly known about the phenomenon of interest.

What is the name of the 1026-page style guide sometimes known as the "editors' bible"? - APA Style (American Psychological Association) - Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) - Council of Science Editors (CSE) style - MLA (Modern Language Association) style

The Chicago Manual of Style.

All of the following are appropriate uses of another author's paraphrased idea, EXCEPT: - To support your argument, and to build upon what has already been written. - To be able to use the idea as your own by changing the wording. - To clarify the content in another's work by re-wording the statement. - To summarize what others have written about your subject and put your writing in context.

To be able to use the idea as your own by changing the wording.

A discussion board serves many purposes in a classroom. Which of the following is NOT an intended purpose of the discussion board? - To collaborate with your fellow students and create dialogue. - To add relevant information to the lessons learned in class. - To share personal stories and social media links. - To invite further discussion on topics explored in class.

To share personal stories and social media links.

Which of the following is NOT a form of plagiarism? - Combining correctly cited material with non-cited material in the same passage. - Using another's idea word for word, even if the original source is credited. - Copying another's words verbatim without additions or subtractions. - Copying the basic idea of another writer, but making subtle changes to the wording.

Using another's idea word for word, even if the original source is credited.

When responding to a classmate's discussion board post, all of the following are key requirements EXCEPT: - Contributing new information to the discussion. - Voicing support for the classmate's position. - Maintaining a professional tone, even when disagreeing. - Proofreading your post for spelling and grammar errors.

Voicing support for the classmate's position.

Which of the following is NOT a source of scholarly articles and professional research? - LexisNexis - Wikipedia - DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals - InfoTrac


Which of the following is NOT true regarding the use of a paraphrased idea in academic writing? - You can change the wording or paraphrase another author's idea to make it your own, which then does not require citation. - Paraphrasing another author's work requires citation. - A paraphrased idea should support your argument, but not be mistaken for your work. - In using paraphrased material, you should not only credit the original source, but also build upon its ideas.

You can change the wording or paraphrase another author's idea to make it your own, which then does not require citation.

The components of a master's thesis include all of the following EXCEPT: - cover or title page - table of contents - glossary of terms - list of tables, figures, and illustrations

glossary of terms

In what type of research is the case study method most appropriate? - A case study is best used in the social sciences, in instances where few cases represent the phenomenon of interest. - The case study is a useful tool for studies in the natural sciences, in which the experiment can be repeated in multiple trials. - Case studies are useful in the humanities, to uncover greater detail in an artist's work. - The case study method is useful to study regular, recurring phenomena in business.

A case study is best used in the social sciences, in instances where few cases represent the phenomenon of interest.

Graduate students face challenging academic writing requirements. Which of the following does NOT describe a thesis? - A comprehensive paper required to graduate with a master's degree. - A compilation of a student's research showing thorough knowledge of a field of study. - A concise overview of current literature on a specific topic. - A lengthy research document, generally ranging from 80 to 120 pages.

A concise overview of current literature on a specific topic.

The results section of a paper includes all the following EXCEPT: - A interpretation of the conclusions from competing and concurring studies. - One or more paragraphs explaining the observed outcomes of the study. - An analysis of the results in context of the research problem. - A summary of your research notes, reporting your findings.

A interpretation of the conclusions from competing and concurring studies.

To establish the importance of your research problem, which of the following does NOT contribute to its value as a subject for study? - A statement on how the research problem can contribute knowledge and build upon what is known in the field. - A reflection on holes in the current literature that warrant further investigation. - A paragraph explaining your personal interest in the subject, and its relevance in your life. - Summaries and critiques of existing studies in the area.

A paragraph explaining your personal interest in the subject, and its relevance in your life.

Which of the following would NOT be included in your outline for a research paper? - A section explaining why the topic is personally important to you. - A section discussing your research methods, noting what you hope to add to the field. - A section presenting your findings. - A section discussing current theories in the topic area, and how they support or disagree with your findings.

A section explaining why the topic is personally important to you.

What is the documentation style most commonly used for academic writing in the fields of business, nursing, and social sciences? - APA Style (American Psychological Association) - Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) - Council of Science Editors (CSE) style - MLA (Modern Language Association) style

APA Style (American Psychological Association)

The methods section of a paper includes all the following EXCEPT: - Clear, informative sentences of the steps taken to conduct the research. - A description of the participants or models and how they were selected. - An interpretation of the results from competing and concurring studies. - An explanation of how data are to be collected and measured, and a plan for their analysis.

An interpretation of the results from competing and concurring studies.

The online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, is a popular source of content. Who can edit a Wikipedia article? - Only professionals in the field. - Terminally degreed subject experts. - Any author who passes a peer review for content knowledge - Anyone, including paid consultants, amateur fans, or high school students.

Anyone, including paid consultants, amateur fans, or high school students.

Research and outlining are elements of which of the four types of essays? - Expository - Descriptive - Narrative - Argumentative


Imagine you are taking a course that lists a research paper as its final assignment. What is the first step to take? - Wait until you are farther along in the course, to see what the focus of the course is, before you begin work on the research paper. - Dive into it! Begin writing the paper as soon as you can! - Brainstorm all possible topics for your paper, coming up with as many ideas as possible. - Start work on your research papers in the last week or two of a class.

Brainstorm all possible topics for your paper, coming up with as many ideas as possible.

Which type of documentation style applies to authors, editors, copyrighters, and publishers? - APA Style (American Psychological Association) - Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) - Council of Science Editors (CSE) style - MLA (Modern Language Association) style

Chicago Manual of Style (CMS)

When considering topics for a research paper, which of the following would NOT be considered preliminary research? - A Google search to see what is available online regarding the topic. - Consulting a library catalogue to see publications available on the topic. - Skimming current periodicals to see if the topic has been recently featured. - Conducting a thorough review of scholarly articles regarding each possible subject.

Conducting a thorough review of scholarly articles regarding each possible subject.

An argumentative essay should: - Consider what has already been written on the subject. - Never exceed a 5-paragraph limit. - Have a narrow focus, and not explore other's writings on the topic. - Be spontaneous, and rely only on the writer's personal knowledge.

Consider what has already been written on the subject.

To decide if a source is credible, you should ask all the following questions EXCEPT: - Does the author have a current presence in popular social media outlets? - Is the author's education in the subject area they are writing about? - Has the author written other books or articles on the topic? - Is the topic of the article within the author's field of expertise?

Does the author have a current presence in popular social media outlets?

Which of the following subjects would be best suited to the case study method of investigation? - Methods of using wave energy converters for electric power. - Effects of the end of the British Empire in West Africa. - The effects of regular exercise in mitigating Alzheimer's disease. - Statistical analyses of quality control methods.

Effects of the end of the British Empire in West Africa.

What is the key difference that separates a thesis or dissertation from other forms of academic writing, such as essays or research papers? - The requirements for proper grammar, spelling, and word choice are more stringent for theses and dissertations. - Essays and research papers are often studies of others' work; a thesis or dissertation is written about the student's own work or study. - Undergraduate research papers do not require the student to gather, analyze, and comment upon data. - A thesis or dissertation should only reference other expert's work, whereas an undergraduate paper allows for more personal opinion.

Essays and research papers are often studies of others' work; a thesis or dissertation is written about the student's own work or study.

The conclusion of a research paper should do all the following EXCEPT: - Explain how the data was gathered. - Describe how the findings supplement current knowledge in the field. - Fully answer the questions raised in the introduction. - Suggest areas of further research in the topic.

Explain how the data was gathered.

The discussion section of a paper will do all the following EXCEPT: - Interpret your results in light of how they may support or contradict other studies. - Explain the procedure used to perform the study. - Discuss implications of the research and any changes it makes to current knowledge. - Summarize your findings and lead to a conclusion.

Explain the procedure used to perform the study.

The limited scope of a case study, which focuses on a single unit or small number of units for study: - Makes case studies an inappropriate tool for generalizing across other cases. - Gives case studies the advantage of providing rich details of a case and all its contributing factors. - Allows the writer to focus on a single case, without expending resources studying other cases in the field. - Leads to an accurate description of a single case, but does not propose solution for other cases.

Gives case studies the advantage of providing rich details of a case and all its contributing factors.

Identify the type of writing error in the following sentence: The analysis partially explains the comparatively strong presence of first-generation college graduates in the relatively risky field of entrepreneurism. - Hedging. Qualifiers lend doubt to your writing. Strike extra words that do not contribute meaning. - Unsupported assertion. Opinion alone is insufficient; include an appropriate reference to back up each argument. - Lacks clarity. Using a pretentious tone confuses the audience; choose words that enlighten the reader. - No error.

Hedging. Qualifiers lend doubt to your writing. Strike extra words that do not contribute meaning.

Identify the type of writing error in the following sentence: The results seem to indicate that there could be a minor shift in the way social media is used in organizations. - Unsupported assertion. Opinion alone is insufficient; include an appropriate reference to back up each argument. - Zombie nouns. Turning active verbs into awkward adjectives makes ideas more abstract. - Hedging. Qualifiers lend doubt to your writing. Strike extra words that do not contribute meaning. - No error.

Hedging. Qualifiers lend doubt to your writing. Strike extra words that do not contribute meaning.

Which of the following is NOT a section for documenting sources in an academic paper? - Index - Bibliography - Works Cited - References


Which of the following represents a logical order for the structure of a research paper? - Discussion, Methods, Results, Conclusion. - Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion. - Introduction, Discussion, Results, Method. - Introduction, Results, Conclusion, Discussion.

Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion.

Writing for the intended audience is an important part of writing a reseach paper. Which of the following questions is NOT one that should influence your writing style? - Is the paper appropriately geared toward experts in the field? - Why is the audience reading this paper, and what do they hope to learn? - What counter-arguments might the reader have, and how can I address them? - Who is likely to read this paper?

Is the paper appropriately geared toward experts in the field?

What is a case study good for? - It highlights a subject, event, or phenomenon to promote clearer understanding of a particular research problem. - It documents the history of a specific, unique subject area. - It provides a cross-section of knowledge regarding several like cases. - It is a useful tool for studies in the natural sciences, which can be repeated in multiple trials.

It highlights a subject, event, or phenomenon to promote clearer understanding of a particular research problem.

When citing internet research, what elements should you establish to demonstrate a source is appropriate for academic writing? - Its currency, popularity, and relevance. - Its credibility, currency, and objectivity. - Its thoroughness, professionalism, and consideration of historical context. - Its commercial bias, effect on the market, and advantages to the company.

Its credibility, currency, and objectivity.

Identify the type of writing error in the following sentence: A rising awareness of the dichotomous nature of the current political paradigm shift manifests itself in a societal entropy that resists efforts to promote bilateral coalescence. - Lacks clarity. Using a pretentious tone confuses the audience; choose words that enlighten the reader. - Passive voice. Use the active voice for direct, concise writing. - Incorrect grammar or punctuation. All academic writing must adhere to the rules of grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. - No error.

Lacks clarity. Using a pretentious tone confuses the audience; choose words that enlighten the reader.

When writing a case study, which step contributes to the background, understanding, and interpretation of your observations in relation to other studies? - Field research - Scientific investigation - Analysis of observations - Literature review

Literature review

Which documentation style has less rigid guidelines for citing sources, but includes a list of core elements for works cited? - APA Style (American Psychological Association) - Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) - Council of Science Editors (CSE) style - MLA (Modern Language Association) style

MLA (Modern Language Association) style

Which type of essay includes an introduction, characters, setting, plot, climax, and conclusion? - Expository - Descriptive - Narrative - Argumentative


The introduction to a research paper should clearly define a specific research problem. Which of the following would NOT be included in an effective introduction? - One or more paragraphs explaining your personal interest in the subject. - A reflection on current studies of the subject, identifying a gap that can be filled by your research. - A thesis statement that proposes a solution to a gap in knowledge. - A summary of the subject, presenting your question in light existing studies.

One or more paragraphs explaining your personal interest in the subject.

Identify the type of writing error in the following sentence: The delay in the ceremony's commencement was caused by a sudden downpour on the front lawn. - Incorrect grammar or punctuation. All academic writing must adhere to the rules of grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. - Unsupported assertion. Opinion alone is insufficient; include an appropriate reference to back up each argument. - Passive voice. Use the active voice for direct, concise writing. - No error

Passive voice. Use the active voice for direct, concise writing.

What is the best source for the latest research in a field of study? - popular books - newspapers and popular magazines - reference books and/or textbooks - peer-reviewed journals in scholarly databases

Peer-reviewed journals in scholarly databases.

Essay writing relies on which of the following? - Thorough research of the topic. - Personal knowledge and reflection. - Collaboration with peers. - Data and results from the study.

Personal knowledge and reflection.

What is plagiarism? - Plagiarism is using another's exact words to express an idea, even if the original source is credited. - Plagiarism is paraphrasing another's ideas, even if you document the original source. - Plagiarism is gathering information from a variety of sources, and creating a new interpretation. - Plagiarism is stealing another's ideas and passing them off as your own, whether intentionally or unconsciously.

Plagiarism is stealing another's ideas and passing them off as your own, whether intentionally or unconsciously.

Documentation styles differ in requirements for citing a direct quotation or paraphrased idea, but all styles do this: - Include the year of publication in an in-text citation. - Provide a footnote with bibliographic information for the cited material. - Give the page number for either a direct quotation or paraphrased content. - Provide sufficient information for the reader to find and consult the original source.

Provide sufficient information for the reader to find and consult the original source.

When conducting internet research, how can you uncover any potential bias in the information presented? - Review the "Mission" or "About Us" tab to learn more about the organization behind the website. - Check to see if the information confirms what is presented on other websites. - Compare the information you find to an online encyclopedia, to make sure it confirms popular views. - Commercial websites are not allowed to present biased information online.

Review the "Mission" or "About Us" tab to learn more about the organization behind the website.

The conclusion of a research paper should do which of the following? - Present a comprehensive summary of others' findings in the topic area. - List all your findings from the research. - Restate the introduction. - Show the contribution the research had made, how it answered the thesis statement, and what remains to be studied in the topic area.

Show the contribution the research had made, how it answered the thesis statement, and what remains to be studied in the topic area.

All of the following are advantages to this technique EXCEPT: - Having separate note cards for each main idea lets you shuffle them around and structure your paper. - Taking handwritten notes lends itself to paraphrasing and summarizing, which help avoid plagiarism. - Keeping separate notes for each idea with a reference to the source makes it easier to go back and verify the information. - Taking handwritten notes is quicker and more efficient than using a word processing program.

Taking handwritten notes is quicker and more efficient than using a word processing program.

Which of the following should be accomplished by the introduction of a research paper? - The introduction should describe both the topic and your personal interest in it. - The introduction should give background information about the subject area, but save any specific questions or outcomes for the conclusion. - The introduction should provide many different theories about a subject, which the reader will sort through in the body of the paper to arrive at a conclusion. - The introduction should introduce the topic, state the research problem, propose a thesis, and point the reader toward the conclusion.

The introduction should introduce the topic, state the research problem, propose a thesis, and point the reader toward the conclusion.

What is the purpose of ALL documentation styles? - To show that you are capable of reading guidelines and following rules. - To give a paper a professional look. - To credit the original source of ideas that contributed to your work. - To demonstrate knowledge of creating headers, footnotes, and hanging indentations.

To credit the original source of ideas that contributed to your work.

To write a case study, one must first conduct a literature review. Which of the following is NOT a main purpose of the literature review? - To find similar studies, and ensure that your case study confirms them. - To put your case into context with what else has been written. - To understand what areas have been neglected in prior research. - To identify conflicts in the current literature that your case may resolve.

To find similar studies, and ensure that your case study confirms them.

Why should the definition of a research problem include summaries and critiques of existing studies? - To add length to a paper that may not have enough pages to meet the assignment guidelines. - To base your study on what is already accepted by other experts. - To show the professor that you understand how to research and read academic journals. - To help the reader understand the limitations of current knowledge and the possible contribution of your research.

To help the reader understand the limitations of current knowledge and the possible contribution of your research.

Identify the type of writing error in the following sentence: Many experts agree that cutting sugar from children's diets improves their behavior control and cognitive ability. - Hedging. Qualifiers lend doubt to your writing. Strike extra words that do not contribute meaning. - Unsupported assertion. Opinion alone is insufficient; include an appropriate reference to back up each argument. - Lacks clarity. Using a pretentious tone confuses the audience; choose words that enlighten the reader. - No error.

Unsupported assertion. Opinion alone is insufficient; include an appropriate reference to back up each argument.

How should a student use Wikipedia for academic research? - Wikipedia is a valid research source, as long as it is properly cited with the date the information was retrieved. - Never use Wikipedia; there is no accountability for the information provided. - Use Wikipedia for an initial overview, but confirm any statements with the original source and cite the original author. - Cite the Wikipedia source as long as its information is confirmed by other websites.

Use Wikipedia for an initial overview, but confirm any statements with the original source and cite the original author.

All of the following are forms of plagiarism (intentional or inadvertent), EXCEPT: - Paraphrasing another author's work and incorporating it into your argument, without citation. - Combining original and copied content from various sources without attribution. - Using another's idea word-for-word, even with proper citation. - Copying ideas and content from one's own earlier works.

Using another's idea word-for-word, even with proper citation.

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