Course B1: working with laboratory mice at USC

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One of your mice has a large tumor but you don't believe it's in pain because it is still eating, drinking, and behaving normally. What is the best thing to do?

Call a DAR Veterinarian to have them assess the mouse if you are unsure

The amputation of fingers and toes is allowed for genotyping and/or blood collection


Using appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) can reduce the risk of allergies to mouse urine and pelt proteins.


Which of the following euthanasia methods is conditionally acceptable and requires specific scientific justification?

cervical dislocation with out prior anesthesia

You just performed a craniotomy (surgical procedure) on a mouse under anesthesia, there is no need to give pain medication.


when mice are received from another institution or vendor:

A quarantine period is often necessary to make sure that the new mice do not carry diseases into the colony.

which statement is true regarding the conduct of surgery in mice?

Applicable federal mandates require the use of aseptic technique for survival surgery in mice.

According to the AVMA, which statement is true for the use of CO2 as a euthanasia agent of mice?

Compressed CO2 gas in cylinders is the only recommended source of carbon dioxide.

Which statement is true regarding care procedures for mice undergoing surgery?

During the procedure, mice should be monitored mainly for anesthesia, body temperature, and cardiovascular and respiratory function.

Which statement is true regarding anesthesia in mice?

Gas anesthesia (using a vaporizer) is generally optimal for providing extended anethesia.

mice require thermal support during anesthesia because:

Mice lose body heat rapidly under anesthesia.

which statement is true regarding the assessment of pain or distress in mice?

Pain or distress in mice is commonly expressed by subtle changes in activity level and behavior.; A mouse with a moderately painful condition may appear and behave normally.

Following euthanasia of mice with carbon dioxide, which of the following must be done immediately?

Perform a secondary euthanasia method such as cervical dislocation.

Currently, which of the following organizations does not include laboratory mice and rats in their oversight activities?

USDA (Animal Care Section)

Which of the following statements concerning health risks from working with mice is false?

Zoonotic diseases are very common in specific-pathogen-free laboratory mice.

An investigator's responsibilities towards the use of laboratory animals include assuring that staff are properly trained to:

all of the above

Which statement is true regarding venipuncture procedures in mice:

cardiac puncture is commonly permitted as a terminal procedure

If the ascites method of obtaining monoclonal antibody must be used, all of the following would likely decrease animal pain/distress except:

increasing the number of abdominal taps performed to prolong animal use.

fasting of mice before surgery is not necessary because:

mice have no risk for respiratory aspiration since they do not vomit

which concept is relevant to the proper conduct of enthanasia?

the selection of an appropriate euthanasia method should address considerations of humaneness to the animal, and safety and esthetics for the staff.

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