CPE Use of English 1 ( 1 word can be used in all 3 sentences)

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Joanne's ... in the art competition won first prize. He gained ... to the football match by climbing over the wall of the stadium. The last ... in the balance sheet was dated 11th September.

entry balance sheet - zestawienie bilansowe, bilans entry - zaszłość (wpis księgowego)

With his pinstripe suit,dark tie and bowler hat Mr Prescott was clearly a man who was part of the .... All food and drinks bought here must be consumed inside this .... The ... of a working party to look into immigration was the first item on the government's agenda.

establishment personel, służba, stan liczebny , placówka, firma,założenie, ustanowienie, utworzenie, określenie, nawiązanie stosunków

My grandmother's face is lined with ... and the hardships she has had to endure. It's been an ... since we last saw each other. Some people believe that the ... of chivalry has come and gone.

age hardship - trud, niewygoda, niedostatek, ciężkie doświadczenia życiowe

- One doesn't need to be an expert to ... the beauty of classical music. - He seems confident that houses in this area will ... in value in the next few years - I'll always ...your help and support


The discussions to find a peaceful solution to the uprising took place against a ... of continuing violence. You shouldn't be ashamed of your working-class ... The fabric she chose has got pink roses on a pale blue

background tło, kontekst pochodzenie, środowisko

- Ever since John broke the window he's been in the teacher's ... book - Rumour has it that he quit the country leaving nothing but ... debts behind. - Poor Mark! I feel really ... about his being laid off on his birthday.


Intricate stone carvings decorate the steps at the ... of the monument. The tourists used the village as a ... to tour the surrounding countryside. Oil is used as a ... to which fragrances are added for the purpose of massage.

base fragrance - zapach, woń , perfumy

- The school staff needs new ... in order to bring in novel ideas. - Having met his parents I can see that generosity is in his .... - The doctors said they wold have to carry out a ... test prior to the operation.


The company was ... on the principles of trust integrity and reliability. It was a good idea to have ... IT into the syllabus. By working hard Bill ... up his saving and managed to buy a car.


- Peter's .... and sense of humour made him a welcome guest on anyone's list. - Although he claimed not to be superstitious he put a ... in his back pocket before heading for the exam. - The plan was a great success. It worked like a ....


She began to ... as Tom related the embarrassing incident. In pursuit of a new image she decided to ... her hair. ... your narrative with more adjectives which will hold the reader's attention.

colour colour hair - pomalować włosy

So what ... of action do you propose to follow? Throughout the ... of history we see that people do not learn from their mistakes. The river followed a meandering .... and finally flowed into the see

course Throughout- na wskroś, po całym (kraju), pod każdym względem, całkowicie

The antique shop as it turned out was merely a ... for his spying activites. If it's very cold tonight put an extra ... on your bed. To be honest I bought the book because it had an attractive ...

cover okładka (książki lub czasopisma) przykrywka (do czegoś nielegalnego)

- The original .... of the restaurant included an open kitchen by the front entrance. - My heart is set on a couch with an embossed floral ... - I have to admit that I met him by ... I waited in the lobby until he arrived.


We saw the animal ... back as the hunter approached. You should ... the curtains at dusk to stop mosquitoes coming into the house. He waited for the taxi to ... up to the pavement before attracting the driver's attention.

draw draw back - cofnąć się, wycofać draw the curtains - zaciągać zasłony draw up - podjechać at dusk - o zmierzchu pavement - chodnik

The talented writer was renowned for his ... sense of humour. Alan's ... cough kept him up all night. The recent ... spell is worrying to farmers

dry dry sense of humour - wyrafinowane poczucie humoru dry cough - suchy kaszel dry spell - susza

The clock's .... was luminous hand and number which shine in the dark. Matilda made a ... as she swallowed the foul-tasting medicine. Slowly, the climber inched his way up the jagged .... of the cliff.

face mina, tarcza zegarka,ściana (góry)

Angela keeps her ... by constantly dieting and exercising. When I saw the ... on the cheque I gasped with astonishment. A key ... in producing any new legislation is the Prime Minister.

figure key figure - ważna postać

Be sure to ... the details in case they are needed at a future date. Both male and female members of the tribe ... their teeth to points, maintaining a centuries-old tradition I watched the soldiers ... past me on their way to the barracks.

file iść jeden za drugim segregować, układać składać, włączać do akt, wciągać do ewidencji

- A ... of dirt and oil lay over the surface of the pond. - Lorna Rook has been all over the world promoting her latest ... - If you wrap the cheese tightly in plastic ... and put it in the fridge it will last longer.


The charismatic speaker .... his audience with enthusiasm. Jake's boss ... him for his laziness and lack of initiative. The potter ... the huge vases.

fired potter - garncarz

Adrienne has problems buying comfortable shoes due to her ... feet. The soda we were served was ... so we complained to the barman. This phone company charges a .... rate of 40 p per minute for all calls to the us.

flat flat feet - płaskotopie flat - bez gazu (napój) flat rate - jednolita stawka, zryczałtowana opłata

The government has been ... to withdraw the controversial education bill. I could see that the door to my office had been ... and my papers were missing. The leading actor's performance was not natural at all and came over as melodramatic and ...

forced wymuszony,wywarzony,zmuszony

In the 18th century the River Thames was a stinking trough of ... water. He got fired on account of his persistent use of ... language. Since he was evidently already in a ... temper I avoided provoking him further.

foul foul water - zanieczyszczona woda foul - oszukiwać persistent - utrzymujący się, trwały, niezmienny, wytrwały, uparty, nieustępliwy

The troops at the ... had to endure lack of food and comforts for many months. When the baby lay on his ... he started to cry. Michelle maintained a brave ... as her way of dealing with personal tragedy.

front troops- żołnierze, wojsko, oddziały

Martin felt a ... of satisfaction at having been of help in the charity drive. Her brisk walk in the crisp autumn countryside had given Zoe's face a healthy pink ... The coal fire gave off a soft ... which created a romantic atmosphere in the room.

glow rumieńce, poświata, blask feel a glow of something - być ogarniętym jakimś uczuciem brisk - szybki, dziarski, żwawy, ożywiony (o chodzie, sposobie poruszania się) crisp - rześki

The model moves with such ... that she appeared to float across the stage. She was given a week's ... in which to pay the outstanding debt. It's hard to believe that she didn't even have the ... to apologise after it was proved she had made the mistake.

grace week's grace - przedłużenie o tydzień (np. terminu płatności) have the grace to do something - mieć przyzwoitość coś zrobić

We had to hire an extra ... to help us with the sheepshearing this year. The loose, flowing script left me in no doubt as to whose ... had penned the letter. It was pointless denying it; they knew I'd had a ... in their downfall.

hand extra hand - dodatkowa pomoc sheepshearing - strzyżenie owiec pen - pisać, komponować downfall - opad (np. śniegu, deszczu) hire - wynająć na krótki okres (np. pracownika)

Joe's ... temper makes everybody avoid him. The ... curry made me reach for the iced water. The ... news is that the Prime Minister intends to resign.


Police ... has revealed that the spy escaped to a country from which he cannot be extradited. Are these cave paintings proof that an alien ... once visited our planet? Martha is a brilliant student but doesn't show much ... in her everyday life.

intelligence informacje wywiadowcze (tajne informacje pozyskiwane przez wywiad)

- Ray married a woman ten years his ... - I'll always remember Mrs White, my teacher in ... school. -Ripton was at that time a ... official at the Treasury


When the publishers rejected her first novel Celeste felt such a ... disappointment that she burst into tears. As you know Gary is a ... sportsman who loves football basketball and cricket. He ground the knife blade to give it a ... edge

keen głęboki, gorący, wielki, żywy (np. podziw, pożądanie, zadowolenie) apalony, zagorzały, pilny, entuzjastyczny (np. tancerz, gracz w szachy, student) wyostrzony, wielki

- Carmen had always ... hypotherapy until she found it actually worked. - She was .... sideways when she heard she had won the lottery. - After negotiation the price was ... down on condition we paid cash.

knock knock sb sideways - zwalić kogoś z nóg knock down - obniżyć, wytargować

The ... Party has been in power for ten years now. The woman was suffering from excruciating ... pains on her way to hospital. Sometimes women are used as cheap ... by some unscrupulous employers.

labour praca, robota, harówka, trud, wysiłek ociężały, wymęczony cheap labour - tania siła robocza

- Game wardens ... traps to catch poachers and hunters. - If you pay on our installment plan we will .... your carpets free of charge. - You can't simply ... the blame on the government whenever things go wrong.


And with a ... of two goals to nil Barmworth are very likely to win the cup. Police are following up a new ... in an effort to solve the baffling case. Rick Shears is the male ... in this exciting,action-packed adventure.

lead prowadzenie (np. pięciopunktowe w grze, dwuminutowe w wyścigu), trop, wskazówka, główna rola (w filmie, sztuce) baffling - zbijający z tropu, zaskakujący

Eric swam only one ... of the pool before cramp and fatigue brought his exercise to an end. The director is renowned for making films that exceed three hours in ... She bought a ... of lilac velvet with a view to making the dress herself.


The ... and delicate movements of a ballerina are a wonder to watch. Hazel's ... green jumper matched her eyes. After a ... supper they retired to bed.

light retire - kłaść się spać

Despite being in her fifties Jocelyn has hardly a ... on her face. The patient ... of people waiting in the queue at the bank shuffled slowly forward. A tree had fallen across the railway ... in the storm making train cancellations inevitable.


Although the two women look remarkably alike there is no family .... between them. A .... on my beautiful gold chain broke and I lost it. There is no ... between the minister and the spy ring despite the rumours which are circulating in the government.


- They put a stronger ... on the gate to stop their dog from getting out. - A ... on a canal regulates the flow of water. - Helen blew back a stray ... of hair.


As a trainee he has to survive on a modest salary though he ... a little extra on commission. The boss ... him do overtime every day. A Japanese company ... the electronic components found in the product.

makes on commission- na zlecenie (wykonanie jakiegoś zlecenia za opłatę, np. namalowanie obrazu) overtime - nadgodziny

He made his ... on the fashion industry in the 1970s. The university student was delighted with her ... in the final examination. It was a ... of the child's developing independence that he didn't want to sit with his father on the train.


The ... between Manchester United and the home team was disrupted by unruly fans. Joan and Bob are so well suited that everyone says they are an ideal ... Even the world grand master was no ... for the computer at chess.


An .. number of players is needed to begin the game. I don't eat sweets very often but I enjoy the ... bar of chocolate. That's ... ; I'm sure I left my glasses here but they're gone.

odd nieparzysty dziwny rozmaity, różnorodny

I used to think she was ... and trustworthy - but I was wrong. The offer will remain ... until the date specified I've completely run out of ideas, so I'm ... to suggestions.


The conservatory door had a glass ... in its centre A ... of experts on the environment will discuss the depletion of the ozone layer. Lights were flashing urgently on the aeroplane's control ...


Her ... in the conspiracy was comparatively minor. Jeanette Duffy was overjoyed to hear that she had got the ... of Juliet. Forensic examination relvealed that a vital ... of the plane was missing.

part part of Juliet - rolę Julii ( w filmie) forensic - sądowy (o analizie, chemii)

She knew she would be expected to ... for her indiscretion. They decided to .... a visit to the bank manager to arrange an overdraft. The trick, when bargaining is not to ... a higher price than is necessary.

pay pay a visit - składać wizytę overdraft - przekroczenie stanu konta, debet

Sylvia was out in the meadow ... wild flowers. Floyd is so quarrelsome; he is always fights with his schoolmates. .... the winning entry from so many impressive paintings in the competition was no mean task.

picking quarrelsome- kłótliwy, swarliwy meadow - łąka

The policeman ... the angry protester against the wall to stop him escaping. Grandmother recalled that for her wedding the hairdresser ... her hair up to create an elaborate display of curls and braids. He eventually ... the blame on his sister though she was quite obviously innocent.

pinned przyszpilić, przygwoździć (kogoś) spinać szpilkami, przypinać, upinać pin the blame on sb - zrzucić winę na kogoś

- They built a cottage on their little ... of land. - The play had too many characters and a confused ... - Guy Fawkes Night commemorates a .... to blow up Parliament.


She was hoping a reply to her job application would arrive in the morning ... The dog had been tied to a ... outside the building waiting for its owner. Jo was glad to be offered the new ...

post poczta (listy, korespondencja pocztowa) słupek (np. część płotu) stanowisko, posada, praca

China is likely to be a great military ... in the future. As soon as it came into ... the government set about reforming the National Health Service. Because fossil fuel supplies are fast running out, alternative sources of ... will have to be found


The ... of the law requires and incisive mind as well as legal training. Ruby's constant ... resulted in her receiving the Young Pianist of the Year award It was his ... to wear a hat whenever he went out in the sun


- Before signing the contract make sure you read the small ... - Pat wore a dress with a pretty floral ... on it. - The wild cat hadn't left a single ... for us to follow.


30% of the company's ... of olive oil is solely for export to Europe. What did you think of the amateur drama group's ... of 'Hamlet'? Everyone in full time education will be offered cheap rail fares on ... of their student union cards.


- She ... the pillow angrily and started crying wishing she hadn't told him anything - Danny ... holes in the reports and filed them. - The accountant quickly ... the amounts into the calculator.


In the days before electricity my grandmother had a wood-burning kitchen ... to do the cooking You'll find a wide ... of clothes and household goods in our autumn sale. The mountain .... extends over three countries.


A mean spirit is ... as a severe character failing by some people as it shows a lack of openness and generosity. If she wins the next tournament she will be ... as number one in the world. Sotheby's ... my grandmother's chest of drawers highly.

ranked klasyfikować, zaliczać przewyższać rangą ustawiać w szeregu generosity - hojność, szczodrość

- Her hands were swollen and ... from the unaccustomed hard work. - Dieticians consider ... vegetables to be the healthiest option. - I think you got a ... deal when you joined that firm.


I ... the parcel I sent you because I didn't want it to get lost. Gloria ... for a course to learn pottery at the college yesterday. The fact that he had been insulted suddenly ... on his face when he flushed with anger

registered pottery- ceramika (np. słowiańska) flush - poczerwienieć

The loud ... from the pistol caused me to start in surprise. Look at this interesting news ... about the fall in unemployment. Sally's school ... was better this term which pleased her parents.

report odgłos, huk, wybuch relacja (telewizyjna, radiowa) raport, sprawozdanie

Documents of a highly ... nature are jealously guarded in the government archives. From a young age Ian had been ... to other people's feelings. The planetarium's telescope is so ... that only trained specialists are permitted to use it.


After she had ... as an MP for thirty years, she resigned to live a quiet life in the country. The player .... the ball over the volleyball net. We were ... fresh cucumber sandwiches and lemonade by the hostess.

served służyć (np. w armii, policji) MP - żandarmeria wojskowa

Dora wanted exactly the right ... of blue for the walls of her bedroom. In summer, people with a pale complexion always need some kind of ... The artist's particular use of colour and ... helped to create an atmosphere of foreboding in the paiting.

shade odcień cień (miejsce, gdzie jest cień) pale complexion - blada cera

The most memorable ... we visited was the Piazza Navona. I am the only one in my family whole ... is normal. When the road sign came in ... I realised I only had a few kilometres of my journey to go.

sight come into sight - pojawić się

Where once had stood a busy shopping centre was now only an empty ... Technology has made rapid progress in a very short ... of time. Aunt Vera's living room is so crowded with furniture that there is no ... to move.

space short space of time - krótki odstęp czasu

- You needn't take the pot out of its ... in order to water it. - The government is taking a firm ... on the issue - The witness was asked to take the witness ... and testify under oath.


He ... the waiters even though the service was appalling. The rubbish from the dustcart was ... into the landfill The glass ... over and smashed on the floor.

tipped tip the waiter - dać napiwek kelnerowi tip over - przewrócić się tip into sth - wylewać się na coś

- After the whole ordeal we wondered if it was worth the ... - The ... at the football match arose when fans of the losing team didn't agree with the referee's call. - His chronic back ... was caused by his sleeping on a soft mattress.


I wish she would turn down the ... on the TV as the noise is disturbing me. .... one deals with European history up to 1500 AD. Dough should be left to rise until its ... doubles


When learning to drive you are taught to check your ... mirror before setting off. The bird's ... was clearly broken so we took it to a vet. The east ... of the stately home was built in the 15th century.

wing vet - weterynarz

Let me give you a ... of advice about how to make a favourable impression at the interview. By nightfall there was still no ... of the missing hikers. Dan knew Steven could not be trusted to keep his ....

word word of advice - rada keep one's word - dotrzymać obietnicy nightfall- zmierzch, zmrok

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