CPR module 1

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During an emergency, what should you check first? -check the person -check the scene for safety -check the injury or illness -check that someone called 911

Check the scene for safety

What are the two main steps you can take to limit your exposure to pathogens? -Breathing barrier and eye protection -Eye protection and mask -Hand washing and using personal equipment -Hand washing and breathing barrier

Hand washing and using personal equipment

What are you legally required to do before you touch a person when responding to an emergency? -Obtain consent -Tell the person what you are doing -Call the persons next of kin -call 911

Obtain consent

How do you check for responsiveness on an adult?

The "shout-tap-shout" sequence. Shout their name, tap their shoulders, and shout their name again.

How do you check for responsiveness on a baby?

The same "shout-tap-shout sequence, but tap the bottom of their foot instead

What do you do if someone is not experiencing life-threatening conditions, etc.?

continue to check to make sure they have any other conditions that need care

The call step involves calling 9-1-1, or telling someone to do so, and what else? -Getting the AED, a first aid kit and a bleeding control kit (if necessary) or telling someone to do so. -Calling the person's next of kin or telling someone to do so. -Calling the person's healthcare provider or telling someone to do so. -Getting water and food for the person or telling someone to do so.

-Getting the AED, a first aid kit and a bleeding control kit (if necessary) or telling someone to do so.

The risk of infection when giving first aid care is low. Using what reduces your risk even further? Select all that apply. -latex free disposable gloves -watch -face shield -pocket mask -sunglasses

-Latex free disposable gloves -face shield -pocket mask

When you ask someone to call 9-1-1 for you in an emergency situation, what communication techniques/instructions should you use? Select all that apply. -Look directly at one person. -Say, "You, call 9-1-1." -Yell directions to call 9-1-1 to someone in the crowd. -Say, "Don't come back until EMS arrives."

-Look directly at one person. -Say, "You, call 9-1-1."

You have obtained consent and are checking a responsive person. You know you need to interview them first using SAM. What does SAM stand for? Select all that apply. -Allergies -meningitis -abdominal pain -signs and symptoms -medications and medical conditions -seizures

-allergies -signs and symptoms -medications and medical conditions

What are some things to keep in mind about wearing gloves when giving first aid care? Select all that apply. -avoid touching other surfaces -wash your hands after taking off your gloves -wearing gloves increases your risk for transmitting an infection -you don't need to wear gloves when caring for a child

-avoid touching other surfaces -wash your hands after taking off your gloves

what are the general guidelines during care?

-give care consistent to with your knowledge and training -offer to assist the person with medication administration -help the person rest in the most comfortable position -keep the person from getting chilled or over-heated -reassure the person -continue to watch for changes in the person's conditions

Why is it important for you, the first aid responder, to ask questions using SAM and do a focused check of the responsive person? Select all that apply. -it can help you determine what care they need -as time passes the person may be less able to say things -you may be able to gather information that others may not be able to gather later -it will allow you to test whether or not the person can answer simple questions

-it can help you determine what care they need -as time passes the person may be less able to say things -you may be able to gather information that others may not be able to gather later

A worker is carrying mulch at the site of a landscaping job. He trips over something on the ground and falls. Nick Puras, a landscape worker, is carrying a bag of mulch to the area where he and his coworker, Joe Young, are working outside of an office building. Suddenly, he trips over something on the ground, cries out and falls to the ground. Joe, hearing Nick call out, turns to see what happened. The scene is safe. As Joe approaches, Nick says, "Oh, man, I didn't see that plant in my way." Joe is forming an initial impression as he approaches Nick. Nick appears responsive, is sitting on the ground, has a grimace on his face and is holding his arm. He does not appear to have a life-threatening illness or injury. Joe tells Nick that he is trained in first aid and that he would like to help him. Nick says, yes. After putting on PPE, Joe needs to interview Nick to find out more information. When interviewing the person to find out more information, it is important to ask specific questions. The mnemonic SAM should be used to help you remember to ask those questions. Which of the following are topics covered by SAM? Select all that apply. -medications and medical conditions -age -signs and symptoms -social security number -allergies

-medications and medical conditions -signs and symptoms -allergies

Which of following could be considered signs of an emergency? Select all that apply -loud laughter -noxious smell -person who is clutching their throat -loud music -crying

-noxious smell -person who's clutching their throat -crying

How long should you wash your hands? -1 minute -30 seconds -40 seconds -20 seconds

20 seconds

Which of the following would cause you to suspect an emergency situation? -Children running, screaming and laughing at a park -a toddler throwing a tantrum in a store -a woman who appears unresponsive on the sidewalk -a man breathing heavily after finishing a run

A woman who appears unresponsive on the sidewalk

If soap and water are not available, what alternative should you use? -alcohol based hand sanitizer -lotion -baby wipes -towel

Alcohol based hand sanitizer

What you be doing when using the third emergency action step "care"?

Giving care according to your level of training

When should you wash your hands when giving care? -Before only -After only -Before and after -Never

Before and after

What would you be doing when using the second emergency action step "call"?

Calling 911 and getting equipment

What is the third and final emergency action step? -call -check -care -consent


What is the correct order of emergency action steps you have to take? -Call, Check, Care -Check, Call, Care -Care, Call, Check -Care, Check, Call

Check, Call, Care

What would you be doing when using the first emergency action step "check"?

Checking the scene, obtaining consent, and checking the person

When you check a responsive person who does not have a life-threatening emergency, what should you do after asking them questions about their signs and symptoms, allergies and medications/medical conditions? -do a focused check -put them in a recovery position -check their heart rate -begin CPR and use an AED

Do a focused check

What are personal protective equipment or PPE? -equipment used for protection against injury -equipment used to enhance your skills -equipment used to protect against the transmission of diseases -equipment used to make your job easier

Equipment used to protect against the transmission of diseases

what do you do if someone is experiencing life-threatening conditions, unresponsive, not breathing, or responsive but barely awake?

Immediately call 911 and then give care according to training

what is the recovery position and what is it used for?

It is used when a person is unresponsive but breathing or responsive but not fully awake. This is used to lower the risk of choking and aspiration

What is considered personal protective equipment? -latex free disposable gloves, cpr breathing barriers, face masks, and eye protection -hand sanitizer, soap, gloves, and alcohol wipes

Latex free disposable gloves, cpr breathing barriers, face masks, and eye protection

What is your risk of getting infected with a disease while giving first aid care? -Medium risk -Low risk -High risk -No risk

Low risk

How do you check if someone is breathing?

Make sure they are on their back, if not, carefully roll them on their back. Watch for their chest to rise and fall

You have a first aid kit and are about to give care to a co-worker who is unresponsive and not breathing. After calling 911 and getting equipment, what should you do before giving care, if possible? -put on a gown -put on latex free disposable gloves -put on eye protection -put on a mask

Put on latex free disposable gloves

If you are exposed to blood or other bodily fluids, what should you do? -wait to wash your hands until the person is taken care of by professionals -report the incident to employer only -report the incident to employer and healthcare provider -Don't do anything

Report the incident to employer and healthcare provider

What is a good way to remember what questions to ask?

SAM: Signs and symptoms, Allergies, Medications and medical conditions

What happens if the person is unable to give consent due to being disoriented or confused?

Under federal law, consent is implied in these situations. The person would give consent if they could, or their guardian/parent would if they were to be there

The first signs of an emergency often include what?

Unusual noises (screaming, crying, or crashing), unusual smells (chemical or noxious), unusual appearances or behaviors (clutching throat or staggering)

How can you lower your risk for infection when giving breaths?

Use a breathing barrier

Your co-worker fell off of a tall ladder and hit their head quite hard. You can see they have a large lump and they are bleeding a lot. You suspect a potentially life-threatening injury. You tell them you are trained in first aid and want to help them. They tell you, no; that they are fine and it is no big deal. What should you do? -insist on helping them and give care -call 911 or tell someone to do so -leave them alone -offer them a drink or food

call 911 or tell someone to do so

You are working in a senior center when you hear a thud and someone yells out that a man has collapsed. The scene is safe, but the man appears unresponsive. What should you do next? -interview bystanders using SAM -complete a focused check of the person by checking from head to toe -assume the person is not responsive and give care by starting CPR -check for responsiveness by using the shout-tap-shout sequence while checking for breathing, life threatening bleeding or other life-threatening conditions

check for responsiveness by using the shout-tap-shout sequence while checking for breathing, life threatening bleeding or other life-threatening conditions

A worker is carrying mulch at the site of a landscaping job. He trips over something on the ground and falls. Nick Puras, a landscape worker, is carrying a bag of mulch to the area where he and his coworker, Joe Young, are working outside of an office building. Suddenly, he trips over something on the ground, cries out and falls to the ground. Joe, hearing Nick call out, turns to see what happened. What is important for Joe to do before he approaches Nick? -call 911 and get an AED and first aid kit -check the scene for safety -call out to the person and ask them questions about what happening -nothing; approach nick immediately and care

check the scene for safety

You hear a scream and some loud noises coming from a few feet away in the crowded school playground. As you walk quickly across the playground, you tell yourself to do what first? -give care -call 911 -check the scene for safety -check the person

check the scene for safety

During your interview of the person using SAM, they told you that they have a lot of pain in their left arm and that it is throbbing. What should you do next? -do a head to toe check -do a focused check of their left arm -wait for EMS to arrive -assume they broke their arm

do a focused check of their left arm

how do you put someone in the recovery position?

extend the arm closest to you above their head, roll them on their side so their head is laying on the extended arm, and bend their knees for stability

A worker is carrying mulch at the site of a landscaping job. He trips over something on the ground and falls. Nick Puras, a landscape worker, is carrying a bag of mulch to the area where he and his coworker, Joe Young, are working outside of an office building. Suddenly, he trips over something on the ground, cries out and falls to the ground. Joe, hearing Nick call out, turns to see what happened. The scene is safe. As Joe approaches, Nick says, "Oh, man, I didn't see that plant in my way." What should Joe do once he has determined that the scene is safe? -call 911, get equipment and care immediately -call 911 and completely a shout tap shout -ask nick questions and tell someone to get an AED -form an initial impression, obtain consent and use PPE

form an initial impression, obtain consent and use PPE

You are working a shift at the local farmer's market when you recognize that a 10-year-old shopping with their parent is choking. You check the scene for safety and approach the child. What do you need to do at this point? -obtain consent from the child because theyre older than 8 -nothing; the child is a minor -obtain consent from the parent who's present because the child is a minor -obtain consent from your boss

obtain consent from the parent who's present because the child is a minor

How do you check if someone has life-threatening bleeding or other conditions?

quickly scan down the persons body, looking for blood or other signs and symptoms.

A worker is carrying mulch at the site of a landscaping job. He trips over something on the ground and falls. Nick Puras, a landscape worker, is carrying a bag of mulch to the area where he and his coworker, Joe Young, are working outside of an office building. Suddenly, he trips over something on the ground, cries out and falls to the ground. Joe, hearing Nick call out, turns to see what happened. The scene is safe. As Joe approaches, Nick says, "Oh, man, I didn't see that plant in my way." Joe is forming an initial impression as he approaches Nick. Nick appears responsive, is sitting on the ground, has a grimace on his face and is holding his arm. He does not appear to have a life-threatening illness or injury. Joe tells Nick that he is trained in first aid and that he would like to help him. Nick says, yes. After putting on PPE, Joe needs to interview Nick to find out more information. When interviewing the person to find out more information, it is important to ask specific questions. The mnemonic SAM should be used to help you remember to ask those questions. Nick tells Joe that he has a lot of pain in his right elbow. He tells him that he doesn't take medications, has no medical conditions and has no allergies. Joe needs to continue checking Nick by completing a focused check. Joe knows based on Nick's answers during the interview and by what he observes that he should complete a focused check where on Nick? -left leg and knee -left arm and elbow -right arm and elbow -right leg and knee

right arm and elbow

why is it important to ask questions?

the person may be able to say less things and you may know more information that others cannot gather later

A person who is responsive and breathing but not fully awake should be placed in a recovery position for which of the following reasons? -to lower the risk for choking and aspiration -to lower the risk for headache -to lower the risk for heart attack -to lower the risk for life-threatening bleeding

to lower the risk for choking and aspiration

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