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reverse auction

A(n) _____________ invites sellers to submit bids for products and services. In other words, there is one buyer and many sellers: a one-to-many relationship. The buyer can choose the seller that offers the service or product at the lowest price.

supply chain

A(n) _____________ is an integrated network consisting of an organization, its suppliers, transportation companies, and brokers used to deliver goods and services to customers.

managerial designer

A(n) ______________ defines the management issues in designing and using a DSS. These issues do not involve the technological aspects of the system; they are related to management's goals and needs.

knowledge acquisition

A(n) _______________ facility is a software package with manual or automated methods for acquiring and incorporating new rules and facts so the expert system is capable of growth.

Unstructured decision

A(n) _______________ is typically a one-time decision, with no standard operating procedure pertaining to it.

Structured decision

A(n) _______________ or programmable task, can be automated because a well-defined standard operating procedure exists for this types of decision.

explanation facility

A(n) _________________ performs tasks similar to what a human expert does by explaining to end users how recommendations are derived

Decision support system

A(n) __________________ is an interactive information system consisting of hardware, software, data, and models (mathematical and statistical) designed to assist decision makers in an organization.

Geographic Information system

A(n) ___________________ captures, stores, processes, and displays geographic information or information in a geographic context, such as showing the location of all city streetlights on a map.

request for proposal

A(n) ___________________ is a written document with detailed specifications that is used to request bids for equipment, supplies, or services from vendors. Hint: three words

radio frequency identification (RFID)

A(n) ______________________ tag is a small electronic device consisting of a small chip and an antenna. This device provides a unique identification for the card or the object carrying the tag.


An Object Mover Listener can be used to allow a player to control the movement of an object. The Object-Move listener has the arrow keys pre-programmed.


An array is not an ordered set of items of a particular data type.


An event listener is a ______, a process that runs at the same time as the program's main process. The event listener's response is an event handler.


An if-else control structure depends on the current condition of an object (or multiple objects) as the program is _________.


An if/else control structure cannot be used to code conditional logic where you want one thing to happen if the condition is true and something else to happen if the condition is false.


An if/else statement evaluates a condition. If the condition value evaluates to true the statements within the if part of the code block are performed. Otherwise, the statements in the else part of the code block are performed.


An interactive program expects the user to perform some __________ that may affect the sequence. For example a person may interact with a program by clicking the mouse, touching the screen, or pressing keys on the keyboard.


Animations progress on their own and do not require interaction from the user. Games, on the other hand, generally require input and decision making on the part of the user, called the player in games.

__________________ e-commerce involves electronic transactions between businesses.


__________________ e-commerce involves using the internet to sell directly to consumers.


_____________ transforms data, called plaintext or cleartext, into a scrambled form called ciphertext that cannot be read by others. Hint: two words

Data encryption

Which of the following statements is true of data marts and data warehouses?

Data marts usually perform the same types of analysis as data warehouses.

Control structure

Determines the order in which statements are executed when the code runs

_____________________ maintains central control but decentralized operations and distributes processing power among several locations.

Distributed processing


Feasibility is not the measure of how beneficial or practical an information system will be to an organization and it should not be measured continuously throughout the SDLC process.


Groupware assists groups in communicating, collaborating, and coordinating their activities. It is a collection of applications that supports decision makers by providing access to a shared environment and information.

An ____________ specifies a value, such as a font color, for a page component.

HTML attribute


IT project management includes activities required to plan, manage and control the creation and delivery of an information system. Activities include everything that take place during the SDLC process.

There are [a] jobs in the following categories: Operations and help desk, Programming, Systems design, Web Design and Web hosting, [b] design and maintenance, Database, and design and maintenance, Robotics and artificial intelligence.

IT, network


It is the nature of event listeners that they will fire each time the applicable event occurs. One way to prevent repeated listener firing is to prevent the condition from occurring again.

A [a] integrates hardware and [b].

MIS, software

___________ introduced the value chain concept in 1985.

Michael Porter

_____ improves database efficiency by eliminating redundant data and ensuring that only related data is stored in a table.



Not executable code statements, but are added for the purpose of providing information to the person who is reading and possibly modifying the code

In the context of the operators used in a query by example (QBE) form, the _____ is used when only one of the conditions in the QBE form must be met.

OR operator

The ____ model is a seven-layer architecture for defining how data is transmitted from computer to computer in a network, from the physical connection to the network to the applications that users run.



Offshore outsourcing is where an organization uses an outsourcing firm in another country to provide needed services or products.

Snap grid

Sets grid blocks to 1 meter on a side. It can be useful to temporally turn it on to estimate the distance between objects


Shopping and information agents help users navigate through the vast resources available on the Web and provide better results in finding information.


Soft Robotics is the specific subfield of robotics dealing with constructing robots from highly compliant materials such as iron. (needs to be elastomer)


The pointOfViewChange listener can be used to respond to changes in an Object's position and orientation.

A WAN at most can span an entire city.


Alice 3 does not have a copy-and-paste keyboard shortcut.


Narrowband is not a voice-grade transmission channel.


Viruses and worms are nothing to be concerned about with modern computer systems. It has been many years since a virus or a worm has caused problems in the United States.


Voice-based e-commerce does not uses voice recognition or text-to-speech technologies.


With the ring topology computers and devices are arranged in a circle and each node is connected to only one other node.


A custom procedure must be declared and defined as a method of a class.


At runtime, Alice executes the code statements within a count loop a counted number of times.


Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transferred from one point to another in a certain time period, usually one second.


Data communication is the electronic transfer of data from one location to another.


E-procurement, which enables employees in an organization to order and receive supplies and services directly from suppliers.


In the context of the operators used in a query by example (QBE) form, the OR operator is used when only one of the conditions in the QBE form must be met.


Just like in our everyday conversations, the word this is dependent on the context in which it is used.


Logic bombs are triggered at a certain time or by a specific event such as a user pressing the Enter key or running a certain program.


Many programming languages have count loops, often referred to as a for loop because it repeats for a counted number of times.


One part of a comprehensive security plan is install software patches and updates on operating systems on a regular basis.


One part of a comprehensive security plan is posting the security policy in a visible place, or post copies next to all workstations.


One part of a comprehensive security plan is raising employee awareness of security problems.


One part of a comprehensive security plan is setting up a security committee with representatives from all departments as well as upper management.


One part of a comprehensive security plan is using strong passwords and not using the same passwords across systems or Web sites.


Pharmers usually hijack an official Web site address, then alter its IP address so that users who enter the correct Web address are directed to the pharmer's fraudulent Web site.


Routing is the process of deciding which path to take on a network. This is determined by the type of network and the software used to transmit data.


The Internet backbone is a foundation network linked with fiber-optic cables that can support very high bandwidth. It is made up of many interconnected government, academic, commercial, and other high-capacity data routers.


The Web organizes information by using hypermedia, meaning documents that include embedded references to audio, text, images, video, or other documents.


The embedded references in hypermedia documents are called hypertext.


The star topology usually consists of a central computer (host computer, often a server) and a series of nodes (typically workstations or peripheral devices).


Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is an industry-standard suite of communication protocols that enables interoperability.


When a method (procedure or function) of the Scene class is selected, this refers to "this scene" When a method of a class other than Scene is declared, this refers to any object of that class.


When the program or operating system containing the virus is used, the virus attaches itself to other files, and the cycle continues.


When using query by example (QBE) in the data manipulation component of a database management system (DBMS), the AND operator is used when all the conditions in the QBE form must be met.


With Alice 3 you can press and hold the CTRL key (option/alt on mac) and use the cursor to drag and drop a copy of a statement.



When called, a function is expected to compute/retrieve the requested value and return the value to the calling statement.

Management support systems

_______________ are the different types of information systems that have been developed to support certain aspects and types of decisions. Each type of MSS is designed with unique goals and objectives.

scheduling feasibility

_______________ is concerned with whether the new system can be completed on time.

contextual computing

________________ refers to a computing environment that is always present, can feel our surroundings, and—based on who we are, where we are, and whom we are with—offer recommendations.

Collaborative filtering

_________________ is a search for specific information or patterns, using input from multiple business partners and data sources. It identifies groups of people based on common interests and recommends products or services based on what members of the group purchased or did not purchase.

Agile methodology

_________________ is similar to XP in focusing on an incremental development process and timely delivery of working software. However, there is less emphasis on team coding and more emphasis on limiting the project's scope. This methodology also strives to deliver software quickly to better meet customers' needs.

Artificial Intelligence

_________________ technologies apply computers to areas that require knowledge, perception, reasoning, understanding, and cognitive abilities.


__________________ allows customers to modify the standard offering, such as selecting a different home page to be displayed each time you open your Web browser.

Knowledge management (KM)

__________________ draws on concepts of organizational learning, organizational culture, and best practices to convert tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge, create a knowledge-sharing culture in an organization, and eliminate obstacles to sharing knowledge.

Electronic data interchange (EDI)

__________________ enables business partners to send and receive information on business transactions.

Augmented reality

__________________ is a branch of virtual reality that generates a virtual scene that is overlaid on the real object.

extreme programming

__________________ is a method for developing software applications and information system projects in which the project is divided into smaller functions and developers cannot go on to the next phase until the current phase is finished. Each function of the overall project is developed in a step-by-step fashion.

case-based reasoning

___________________ is a problem-solving technique that matches a new case (problem) with a previously solved case and its solution, both stored in a database. After searching for a match, the CBR system offers a solution; if no match is found, even after supplying more information, the human expert must solve the problem.

Group support system

_____________________ assist decision makers working in groups. These systems use computer and communication technologies to formulate, process, and implement a decision-making task and can be considered a kind of intervention technology that helps overcome the limitations of group interactions.

Wireless Fidelity

_____________________ is a broadband wireless technology. Information can be transmitted over short distances—typically 120 feet indoors and 300 feet outdoors—in the form of radio waves.

natural-language processing

_____________________ was developed so users could communicate with computers in human language.

Software as a service (SaaS)

______________________ also known as "on-demand software," is a model for ASPs to deliver software to users for a fee; the software is for temporary or long-term use.

Supply chain management

______________________ is the process of working with suppliers and other partners in the supply chain to improve procedures for delivering products and services. Hint: three words


______________________ provide access to software or services for a fee.

Enterprise resource planning

_______________________ is an integrated system that collects and processes data and manages and coordinates resources, information, and functions throughout an organization. Hint: three words

Customer relationship management

______________________________ consists of the processes a company uses to track and organize its contacts with customers. It improves services offered to customers and uses customer contact information for targeted marketing. Hint: three words


______________________________ is used to coordinate supply chain members through point-of-sale (POS) data sharing and joint planning. Hint: enter the acronym for this one.

Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX)

______________________________________is a broadband wireless technology based on the IEEE 802.16 standards. It is designed for wireless metropolitan area networks and usually has a range of about 30 miles for fixed stations and 3-10 miles for mobile stations.

An __________ consists of a step by step list of actions that provides a description of how to perform a task.


_________ has has three dimensions, which are volume, variety, and velocity.

big data

__________ security measures use a physiological element that is unique to a person and cannot be stolen, lost, copied, or passed on to others.


A _______ is a journal or newsletter that is updated frequently and intended for the general public.


In ___________ data transmission, multiple pieces of data are sent simultaneously to increase the transmission rate.


The say statement makes a speech ________ appear above a(n) object's head.


One of the components that affects computer performance is the ____ which is the link between devices connected to the computer.


The _____ topology connects nodes along a network segment, but the ends of the cable are not connected, as they are in a ring topology.


[a] provides historical, current, and predictive views of business operations and environments and gives [b] a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

business intelligence, organizations

systems development life cycle

also known as the "waterfall model," is a series of well-defined phases performed in sequence that serves as a framework for developing a system or project.


an error

The five forces include [a], supplier power, threat of substitute products or services, threat of new entrants, and rivalry among existing [b].

buyer power, competitors

A database is a critical component of information systems because any type of ________ that is done is based on data available in the database.


An ______________________ can protect against both external and internal access. It is usually placed in front of a firewall and can identify attack signatures, trace patterns, generate alarms for the network administrator, and cause routers to terminate connections with suspicious sources.

intrusion detection system

Count loops use a loop __________ that determines the number of repetitions.

loop control value

A _____ is usually a smaller version of a data warehouse, used by a single department or function.

data mart

A ___________ is usually a smaller version of a data warehouse, used by a single department or function.

data mart

A _____ is a collection of data from a variety of sources used to support decision-making applications and generate business intelligence.

data warehouse

In large organizations, database design and management is handled by a _____________.

database administrator

________________ is software for creating, storing, maintaining, and accessing database files.

database management system

A [a] is the heart of an information system and it should contain all [b] data stored in an organized fashion.

database, relevant

A database administrator (DBA) is responsible for _____.

developing recovery procedures in case data is lost or corrupted

If we do not specify a value for a detail parameter, Alice 3 will use the default value. For example the ________ is a detailed parameter with a default value of one second.


A common internal skeletal [a] system is a reliable basis for creating procedures in a parent class such that any [b] class may inherit and use the code. Be aware however that some [c] exist such as an elephant's trunk. You should not write procedures for the elephant's trunk in the parent class (Quadruped) since the trunk is not something other members of the Quadruped class possess.

joint, child, variations

A procedure gets a _____________ (a link to a skeletal joint) that is connected to a subpart.


Input devices send data and information to the computer. They are constantly being improved to make data input easier. Examples of input devices include: ________, Mouse, Touch Screen, Light Pen, Barcode reader.


_____________ monitor and record keystrokes and can be software or hardware devices. Hint: two words

keystroke loggers

Alice provides a feature that allows for [a] code for reuse in the other animation [b].

exporting, projects

A data warehouse is a collection of data from only one source andi it is not used to support decision-making applications or to generate business intelligence.


A database administrator (DBA) is not responsible for developing recovery procedures in case data is lost or corrupted.


A database is a collection of unrelated data.


Computer Programming never involves repeated steps.


The goal of a storyboard is to tell the entire story in the most complex visuals possible and to take a lot of time doing it.


Volatile memory is memory that does not loses its contents when electrical power is turned off.


____________ systems ensure availability in the event of a system failure by using a combination of hardware and software.


In the past, data was stored in a series of [a] that were called flat files because they were not arranged in a hierarchy, and there was no [b] among these files. The problem with this flat file organization was that the same data could be stored in more than one file, creating data [c]. This duplication takes up unnecessary storage space and can contribute to data [d].

files, relationship, redundancy, errors

A marker is a special type of object that remembers a _________ and orientation for the camera or other types of objects in the scene.


A __________ is a combination of hardware and software that acts as a filter or barrier between a private network and external computers or networks, including the Internet.


Michael Porters [a] analyzes an organization, it position in the [b], and how information systems could be used to make it more competitive.

five forces model, marketplace

__________________, particularly smartphones may have serious health and other negative impacts on teenagers. Negative impacts include: Teen tendonitis, Stress, Sleep loss, Accidents, Increased anxiety, Cyberbullying, and possibly a higher risk of cancer. Hint: two words

handheld devices

The organization of the Alice gallery implements a family-based [a] of classes. For example the Biped is a [b] class and each class belonging to the Biped family is a child class of the Biped class. Child classes [c] methods (procedures and functions) and properties from their parent class.

hierarchy, parent, inherit

Buyer power is [a] when customers have many choices and [b] when they have few choices.

high, low

A _______________ concentrates on a specific function or business process.

horizontal market

If data is erroneous, the [a] the computer provides is also erroneous. This rule is sometime called [b]: garbage in, garbage out.

information, GIGO

[a] is skill in using productivity software, such as [b], spreadsheets, database management systems, and presentation software, as well as having a basic knowledge of hardware and software, the Internet, and collaboration tools and technologies.

computer literacy, word processors

A [a] is a machine that accepts data as input, [b] data without human intervention by using stored instructions, and outputs information.

computer, processes

An Alice 3 code statement is created (written) by dragging a tile into the editor and supplying any [a] needed to perform the action. When you [b] a procedure tile into the editor tab Alice will often ask for some information in a dropdown menu. This is because many procedures have one or more [c].

information, drag, parameters

________________ is a legal umbrella covering protections that involve copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and patents for "creations of the mind" developed by people or businesses. Hint: two words

intellectual property

________________ is using the Internet rather than the telephone network to exchange spoken conversations.

internet telephony

The [a] is a worldwide collection of [b] of computers and networks of all sizes. It is a network of networks.

internet, millions

A(n) _______ is a network within an organization that uses Internet protocols and technologies


Procedures and functions are two different forms of __________.


___________ use two disks containing the same data and can be a suitable RAID system for a small organization. Hint: two words

mirror disks

A [a] is the main circuit board containing [b] for attaching additional boards. In addition, it usually contains the CPU, Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), memory, storage, interfaces, serial and parallel ports, expansion slots, and all the controllers for standard peripheral devices, such as the display monitor, disk drive, and keyboard.

motherboard, connectors

A ________ code block is one code block totally enclosed within another code block.


______________ is a method for binding all the parties to a contract.


_____________ improves database efficiency by eliminating redundant data and ensuring that only related data is stored in a table.


__________ information - to recognize it ask if this describes the plot directly in the form of objects and actions (penguin skates) or information about how an action is to be performed.


Inheritance is a feature of _______________ programming languages (for example Alice, Java, and C++) that allows objects of a class to reuse methods (both procedures and functions) and properties defined in parent, grandparent, and other classes in its ancestry (class hierarchy relationship).


___________ - Processing raw materials into finished goods and services.


The [a] Approach as described in chapter 1 consists of Analyze the task, Design the plan, Implement the design, Test - This is a [b] model (things repeat). It is likely that the [c] will repeat many steps again and again.

problem solving, cyclic, programmer

A major advantage of writing custom procedures is code ______. Once a procedure has been written it can be called again and again in many places in the program. The goal of writing a custom procedure is write once, use many times.


A _______ is a network connection device containing software that connects network systems and controls traffic flow between them.


When Alice 3's Run button is clicked, the program creates a [a] window in which the initial scene is displayed. When the scene is displayed we say the scene has been [b]. When the scene is activated, the code statements in myFirstMethod are executed.

runtime, activated

The Camera view panel is where a _______ is constructed.


In a relational database model, a(n) _____ searches data in a table and retrieves records based on certain criteria.

select operation

In a relational database model, a(n) _____________ searches data in a table and retrieves records based on certain criteria.

select operation

A virus consists of ____________ program code that is triggered by a specified time or event.


A _______ is a computer and all the software for managing network resources and offering services to a network.


A __________ is about the size of a credit card and contains an embedded microprocessor chip for storing important financial and personal information.

smart card

In the context of security, [a] means using "people skills" such as being a good listener and assuming a friendly, unthreatening air to trick others into revealing private information. This attack takes advantage of the [b] element of security systems.

social engineering, human

_______ is an unsolicited e-mail sent for advertising purposes.


_________ is an attempt to gain access to a network by posing as an authorized user in order to find sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card information.


__________ is software that secretly gathers information about users while they browse the web.


Business analytics (BA) uses data and ________ methods to gain insight into the data and provide decision makers with information they can act on.



the measurement and analysis of unique physical or behavioral characteristics especially as a means of verifying personal identity which includes ATM, Network and computer login security, web page security, voting, employee time clocks.

____________ is similar to bandwidth. It is the amount of data transferred or processed in a specific time, usually one second.


In object-oriented databases, grouping objects along with their attributes and methods into a class is called encapsulation.


Regardless of the language, a program is also referred to as the source code.


Run an Alice 3 program's code by clicking the Run button.


SQL Stands for Structured Query Language and is used by many DBMS including Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server.


Scene Class - You can open it by clicking the Scene tab in the right window of the Alice 3 code editor. The Scene class is a file (blueprint) that tells Alice (1) what actions (procedures and functions) a scene can perform and (2) what components (properties) a scene contains.


Secondary memory, which is nonvolatile, holds data when the computer is turned off or during the course of a program's operation.


The Alice 3 Code Editor's Object Selector is a box on the left side of the screen in the code editor that you use to select the Object that you wish to work with.


The Alice 3 Code editor's method panel (immediately below the Object selector) has two tabs, one containing Procedures (procedural methods) and the other containing Functions (functional methods).


The Gallery has six tabs in which the classes are organized to make it easier to locate a specific type of object.


The Gallery provides 3D models for adding objects to the scene.


The Network Administrator is the person who oversees a company's internal and external network systems, designing and implementing network systems. Providing network and cybersecurity is part of this position's responsibility.


The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) performs arithmetic operations as well as comparison or relational operations.


The central processing unit (CPU) is the heart of a computer. It is divided into two components: the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and the control unit.


The code editor has four panels: Camera view, Methods panel, Editor, and Controls panel.


The control unit tells the computer what to do, such as instructing the computer which devices to read or send output to.


The details of the storyboard frame sketches are minimal, with only enough to convey key story bits.


The most common type of main memory is a semiconductor memory chip made of silicon. A semiconductor memory device can be volatile or nonvolatile.


The scene editor has three panels: Camera view, Toolbox, and Gallery.


The storyboard depicts the action, expressions, and camera changes over time. Each frame is sketched and sometimes includes a caption describing the intention of the frame.


We will refer to a programming task as a problem in the sense that a problem is a creative and challenging task.


When you select an object with the Alice 3 Code Editor's object selector box the Procedures and Functions tabs contain tiles that represent actions that the selected object "knows" how to perform.


Computer fraud is the _____________ use of computer data for personal gain.


A _______ travels from computer to computer in a network, but it does not usually erase data.


knowledge base

A _______________ is similar to a database, but in addition to storing facts and figures it keeps track of rules and explanations associated with facts.


A GIS can be hindered by a number of factors including lack of standardization, cultural differences, diverse regulatory practices, poor telecommunication infrastructures, and lack of skilled analysts and programmers.


A While control structure is similar to an if/else statement where a condition is checked before instructions may or may not be performed. However, an if/else statement executes just once and then the flow of execution continues on to the statement following the if/else code block. In a while loop, the flow of execution returns to the top of the while code block and the condition is checked again. If the condition is still true, the actions in the code block are performed again.

GIS, managerial power, interaction

A [a] can be defined along two dimensions: control and coordination. Control consists of using [b] to ensure adherence to the organization's goals. Coordination is the process of managing the [c] among activities in different, specialized parts of an organization.

variable, initializing

A [a] is a named storage location in your computer's memory where a data item of a specific type may be stored. When you declare a variable you give it a starting value. Giving a variable a starting value is referred to as [b] the variable. Hint: this question has two blanks make sure to fill in both of them.

function, return, control

A [a] must have at least one [b] statement. When a return statement is executed, control returns to the code statement that called the function. When [c] returns the value specified by the return statement is used in place of the function call. Hint: there are three blanks make sure to fill in all three


A _____________ is a procedure that helps another procedure carry out its task.


A cave automatic virtual environment (CAVE) is a virtual environment consisting of a cube-shaped room in which the walls are rear-projection screens. CAVEs are holographic devices that create, capture, and display images in true 3D form.


A common use of input in digital games is navigation of the player's character through the game world. This input is referred to as the controls of the game. Games often have user interfaces (UIs) that display information and/or allow players to control parts of the game.


A count control structure repeats execution of a code block a counted number of times. Because count is repetitive it is often referred to as a count loop.

Move Statement Distance Amount

A decimal number (also known as a real number) that specifies the distance in meters (relative to the scale of the virtual world)


A feasibility study analyzes a proposed solution's feasibility and determines how best to present the solution to management. It usually has five major dimensions: economic, technical, operational, scheduling, and legal.


A functions returned value has a data type (for example Boolean, TextString, DecimalNumber, and WholeNumber).

User-Interface (UI)

A game often begins with a _______ screen that displays instructions to the player including the controls used in the game and the goals of the game.


A knowledge base management system (KBMS), similar to a DBMS, is used to keep the knowledge base updated, with changes to facts, figures, and rules.


A model builder is not responsible for supplying information on what the model does, or what data inputs it accepts.


A mouse click, screen touch, or keypress is known as an ______, which is "something that happens" A special kind of procedure known as an event listener is used in interactive programming. An event listener waits for an event and then responds in such a way as to "handle the event."


A multinational structure is a company where production, sales, and marketing are _____________, and financial management remains the parent's responsibility.

Code block

A segment of executable program code, enclosed in a control structure that performs a specific task


A while control is considered a _________ structure because it checks the value of a conditional expression.


A while statement evaluates a conditional expression and if the value is true, the instructions within the code block are performed.


A(n) _______ is a 2D or 3D graphical representation of a person in the virtual world, used in chat rooms and online games.


A(n) __________ code is a matrix barcode consisting of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background.

inference engine

A(n) ___________ is similar to the model base component of a decision support system. By using different techniques, such as forward and backward chaining, it manipulates a series of rules.

online auction

A(n) ____________ brings traditional auctions to customers around the globe and makes it possible to sell far more goods and services than at a traditional auction.

virtual world

A(n) ____________ is a simulated environment designed for users to interact with one another via avatars.

digital dashboard

A(n) _____________ integrates information from multiple sources and presents it in a unified, understandable format, often as charts and graphs. It offers up-to-the minute snapshots of information and assists decision makers in identifying trends and potential problems.


AI consists of related technologies that try to simulate and reproduce human thought behavior, including thinking, speaking, feeling, and reasoning.

When using query by example (QBE) in the data manipulation component of a database management system (DBMS), the _____ is used when all the conditions in the QBE form must be met.

AND operator

______________ refers to issues involving both the user's and the organization's responsibilities and liabilities.



All objects in an Alice scene have this property. It can be used to have two objects move together as though physically attached


Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are networks that learn and are capable of performing tasks that are difficult with conventional computers, such as playing chess, recognizing patterns in faces and objects, and filtering spam e-mail.

____________ is the loss of power in a signal as it travels from the sending device to the receiving device.


Read-only memory (ROM); data cannot be written to ROM. The type of data usually stored in ROM includes [a] information and the computer system's [b].

BIOS, clock

In the ___________ model software runs the local computer (the client) and communicates with the remote server to request information or services. A server is a remote computer on the network that provides information or services in response to client requests.


In the context of the data administration component of a database management system (DBMS), the acronym _______ stands for create, read, update, and delete.


________ are small text files with unique ID tags that are embedded in a Web browser and saved on the user's hard drive.


_________ stands for distributed database management system.


_____ is a high-speed service that uses ordinary phone lines.


design phase

During the __________, analysts choose the solution that is the most realistic and offers the highest payoff for the organization.

planning phase

During the _____________, which is one of the most crucial phases of the SDLC model, the systems designer must define the problem the organization faces, taking care not to define symptoms rather than the underlying problem.

maintenance phase

During the __________________, the information system is operating, enhancements and modifications to the system have been developed and tested, and hardware and software components have been added or replaced. The maintenance team assesses how the system is working and takes steps to keep the system up and running.


During the choice phase, the best and most effective course of action is chosen.

__________ encompasses all the activities a company performs in selling and buying products and services using computers and communication technologies.


____________ is buying and selling goods and services over the Internet.



Electronic meeting systems do not enable decision makers in different locations to participate in a group decision-making process.

_______ is one of the most widely used services on the Internet.



Each Alice class has built-in __________ that may be used to determine the current condition (or state) of an object as a program executes.


Economic feasibility assesses a system's costs and benefits.


Executive information systems branches of DSSs, are interactive information systems that give executives easy access to internal and external data and typically include "drill-down" features and a digital dashboard for examining and analyzing information.


GIS stands for global information system.


Games have goals that the player must achieve to __________ in the game.

Which of the following statements is not true of big data?

It has three dimensions, which are value, density, and uniformity.

An ________________ is a graphic, interactive environment designed to help the programmer develop a software program.


When information is transferred from one network to another, domain names are converted to ___________ by the DNS protocol.

IP addresses


If Alice has been running for several hours and you have been testing and retesting the arrows it is possible the arrow keys will get sticky - either not responding or continuing to respond even when you release the key. Save your project, exit, Alice, then restart Alice. A restart should clear the sticky issue.


If a while loop's condition never becomes false, the cycle is unending and the while is said to be in an infinite loop.


In the requirements-gathering and analysis phase, analysts define the problem and generate alternatives for solving it. During this phase, the team attempts to understand the requirements for the system.


In 3D graphics, a bounding box is the smallest geometric box that surrounds an object in a scene. If the bounding boxes of objects overlap, Alice may incorrectly identify which object is clicked by the cursor.


In Alice 3, each 3D model is not defined by a class and is a data type.


In Alice four built-in input functions are provided to prompt for a Boolean (true/false), String (text string), Double (decimal number), or Integer (whole number) value.


In Alice standard data types are defined by classes.

addition, Parentheses, nested, first

In Alice, multiplication and division operations are performed before [a] and subtraction. [b] may be used to modify the order of operations. Alice uses a [c] tile to represent a part of the expression enclosed in parentheses. The part of the expression enclosed in parentheses is evaluated [d]. Hint: This questions has four blanks.

forward chaining

In ___________, a series of "if-then-else" condition pairs is performed.


In ____________, a small-scale version of the system is developed, but one that is large enough to illustrate the system's benefits and allow users to offer feedback.

backward chaining

In ____________, the expert system starts with the goal—the "then" part—and backtracks to find the right solution.

parallel conversion

In _____________, the old and new systems run simultaneously for a short time to ensure the new system works correctly.

pilot conversion

In ______________, the analyst introduces the system in only a limited area of the organization, such as a division or department. If the system works correctly, it is implemented in the rest of the organization in stages or all at once.

direct cutover

In __________________, the old system is stopped and the new system is implemented.

exocentric environment

In a(n) _____________________, the user is given a "window view." Data is still rendered in 3D, but users can only view it on screen. They cannot interact with objects, as in an egocentric environment.

egocentric environment

In a(n) ______________________, the user is totally immersed in the VR world.


In addition to the standard data types, Alice has a _______ of 3D models.


In gaming terminology a follow camera follows behind a character.


In phased-in-phased-out conversion, as each module of the new system is converted, the corresponding part of the old system is retired. This process continues until the entire system is operational.

design phase

In the __________, the objective is to define criteria for the decision, generate alternatives for meeting the criteria, and define associations between the criteria and the alternatives.

intelligence phase

In the _____________, a decision maker examines the organization's environment for conditions that need decisions. Data is collected from a variety of sources (internal and external) and processed. From this information, the decision maker can discover ways to approach the problem.

implementation phase

In the _________________, the organization devises a plan for carrying out the alternative selected in the choice phase and obtains the resources to implement the plan.

maintenance phase

In the information systems field, ____________ can happen for several reasons, including missed deadlines, users' needs that are not met, dissatisfied customers, lack of support from top management, and exceeding the budget.

The [a] development of a program involves saving and testing every time a few lines of code are added to the program. If the code [b] as expected a few more lines are written and then they are saved and another test is run. If the code does not work as expected the code is revised so as to [c] the problem before adding more code to the program. The cycle of coding a few lines, testing and fixing repeats until the program is complete. A major advantage of incremental development is [d] debugging.

Incremental, performs, debug, easier


Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) also called hardware as a service (HaaS), is a type of cloud computing whereby computer infrastructure (such as storage, hardware, servers, and networking components) are delivered as a service.


Integral to programming for interactivity is decision making, which is often implemented using _______ control structures and conditional expressions.

A virtual private network (VPN) provides a secure "tunnel" through the _________ for transmitting messages and data via a private network. Virtual private networks (VPNs) are an alternative to private leased lines or dedicated Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) lines and T1 lines.



Joint application design (JAD) is a collective activity involving users, top management, and IT professionals. It centers on a structured workshop (called a JAD session) where users and system professionals come together to design an application. It involves a detailed agenda, visual aids, a leader who moderates the session, and a scribe who records the specifications.

A ____ connects workstations and peripheral devices that are in close proximity.



Language (English) proficiency, Government support of offshore business, adequate Infrastructure, and a high quality educated work force are four of the reasons India is the top IT outsourcing country in the world.

__________, which are generated by the Web server software record a user's actions on a Web site. Hint: two words

Log files

A [a] is a type of [b] used to release a virus, worm, or other destructive code. Hint: two blanks to fill in and each needs two words

Logic bomb, Trojan program


Mobile apps play a major role in globalization by offering basic social services and commerce such as banking, payment, and agricultural information for developing nations.


Monitoring and surveillance agents usually track and report on computer equipment and network systems to predict when a system crash or failure might occur.


Most games have end conditions. These are rules that determine if the game is over and if a player won or lost.


National laws have no impact on TDF.

In the context of [a] Five Forces Model, Buyer power is high when customers have many choices, whereas supplier power is high when customers have [b] options.

Porter's, fewer


Platform as a service (PaaS) provides a computing platform and a solution as a service. Clients use the platform and environment to build applications and services over the Internet.

Before an audio source file is selected in a [a] statement, it must be [b] into your project from the Alice sound gallery or your own digital sound file.

PlayAudio, imported

In a relational database, every record must be uniquely identified by a primary key.


A ______ system is a collection of disk drives used to store data in multiple places. If a drive in the RAID system fails, data stored on it can be reconstructed from data stored on the remaining drives.


________________ is volatile memory in which data can be read from and written to; it is also called read write memory.



Rapid application development (RAD) concentrates on user involvement and continuous interaction between users and designers. It combines the planning and analysis phases into one phase and develops a prototype of the system. It uses an iterative process (also called "incremental development") that repeats the design, development, and testing steps as needed, based on feedback from users.

setVehicle procedure

Requires an argument for its vehicle property


Semistructured decisions include a structured aspect that benefits from information retrieval, analytical models, and information systems technology.


TDF stands for transborder data flow.

Do in order

Tells Alice that the statements are to execute in sequence


The Alice programming language has an if/else control structure.

model base

The ____________ component includes mathematical and statistical models that, along with the database, enable a DSS to analyze information.

technical designer

The ____________ focuses on how the DSS is implemented and usually addresses questions about data storage, file structure, user access, response time, and security measures.

In computer programming, problem solving begins with the goal of writing code to perform a task.



The function named getDistanceTo does not compute and return the distance between an Object and some other object.

supply chain

The growing trend toward global customers and products means globalization has also become an important factor in purchasing and the ____________.


The mouse-click listener / mouse-click event does not work for a mouse click or a screen touch on a touch-sensitive screen.

In large organizations, database design and management is handled by a database administrator.



The process of removing errors


The technique of breaking down a complex action into several simpler actions


The three major components of a decision support system are a database, a model base, and a user interface.

A _______ backup power unit continues to provide electrical power in the event of blackouts and other power interruptions.


The protocol used for Internet telephony is ____________________________].

Voice over Internet Protocol

______ is a security protocol that uses EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) to obtain a master key. With this master key, a user's computer and the AP negotiate for a key that will be used for a session. After the session is terminated, the key is discarded. This technique uses Advanced Encryption Standard, which is more complex than WPA and much harder to break.



When a listener detects the action it listens for it signals or _____. Which typically means it calls a procedure that is designed to carry out the desired action.


When a procedure is in need of information supplied at runtime, a parameter may be added. For example the move procedure has direction and distance parameters and each time the move procedure is called, ___________ values are sent to the parameters.


When a while loop's condition evaluates to false, execution flow exits the loop and skips to the next statement following the while code block.

calling statement, variable

When an input function is called, the value entered by the user will be returned to the [a]. The returned value must immediately be used or, it may be stored in a [b] for use in a later statement. Hint: there are two blanks make sure to fill in both.


When someone says there has been a change in state of an Object. It means the value of one or more of the Object's properties have changed.

distance, state

When you move an object around its location and [a] to other objects changes. The change in an Objects properties is called a change in [b].


While loop repetition occurs again and again until the condition becomes false.

pull technology

With __________________, a user states a need before getting information, as when a URL is entered in a Web browser so the user can go to a certain Web site.

push technology

With ___________________, also known as "webcasting," a Web server delivers information to users (who have signed up for this service) instead of waiting for users to request the information be sent to them.


With the ___________ approach, an organization hires an external vendor or consultant who specializes in providing development services.

Which of the following is not typically a responsibility of a DBA?

Writing an application programs for the human resource department


You can convert a decimal value to a whole number (integer) value in Alice 3 via __________________.


You will often find it necessary to reset it to have actions take more or less time

Technical feasibility

______________ is concerned with the technology to be used in the system. The team needs to assess whether the technology to support the new system is available or feasible to implement.

international companies, outsource

[a] can use a variety of technologies for an integrated GIS. Small companies might [b] to take advantage of expertise that is not available inside the company.


______ restricts what type of data can be captured and transmitted in foreign countries.


________ are one of the most successful applications of AI. They perform well at simple, repetitive tasks and can be used to free workers from tedious or hazardous jobs.


________ which can be used to create a personal area network (PAN), is a wireless technology for transferring data over short distances (usually within 30 feet) for fixed and mobile devices.

fuzzy logic

_________ allows a smooth, gradual transition between human and computer vocabularies and deals with variations in linguistic terms by using a degree of membership

operational feasibility

_________ is the measure of how well the proposed solution will work in the organization and how internal and external customers will react to it.

virtual reality

__________ uses computer-generated, three-dimensional images to create the illusion of interaction in a real-world environment.


___________ agents work with a data warehouse, detecting trends and discovering new information and relationships among data items that were not readily apparent.

3D printing

___________ is a process that creates a physical object from a three-dimensional digital mode by laying down many successive layers of material.

expert systems

___________ mimic human expertise in a particular field to solve a problem in a well-defined area.

Personal agents

___________ perform specific tasks for a user, such as remembering information for filling out Web forms or completing e-mail addresses after the first few characters are typed.

Internal users

____________ are employees who will use the system regularly, and they can offer important feedback on the system's strengths and weaknesses.

Utility (on-demand)

____________ computing is the provision of IT services on demand. Users pay for computing or storage resources on an as-needed basis, similar to the way one pays for utilities such as heat and water.


____________ is a third-party exchange (B2B model) that provides a platform for buyers and sellers to interact with each other and trade more efficiently online.


____________ is the process of satisfying customers' needs, building customer relationships, and increasing profits by designing goods and services that meet customers' preferences better. It involves not only customers' requests, but also the interaction between customers and the company.

intelligent agents

_____________ are software capable of reasoning and following rule-based processes; they are becoming more popular, especially in e-commerce.

Cloud computing

_____________ incorporates, under one platform, many recent technologies, including the SaaS model, Web 2.0, grid computing, and utility computing; hence, a variety of resources can be provided to users over the Internet. Business applications are accessed via a Web browser, and data is stored on the providers' servers.

machine learning

_____________ is a process and procedure by which knowledge is gained through experience. In other words, computers learn without being explicitly programmed.

External users

______________ are not employees but do use the system; they include customers, contractors, suppliers, and other business partners. Although they are not normally part of the task force, their input is essential.

genetic algorithms

______________ are search algorithms that mimic the process of natural evolution. They are used to generate solutions to optimization and search problems using such techniques as mutation, selection, crossover, and chromosome.


______________ incorporates techniques that involve the structure and composition of materials on a nanoscale.

grid computing

______________ involves combining the processing powers of various computers. With this configuration, users can make use of other computers' resources to solve problems involving large-scale, complex calculations, such as circuit analysis or mechanical design—problems that a single computer is not capable of solving in a timely manner.

An ________________ is a set of rules specifying the legal and ethical use of a system and the consequences of noncompliance. Hint: three words

acceptable use policy

The power of computer comes from speed, ________, and storage and retrieval capabilities.


An Alice 3 Procedural method is an ___________ that can be performed by or on an object.


________ is a form of spyware that collects information about the user (without the user's consent) to determine which advertisements to display in the user's Web browser.


The first step is to _________ the task so that understand what you need to do (the programming task). With Alice 3 we are creating animated scenes so we need to understand what part of the story we want to tell is background details and what part involves Objects and actions.


Information consists of facts that have been [a] by the process component and is an [b] of an information system.

analyzed, output

A turn is a rotational action requiring two [a]: direction and amount. The direction may be LEFT, RIGHT, FORWARD, or [b]. The direction of a turn is self-centric, based on the orientation of the object, regardless of the position of the [c]. This means when an object turns left, the turn is to the object's left. When an object turns [d] it is to the object's right. The amount of the [e] motion is measured in revolutions, with one complete revolution equivalent to 360 degrees.

arguments, backward, camera, right, rotational

In a relational database model, the columns are called _____.


In a relational database model, the columns are called __________.


___________ information - Includes environment descriptions and motivations behind a character's actions. It is useful for setting up the scene for an animation or gaming task. To recognize it ask if this describes the setting in terms of the scene, the appearance of an object, the personality of an object, an attitude and motivation, in the case of a game how the game is played.


A _____ is the size of a character.


In a ____________________ system, all processing is done at one central computer.

centralized processing

A _______ is a computer file containing instructions that tell Alice how to construct and display a specific type of object. It also defines actions (behaviors) that this type of object knows how to perform.


When the run button is [a] the scene is [b] and displayed in the runtime window and then myFirstMethod is called.

clicked, activated

The Alice 3 IDE has setup scene editor and a ______ editor.


A count loop is a control structure that creates a ___________ for repetition.

code block

A relational model uses a two-dimensional table of rows and columns of data. Rows are records (also called tuples), and __________ are fields (also referred to as attributes).


The brokerage model brings sellers and buyers together on the Web and collects ______________ on transactions between these parties.


Some common physical computer network security measures include __________, electronic trackers, and Identification (ID) badges. hint: two words

corner bolts

In the context of the data administration component of a database management system (DBMS), the acronym CRUD stands for _____.

create, read, update, and delete

Two techniques may be used to position an object. 1. Use the [a] to drag and rotate the object, Or 2. Use [b] (a menu of positioning actions in the Toolbox).

cursor, one-shots

A __________________ is a procedure written by the programmer, as opposed to a built-in procedure in the Alice 3 software system.

custom procedure

Stepwise refinement is a design technique that repeatedly ______________ a complex action again and again into smaller and smaller pieces, until the steps are straightforward and the code can be implemented by calling built-in procedures.


Detail parameter - Some Alice 3 procedures have parameters that have _______ values that are called detail parameters.


A ______________ attack floods a network or server with service requests to prevent legitimate users access to the system.


In [a] an MIS, the first task is to clearly define the system's [b].

designing, objectives

Information technology and the Internet have created a _______________. Computers still are not affordable for many people. Hint: two words

digital divide

When using the move statement you have to supply an argument of LEFT, RIGHT, FORWARD, BACKWARD, UP, or DOWN. Each object in a virtual world has its own sense of [a]. By default the move procedure is performed in a [b] manner, based on the object's own orientation. That is, if an object is told to move FORWARD, it will move forward in the direction it is currently [c]. An object's sense of left, right, forward, back, up and down is not the same as your sense of left, right (and so on...) as you view the screen.

direction, self-centric, facing

The ___________ control structure creates a code block and tells Alice to execute code statements within that block concurrently (simultaneously).

do together

An _______________ is a transaction in which money or scrip is exchanged electronically.

electronic payment

In object-oriented databases, grouping objects along with their attributes and methods into a class is called


Transaction-processing systems are [a] on data [b] and processing.

focused, collection

In the context of Porter's Five [a] Model, an organization limits buyers' choices by offering [b] that make it difficult for customers to switch.

forces, services

In a relational database model, a _____ is a field in a relational table that matches the primary key column of another table.

foreign key

In a relational database model, a ___________ is a field in a relational table that matches the primary key column of another table.

foreign key

An Alice 3 ___________ method is an action that computes or retrieves information about an object.


______________ - Movement of materials and parts from suppliers and vendors to production or storage facilities.

inbound logistics

A resource is a [a] object (color and texture) that gives an object its [b] (an outside coating). For example a coal object has two resources, one for the natural mineral skin and one for a skin that makes the coal look like it is [c].

paint, skin, burning

_________ is directing internet users to fraudulent Web sites with the intention of stealing their personal information, such as Social Security numbers, passwords, bank account numbers, and credit card numbers.


________ is sending fraudulent e-mails that seem to come from a legitimate source, such as a bank or university.


Click-and-brick e-commerce, capitalize on the advantages of online interaction with their customers yet retain the benefits of having a _________ store location.


A ________ is an electronic audio file such as an MP3 file, that is posted on the Web for users to download to their mobile devices or even their computers.


The Toolbox is used for ________ and orienting objects in the scene and for creating markers.


In a relational database, every record must be uniquely identified by a ___________.

primary key

To establish relationships among tables so data can be linked and retrieved more efficiently, a ___________ for one table can appear in other tables. In this case, it is called a foreign key.

primary key

An output device is capable of representing information from a computer. The form of this output might be visual, audio, or digital; examples include _______, display monitors, and plotters.


The Alice 3 scene class always has two built in [a] (ground and camera). When you add [b] to the Scene they become properties to the Scene.

properties, objects

________ are rules that govern data communication, including error detection, message length, and transmission speed.


Examples of popular computer programming languages include: C, Java, ______, C++, R, C#, PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, and Go.


A disk drive is a peripheral device for _________, storing, and retrieving information.


Set Design (Scene Setup) - Adapting text to animation requires figuring out visual aspects writing cannot describe. In animation, a sequence of frames representing the screen is called a ________.


A joint-reference is used to turn, roll, or orient a [a]. A joint has its own sense of direction. In the case of a skeletal join for example the FORWARD direction [b] toward the next joint linked to it in the skeletal hierarchy. For example the left shoulder joint points toward his left elbow joint.

subpart, points

HTML is a language used to create Web pages. It defines a page's layout and appearance by using _____ and attributes.


[a]-processing systems involve operations that are [b].

transaction, repetitive

A basic storyboard consists of: frames, where each frame represents a significant action in a story and the sequence of individual frames connecting the actions together to form the plot. To create a storyboard, start with the step-by-step list of object-action pairs, determined in the task analysis.


A common definition of a computer program is a sequence of instructions that tells a computer how to perform a specific task.


A database is a collection of related data.


A database is a critical component of information systems because any type of analysis that is done is based on data available in the database.


A database management system (DBMS) is software for creating , storing, maintaining, and accessing database files.


A systems analyst is responsible for the design and implementation of information systems. In addition to computer knowledge and an information systems background, this position requires a thorough understanding of business systems and functional areas within a business organization.


An operating system (OS) is a set of programs for controlling and managing computer hardware and software.


Application software can be commercial software or software developed in house and is used to perform a variety of tasks on a personal computer. Common categories of it include Word-Processing, Spreadsheet, Database, Presentation, Graphics, Desktop Publishing, Financial Planning, Accounting, Project Management, and Computer-Aided Design.


At its core computer programming designs and implements creative solutions to address human needs.


Business analytics (BA) uses data and statistical methods to gain insight into the data and provide decision makers with information they can act on.


Catche RAM resides on the processor. Because memory access from main RAM storage takes several clock cycles (a few nanoseconds), cache RAM stores recently accessed memory so the processor is not waiting for the memory to transfer.


Cloud Storage is used for online storage and backup, it involves multiple virtual servers that are usually hosted by third parties.


Computer designers are no longer concentrating on silicon. Instead they are working with materials such as gallium arsenide and carbon nanotubes because these materials offer speed and size reduction advantages over silicon.


Computers can perform three basic tasks: arithmetic operations, logical operations, and storage and retrieval operations. All other tasks are performed using one or a combination of these operations.


DDBMS stands for distributed database management system. With a DDBMS data is stored on multiple servers placed throughout the organization.


Database management system is software for creating, storing, maintaining, and accessing database files.


Database marketing is using an organization's database of customers and potential customers in order to promote products or services that an organization offers.


A _____________ concentrates on a specific industry or market such as the utilities industries.

vertical market

_________________ are networks of independent companies, suppliers, customers, and manufacturers connected via information technologies so they can share skills and costs and have access to each other's markets. Hint: two words

virtual organizations

Main memory stores data and information and is usually _______.


The _____ dimension of big data refers to the sheer quantity of transactions, measured in petabytes or exabytes.


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