Crime and the City Exam 1

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Homicide rates in UK, Algeria, Switzerland

1.1-2.1 homicide rate

What was the highest homicide rate in the United States ever? When?

10 per 100,000; during late 1980s and 1990s

Why was 1930 the most homicidal year for cops?

1930 was the height of prohibition, represented organized crime, Great Depression= more police making more intrusions into the private lives of citizens during the prohibition resulted in more police officers getting killed.

What is the importance of homicides in 1930?

1930 was the most homicidal year for cops. Leading cause of death in 1930 for police officers: 215 gunfire, 8 medical, 93 auto, 30 other.

How many homicides are interracial?

20% of all homicides are interracial.

Mass shooting

4 or more people not including the shooter that are injured or killed by a bullet.

What was the lowest homicide rate in the United States ever? When?

4.4 per 100,000; during the Obama Administration (Obama Administration= safest time period in US history)

What was the range of the rate of homicides in the US from the 60s to the 90s?

5.0 to 10.0 homicides per 100,000

White on White Crime

81% of all white crimes are white on white

Black on Black Crime

88% of all black crimes are black on black


A group of people in one region where there is architecture and jobs; somewhere industrialization is happening. The definition of a city is relative. HAS BOTH TANGIBLE AND NON-TANGIBLE FACTORS.

How many people at a state level plea out of crimes?

About 95% of people charged with a crime at the state level plea out-- go into a plea bargain with the state department. Enter a bargain or agreement to get out of court trial.

How many people at a federal level plea out of crimes?

About 97% of people charged with a crime at the federal level plea out.


An idea that cannot be established proven to be true or false. Is not simply something that's emotionally evocative, not just a fantasy until it has profoundly consequential consequences for those in power. It's profoundly consequential for the distribution in society. Myths are not just guesses about the unknown, they are beliefs that address the unknown existential concerns.

What is Arizona's homicide rate?

Arizona has a homicide rate of 5.9 per 100,000-- which is about the national average.

Is BLM contributing to violence against police officers?

BLM is NOT contributing to violence against police officers

How safe is being a police officer?

Being a police officer is one of the safest jobs in America. Police officers are safer than about 35 professions. You cannot contribute police officer fatalities to a presidential administration. But during the Obama administration there was context of lower rates of police officer fatalities.

Where do black male homicides take place?

Black males are more likely to die in public spaces b/c of black males

When are black moms most likely to kill children?

Black moms are more likely to kill babies between the ages of 3-5.

What is California's homicide rate?

California has a homicide rate of 4.5 per 100,000.

What is the leading cause of death for police officers in the line of duty?

Car accidents are the leading cause of death for police officers in the line of duty.

What is the safest place in term of premature loss of life?

Cities are the safest place in terms of homicide rates-- in terms of premature loss of life. Not reflected in the media.


Committing crimes again; getting locked up again.

Context and Correlation

Context and Correlation go together to explain crime rates, not causation. Causation is never involved. You can't point to a cause of what makes crime go up and down-- it's so many things all interacting with each other.

Who is most likely to kill children between ages 5-13?

Fathers of the children are more likely to kill children between the ages of 5-13.

Papa Cristou vs. City of Jacksonville

First challenge to loitering laws; Supreme Court found that loitering was too vague.


For identifying a group of people disconnected from major cities, roadways, railways, etc.

More cops killed during Democrat or Republican administrations?

For the past 100 years, more cops have been killed during Republican administrations. THAT IS CONTEXT AND CORRELATION, NOT CAUSATION.

When did formal policing start?

Formal policing didn't really start till 1860s-1870s

Do guns cause an increase in homicide rates?

Guns are NOT the causative for the increase in homicide rates.

Hate related to homicide

Hate is almost never the source that leads to homicide

What was the highest point of homicide rates in the US?

Highest point of homicide rates in the US was 9.7 during 1980 and 1992.

Violence in Nogales, Arizona

Homicides in Nogales, Arizona is extremely rare. Violence in Nogales, Arizona is extremely rare. Vast majority of cartel related violence occurs south of the US-Mexico border.

What is the nation with the highest homicide rate?

Honduras; 68 per 100,000 during the 2000s (which was the highest time of homicides), now is 30 per 100,000

"Per capita rate" means...

How many out of 100,000

When were police officer deaths the lowest?

In 2013, police officer deaths were the lowest. Leading cause of death in 2013 for police officers: 36 gunfire, 36 medical, 49 auto, 15 other causes.

How many people in the US thought that crime had risen during the Obama Administration?

In 2014, over 1/3 of respondents of a national poll said that crime rates had risen during the Obama administration even though the reported facts proved that was the time of the lowest crime rates. THIS WAS WRONG. B/c of either how they feel about conversations they hear, the media they watch (highlighting different elements of data at hand, but not lying), feeling vulnerable/scared, personal feelings.

Crime definition

Is an act that is considered shameful or that violates a set of rules that can be considered evil or immoral. Has to be codified as such in the US legislature; has to be verified as such in the legislative rules. Idea's from Judeo-Christian morals and culture create the basis of our laws (but not directly b/c of the first amendment); based on Judeo-Christian philosophy. There are some things in Judeo-Christian moral that don't become law-- same with Sharia law. There is a separation between government and Judeo-Christian text, the government picks and chooses which to be laws. The Politous supersedes religiosity in the US.


Is reflected in homicide


Is reflected in suicide

How often do strangers kill strangers?

It is OUTLANDISHLY RARE for strangers to kill strangers

Interracial homicide

Killing someone of another identifiable race

Interracial homicide

Killing someone of the same race

What does air conditioning have to deal with homicide rates?

Less air conditioning can lead to more people going outside and being more angry which can lead to more interactions which can lead to more homicides.


Living in the same neighborhood as people with same race, religion, beliefs, etc.


Living in the same neighborhood or grouped with people of same race, religion, etc. because of discrimination in our society

City of Chicago vs. Morales

Loitering laws were more directly targeted at a specific group, passed due process muster. They were targeted b/c people thought they were loitering for too long for a specific reason. Yes loitering is vague as found by the Supreme Court, but they were now were taking the loitering law and targeting gang members. But the Supreme Court said that a law can't be so vague that a person of ordinary intelligence can't determine what is wrong and what is not with the law of loitering. Ruling on the specificity of loitering.

Which state has the highest homicide rate in the US?

Louisiana has the highest homicide rate in the US at 15.4 per 100,000.

Which states have always had the highest homicide rates?

Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama have the highest homicide rates in the country, and it has always been this way.

What is Maine's homicide rate?

Maine has a low homicide rate at 1.8 per 100,000.


Major city with a bunch of people with a bunch of buildings engaged in a bunch of politics.

Sharia Law

Mandates laws in would be Islamic states.

What is Massachusetts homicide rate?

Massachusetts has a homicide rate of 2.3 per 100,000.

Misconceptions in Homicides

Media portrays theory driven investigation-- NOT TRUE. Reality is facts driven investigation.

Gender correlation homicides

Men are more likely to kill men; women are more likely to be killed by men. Women rarely kill women, and kill less men than men kill men.

Which gender is more likely to kill police?

Men are more likely to kill police than women are.

Which state has the second highest homicide rate in the US?

Mississippi has the second highest homicide rate in the US at 14.7 per 100,000.

Increase in police officer fatalities in 1943-1945

More men come home from end of WWII; more interaction with police; increase in police officer fatalities.

Judgements on neighborhoods

Most judgements about neighborhoods are superficial-- passing judgement on a neighborhood because you think it's "undesirable"

Different categories of murder

Murder is not the same as homicide, neither is manslaughter. Murder is only determined in court when found guilty by court of law.

Define a gang

NO laws or policies or people can define a gang exactly. NO law says that you can't be a gang member. What is a gang is open to interpretation. What is not open to interpretation is an action that is against the law as they will face consequences.

How many cops died in the LA riots?

No cops died in the LA riots.

Communities with more police officers...

Often have higher crime rates. 1:1 causation is not true.

Communities with fewer police officers...

Often have the lowest crime rates.

What were police fatalities like in the 90s and 00s?

Peaks and valleys of police fatalities in the 90s and 00s because of rising and falling rates of homicides.

Who are people most likely to kill?

People are more likely to kill people they know-- b/c we live in an objectively racially segregated society, a lot of the people we hang out with the most are those of the same race

Economic class correlation homicides

People of an economic class are more likely to kill people of the same economic class (rich people are more likely to kill rich people than poor people to kill poor people).

Geographic approximation correlation homicides

People of the same geographic approximation are more likely to kill each other-- live closer to each other.

Social affiliation correlation homicides

People of the same social affiliation are more likely to kill each other

Parking lot interactions

People think they're safe in cars, but then they go into a parking lot and a shooting starts or something due to an interaction.


People who are consumed with personal affairs. Individual, not connected to the polis. Both in terms of interaction and where they live. Were people who were not engaged in urban politics. Not engaged in civic life.


People who were engaged in city interactions.

Who is most likely to kill you?

People who you have a relationship are more likely to kill you than strangers.

Where does the word "police" come from?

Police comes from the word "Polis". Like that in every language. Always pertains to the root of the word that comes from governmental interaction.

Background of police

Police have always been at the forefront of the government. Police in the US context date back to around the 19th century. Police were created to have racialized order. Police started in the city. Maintained the politics of the area. The city gives birth to the police that form the interactions.

When did the police officer death records start counting disease deaths?

Police officer death records started counting disease deaths after 9/11 due to cancer deaths due to 9/11.

Why were police officer deaths higher in 2001?

Police officer deaths were higher in 2001 because of 9/11.

Hot-spot policing

Police respond to where something usually happens on a regular basis.

Serial Killers

Pre-frontal lobe cortex is more developed than the average person; someone did brain scans

Relationship between Race and the Police

Race is socially constructed. Police enforces racial division. Police enforce laws for civilized society.


Remaining at any one place for too long with no apparent purpose. It isn't actually a thing anymore. Purpose: subjective.

What is the current (2020) murder rate we're at?

Right now, recorded in 2020, we're at a murder rate of 6 per 100,000.

Ancient Greece Definition of a City

Said that you're in the city if you're in the physically bounded place, you're not in the city if you're not in the physically bounded place.

What is the largest county in the US?

San Bernardino County is the largest county in the US; it is in California.

What does Sharky think about the theories of increase and decrease in crime rates factors?

Sharky does not agree with all of the causes of increase or decrease in crime rates. CRIME WAS CAUSED BY ENDOGENOUS FORCES-- AS A RESULT OF THINGS.

When did Sharky write his book Uneasy Peace?

Sharky officially began writing his book in 2014.

Why was their a spike in the number of police homicides in 1974?

So many cops died in 1974 because of the war on drugs.

How have video games affected violence?

Some economists think that violence rates dropped because young men were playing more video games.


Someone who is engaging in something that offends someone's senses. More vague and more applicable. Certain people are interpreting certain laws


Something that refers to political and engagement affairs.

US suicide rates are similar to...

Son Salvador homicide rates

Definition of a City

Tangible and intangible factors that a group of people agree on.

What is the most violent holiday for homicides?

Thanksgiving is the most violent holiday for homicides. One of the context why is because more people in private spaces/homes interacting with each other.

What was one of the biggest contributing factors for the increase in homicide rates in 2020?

The CoVid-19 pandemic was one of the biggest contributing factors for the increase in homicide rates in 2020.

What happened in 1908, and how did it affect police officer fatalities?

The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) was created in 1908. A lot of the duties once given to police officers now given to FBI, so police officers start interacting more with local towns, more interactions= more fatalities.

What are the Proud Boys classified as?

The Proud Boys are not a white supremacist group, they are a western showmanist group.

What is the all time high homicide rate in the US?

The all time high in the US in homicides is about 9.8 per 100,000. This all time high rate was 1980.

What were the majority of police deaths in 2020 due to?

The data of police deaths in 2020 were majority Covid-19 deaths by far as determined by the Police Officer Memorial Fund.

When did the decline of homicides begin?

The decline of homicides started at about the mid 1990s all the way up till 2014.

Who is most likely to kidnap a child?

The father of the child is most likely to kidnap the child-- people who care about babies kidnap babies. Strangers almost never kidnap babies but will make national news when it does happen.

Human Trafficking

The illegal moving of an individual without their consent across state lines usually to commit a felony

What was the lowest number of police officers killed during line of duty?

The lowest number of police officers killed during line of duty was 130 (during the Obama administration).

What was the lowest rate for homicides in the US according to Sharky?

The lowest rate for homicides in the US according to Sharky was 4.4 in 2014.

Where do the majority of homicides in the US occur?

The majority of homicides are in the South and Southwest of the US.

What are the majority of our laws based off of?

The majority of our laws are based off of private property and social class.

Who is most likely to kill a child under 5?

The mother of the child is most likely to kill a child under 5

Age correlation to homicide

The overwhelming amount of homicides are in the same age category as the victim

Where did the police originate from?

The police originated from the neighborhood watchers and keeping track of enslaved people.

What was the rate for homicides in the US in 1990?

The rate for homicides in the US in 1990 was 9.4 per 100,000.

What was the murder rate in 2020 like?

The rate of homicide murders rose up a large amount in 2020-- on par with the murder rate in 1996. Sharky said that in 1996 rates started to drop. Our peak right now in homicides will soon (predictably) get us back to a drop in homicides.


The taking of a human life

What is the waves of crime associated with?

The waves of crime are associated with larger societal issues-- most often has to deal with major economic and policy changes.

What contributes to interracial homicides?

The way cities are built-- housing patterns, regulation segregation/congregation

Single moms fact

There are more single moms in the black community than there are in the white community

How many violent crimes are there?

There are only 4 violent crimes

How many police officer deaths were there in 2020?

There was 295 police officer deaths-- first time officer deaths went over 200 since 1930, which was an all time high of 312. Leading cause of death in 2020 for police officers: 50 gunfire, 269 medical (covid-19), 46 auto, 6 other.

What is this class called and why?

This class is called CRIME AND THE CITY b/c crime occurs everywhere but has a certain relationship with occurring in the city.

How high was the homicide rate this past year compared to other years?

This past year was the highest homicide rate since 1996.

Drop in police officer fatalities in 1933-1934

US went to WWII; more men went to war; fewer interactions at home that led to less police officer fatalities and violence.

Why is there peaks in homicides?

WE DON'T REALLY KNOW WHY THERE IS A PEAK IN HOMICIDES. NO ONE REALLY KNOWS. We can look at context, but coming up for a reason for these peaks are not trustworthy.

How has the number of police officers grown since the 1800s?

We have about 10 times the amount of police officers now than we did in the 1800s.

What type of segregated society do we live in?

We live in an objectively racially segregated society-- any city in the US


What happens to you


What you practice

Alford plea

When you can plead guilty to a plea bargain but still plead innocent.


Where cultures come together. Has cultural institutions and diversity of cultural practices. Diversity of what the definition of a city is. Some argue that it has to be a population of 100,000; some say a million.

How does respect for police have to deal with killing a cop?

Whether or not people respect the authority of the police has nothing to do with someone killing a cop. People who do not respect the police hardly ever kill a cop.

Where do white male homicides take place?

White males are more likely to be killed in private spaces b/c of white males.

When are white moms most likely to kill children?

White moms are more likely to kill babies before the age of 3

Who is most likely to be killed in cities?

Young white males are by far the least likely to be killed in cities. Overwhelmingly Black and Latino males die at a far higher rate in cities.

Young white males suicide

Young white males are killing themselves more than any other demographic in US history.


peoples, goods, services, architecture, density

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