Criminology Unit 2 Questions

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Modeling theory suggests that we learn aggressive and violent behavior. Do you think that violence in the media has any effect on criminal behavior?

I am kind of 50/50 on this. I do feel that seeing those images at a very young age can spark a sense of criminal urge. However, I grew up watching my brother play violent video games, and my dad being a police officer so I think that would be hard for me to pick a side on.

What is the M'Naughten rule? How did this rule come into existence?

One of the first instances when the "not guilty by reason of insanity" defense was used in western culture was the case of Daniel M'Naughten. The defendant was on trial for killing the secretary to the Prime Minister in 1843. His defense argued that M'Naughten suffered form delusions that the political party was persecuting him. The judge's riling led to what is now knows as the M'Naughten rule which says that a person can't be held responsible for a crime if they didn't know what they were doing at the time of the crime and didn't know what they were doing was wrong.

How does self-control theory explain crime?

Scholars have proposed that individuals with low self-control are impulsive and that they seek immediate fulfilment of their wants and urges. Harold G. Grasmick for example, suggested that people with low self-control are drawn to risk-taking behaviors that are exciting and dangerous. So, people who have low self-control are more likely to commit crimes because they need to fulfil their urges.

What personality types did Hans. J Eysenck believe were related to crime?

Eysenck believed that people who are extroverts, psychoticism, or neuroticism where most related to crime. A person with a extrovert personally is outgoing, social able, dominant and have high levels of energy. A person with a psychoticism personality is antisocial and has a lack of empathy. A person with a neurotic personality is moody, shy and irrational. Eysenck believed that these types of personality are most associated with crime because individuals who had them were harder to train and socialize, and they responded more quickly to stimuli. He thought the effects of these traits made it harder for individuals to develop a full conscience and that the individual would be more likely to retain child like behaviors.

What are four body types in William H. Sheldon's somatotyping?

The four types in William H. Sheldon's somatotyping are endomorphs, mesomorphs, ectomorphs and balanced bodies. Endomorphs are individuals who are soft, round with a large digestive area. In other words, they have a large stomach and are overweight. Mesomorphs are individuals that are muscular and athletic. Ectomorphs are individuals that are thin and frail. Balanced individuals are those that are not overweight, too muscular or too thin. Sheldon believed mesomorphs are the most likely to be delinquents.

How does the psychoanalytic theory from Freud explain crime?

From the perspective of Freuds theories on personality, crime is viewed as a person either not adapting well or having some deficiency in his or her personality. According to Freud's theory, one reason why crime may occur is if the superego is not developed fully. In this case, the person would be more likely to act on their urges and desires without considering the consequences and the morality of the action. According to the psychoanalytic theory, we are all potential criminals, but the ID keeps us from acting on urges.

Eysenck argues that certain personality types are more likely to engage in criminal behavior. Do you think that our personalities contribute to whether we commit crimes or not?

I do think that our personality types contribute to whether we commit crimes or not. I think that people who are extroverts, psychotic or neurotic are harder to socialize and have a harder time fully devolving their conscience, making them more susceptible to becoming a criminal.

Do you think that individuals accused of crimes should be able to use an insanity defense?

I think that individuals accused of crimes should be able to use the insanity as a defense IF they have been examined by a certain amount of doctors, I would say three. This is because this would be the easiest way out for someone that just wants to do the crime again. So being examined by 3 doctors and having at the least 2 out of 3 agree that insanity is there.

Do you think weather affects crime?

I think that the weather can have an affect on crime, because of the changes in barometric pressure may also be associated with changes in the blood flow to the brain, which may increase impulsive behavior. Scholars think that extreme heat and cold temperatures keep people away from each other, and this creates less opportunity for crimes. Also, the time of day effects the opportunity for crime, for example crimes like assaults tend to happen during the evening hours and weekends.

Which theory discussed in the lesson do you think best describes why crime happens?

I think the modeling theory best describes why crime happens. It is by far the most logical, that people have will have similar behaviors to others around them including parents and friends. We also copy the behavior of people who are more powerful and wealthier than ourselves because we wish to be like them in some aspect.

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