Crisis Intervention

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Of the attributes that will serve crisis workers well in a multicultural crisis world, which of the following is not helpful


Laura Brown uses the___________ model to delineate her social locations approach


Crisis lines work because they

Allow callers to control the interaction

Which of the following is not a disowned statement?

Based on my own experience in this work I would say if you keep doing that you are putting yourself at grave risk.

Of the following components of basic crisis theory, which does not apply?​

Basic crisis theory is equivalent to brief therapy.

Of the following statements, which does not apply to the disturbed caller?​

Behavior needs to be differentiated as to whether it is biochemically or psychologically based

Which of the following statements are good netiquette for a worker to practice

Brevity in your responses is a good thing, so use standard, clear, counseling responses.

Minimizing the physical and psychological danger to self and others is a simple way of defining

Client safety

The difference between the goal of a long-term therapist and a crisis interventionist would be:

Comprehensive personality change versus restoring pre-crisis functioning

The Contextual-Ecological Model of crisis is:​

Contextual elements are layered and reciprical impact occurs between the indivudal and the system

Of the following basic strategies for crisis intervention, which one seeks to deal with warded off, shunted, and denied feelings?

Creating awareness

There are four major factors in assessing the client;s emotional stability. Which of the following is not one of those factors?

Degree of self-actualizing mobility

A somewhat controversial treatment method for PTSD requires the client to maintain awareness of one or more of (1) an image of the memory, (2) a negative self-statement or assessment of the trauma, (3) the physical feelings of the anxiety-provoking event. What is this particular treatment method called?


​Lauren Brown's social locations concept of multiculturalism as it applies to trauma and crisis depicts a(n) ____ model.


While assisting a client to examine alternatives, the crisis worker is advised to:

Ensure that the alternatives are workable and realistic in terms of the action steps

While assisting a client to examine alternatives, the crisis worker is advised to:

Ensure that the alternatives chosen are ones that the client can truly own and are realistic "right here" and "right now"

One of the first things a worker should do with long-term clients is:​

Establish effective ground rules

abnormal or pathological.

Evolution applied to human functioning

Of the following, which is not a common dynamic pattern of PTSD?

Exaggerated social interaction

A universal view of multicultural counseling relates to "visible and racial ethnic minorities."


An example of a childhood Type II trauma would be a one-time stranger rape of a child.


Assessment is pretty much done at the beginning of a crisis and is a one-shot affair


Because the Internet is international in scope there is no need to carry liability insurance if you are offering professional counseling services over it because there are no international ethical standards


Child abuse and rape victims experience PTSD very differently than other victims of PTSD


Closed ended questions should never be used because they are highly intrusive and aggressive sounding and could shut off communication.


Communicating empathically means focusing exclusively on the accurate restatement of the content of verbal messages and not trying to guess at underlying meanings.​


Communicating genuineness means talking about yourself as a way to let clients see that you understand them.​


Directive counseling is culturally judgmental and demeaning and should not be used in crisis intervention because it reinforces helplessness.​


EMDR should not be used with children because it is very intrusive and may reignite the trauma


Flooding works well as a safe therapeutic intervention with children because it allows them to expunge intrusive thoughts.


Font type has little to do with what is going on with a client.​


Ground rules for therapy with difficult clients should always be used in a passive, accepting way so as to not threaten clients


In the outcry phase, the focus of treatment should be on finding support groups whose members have responses associated with the trauma


Linear thinking is critical in crisis intervention


Multiculturalists in the United States are highly aware of how the competencies they promote apply outside the United States


One of the major disadvantages to telephone counseling is that the worker may have to refer to ready-made lists of feeling words, questions on the topic, and worst of all, keep reference notes, which can all be distracting to the intervention process


One of the major problems in a community telephone crisis line is that workers have to be "expert" in a large variety of areas


One of the major reasons for PTSD counseling groups is to let the members cathart about their experiences and thus get rid of the bad memories.


One of the techniques for dealing with severely disturbed callers is to reflect their disturbed feelings and share their delusions


One way of deescalating severely disturbed callers is to humor them by "going along" with their hallucinations as a calming technique


Pranksters should be hung up on immediately to clear the lines for legitimate calls


Psychotropic medications are widely effective with all trauma types and should be used conjointly with psychotherapy


Sympathy and empathy are essentially the same thing except sympathy uses more worker owning statements to convey feelings


Telephone crisis counseling is cheap, but generally ineffective due to staffing by volunteers


The Affective Severity Scale of the Triage Assessment System assesses a broad spectrum of positive and adaptive client behaviors


The Army's Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program does not include a component to help families.


The Triage assessment system is an in-depth rapid but systematic technique for use by crisis workers in determining the severity of a client's past and present dilemmas.


The best method of dealing with a sexually explicit caller is to stay on the line and establish a trusting relationship.​


There is little reason to believe that the war in Iraq will produce PTSD casualties among U.S. soldiers as did the war in Vietnam


Workers who have experienced the crisis a client is experiencing will undoubtedly be better able to handle it because they have overcome the crisis.


​It has been proven that Asian and Latino cultures have a much more collectivist world view than Americans


Grassroots movements are:

Groups of individuals personally affected by a common problem

An owning statement most generally starts with the pronoun:


Psychological First Aid involves which of the following?

Initiating contact in a compassionate manner

All of the following were involved in the classification of PTSD as a diagnosable mental illness, except:

Iraq war veterans began to develop psychological problems after returning from

Assessment in crisis intervention

Is generally continuous throughout the intervention

One of the first things a crisis line worker does is:

Make psychological contact

Of the following neurological factors that may contribute to the severity of a crisis, which is not true?

Neurotransmitter discharge during a crisis, while dramatic, is always of intense, short duration.

During a crisis intervention the emic perspective is important for crisis workers to understand because it

Represents how members view their local culture

Providing protection means:

Safeguarding clients from engaging in harmful and destructive behavior

Of the following cultural barriers, which is not identified in the text

Sexual orientation

Netiquette is important because if I MAKE A TYPO AND HIT THE CAPS KEY IT WOULD MEAN TO A SAVVY NET USER THAT I was:​

Shouting at them

Of the following strategies, which would work best with callers experiencing mania

Slowing them down and pacing with them

Which of the following strategies would not be recommended by the authors for an abusive, sexually explicit caller

Staying on the line and building a trusting relationship with the caller

Which of the following is appropriate in dealing with a self-defeating personality?​

Stressing their talents and the behavioral consequences of sabotaging themselves

Of the following phases of recovery in PTSD, which does not belong?

The calm, tranquil "before the storm" phase

Call-in clients like crisis lines because:​

They can remain anonymous

A major criticism of current multicultural practices is that current cultural competency practices are too exclusive and are backed by little research


A smart crisis worker would attempt to enlist help and support from members of the indigenous community


At times the telephone worker may have to provide sexual information and resources regarding sexual behavior to a caller


Developmental crises involve abnormal reactions the normal flows of predictable life changes.


In childhood Type II traumas, children rarely misperceive or distort the trauma once brought to awareness.


In the disequilibrium that accompanies crisis, anxiety is always present, and the discomfort of anxiety provides an impetus for change.


Morality and spirituality are assessed with the TAF


Natural support systems are often more important than formal counseling systems in providing relief


Predispositioning is one of the most important tasks when using the Internet for crisis intervention


Psychological first aid is a first-order intervention in crisis.


Support groups are an important component for treating PTSD


The Triage Assessment Scale looks affective, behavioral, and cognitive processes.


Terr (1995) proposed a division of childhood trauma into two categories that she called Type I and Type II traumas. What is the difference?​

Type I derives from sudden, distinct, traumatic experiences and Type II derives from long standing, repeated ordeals.

Of the following reasons for the use of telephone crisis lines, which is not valid?

Uses comprehensive appraisal systems

Lindemann's basic crisis theory was important because his work negated the prevailing perception that clients manifesting crisis responses should be treated as:​

abnormal or pathological.

The term empathy means that the worker:​

accurately senses the clients inner feelings and meanings

​Which of the following has not been a historical label for PTSD?

acute intrapsychic trauma

PTSD may be developed following exposure to uncommon stressful life events such as:​

all the answers are correct: earthquakes, car accidents, physical or sexual assault

The Hybrid model conceptualizes assessing as overarching

all the tasks (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

The crisis worker who interacts with complete acceptance of clients demonstrates:

an unconditional positive regard for clients that transcends clients' personal qualities, beliefs, problems, situations, or crises

A statement such as "I need for you to take a deep breath, exhale slowly, and put the gun down!" is a(n) ____________ statement.​


With many types of disturbed callers, the center's focus should be on

bringing staff together to discuss these callers, plan strategies to handle them and voice concerns.

If a worker quietly sat by and allowed a client to cry for five minutes and bemoan her broken engagement, the worker would be engaging in ______ as a technique.


Young children who suffer from PTSD are likely to

continuously reenact the event through play.

Dealing with a sexually explicit caller may be done by

covert modeling by planting the idea that they have a problem

All of the following are good rules of the road for crisis workers, except:

crisis workers can independently handle any situation

"WHy" question are generally excellent open ended leads


A universal view of multicultural counseling looks at racial and ethnic minorities in the broadest possible sense


Allowing clients to cathart about the issue only compounds the crisis.


Close-ended questions in crisis intervention are generally inappropriate.


Distancing is a technique the worker can employ to step back and more objectively view the client's dilemma.​


Eye movement desensitization/reprocessing (EMDR) works because the strobe light or finger movement interrupts abnormal neural activity.


Telephone and online counseling pose far fewer ethical dilemmas because the worker is not face-to-face with the client and doesn't know the client's identity.


The Hybrid model of crisis intervention epitomizes a stage or linear model


The task model is mostly passive in what it attempts to do


Transcrisis states are identical to posttraumatic stress disorder.


An inappropriate technique for therapeutic intervention with children who suffer from PTSD involves:​


Successful crisis work may be described as:

generating in the client a long term resiliency to ward off future crisis Also: tapping into the client's reservoir of resiliency

A collectivist multicultural view emphasizes the:

group binds and mutually obligates the individual

A person who was identified as schizotypal would typically need to

have the worker focus on reality checks in a slow paced supportive manner

Which of the following is not one of the diagnostic criteria for PTSD?

heightened social interaction

Closed questions are useful in crisis intervention to:

increase focus

The police, fire, and emergency services support group provide all but one of the following in their support groups?​

integration with other kinds of ptsd

"I want you to stop swearing or I will end this session" Is an example of a(n):

limit setting statement

A rating of 9 on a specific triage A,B, or C scale would indicate

marked impairment and barely controllable behavior that is moving toward lethality

Providing guidance

means clients don't have the knowledge or resources available to get themselves out of the crisis and need an expert in providing them with the tools to do so.​

Disinhibition effect

means that clients open up faster and with more personal information when they are on the Internet.​

The level of action on the part of the crisis worker is determined largely by the assessed level of the client's


It is of utmost importance that the recruitment, screening, orientation, training, evaluation, and retention of crisis workers deal with the reality of

multicultural clientele

An eclectic approach to crisis intervention means:​

not being locked into any theoretical approach in a dogmatic fashion.

Which of the following is a common reaction to traumatic stress?


Promoting expansion means:

opening up clients tunnel vision in regard to the problem

Geographic locale is a cultural barrier in a crisis because

people may be suspicious of outsiders

Individualism is a cultural worldview that believes

personal goals and uniqueness are paramount

There is a great deal of psychophysiological assessment evidence that indicates that stimulus presentation of sights, sounds, and smells associated with the long-past traumatic event in PTSD sufferers may cause:

physiological responses such as increased heart rate, blood pressure, triglycerides, and cholesterol levels, and decreased blood flow to the extremities.

The police crisis intervention team concept has developed because:

police officers encounter people in crisis

Institutionalization of crisis services usually occurs when:​

politicians see the political necessity for alleviating the crisis.

If you rated a client as a 10 on any one individual A,B, or C triage scale you would be saying that she was

potentially lethal

In helping a client plan viable action steps, it is important for the crisis worker to:

provide information about the course of the crisis and what is likely to happen to most clients

​___________ theory is based on the view that the disequilibrium which accompanies crisis can be understood by gaining access to the client's unconscious thoughts and past emotional experiences is

psychoanalytic theory

The original principal physical technique of an EMDR therapist is:​

rapid hand movements called saccades

In dealing with dependent callers the worker would

reinforce strengths, support concerns, and promote taking responsibility for themselves

Characteristics of effective crisis workers must include:

resiliency, poise, and flexibility.

The term "crisis" refers to the perception of an event or situation as an intolerable difficulty that exceeds the person's:

resources and coping mechanisms

Above all else, the worker's therapeutic style, choices, and strategy must reflect continuous consideration for the client's


The default task of the hybrid model is


Support groups are important to victims of PTSD because:

sharing experiences gives group members a common bond.

Relational markers:

shorten the psychological distance between the worker and the client

Assessment of PTSD may be best accomplished by

structured interviews specifically related to PTSD criteria.

Follow-up is an important task because

success in maintaining pre-crisis equilibrium is critical

Neat and orderly progression for the PTSD sufferer through the recovery phase is:​

the exception rather than the rule

In high-context cultures

the group is reflective of one's worth

If the client's decisions were highly impulsive and irrational with the potential to harm others, her behaviors were causing the situation to worsen, and she felt the situation was unreal, she would most likely have a triage score in the

the high twenties

An understanding of the ecological/cultural determinants of crisis intervention is founded on

the mutual and dynamic interaction of between client, local ecological/cultural factors and worker.

One of the reasons the Vietnam War was a fertile breeding ground for PTSD was

there were no front lines and one had to be alert at all times

A crisis which is not properly dealt with may become submerged from awareness, where it forms a disease reservoir. The phenomenon in which such a crisis reemerges later in life, causing the person's previous crisis symptoms to recur has been termed:


"Railway spine" was a historical precursor of what is now known as PTSD.


"Tell me more "is an open lead that asks the client for expansion of the subject.​


"We" statements are an excellent way to build collaboration.


A good owning statement may mean making a value judgment about a client's behavior


Alternate forms of the TAF, such as the TACKLE, are designed to deal with very specific populations of emotionally disturbed individuals who are in crisis


An important aspect of listening is to respond in ways that let the client know that the worker is hearing both the content and underlying emotional content.​


An iron-clad rule is that the worker checks with every caller to determine if their medication may be contributing to the problem.


Anger, fear, and sadness along with frustration are the typical emotional states assessed in crisis intervention


As odd and paradoxical as it may seem, expansion and focusing strategies may both be helpful in crisis intervention


Because conflict can occur more online than in face-to-face intervention, communication constantly needs to be clarified


Because establishing psychological contact is so important when conducting telephone crisis counseling it is the first thing that a phone crisis counselor does


Children who suffer a traumatic experience are likely to have problems with "narrative coherence," which is the ability to organize material into a beginning, middle, and end.


Community mental health clinics must provide 24-hour service, as mandated by the Community Mental Health Act of 1963


Eclectic crisis intervention involves the intentional and systematic selection and integration of valid concepts and strategies from all available therapeutic approaches.


Individuals are not always the basic building blocks in societies


Laura Brown, a renowned expert on multiculturalism and trauma doesn't really know how people make sense of a trauma


Melancholy as one of the descriptors on the Affective scale


Monitoring and assessing body language is an as important as monitoring and assessing verbal responses in crisis work.​


Moving beyond the trauma means survivors need to come to understand the negative aspects of PTSD and that the physiological responses they may have are common to the experience.


Nondirective play therapy is ill advised because restitutive play may become increasingly destructive if left ungoverned


Occupational "culture" may be a barrier to those who don't understand it


One of the major problems of crisis intervention in rural communities may be the local population's fear and suspicion of outsiders


One way in which a crisis worker may determine whether the client fully understands a commitment is to ask the client to summarize the action steps that he or she plans to take.


Open ended questions are designed to encourage clients to respond with fuller, more meaningful responses.


Owning feeling is probably more important in crisis intervention because of the need to be directive.​


SUDS is a term identified with EDMR


Silence is also golden at times in crisis counseling


Telephone crisis centers have ready access to a variety of support systems


Terr's studies of children differentiate PTSD into two distinct types depending on traumatic event duration.


The disinhibition effect means that people tend to open up earlier with more distressing issues over the Internet than they do face-to-face.


The fundamental problem in client immobility is being stuck in a continuous nonproductive loop of approach, avoidance, or static behavior


The possibility of secondary victimization is an excellent reason for using telephone counseling because the client is in complete control of the process.​


There is evidence that intense and continuous stress can cause permanent physical changes to occur in the brain.


Volunteers who work crisis hotlines are actually pretty effective in helping people


When rating behavioral severity, approach, avoidance, and immobility can be both good and bad.


Transcrisis points tend to occur in

unpredictable intervals

A member of a high-context culture would believe that a crisis counselor should

use stories and metaphors to get a point across

An owning statement does which of the following?

uses positive reinforcement to approximate a client towards a larger goal

Silence as a counseling technique is best used:

when clients need time to think

An effective multicultural view of a client includes a

wide variety of individual and group characteristics

A technique for handling pranksters and silent callers is to:

wonder aloud whether it is difficult to say what the caller really needs or say nothing

Hotlines may:

​be time limited or continuous depending on the issue

Gestalt techniques such as the "empty chair" can be used for PTSD clients to effectively:​

​reduce the guilt of "unfinished business" of past traumatic events.

Handling problem callers who become abusive is best done by

​terminating them after a clear warning

In telephone crisis intervention, providing support to the client is critical because

​the client typically has no support system and needs to establish psychological contact with someone

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