Critical Reader What, of the Goldfish, Would You Wish

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It relates to the message of the story because the message was to be willing to open up and not judge so quickly.

How does it relate to the message of the story?

By stating what is happening, the fish is trying to have Sergei realize what he did. But with that, he says that Sergei is not a murderer, which he isn't. That is why Sergei takes the fish's advice to save Yoni.

"You killed him, Sergei," the goldfish says. "You murdered someone - but you are not a murderer." How does this advice help Sergei make the right choice?

When the fish says "you murdered someone" it is bringing Sergei back to the reality that he really did just commit a murder, but when he tells Sergei that he is not a murderer he is trying to bring Sergei to the reality that he knows and Sergei knows he is a good person and would never want to murder someone. This helps Sergei make the right choice by reminding him not to be selfish with his wishes and to use them to help others.

"You killed him, Sergei," the goldfish says. "You murdered someone - but you are not a murderer." How does this advice help Sergei to make the right choice?

Maybe somewhere in that city some beleaguered Arab man would stand in his doorway ... pause for a minute, nodded his head, and wish for peace______________ > Vocabulary > describes Arab man > shows that this hypothetical man is worn down by the violence of his life.


[Sarcasm] Even better, maybe he'd cash out, package it with a slogan and sell it to a bank or cellular phone company._________________ > Idiom > Informal > shows that Yoni is young and not seriously thinking about selling his piece to a bank. By using informal language that young people would be familiar with, he shows that this is not a serious proposition even in his head.


Sergei must decide whether to get rid of the body and cover up the murder OR use his final wish to save someone else.

Climatic Momemnt

As a child, the KGB would come to Sergei's house, which had left him anxious and fearful. The actions of the KGB left him scared of what would happen if he opened the door. Which explains why is reacted so nervous, anxious, and rude to Yoni, a stranger, knocking at his door.

Consider how Sergei reacts when Yoni comes to his door. Does his response seem reasonable? How does Sergei's cultural experience help explain his reaction?

Yoni had a great idea for a documentary. He would go around neighborhoods asking the question if you had a magical wish that could grant you any wish what would it be. He got many answers from different people.


Sergei uses his final wish to bring Yoni back to life. Yoni is brought back to life.

Falling action

"I'm a magic fish. I'm fluent in everything." ________________> Vocabulary > adds to the goldfish's characterization by showing the fish's intelligence and arrogance. He is not shy about admitting he is smarter than those around him, a selfish trait that demonstrates his personality throughout the short story.


Yoni knocks on Sergei's door and makes his way inside the house talking excitedly in Hebrew about a magical fish that grants wishes.

Inciting Incident

Shows why he is considering saving his final wish for himself rather than using it to save this stranger that he does not even know. Shows why he is apprehensive to open the door to Yoni and doesn't want to answer his questions Before moving to the new country, Sergei lived in Soviet Russia. In Soviet Russia, he was often interrupted with aggressive knocks and home invasions by the KGB. Because of this, Sergei did not appreciate the loud knocks and a stranger entering his home unwelcomed. This caused the extreme reaction from Sergei when Yogi entered.

How do these memories add suspense or explain his motivations?

Sergei's life changes because he learns that his wishes are not wasted on others. He knows what the right thing to do is and does it, even with his own personal wishes in mind. It is ironic because he told Yoni his one wish was for a friend, and by using his last wish he lost that. Sergei's life changes because he has what he wants already, and using his wish takes that away. He loses his companion.

How does Sergei's life change in this story? What is ironic about the outcome of Sergei's wishes?

(What was the response he "wished" to film? What alternative response did he film that was equally poignant?) He wanted a man to wish for peace in the middle of contentions cultural climate. He found a man who wished not to be alone and this felt universally truthful. The last section of the story is flash forward. Readers must infer what happens in the time between Sergei's conversation with the fish and Yoni's final report on his video. Is this structure effective, or would it have been better to know the details about Sergei's decisions? Explain. The structure is effective because you can infer that Sergei used his last wish on Yoni, the boy he killed, and in the end, the boy was brought back to life. It allows you to figure out that Sergei made the right decision and used his last and final wish to save Yoni.

How does Yoni's perspective change as a result of filming the documentary?

From the fish, who wanted nothing but to be free, to Yoni who only wanted his documentary to be a success, and finally to Sergei who had used all his wishes to help others. Sergei desires not to be alone. He has used his wishes in the past to try and achieve this goal but now is mostly isolated. In the end, Sergei tells Yoni his wish is not to be alone. He used his last wish to correct his mistake caused by misunderstanding and now his only wish is to get back what he already had.

How does the motif of wishing, apply to each of the story's major characters: Yoni, Sergei, and the goldfish? What is similar and different about their wishes?

How does it relate to the message of the story?

It relates to the message of the story because the message was to be willing to open up and not judge so quickly.

Main points: The theme is to not make impulsive decisions that you will regret Interpretations are not always reality Sometimes something that sounds mean is good advice Don't be selfish, try to help others when you can Always think before you act

Reread what the goldfish tells Sergei in paragraph 22. What lesson is this archetypal wise character trying to convey? How does this lesson reveal a theme of the story?

Yoni got the answer he was looking for, someone said they would wish for peace. However, another answer moved him which was a Russian man who said he would not use any wishes but just talk to the fish so he would not be alone.


Yoni spots a fish in Sergei's house swimming around a bowl in the kitchen. The fish grants three wishes. Sergei uses two wishes and saves one wish for later Sergei hits Yoni over the head with a burner. The boy falls down and is surrounded by a pool of blood.

Rising Action

Sergei uses his last wish on Yoni. This shows how he cares for others and didn't think about himself. Even though he used both of his other wishes to help others and was going to save the last one for himself, he decided to do the right thing and help Yoni. Sergei's usage of his last wish symbolizes his selflessness and care for others. The theme that this could point to is not to be selfish and that being selfless will bring you a good life and happiness.

The author uses Sergei's choice to point to a greater truth and universal message. What does Sergei's choice illustrate about people?

impulsive selflessness rather than impulsive selfishness There is much good in the world (Sergei as an example of this) Isolation and loneliness are universal emotions that evoke compassion.


Doorways represent people opening up to the outside, Yoni forced people to open up to him when they opened their doors, looking through the doorway symbolized the opening of their hearts to Yoniś question

What do the doorways represent?

This says about Yoni that he was an average person and that the project was a freelance, simple project. His project was just a public survey of what they would want to wish for. Hero / Protagonist struggles with Tough Question it helps the reader gain insight into their personal struggles (internal conflicts) fears, worries, hopes. A character's response can reveal a story's message (theme).

What do the use of the slang term and informal language in the paragraph say about Yoni?

It shows that Sergei was not selfish. It tells the reader that sometimes when he help others before helping ourselves we will still be brought happiness. Sergei's final wish and the choice he makes in using it serves as evidence to support a theme or message for the reader.

What does Sergei's response point to as a message for the reader?

Sergei was influenced by this goldfish to make the moral choice. If the goldfish were replaced the story would be flatter because there would be less interpersonal conflict within Sergei to do the moral action. There would also be less conflict between the goldfish or the wish granter and Sergei. His name was Munir; he was fat with a big white mustache. Super Photogenic. It was moving, the way he said it. Perfect, the way in which Munir wished his wish. Yoni knew even as he was filming that this guy would be in his promo for sure.

What impact does the presence of the magical sarcastic fish have on the story? If it were some other object that granted the wishes, how would the story be changed?

Sergei struggles with himself because he can not decide if he should use his last wish to save Yoni or keep it for himself.

What internal conflicts does Sergei struggle with in deciding whether or not to use his third wish to save Yoni?

How he used his first two wishes on other people, The KGB would come to his door when he lived in Russia Sergei had bad memories of people knocking at his door from his childhood

What key memories are shared from Sergei's past in the story?

Based on Sergei's first two wishes, it can be inferred that he is a selfless person who cares about the wellbeing of others. This conclusion can be made because although he did not receive any benefit from making these wishes - which helped his former girlfriend and his sister - he made them anyway, taking away his chances to make a wish for himself.

When you infer, you use details in a text to draw a conclusion about something that the author does not state directly. What can you infer about Sergi's character based on the way he used his first two wishes?

One drawn, wizened old lady asked simply for a child. ____________ > Vocabulary > shows that this woman is old and worn by life, and has seen a lot in life. She is past the point in her life where she has the ability to have children. She is a person with a good perspective on life and a lot of experience.


The__________of this story is opening up and letting things go. Sergei was stuck and stubborn, he wanted to do everything his way and he held onto his last wish so that the fish would have to stay with him forever. Due to this, they had been friends for a very long time, but during this time, the fish was gradually helping Sergei to be a better person and to make better decisions. Although Sergei was scared to let go of the friend he had held onto for so long, he realized that he needed to change and let go so the fish can be free and so that he can move on.


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