Critical Thinking Ch. 1-2 Study Guide

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Which of the following is supposed to be demonstrated by the Taoist analogy between the relationship between ice and water and the relationship between reason and emotion? A. Just as ice and water are distinct things, reason and emotion are completely distinct B. Just as ice and water are not quite identical and not quite distinct, reason and emotion are two aspects of the same thing and yet they differ in some ways C. Just as ice and water are really the same thing, reason and emotion are two aspects of one thing and so they do not differ at all from each other D. All of these answers are correct

B. Just as ice and water are not quite identical and not quite distinct, reason and emotion are two aspects of the same thing and yet they differ in some ways

Author Richard Dawkins points to which of the following figures as being responsible for the virtual destruction of the argument from design A. Charles Darwin B. Sigmund Freud C. Thomas Aquinas D. Socrates

A. Charles Darwin

Seeking out only evidence that supports one's views and dismissing as unreliable statistics that contradict those views is known as A. Confirmation Bias B. Absolutism C. Availability Heuristic D. Relativism

A. Confirmation Bias

Al Gore, in his book The Assault on Reason (2007) claims that since television overtook the printed word as the dominant source of information there is a(n) A. Decline in participation by ordinary citizens in the democratic process B. Decrease in money spent on education C. Increase in participation by ordinary citizens in the democratic process D. Increase in money spent on education

A. Decline in participation by ordinary citizens in the democratic process

As rationalization often involves ignoring claims that compete with their opinions, we are in danger of engaging in a type of resistance to critical thinking called A. Doublethink B. Avoidance C. Denial D. Anger

A. Doublethink

Which of the following is true of dreams? A. Dreams are capable of helping us solve our problems B. Dreams are completely understood by science C. Dreams have never been a source of important ideas D. Dreams are merely the release of irrational impulses and emotions

A. Dreams are capable of helping us solve our problems

What are the characteristics of an empathetic person? (put all that applies) A. He or she is flexible and open to others' perspective B. He or she is motivated to use critical analysis C. He or she typically fails to alert people to oppression D. He or she encourages rigid, unrealistic beliefs about others

A. He or she is flexible and open to others' perspective B. He or she is motivated to use critical analysis

What are the uses of reason in context of logic and critical thinking ( put all that applies) A. It helps us analyze beliefs and evidence B. It helps us focus on the unconscious level by disregarding the conscious level C. It helps us maximize the influence of anger on critical thinking D. It helps us make well though-out decisions about life choices and resolve problems

A. It helps us analyze beliefs and evidence D. It helps us make well though-out decisions about life choices and resolve problems

When Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, hundreds of people died who might otherwise have been saved. This is due to what critical thinking error? A. Lack of preparedness B. Fortifying the wrong structures in preparation for the storm C. Denial D. Political Rationalization

A. Lack of preparedness

What generalization is suggested by the Milgram Experiment and the Stanford University person experiment ? A. Many people will uncritically follow the commands of those in authority B. Many people have an innate sense of right and wrong and will temper orders from authority figures accordingly C. Many people are naturally sadistic and will act out when given the chance D.Many people will question those in authority

A. Many people will uncritically follow the commands of those in authority

The abolitionists and early feminists and civil rights advocates who challenged traditions they believed were unjust were A. Often ridiculed B. Warmly received C. Often esteemed D. Completely Ignored

A. Often ridiculed

When Perry Jr. and other researchers studied the cognitive development of college students. When the results are simplified into a developmental continuum of the three stages, the second stage is called A. Relativism B. Commitment C. Dualism D.None of these answers is correct

A. Relativism

The use if immature defense mechanisms that are rigid, impulsive, maladaptive, and nonanalytical is known as A. Resistance B. Absolution C. Egocentrism D. Perseverance

A. Resistance

Which of the following is a component of reason? A. Sets of premises that provide support for conclusions B. Appeals of self interest C. Appeals to fear D. None of these answers is correct

A. Sets of premises that provide support for conclusions

Which of the following are involved in critical thinking (Put all the things that apply) A. The application of the rules of logic B. The development of Narrow- mindedness C. Gathering Evidence and Evaluating it D. Coming up with a plan of action E. Coming up with uninformed opinions

A. The application of the rules of logic C. Gathering Evidence and Evaluating it D. Coming up with a plan of action

Which of the following are part of reasoning? (put all that applies) A. The disciplined use of intelligence B. The minimal use of emotional intelligence C. Appealing to anger and fear D. Applying the rules for problem solving

A. The disciplined use of intelligence D. Applying the rules for problem solving

When Perry Jr. and other researchers studied the cognitive development of college students. When the results are simplified into a developmental continuum of the three stages, the third stage is called A. Relativism B. Commitment C. Dualism D.None of these answers is correct

B. Commitment

Which of the following is a problem with fideism? A. Fideism allows that we can improve or revise our religious beliefs on the basis of reason B. Fideism gives us no way of knowing which religious beliefs we should hold as a matter of faith C. Believing something, in itself, shows that it is correct D. Fideism requires that you only believe religious claims when there is evidence supporting those claims

B. Fideism gives us no way of knowing which religious beliefs we should hold as a matter of faith

Liberal feminists hold which of the following positions? A. Gender differences are solely the result of biological ingrained dispositions B. Gender differences are mostly the result of differences in socialization C. Women are not as capable of rational thought as men D. None of these answers is correct

B. Gender differences are mostly the result of differences in socialization

Identify a true statement about critical thinking rationalism? A. It states that faith- based claims are immune from being disproved through the use of reason B. It is the tradition of faith seeking understanding C. It requires logical inconsistencies between faith and reason D. It rejects the fideist claim that faith is based on direct knowledge of God, rather than on reason

B. It is the tradition of faith seeking understanding

Who said "Someone is happy, when his plans are going well and his more important aspirations are being fulfilled?" A. John Steward Mill B. John Rawls C. Socrates D. None of these answers is correct

B. John Rawls

Which of the following is true of the relationship between gender/racial stereotypes and critical thinking ? A. Traditional gender and racial stereotypes show that some people are simply not as capable of critical thought as others B. Such Stereotypes are barriers to critical thought, since they prevent you from considering other points of view C. Gender stereotypes show that women are too emotional for critical thought D. Gender stereotypes show that only men should be allowed in public office where the use of reason is most important

B. Such Stereotypes are barriers to critical thought, since they prevent you from considering other points of view

The model that breaks the critical thinking process down into three recursive and dynamic levels is called A.The Critique of practical reason B. The Three- Tier Model C. The three- Noble Truths D. The Critique of Critical Truths

B. The Three- Tier Model

Which of the following best defines emotional intelligence ? A. The ability to ignore the influence of emotions when reasoning B. The ability to perceive accurately, appraise and express emotion C. The ability to use the fear and self-interest of others to make them believe what you would like them to believe D. The ability to ignore or disregard feelings when they facilitate thought

B. The ability to perceive accurately, appraise and express emotion

Gender stereotypes can be harmful for which of the following reasons? A. They reveal that women are as incapable of reasoning as men B. They harm men who wish to pursue traditionally female careers C. They may prevent women from taking on roles that requires caring for others D. All of these answers are correct

B. They harm men who wish to pursue traditionally female careers

Which of the following is true ? A. If women are more emotional than men, then it follows they are less capable of reasoning B. Traditional Western conceptions of women paint them as less capable of reasoning than men C. Almost all Western conceptions of reason make room for the appropriate use of emotion in reasoning D. All of these answers are correct

B. Traditional Western conceptions of women paint them as less capable of reasoning than men

When is an opinion reasonable? A. When it is questionable B. When it has logical support C. When it is believed by the majority of people D. When it is deeply and sincerely held

B. When it has logical support

Critical Thinking skills have been found to help us A. Have better relationships B.Avoid making bad decisions C. Have enhanced self-esteem and a sense of well- being D. All of these answers are correct

D. All of these answers are correct

Name a necessary element of effective decision making A. Setting short term and long term goals B. Developing a realistic plan for achieving a goal C. Building flexibility into a plan D. All of these answers are correct

D. All of these answers are correct

Which of the following is a way emotion can help us reason better? A. Emotion can help us notice problems B. Emotion can move us to resolve problems C. Emotion can help us to consider problems from the perspective of others D. All of these answers are correct

D. All of these answers are correct

Why did the Zen Master Shunryu Suzuki believe that we must have a "beginner's mind"? A. Because the beginner's mind is critically open mind B. Because you cannot add knowledge to a mind that's full, just as you cannot add more water to a cup that is full to the brim C. Because the "beginner" has a meditative brain that is neurally much more active and more resilient in neuroplasticity than are the brains of people who do not meditate D. All of these answers are correct

D. All of these answers are correct

Having good research and inquiry skills involves being able to A. Find the correct solutions B. Communicate with empathy C. Use good laboratory techniques D. Ask the right questions

D. Ask the right questions

Which of the following is true about our ability to reason? A. Individuals tend to reason well regardless of context B. Individuals tend to reason poorly regardless of context C. Formal training in reasoning makes no difference in one's ability to reason in unfamiliar contexts D. Individuals tend to reason better in familiar context

D. Individuals tend to reason better in familiar context

One criticism rationalism is that not all people have direct knowledge of the existence of God. Which of the following is a response critical rationalists have offered to this criticism? A. Faith is based on reason rather than on direct knowledge of God B. Beliefs held as a matter of faith need not be consistent with reason C. Faith based claims are immune from being disproved through the use of reason D. Revelation about God need not to be accessible to all people

D. Revelation about God need not to be accessible to all people

Which of the following is a strategy that falls under the heading of reason A. Deduction B. Spatial- Temporal Reasoning C. Generalization D. Imagination E. All of these are strategies that fall under the heading of reason

E. All of these are strategies that fall under the heading of reason

(TRUE/FALSE) Albert Einstein when her developed his theory of relativity, used to method of "suspension of disbelief" regarding the generally accepted belief that time is absolute


(TRUE/FALSE) Aristotle held that women and men are essentially the same


(TRUE/FALSE) Cliches help simplify an issue and get to the heart of the matter that is to be critically analyzed


(TRUE/FALSE) College professor Stephen Satris maintains that the cognitive development stage known as "relativism" -viz. when students stop thinking in "black and white" ways to swing to the other extreme of thinking there are no right and wrong answers at all-is not a means of avoiding having one's ideas challenged but a genuine philosophical position


(TRUE/FALSE) Confucianism places particular importance on ridding yourself of emotions and relationships


(TRUE/FALSE) Critical thought requires that you ignore your emotions


(TRUE/FALSE) Empathy has no role to play in critical thought


(TRUE/FALSE) Good Critical thinkers opt for the security of fitting into the crowd rather than taking charge of their lives and choices


(TRUE/FALSE) Good analytic communication, good research skills and advanced cognitive development are factors that shape how well a person thinks analytically but not critically


(TRUE/FALSE) No one in the twenty- First century believes that women should be confined to the home


(TRUE/FALSE) No scientist believe that computers can be concious


(TRUE/FALSE) Rationalism requires that we reject the existence of God


(TRUE/FALSE) Reason is the process of coming to conclusion based on feelings and self -interest


(TRUE/FALSE) Reasoning is always a conscious activity


(TRUE/FALSE) Similar to fideists, critical rationalists regard the story of Abraham and Isaac as a test of Abraham's faith and uncritical obedience to God's commands


(TRUE/FALSE) The creative spirit does not necessarily have to be one that include a willingness to take risks or cope with failure


(TRUE/FALSE) Though people with low self-esteem are less successful in life, they are not vulnerable to manipulation by others


(TRUE/FALSE) Traditional Western thought holds that women and men are essentially the same as far as the ability to reason goes


(TRUE/FALSE)Science can prove that the world exists?


According to the 2014 Freshman Survey, the most important objective for students entering college is "raising a family"


Which of the following is a description of the Turing Test A. A computer scientist tests how many computations a computer can perform per second to determine whether or not the computer is intelligent B. A computer is given a series of questions: if it answers enough of them correctly it is intelligent C. A human being has two conversations through a computer screen. One conversation is with another human. One conversation is with a computer, if the human is unable to consistently tell which conversation is with the computer, then the computer is intelligent D. A computer is asked to perform a series of mathematical calculations. If it can do so without complaining then it is intelligent

C. A human being has two conversations through a computer screen. One conversation is with another human. One conversation is with a computer, if the human is unable to consistently tell which conversation is with the computer, then the computer is intelligent

When Perry Jr. and other researchers studied the cognitive development of college students. When the results are simplified into a developmental continuum of the three stages, the first stage is called A. Relativism B. Commitment C. Dualism D.None of these answers is correct

C. Dualism

What resources did the participants in the Milgram and Stanford University prison experiments who resisted hurting their subjects have that the other participants probably did not? A. toughness of character B. A compassionate heart C. Good Critical Thinking Skills D. A passive spirit

C. Good Critical Thinking Skills

Who wrote that a law that degrades humans is unjust and as such must be opposed? A. Socrates B. John Rawls C. Martin Luther King Jr. D. John Stewart Mill

C. Martin Luther King Jr.

Rather than being passively carried through life, critical thinkers are A. Aggressive B. Steadfast and immovable, not being affected by anything or initiating anything on their own C. Proactive D. None of these answers is correct

C. Proactive

Which of the following is true according to evolutionary theory? A. Only human beings are capable of thought B. Human beings are part of a divinely instituted order among beings. Human are above animals but below angels and God C. Reasons evolved as part of the adaptation of humans' behavior and that of other animals in the struggle for survival D. All animals are capable of using reason

C. Reasons evolved as part of the adaptation of humans' behavior and that of other animals in the struggle for survival

Effective critical thinkers are able to balance belief and doubt with an attitude of A. Confidence B. Obedience to Authority C. Reflective Skepticism D. Tolerance

C. Reflective Skepticism

Critical rationalists maintain which of the following? A. Faith based claims are immune from being disproved through the use of reason and worldly evidence B. Religious beliefs can be held in the face of contrary evidence C. Religious beliefs can be based on faith while remaining consistent with the evidence D. Religious beliefs should never be held because there is no possible evidence that can support the existence of God

C. Religious beliefs can be based on faith while remaining consistent with the evidence

Which of the following allowed Temple Grandin to design more humane means of slaughtering cattle ? A. She treated the cattle as incapable of reason and purely driven by instinct B. She kept a dream journal C. She used imagination and spatial-temporal reasoning D. She relied purely on rational argumentation

C. She used imagination and spatial-temporal reasoning

Which of the following is NOT one of the five "proofs" of God asserted by Thomas Aquinas? A.The unmoved mover B. The cosmological argument C. The big bang D. The argument from design

C. The big bang

According to Nel Noddings, which of the following is referred to as positive critical thinking? A. The use of big bang theory in critical thinking B. The use of evoluntionary theory in critical thinking C. The use of caring and empathy in critical thinking D. The use of anger and fear in critical thinking

C. The use of caring and empathy in critical thinking

(TRUE/FALSE) "Sophomoritis" is the term educators apply to the period of disorientation and doubting all answers


(TRUE/FALSE) According to Herbert A. Simon computers have emotions


(TRUE/FALSE) According to the educator Nel Noddings, critical thinking involves interpersonal caring in addition to reason and logic


(TRUE/FALSE) Aptitude and personality tests such as the Myers-Briggs Indicator are useful in helping people to determine which career or careers might be most fulfilling for them


(TRUE/FALSE) As a reasonable person, one should adjust his or her behavior to bring about the best outcome


(TRUE/FALSE) Critical thinkers do not reject, without sound reason, views that conflict with their own


(TRUE/FALSE) Currently existing are in some ways superior to the human brain when it comes to working with data


(TRUE/FALSE) Faith is more than mere belief in the existence of of God


(TRUE/FALSE) Former Vice President Al Gore holds that sensationalized depictions of violence in the media have lead to a greater tolerance for injustice


(TRUE/FALSE) In a poll of Princeton University freshmen in 1938, Adolf Hitler was named as the "greatest living person"


(TRUE/FALSE) Plato taught that we are at our best when the nonrational parts of our soul are subordinated to the rational part of our soul


(TRUE/FALSE) Resistance becomes a problem when it is used as a habitual way of responding to issues


(TRUE/FALSE) Some people either defer to others or fail to take a position on a controversial issue because they are unable to evaluate conflicting views


(TRUE/FALSE) The War of 1812 is an example of failed military strategy, i.e. a subgroup of critical thinking strategy in that the United States did not adequately assess the Canadian response to the U.S. mission to annex Canada


(TRUE/FALSE) The fact that many Americans are in denial about the possibility that the world oil reserves may soon run out is a classic example of a barrier to critical thinking


(TRUE/FALSE) The word Critical thinking is derived from the Greek word Kritikos, which means "discernment", ability to judge", or "decision-making"


(TRUE/FALSE) There is a strong correlation between self-esteem and good critical thinking skills


(TRUE/FALSE) Thomas Jefferson wrote that the most important characteristics the citizens of our nation should have is the art of reasoning


(TRUE/FALSE) When Elizabeth Cady Stanton(1815-1902) refused to support the Fifteenth Amendment, which gave voting rights to black men but not to women, she argued that the Amendment had the logical flaw known as "false dilemma"


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